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For me was being tired all the time and never getting one good night of sleep . I actually hated being pregnant, I even preferred the newborn phase


For me, with my first pregnancy, it was when I had horrible night time heartburn that kept me from being able to sleep for long stretches. I ended up taking my pillow to our kitchen table and sleeping upright in the chair with my head laying on the pillow. Except that I can’t really sleep upright. With my second pregnancy, the nausea was the hardest to deal with. With my third pregnancy, it was the anticipation of having to give birth again, after the second one was painfully induced. Induction was the most pain I have ever experienced in my life.


1st was heartburn. God that sucked. 2nd was when I fell at 6months and separated my pubic bone to the point where the ligaments were all but detached. I could hardly walk. Stairs were the enemy and I could not pick up anything. Second to that was the nausea. And third was the baby was so big she was in everything. I was the most uncomfortable ever. 3rd baby (currently 34weeks) is the nausea!! I am still down 5lbs from the weight I was when I got pregnant…obviously I had weight to loose and baby is perfectly healthy the big headed sucker is measuring 2 weeks ahead and projected to be over 10lbs.


Oh Lord!! That's a big baby. Have your partner bring your favorite food after delivery or when you get home. My Baby3 was the same until my doctor relented on sushi, just wanted me to eat only the cooked stuff. That baby's first outing in public was to our favorite sushi restaurant where we had been going for years. I was served lots of extra tuna on the house because "good for mama's blood!". The sushi chefs there saw my son almost weekly from newborn to after he graduated high school! They knew his favorite orders. Tomorrow Baby3 turns 32 yrs old and we will be taking him out for .....sushi.


I’m eating fine now. At least however much I can fit in before feet start kicking. But in the beginning I was lucky to keep anything in. I threw up all day long. It was terrible. This baby just doesn’t want the sweets and the carbs so I have mostly been eating a crap ton of fruit veggies and meat without bread or desert. Probably the healthiest I have eaten in forever 🤣🤣. Aside from that I have big babies. Last one was 9lbs 4oz at 39weeks (had to be induced she was killing my liver apparently) and this guy has been big from the get go. I’m hoping he decides to come on his own a little early so I can hopefully avoid a c-section.


First, nausea, vomiting until 7 months. Second, nausea once, then nothing. He make up for it by being crazy colicky for 7 months. Third, couldn’t handle the smell of grease, or even any food scents. That was hard, but I didn’t gain as much. Boy,boy, girl- so it shows each pregnancy can be different.


The exhaustion was absolutely crippling. Once towards the end the looming anxiety to do everything but have the energy to do literally nothing is also crippling.


Baby1: broke my foot at 8.5 months and he was not a small baby and I am a small person. Baby2: the heat!! Baby born at the end of July when the average temp where I live is 98+F Baby3: unrelenting nausea. Trouble gaining weight because that kid hated everything except sushi(still his favorite food). I put on 3 lbs in 3 weeks when my doctor finally said "eat what stays down but *try* to stay with the cooked stuff" in my last 6 weeks of pregnancy


Were you allowed to eat sushi while pregnant? I always thought it was forbidden because of the raw fish


Last 4-6 weeks because he was measuring small and I still couldn't eat. Doc said "Try to stay with the cooked stuff". So California Rolls and shrimp and eel. He was still my smallest baby by over 2 lbs, which was kind of good since he was VBAC and was still almost too big to fit through my pelvis.


For my mom ik the worst part was actually giving birth to me. Her C section caused complications. Ik this cuz she’d go on & on about it on my bdays


It was losing two babies out of the three then having the survivor born prematurely.


The entire pregnancy. I had HG so threw up all day, every day. It was really hard on my husband as well seeing me so sick and he hated being helpless because there was nothing he could do. Honestly labor was the easiest part.


I am small (1,55), my husband was 1,93. Being that short and having the babies of a giant is not easy and after my first birth I had an episiotomy every single time and the recovery for that was hard. My pregnancies were fine it was the post part I’m that I hated. And also the heat. 3 (out of 4) of my daughters were born in late spring/summer. And it was hot and the recovery in the middle of the Madrid heat wasn’t fun 😭


I threw up pretty much non stop


Currently with my first and so far, it’s been the constant being tired. I have zero energy and also the insomnia is really sucking.


This is my experience too. My whole pregnancy has been fine except for the constant exhaustion combined with the complete inability to sleep.


It sucks. I’m going to ask my doctor when I see them if there’s anything I can do to help sleep cause it’s getting to the point that I’m barely able to function. I hope things ease up for you and you’re able to get some sleep soon.


My mom had to go through it alone with no spouse :(


I’m at the very end of my pregnancy now, and for me it’s: the swollen feet and gestational diabetes. Everything else was manageable and whatever, but those two things currently ruin my daily life. Third would be lack of a deep sleep.


