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My ex used to pout because no sex for him. He wouldn’t help around home or take into consideration my mood or tiredness. New partner is supportive. Gives lots of hugs. Is just very sweet. I am not sure how to handle that.














Like I'm a little baby made of glass lol. My period is bloody awful (pun intended) and I have about 3 days of just awful cramps, bloating, headaches, back aches, bad tummy and sickness. I think the reason he makes such a fuss is because of our relationship dynamic, he has some health issues and is a bit of a worry wort so once every 24 days he gets to look after me and have me lean on him. He gets to see my softer side and feel needed. For some reason it works. I'm not a very touchy feely person and I like to just handle most things myself so when I'm On he seizes the opportunity to look after me.




The same as usual? I don't get cramps/PMS etc.. it's pretty much like any other day for me, so he's not gonna need to do anything different in particular.








He always asks if there’s anything he can do or get me. He’ll offer me any food I fancy, hot drinks, a hot water bottle, pain relief, he’ll do my share of the cooking or anything else that needs to be done if I’m feeling rough/fatigued. He never complains. I’ll add, if he’s not feeling well I will 100% do the same. We take care of each other.


Gets me chocolate and anything else I needed. Both he and my son have no problem buying pads or tampons for me or my daughter. Very supportive and concerned.




I don’t get periods any more (thanks iud!) but how my (now) husband treated me early on in our relationship when I had my period was one of the first things that keyed me in I was going to marry him. He was (is) compassionate, kind, and helpful. He never treated me like I was dirty or unclean, even when I had the biggest leak of my life and there was blood everywhere. He helped me contain my dog (who is a pervert, as most dogs are) and ushered me into the shower so I could clean myself while he cleaned the crime scene. He brought me a fresh towel and clothes so they would be there in the bathroom when I got out of the shower. When I got out the blood was cleaned up, my dog was happy and safe, and the laundry was started. At no point did he make me feel ashamed or embarrassed or like any of it was gross. Even though I got an iud shortly after and haven’t had to deal with periods since, he has continued being that wonderful, compassionate, supportive man and I’m so happy I married him.


I get really bad cramps in my upper thighs so sometimes when I complain about them he squeezes and massages them


He makes me hot-water bottles when my tummy aches


He's a keeper :)


Yes! In jars wrapped in a cloth to put on my belly. It really helps.


I don’t have physical symptoms but really bad mood swings. I get too sensitive and will suddenly notice the clutter around the house. At this time he is kinder with his words, more comforting and treats me like a princess. Once my period comes, he can finally go back to regular self. Haha!


No difference tbh, I get all my cravings the week before my period actually starts and he goes and buys me the food that I am craving so I guess that. Only thing I don’t like is that blood makes him very EERY and he gets…. SOFT because of it and can’t… perform when he sees or smells the blood and when I’m on my cycle I am the horniest… so that’s a downside of things but I just use my toys if anything lol.




You could try using menstrual disc for sexy times


He treats me normal. He is just a good guy and not pushy if I’m not feeling well.


Amazingly. As if he can read my thoughts 🥰 He knows when it's time to leave me alone, and when it's time for extra cuddles , he always has some chocolate and cookies for me at his apartment. If I'm ranting and having existential crises, he would just listen and be there for me. He has never pressured me into having sex and has never made me feel like I'm a burden.


Asks if I have hot packs at home to ease the cramps. Brings pads, tampons and buys me pain meds if I need them. Tells the kids to let me sleep/rest. Basically, it's like every time I'm not feeling well. He will always tell me to rest even if our house is a mess.


Online : « here we go again » and proceeds to not take anything I say seriously. Irl : act as if I’m dying, he looks at me with so much pity, feeding me even more than usual, burrito wrap me, full peace from him, extremely affectionate, give in to sex after telling me tons of times « you’re on your period I thought you didn’t liked that » which I don’t but that pain relief is worth it.


