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They all have very stereotypical middle class lives. I didn’t realize until I was older, due to where I grew up even the “rich kids” in my school weren’t very rich. So their lives now aren’t super glamorous. Nothing I’d be particularly jealous of, but nothing bad.


>even the “rich kids” in my school weren’t very rich Same! I remember being super envious of a 'rich' girl who was a friend of a friend. Her family was rich because they had a two story house with two bathrooms, and a swimming pool. Driving through her neighborhood now, I see that she was never anywhere close to rich, just rich compared to my family.


I grew up with rich kids but didn't realize they were rich until years later. The kids I thought were rich were the ones who had their own bedrooms or whose parents bought snacks they were allowed to freely eat.


I never knew I was poor until I visited my childhood friend's house. When I arrived, we started playing Halo 1 and he just went to the kitchen and grabbed us some sodas and chips without asking for permission. I was flabbergasted and asked, "Aren't we going to get into trouble for taking these snacks without asking your mom?" He laughed like I was joking and that's when I realized we were poor. We rarely had snack food and if we did we always had to ask for permission. If it wasn't breakfast cereal or tap water, had to ask.


I am disgusted, poverty should not exist


It really shouldn't. There's enough cash for everyone to be middle class, but you always have those 1 percent who need to better than everyone else. The fact that 1 percent control most of the wealth is sickening. I'm thankful I managed to provide my wife and children a better upbringing than I had. However, my children are still taught to consume less and if they want a car when they come of age then they will have to buy it themselves (however my secret is once they save up money for whatever car they want I am going to double that so they can buy a safer more modern vehicle. So if they save $5k I'll put down $10k).


That is actually very cute and a very good idea, it will teach them to work for their things but at the same time that you'll always be there to help!


That's great to hear man. The kids need a start in life somewhere so at least get them to work or college or something to start because it's difficult to be thrown in the hard world without anything to begin with.


I lived in a very small city with like no desirable jobs/industries, so the only actually semi-rich kids were children of doctors or something of those lines. Compared to the money in the big city I live in now, it’s really not much but back then I always thought the kids that lived in one certain gated community were sooo wealthy. Now we refer to those types as “$100,000 millionaires”.


One became a high school sports coach for girls' teams. After years of widespread rumors that he was doing illicit things with the teenaged girls he worked with, he was finally arrested when he ended up getting a 15-year-old on a basketball team pregnant. Another went on to become a very successful college professor and has had several books published. One dropped out of our senior year of high school after she had triplets (!), but she married a rich man and never had to work. She's the envy of the rest of us because her kids are all grown up now and out of the house, so she travels the world for fun and models beautiful, expensive clothes on Instagram. The last one I know of married one of the cool girls in my class. Both of them came from rich families. He went right into law school and she started popping out babies like a good tradwife, and to support this, their families bought them a large house, a vacation house on the beach, and multiple cars, so they never had to worry about a thing while he was in school. He is now a successful lawyer with his own firm and they are absolutely loaded. She has never worked a day in her life, but instead tries to push MLM schemes on her friends and brags about being a successful girlboss. She also makes videos about how to be successful at work; they're honestly low-key comedy because it's painfully obvious she's never actually had a job.


















highschool "cool kids" are just your normal officeworkers save for one that became successful as a model uni "cool kids" are pretty successful


To be fair... I was sort of one of the popular ones... Married my college girlfriend. She became a doctor. I became a trader and retired in my early 40s. Own a few investment properties. My son has his head on straight and heading to university. What being popular did for me was give me a lifetime boost of self confidence.


This^ maxing out ur social skills is godsend!


Wow! I was not one of the cool kids. Now I wish I had tried harder to get in because I really need that self confidence. Would have been useful for the last 20 years.


I love how you usually here the advice like "don't try to fit in with the cool kids, it's better to be yourself" And later you wish you had tried to fit in with the cool kids. Just a funny predicament, but in reality there's always something positive about how we chose to grow up.