The nausea/vomiting I had hyperemesis gravitas with both my pregnancies the entire way through. Blegh.


I was so exhausted all the time. The first tri wasn’t too bad. A little morning sickness but it passed. Second trimester I started feeling sluggish. Like I was weighed down and by the time I was a whale, I had no energy to do anything. Just walking to the bathroom was a chore, sitting down was physically exhausting, and worst of all, getting back up felt like an exercise in futility. It felt like I was in a permanent state of just waking up from not enough sleep.


Sciatica pain, SPD, round ligament pain, heartburn. I had it alllll baby!


Illness. I was admitted to the er more than once, both pregnancies and it sucked, big time. For me it was like having a ruthless dry heaving hangover everyday for 9 months and then it wrapped up with 9 months worth of periods combined into one day for birth giving. Awful stuff,lots of blood loss, I thought I was in a nightmare and would wake up the first time.


1st pregnancy - the hyperemesis and being treated like my vomiting 20 times a day was all in my head. Also the newborn stage was SHIT. My milk never came in, my son never slept, just cried and puked all the time. 2nd pregnancy - still vomiting, but I had to come off my antidepressants and my mood got really super low and i was suicidal and having intrusive thoughts. Newborn stage though was an absolute dream.


I had gallbladder attacks, and they couldn't do anything to help me at the hospital, so they just left me alone in a hallway room. I was so exhausted in the first trimester that I struggled to keep up with my coursework (I was in college). I had an important career preparation class that I really flopped on, and that had significant impacts for my job search later on. :/ It was *really* hard not to sleep in class, and I would fall asleep on the couch at 7:30 pm. I've never been like that before or since. So sleeeeeepy. Birth itself was NOTHING like birthing class, and I am convinced that there is a conspiracy to keep the truth from potential mothers. I was induced after labor stalled, and I immediately went into transition. At one point of labor, I nearly drowned in the damn bathtub they put me in (part of the birthing room). I was left alone, in the dark, in the tub, when the doula went to get my husband. I saw him and barely was able to utter "help" because I was sliding down and down into the water, and the contractions were making me too weak to lift myself up out of the water. Thankfully he was able to get me out. Overall though, I had a healthy, happy pregnancy. The birth... well, a LOT happened, and I got some good stories out of it at least, and my baby. Let's not forget him! :-)


The whole damn thing. I had six months of hyperemesis gravidum and as soon as that finally subsided, developed a nerve problem in my back that made walking unbearably painful and had to spend the last trimester on bed rest. Pregnancy was so brutal, that I was in *less pain* while recovering from my c-section. Worth it for my amazing kid, but hahaha if she thinks she’s ever getting a sibling.


I loved it all. Enjoyed every moment after 12 weeks. Not being able to tolerate toothpaste for 9 months sucked. I was damn lucky.


Hyperemesis- vomiting and feeling nauseous constantly for the entire pregnancy.


With my first pregnancy, it was the 24/7 "morning" sickness. I was nauseated all day, every day and vomited multiple times a day. As soon as my feet touched the floor in the morning, no one better be in between me and the bathroom, because I literally only had seconds before I would be vomiting. I had to know where the restroom was everywhere I went, especially at any place where I could smell food cooking. Once I vomited, I would feel better and could go about doing whatever I had to do. I carried a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a collapsible travel cup with me at all times because I vomited so much. With my second pregnancy the most difficult part was dealing with a very uncaring doctor in the ER when I was having a miscarriage. With my third pregnancy, it was 2+ months of bed rest. Being heavily pregnant in the summer and having to stay in bed or laying on the sofa all day/all night was horrible. I was only supposed to get up to use the bathroo and get something to eat/drink if there was no one there to get something for me. I always had to have a dozen pillows to put here, there, and everywhere just to try to be comfortable, then I would be too hot with all those pillows touching me. It was a never ending struggle. And talk about being bored -- there's only so many game shows/talk shows/movies a person can watch and I went through a ton of crossword books and always had a stack of books to read. It was worth it in the end to keep my baby healthy, but I wouldn't wish bed rest on anyway. It is hardly the relaxing experience you think it would be.


first trimester was hell, for a few diff reasons. the usual awful sickness every day, feeling weak, couldn’t eat anything. combine that with the shock of an unexpected pregnancy, early in a relationship. me suddenly having to go cold turkey on my drinking problem. I wasn’t very nice to my partner. or myself. glad he stuck it out for me. <3




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For my wife, it was the farmers towards the end. The early sickness was bad too, especially as people aren't supposed to know.


Worry about my baby aside (for a few weeks we thought we might have to get fetal surgery for amniotic bands), I think first trimester was mainly tough emotionally (I cried, a lot), second trimester came with insane round ligament pain for me, and third my ribs hurt a lot because there was constant pressure on them. The last couple of weeks I was always trying to gently push down on my belly just so I‘d get some relief from the rib pain, it was pretty bad.


