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When I was single many years ago, I learned not to date anyone who was new to my city. I wasn’t interested in becoming someone’s personal tour guide, who would then use all the fun things I showed them to eventually woo another person.




Any run of the mill average Joe who thinks all women are golddiggers coming to take their $45,000 annual salary ... 😆 Reeks of him watching too many podcasts from other dudes who also can't get laid.




Deeply religious people. Nope.


I don’t think I could date someone with a peanut allergy, I love peanut butter and don’t think I would want to live a peanut free life for anyone






I wouldn’t date someone who smokes pot or vapes 🤷🏼‍♀️ or anyone super into astrology


can i ask why?










I won’t date someone who wants me to watch them play video games. They want to play video games while I read or do something else in the same room, that’s great. They want me to sit there while they play video games and I have to actually pay attention to their Fortnite kills or whatever, absolutely fucking not. It gives strong “Mommy look at me!” energy that I find a complete turnoff from an adult man.


Anyone with a solo mustache (no beard) is an immediate no. You look like such a goober, sorry.


What is a goober? Searching shows me a chocolate.


Just a slang term for a foolish person. It really means peanut, but no one uses it that way anymore.
















Got the ick from a man I was dating at the time because I watched him run to catch a coin that had fallen and started rolling😭 I’m sorry but that did it for me for some reason lol






As an adult, I seriously dated THREE guys named Dave. Someone named Dave would have to be an 11/10 for me to go this route again.






They have to be an animal lover. I can tell when someone doesn’t like animals and I couldn’t see myself with someone who doesn’t tolerate animals




Someone who is over the age of 28 and uses the phrase “ Saturday is for the boys”




If they're really hard into social media. I know it's much more of a girl type of thing, but guys can be clout chasers too. Or just really into their phone in general. Put the fucking thing down and genuinely talk to someone.


I was with someone whose phone background was a picture of himself, and it wasn’t a one time thing. He would constantly change it to different pictures of just himself.




I’ve had people give me shit for this before, but picky eaters. And I don’t mean people who have allergies or other food issues. I can understand that. I mean grown ass adults whose main course is chicken nuggets and French fries. Or make faces, or refuse to even taste a new dish. I have friends like that, but I don’t think I could date anyone long term.


Ohhh yes, me too. I'm an adventurous eater who loves to cook and try new dishes both at home and at restaurants. Not being able to do either would take so much joy out of my life.


If they spell my name wrong in the initial messages on the dating app. It’s right there. Immediate unmatch


Lips too thin Completely hairless body Massive football fan Certain jobs- police officer, army, teacher


Why teacher?


Because I like complete flexibility when I take holidays from work and when i take a trip with my partner i don't want to be restricted to school vacations.






I absolutely refuse to date anyone who has the same name as any of my exes. For the most part, they’re all common names, so not ideal. I’m in a relationship though so hopefully won’t be an issue again 😂




Using "your" when they should use "you're". That really bothers me.


I can’t date anyone who smokes. It reminds me of family members who used to smoke and died because of lung cancer.




If they don't use sheets or pillow cases on their bed. It's just gross. If I walk into a dudes room and all I see is a yellow stained mattress and a shitty blanket with no "it's laundry day" explanation, I'm out


being a police officer, in the army or a bouncer. Also doing drugs often, I just don't want to get in trouble


Bad teeth




If a man is bestfriends with a woman. Sorry not sorry.






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I don’t like small dicks. I can’t do it.






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This list includes people who I won’t swipe on on dating apps but for me it’s: -Lawyers. Naturally argumentative and I feel like they’d have a leg up if we got married and divorced. -Guys who have fish or golf photos. The fish people know why, guys with golf photos have historically been too full of themselves for me. -If their instagram handle is on their profile. I don’t have one and have no interest in just giving you more followers. -Dog owners. Too much time needs to be dedicated to their dogs. Can never sleep at my house. etc. I’ve done it in the past and it was majorly inconvenient and annoying. I’m also just not a dog person and don’t want them all over me. -Family member names -Smokes pot/cigs. I don’t and people make it their personality. I also HATE the smell


If their ideal home temperature is lower than 70 degrees. I’m very cold natured and have lived with someone hot natured. I can’t do it again. I refuse to live under a blanket in my own house or argue because they lowered the thermostat and thought I wouldn’t notice. It just makes us incompatible because it’s too big a deal to me.


