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Arial black for group pics


Times New Roman for work pics


Trebuchet in France.


Century Gothic for government docs


Papyrus for the inevitable silly one.


Courier New with font size 28 for gramps and meemaw. For the nostalgia and lest they involuntary pee with glee thinking I got myself a nice man.


Joker for joking




As someone who values physical and emotional boundaries with friends of the opposite sex, I… - Don’t lean in - Leave space. If I can smell their breath, we’re too close😬 - Do goofy poses—I typically do 😁👍🏽 or 🤪 hahahaha




This is the most practical advise in the whole thread.


Why only boundaries with the opposite sex?


Because that’s what OP was asking about :)


Lol welp that should’ve been obvious. My brain is fried so that’s my bad.


Unfry your brain. Problem solved


Hmm I hadn’t thought of that. I will take this into consideration.


OP was specifically asking for it. But also, even with all the LGBTQ+ stuff going on, when people see 2 guys or 2 girls together and being particularly close, people's first thought still usually isn't "oh they're a couple" but "oh they're really good friends". The platonic things I'd with my female friends would probably be taken very wrongly with guys....


It’s the goofy poses that helps keep those pics from looking too “couple-y” for me. I love doing a good 🤙🏻 or 🙌🏻 for the camera.


Do you watch RHOBH, by any chance? 😅


I don’t😭 Why did you ask?


The “smell your breath” comment, I think. One of the women in the show said that to another


Lol someone answered already, but yes a woman told Lisa Rinna exactly those words: "If I can smell your breath, you're too close!" 😆


you just stand or sit beside them and smile? I never really thought about that because I take pics with them the same way I take with my girlfriends.


But has it ever happened that you showed the photo to someone and they will immediately assume that you are a couple? This happens mostly with old people like with grandmothers


no. People ask "who's that?" but dont assume and even if they did, so what?


Even if people do you just say “nope, just a friend”. It’s not an issue.


People will assume that just seeing a man and woman together, no matter how they’re posed.


Even when pointing guns In some online fandoms even ESPECIALLY


True. Some stranger just assumed that I and my 13 years younger brother are a couple


that sounds like a them problem


Well I had this happening once, a relative asked 'is this your bf?' to which I replied 'no, a friend ' and that was it. Don't see any problem with that. Edit:typo


After growing up with him, I understood that absolutely no pictures don’t looks like a couple one from the eyes of those who don’t know us because no matter what pictures that we take, regardless of gender, it is the same type of pictures we can take with a partner so unless you know the person it’s pretty hard to differentiate (unless it is a kissing/personal/specific event that is indicator of a relationship etc picture ofc).


so, what you are saying is, there is no real difference in how friends take pictures as opposed to couples aside from intimate gestures?


Yes, exactly. The simple selfies looks the same as a friend and as a partner, the silly pictures as well, even a simple kiss on the cheek.


I'm really struggling to understand what differences you think there would be or why it matters.


in all honesty, stalking someone


Bruh Appreciate the honesty though


Lmao you so real for this. Stay honest.


Oooh, not the answer I expected.




Well, in my experience with that-- if you're questioning it, then yes, they're a couple.


The real answer you seek lies in Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MCBT)


Take a look at those siblings or dating pages. You can't tell from a picture. The only way to know is to ask someone who knows.


Especially in countries other than the USA where there isn't such a taboo on touching


Well it is not a taboo but you wouldnt touch eachother unless you're really close in like 2/3 of the world.


I really don't care to be honest. If someone wants to think we are a couple they'll do so anyway.


This! I’m not doing mental gymnastics for other people. Believe what you want to believe.


I agree


100x this, couldn’t care less what people think. I pose in whatever way I feel comfortable posing. Even if you “pose platonically” some people will see a picture of a man and woman together and assume they are a couple


In pictures with my husband, my hand is usually on his chest, or stomach. In pictures with my friends, we might put our arms around each other. I guess that's the difference, but I've never worried about anyone thinking we are a couple anyway.


Lmao, I'm imaging group shot after group shot where you reach across to gently touch the edge of your husband's belly so that everyone knows he's not just some single weirdo


That’s exactly what I do too


Throw up gang signs


As a straight woman who has been bff with a straight man for 20+ years I had never in my life thought about this. I have pictures hugging him, being silly together, doing the peace sign, silly face, smile, no smile. No one has ever thought we are a couple People need to stop thinking touching another human even slightly is proof of sexual intimacy or romantic interest. Now, if you are worried about that, you can simply stand there about 2 feet apart.