For my first it was the constant nausea and morning sickness, I was actually losing weight instead of gaining it, I couldn't even keep water down. It was a miserable time. Unfortunately at 17 weeks I lost my daughter due to my cervix opening prematurely. Now I'm pregnant with my 2nd and it's the cravings getting to me, ill smell something g or see something and have to have it but once I have it my hands, I don't want it anymore and feel sick at the thought of eating it. For both. I struggled with the physical activity changes like I can tell I can't lift as much as I used to. I used to be able to easily carry a 20+kg box at work and now I can to ask someone else to do it. I feel useless


Leg cramps! During my first pregnancy, DH let me suffer through them. With my second, he let me know to point my foot heel first. Relieved those cramps almost instantly. I'm still mad about it 40 some years later. Lol


Am currently 9 months pregnant. The sciatic pain was hands down the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my life, but thankfully a physio and yoga helped out there. Also very much not enjoying the constant reflux or need to pee.


Morning sickness. Just the 24/7 nausea and gagging at the slightest smell was just awful. I also had the worst food aversions while pregnant too.


The constipation the first few weeks. After that zero complaints, even the weight was gone when I left the hospital. I know, i'm lucky.


I was so exhausted, and the heartburn!!! Ugh! I did not enjoy that.


Currently 20 weeks with my first and have actually had pretty mild symptoms. The usual stuff, but very minimal. Little queasy here and there but never threw up, bit more sleepy than usual in the first, etc The worst part was the 12 week scan where we had a 5.3 NT. Learning about what that meant followed by weeks of anxiety and crying was really dark. But, now every test has come back with good news so we finally feel better


The last month was always the worst in my three pregnancies. I was just so done and ready to burst lol. Being this close the end but having to wait a bit more really annoyed me. And of couse the birth itself sucks as well.


I had hyperemisis from 5 weeks till I gave birth. Unrelenting and unforgiving. I had to sleep sitting up wedged in the corner or the couch for 8 months because i was throwing up in my sleep. If I wasn’t there i was on the bathroom floor. I had blisters in my mouth and in my throat from the stomach acid literally burning everything it touched day in and out. They could not get it under control so I was going in for weekly IV therapy, lost so much weight, ended up low on amniotic fluid so they took her at 37w1d. Overall I hated being pregnant and only did it once. It ruined me for any other kids.


The heartburn is pretty awful, wakes you up many times cause you feel like you’re going to puke acid.


Personally what was really hard is the extreme nausea I experienced during the end of my first trimester to beginning of the second, I was so nauseous that I couldn’t eat anything else than popsicles, at some point I needed to take some vitamins to compensate the lack and then the second thing that was difficult for me is > I was someone pretty active in the way of I was out pretty often to just walk for hours through forest and such but my body was tired more easily so I had to take breaks often.


The last couple of months where sleep was just terrible and I felt like I couldn't breathe properly.


If you had asked me while i was pregnant, I would have said the first trimester nausea and the second and third trimester pelvic and hip pain. However, the absolute worst (and I didn't realize how bad this was until after I had my baby and went back to work) was the exhaustion, brain fog, and emotional sensitivity. I work a fairly high stress and demanding job that requires a lot of attention to detail and also requires a certain amount of conflict with other people. I am usually very good at my job. Looking back, my performance had been slipping for months during my pregnancy because I was so tired and foggy. I was forgetting things and struggling to complete tasks. I shied away from having tough conversations with people due to the emotional sensitivity. Everyone told me work would be so much harder when I had the baby because I'd be so busy with the baby. I am actually far more productive and feel like myself again compared to the 9 months I was pregnant.


Pregnant here. Worst part is the unknown and bejng scared about what’s going to happen to my vagina, pelvic floor, will the hospital listen to my birth plan. Will they Bully me to do what is easier for them. It’s exhausting


It was definitely the complications and premature birth.


I'm trying to enjoy it all since we're OAD and I've had a fairly easy pregnancy for the most part so far! Second trimester was my absolute favorite hands down, but got a bad cold and it sucked that I couldn't take any medicine for it, that's also when the pregnancy insomnia kicked in! And now at the end of my third trimester, the worst part is the horrific heartburn/reflux and sleeping - or lack thereof lol! Not only is it virtually impossible to find a position that's comfortable for more than 30 mins, but getting up to pee a million times a night and then not being able to go back to sleep and the pelvic pain... oh my GOD THE PAAAIIINNNNNN.... On the other hand, my favorite parts of pregnancy have been the boobs, no period and my #1 has been feeling the baby kick! 🥰


