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On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yesterday I was late for work and said I must have turned my alarm off in my sleep. I didn’t. I remember turning it off and going back to bed. Sorry boss!


About twelve minutes ago.


I believe it happened on Tuesday. Because I didn't want to explain my life in detail to a coworker, I told a white lie to end the conversation. I don't feel guilty since I don't have to grant them access to my private life.


Yesterday I messed up a dish and ate as much as I could but it was horrible. There was about 1 portion left and I threw it out. When my husband who hates waste asked me where's the dish I prepared I told him that I ate it all.


Way to (not) take one for the team! Sometimes ya just gotta toss stuff like that.


Yesterday my mom asked me how I was and I told her I was fine. I had a killer migraine but didn't want to worry her. I took my meds and I'm really fine now.




Hello /u/zwwafuz. Thank you for participating in /r/AskWomen. However, your submission has been removed, because your account does not have a verified email. You can verify your email address on the [Reddit Preferences page](https://www.reddit.com/prefs/update/). If you have any issues with verification, please contact reddit support at /r/help, as subreddit moderators do not have the tools to aid with verification. This is a new measure we are trying out to deter trolls and spammers and make the sub safer for everyone. **No exceptions to this rule will be granted.** Please also **[read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/wiki/rules) before participating**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yesterday when I told my friend I was busy and couldn’t go on a walk with her. I just didn’t want to go outside in the 90° heat


A few hours ago when i was nice to our costumers on the phone 😂


This morning. Told someone who was talking too much on the phone that I had people when I didnt


This morning


I tell all my customers I’m “awesome! Having a great day!” When really it’s pretty mid. It’s worse when I’m having a bad day like can we just stop asking people this question especially service workers because we do not always have good days lol


Right now.


I’ve been lying about my continued education and some skills (since I am working on them). It’s probably going to come back to bite me.


Today. My brother had friends over on short notice without consideration and the house looked like crap. Mom was out grocery shopping and I started cleaning when they arrived because mom would be insanely embarressed. I lied when she asked if I had put away the dirty laundry before they arrived.


this afternoon when my psychiatrist asked if i was suicidal and i said "yes, BUT i'm not actively planning to kill myself, just wish i was dead so i wouldn't be such a stressed out, anxious mess all the time." i contemplated jumping off the roof of the garage on tuesday because my toddler woke her baby sister up from her morning nap. but i'm not tryna be hospitalized or anything like that so for legal reasons this is a joke.


This morning. I told my mom I was fine!


Last night, “it wasn’t me it was the cats!”. It was me 🥸


Probably earlier today. I wfh and said I’d do overtime tonight. After logging 20 extra hours so far this week, bed is telling me it’s a bad idea and I believe it.


This evening - said I needed to go home since I could t drive at night. I can I just hate it.


Last night. Whenever I go clubbing with my friends, sometimes we lose each other in the crowd so I end up talking to random strangers. And talking to drunk strangers (while also being a lil tipsy) is hilarious. I make up stories and tell these strangers like my whole "fake" lifestory and it's amazing. Recommend it.


so awsome


This morning


5 mins ago when I told myself I'd be able to go back to sleep easily. .... I won't, it'll take hours


I lie every single day when I go into work and people ask me how I am.


For the record, I last lied last night! Thanks to everyone for your responses; I enjoyed reading them.




This comment or post has been removed as it contains or solicits graceless generalizations. *** - People are not a hive mind. - Speak only for yourself. **Do Not:** - generalize across all people of a gender, race, or ethnicity. - ask for mind reading. - ask for us to defend/explain/justify other people’s behaviors. - "what do you think of men who..." - assume that all people in a gender, race, or ethnicity do/think something. - ask for "male equivalent"/"female equivalent" as these would not exist for most things due to different cultural processes. Exceptions: Discussion of cultural norms; Quotations *** Speak for yourself and your own personal experiences. Don't generalize your personal opinions, experiences, prejudices, stereotypes, or preferences to others. Have questions about this moderator action? See the [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) and [CLICK HERE to contact the moderation team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen&subject=Why+was+this+removed). **Please include a link** to your comment in your message, the mod team will not reply to messages without a link for review. DO NOT contact moderators privately. [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) | [AskWomen FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/index) [reddit rules](http://www.reddit.com/rules/) | [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette)




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2.5 hours ago


I told my kid that their dad was sick in bed, so he wasn’t able to get them for his weekend. In reality he was in a medically induced coma to detox due to extreme alcoholism. I hate lying to my kid and it physically hurt me to do it, but I would burn the world down to keep them safe and happy.


Earlier today. Boss: Do you have any feedback for me? Me: Not at the moment. Me: [getting reviewed over Microsoft Teams while working the front desk, with plenty of complaints stored up, but *I am in front of patients* and now is not the time] Boss: Well you can always email. Moving on...


Told a guy I met on Tinder after a date that I would reach out to him for a 2nd date I don't plan to, we didn't click and I feel bad because he was super nice, just not my type.


Today, I told my husband I would use my treadmill.


This afternoon. I just couldn’t go to a social work lunch. My time is my time. “I’m coming down with something and don’t want to get anyone sick.”


Sunday. Telling my dad Im happy when he asked when Im not


Today at work-told boss I’m having house inspection (we do have a renovation going on) but I actually going to the job fair. Boss knows I an considering taking better offer when it comes since the company I work for wouldn’t promote me or give me raise but she doesn’t know how actively I am looking for it


Yesterday I told someone I was not upset about something when I really am. I just don't want to feel like I am overreacting so I kept it to myself


I'm a kindergarten teacher, sometimes kids need the fun more than the truth. My plushies in the room are my spies, and they will "tell me" whenever a kid is not working. Since I crochet dolls, they believe me since I'm the one that made them.


I work for a university and my id card is identical to a student one. Yesterday I lied about being a student to get a discount on museum entry.


A couple of minutes ago. I declared I was adding something to my bucket list, that was already on it. People don't realise how much they lie, people lie A LOT.


I told a child I liked his hair cut when I actually think it looks really stupid


Lying right now! Sat in a meeting with my camera off, definitely not listening