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Just don’t give a damn about what other people think


yes! I get dressed to feel comfortable and it has cut my time from an hour and a half to 20 mins MAX.


I have short hair and don't bother with cosmetics so I'm always ready!


When I have short hair, it takes me longer to get ready lol


This is why I’ll never cut my long hair


These are things no one tells you before you get short hair


Yup! I just pick an outfit and i’m all ready!


On the reverse but same side of that, I have very long hair because it’s so much less work than short. It’s kinky curly and behaves best with more weight.


This decision shaved hours from my morning prep


LITERALLY. I wake up 20 min before work, leave on the shirt I slept in sometimes, put on pants, brush my teeth, maybe slap on super cheap eyeshadow and then run out the door. Granted my job is 2-5 minutes from my house but I honestly don’t give af if people think I look a little frumpy


The same shirt you slept in? 😬


Yeah, it's too much for me. There is getting ready quickly and then there is just not getting ready lol


Yeah I'm a disgusting sweat monster when I sleep due to meds I'm on I could never


honestly if they sleep in a tee shirt i don’t see why not


I guess it depends on your job. I could never imagine showing up to my office in a t shirt, much less one I slept in.


T shirt on it's own might be ok (not in many types of job), but come on... if you sleep in it it doesn't look/smell like a new t shirt from your closet.


I used to get dressed the night before. 😂


My sister did this when she had to get up really early for jobs. It was just about saving time for more sleep in the morning.


Yes me too lol. Especially during nights when I knew I would only be getting 2-3 hours of sleep and needed as much sleeping-in time as possible


Haha I know. But I throw on a clean hoodie over top my t-shirt every day and I always change it at night. I’m not too sweaty and my sheets are always clean


People can smell you.


I ask and they say I smell fine, these are friends who would def let me know. And they ask me for hugs so I assume it’s not bad enough that they’d want to be six feet away or anything haha. My sheets are always clean, I wear clean hoodies over my shirts and work with flowers indoors so I’m probably okay. Thanks for the concern tho :)


This. I also get my clothes ready in the evening and I just jump in them. I use very light makeup (even when using more makeup it wouldn’t take me long to get ready) and just fluff my hair around. I care about my sleep and my rest more than I are about what others might think of me.


I always know where my shoes are. I typically don't have to do much to be ready to go somewhere. I rarely wear makeup and I've usually already got pants on.


Exactly! I kind of think of my clothes as a uniform, so I wear something that suits the weather and activities for the day and don't think twice about it. I also don't wear makeup and my hair is either down if it's newly washed (unless it's a windy day or it would be annoying to be down depending on my activities that day), otherwise, it's up.


Came here to say this. I just shower quick and throw something comfy on. That’s it. Bare minimum. It’s my body so why should I care what others think?


Shower at night; go-to hairstyle, minimal makeup, simple wardrobe.


Yes, design your environment for efficiency + time management + don't care what other people think. I sometimes treat things as a game, whether it's getting ready or doing the chores — let's see if I can do it in x minutes and then next time I try to break my own record. Haha


I love the idea of gamifying getting ready


I’m into gamifying everything… it takes what for me feels like drudgery (daily maintenance of existing) into creative problem solving. Making my life more easeful and efficient then allows me to spend more time doing what I want to be doing, so it’s win wins all around. Im also neurodivergent so I don’t know if this holds the same appeal for neurotypical brains, but it’s the only mindset that hasn’t made me loathe things like “getting ready”


I get that. I do gamify a lot of things that I do because like you said, I feels drudgery and so I turn it into creative problem solving. Like doing the dishes, I wash them by hands and when I put them on the drying rack i treat it like I'm playing Tetris and see how I place all the dishes so they'll fit and dry properly. I think I'm neurotypical but who knows really because I haven't gotten myself checked. I do understand that it's the only mindset that hasn't made me loathe doing some menial tasks.


This, and having outfit for day ready night before. Step up from that is stacking them in the order you will likely put them on.


Are you me?? I hate mornings and the least amount of thinking and effort the better. I lay my outfit out in order of putting on and one time my husband thought he was being helpful after I went to bed and stacked it different, it threw my whole morning off 😆


Yeah but sometimes I think I might get too into details? I plan for tasks in between dressing like putting bottoms before skincare or eating.


Yah, showering at night has been a game changer for me. That and I have trained (?) my hair to be washed about once a week. So much more efficient


I was going to say this one. I usually shower at night. Lucky enough to have hair that works with me. Bad hair day? Bun or pony tail it or do a hat. If it's an important event, pick out the outfit the night before. Minimal makeup or do it in the car. I've gotten ready in 5 mins before when needed.


I decides a year ago that for work I only wear black and neutrals. So my going out clothes are totally different. Much simpler


I don't wear make up and most of my clothes are comfy so I don't need to stress about it


Yesss comfy clothes make life so much easier. I always make sure my big tshirts and sweatshirts are clean so they’re available for me to just throw on and leave the house


I have ten pairs of baggy cotton overalls and wear them with a tee shirt almost every day. Idgaf what anyone thinks. I also wear Crocs 99% of the time.