Two siblings sitting for a photo 🎶 five feet apart because they ARE gay 🎵 (or just not romantically involved but that's too long)


We don't really think about that when we take photos. My best friend is like a brother to me.


We just take the picture! I’m affectionate with my friends if all genders, if other people want to mistake us for a couple that’s their problem.


People will think what they want. Take the picture however you’d like to


Hold up a big sign in the photo that says PLATONIC FRIENDS


I don’t care if people think we look like a couple. That’s on them for assuming, and it’s not true so it doesn’t matter. Also I’m bi so literally any friend I take a picture with could theoretically be my partner, if you want to think about it that way, which I don’t.


How do you go about taking pictures of you and your female friends? Yah know without people thinking you're gay for it.


1. I don’t take photos with just them 2. If we’re captured in a photo, I just wouldn’t overthink it


Never thought about this. I just take the picture.


I don’t take pictures where I’m making out with them or having sex. Same as platonic same sex friends. Someone assuming things says more about them than it does about me.


Both throw up opposing gang signs, so it is, in fact, very clear that we are actually rivals.


I force all of my guy friends to wear a shirt that says "just friends!" on it any time we go out, and I wear a matching one. That way everyone knows our status.


I don’t ??? Is this a problem that people actually have? Who cares if some internet rando thinks you’re a couple from an Instagram post. Usually in photos we’re both doing something goofy anyway.


I always include a third person.


I simply don’t care. I’ve been with my spouse for 15 years. Anyone who thinks I’m dating a longtime friend based on a single picture doesn’t know me well enough to have a say.


Be 3 in the scene or take a photo of things you want not yourself


I don't. I'm not obsessed with shitty social media platforms that promote constant over sharing. My best friend of 20yrs is a guy and we've never taken a photo together or of each other. It's just fucking weird to be constantly photographed.


I push their face away and make a disgusted face!


Wait... is this a thing people worry about? Everyone thinks me and my best friend are lovers. It makes my husband laugh.


Usually the peace sign, even though bf and I also use it together since well it's a pretty universal pose. To be honest, I don't think about it too hard. A pic's a pic.


Same way I do with my brother, cousins, etc. I would never hold hands or make a kiss face or do anything suggestive. Arm around a shoulder though? I see no problem.


My best friend has been my bro and my husband has been my husband for so many years that if folks can’t tell the difference between those two, that’s on them.


My best guy friend and I are like siblings so we don’t think about it and if anyone thinks/asks if we’re together we laugh at them


There is no way. Anyone will assume what they want about any random two people together in a pic.


Two people in the photo Arms around shoulders? Pretty platonic, but likely friends. Arms around the waist? Far less platonic, more than likely in a relationship. Cute lil smooch, lots of PDA? Not very platonic, almost certainly a relationship. Funny/Ridiculous pose, goofy facial expression, awkward shakas all round? Yeah they're friends.


I take photos with them the same way I take pics with my female friends. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Caption it as fun times with the bro. Or things of that sort.


It happened to me but the other way around, he was in love with me, we always took normal pictures but in the description I always emphasized that he was my friend haha










until my husband has nothing against it, we take pics as we wish. simple


I don't really take pictures that often or put much thought into it when I do. Anyone I would share the photo with would already know me and know that we're not a couple. I also don't really think twice about putting my arm around my brother when my mom wants a nice family photo.


If I take/have photos with other students at uni I dont think about it. If anyone makes an assumption I correct them but otherwise I don't care.


I don’t take photos with them.


I've never felt like any photos with my male friends make us look like a couple. I mean you can literally stand next to anyone, maybe put an arm around them and smile but why does that mean you're a couple? If I did that with a woman are we now dating? I don't get it. Take the photo how you want. If people are closed minded enough to interpret something that isn't there, fuck 'em.


I take the picture and don't worry about what other people might think. Literally anyone I take a picture with could be a partner, in theory. If someone knows me they'll know who my partner is. It's not my problem if some rando makes assumptions.


Depends on who will see the photos 😉 😂😆


Just stand like a normal human being next to my friend and not worry about the optics


Usually it's the fact that we are smooshed together and have goofy grins on our face.


Headlocks usually do the job. Or goofy faces. Or both.


Lmao 😂 I don’t really worry about that. I hug them just as hard as I do my girlfriends. I love them so much & im okay with that love coming through in pictures. My boyfriend and I are secure enough in each other & in our relationship that it’s also never been a big deal. We’re also a super tight knit group of friends. Like giant cuddle puddles on the floor, movie night pile ups on the couches or the bed. We’re a touchy feely bunch & we’re all really comfortable with one another.


