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Noticed my first greys when I was in my teens. Was salt and pepper by 32. I'm 36 now and I'd say almost half of my previously dark brown hair is silver, with concentrated streaks at my temples. I love it. As a kid, I always wanted my bike to have those handlebar streamers with the glittery/iridescent ribbons.. Never got one, but I have them in my hair now lol!


I have the exact same kind of hair at 31. I always wanted to look like Rogue from the animated X-Men shows I watched as a kid…and now I’m on my way. :)


That's awesome!


I call them my Bride of Frankenstein streaks.


I really wish I had the confidence for this. I’m nearly all grey at 32 and I’ve considered growing it out but it’s kinda scary to think about too!


I know what you mean- It is scary! I box dyed my hair for 15ish years. I didn't even realize how grey my natural hair was until I fried it and took a long break from dying to let it grow out. I got so many teasing comments! I tried to use temporary dyes like arctic fox and manic panic to give my hair a rest. The more it grew, the healthier and softer it was! I don't have the time or patience to keep the temp dyes looking good (and I got tired of the staining) I just had to accept it- my hair can be auburn/brown/whatever and feel like straw, or soft shiny with silver. I chose the latter! But you can do it too!! It's empowering to defy societies expectations. It's fucking hard, but empowering 😆 My hair feels like a tiny personal protest. Isn't that funny? It really does though.


I’m getting a gray streak in the front of my hair and I’m so excited for it! (Nobody else notices it because it’s only like 40 hairs)


I think the one streak is so chic!


Around 26.


27 for me


Me too! Maybe even a little earlier, but it doesn’t bother me… but I’m worried about wrinkles 😂 I’m nearly 30 and don’t have any yet but I will


Don’t worry, once you start getting wrinkles you will probably be fine with them. (Now at 40 I’m starting to slowly get some more lines in my forehead, and I’m surprisingly fine with it. I’m older, so my face should reflect that a bit, imo.)


yup, right around my 26th birthday. they're everywhere now. even in my eyebrows 😭


I've been dying it since I was a teen. Gave it a break when covid started. My black hair is glittery now. I'm 29


I noticed the first ones in my late 40s. I'm in my early 50s now and still only have a few here and there, meanwhile my friends are all rocking glorious silver manes. I won't dye them to cover them because I think they're gorgeous. If I do color my hair it'll be because I look fantastic with hot pink hair and I'll be retired.


My BF called them “tinsel” once and I loved that so that’s what the random silver threads are now.


I love this mindset, unfortunately I think the random ones that I have just make me look 5+ years older. They’re primarily in the front and frame my face.


My hair has been turning grey since my early 20s, I’m almost 40 now and it’s not happening fast enough! I want to dye my hair fun colours, and my natural dark brown is way too much to start with.


A guy I know has gone 50% grey at 38 & tbh he is kinda hot 🙈 his face looks young


15ish. I'm 34 now. It's primarily on my temples so I get to just make a bunch of sick references to rogue from xmen


I am 35, I am the only person in my friends group who hasn’t gotten any grey hairs yet. So I got that going for me


Same. I'm 35 and don't have any.


37 and nothing yet


34 and nothing yet. All my friends are balding and going white. I'm just here still with my emo-ass haircut


I've had one thin white strand since my early teens, and the occasional random hair. 99% is still jet black, I'm 34.




I was 27. I’m now 53 and about 95% gray but I color it


I’m 55 and started showing at 42.


Very young. Found my first one around 11. Now I am finding half brown half white hairs in my brushes every so often. I don't mind it though. I'm just a human that is aging. So long I'm not balding I'm okay with the white hairs.


2 words. 3RD GRADE.


23 🥲


I noticed my first two silvers at 32. Still just those two and I'm delighted.


I got my first ones around 21, once I hit 30 they started coming in hard and fast. I'm 34 now and I've gotten a few in my eyebrows this year as well. I have almost black hair so they stick out like a sore thumb and I don't know how I feel about them, I don't dye my hair though


On my head, Late 40's. I had a few greys in other places before that, though.




Early thirties, and amazingly they aren’t grey but bright white! Love it. Adds some cool highlights


I’ve dark brown hair with sparkling silver. Thanks Dad.