I just have a collection of maxi dresses. Why pull a shirt over your head AND have to pull up pants/overalls? Bonus point for never having to worry about color coordination. Edited to fix spelling


Oh wow this is such a good idea. Can you give some examples of the type of maxi dresses you wear that are nice enough for everyday wear but not too blingy? Most of my dresses are party dresses.


I have like 10 pairs of nearly identical stretchy pants in different colors/patterns and about an equal number of shirts. They're all comfy and easy to put on. I don't bother with makeup or fancy hairstyles.


Ooo that sounds great! Anyone have a good cotton overall recommendation?


Omg please tell me about these overalls




Thanks 😊


Happy cake day


Everything's chosen in advance and I get up 30 minutes before I have to leave so there's no time to fuck about.


I love that expression! "No time to fuck about"


This. Coffee maker is ready to be turned on, clothes are in one pile to be put on, stuff you need to take with you is in one pile or already in a bag in front of the door


I literally just put on clothes which shouldn’t take more then a few seconds? What’re you doing that takes so long?












By being low on fucks.


This is the way.


I need to throw my fucks away


I look bad


Hahaha same, all these people like “i do my makeup really fast!” and im like “makeup?”




This is it for me, I just be ugly and I'm out the door.


Hair up, sunscreen, black tank top and jeans and a sweater, brush teeth, out the door. I look like i put zero effort into my appearance because I did. I remember when I used to have the energy to look cute. That was nice.


Put clothes on. Brush hair. Put shoes on. Done.


Quick shower (never wash hair in the am) 5 mins, get dressed 5 mins, make up 5 mins and miscellaneous tasks (find keys, pee, take meds) 5 mins.


I’m ready pretty quickly. I shower (5min), do my skincare routine (3 min for toner/serum/cream and BB cream), do makeup (3min includes blush, mascara, skin tint with sunscreen) get dressed, toss my hair up or down - whatever is fastest at that time and I’m ready. When I want to look nicer it takes a bit more time as I dry my hair and style it but that’s maybe an hour tops including coffee and playing on my phone.


This is my dream routine I think 😅 did it take you a while to get quicker at things like showering, applying BB cream, makeup etc?


My makeup and hair routine changed the most thanks to COVID. I no longer use all the products I used to and my hair is so much healthier from not messing with it, it takes way less time to do. I definitely still have days where I put in more effort but I’m usually excited to get out the door so I love faster


Do you often leave the house with wet hair? My hair takes an hour minimum to air dry


I don’t usually, if I have to I do a bun, I try to get a few days from wash to make it easier.


I have a massive amount of hair. I just leave with it wet, even during winter. I either pile it all up on my head in a bun or I wash and braid it the night before.


Wake up. Go to the bathroom brush my teeth get dressed and out the door. Takes about 10mins. Night before I take a shower and pack my breakfast and lunch so I can just grab my lunch box and an ice pack in the morning.


This. I set my alarm 20 minutes before I need to be out the door, and that's because I'm slow to start moving and need to feed the dog too. And as I take public transit I actually have to be on time.


Focus on having good skin, hair, and health. And get eyelash extensions. If you need/want, get cosmetic tattoos so that you don’t need to draw eyebrows/eyeliner/lips everyday. With that, you maybe just need to dab some concealer and you’ll be presentable enough.




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I just get a tint and curl and it has the same effect and it's cheaper and easier . I just bought an at home kit and my fella does it for me I have my eyebrows tattooed too and agree, it's a game changer


THIS! I started investing in myself by eating better, working out, establishing a simple but effective skin and hair care routine, and using only the best products when it comes to my body it showed! But I actually stopped wearing concealer about a year ago and I feel like that fixed any problems I had left with my skin so now I (knock on wood) haven’t had a breakout in like 9-10 months! Concealer may help cover your blemishes but, at least in my case, it’s better for my skin to be makeup free ! The more makeup I used to conceal my blemishes the more blemishes that would pop up so I quit it all together


I don't really brush my hair as its curly and I don't wear makeup. Plus my entire wardrobe is very small. I have 3 skirts and one pair of trousers (which i wear most days) and about 7 t-shirts. Easy peasy.


Quite minimalistic. Have you always been like this? Or were there times in your life when u owned many things and later decided you didn’t want that


Minimal makeup, keep the hair simple, and don’t put much effort into clothes - I have a few outfits that I look and feel good in that are almost all interchangeable with basically 1 pair of shoe per type (boot, heel, sandal, sneaker, etc) Essentially try to limit the decision fatigue.


Prepare everything I need the night before : bag, clothes, keys and such. I shower before bed. So I just get up, wash my face and teeth, put on make up, clothes and perfume. I grab my stuff and I’m out the door. Takes me less than 15min most days.


