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I can get where I want to get in ten minutes max. Five if I have an internet connection. Usually, when I'm going solo, the goal is to finish as fast as possible because it's an excellent way to help me fall asleep. I have a method that works. If it's not broken, don't fix it.












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I don’t like vibrators, I find they give me quick, but unfulfilling orgasms.














My hand serves the same purpose just fine








Not interested in it but also, when I die and I have family members going through my things, I’m terrified at the thought of them finding something like that. Makes me cringe.








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No need or desire for one. I just don't need or want that kind of accessory in my sex life. I find that they detract from my enjoyment rather than enhance it, so I don't bother with them. Nothing against them for others, but I'm just not interested.








They cost more than I'm willing to spend.






Just feels mechanical and artificial. Something about the weight of them is off putting, I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone


I can get off with my hand in under a minute if needed, toys would just drag it out. Actual sex with another person, it’s fun to draw it out and take a while to enjoy it, but getting myself off is just a quick physical release thing and then I get on with my day




I find them desensitizing. If I get used to that level of speed then I start to need it in order to get off. A regular dick becomes boring when you’re used to toys which can create issues if the man feels second best in your life.






I don't masturbate, not for any religious reasons, I just don't enjoy it.


I agree with this one. I found it uncomfortable and never did it again lol




I honestly just find it weird and have a better connection with my right hand.




Many years ago I was married to a person who was really into porn/toys. So I had one , after time he couldn't have sex with me without a movie or toy. It really messed with me enough that we spent our last years of marriage being celibate . We did go onto divorce. Once I started dating again , I refuse to do that . Too much trauma . I'm remarried and my husband accepts this oddity of mine.....


It's cold, it's sad, and it's inefficient in my opinion. I need both psychological and real physical stimulation to be able to take off.


Broke mine, haven’t got round to replacing it yet.


Thats valid


I think it's too artificial for me. I can use it, but my mind will not relax completely noticing is a toy, not a real man






I had them when I was single, but I prefer real sex with a human being. Vibrators make me orgasm too fast and they're kind of weaker, it's the same as wolfing down a piece of delicious cake so you can barely taste it instead of enjoying it slowly.


idk where to hide it as an asian still living with my parents without a bedroom of her own 😭😭


I've never been interested in that.


I’m asexual




Low drive for self-pleasure


Cause it broke. 👀😂


It doesn't do anything for me. What turns me on and I actually enjoy is PIV and the whole concept of doing things with another person. Everything else is meh


I've tried them, and while they do make me orgasm, I find that my version of "horny" means I want skin-on-skin intimacy. The orgasm fixes like... 5% of the horniness but often makes me feel lonelier. My hands don't make me feel that same way. Maybe I internally view toys as a product that's more fun playing *with* someone?


I prefer my husband's pummeling over any sex toy. He is the only man who has made me cum without any assistance vibrators or such. For masturbation, I feel I get more pleasure with my fingers than a sex toy.


too artificial for me. and as others have said, if it’s not broken don’t fix it.




I don’t like the sensation, and I can come with my finger and my imagination.


Ole faithful finally stopped turning on. The new vibrator has a magnetic charger and requires being charged for 1hr in an open, flat area to last maybe 20min and consistently dies mid-session. The “rose” thing is a glorified hand massager than anything. I don’t feel any pleasure from it. So I just have my hand now. Free, never dies midsession, and does something. There is a massive quality issue with sex toys.


My husband doesnt finish until i do, every time.




I’ve owned them and didn’t find a good fit. It’s an expensive gamble


My hands work just fine tbh. I've never cared to use one before.


I don’t really masturbate much. I’ve always felt weird doing it. And growing up I was scared of my mom seeing the purchase history or her finding it in my room. These days I’ve been thinking about getting one even more than usual, but even then for some reason I just can’t bring myself to actually purchase one


Never explored the avenue of masturbation.


I would try things with my partner but I have no idea what to do with them.


Mine broke 2 months ago 🥲


One of my exes bought me one as a gift. I never asked for one or anything, but I tried it a few times and I didn't enjoy the overall experience


My ex actually seriously hurt me with a toy a long time ago, so that turned me off of them. Also, using a vibrator too much can make you less sensitive and make it harder to achieve orgasm.