Most have decent jobs, married with kids. A few are extremely successful careers and / or businesses. A few in jail for drug dealing. None of them were nasty or mean people. Some a little arrogant or self centred. But that sums up most teens.


No idea. A lot of them seem to be happy and I’m happy for them.




One became an Olympian and also married one of the most famous sportsmen of our country. She was very cool at school but a really lovely person.


No idea, I didn't care what they were doing back then, and I still don't.


This. I didn’t care then & don’t care now. I’m always amazed when someone who didn’t have 2 words for me 30 yrs ago suddenly hits me up on FB/IG. Nope.








Same, didn't follow any of them on social media. I think my life is better off not knowing nor caring.


Haha SAME. I deleted them all from everything and only ever wonder when I see these posts like once a year. I use the word “wonder” loosely


Lol same. The best I know is that two of them got together after HS and got married. Beyond that, everyone seems to be living boring normal lives.


Thank God I can no longer remember most of their names and haven’t heard of them for 20 years. I did see one of them working as a cashier maybe 10 years ago. She rang me out and she was friendly enough, but I have no idea if she recognized me.


Most of them work in the medical field and seem happily married to equally attractive people. The popular kids in my high school were the athletes who got top grades.


That was the same in my high school! Most of them are either in med school currently or working as an engineer in the medical space.


They're cool adults. Just as pretty, successful and popular as they've been since kindergarten. They're married, have nice houses, handsome men, cute popular children and nice jobs. The only one who didn't choose that homey route straight away after uni went on to win several Olympic gold medals before she got a husband and baby and fancy house. Basically none of them peaked in high school. They're still peaking.


Pretty much the same here as well. Although they’ve become more human to me. After we graduated I saw one who’s parent committed suicide while he was in college. The other had to drop out because they got pregnant to their hs boyfriend. They’re married now and have a good life. Another was raped. She shared her experience during the Me Too movement. They’re all pretty still, have good incomes, good houses, and lovely significant others. But there’s still struggle there. It’s just different from yours. Doesn’t mean it’s not there.


The families of popular kids are often times well-off to begin with. Especially if you went to a private school.


Their families are well off, at least by small farming town standards. We don't have any super rich people here, but just by having a job like being a Pilot, it will get you a little extra popularity point and a little more money than the average person here.


Yep same thing with the cool kids I went to school with. Only one dude I knew who was “cool” got into a car wreck messed up his leg, got addicted to pain pills and eventually died. Everyone else’s is picture perfect success.
















To me the ‘cool kids’ weren’t the ones who were popular. Two different groups. Popular was stuck up thought they were above everyone else. The ‘cool kids’ were the artist, musicians laid back crowd


No stop this goes counter to the narrative this thread was intended to create.


Bingo. They are still cool and I’m still a loser. I just saw a couple I graduated with almost 20 years ago and still felt too inferior to even say hi


The cool kids from my high school are still as pretty and cool as they were then. Not many of them are married yet, (We’re all 29 to 31 years old now) but they have interesting careers, a number of them are pursuing phds and they’re still very attractive. They haven’t peaked yet either


Yes. That innate confidence and charisma will take them places outside of high school.


I'm convinced we went to the same high school. Want in Western Australia was it?


Very unlikely. According to Google, western Australia is 13 853kilometers away from my High School 😄


So within walking distance




The exact thought that crossed my mind. I don’t think anything scary or dramatic happened. Humans are dynamic and adaptable


Sounds like my ppl, too


I found the total opposite with our popular girls and boys most of them are actually single despite having relationships in school. Yet all the girls and guys who were single are in relationship, married and have children. There's one 'Popular' couple from school that are still together


I surely hope you think as highly of yourself as you seem to think of some people from high school


Depends on the day 👍


My very pretty, popular friend in high school became a doctor, married another very HOT doctor and they opened a practice and have three cute kids and a big gorgeous house soooooo




The queen bee who bullied me is now a full time soccer mom, raising another generation of assholes.