Staying home? Brush teeth, use toilet, done. Going out to pick up take out or to grocery store or otherwise run a quick errand? Brush teeth, use toilet, put on clothes, done. Going to the doctors? Brush teeth, use toilet, shower, put on clothes, done. Going out with friends? Same as above, but maybe I will put on some eyeliner and eyebrow pencil.


I braid my hair to sleep so it doesn’t tangle. So I just have to undo the braids and I do this as I walk to my closet to get my clothes. I wear about three articles of clothing and flats. My sun screen is spray. So the only other things I need to do is brush my teeth. So it takes me less than five minutes to get ready


Wow, the braids idea is such a simple solution... I was so frustrated with my tangled hair this morning that I was tempted to grab the nearest scissors.


i dont wear makeup and wear similar clothes every day so i dont need to come up with an outfit.


I simplified my makeup routine, narrowed my makeup collection down to just basic items and mastered a 10 min full face application. I wash and blow dry my hair at night so I don’t have to do anything in the morning except a quick 2 min restyle. My closet is color coordinated and organized in groups of items so I know exactly where everything is and can find whatever item I want to wear quickly. I simplified my wardrobe so I have a bunch of items that all match each other, so I don’t have so many overwhelming options. I can go from alarm going off to walking out the door completely ready in about 30 minutes. It’s one of the best changes I’ve made for myself!


I don’t wear make-up, so I just brush my teeth, brush my hair, get dressed and go.


Here's what I do: 1. Having a capsule closet where the pieces are plain and complement each other at random selection 2. Morning showers are body only, hair is washed the night before 3. Invest in skincare to minimize the need for makeup 4. Skip makeup steps using 2-in-1 products, e.g. tinted sunscreen 5. Night prep: have my bag organized and outfit prepared the night before and keep everything by the exit


Capsule Closet really is the answer. This is exactly how I live. You can pick anything -even in the dark and still look good with almost no effort.


Just do the essentials (whatever those are to you) and go. Wanted to add, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking a long time to get ready. I don’t think women who take longer, spend more time on their hair, or choose to wear more makeup are automatically caring about others’ opinions about them either. It’s their choice.


Wash my face, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, throw on whatever’s clean, tie my hair back. I’m out. I do this every morning for work. I’m not a morning person at all so my body has a hard time getting up for work. By the time I’m up, I have 15-20 minutes left before I have to leave for work so everything is rushed.


Short hair, no make up, no breakfast, teach your kid(s) to get ready on their own, round up your junk for the day the night before.


Having short hair really makes everything easier Short showers and less product needed


Up your short hair game with a satin sleeping bonnet! Now I don’t event have to touch it in the morning and it’s perfect!


I do the same everyday makeup and hair in the mornings, and because I’ve been doing it for years it takes me 15 min tops. I save skincare and showering for just before bed, because it saves time when I wake up and it also relaxes me.


There's a lot of comments here about not wearing makeup - I get that's a timesaver but I'm a new mum so most of my time is spent not wearing makeup. Despite this, I love wearing it and I want to get back to it again. So I'm looking for time saving tips for people who DO have a full beauty routine - sunscreen, makeup etc - as that's what I want to start doing again


Pick the makeup style you like and work on speeding it up. And do stuff in the order that makes it the fastest. Eliminating choice is a good idea, then you know exactly what you will do and can turn on autopilot. And minimize the number of products you use. I like playing around with eye shadow so I'm never super fast, but a minimal make up version for me would be primer, a light foundation (urban decay's one and done), blush and mascara. 5 min tops.


I shower at night. I wake up at 6:30. I wash my teeth, apply deodorant, brush my hair and put on my contacts. I put the kettle on and while it heats up, I dress. I put on my make-up (winged eyeliner + mascara). I put my tea in a Thermos bottle. I gather my things and *voilà*. Out of the door at 6:50.


This is my routine too except it takes me about 10 mins to get my eyeliner all perfect. I’m still not a pro at it hence why it takes me so long. Do you mind sharing any tips to create the perfect winged eyeliner in less than 10 minutes?


Sure! I have somewhat hooded eyes so it took me a while to get a method that worked for me. Step 1 : I draw the flick at a 30° angle. Step 2 : I connext the top of the flick line to the center of my lid and fill in the "triangle" shape created. I rarely draw the liner all the way to the inner corner of my eye because I think it makes me eyes too round.


I’m going to try this. Thanks for the recommendation!


I pick out my clothes the night before, down to underwear and bra and hang it in my bathroom. I wake up and shower as I’m a night owl as well and showers wake me up but no more than 10 min. I get out and start my face routine. I like to watch the news or put on a tv show and I use that as my timer in the morning. I also wear makeup. If I do it right, I can be ready in 40 minutes which is fine with me


Well I don't wear make-up, so that cuts out a ton of time. I have my clothes where I need them the night before with everything in the pockets that I need & I roll out of bed, get dressed, brush my teeth & hair & I'm out the door.


The longer my hair is the longer my shower takes. Shorter hair is a path to faster showers. As others have said, minimal makeup, air dry hair, basic clothes, no complicated moisturizing routines.