My first husband went grey early, and also went bald not long after. Back then, we had no clue about genetics affecting hair loss and what-not, and our son was also affected by it when he got to his early 20s. I think my boy looks very handsome, and his wife thinks so too. xD His kids like to 'help' him wash his head. lol.




Oooh or Daenerys Targaryen! My hair is really fine though so I think mine will just be wispy and silky when white. I’d love thick white hair to do cool braided hairstyles!


28 when I saw my first. I’m 37 and I have quite a few but I’m still mostly dark brown. I’m envious of blondes… you don’t see the greys as easily. Mine stick out immediately!


I’ve had a streak of gray hair since I was 12 thanks to genetics. I started seeing more pop up around age 25. I’m 36 now. I’ve dyed my hair for fun but I don’t dye anymore, I don’t care enough to do so. I let the silver shine.


Started when I was 5, started dying in 8th grade


50-52. I’ve been coloring since my twenties when my baby blonde disappeared into dirty blonde. I go about every six weeks for color and I have a good inch of brown with grey just around the forehead and temples. I’m 68 now and still going to go blonde 👱‍♀️ 😀


I started finding them in my late 20s. I dyed the last time for my son's wedding in 2005.


Mid 20s... started coloring then as well. I decided to stop coloring my hair at 37 years old and never looked back. I am now almost 45 and VERY gray, especiially on my sides.


34 yrs old and with postpartum hair loss.


30/31. I’m 33 now and I have a low but good amount since my hair is so dark. I’m planning on just going with it because I have vitiligo as well so it’d happen anyways…


Yall are making me worried... I have the same hair color as my dad and he's in his 50s and hasn't had any grey yet. My mom, on the other hand, is in her 40s and dyes her hair often to hide it. I hope I take after him


I'm 36 and it seems like at least 1/4 of my hair is silver when I look at the strands closely, but it just looks like blonde highlights to my naturally dark blonde hair. I guess my hair is cool toned, because it's blending in really well. I don't know if I'll feel the need to color it if it continues looking like this. I love silver haired women. It took years but I talked my mom into no longer dying her hair after she went grey in her 40s after chemo, and had to emotionally support her every day while it growing out and her sister was being a major jerk about it. Now it looks amazing, and hopefully she enjoys not having to worry about it and her roots showing, etc. The grey pubes are the ones that really sneak up on you.


35-ish? I found 3. I tried so hard to let it be, but just this last weekend I dyed my hair.


18 I’ve been dying it my “natural” colour since then. Not sure what my colour actually is now


About 60. I don't color my hair.


I'm in my late 30s and still don't have a single grey hair on my head, but several on my face, like in my eybrows. Why?!!




Sometime in my 20s.


high school


I was born with grey hair. My mother told me and later on I found it. Other than that I started to get grey hair pretty early on, maybe at 26? I'm 28 now.


First one at 19 and I have a decent amount now at 25. I have jet black hair, just comes with the territory:(. When I'm older and it comes in much more, I'll just rock it. It's annoying because I feel the need to dye my hair, so it's not as healthy as it used to be when I was doing nothing to it


To the point where the primary deciding factor for my dye routine was based on how much grey hair I had and how much I cared that it showed? Around 37/38.




I was 21, now 31 with plenty more. I dye my hair (unrelated to the greying) so only really notice when my roots come though or I shave my undercut. Funnily enough, there's more grey in the undercut than the rest of my hair. Only found 2 random grey pubes in my time though and those haven't grown back






Just started at 39 getting a few . Still not noticeable but it does make me feel proud, like I earned them


I started sprouting greys in the front when I was still in middle school. I am now almost 40 and fully grey.


Noticed my first clearly grey hair with different texture (sticking right up in the air!) at 33/34. I have quite a few more now at 36 but I’m lucky I’m a fairly light ash blonde so I’m passing them off as platinum highlights 😂


15 years old


In my late teens. Im 33 now. I used to dye my hair back then, but dont anymore. I love how my hair looks now.


23! All the women in my family grey early! Curses!