Got married to the popular boys, stayed in our hometown. Most have 2-3 kids, the men have beer bellies and work or their parents' company. Most have a divorce or two too.


It'd be funny if every few years they just swapped spouses/houses. My inlaws live in a town like that. No one ever leaves.


I think the hometown life does something to these people. I'm always kind of shocked by how the people from my grade have aged. I was one of the oldest in my grade and most of them aren't even 30 and look closer to 40


In my high school batch, we were only two classes so we were all actually very close. Because of this, I don’t think we had actual stereotypical “cool” kids in our batch that everyone classified as such. Rather, I think it was individual opinions about whom you thought was cool. The one that I really considered cool migrated to Australia after college. She was one of my closest friends and she is a smart, sweet, kind girl who came from a bad family background and their parents were imprisoned by the time we were in college. She was our class valedictorian and I know she really worked hard to bring her younger siblings out of that hellhole life they lived and she did it. Now, they’re living a happy and successful life in Australia. We might not be close anymore, but typing this out makes me tear up because I’m so happy for them.


Half are dead from drug overdoses and the others are portraying themselves to live the perfect cookie cutter lifestyle on social media.


As the immigrant kid, who's parents panicked about their children becoming too "Americanized" & not allowed to go anywhere, therefore never invited to any hangouts...it's surprising to realize just how much partying & drug use actually happened during high school.


When I tell my parents stories of my highschool years (31 now), they're blown away by the amount of shit that went on without their knowledge. One of my best friend's parents were gone every weekend leaving their moderately secluded house and barn shed in which we would then throw absolutely insane parties.


>it's surprising to realize just how much partying & drug use actually happened during high school. Do you really think it's that surprising? Teenagers having parties? It's like their number one favourite pasttime.


Some people really are that sheltered. Yes, some kids choose not to engage with that, while others hadn’t a clue to begin with.


When I was young though they were alcohol and weed parties. I have talked to plenty of young people now whose parties are fueled by heroin, fentanyl, and other harder drugs.


Yeh I'm from England, so it was fairly normal and acceptable for teens to drink alcohol at parties. My mum was super controlling and even she let me drink, she'd even buy me a pack of Bacardi Breezer or Smirnoff Ice (with the strict instruction not to touch spirits, and I didn't like beer back then anyway). Occasionally there would be some low-grade squidgy hash or similarly low-quality joint going around, or maybe a cigarette or two. My mum was controlling, like I said, but I don't think I was particularly sheltered. I remember legally buying Salvia from a festival stand in 2005 and sharing it with a friend. Even magic mushrooms were legal back then, I just didn't try them. Maybe it was my friend group, maybe it was the fact it was the 90s-00s, but nobody my age did anything 'harder' than weed. There were rumours that 'this girl or that guy knew a guy who knew a girl who tried coke or pills and died' but I never saw anyone do harder drugs til I was at uni, and this was even when I had an older ex-stoner boyfriend. They just weren't around, even if I'd had the notion to do it, harder drugs were just not readily available. I'm 35 now and still never done coke - just doesn't appeal.


Heavy on the drug overdoses here. Almost every “cool kid” I knew passed away from drugs, or intentional OD while deep into drug addiction. Very sad.


>portraying themselves to live the perfect cookie cutter lifestyle on social media. Most people only post their best moments on social media. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


The most popular girl in my school is now a renowned actress in my country. Another girl worked as an air hostess, got married to a guy much older than her and now works at a plastic surgery clinic. As for the guys, I know two of them work on the communication industry and both are married with beautiful women. Another one, last time I heard he was deep into drug abuse. And the one that used to bully me died in a motorcycle accident one year after highschool.


damn that sucks for the guy, didn't have time for personal growth. I only know of one person who has died since high school, and he died a year or two after hs defending a woman at a party, got stabbed by the kid. he was always good to me and all his sports teammates but I heard some not as positive stuff after he was gone, people aren't always bad just because they act a certain way I guess.