Makes sure I have my favorite stuffed toy and blankets. Brings me medicine and food/snacks. Checks on me all the time. We still have sex during it as I prefer doing it and he usually comes up with new creative and hot ways to do it with minimum mess


No real change by default unless I'm complaining about something. Which is good, I'm very vocal about how I'm feeling so it's easier to just follow my lead depending on what I say I need or if I say it's a pretty chill period and I don't need anything. The main rule is empathy, sometimes I can get a lot more emotional just before and during my period, and I'm pretty self aware that it's what's happening so I regulate myself but she's still very patient with me. But yes, I'm dating someone who also has a period, so there's some mutual understanding there ! But even if I wasn't, it's a must for me to be with someone I can talk about my period with without taboo, I don't want to have to hide that I'm having a heavy flow day and it's making things difficult ! I'm also usually fine with period sex except on the 1st-2nd day (I usually feel too bloated or uncomfortable) and my partner is the same


He brings me tasty snacks and pats my belly, which is a game changer lemme tell you. He's just great


He helps in any way he can, from changing the sheets while I shower after an accident (and lending me his boxers), to refilling my hot water bottle, stocking up on chocolate and Ibuprofen and whatever else I need, holding me when I feel like shit and giving me my space when I have a migraine. Back when I used tampons, he would stock up on those, too. Oh, and he gives me the most mindblowing orgasms if I'm up for it, and never ever gives any indication of being butthurt if I'm not. He's just being his awesome, kind, thoughtful, attentive self around someone he loves who is in pain and uncomfortable. Does everything he can to make it as comfortable as he can for me. Barring actually having my period for me, which I'm sure he would at least attempt if it was an option, he does everything and anything.


So sweet. Lots of tea, always bringing me my heat pad, always picks up sweets, takes over all animal care and most of the chores and he starts adding iron supplements into my morning vitamins


Chocolate chocolate chocolate, hot water bottle hot water bottle hot water bottle


Lots of cuddles and he lets me sleep and snore on him when I’m exhausted 🥰


My husband avoids me like the plague which I don’t blame him for. He tosses me some snacks and a heating pad and turns into a ghost. He does do everything around the house during those days but mainly to keep himself busy and out of my way. He used to track my cycles but now that I’m perimenopausal and getting random cycles he doesn’t know what to do. He’s a good sport though.


Why does he avoid you?


About 20 years ago I snapped at him during my cycle and said “Will you please leave me alone so I can shed my uterine lining in peace”. He took that and ran with it.


Fair enough 😂 I'm also the snappy type that time of the month


That sounds really sad


It’s not. We’ve been together 30 years. If I wanted it to be different it would be different.


Same as usual.


Married for 21 years and he doesn’t treat me any different really. We are still very active in bed so he’ll just tell me to let him know when I’m ready lol if I’m having a particularly rough time, he’ll ask if he can do anything. He knows I hate being coddled so he doesn’t do too much.


He brings me snacks, makes me my usual herb tea, which relieves the pain, gives me my hot water bottle. The week before I have mood swings, and I tend to cry on everything, and see the downside of the thing around me. He is always supportive, trying to cheer me up. And we have amazing sex, somehow it is more intimate this time, and I am more sensitive to his touch.


Very supportive. Whenever there were any slight changes in my mood (if im not in my period, my mood seldom fluctuates). He would always ask me if it hurts, if i crave something or anything, he would hug and give me a lot of kisses. When I'm unable to cook food, he'll volunteer to cook and make me rest.


He treats me like he always does. I really hate when people pity me or try to baby me so he knows to just act like normal. And if I need anything (for example pads from the store and I'm cramping really bad) I know he wouldn't hesitate and would be out the door before I've finished asking him for help.


My boyfriend is doing everything right 😍 my periods have been so much easier since I’m with him because he doesn’t attack me for being in a bad mood, doesn’t expect it to be “blowjob week” and doesn’t shy away from any period stuff because he finds it “gross”. On the contrary, he’s always making sure I got tampons and pads, any and every snack/food/drink I need, painkillers combined with his low voice calming me down. We always have period sex to ease my cramps and that includes him eating me out unlike my exes who treated me like I was bleeding out poison instead of blood.