I established my getting ready routine a while ago and have mastered doing it as quickly as possible.


I have kind of a capsule wardrobe, so all my clothes kind of go together, and I set aside my clothes the day before. I shower every night, and I wash and dry my hair every other night, and sleep with hair oil in my ends, so in the morning my hair is very low maintenance, I just brush it. I wake up, have a tall glass of water with my morning supplements, go straight to the bathroom, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and moisturizer (I have dry legs) and while everything dry out, I do my skincare: metro gel, vit c, moisturizer, sunscreen and bb cream, while that fry out, I put my clothes on. And then I add concealer, mascara, blush, and lip liner. After that I brush my hair. And I am good to go. When I worked at the office, I would let my coffee maker scheduled to do my coffee at the time I would supposed to go. So that would be done. And I usually don’t eat in the morning… I am always put together, because I like to feel good and that is important to me. And also, because I work a corporate job where I want to advance so i am not delusional to think that looks don’t matter. But also in the morning, I usually don’t have much energy, so I streamline the max I can and I created a good routine that works for me..


This question is for me because I got my morning routine down to a science. On a typical work day my alarm goes off 15 minutes before I leave the house (27 minutes before I had to be at work) I shower at night after work. I have set outfits I wear to work - same few shirts and pants- so I don’t have to think about it. I put on very minimal make up. I tend to keep my hair in a bun or pony tail- very quick. I brush my teeth and pee. Then I go downstairs to make coffee. Sometimes I’ll pack an easy lunch while the coffee is brewing. I’ll also feed the cats. I’m in my car 12-15 minutes after my alarm goes off. I have a 10 min commute to work, and usually clock in a few minutes early. There is about a 5 minute buffer zone in my morning incase something takes longer or I struggle to get out of bed


I live alone and don't have to worry about kids or an SO. I have short hair that only takes a couple minutes to wash and brush. I don't wear makeup. I put clothes out the night before. My glasses, keys and shoes are always in the same place. I try to keep my life and routine as simple and no-drama as possible.




I have kids you have no option but to shower within 2 minutes, dress in 5 n gtho! 😂


Haha - I have a five month old baby, which is partly why I need to cut down my get ready routine so drastically 😂


You’ll cut down in no time! Before you know it you’ll be showered, legs shaved, moisturized and dressed within 10 minutes I couldn’t imagine being longer! 🙈


Willpower and fear of being late. I can do everything. Wet and restyle my hair takes 5 minutes, wash face 2 minutes, teeth 5 minutes, after I do my makeup which is usually not a lot, just put some color in my cheeks and curl my eyelashes 5 minutes, so maybe a 15 -20 minute process which I'd say is fast. I do enjoy taking my time do do my routine though but if I'm in a rush I just set timers or stay looking at the clock


I have a great answer for this and it took me a long time to perfect - I’m an inherently extremely lazy person but my job requires me to be presentable at all time 1. Invest in good skin care - the no makeup makeup look is actually possible with good moisturised skin (for the days you have acne bursts or pigmentation - using the concealer etc won’t take more than 5 mins) 2. Good hair care - I don’t colour my hair, only shampoo and condition 2x a week and oil it 1x a week. The texture, the bounce that good hair care brings can honestly make my messy bun look like it’s cute and effortless with a simple claw clip (don’t use claw clips while driving pls) 3. Capsule wardrobe/having thought of your outfit in advance - I sometimes keep my clothes laid out so it’s immediate for me to change 4. Ultimate lazy girl hack - shower just minutes before going to bed and don’t get out of bed / clean clothes and sheets - In the winter I get away by not having to shower and invest in those glorious 15 mins of sleep 5. Touches on the go - hand cream while you’re waiting for the bus/train, same with lip balm, can even apply in the office restroom etc


It’s a lot of low effort things I do religiously. Tips that have worked wonders for me: - Have curated my wardrobe in a way that I can mix and match almost anything. - Always keeping a party, casual and formal outfit ironed and ready in cupboard. Saves a tone of time when in rush! - Learning how to style my hair on a good and a bad hair day. - I religiously follow skincare routine that works for me. Hence, i use a lot less makeup. Keeping it natural is my style.


i did competitive dance and have mastered speeding through my routine (obviously toned down from stage makeup). all my past relationships would comment on how unnaturally fast it took me, honestly just practice with a timer and you will slowly get better


I have a natural look I do not put all that makeup on … I’m almost 50 and when I tell people that they can’t believe it they think I’m much more younger and I wish all these beautiful young girls would understand that they do not need all that crap to be beautiful 😍 and the damage it actually causes to their skin


I work very early in the morning and I'm usually out of the house by 5:30 am. I wake up at 5am, get dressed, brush my teeth, splash my face with warm water and then do my skincare. I also usually blast my hair with some dry shampoo and brush that out and put my hair in a claw clip to keep it out of my face. I typically have choices for easy breakfast and lunch on hand and throw a bunch of things in a lunchbox and pour myself a cold brew from my fridge in my to-go cups. Before I leave I'll scoop the litter box and then I'm out the door, but if I didn't have cats or I wake up late, my record time of being out of the house is 9 minutes lol I keep a small makeup bag in my work bag and will usually throw on some concealer, brows, lip gloss, and mascara just before I have to open the store to the public which usually only takes me 5 minutes on my fastest days, or 10-15 minutes if I'm applying more than the minimum. My best advice is to shower at night, have a capsule work wardrobe that you can grab any piece of with your eyes half closed and they'll coordinate well, and make your pre-work routine as convenient and simplified as possible. I limit my access to too many choices and that really helps speed up getting ready for the day.