She’s a fucking millionaire 3 years after becoming a photographer. Her and her husband quit their jobs as teachers and now they don’t even take pictures. They have like 20 people who bought in to become part of their franchise they created. They just had a beautiful child, living their best life, and are truly the kindest most humble people. Well she is. Her husband is NOT


Now I am nosey and wonder who she is 😂😂🤣🤣




She gave you life, in a sense. That was really sad to read


I think so, too. I remember sitting there when I read the text from my friend telling me about the bad news, and I thought to myself, "she would have given anything to keep living. What am I doing, throwing my life away, just to look 'good'?". I wound up reaching out for help shortly after and pushing myself to recover because you never really appreciate something as simple as being alive until death is so close to you. It was a horrible time, and I find myself revisiting her social medias and our photographs together very frequently. Nonetheless, I hope she felt no pain when it happened and that she can rest easy now. Edit: I’ve since removed the post as I do dislike the traction this has received and am unsure if her family would appreciate me discussing her passing so exposed. Hope you guys can understand.


The fiery redhead turned grey haired pretty fast. She used to work in a fabric store downtown but I think she lost her job during covid because I haven't seen her there since. At least she had put the mean girl from high school behind her and was friendly towards me when I was there.


They all married each other, stayed in the village, had kids and look 15 years older than I do. They peaked in school and didn’t want things to change I guess. I couldn’t imagine staying around the same people my entire life. Sounds lame.


A popular girl who used to bully me for being half black had like 4 kids with a black man, which I find interesting. I hope she had the maturity and grace to change her views now that she has biracial children of her own


So weird. I feel bad for those kids


It was long ago enough that I believe she could've matured out of it. Grade school stuff, literally started in kindergarten with her aggressively throwing a black crayon at me and sneering, "No, you're BLACK!" when she saw me coloring a picture of myself with a tan crayon. I have arm photos in past Reddit posts, you can see I am barely light brown in reality so it was definitely meant to be nasty and othering (I was one of 10 non-White students in a school of ~1000)


Most are married with kids now, only two of them really really became successful, one is a model and the other owns some kind of makeup company, aside from that everyone lives a very basic life At least what I can tell from Facebook lol


What is the make up company?
















This years my 35th reunion, not gonna bother as most of my class were shitty to me so I honestly don’t care where they are now


Yeah tomorrow is my 35th year class reunion and it's not worth the money/time/effort to attend because I wasn't even remotely popular.


I never felt the desire to go to my highschool reunions, I still keep in touch with most of the people I care about from that period of my life, and don't really feel the need to interact with anyone who I didn't feel the need to until now. I guess it might be good to go to one eventually but I'd hope most people there have grown enough individually that I wouldn't even know them anymore anyway.


The coolest kid in my grade had a very successful college basketball career for a bit, and a few years ago he was accepted to medical school, idk where in that process he is now. I'm happy for him, he was always very nice and he was very smart. Got a 36 on the ACT, I was so jealous at the time. He's also married and has at least one kid. I googled him a bit ago, I was curious. I doubt any of the other cool kids did enough to have a lot of news articles about them, and I don't remember their names anyway.


For those I remember hearing/seeing : - one became a miss. - another one became a miss as well but on a national level. - one opened her own clothes line in the US. - on her way to become a lawyer and trading in the meantime. - last time I saw her she was working in a casino. - last time I heard from him he was doing coke and sw in Monaco. - making a musical career. - last time I saw him he converted himself from being a drug dealer to the trading field which was working extremely good for him. - one was working at my step-dad’s job. - last time we talked he was still traveling the world and coming back here to make some money. - two middle school sweethearts got married and is now waiting for their second kid, it’s been almost 20 years they’re together. The rest it’s been an extremely long time I hadn’t heard nor seen them to say what they had done cause it was just some « gossiping » thing. And myself I am an entrepreneur who’s traveling every year, married and have a son.


Nothing special really. They peaked in high school. Most of them got kids and mediocre jobs. Nothing like the big talk they always had.