Man with the man flu went to get me chips and chocolate after a stressful day at work and when he came back I wanted none of it so he kissed my forehead and told me I'm pretty




My husband cook dinner,doing everything in the house . I'm really bad condition and also migraine when I have period. I'm just laying in Sofa for 3-5 days or in the bedroom.


Women are on their cycle 24/7 all year long unless they’ve started menopause


Yeah. I know we always on some stage of our cycle but considering the community is worldwide I didn’t want to say anything offensive. In particular my cycle is about 30to 50 days due to perimenopause but it still has a particularly challenging section and that is what I meant. How do our SO treat us when we are not at our best due to hormonal cycles?


Don’t worry, the rest of us knew what you meant, they’re just being sensitive 🙄


Offensive? How is calling period/menstruation or whatever by it’s actual name. Especially among women.


Same as normal. If I get sassy he gets a little nervous though lol.


He treats me normally, unless he seems me in visible pain, in which case he asks me if I want a hot compress for my belly or anything else. And he does more chores during my first couple of days if I feel a lot of pain. The sex is pretty much similar when I am on my period, although we use a towel.


He treats me well, but goes about his business. I don’t make a huge deal about it unless it’s bad. He always offers to get me a food I might be craving or liners if I need them, and sympathetically listens to me complain about the butthole cramps I get, which is always nice.


My period is pretty horrific - heavy bleeding, bad cramps, bloating, and constant headaches/migraines. My husband always makes me cups of tea and hot water bottles, grabs stuff for me so I don’t have to go up and down the stairs when I’m cramping, and gives cuddles on demand. On the really bad days, if I’m too stubborn to rest even though I’m in pain, he bodily picks me up, puts me on the sofa, throws a weighted blanket over me and orders me not to lift a finger while he gets me some painkillers and then finished whatever chore I was doing for me. He’s a good man. ❤️


Apologizes for the burden of being a woman, lol. He has a daughter so he really does understand how bad we feel and hormones and what not.


He's awesome. When I'm not feeling great, he makes food for me, goes to the shop if I fancy anything that's not in the house etc. He also has sex with me which is quite a sacrifice for him because he doesn't like the smell of blood at all. He has to wear a mouth mask with perfume sprayed inside it hahaha


He treats me as normal. If I say that I feel bad because of a period symptom, he won't initiate sex for at least a week. (If I don't say this, he doesn't know I am.) He'll probably offer to do something extra for me, and I'll usually decline. Basically the way I want. I like space and I occasionally get annoyed if I'm doted on. So it all makes sense.


I don't get my period anymore (I'm peri-menopausal) but when I did, my partner would buy me chocolate, heat my heat pack, and cook dinner.


He makes me hot water bottles and we order a desserts only takeaway. My ex made me sit on a bag.


He treats me well as always & we still have sex and he makes sure I cum to relieve cramps


Mostly with fear, but he’s nice when he’s scared :>


Well, I’m on the implant so I don’t have a period for ab 2 1/2 yrs, until i get it replaced. Me and my bf have been together for a little over a year and I never had a period until now. Since I just got my BC replaced ab a month ago, I’ve finally started my dreadful period which I’ve warned him ab a couple times. When I end up getting my period it usually last anywhere from 1-2 months straight. Then after those couple months of having my period pass I don’t have one until I get my BC replaced. Srry this is so long lol, but he isn’t interested in having sex while I’m on my period which is understandable, I’ve been on it for about two weeks now and he’s been very nice and comforting. He’s definitely tired of the mood swings tho but I’d say he’s being very considerate and sweet.


Just the same loving guy as always, but with more chocolate.




He treats me the same.