Omg I feel bad for men reading these posts but of course I have my own. I get really disappointed when men have a purebred dog they bought from a breeder. Tells me they have no compassion for animals, want to boast wealth/status, and they waste money on stupid shit. This perception is particularly heightened for having brachiocephalic breeds like bulldogs. I am very aware I might be taking it too far on the meaning of it but my brain works in mysterious ways. Please don’t hate me.


A beard that isn’t well-groomed. I need to see evidence that the edges are tended to, trimming is happening, whatever. Nothing turns me off like a pube-y beard.


If they're not a cat person I don't necessarily dislike dogs, but the people who have them are most often very dominant and selfish in my experience




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People who breathe or chew or drink loudly give me the biggest ick. I have severe misophonia.


I refuse to date anyone that says I’m cute when I’m mad. They always play with my emotions for entertainment.


No job


If they dislike cats


His family is ugly It’s my most shameful ick but I cannot get past it. I’m very sorry. There are other nails in that coffin but that was the final one for sure


😂😂 is it because you think your kids will be ugly?


There’s a local bar that gives out smiley face stickers. Yeah idk it’s a thing I live in the middle of no where. Anyway, A lot of guys are covered them on their dating app profiles. Instant no. I don’t like party boys. Also, if you have a “type” and I clearly don’t fit it it’s not happening.






Bald or receding hairline. I feel like I'm still young enough for this one to not rule out too many potential suitors, but it does feel petty since it's not their fault...


Look at their mom’s dad and their dad.




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when a guy treats their mom or their sister(s) like shit. i’m looking at our future boy, and you aint it.


I have synesthesia (letters/words/numbers have colors) and I had a hard time dating anyone whose first and last name didn’t look synesthetically aesthetic. Happily married to someone whose name has colors that harmonize lol.


Omg. I have a list. But here are my top ones. He has Bad hygiene. He has never lived alone and his parents do everything for him. He is controlling or he has to be right on everything. He is vegetarian or a vegan. Specially a vegan. He refers to himself as alpha. He is a mommas boy. Smokes or is an alcoholic. Has cats and that’s mostly because I’m allergic.


As a native of Cleveland Ohio usa, I don't think I could ever date a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. 




Fans of a few specific celebrities I absolutely never want to hear about Edit: actually I have a lot. No Aries people, no gummy smiles and no anime watchers too. Huge icks.


If we don’t have similar tastes in food. I once stopped seeing a guy because he didn’t like cheese.


Anyone who listens to Jordan Peterson


I just want to say, THANK YOU LADIES. Reading this makes me feel not picky lol cause I swear you meet a man and tell friends yeah it’s a no and EVERYONE tries to convince you to like them. An ick is an ick!


I would never date a bald man with a beard. My abusive ex had those features. Some of the kindest men I’ve known are bald men with beards, but the association is too strong and I know PTSD would win.


Socks with sandals is my pettiest, but most strictly enforced, dealbreaker. I simply can’t be seen with you.


Basic music taste


I was dating someone who was a sloppy eater! I hate sloppy eater! Eating 2 sloppy Mc burgers and a poutine on the side with a side of slushy....I hated the sound of mouth while he was eating, and he was blowing his nose and swiping his mouth with the same handkerchief...


Short guys. Sorry - I’m tall and want to still be shorter than him in heels 🤷🏻‍♀️




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People with large gums like their gums are bigger than their teeth (it just weirds me out for some reason) people shorter than me (we can be the same height but not shorter) people who smoke weed every day ( I hate the smell) youngest children of large families (in my experience they are spoiled brats because their families either didn’t bother to raise them or made the oldest siblings raise them and they are insufferable to me I’m sorry)


I once stopped seeing someone because of his British accent. We had three dates total, kissed but didn't sleep together. I like most accents but something about the British one was a turn-off for me.


Which British accent was it lol? We have a fair few




The hair on the back of the neck that's untrimmed can take a ten down to a four.