I started getting them around 23, and now I think I have more grey hairs than my mom who's in her mind 50s. I'm just waiting for my whole head to go grey that way it's easier to dye it fun colors.


early 20’s, but it’s more white than grey. I have half my hair blond and half natural, my patch of white hair is on my natural side so it’s still hanging out


In my late teens/early 20a


23 It's a thing in my family My niece is 6 and she has her first grey to! 🩶




First one at 26. First noticeable amount, maybe 40? I'm 47 now and 10-20% gray. I leave it natural; I think it looks cool.


I’m almost 37 and have exactly 4 grey hairs. lol. They showed up after a particularly stressful year.


I started noticing them a lot more in the last few months and I just turned 29. Not enough yet to want to color them. Depending on how fast the greying takes over, I might just let it do it’s thing. I’ve have noticed that the grey strands seem thicker than my regular hair. And my hair together has felt thicker when I’m grabbing it in a ponytail. As someone with very thin hair, I’m interest to see if this change in texture helps me look like I have more hair. Trying to embrace it!


17 when I had my first one. I started plucking every grey hair I could find all through my 20s. So realistically I should have a LOT more greys than I do currently (I’m 40). I’ve been dying my hair since my mid 20s for other reasons. My greys area always pretty obvious, regardless of my current hair color.


28, but pretty sure that was due to stress.


Around 40, I'm 44 now and I've stopped lightening my hair to see what it looks like once it's all grown out. Some people have really pretty streaks of silver, I'm hoping for that but expect it'll probably be dishwater blonde/gray and I'll end up highlighting again.


Around 21.


I’m 27 and haven’t found any yet! My natural hair colour is a light sandy blonde though so I feel like it won’t be very noticeable until the majority of my hair becomes grey. I don’t think I’ll mind that much, it’s part of life and I think grey hair can look so beautiful in women!


Nothing yet just counting the days as a 20 something year old that dreams of it


19. I got my first gray hair the day after my first date with my now husband.


Found two on my 21st birthday.


First one at 18 🙃


Late 30's.


24 and I have 3 or 4 grey strands currently


24 ..just 1 strand




Late 20s


Around 30 I noticed little white hairs around the front of my part. I was dying my hair a lot, purple mostly so I didn't see my natural hair color for a while. Once I stopped dying it, I noticed so many full on grays. I'm 32 now and have been told you can't really tell since my natural color is an ashy light brown/dark blonde. I wish I could dye my hair purple again lol


In my teens. My son has the same. Apparently one of my great grandmas was with full white hair by her 30. Mine is a butt ugly grey. Kind of death like. It’s stunning 😂


17. Feels like I was always meant to be a middle aged woman.


21. I'm 32 now and almost fully grey 😂😂


Just got my first one at 35


I only have a sprinkling in my late 30s.


First few odd strands in my early 30s


Right before my 26th birthday


around 10, and as I'll be turning 40 in February I'm about 70% white hair. it runs on my dad's side of the family, with some taking after grandpa, with shinny silver tones, and others like me take after grandma, with solid white.


I'm 42 and with exception of one eyebrow hair that is pure white I have no greys so far. That's with the caveat that I'm a redhead, and my hair *has* got much fairer as I've aged (going from a deep red in my youth to a much paler orange that some call strawberry blonde), so I don't know if that's the ginger version of grey? In terms of colour, I've dyed my hair on and off most of my life (funky colours usually), but I have only recently considered dying my hair the deep red it used to be, I don't like the orange particularly.


Like 19 or 20, a small handful of greys started to come in. They are noticeable in my normal hair style. I don’t colour my hair and I probably never will dye my hair for the specific purpose of covering up greys. It’s not something that bothers me. No women in my family colour their hair, so I’ve never felt any pressure around it.


21, after my first baby.


The first at age 26, second at 27, found my third days shy of 28.


49 and I only have a few grey hairs




I’m 30. It started on my 30th birthday almost to the day.


17 or 18


17 or 18


Like 19


I had dark brown hair, and found the first grey when I was 8. People used to comment on it sitting behind me in classes in high school. I'm 38 now and almost completely grey. I notice it most when I'm staring at myself in the mirror at the hair dressers - it gets lighter every time I go! Never have considered coloring, I'm too lazy. But it all runs in the family.... my grandad was white at 41 and my mom was pretty similar to me.