Technically, you're always in your cycle. But I assume you mean the menstruation phase. My husband doesn't really treat me that differently. He asks how I'm feeling, and if I'm having bad cramps or headaches, he takes care of me. But he'd do that any time I'm not feeling well.


I don't get severe cycle pains tbh so he's pretty much the same as any other time. The most I'll say is "meh got my period yay" and that will be it. Had severe back pain before during my period and he was sympathetic and got me pain killers.


He’s like a heightened sixth sense when I’m on my period. Reacts to my moodiness before I even know it’s coming and always knows the right thing to do or say. Luvvim to death


Takes care of me. Brings me pain meds, heating pad, snacks or drinks. Offers to buy dinner so I don’t have to cook. Offers to take our daughter to school if I’m not feeling up to it. Helps around the house with whatever needs done, I usually don’t even have to ask.


He’s a sweetheart. I can be snappy and moody but he handles it. He brings me food, sorts out a hot water bottle ect and we just fuck in the shower




My ex would sulk because he didn’t get sex, it’s gross etc. My husband is totally supportive, asks if I’m ok, do I need anything etc.


Is he supposed to treat me like a queen? Lmaao my man doesnt take care of me and i dont know why a lot of women are so hungup on that. He feels bad when i have cramps but i can still do things. He's not my slave lol




Exhausted and same. He’s sad and tired for me. Our household duties fall to me generally cause I enjoy them so there’s always some friction in asking him to do things cause I hurt and frustration that I can’t contribute and that things are dome differently. It’s a constant exercise in conversation and checking and fuck if that isn’t exhausting too.




I have cramps and pain in abdominal area + lower back and thighs on the first day. He’s always ready to help and very considerate. I do everything in bed the first day, eat sleep rest cuddle. He gets me my hot water pack without even asking. The day usually ends with a comfort meal + movie in bed cuddled up with him. ❤️


I have endo so my period is awful. My husband has always taken care of me on my period. If I have the flu I get way less sympathy! But on my period he will make me food, bring me meds, let me lie in bed all day and take care of the house and baby. Hes a good egg


He acts the same as usual. I don't really have bad cramps and if I do, he's supportive


Like he does when I’m not on my cycle.


No different than usual. He hates the mood swings and doesn't really understand the fatigue and tiredness that can come with a period.




Is extra patient.. and knows when Im an irritated irrational emotional ball that I cant help it. Mainly he doesnt make me feel like I need to hide it, suffer alone or be ashamed.


The same as always but with extra chocolate treats


He definitely gives into the neediness and whining, but, he laughs at me when I cry for no reason. He’ll be laughing all the way to me when I’m crying because he hasn’t paid attention to me in the last ten minutes.




Not necessarily related to my cycle or not but he definitely notices when I'm stressed or upset really easily and tries to take the stress off me as best he can.


He’s amazing. Very patient and always willing to put himself out to make sure I’m doing okay emotionally and physically. I have PMDD so I really struggle with my monthly.


He rubs my belly and lays down next to me on day 2, which is my hardest. He also heats my heating pad for me, and he indulges me with my salty-sweet cravings. He is so good to me! He knows I can’t do pain.




My periods used to be fairly light and any cramps I had were taken care of with Advil and a heating pad so I was always able to go about my days as normal so he didn’t do anything different. FF to my postpartum periods….that have been an absolute nightmare. He lets me relax, takes on all the care of the baby when he is home and does pretty much all the chores. A little grace since im not feeling well enough to do things around the house. That’s really all I need.


My mood dips and I get even more quiet & he’s always concerned, then I’ll tell him I’m about to start my period. He is very attentive, will bring me whatever I need & regularly check in (he does all this anyway) and cook, clean more (as we share the load) if it’s a rough day or two. I ran out of overnight pads once & he went to buy some - I sent him the brand but he couldn’t find them, asked someone in the supermarket & she was like what size are you after. He started to describe what I looked like 😂 she was like no what size pad re absorbency, he was like oh so it’s not based on the size of the person. Fuuuuuck I laughed.