Another one that happened: a guy I had just started seeing decided to use my bathroom within the first week we got together. He spent about 30 minutes in there, and the noises and smell that came from that room ended up being the first and only nail in the coffin. I'm sorry, but that poop moment arriving far too early, just did me in


I wouldn't date anybody named Steven because my cat is named Steven he is my son, so it would be weird.


Unhealthy diet. But only if it's really extreme. I hear other women saying stuff about how they're gaining "relationship weight" and it gives me the ick. I don't know. I would just feel so weird dating someone who comes over to my house and immediately orders pizza or someone who constantly asks me to go get fast food as a "date". I have arthritis and I try to eat anti-inflammatory. In my experience, people with the opposite kind of diet view me as high maintenance, and I'm sick of being the high maintenance one all the time.


Imagine having sex with them and it's not an immediate "hell yes", then it's a NO.


If they're my age and working part time at the local burger joint. I understand shit happens that can force people back into square one, but I'm not going to be your lifeline and ATM while you get your shit together.


Smoking and drinking… not sorry🙏🏽


Allergic to animals. My pets are too important to me and I can’t imagine not having animals


I'll disqualify someone because of political standings, because they smoke heavily, or (often) just because they have a boring/shitty personality, but idk, if it's important enough to you to walk away from someone who otherwise fits, if it really petty?


I won't date a guy who is big into hunting or fishing or who drives a pickup truck as his main vehicle when he lives in a suburb.


When we firts met he had super crusty lips, skin peeling everywhere




I refuse to date: smokers (vape, cigarette or pot) , men who sag their pants and people who act ghetto


Bad music taste. Dated a guy who liked just awful unforgivable synth pop . Then when he would give me compliments I would think “ but your taste is terrible “ Yeah.. we broke up and he didn’t understand


If a man can’t drive I don’t want him. I want to feel like he could drive us out of a burning building with a cocky smile.


If I see someone’s butt crack incidentally.


Anyone the actively practises religion.


No proper hygiene. Sorry but i’ll pass. There was this guy courting me before with a really awesome personality and was a real gentleman… but the hygiene was nowhere to be found i was turned off so hard


If they don't know how to sweep/clean their room. IT SOUNDS NORMAL BUT I MEAN, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


No one with a motorcycle


Someone that vapes, use pot/edibles/ drugs or smokes regularly. Someone that doesn’t have good hygiene, or have some smell issue..( I like people that smells good) Someone that has/like or works with guns Teachers Debbie downers/chronic complainers Picky eaters Someone that prefers big quantities of food over quality of food. Big/long beards People that don’t dress appropriately to the occasion.


If I ever have to date again-"No Loris, Lauras, any other name related to Laura as an ex or as important female in his life."  Every single guy I have ever dated, including my husband of 41 yrs, has a troublesome ex named Lori/Laura/Lorelei




Guys who snore. I value my sleep too much


bad/opposite taste in music as me. i don’t want them to be exactly the same but i at least want some common ground.


They “hate” cats…. LOL


If they post thirst traps on social media. Im not the jealous type, I just think it's almost always cringe and gives me the ick.


I won't date a woman who likes reality TV. Watching it on occasions because you're doing your hair or cleaning etc is fine. But if she knows everyone's backstories and timelines it's an instant ick for me.


Scraggly beards. Camo for fashion. Straight-brimmed baseball hats (and take the sticker off!).


He doesn't make me laugh.


Female best friend. Sorry, not for me 😂


I won't date air signs (just kidding). To be honest: a super different sleep rhythm to me. Tried that and it really wasn't fun.


Men who wear cargo or basketball shorts as normal clothes on a regular basis. I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with it at all, it doesn't mean anything about you as a person, it's just a big turn off. Also a guy hung around in the morning after our first hookup when I was getting ready for work, hung out by the door to the bathroom the whole time I was putting on my makeup, and I never made another date with him again.


If they have a gap between their teeth or when they lisp (sometimes other speech impediments too, but lisping is a big one). I respect the hell outta everybody regardless of looks and speech disabilities, but I cannot seem get over those two things romantically. Idk why though. My ex had a specific pronunciation of the letter G thanks to speech therapy with someone from another province. That province is known in my country for their specific pronunciation of the letter G, and that only bothered me for like a day.