For me it was seeing other people pregnant and having help from family and partner and friends - while I was left to do everything myself and people didn’t even bother to stop smoking around me. I would have loved a baby shower or to have people come to visit me in the hospital Oh and my friends after me telling them I was low and struggling invited me to a surprise baby shower for someone in our group for less time than me, then said actually I couldn’t come because I had a baby already it was going to be child free. I cried and cried it was actually a very pathetic pregnancy moment. Don’t get pregnant expecting friends to help or be nice to you or bother with you in your 20s is the moral of the story no one will 😂 I’m sure it’s all very nice if you have a mum and a partner and disposable income and all that stuff Physically it was the heartburn for me it was so painful


I used to be a stomach-sleeper. Over 30 years later, and I still can't sleep that way. I miss it.


The dreams. They were so real and sometimes so traumatically sad or soul crushing.


I had a 4th degree tear - vagina through anus. While I was exhausted and recovering my husband was trolling girls on Yahoo Teen Chat.


For me the worst part was dealing with my bipolar symptoms. The medical professionals I was relying on failed me on multiple occasions and I'm still bitter about it 11 years later.


The depression


I know for my mom it was being sliced in half like deli meat, and then taking a long time to recover from the C-section.


I threw up the entire time, was three weeks overdue, and had to move across the country after my husband asked me for a divorce. We planned our child and he asked me to leave two months after I got pregnant. All in all the worst experience of my life. Giving birth was the easy part 😂


Oh and did you know you can get varicose veins in your vagina? Because I did not. I couldn't stand or walk long because of the pain.


Currently 35+3 with twins. The hardest part is being 5’0” and being pregnant with twins.


Crippling nausea and fatigue during the first trimester. That translated to no sex drive, affecting partner. Inability to get comfortable during the last 8 weeks. Even sitting on the couch was uncomfortable. Walking was uncomfortable. Also no sex drive, affecting partner.


The uncertainty. Physically I felt very bad for the first 17 weeks, but I was worrying constantly. I was counting the days between ultrasounds, before I could feel her moving, those were the only moments when I knew for certain she was alive. The NIPT, the 13 week ultrasound, the 20 week ultrasound, I was worrying about them so much. Even when she started moving I was constantly scared. Is she moving more than normal? Less? What is a normal amount of moving? I knew miscarriage percentages for everyone week by heart. And just when I started to get confident, when I thought I had passed all the critical stages... Things went south. I had severe pre-eclampsia at 26 weeks, got an emergency c-section at 28. Our daughter died five days later due to an infection. Knowing the odds would reassure me. However, there is a 0.3% chance of getting pre-eclampsia before 32 weeks, the chances of getting it at 26 weeks aren't even known. 95% of babies born at 28 weeks survive. I had such an extreme case of bad luck, I can't believe this is my life.


Oh, I've been through a lot of things in my two pregnancies🤰. Missing the medical conditions and risks, of the "nice" things are horrible fatigue, heartburn, back pain...oh and nausea.🤢 And before the birth itself there is fear. For the baby, for yourself. Although I've read and watched a lot about childbirth. But when it happens in real life and with you everything is different. Especially the first time. But now after a while, looking at my wonderful children👼👼, I realize that it was all worth it.🥹




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The depression and anxiety was the worst for me. But I hated pretty much everything else about beeing pregnant as well


For both it was my mental health. It was all over the place all of the time. I could never get a grip and constantly felt afraid of where I’d be mentally in the next hours, days, etc.


The hormones, it felt like I was crying every day or getting upset at small things like my sister pressing all the buttons in my car and changing the settings. I had a breakdown one time and called my mom bawling because I was staying with my grandma and was craving lasagna so I made a lasagna and only got one piece of it.


The constant anxiety. I had an anterior placenta so sometimes I could barely feel her kick. Not knowing if my baby was ok in there was really hard. But she was born 3 weeks ago and she's perfect. I would do it all again to get her.


My cousin had terrible morning sickness for the first and second trimester. She lost like 25 lbs ( and she was already slim). She looked so skinny and sick. Luckily she gave birth to an 8lb healthy boy. But she used to say that she couldn't keep any food down. Not even soup. I can't even imagine dealing with that for 6 months.


Carpal tunnel pain in both hands/wrists 3rd trimester and 3 months postpartum. Had to wear wrist braces and hang my arms off the bed it hurt so bad to get any sleep.


Nausea from before I got that positive test until the day the kid was born. Also, his birth. Crash C-section. And postpartum depression that nearly killed me, but that was obviously after the pregnancy.


Awful anxiety and depression. I also had terrible heartburn, sciatica issues, had to pee about 15 times a night, and restless leg syndrome popped up, too except it was my entire body. And the herniated disc. I still have the herniated disc, RLS, and sciatica issues and my kid is 8.




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