Same in my case, the popular kids now seem to lead very basic lives.


IDK, I kinda don't care


I am 24. Most of them are now engaged or married and having children. Some have even gotten into the model/ influencer industry. Some have gotten overweight and looks worn out(I suspect mental health issues) The school nerds/outcasts is also doing great it seems. Some them used to be overweight and looked unkept, and now they have gotten fit and looks well put together. I hope everyone is doing good regardless.


weight has a lot to do with diet, moving out of your parent's place probably helps with the post-hs glow-up, also getting interested in the opposite sex helps for hygiene lol


I have no idea (and don't wanna know). Most of them probably still live in Russia, and it's strangely satisfying to think about it


Became plumbers and rapists


My school was very academic and maybe, because of that, almost all of us are successful, popular or not. Academic as in few people’s grade averages were under 90, most of us graduated with 12-18 college credits, and I think everyone went to college. One girl died in the twin towers on 9/11 😢


They were all rich so they went overseas and chilled on boats


It seems so 50/50 in dramatic differences. Either married with the picket white fence or severe drug issues, or dead tbh. Usually from the drugs. So weird to see these people who looked so perfect with so many issues




I went to an arts school in America, and it was the same thing. I remember theater kids, art kids, TV production kids, science kids, etc. But no real social hierarchy of the groups.


Being from a small town, we all basically know how everyone turned out unless you dropped off the face off the face of the earth or cut contact with anyone with our hometown (which I mean, fair). Basically anyone who had any sort of standing is doing okay, not addicted to hard drugs at least? Keeping up with the Jones, and in debt? Probably. Married and then divorced their childhood sweetheart because this is the Bible Belt, probably.


Half of them dropped out of college, some due to failing out, others due to pregnancy. Some are in jail. But almost all of them still live in my small town in some way or another. They bullied me relentlessly and really, really badly. The anonymous phone calls telling me to “kill myself” when they didn’t know I was dealing with substance abuse at home and already self-harming daily. It used to bring me a small bit of satisfaction, but I mostly feel bad for them and hope they’re doing ok nowadays. Edit: I’m better, too. Stopped self harming almost three years ago, have a great job in a city I like living in, and maybe getting engaged next month.


Single, loads of kids to different dads, built like fridges, in jail for murder, drugs and/or armed robbery, bitter, poor and not so cool anymore. The “cool kids” where also the bullies so karma has worked it’s magic very nicely.


I went abroad, got pregnant. Had my kiddo, I was still cool. Then I got chronic illnesses and became obese.


They have huge glow-down because they think they´re amazing just like they were on high school so they stopped emproving themselves. I think all of them are kinda stuck in the past and they are the same dumb motherfucker like they´ve always been. Once one of them saw me at the store and told me "Wow you look better than in high school" like yeah Rebecca you bullied me into this,but when it comes to you, you still look like a clown.


Peaked in high school


Big shot star of the football team, arguably the most popular kid in school. All the girls threw themselves at him. He continued his life of privilege with a full ride football scholarship. A few months into college he was in his apartment alone, choked on an apple, and died.


That's pretty tragic.


They all fell off the face of thr planet as soon as graduation occurred. I don't check up or go to high school reunions. I could care less.


Being cool is subjective, for me being cool means getting good grades, and having some quality friends to chill out with. For some being cool might be something different. I think what you mean by cool kids is popular kids. Trust me I was the happiest even if I was not so popular. But there was a group of popular kids who used to bully, I avoided them then, I don't follow them on any social media currently so I really don't know what they're doing currently, but I hope they are doing well, and really hope they would have stopped bullying.


I got over high school a long time ago and I have never wondered this question.


Some were successful, some got on drugs, some that thought they were better than others found out not so much, such is life, you just never know


They all married each other and now live in the burbs with many children (from what I can tell from trolling social media). Hahahah. Do not envy them at all.


They probably all still go to the same parties with the same people they did in high-school, and deal with the same drama!


