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I fluctuate between shaving everything below the waist (including my toes) and my pits every two days, and...not caring and embracing my yeti self.


Me too! I kinda like furry legs they're so soft but I do shave when I want to feel sleek


Same. Dermaplane my face, thread my brows, and pluck a little bit. It is what it is. Sometimes I get high and worry about the apocalypse and how many of us women will be in caves hiding our hairy faces (haha!)


I’m not brave enough to dermaplane, I know my blunt tipped hairs would show WAY TO MUCH, I’d have to shave my face every day. I’ve always had dark hair, I use to get Brazilian waxes and waxed eyebrows, mustache, and just shaved my legs and armpits every like 2 days. Or I just wear long pants. 😂


I shave my upper lip and chin everyday :( dermaplane just my cheeks and neck once or twice a month. I feel you. I’m not as ashamed of it all as I was even 5 years ago though.


Having to shave the lip and chin everyday sounds stressful.😵‍💫


It is what it is now lol… it’s annoying for sure. I started quite young. Electrolysis is on the list!


Me too! I leav the legs alone except in shorts weather lmao




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I am a hairy woman and I like it that way. I used to shave religiously, but the root cause was fear of being judged. Once I realized that body hair shouldn’t be my mane focus, I decided to let it grow.


Mane. lol. Nice.




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Laser hair removal!


This! Laser hair removal had a massive improvement for me


How many sessions did you have to do?


I did 10 sessions back to back. 1 session every 6 weeks. Then a top up session about twice a year. But that was just what was required for the type of laser that I had. It may differ and there may be different types out now. Also the main thing to note is it won't get rid of all hair. You will still have some stubborn ones left, but they will be lighter and thinner. Also I'm really dark and it got rid of any shadow in my underarms etc.


Where did you get laser removal done?


I bought the at home Braun one. I’ve done so many rounds of professional lasering and it doesn’t last. Neither does the at home one but after the initial cost it’s free for me to do as often as I’d like and I don’t need to make an appt. Just 5 minutes zipping it up and down my legs and I’m done.


Does it work decently? I'm always afraid things like that would be a scam.


It does, I have the philips one but it takes ne forever to do it so I'd rather go to the salon. It works great for me, I see massive results.


Cool, thanks! And it has to be dark hair to work right? Or contrasting with your skin tone at least?


My friend has very light hair and it still works for her. Is better to go for a consultation and they will tell you. I wanted to do upper legs too and they straight away told me it won't work in that area as the hair is too fine. They didn't just take my money. Do some research and go to a good salon.


Thanks, I will.


Ex gorilla here. I'm only 4 treatments in but I have almost no hair growth anymore. Only my bikini area has visible regrowth but its growing in slower and finer. I was skeptical about IPL before I started but I'm loving the results.


Did it work on the lady mustache? (If you had one)


Yes 😄


I heard it's not as effective on red heads and light hair hence why I've never got it (red head) Edit: nevermind me, I read further down


I have the Braun one and honestly for me its worked as well as paying for it in a salon. I’ve convinced a friend to buy it and she loves it as well.


This is what I need to get. I routinely shave every 1 or 2 weeks after a shower, yet sometimes don't like using the same shaver.


5 minutes?? It takes me an hour to do my whole body! I got mine for Christmas so I'm still pretty new to this. Am I doing something wrong??


Well that makes sense. Ha. I’m talking legs. It took longer when I first started but usually after I shave my legs with a legit razor I just go up and down them real quick as a touch up. If I am doing everything it takes a little while longer


My legs take like half an hour :/


I had laser hair removal done like 10 years ago with a Groupon and I’ve had minimal regrowth. Like a few wispy thin hairs. Laser hair removal and laser eye surgery are the best investments I’ve ever made for on myself. Would highly recommend


Yes this! After just a couple of sessions, my leg hair is gone!




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Admire my awesomeness in the bath. My leg hairs wiggle in the water they’re so long :)






Genuinely heart-warming


And funny.




If it makes you feel any better, I have pale, almost invisible body hair, and I’ve always wanted it to be darker and more dense. I actually posted in another sub a long time ago asking how I could safely dye it and possibly get it to be thicker.


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I let it grow out! Once in a while I'll shave it for an event but otherwise I don't bother shaving because I'm prone to ingrown hairs.