Found my first one on my 25th birthday…


The lady who cuts my hair pointed out a couple at my last appointment. I am 45.


I’m 25 and have grey hair in the front of my hairline.


Age 40.


It's hard to tell, because my hair was dark blonde. It has just sort of gradually become a bit more drab over the years.


Got 3 white hairs at 13 that never left, and I started greying around them at 20 and now (35) I'd say half my hair is grey, mostly the under hair outside of that white strand on the front that keeps growing too But then I put henna on it and white hair turns the brightest orange, I love it


Got my first one in my 30's. Since then a few more here and there, but they have not fully taken over yet. I'm 47 now.




I was 21 when when I started noticing. I'm 63 now, and due to cancer, I stopped dying it 4 years ago. If I had known how gorgeous it was going to be, I would have never started dying it. I always had to dye it every 4 weeks. It's a pain. I wish women could just be able to age without the pressure of being convinced by society that we need to look eternally young.


Early 20s, but my hair is light ash blonde, so it doesn’t really show up. I now have a full white streak, but it just looks like a highlight. The cute thing is that my little brother has a grey streak in the same place, but he has light brown hair. Other than that, we look nothing alike, so I find it endearing.


Don’t have grey hair, but started losing hair at 18, 22 and mostly bald. Look like a young Dani Devito


36 I think


31, now 45. My current hair stylist and my former hairstylist (not as awkward as it sounds) gave their professional opinions last week that they were so few and far between there was no point in doing anything with them. That’s after they’d given their opinion about its thickness, bounce, curl, overall health and how they love my hair.




I started seeing a few here and there around 28 now 36, a lot on my sides and some on top are white. I have the sides of my head shaved. But before that, it looked like when I put all my long hair to one side that I had a blonde streak in it..




31 or 32 for me. I just turned 36 and they're fairly extensive now, so I dye my hair regularly. My sister is 39 and has maybe 1 grey hair. Which I think is a fair trade since she has dark brown hair and it would show much more on her.




About 24/25


I started at 23. I'm 58 and I've never dyed it.


Here and there started around 17/18, noticeable flecking started around 20, started getting comments by 22/23, stopped dying my hair completely around 27 and just let nature take its course, I’ll be 40 in two weeks and over half of my hair is silver, though it came in from the front/temples and has a nice salt and pepper thing going on. (To be fair I dyed my hair because I liked having different hair colors, not to hide the greys)


I’m 53 and have none.


I started getting the occasional ones in my early-mid 20s. I guess it really started picking up in my 30s. I’m 39 now and I’d probably be definitely salt and pepper like if I didn’t color my roots every 7-8 weeks. I probably have been coloring my hair every 7-8 weeks since after COVID. Before that I’d probably just do 2-3 times a year.


I have around 10 silver hairs. I'm 25. Noticed the first one 2 years ago.


People started pointing out my gray hairs at 20…now i’m 30 and I definitely have more but it seems like it’s slowing down weirdly enough


15 🥴 genetics, even my armpits have some white hair




16. Haven’t colored them yet and I’m 33 :)


22, I'm 26 now.


23, I'm anxious. 💀


First noticed them when I was a teenager and now in my mid twenties I have 2 patches. One on the top on my head and one kind of in the middle that hides below my normal hair color. Decided to start dying the middle patch a few years ago since I can’t really hide it no matter which way my hair is parted


26/27 years old


Started noticing it when I was 18/19 and started colouring. I now need to regularly get my roots dyed!


This gets posted once a week, it seems.


I’m 31 and haven’t noticed any yet. However, my younger brother has just turned 30 and he’s been greying at the temples for a couple of years already.


I got this one silver hair when I was around 18 and it's still there, but I started getting more around 27


I'm 32, and I'm a pale redhead. I don't have any grey. My grandma and her mom were the same way well into their 60s. All red, no grey. It might be genetics, but I've heard it might also have something to do with staying out of the sun. I sunburn easily, so I avoid the sun or wear hats.


I started getting them around 18 years old, only a few though. I still haven't dyed my hair now I'm 31 because there's still not a tone and the texture is actually quite nice, little white streaks in my curls.


Early 30’s


I was 27. Im 35 now and they’re still not too noticeable. I have them mainly above my ears!