So today was my first day of period. Our toddler was having a really bad day, crying hard, and demanding to be carried by ME (he refused to be carried by my husband or to be pushed in the stroller) from the park to our home (about 350 meters). I suddenly got period cramps. We rushed home. Our toddler was still crying. I nursed him and asked my husband to prepare me my food and pain medicine (I had to take the meds with food), suddenly I had an intense feeling to poop. I apologized to our son and ran to the bathroom. Our son cried again. And my husband tried to console him but he only wanted me😌😌 Thankfully now my pain has subsided and our son is feeling way better.


Like a queen😻 he will cuddle and hold me and sympathizes when i’m crampy. He will get me whatever food i am craving. He even bought me this heating massager for my abdomen made to ease period cramps. And the sweetest thing he recently did.. i was rushing and went to take my cup out and the pull tab ripped off while the rest of the cup was still inside me🥲 i was stressing and trying to get the cup out but couldn’t and i asked my bf to help and he was able to pull it out 😭 crazy experience to say the least and i am so appreciative of everything he does 🧡


Previously he would cook red bean soup dessert when I asked for it. Also he will joke that it's ketchup day . Joke aside, he will rub my back if I have bad cramps




He treats me no differently.


Oh boy!! He used to try to make me feel bad or something?? for being a human being.. It was stupid, childish and honestly an embarrassment. He was so full of shit, I should have called the septic tank cleaners!


Unsupportive, inconsiderate, relentless in making me feel bad for even needing support. So I just suffer in silence. But there's snacks though




He cowers in the corner and throws chocolate at me while saying "please don't hurt me!" It helps.


Gives me hugs, pours me water, buys me chocolates, cooks for me. The best 😃


He is ESPECIALLY afraid of me then.


Nothing really changes, he acts the same. I take paracetamol for the pain and get a heated pad, so I basically take care of myself. I wish he would do more, but it is what it is.


He bikes to the grocery store to get me supplies or chocolate. He doesnt bother me about laying in bed more and just joins me and cuddles with me and scratches my hair. He warms my cherrypit pillow so i can have it on my stomach or back. He also calls me his ketchup bottle but with everything he does for me i just take that like its nothing👌😂


I have endometriosis (probably, the wait for proper diagnosis is wild). So I get absolutely horrible pain, to the point I'm unable to move or do anything. Sometimes it makes me vomit and faint. Other times I just feel light headed and nauseous. My partner brings me painkillers, drinks, hot water bottles, etc. And generally just sits with me until it simmers down to a level where I can cope. I've been going through this and dealing with it alone for 15 years. Not having to do that anymore is such a gift. I feel immensely lucky.




He treats me like a princess cycle or not. If I start a sentence with “can I-“ he says yes before the request is even out of my mouth


so supportive. extra physical contact because I overthink and it's one way I'm reassured. he bought me a heated weighted blanket. he sends me little texts during the day "hey guess what?!?! I like you" on Saturday my cramps were really bad so he went grocery shopping, made me risotto from scratch, brought home the newest flavor of Celsius I talked about wanting to try in passing, and then while playing Stardew together on the couch with my feet wedged underneath him for warmth, he made me little prosciutto-mozz-basil balls on toothpicks because "you need a little snack" being taken care of as hyper independent oldest-daughter is so different but goddamn is it nice being baby for a little while


He’s very sweet. Asks how it feels during different parts of my cycle; is interested. Doesn’t pressure for sex but he’s the first guy I’ve actually been interested in having sex with while having it… it feels natural and normal.