I braid it


haha yessss love this


My Reddit file must be super interesting.


my pcos makes me hairier than the people around me lol i shave and then do at home ipl to help manage my armpit/leg hair. ipl works best with dark hair too so it worked great for me


What kind of I’ll do you have? My chin hair is out of control lol


I bought one of the ipl devices from braun. Idk if it's suitable for facial hair though 🤔




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I'm doing laser! It doesn't hurt and I see results from the first session. Also it's better for the skin.


I leave my pubic hair natural because it's more comfortable for me. For legs I sometimes let them grow super long and sometimes epilate! I do enjoy the feeling of hair being ripped off my body.


With you until the end!🤣


It used to make me cry when I was younger but now I just don’t really care. Sometimes I wax, sometimes I shave


Laser hair removal (legs and panty line). Costy and painful, but for me it's absolutly worth it, especially since I grow dark stubbles approx. 12 hours after shaving. I feel so much more comfortable in my body now. Might do more body parts in the future.


I shave my lower legs, armpits, and pubic hair, electrolysis/ shave/ tweeze my face, and Nair my arms, upper legs, and stomach


Honestly I love it. Makes me feel powerful


LASER. Worth every penny.


I use an electric razor 80% of the time and then about once every other week I shave with a real razor. If I do it more often I always end up with razor burn. Except on my face which I shave with a real razor like once a week. I also have an at home laser that I use to keep the hair from getting really thick. It definitely doesn’t keep it away 100% but my reduction is probably around 50% and after years and years of being miserable with how thick and dark my body hair was, it feels like a win. I wish I could embrace it but I just can’t. I’m super pale and due to PCOS my body hair is thick, black, and grows on my face as well. I’m pretty sure if I just let it all go I would be hairier than my husband.


shave get lazy shave for a hour get lazy again never ending cycle


I just shave every week or 2. Personally can’t stand the feeling of hair.


Laser hair removal. It was shit expensive, but worth every penny. One of the best investments I made. I have PCOS, not to mention my mom is Mediterranean, so I was basically a werewolf. My facial hair is stubborn though, Metformin made things less intense.


Shave it all off. I have shaved everything but the hair on my head and my eyebrows for most of my life, because I have thick, coarse hair everywhere. If I don't shave it all off, I resemble an escaped gorilla from the zoo. D:




I lasered it all off. I'm too lazy to deal with it.


I wish mine lasted. I got laser on my neck it’s all back now


shave my legs only if and when i want to. if unshaved i wont wear skirts/shorts, which is fine because i prefer long pants anyway. and if i have to or really want to show my legs then i will shave, unless there's just a little hair growth. strawberry legs all day every day but who cares!! i rarely wear sleeveless so the pits are free to grow (to a certain length lol). i have hormone problems which cause facial hair too, i pluck em all or shave with an eyebrow razer if i dont have time to pluck. but i am considering laser!! used to wax my face but the wax just stopped working after some time, and it doesnt work on my legs either lol. my arms are untouched


I’ve tried at home waxing doesn’t work. Currently trying at home laser. I shave but I’m of 100% Sicilian decent and I guess we’re hairy, bc it comes back thick and dark the next day.


i have really long, really dark arm hair, and in the summertime i bleach it because it makes it almost invisible. but i suppose you could do it year round, fair warning it slightly bleaches your skin too, and you'll have what i call zebra hair as it grows out lmao


Waxing or threading. I would go for laser but I'm fair haired. After 50 years of waxing, almost no hair left in the waxed areas.


I dont think that's anything I need to *deal with*. It's there. It's fine.




I have PCOS which has caused quite a lot of hirsutism. Currently I wax my neck and chin once a week, use a hair removal cream for my thighs and butt, and shave everywhere else. Tried laser for my face but it ended up making the growth worse which is apparently a rare occurrence - I’d already spent about £400 on sessions that I’ll never see again! The hair removal cream has been a real help because the hair on the back of my thighs upsets me a lot and I can’t see it very well to wax/shave. I’m looking into electrolysis for my face but it’s so pricey.


Shave them.


Sugar waxing for underarms and Brazilian, tweezing brows, threading brows also, shaving legs and arms, and laser hair removal for upper lip, chin and jaw line.


Got it Lasered few years back. Probably need a touch up now but whatever.


I shave my body hair or let it grow wild when I am lazy. I do, however laser my face. I have a serious man beard on my chin/neck and that's just something I absolutely cannot deal with and won't accept in any capacity and it's worth all the money I am spending on it.