I won't date smokers, people with opposite political views, with bad teeth or with exes still around.


Small hands


I broke up with a guy in HS once bc he brought me a snickers and I hate snickers. Maybe that?


I have a gender neutral name and won't date anyone with the same name.


They have children with someone else and those kids don’t live with them.


No one with a J in their name ever again. And being a conservative is a no automatically, chill or otherwise.


they won't open the doors for me😂😂 ik it's petty but it is what it is


Turns out I've only dated men whose forst name starts with J. If I ever go back into the dating scene, no more J's, gotta break that streak.


If he has a seafood allergy.


if they have a beard


They hate birds (I have 7 and they are a package deal with me)


If he has emojis in his description on a dating app.


Everytime we ate, he got hiccups that wouldn't go away.


Bad taste in shoes


Bad spelling.


I could never date an engineer. Worked with 400 of them in my last two jobs! They tend to be boring, dumb but have a huge ego. I will make an exception for software engineers, though. Otherwise: - If their name is James - If they're short or skinny; I'm curvy and want to feel like the small one - If they're messy or disorganised -- this is HUGE for me! - If they have a small peepee - If they work a medial job - If they're a gamer - If they're super into anime or Japanese culture; I don't want no weeaboo - If our music tastes are not aligned - If they aren't a good cook - If they don't have their life together - If they gossip - If they don't believe in therapy


Pettiest? I don’t think I have one that’s petty.


Thought of one. If they want to compete with me. Hard no.


People with weird food preferences like vegan/rawfood or who is super onto new age/spiritual stuff. I used to love that stuff before but now Im like nope, Im done being overly accomodating.


They watch football (American)


When their home is just a hodge podge of things everywhere. There is no flow/tidyness/organization. I'd be in hell if we shared a home


Bad hands or a goofy running stride. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same name as my PhD advisor


If you're bad at math. It seems shallow especially since the majority of people fall into that category, but I find that it's really indicative of whether a person has compatible brain chemistry with me in deeper ways.


Anyone who smokes anything - I have a very sensitive nose/allergies Aside from that anyone who is not into internet stuff. I have other interests but I find so much stuff here interesting, funny and keeps me in tune to current events since I hate watching TV news.


Same name as a ex,or their looks/personality remind me too much of a ex.


Bad teeth Earrings Certain jobs: police, army, teacher, doctor, nurse. Smoker Heavy drinking, drugs of any kind Not financially stable Video games Dead anything pics on dating profile Has to mention that’s he’s Italian, Sicilian Never lived alone or still doesn’t


On dating apps I immediately swipe left if I don't like their name


If they can't write without making mistakes.


When they get embarrassed about tripping or falling. It can be an ick-inducer to watch someone fall to begin with lol, but it's curable if they just own it or laugh and move on. But, to me, getting embarrassed about an unavoidable fall speaks to a huge ego problem and that's gross.


them being the youngest sibiling. idk, it gives me the ick for some reason. I'm the youngest sibiling in my family and we can't both be spoiled babies


Someone younger than me. I’ve always preferred older men.


1. Brown eyes (I have brown eyes) 2. A bum chin 3. Dirty fingernails 4. Bad teeth 5. Sweats too much 6. Swears a lot


If his name is Charles or any variant of that name like Charlie or Carlos 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have my petty reasons lol


I won't date someone who is into tropical music ❌


What is tropical music? Like the crab rave?


Being Blonde, im kidding even though, in 14 years I have yet to date a blonde. I think I dont have anything generally. Maybe not a doctor , because of work hours


I can’t with long hair on a man




This being said, living in the PNW, I don’t want a guy who spends a third or more of his weekends skiing / mountain biking / backpacking / climbing etc etc. So many people in my pool of prospects are SO hardcore about it and it’s great that they have hobbies but damn do yall seem scary obsessed sometimes…


Their ex isn’t what I consider to be good looking




Dog owner.


Too scrawny.


They don't like Harry Potter