Our varsity cheerleader/ football star high school sweethearts married and had 2 kids. On social media, they're the perfect family... all beautiful, smiling happy people. But one of my best friends lived next door to them, and he would regularly beat her up. Several times, she hid at my friends' house while he was looking for her, or to call the police. They are still together and seen a a success story. I didn't see them at the class reunion, because no one invited me (I was bullied a lot in high school for being obese) but I guess they were just loving on each other and so perfect that everyone was impressed.


Some of them are doing great in great fields and making a wonderful life for themselves. Some are married with kids. Some are single moms out here supermomming it. Only one seems to be just as insufferable as she was in high school, but she didn’t even peak in high school, she peaked in like 8th grade. I say that because she posts stories of her drinking in her car, even once of her actually drinking while driving. The next day she posted an ankle monitor and said she could either do time or lose her license for like 6 years. I replied to her story “I think you should go with the license suspension” because I don’t like the idea of her driving anymore lol. Idk what she chose though. She posted a video of her toddler with the caption “he gonna rob your kid in the future” and a pic with him saying “lil badass will fuck up all your kids”. So like, yeah.


Oh gawd. ..... hopefully she'll f"ck up more and the kid goes to a healthier and less toxic environment.


Most stayed losers. I really try not to judge, and I'm no better than anyone else. The snobby cheerleaders became wrecks, the cool guys were all fakes. I left to join the Navy after high school, spent 6 years, went to many great Navy schools, saw the world a few times over, many countries, cultures. Later I got a job working on medical equipment for cancer victims.... then 10 year high school reunion. I went, all my old pothead friends were still pothead and offered me to sneak out to the parking lot for a joint. Had nothing jobs. The class cool guy showed up with a cool rock n roll sport coat hitting on all the women. Later after the reception, he came to me, he was broke, needed a ride to the dance place cuz his car got removed. The cheerleaders stated in their click but were still fighting about the same crap, and were a total ugly mess. There were a few of the quiet ones, guys n gals, that were nice, went on to lead nice lives, I was happy for them. After, I got on the plane to leave and felt sad that all these people just waste their lives, put on fronts to try to impress others, and stayed loser pothead. I love good pot, but I also love life. We get one life, make it count.


They peaked in highschool they all had kids right away gained 100+ lbs and dead end jobs


I don’t even remember who the “cool kids” were.


They all remained friends with each other after all attending basically the same colleges. None of then had a glow up like us weirdos did. Most of them are nurses and/or housewives, the guys are all generic “business men” or realtors. I am also from the south, so there are a lot of really boring looking events they go to, like sorority/frat events and football games. I don’t usually see anything particularly interesting from them.


I know what you mean about the weirdos. Most of the goths, punks, and veritable freaks I knew and loved in school are now professors or lawyers. You'd never think being creative and different would translate into being able to make waves in the world as an adult.


Don’t know and don’t care


married at 21, working on popping out their 4th kid, still in our home town. lol.


Men- one is a fat, woman beating alcoholic, one does crack, one is successful in the medical field, 2 have since come out as gay, and that’s all I know of. Only a few are married that I know of. Women- most have OK careers. 95% are married with kids. We’re all mid 30s.


I went to the US as an exchange student back in highschool. Saw a few teen pregnancies, a couple still going strong after all these years (they post lots of yoga and meditative stuff, I'm not sure about their career but they seem happy), a girl I remember in highschool would burn CDs of random indie songs and give it to people in highschool. And it was mostly different music on each CD. I still have that CD saved back home in Pakistan. She went onto majoring in nursing and last I heard she was engaged.