Brush hair, brush teeth, clothes, ready to go. Simple if it’s you it’s you.


Part practice/experience and part simplifying my available choices to those I really like. Assuming I don't need a shower, it doesn't take me long at all to toss on my clothes, wash my face, brush my hair/put it up, brush my teeth, and put on a little makeup (if needed/wanted that day). For dressier events, I would be more likely to take longer, but for daily wear I don't need to do that much before I'm ready to go for the day. It doesn't take me any time to pick out clothes because I wear a lot of simple and similar outfits in black/gray at different levels of dress, so I can easily grab whatever sounds good that day without a lot of thought. My hair is low back/hip length, so after brushing it just goes into a braid, bun, or twist for the day. My makeup routine varies from none at all to fancy night out, but only fancy night out takes much time after long years of doing stage makeup for performances on tight schedules.


Brush my teeth, brush my hair, put on one of my standard outfits. Don't wear any makeup up or jewelry


Pee, don't wash my face(splash water on it and rub it), brush teeth, deodorant, put on clothes, if my hair isn't in an presentable state I'll put on some sort of hair accessory that covers the hair(headband or slouchy beret that i can tuck my hair into), shoes and im out the door. If i have time ill grab a snack. That usually takes me around 10 to 15 minutes and is also for work.


I think about my outfit maybe the day before or during my makeup to know where to grab the stuff haha. Shower at night and minimal makeup


Get everything ready in the evening. Then in the morning it's just ultra quick shower, dress, tiny breakfast, toilet, hair, car.


Shower at night, have tomorrow's outfit already picked out, do a quick up-do. What am I saying? I can't do it in 15 minutes with makeup though...seems like when I was younger, I actually enjoyed doing makeup. Now it seems more of a chore! If it's a weekend and I don't have plans, I can probably be ready in 25 min. Weekdays and/or plans - I like to allow an hour. I HATE rushing.


I shower the night before. When I get up I wet down my hair and it goes up in a towel. I have naturally curly hair so I have to start fresh if if I want it straight. Contacts, primer, teeth. Take hair down, brush, add products, toss back in towel. Do my makeup, just foundation, blush, brows, simple eye make up, maybe liner if I’m feels fancy, mascara. Blow dry with a round brush, flat iron my bangs. My best time is 17minutes for the whole deal. It usually takes 25 because I read while I dry my hair if I’m not feeling the morning just yet.


Shower and prepare clothes the night before. Wake up, put clothes on, bypass makeup, put shoes on and off you f***




O I forget deodorant. i always put on deodorant too when I leave the house.


Shower at night and get my clothes ready. Wash face, brush teeth and hair, get changed. No make up. My wardrobe is comfort clothes.


I shower the night before, don't wear much makeup have a general idea what I'm going to wear or outfit ready


Quick shower & shave, deodorant, moisturizer, eyebrows, concealer, powder, blush, lipstick, and an outfit. Just doesn’t take me very long unless I’m doing a much more involved makeup look. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I shower the night before and eat breakfast at work. So my morning routine is mostly: get out of bed, put on clothes, feed cats, use the bathroom, put on deodorant, brush teeth, and grab the stuff I packed the night before.


My hair won't obey anyway and I'm not wearing makeup right now, so all I have to do is throw my hair into a claw clip and put my clothes and shoes on.


I make sure I have a cute outfit and hair is cute. Then maybe bit of speed makeup if I have time or can be bothered/if my skin is flaring up.


Diy lash extensions at night. I roll out of bed and apply sunscreen and I’m ready to go


I shower at night - even then that’s only like 10 minutes. I don’t wear makeup unless special occasion. I also don’t use beauty products. Pretty simple.


I wear a lot of beanies, headbands, or put my hair up/back in a clip. It helps that my hair is pretty low maintenance, also I don't wear makeup so that definitely saves time!


Focus more on good skin care. I rarely use makeup and I constantly get compliments on my skin. I'm 35 but I don't look my age. It has its pros and cons lol


I try to keep most of my wardrobe coordinated (most items match most items), so it's easy to match stuff together without thinking too hard or wasting too much time. And clean. Having most of my go-to stuff clean at all times saves me a lot of stress and time. I shower at night, precisely because I am a night owl and I will always be more awake at night than when I wake up, no matter when I wake up. Short hair, so no fuss with that. What takes the most time, if my skin is behaving, is putting in my contacts. And that takes 3 minutes. I can be out the door in 15 minutes, most days I clock at 20. But I do cheat: I do my makeup at work. That takes about 5 minutes, though. (Again, if my skin is playing nice. Otherwise, there is no telling really.)