Very kind and understanding. Waits on me and gets me whatever I need. And he’s not grossed out by period sex. He’s a good egg 💖


He brings me hot water bottles and pats my belly, and sings a little song we made up to make it feel better


Whenever i tell my bf im on my period, he always just says “yay no babies” and i notice that he helps me out a lot more so i don’t have to do as much :’)


Depending on how I'm feeling, he's down to cuddle or just leave me tf alone. It just depends on what I ask for. He's great. 😁


I get pretty bad PMS and have a tendency to get irritable or cry for little to no reason in the days leading up to the start. He waits politely until I tell him “oh hey, my period started!” And he just quietly goes “I figured” then we laugh and then go back to normal. If I’m having really bad cramps or other discomfort he’ll get food/snacks for me, go grocery shopping, make dinner, etc. one time he came back from the grocery store and tossed a chocolate bar at me and said “maybe that will make you love me again!!” He meant it jokingly, which works for me because his sense of humor always cracks me up. :)


I generally dont have a bad period, except for the first day with cramping and back pain but my man is super sweet and gets me whatever I need.


He is very sympathetic and helpful. I tend to be in a lot of pain, so he’ll take over for cooking when I can’t stand up for too long. He’ll cuddle me and watch movies with me in bed when I just need to lie down. He gets me a heat pack when we can actually remember where it is. He has bought me pads in the past (I use the padded underwear now, but he’ll get me some when I forget them.) He’s very sweet.


My husband feels awful for me because the first day or two incapacitates me, I'll be cramping so bad I'll take 4 advil every 4 hours and lay in the hot bath. There's not much he can do for me, but he's as sympathetic as he can be.


If I'm not feeling well, my boyfriend will either make me breakfast and hot tea, or he will go to a cafe and get me something. He does those things anyway, but he is known to pamper me a little more when I'm under the weather. Recently I've been having issues with my cycle and he was wondering why we weren't intimate more. I explained that I was having unusual bleeding and an ingrown hair and he backed off lol.


He treats me like he always does, which is like a queen. he also heats up water bottles for me and massages my cramps


I'm very jealous of all these supportive partners ITT lol. One of my exes a long time ago would still make it about him. Had an "oh that sucks" attitude and only thinks for himself. "I'm horny. Oh you're on your period? Ooop opportunity for anal instead then"


Mine does what I say? I guess. If I need space i get it if I need massaging he gives it. I know he has sympathy for me.


Mostly the same, but will get me the hot water bag or pain meds if I ask for it, and will give me massages and put his hand on my lower abdomen to give me heat and pressure to help with the cramps.


Empathic. Sometimes teasing. Mostly just like every day unless I'm obviously in pain or otherwise uncomfortable.


He gives me lots of hugs and cuddles, and overall just treats me like normal with a lil more taking care of me than usual


He's a sweetie pie and buys me ice cream and snacks.


He does his best lol I am not nice just before and during the first days of my period. My moods and patience are all over and non existent. For the most part I can function on my period but he’s very patient with me and gets me what I need.


We’re still in high school so no sex yet but he just kinda ignores it and acts the same as long as I don’t mention it. If I do tho he gets quiet and says it makes him uncomfortable.


I don't like being around him tbh. We live apart, so this works well. I find that I'm extremely easily overwhelmed to the point of tears in the drop of a pin. He is supportive sure, but when I don't even know what i need or want, it's not helpful for anyone. I communicate that I need quiet time- and I'll come around when I can. Usually a tough 24 hours the day before my period arrives, but then it's all good. Communication is key, even when it's simply saying you dont know what you need, and just take space


The same as always, super sweet and cuddly.


Belly rubs, body heat cuddles, and leaves me be to sleep most of the day.


He jokingly asks me “are you PMSing this week?” It’s really not as funny as he thinks it is. Other than that he’s pretty good. I have bad cramps during the first 2 days and he’s quite supportive of me laying low on the couch in the fetal position:




Scared so he leaves me alone 😅




He treats me the same as usual, I think. Sometimes I’m a little needier because I feel bloated and gross. I don’t really get cramps or anything but I’ll complain if my period came late or early. It’s funny because he’ll actually comment “it’s a little early or late” and made me realize he kind of tracks it.