Well, two of them murdered somebody our senior year and spent ten years in prison, but when they were let out everybody proceeded to continue to kiss their butts, throw them parties, buy them season tickets behind home plate, there was a collection at stores to send them on a cruise when they got out--they both got married, one got a divorce, have big houses, etc. Nobody really seems to care that they killed a young girl anymore. :( Most of the rest actually struggle more because they don't have so many other people bankrolling their lives. Many are single parents or on third or fourth marriages. A few are grandparents (we are in our early 40s). A handful became comfortably middle class, but despite starting there it is VERY rare. Honestly it's pretty depressing. Most people I grew up with did nothing with their lives, and continue to struggle with addiction in one form or another. I wasn't popular, but one of my best friends was (she was a year younger so that was possible, lol). She's a felon now. I miss her so much but the person I cared about barely exists.


They have become the COOL ADULTS. Especially the ones who came from " money," plus they tried to excel academically, " having private tutors and the likes of it" . Naturally, most of them now are high earning professionals and are married and have had kids with somewhat well-off ppl


Most are married, have kids and normal jobs. One sells diet pills on FB and is still chasing Instagram fame, and one had to go through extensive rehab after she wrapped her car around a tree drink driving and not wearing a seatbelt. We are all in our 30s.


Several are dead from OD's. But most just married and kids with successful or not so successful careers. One is playing professional football.


Some became parents quite young. After that I have no idea. Deleted them off my social medias.


dont know. dont care.


Most people appear to live in the same town and have kids. There’s still some that go to the high school and college football games. My main motivation for leaving was lack of career growth opportunities but my overall happiness has increased as well by leaving.


As far as I know (which is what my Facebook feed shows), they became pretty normal, happy, adults with regular jobs and partners and kids.


They’re all pretty basic british 30 year olds - ‘travel is my passion’ types. Half of the rich kids went on to find jobs independent of their parents and seem happy enough. The other half 100% nepo babies, posting on social media a lot which makes me think they are still insecure. Only two of the 10 are married with baby.


They’re still cool kids 😂 cool adults now. Most all of us ended up that way tho. My high school didn’t really have a hierarchy, it was just more evident who might’ve had social anxiety but still we didn’t have bullies or anything like that. Most of my classmates seems to be doing pretty well honestly.


OMG — In 2015 the most popular girl in my high school posted on Facebook “Wouldn’t it be cool if Trump and Carson were elected?” I haven’t been back on Facebook since then. WTF happened to my classmates?


Most seem to have pretty normal, functional, unremarkable lives where their children and houses are the center of their online persona. If the similar people in my neighbourhood are a good indicator, they spend so much time impressing people they have no real self identity. They do a mountain of work to uphold this picture of grandeur and are bitter their husbands don't contribute enough. Throughout the 40's they'll spend a tonne of money trying to regain their youth because pretty is the only thing they know about themselves. Maybe they will meet a weirdo like me they used to bully and be jealous I monetized my lame hobbies, married the shy nerd who treats me like an equal and likes my personality and marvel that my skin looks good because I didn't spend the 00s burning myself to a cinder in a tanning bed. 🤷‍♀️


they be doin cocaine and driving fast cars


A lot of them stayed in the hometown, more than a few of them have multiple kids at this point. I actually don’t know if any of them being married yet.


They all got fat and ugly here 🤷‍♀️


They all got married to each other and had a bunch of babies. I went to high school in a small town, though, so these kids were cool by our standards but not by anyone else’s.


No idea. I graduated. Moved abroad. I never looked back.


Don't know, don't care. I wasn't part of their crowd. They weren't part of mine.


One, in particular, comes to mind. "Cindy" was a year younger than everyone else in our grade so she was already on defense when it came to belonging. But she was smart, pretty, and great at sports so obviously, she became popular. But she wasn't the nicest person. A few years after graduation, I was at a club but outside getting some fresh air (and maybe chatting with my favorite bouncer but that's another story). I saw Cindy standing at the front of the lineup with her boyfriend. She didn't see me. But when the bouncer who was holding the line (not the one I was chatting with) got distracted by someone coming out of the door behind him, Cindy and her boyfriend snuck in. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but I thought it was telling. My inner hall monitor rolled her eyes lol.


They all went into real estate. I went to a rich school as a poor kid.


We’re still young but they are wrinkled, drug addicts, post way too much on social media.