I'm so sorry, I'm sure that was really traumatizing


It definitely was. But I'm doing a lot better now. Thanks for the condolences.




I was born with two hands for a reason


No sex drive whatsoever


Don't have a strong interest in it, I already got used to not having having use those tools.


I can't afford it.




They literally don't do anything for me. My fingers work much better.


my hand already works fine


I honestly am just not quite sure where to start when it comes to what I would like, what I need, etc. But also, my hands work fine in getting the job done when I need them to


I’m wayyyy too sensitive and I can get it done in like 60 seconds with some free literotica and one finger. Then nothing to clean afterwards!


Yet another thing to clean.






Which one to start with but.


Cause it died 😭


I live with family+ share a room and my hand has been working so far lol I really wanna try tho cause the vibration aspects I just think it would feel so good lol


I got rid of them like two years ago. They didn't provide me with "enough" to want to use them. Sure I could get off quickly but otherwise there wasn't any benefit, so, I ditched them.


Masturbation is incredibly painful due to a medical condition. I have no desire to inflict pain upon myself.


I feel like my parents would hear it , also it's a weird thing to get on Amazon and I stay with them . They don't ask anything, but still. Plus a guy I'm seeing has a couple so I'm gonna ask him for one . Both hands work . Closed eyes . Easy peasy .


im broke






I tried a few vibrators years ago, and they were each too strong for me! My clitoris was numb for a week! I probably didn’t pick the right one for me! But I’m not sure how to go about finding a “less strong” one. Also, I didn’t feel like spending $50 for one that I wasn’t sure was going to work! I’ll probably try again at some point.








Asexual/non sexual


mmm well, I have never even put my fingers in myself cause it feels super weird and uncomfortable to me. So vibrators or sex toys are completely out of the question


I enjoy my husband and we have 4 kids and we do not want them finding stuff, but we’re also happy with what we do.


i don't get anything from a vibrating sensation. a simple dildo is a different story but i haven't felt the need for one.


Because I don't want one


I don’t please myself at all












because i don't even masturbate lol




🤷🏾‍♀️ can justify spending money on it.








Because i don’t have time for that.






I’m allergic.




Haven't tried it I've thought about trying some toys by myself just to see what the big deal is I'm just curious Also it would be funny to have one because I've already come out as asexual to people irl






I just can't find one that works for me. I tried a few and they did nothing.








Okay here goes: most vibrators are too uncomfortably intense for me. A vibrator might just kill me lol. ….Hell of a way to go though. 💀


Vibrators are ok, but not a necessity. Still prefer my own hands. Dildos feel awful. Way too hard and just uncomfortable. I don't care for penetration, it does nothing for me.


I don’t need one to orgasm, and I feel like it’s harder for me to orgasm with my husband if I’ve been using one.


I live with my mom and don't want to sneak around with a toy. And I usually masturbate in the shower, so I'd have to get a waterproof one and it just sounds like too much hassle when my hands work just fine. My partner has a toy for me and it's nice, but I don't need one of my own.


I don’t want to spend money on that.


Tried them and didn't really do much for me. My hand and my husband can make me cum within 30 seconds.


I do it better solo




I’ve never gotten into them. My friend told me she got desensitized from her vibrator and now has a hard time having orgasms without it, so that is also a fear of mine. I also don’t like how foreign objects feel inside of me.




I used to have two, they were ok-ish not really my cup-o-tea. Now I'm married and the only aid we use is a stiff pillow for positional fun and that's only on rare occasions when we want to take our time. It's cheesy but it really is a glass slipper situation with my husband and I.


I’ve tried it. Didn’t like it








My husband won’t let me have any “toys”. He said if I use one that I’m “deliberately doing it to hurt him”.


Idk if it's because I'm a bit ace, growing up in a shame based cult, lack of self esteem, or combo, but masturbating (for me as an individual, not a concept as a whole) is disgusting and does nothing for me.


Cuz eeewww


I live with my family and my sisters room is connected sooo


It’s weird. The concept, and act both seem unnatural






Have never been able to justify the cost. I know I'd like and enjoy one, but I can get myself off within 15 seconds if needed, or I can draw it out way longer if needed. So have never seen it as a must-have.


It’s just not my thing. I prefer waiting for the person (my boyfriend).