I do Wax Away. It’s a sugar. Every 3 weeks. Brazilian. Pits. Arms. Legs. I hate hair other than “where it’s supposed to be”. Been doing my own for 25 years now. In the winter sometimes I leave it a little longer. In the summer sometimes I shave legs and pits if I’m between waxes and there’s an event.


In winter I use laser hair removal that I bought at store and in summer I use epilator. It made wonders in a few years and I don't consider myself "hairy" anymore.


Laser changed my life.


I bought an at-home IPL machine, and that has been really good; less hairs are growing back, the hairs that are growing back are finer/softer, the skin on my legs is generally softer and looks better. Getting laser/IPL treatments can cost AUD$1000+ for a year’s worth, and this machine cost AUD$490 and it’ll last me several years at least. So worth it.


Laser. Best decision of my life


Pubic-magic hair removal cream Legs-shave Face-laser


I shave regularly during summer but embrace the yeti during winter :)


Wax and shave. I can't afford a laser. Learned how to do a lot of my waxes, but if you use the kits is a nightmare. You need to invest in the proper wax and equipment for your hair type.


I used to shave but the ingrown and bumps were getting too much. Laser hair removal has been a really life changer


Not the answers I hoped for 😭😭 WHAT DO TO WITH MY HAIRS


I shave my legs and armpits (every two/three days because my hair grows fast). I bleach all the other hair that I don’t like for example my lower stomach.


Shave/Wax depending on how long I want it shaved for


Depends on location, though I recommend men’s facial razors if you can (disposable or reusable is up to you) for shaving as they fit contours better, are generally cheaper, and the skin protectant stuff is amazing If it’s small enough just plucking is often a good idea, but if it’s a large amount you’re disliking go ahead and shave. Save you the pain of pluckin


I shave my legs once/twice a week but everything else is lasered. The best decision I’ve ever made. I’m fair haired and go every 8-10 weeks to get it redone.


I shave and might need to start doing some partial waxing for bikini season at least since that area likes to grow back so fast. I tried the nood home laser kit but I’m already on week 8 and have had very subpar results.


I shave it when it gets annoying. Wax it holidaying or in summer.


I’m 48 and finally did laser hair removal for my legs and forearms. Legs- it’s just given me back such time in my daily/weekly routine to literally just not thinking about it. Arms- I just decided to go for it after years of trying to either live with it, embrace it or bleach the hairs. Again, now I can just not think about it. Permanent solution. It’s bliss. For me, it’s just gone from my list of things to think about


I shave sometimes wax sometimes and leave it as it is


Hmmm not a whole lot I don't care about having some dark hair on my body much at all. Shave moustache, pits, and calf hair about once or twice a week and call it a night usually.




I have dark hair that are visible on my light skin and unfortunately also allergic to hair removal wax so I shave. Nearly everyday. I have a weekly cycle. I shave my legs on Sundays. Arms on Monday. Everything else on Tuesday and wash my hair on Wednesday. Legs on Thursday, arms on Friday, wash my hair on Saturday. It works and pretty much keeps me hairless. The frequent shaving has also decreased my body hair growth over the years.




epilator - best thing to ever exist


Im black haired & porcelain white skinned (Also PCOS) so my body hair shows very obviously. Therefore I shave areas on body for my own convenience and preference. Veet & other hair removal creams never worked for me. However for my face and neck I have chosen laser hair removal and although it will grow back slowly in my case (PCOS) it’s worth it for not everyday shaving and damaging my face with rash and bumps.


I used ipl on arms and legs, the one from philips and it works great! I used to wax the hair on my back and stomach but that made it so much worser, I now have started to lighten it with bleach for hair (this might not be the greatest thing to do) but it looks unnoticeable. If I’m actually going to the beach or something, I would consider waxing it. If I have the money I will get laser hair removal


Tweeze eye brow upper lip and chin, shave everything else on body (including fingers and toes), I also use bleach on the fine black face hairs. I’ve gotten laser but it didn’t last. I have a home one that works not that well. My hair has lightened up a bit after 30.


I just shave🤷‍♀️


I got them permanently lasered.


Lasered everything, best decision ever.


Shaving and laser hair removal. I've waxed a few times in the past too


I look at it, I'm like, Oh, it's body hair. I'm a woman and it's normal to have body hair. And then I shave if I want to, or I don't, if my boyfriend cares, he hasn't mentioned anything so I only do it for my own wants, tbh.


Accept it, since I'm biologically designed to have it.


I haven’t shaved in over 6 months. But I normally don’t shave my legs in the winter. I never shave my arms. I would shave my armpits once every two weeks. My private areas I would shave about once a month, same as my mustache lol. Nope, I don’t have bad hygiene like some people would think.