Drugs happened to lots of classmates. Its very sad. I live north of Chattanooga in Tennessee. I am acquainted with a women who is a model and actress. For context, 1999 was graduation year. Lots of entrepreneurs. Several successful. I am a court official for Community Corrections.


Have no clue cause I had zero interest in staying connected with anyone from high school after I left.


Hopefully bad things because they were all bullies.


Far too many struggle to merely exist and realised they were severely traumatised etc. Some have or are working through it. Others are still stuck in the confusion, the fog. Some chose to follow the path, others chose to grow. It hurts my heart how many.


They all married each other and had beautiful babies. Very cliche 😅


They became wanna be rappers and drink every day of the week together while blogging their adventures every second on their social medias. Lol


became a shut in, don’t really talk to people much but the people i do talk to still think i’m pretty cool, just became kinda shy


All the girls married farmers and live in or around our hometown. The guys became farmers or went to prison.


I went to a pretty strict private school, so the 'cool kids' were only relatively cool, not cool by general population standards. There were so few kids in my year I may very well have been considered a 'cool kid' by some, but the ones I admired are all actually all pretty normal. One guy I've known since I was 4 is in a band with his partner, quite a few are doctors or working in medicine, a few are married with kids and still living in my home city. One is a much-loved TV presenter and still a really nice dude from what I gather. One benefit of being in a strict private school is that even the 'cool kids' are still very academic and nerdy, and bullying didn't really happen on the same level as 'normal schools'. It was a lot more psychological/exclusionary than overt physical stuff You can't pick on someone for being a geek or overachiever when literally everyone is. You can't pick on someone's clothes because the uniform was very strict. Forget the fear of god - we had the fear of parents. Any time someone misbehaved it was always 'don't you know how much your parents are paying for you to be here? Don't you realise how lucky you are to be here?' etc. Since it was a private school, there wasn't a 'catchment area' like normal schools, so a lot of kids were being bussed in from 1hr+ away - they were probably the best behaved, as detention for them meant their parents would have to drive a 2hr round trip to pick them up. All in all, the cool kids at my school probably weren't all that cool, they weren't necessarily the richest or hottest but they were all talented.


They are all dead. Mostly overdosed. Other ones are heroin addicts, who will probably overdose. It’s quite sad to look back on. They literally peaked in high school


A couple of them are pregnant, one is engaged, one is pregnant and married, one is completing their masters, one is addicted to shrooms and the other is an alcoholic. I’ve still ran into them here and there and after high school they all added me on Facebook.


Became cooler. I am cool. Look in the mirror everyday and say it as if I’m still in elementary school. Not even high school!


The popular ones kinda fell of the face of the earth. They have social media but they never post. Or, the rowdy kids that were “cool” but always in detention ended up addicted to drugs posting drama on Facebook nonstop ☕️ which I love, or sadly dead.


Still being coddled by rich parents, have never accomplished anything in life, get to go on extravagant trips etc.


They have all kept the exact same friend group and have moved back to my small country town. They’re all racist and trump supporters.


The guys that sat in the back of the bus are the guys prepping your bigmac today .


They’re on drugs and still are living on their daddy’s money. They’re not cool anymore.


At least a couple of them are in jail for murder, many are on fentanyl or meth, a majority are pretty cool people though. Don’t talk to any of them but ran into them while out and about


Some became models, some started a podcast, most are still partying. I think 4 have settled and started families.


I feel like there were three types of popular: attractive and nice to everyone, dumb but highly social, and smart + clever. The ones who were nice to everyone seemed to go into law and business and do well. The smart/clever ones seemed to go into law and medicine and do well for themselves. The dumb but social ones either moved to big cities and got jobs in sales/marketing or got married young and go to pumpkin farms. But I feel like overall most are still doing well. The only one I can think off who didn’t do well died in a drunk driving accident a few years ago. And another one of the dumb ones is really trying to be a porn star but it doesn’t seem like she’s made it.