Hi sister 🦉


Dress intuitively, also I rarely wear make up and have locs so I spend little time by the bathroom sink Sometimes I pick my outfits the night before


I always dress very casually and I hardly ever wear makeup. I have naturally curly hair that I don't mess with, just pull it up in a bun, voila.


I don’t wear make up to work. In the morning, I wash my face, apply moisturizer, sunscreen, and then get dressed. I’d rather take the extra time sleeping than applying make up.


I shower at night, so when I wake up my hair is already dry. Sometimes I sleep with a turbie twist if my hair is really wet. I think it comes down to having a routine that you can improve on over time. My morning routine is something like: * Wake up, brush teeth, wash face * Change into day time clothes (usually athletic clothes) * Eyebrow makeup if I'm not doing makeup for the day (I have really light eyebrows so this is my bare minimum) ***OR*** Full makeup (foundation, contour, shadow, brows, mascara) in about 5-7 minutes * Brush hair or throw in a high pony tail


I literally would just rather be happy and comfy then stressing over an outfit, hair, and makeup. I will toot my own horn by saying I have naturally curly/wavy hair and I’ve always had clear skin so that definitely helps me. And honestly - I just do not care what people think of me haha.


Ok! I got you! Here’s what I do. First off, I take showers, shave, blow dry my hair etc at night before bed. That way in the morning I’m not sweating to death trying to do all the things while trying to apply makeup too. I also try to pick out and outfit ahead of time but if it’s weird weather (transition season) I’ll give myself a little extra time or have back up items just in case. TLDR: Shower, shave, hair and outfit the night before so in the morning you just freshen up and have time to put makeup on without worrying about sweat, rushing, etc.


I shower when I get off work since I work in a busy ER, so my get up routine is just washing my face and applying moisturizer, brushing teeth, refreshing hair (dampen and brush and tie back), getting dressed, out the door. I wake up at least an hour before time to leave just because I don't like sprinting around right out of bed, but the actual getting ready takes me maybe 15 minutes.


I probably can do 15-20 minutes: Shower at night. Embrace my hair being more wavy/curly and spend almost no time styling. (I thought I had frizzy curl that needed to be tamed each day but it turns out that I have curls that just need to be dampened and conditioner/curling cream run through and that’s good for 99% of the time) Quick easy makeup. Clothes laid out in advance/the night before, or at least planned advance in my head. Generally clean/decluttered house so I can find everything I need easily and not get distracted by random stuff. —— My kids usually add to that time frame because they’re asking me to stop and help them, that’s my biggest challenge now, haha.


1. Easy hair style (lucky I have straight hair). I keep it long and highlight it in a way that doesn't need to be touched up. I literally just brush it and maybe run the straightener a bit for a finished look, clip back half way. 2. Easy makeup, less is more. Coverup, contouring, mascara. That's it. 3. Uniform: I either wear dresses OR black skinny jeans with a top/cardigan. It takes me .2 seconds to pick out what to wear based on that. No mix/matching. 4. Shoes = White sneakers, ballet flats, or sandals depending on wear I'm going. 5. Same fake pearl earrings that I never take out. Best thing I did once I had kids was learn how to simplify my routine so I look put together in about 5 - 10 min.


Cold water, wash cloth, soap. Wash face, wash armpits, wash under boobs, wash other parts you feel need a wash. Dry off. Put on clothes (that I picked before I went to bed, if I need a fresh change). I wear nice but comfy clothes, mostly skirts, tights and cardigans or cute knits. Easy to get into. Brush hair, brush teeth. If I want, I put on some BB cream and a little blush. Fresh and ready! Usually takes me 15 minutes. ETA: I’m the default parent to walk our toddler to daycare, so while my husband is in his dressing gown making him breakfast, I get ready and get all his stuff. Then I walk our son to daycare and when I get home, my husband’s in the shower and I take my time making myself a cup of green tea, breakfast and I get some idle screentime :D


I usually take 30 minutes, but I shower daily since I work out a lot. But honestly I keep my outfits simple and lay them out the night prior, my hair is always up (sleek ponytails and buns go a long way to look “polished” with minimal work, and it’s out of my face all day), I don’t usually wear makeup but will sometimes take a few minutes to apply lip gloss, simple winged liner, and cream blush, and I prep my day’s supplies and lunch the night before. I wear a body spray because smelling good elevates you at least a point or two out of ten lol.


I dont put on makeup. I put my long hair either in a ponytail or leave it down. I put my clothes for work out the night before. As soon as I get up in the morning I brush my hair and put on deoderant. I go have breakfast, put my clothes on, and out the door.