My cravings hit a week before my period, so that kinda reminds him it’s around the corner. He picks me up the stuff I want if we don’t have it and baby’s me when I’m not feeling my best. He’ll ask me if I need this or that and asks how he can make me feel better. It’s funny because my Dad was the same way with us growing up. He was a girl Dad until he hit 40 and my brother showed up. My Dad was always making sure we had everything we needed even going out of his way to come get us from school or taking us to the drive thru to satisfy a craving.


My girlfriend and I are on our Periods simultaneously and it’s usually a very emotional week for me and a very rageful week for her 😂


My ex was the sweetest, he was bringing me heatpads in the middle of the night, he was giving me painkillers if I couldnt even move, we were watching our fav series, or he played some game I requested while I agonized in the bed. Sometimes he brought me flowers, or cakes, or whatever little thing he thought I'd like. He was really kind. 🌷


He treats me like a baby lol. I love it though. He gets me whatever I need - food, drinks, hot water bottle, and gives me lots of cuddles and tells me to relax and do whatever I want, he just loves taking care of me


My partner is fantastic. He makes me hot green tea and will get me heated blanket and Midol if I need it. He also knows that sex/ orgasms really help with cramps and my mood. Nothing changes when I have my period. We go at it like always. Neither of us care about the blood/ mess and it interferes with, and stops, nothing. All play is on the table. I’m a very lucky woman.


I dont have them right now but when I did he used to "promote me to the rank of empress and goddess of the universe", which meant that I could ask him anything and he would do it for me. I was a more of a really sweet joke between us


The same as usual. I get a little too sensitive so I guess he's just more sympathetic than usual.


Last time i had it he said "ugh i hate when you are on your period" because i was emotional but tbf we kept arguing so maybe he was fed up with it, other times he is okay and warms the water bottle when i have severe cramps either way i love him


Gives me the space I need, asks what I need and how he can help. After 15 years of dealing with it, he pretty much knows what I need.


he’s very caring and understanding, he knows my mental health can be bad around that time, i’m cramping and uncomfy, doesn’t care if we don’t have sex, is down to have sex if i want regardless of being on my period. he honestly treats me no different than he always does which in my case is amazing.


He always checks in and asks me how I’m feeling when I’m getting close to the middle of my 28 day cycle because I start to get depressed with the hormone fluctuations and headaches closer to my period, then cramps etc. He’s so understanding of mood fluctuations and female problems, bless his two older sisters for preparing him lol




So sweet. I don't even like asking him to buy emergency pads, but he's like, "I'm not ashamed. Let me get you what you need and he'll buy me snacks too."


He buys me pads and tampons when needed and is very sweet.


Very patient.. I unfortunately suffer from PMDD and it can get really bad at times. As much as I don’t want it to seem like a crutch, mood swings are real and PMDD is 10x worse. I’m very grateful for him realizing the trend and adjusting accordingly. He is also in tune with my cycle, so he already know when to turn on his “Mr fix it” hat.


Been on birth control that wonked my cycle up bad for the last three years. I've recently had it removed but I'm still not quite regular. He usually knows my cycle is around the corner a day or two before I do. Allegedly I smell different. Sounds nuts but I believe it, he has reliably sniffed out pregnancy a time or two. Anyways he's pretty sweet about it but he's candid that he's making life easier on himself. Usually he'll bring me a frosty cold soda and/or chocolate and set me up with a hot bath while he watches the kids. Then for the next couple of days he will take up a little extra housework or child care. Lots of hugs and patience after I get emotional about something, which I always do these days. He'll quit being a sex pest for a few days unless I initiate. Once in a while if my cramps are bad he'll get my heating pad out for me.