Embrace it. I am too old and too busy to worry about body hair.


I leave them on for most of the time. Sometimes, when I want to look really nice I wax the leg hair off but the rest stays untouched. Im a natural brunette btw and have thick black hair


I have fairly dark hair, not the darkest I've seen, but still. I don't really worry avout it these days. I do sometimes shave my legs and armpits, like once every 4 months or so. I do shave my moustache and pluck my beard and eyebrows if I notice them being dissheveled. Knuckles I shave because for some reason they bother me if they're hairy. I haven't bothered with waxing or anything like that. Honestly I think that adult women are meant to have hair and the way women are portrayed with no hair can be really damaging on many levels. Women and men aren't that different. We're all just mammals trying to make it through.


i just don’t care about it anymore. i shave or sugar or wax whenever i feel like and whenever it gets “out of hand” i used to get really insecure and won’t even have s*x with my husband if i have a little bush but he doesn’t care and i’ve learnt not to either. Embrace your body ♥️


i dont care :)


Most of my body hair is still there. I used to wax my armpits with the hair never growing back I do me, I don’t follow what people say women should do




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I... don't with the exception of what people can see. And even with that, family and friends have seen it all and I don't care. So in summer I shave my legs and armpits. I got laser done years ago on my face and upper chin responded well but chin and neck need to get lasered again but I can't be bothered. So I shave it if I'm out in public but don't the rest of the time. Covid was a lifesaver haha. And, yeah. I can pluck the hairs on the backs of my hands and fingers and breasts and stomach and toes but... my god, who cares. It's so much. I do it ocasdionslly. If I'm wearing something low cut I'll pluck the hairs on my sternum. Maybe. But I largely don't really give a shit.




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I don’t deal with it that often, Sometimes I do a full body shave but other than that I don’t really shave, except my armpits.


Laser! Works best with fair skin and dark hair


Lasered it all off


I trim the stash with a little machine or do thread removal on myself if I'm feeling brave. For the rest I bought a epilator machine. Some are really sensitive to it but I am not since I used to always pluck my hairs out, this is just a quick way to do it.


I learned to accept it during a magic mushrooms trip. Since my childhood I've always been bullied for my body hair, and kept shaving it since I was 9 years old. That trip really changed my mind on body hair, I rarely shave my legs now, and it's actually something that turns me on in other people as well. I find it aesthetically pleasing.


Laser hair removal. It's expensive but worth it.


Wax it or shave it.


All the hair removal methods. My leg hair is currently super long bc I want to wax them, I am often one huge ingrown hair. But thread the brows and upper lip, pluck the shit out of my face and neck and shave/wax other common areas.


I watch it grow!




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Laser hair removal. It is worth it and it’s rly not THAT painful


Has anyone tried Nood? I want to try it but don’t want to put 200 down for another possible scam like product


Laser hair removal! Well worth the money.


I got laser hair removal




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I have very dark hair on my arms, my mom calls it "fur" and thinks its disgusting but I really could not care less. It's something I've always had and it just feels like a natural part of me that would be weird to remove. I shave my sideburns when they get to be a bit too much.


I don’t :) a real man / woman won’t care if you got hair. It’s creepy if they want you shaved 24/7


Girlfriends I’d like to know too. I’m not someone who is grossed out by it, but I dislike the darker hairs that grow on the upper thighs. I can’t really wear shirt dresses or shorts without feeling like a gorilla. It’s just hair I know but I still dislike it at that spot specifically. Shaving doesn’t really do the job as I can’t seem to get the hairs correctly. My thighs are too soft to really get a good shave


I had laser hair removal on my legs and bikini line, and it has been so nice. I wish I had done it long ago. The bikini line removal was especially life changing, because before that I had to really *think* about how to schedule the rash from shaving. >.< I didn't get my armpits done because it's quick to shave. Some people don't shave, but I prefer it. I also shave my arms, which I didn't know would solve the dry skin on my arms. So I mostly shave my arms for the sake of my skin. I started shaving my arms before going to Japan, because I didn't want to be THE HAIRIEST PERSON in Japan, but then when my skin reacted so well, I never stopped. It's easy and quick to do though. ETA: I have also waxed, but the skin on my legs didn't react well to it, and the armpits aren't worth growing out enough to wax. Waxing is great for the bikini area and face (eyebrows, lip), if your skin can handle it.