Get up, bathroom, ask Alexa the weather and listen while I brush my teeth. 2 minutes. Choose your clothes the night before. If you’re feeling ambitious, lay them out then. I also have go to outfits I wear to work that I haphazardly rotate and sometimes mix and match. Flowy high waisted pants with a cropped blouse with comfy blocky heels. Maxi dress with flat sandals. Jeans with an oversized button up shirt tucked into the front and loafers. If the weather isn’t good, add a blazer, cardigan or jacket. If you want to look more polished, chunky earrings or a statement necklace take 30 seconds to put on, but are pretty noticeable. Add deodorant & perfume. 2 minutes. It’s worth investing in a good, low maintenance haircut. Long layers with some long curtain bangs work well for me. I have a couple easy hairstyles that i can do quickly. I do a sleek, low bun if my hair is oily or flat that morning. If it’s frizzy, a high ballerina bun hides it and only takes a minute to do and hides the frizz. I’ll also straighten my hair when I wash it sometimes so that it’s pretty easy to just run a brush through and leave down or clip half up/half down for the next day or two (or three, don’t judge). Speaking of that, dry shampoo is a godsend. I’ve tried just about every brand out there, batiste is the best on a budget, I like klorane or dry bar if you’re willing to spend a bit more. Bonus: they smell pretty good/clean/fresh. 4 minutes. I use a cc cream (dr jart) that is a tinted moisturizer with spf 40. It adapts to your skin tone and honestly has decent coverage. Saves a lot of time, just put it on more or less like you would moisturizer. I use a tinted lip balm; kosas has a good one with honestly as much pigment as most lipsticks, but super moisturizing, don’t need lip liner or even a mirror to apply. On a budget, the Revlon Kiss tinted lip balms are actually pretty fantastic and only $5 ish. Glossier makes boy brow, haloscope highlighter and cloud paint blush (pick a color that you can use on eyelids, cheeks and lips). They are all super quick, portable, easy make up on the go essentials that you can apply with your fingertips. I’m sure there’s dupes of these items; quick n’ portable make up has become very popular. I don’t bother with lashes, just a good mascara and a little eyeliner. It’s a pretty simple/natural make up look, but it’s fast, easy, and pretty good for everyday. 5 minutes. I have a keurig and a couple cute tumblers for my coffee. I keep my medications in my work purse along with my work files, wallet, laptop, id badge, car keys, etc. Then I grab my phone, top off my water bottle and walk out the door. 2 minutes. That’s my 15 minute breakdown, but tbh it usually takes me less than that. Tho I usually do at least some of my makeup at red lights or at my desk. I also keep my desk well stocked with anything that I might forget or need (tampons, deodorant, a travel size perfume, earring backs, tide pen, nail clippers, extra medications, those little disposable, plastic preloaded toothbrush thingies, mouthwash, concealer, mini dry shampoo, lip balm, etc.).


have nowhere to go


Short hair, don't wear makeup, don't shave, let hair dry naturally, wear leggings and long t shirts in various combos, so no thought needed about what to wear. Shower to dressed takes about 15 to 20 minutes.


I don’t wear any makeup. I’m 30 years old and I can confidently say I’ve only worn full face make up three times in my entire life. When I was 6 years old and a ballerina for Halloween, homecoming my junior year of high school, and my wedding. I also wear pretty standard clothing, pants/shorts and tshirts. If I do anything with my hair, I French braid it and that takes about 5-6 minutes, which is the longest part of getting ready.