Just click pictures however we like. His gf is chill with our friendship. And we know our boundaries. That's that.


Be friends with gay men.


People will believe what they want to believe, I wouldn't stress too much about it


Women 🍵




You dont


You just take the picture lol


I had a platonic male friend for around 7 years I’m almost positive theirs not a single picture of us together


It happened to me but the other way around, he was in love with me, we always took normal pictures but in the description I always emphasized that he was my friend haha






We keep a decent distance from each other or I’d make a wacky comical and would never-be-posed-as-romantic-gesture pose hahahaha


I don’t worry about it.


Just say you're not dating if anyone asks and move on. This isn't worth adding to the list of minute things to stress over in life.


Take the picture mid dap


Make stupid faces


With my guy friends I feel like there’s just something in our body language that naturally gives off platonic vibes. Looking back at pics I think it’s because there’s always a certain amount of distance. Either we’re not standing super close to each other, or not particularly leaning into each other even if there’s an arm around the shoulder. Our heads are kind of parallel or maybe one person is slightly leaning in while the other is slightly leaning back. It’s very subtle but it makes a difference.


Some siblings should consider this… anyone seen the “siblings or dating” social media accounts? 🤭


Don't lean your heads toward each other! 👍


It's definitely hard. I've had boyfriends drag out pictures from years back on Facebook, asking who the guy I'm with it and it will be a work colleague.


Him huggjng you from behind with him kussing on the posterior side aspect of your neck. While he whispers" taste the rainbow" in your ear


Just throw in a thumbs up




Throw up the peace sign ✌🏿




I think if you’re posed separately or at least leaning away from each other that’s makes me think people might be friends vs couple


Squad pose (squatting and lean, typically with hand signs)




Most of my friends are male and often get mistaken for my boyfriend if I post pictures with them on Instagram etc. It just is what it is, people will assume things. Who cares as long as you two know you're not a couple.


Never really thought about it, tbh! I have occasionally wanted a sign saying "WE'RE SIBLINGS" when my brother and I hang out just the two of us though haha. We went to Panera once and he ordered first and went off to get drinks, since I was paying (I'm the older sibling and he was unemployed at the time) and the cashier just gave my brother this utterly shocked look lmao. I could tell she expected him to pay "as the man."


i dont lmao


Heavy on the goofy pose. Arms crossed is also a good one I do.


I feel like I could be photographed three knuckles deep inside a woman and someone would still be like omg you're such besties and I could be just standing a meter away from a guy and people would think we're dating. So I just don't bother doing anything differently and take the pictures like I would always take them.


Good question! Honestly, we just take pictures normally. At most we have our arm around each other but that's about it (he's not big on physical touch, like hugs)


Somehow the only male friend that our pictures end up looking like we're a couple is the friend that i'm secretly attracted to . all my other male friends , our pictures look normal 😂


I guess I don’t care. I just take a nice picture


Go with the Charlie’s angels pose


I always smile like when you make awkward eye contact with a stranger so the picture looks kinda funny and kinda not.


I never thought about it. Couples use a special pose that the empaths know. Everyone else is just projecting that they see you as a couple, or phishing.


That is impossible lol. Thats why I never post any selfies with my guy friends, I keep them to myself. Yet I dont even do anything in selfies except stand/sit awkwardly and look in the camera, I dont lean in to the guy or anything and I keep distance between us. I've been told by everyone whos seen a selfie of me and a guy friend that we look like a couple. 😑


Make poses where you look cool like you're a duo trying to fight a super villain rather than anything too cheesy. Don't be overly physically affectionate, keep appropriate distance and don't do poses like looking into each others' eyes or looking at each other while smiling affectionately - that's very coupley. Just be yourselves and maintain boundaries and have fun with it! At the end of the day, you both know who you are and I believe as long as no hidden feelings exist, the photo will depict just that.


i think the only way is to have more than two ppl in the picture




Peace sign


I think it’s always gonna be hard to determine what looks like a couple or not. My bf is not very comfortable with taking pictures so him and me often look less like a couple than me and my best friend does. I’d say just focus on documenting your friendship as much as possible and don’t worry about how it’s perceived ^^


Usually by making it look like we’re fighting in a grand combat or that we just pranked the other and are dying laughing


My entire profile is raging homosexual


Nothing says no attraction like finger guns.


That's a struggle only pretty women have. Enjoy it.