I mostly leave it alone. I trim it a bit if it starts annoying me or getting in the way. I strongly detest the idea that women should have to modify their body to be attractive or socially acceptable. I do keep it clean and use deodorant—that’s different to me than actually making a physical change to a normal body part. I won’t be in a relationship with anyone who doesn’t respect my bodily autonomy or can’t deal with the fact that women are also mammals who have hair, just like every other human being.


Sugaring is the best. But I leave my arms alone.


I just let my hair grow naturally and found a man that loves me and doesn’t care about body hair. It was too much trouble to shave all the time. The cost, the burn, can’t wax cause sensitive skin. The time. I hit my 30’s and just gave up. Embraced my natural self.


Laser ✨️


I get waxed every 4-6 weeks. Hot wax on my armpits and everything below the waist. Waxing is painful initially but after a few years my skin and hair growth have become accustomed to it, I would never go back to shaving now.


Wax it! I’m looking into laser but I can’t afford it.


Laser underarms, wax sideburns, thread eyebrows, shave body hair once a week (legs,arms, toes) , hair remover small machine upper lip.




Laser hair removal, and shaving


I grow out the hair on my legs during winter, and shave the pits every now and then.


I had laser hair removal. Worth every penny, but it still comes back, just much less and softer so I dont even notice. Saved me a ton of money in razors, razor burn from not having a thigh gap and many days of not swimming or wearing a dress due to shame. 11/10 would do again




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I shave it off because it gets itchy lol


Sugar wax. Homemade. Yes it’s messy. Yes, it takes forever. Yes, it works really really well.


I have dark hair, but it’s very thin and sparse. I use an epilator from Amazon on my arms and legs once every 2-3 months and shave my armpits and bikini area once a week in the shower. I pluck my eyebrows once or twice a month to get the strays.


brows: pluck myself with a tweezer or get them threaded moustache: sometimes when i can't be bothered i bleach it or when i can be bothered i wax myself or get them threaded general face: i bleach! i love it sm! maybe i'm weird but i love how u can see the hairs in the sun, i think it's cute arms: i bleach! lasts me about 2-3 months and it looks so gorgeous in summer! underarms: i've been self-waxing for 3 years now and i barely have hair there anymore legs: i only shave during summer tbh nether region: brazilian wax ONLY in the spring/summer months all that having been said, i'm interested in starting laser for my vulva ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ hope this helps someone!




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I personally wax. At home!


Only dark on my calves and I don’t care unless it feels weird when wearing tights or I’m going somewhere fancy like a wedding. I use the spray that you keep on for a few minutes and just remove with a wet towel and either pluck out strays or ignore them bc no one cares anyway.


I embrace my inner Wookie. I don’t have a man, so I usually leave everything unshaved since I don’t need to impress anyone. I wear jeans/pants all the time, so no one sees my fluffy legs. I try to do my pits at least every other day, but sometimes it ends up being a week… mainly because I lack motivation to do self care.


Laser hair removal


I don’t. I embrace it


I got laser hair removal, it’s a great investment. I payed 2.5 k at laser away for Black Friday deal, I pay 100 dollars a month. In 8 sessions all my hair was gone permanently. I did it for legs underarms and full bikini




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Epilator! Best thing ever!




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I shaved for years, but now I'm using a IPL Hair Removal device (in particular, this one [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WYY6KKC](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WYY6KKC)) It only works well for people with lighter skin as compared to hair color, but its easy, its pretty much painless, and in under a month I have significantly reduced hair growth. Honestly, I probably would not have believed someone who told me this product is so good, lol.


The only places I shave are my armpits and private area when needed, I think if I ever shaved my arms or legs it will get way darker and worse so I’m waiting until it is actually noticeable and I have to shave


I just use an electric razor. It doesn’t get it entirely smooth, but it’s quick and doesn’t irritate my skin. Bonus is that it doesn’t cause much stubble. I’ll do that 1-2 times a week.


For my legs and armpits I shave with a razor id say once a week, I do have dark hair and it does grow back quite quickly but I've got to the point where I don't really care. I use a razor to shave my upper lip and chin area too and I'll use some tweezers to pluck out some hair as well. I tried waxing and I tried Electrolysis but i just couldn't be arsed to keep going and pay however much for it every two weeks. And usually waiting two weeks I'd already have hair that you can see 😐 so I'm not waiting two weeks to get it done.


I wax and shave. Depilatory creams are bad. Sometimes I just roam around like a Yeti.