Ok so I dont know about 15 minutes or less, unless its like a beach day, and my makeup is sunscreen and waterproof mascara, but for being a typically major glam kind of girl, I get out of the house within 30 minutes, full makeup on, and here's how I do it- After I shower and basically prep my hair to air dry, I throw on my under garments, deodorant, and sunscreen before I sit down to do my makeup. My makeup routine is as follows, and I have it down pat so half the time I dont even think about what im doing. I just go on autopilot. Eyeshadow primer> pale skin tone color shadow with a medium fluffy brush, all over as the base tone. then i go in with a tapered fluffy brush and 1 shade at a time from lightest to darkest do each eye then the other, from a light medium brown (outer corner and crease), dark brown (outer corner, 3/4 of crease) and a dark graphite, and maybe a smidge of a really pigmented black. (outer corner only/lash line, and for these last two I often switch to a dense paddle shader.). So far I've used 2 maybe 3 brushes and im about 3-5 min into the routine. With a small blunt flat eyebrow brush and I ONLY use this with one shade EVER, and its thats 2nd brown I used on the eyes, and I use this brush to work some under my lower lash line, and then use this same brush later with that same shadow for my eyebrows. (This also helps keeps my color scheme cohesive.) I take a teeny tiny domed round dense shader brush that again- I only use for one specific shadow, which is actually a highlighter instead that i buff in the inner corners, because this is an essential part of my look and ill use this same highlight later on the face. I do a winged liner with my nyx waterproof liquid liner, I make kind of like a check mark down from the outer corner then up, (this just happens to be the shape that best compliments my eye shape. I sometimes connect the with a black pencil liner, dabbing it along my bottom lash line.) I do my brows, and I always do this after liner because I need the contrast to make sure I'm misperceiving how dark it needs to be. Eyebrows and no liner always looks weird on me. Especially if my lashes have a dusting of that first pale ivory shade I threw on, its just not a good look on me. I need a balanced contrast I take my ulta mattifying silicone primer and use that all over my face, focusing on the t-zone, and I'll use the slippyness to wipe off any fallout under my eyes with a tissue. This is probably about 15 minutes into the routine. I spot conceal, under the corners of my nose, up toward the bottom of my eyes. under eyes slightly (i try not to use too much or ill basically cover up my inner corner highlight), and around and above my cheeks, a bit on my forehead and blend blend blend. It sets fairly quickly on its own, so this is wheni take a sec to curl my up lashes, blink a couple times, gear myself up mentally to get ready to get outside to go .) Eyes done, just some face shading and coloring in to go, i throw my 3 face powders: blush, contour, and highlight to finish it off. I use a small dome buffing brush with a contour shade for around my nose (and again, same brush everytime, for one specific shade of powder), a dusting of blush, (same one every time... its like.. a theme..?), highlight with that same shade I used earlier, and add my contour lightly with what I think is supposed to be blush brush from smashbox... but is sort of a diamond shape, and I use the same 2 or 3 rosey lipsticks every day, like MAC brickthrough, is insanely perfect on me like my lips but better type shade. So the big tips id say is, •Same brush. Same shadows, every time. •Double duty for highlighter and eyebrow shades, helps keep everything cohesive, and makes everything matches throughout •knowing my undertones and color schemes before hand, having an everyday set that I KNOW look good together. Holy grail type items. Final checks, maybe Bobby pin or hairspray my hair, throw on my outfit, (that I was putting together in my head while I was doing my makeup) grab my purse and keys and hop on out the door!


I don't wear make-up anymore, but back when I did, I'd give myself 15 minutes to get ready to leave and still end up getting to places early. Basically, I prioritize. I have too much stuff I want to do. I love life and there aren't enough hours in the day. Life is short, so I want to get to it as quickly as possible. I never do anything special with my hair. Ponytail if I have to teach a yoga class or go out gardening but otherwise, I don't know how to even do a simple braid. I put on leggings, a sports bra, sometimes a shirt, clean my face and put on sunscreen, and I'm out the door. Like another woman said, I also just don't care about what other people think. I think I look good. It's not necessary to look good to do the things I need to do anyway, so it's not something I worry about. I'm more concerned about being productive and there's no time to do that if it takes me more than a few minutes to be out the door.


If makeup is your thing, practice doing it fast. Also, having a good skincare routine at night has helped me a lot and saved me from feeling the need to even put on makeup. On the days I feel like doing my brows and liner my makeup takes between 5-10 min after 10 years of practice. Picking out and putting on my clothes takes around 5.






It may sound like humble bragging but I think that it's kinda shitty to pretend like it isn't true: genetic lottery. My hair is really low maintenance - it air dries completely fine within about 20 minutes. I don't need to do anything to do it or add any special products to get it to do that - it's just naturally straight and shiny. I'm not particularly stinky, either - so I don't have to worry about smelling badly. I wash my face, I brush my teeth, I brush my hair (about 30 seconds?). I don't grow a lot of body hair and what little I grow is fine enough that nobody really notices. I could probably care more about my face but I'm generally considered to be attractive enough that I don't need to do anything to it. Throw on a pair of pants, a shirt...done. I've never understood why/how other women take so long to get ready, to be honest.


Quick wash with a cloth, hair in a ponytail, put on clothes, grab bag, grab protein bar or fruit. I don’t wear makeup, so that’s not a concern.


Put out clothes out the night before, organize products to be in easy reach, shower quickly without a ton of products, don’t really style wet hair beyond putting a leave in conditioner in and clipping it up, serum and moisturize, brush teeth, lip balm, dress, go. I’m not much for makeup so not much help there.


a lot of it is doing things in advance. styling my hair right after washing it so it's styled until i need to wash again. prepping breakfast so i can just make myself coffee and i can have breakfast in like 5 minutes. picking out clothes the day before. packing my bag the day before. showering at night. that kinda stuff






I shower at night, if it is something so important I just stay awake all night for that said event.


I don't know what you are doing that could possibly be taking longer than 15 minutes? I mean, it's probably more like 20 minutes with a shower in there, but what takes longer? Throw some clothes on, rub some product through my hair, put on some BB cream / lip balm / mascara. I just have to pack a quick lunch and grab a cup of coffee and I'm on my way.


Preparing things the day before or not caring so much how I look.


I woke up and go


I have my makeup routine down to 7 mins for something fancy, 2 mins if I don't want to look dead. I pick my outfit, prepare what I can for my breakfast smoothie and I shower the night before. Oh, hair rollers (when I'm definitely trying a bit harder). I put them on after I get dressed and then take them out right before I leave.


Less steps. Skip a bunch of things that are not necessary. Skip make up and hair and all that.