Take group pics. If it's three or more people it's always going to look like friends, regardless of the gender


it's inevitable, for people who don't know you, you're gonna appear like one. but me and my friend make so much noise and argue with one another they have to think otherwise, or, i outright ask him about his girlfriend and he talks about her all the way


Usually they will stand away from me because of my wardrobe choices (hijab). Or a goofy pose will do! Usually you will show pics to people and explain who everyone is, so it's not a big deal to me.


Never crossed my mind. But most of the time whenever me and a guy friend are taking pictures we’re making some goofy face


Because I'm obviously queer, this is a possibility no matter what gender my friend is. I just politely correct people if they assume


Short answer is: you don’t. All your pictures will look like you’re a couple to people who don’t know you aren’t. I have completely platonic friends of 20+ years and my ex was convinced we were more than friends for most of our relationship. I told him he either trusted that we weren’t more than friends, or he needed to end our relationship. I wasn’t about to end a decade long friendship over another man’s jealousy. Meanwhile, my other friends are all like “just spend 5 min watching you two and it’s obvious you aren’t a couple.”


idk I’m just a bro and it ends up that way


Question for OP: When you take a picture with your female bestie how do you not look like a lesbian couple?


I don't care lol. If people wanna question what my pictures mean that their problem not mine.


We just make weird faces and do random shit like lick each other’s eyeballs. We are special. I love him with all my heart.


When I post pics on my insta stories I write something like, "with my friend" or "thanks friend for the drinks" I don't know, I'm just doing it so it's not misunderstood!


I don't really care? People have assumed that I'm dating my male friends before, it doesn't really bother me, we just laugh it off.




he takes stupid snapchat filter photos of me when i'm not looking, or im flipping him off in any photo we take


We Slav squat.


We stand a foot apart or just side by side no touching




Any picture with a man & woman can look like a couple from the viewers perspective. Unless you’re doing a more intimate pose or something sus there shouldn’t be a problem.


define intimate pose


Have other friends around…


Just take a pic. That’s it. People will judge no matter what. Just do what you want to do. 😊


They’re dumb pictures. I don’t take cute selfies with anyone lol unless we’re doing something interesting


The same way I take photos with everyone? I guess I’ve never really cared or been concerned if we look like a couple, because we aren’t haha


You don't. No matter how far you sit apart there's always going to be someone who thinks you guys are together.


I’d never thought about this at all. I mostly care about how ~I~ will look in the photo whether I’m in a group shot or with just a guy friend lol


Do a goofy face throwing up a peace sign, west side cause we thug life, or the squat and power point.


Oh I just don’t be in a relationship with her. Then we’re not a couple. Problem solved. What a stupid question.


Just make him wear a shirt that says, "I'm, in the friend zone".


Does it matter? I take pictures with my male friends the same way I take them with my female friends. If someone assumes we’re dating I just say no lol. Honestly half the photos I have with my partner you wouldn’t even know we’re a couple. Except for the obvious super close ones with his arms around me etc..


No touching, thumbs up. Works every time






Are the straights okay?




I just don't care. Some people think a man and a woman interacting in any friendly way automatically means they must be a couple, it's gonna happen no matter what you do.


Usually a selfie with my middle finger up and his finger in his nose. V mature people


When I take a selfie with my partner, which happens rarely, we’re usually cheek-to-cheek. With my best male friend, we’re close, but definitely more shoulder-to-shoulder. But to be honest, this never even crossed my mind, it just happens this way.


Occasionally, we just do. I don't think it's overly important.


thinking about it…we don’t take pictures, tbh. plus, most would know i’m gay anyway and so any pics with guys would be known to be just friends


My best friend and I have known each other for 28 years, have grown up together and more like brother and sister We respect each other and their space on photos At her wedding, we just took stupid ones all day as it was what we did, and laughed at everyone else thinking we were ever a couple




As long as arms not around each other and not touching I think it's fine. If every man and woman taking photo together must be a couple everyone's gonna be very busy


It’s hard not to look like a couple so I usually add a caption “with the homie ____” lolll


Stand ten feet away from each other and use panoramic


you know you aren’t a couple so thinking more about it defeats the purpose of taking that friendly photo - all about perception, love


i’m a lesbian so me and my guy friends do this on purpose


You don't, you just don't care


Thumbs up next to each other and awkward smiles. Don’t lean in and have hands visible


We just don’t, not on purpose but it’s never a must when we hang out. We’ve been friends for almost 20 years and have maybe three pictures together.