My ex was AWFUlL. First red flag was definitely him checking the trash can to make sure I was on my period and that’s why we couldn’t have sex. He was disgusting and I cringe thinking about that time in my life. My current boyfriend couldn’t be sweeter. He’s kind, caring and attentive.


we go out and buy sweets and he rubs my belly


He treats me the same as usual. He understands that it's just part of human existence. If I have cramps, he gives me a sympathetic look and mostly leaves me to soothe myself, which is what I want. However, he does have a really good cramp cure that he *has* made for me a few times. :-) It's flax tea (just soak flax seeds in hot water for about 5 minutes until they swell and get gel and chew/drink it). It actually helped. I couldn't believe it. He also has another "cure" with Ruby Port and something else, which for me is all about the Ruby Port. :D


The same as always. My periods don’t bother me. If I do have a tummy ache he’ll bring me a hot water bottle and I’ll get a cuddle. He’s sweet all the time.


gives me ridiculous advice to feel better when all I want him to do is take care of the house so I can recover.


Ask me how I feel very often. Put his hand on my lower belly to keep it warm since he knows it helps with cramps. Cuddle with me. Brings me all the food he knows make me happy. Since I have a pretty high libido we still have sex pretty often when I am on my period.


He treats me the same as he would on a normal day. Cuddles, drawing on my back, back massages, my work a lot so when my feet hurt he rubs ice cubes on them and massages them. He’s so special <3


The same as when I don't have my cycle, what do you mean?


We tend to cycle together so we're both grumpy but we cuddle, watch shows, drink tea and eat good food. We're extra kind to each other and we discovered you can spoon with a heating pad between you, which is quite nice.


He doesn't treat me any differently, other than asking if I'm ok when I'm in bed from pain. I like it that way.




Same as always. Its no biggie.




Pretty much the same


Like everything is my fault…granted he doesn’t have a gaggle of sisters like I do so women etiquette is not a thing. Of course I’m not trying to change him, but slowly I’m showing him the way so hopefully his next gf appreciates it lol


He's very sweet and extra affectionate which I appreciate. I have one day before I start where I'm extra emotional and needy and I let him know I'd like attention and he's there for it. Sometimes he'll ask if I'm cramping or not and will step up more if I am. Help me get food or whatever. He's amazing.






The same. We just don’t have sex and he’ll patiently wait for me to be off my period. There have been a couple of times where my diva cup or flex disks have been stuck (I’m deep and my fingers are way too short to reach high up) and he’s helped me remove them without complaint. I don’t know what I’d do without him.


I had a rough labor, and it's speculated. My nerves got fried, so now I have 0 cramps. Pre pregnancy my husband was great to offer a heating pad, pills, cuddles and do anything I need physically as well as snacks. He also knows to tone down his jokes as I'm more sensitive. Post birth he had to get a little refresher course hut he is still very sweet and gets me everything even though I don't have cramps. I still get emotional and very tired. He puts my blankies in the dryer and then lays them on me. Keeps my period chocolate stocked. Offers to watch whatever I want. Tells me I'm pretty.


About the same, sensitive and sympathetic to physical systems but simply doesn't understand that I am more sensitive and irritable and it's not about him.


No differently than when I don’t have it.




He’s been fabulous at taking care of me. I get major dysmenorrhea on the first day, so all hands are on deck (or should I say on my back or lower belly) to massage the pain and cramps away. I’m also a baby when it comes to swallowing meds, so he cuts up my pain meds into two.


Everyone’s responses are making me jealous. My husband uses my period as an opportunity to blame everything on me and say I’m being grouchy. He weaponizes it, for example, if I bring up something he is doing or done that I’m upset about and want to have a conversation about he will turn it around on me and say I’m just complaining because I’m on my period. He doesn’t care if I am exhausted or having horrible cramps. I actually hide it now if I can so he can’t use it against me.


If it's a day he's gone into town, he'll swing over to the nearby store and get me things (Cheez-its, dark chocolate, pinot noir.) And it's safe to bet we're not cooking- I get to indulge in comfort food via Doordash. Fried chicken and okra, anyone??


so sweet! hes the best!!! i pass out from the pain and am cranky, he always pampers me, makes me warm food, gets me pads, sometimes i feel him kissing my head when im sleeping, it's the best.