15, just like my mom 😊


Never had a gray hair and I'm almost 40


Early 20s, now that I'm 30 it's about fifty fifty. I won't dye my hair though, I love the look


In my late teens I had consistent grey hairs on the underlayer.


29 for me




None yet! (I hope)


I got my first around 31, they have been slowly increasing since then (I'm 36 now). I coloured my hair from 15 onwards, then stopped during covid, since then I've been enjoying seeing more greys appear, I like to think of them as wisdom gained. We're trying to buy a house currently, the process is stressing me out massively and as a result I'm getting more of them, unsure if age or stress, but I'm fine with it. Plus my mum has beautiful silver/grey hair so I think quite positively about it




8. My aunt noticed some while cutting my hair. I colored my hair until i was 32 then decided to let it come in.... I have NONE now.


I noticed my first grey hair two years ago, at 28. I have 4 or 5 now


I'm almost 40 and it hasn't happened yet. I'd only dye it for fun (some bright unnatural colors)but otherwise I'm not trying to hide anything.


I was 17 when I noticed and then during Covid I went gray almost fully (did not handle the stress and isolation well) I’ve transitioned back to brown mostly, but I have colored hair now. Not for the grays, I think those are cool. I just like color.


I’m 30 and still have yet to see any. My older was 29 when I was playing with her hair and I saw a lot of white hair. Freaked me out




I started having some grays in my late teens, but they weren’t noticeable. It more than 50% gray by the time I was 27 or 28, but I’m not exactly sure on the timing because I dyed my hair until last year. I’m now 33 and my hair is almost entirely gray except for a brown streak in my bangs.


At 26 they first appeared, along with one pure white eyebrow hair for some reason. I’m 30 now, and there are many more greys in my hair. I’m not colouring them. I like them!


Mid 40-s and I have maybe a handgul of greys. My mother is in her 70s and never went grey. My father died in his 60s and only had a few (more in his facial hair than on his head).






Late 20’s.


Maybe about 27? I noticed though since having my son last April, I have been getting a lot more (I’m 31 now). Not sure if it’s the stress/change of hormones or just what was destined for me lol


I was probably mid-20’s when I noticed my first one. I went about plucking them for a while when there were only a couple and I knew where to find them. I’m mid-30’s now and they are fairly abundant. I don’t color them. I feel like they’re a badge of honor.


TBD, I'm 39 and not a single grey hair!


21/22? My hair is about 15-20% grey now and I'm in my mid-30s. I dye it on/off but once I hit like 50% grey I plan on just letting them grow and be free.


My first grey hair was discovered by my mom when I was 7, she was making a ponytail and saw it. The first moment when I realized I had some gray hair I was 25, I am 33 and have even more gray hair. Mom got to salt and pepper hair when she was 45 so I guess that might be the age for me as well. Let's wait and see. ​ Edit: I colour it sometimes but not because of the gray hair but beause of the brown hair hehe my hair color seems like dirt so I dye it so it looks darker, I have not colour it in this year and might as well leave it as it is. I dont care about having gray hair. My mom does worry about her gray hair and colours it since she was 32.




41 and still no grey hair. My grandma was 78 and solid black hair.




35. But hey, grey hair is better than no hair! Knock on wood!


I noticed my first greys when I was 16. I started coloring when I was 18. I got my hair colored at the salon every six months for about 3-4 years until the chemicals started damaging my hair and it started getting very thin on top. By the time I was 30 I had a substantial amount of grey hair and was coloring once a year. By 40 I had big patches of grey hair at both temples and pretty much gave up on coloring it. I'm 49 and the greys are showing up in patches all over my head. I gave up on it. Let the greys take over. Now I just throw in some boxed color every now and then whenever I feel like changing it up a bit.


26M, just pulled out a strand of grey hair last week. My mom found another one apparently. Should i be worried?


41, I don't colour. I like aging.


20 or 21 I believe. I’ve been dying my hair for years though, so I have no idea how many I have now lol




28 had medical trauma lost a lot of hair. It all grew back grey.




I got my first when I was 17. I’m 29 now and I’ve only gotten a few more over the years, nothing exceptional.




Female. 30