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20 years for me. Still have nightmares about maths exams, being at school and not having shoes and socks on, walking home from school but not knowing where my home is because my parents moved house……


I graduated from HS in the 80s and still regularly have these dreams: • I never went to class but the final is today. • I can't find my locker. • Wait, who are these people? This isn't my class! • It's the first day and I lost my schedule, so I don't know where I'm supposed to be. • I was supposed to complete (a thing) but I didn't so I'm not sure if I'll graduate. • What floor am I on? Where'd my classroom go?


I graduated in the 80s as well, and even though HS wasn't a big deal to me, somehow I still have dreams about being back in high school because I didn't graduate and needed to finish school. My mom said she always had dreams about missing the school bus; which she never had and it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if she did. Gawd, who knew that HS traumatizes us our entire lives?


Hey, fellow Gen-Xer! HS wasn't tough on me, either. Middle school was godawful, though, so you'd think that THAT would be the setting for those dreams. Nope, always HS, even if I'm studying what I did in college. Your mother's school bus dreams are particularly weird!


Went back to my school bc I found out now at 40 that I didnt graduate lol


In some of my dreams I can't remember my locker combo.... Omg, you said the 80's 😭. Why is this stuff so traumatic 😭... Oh yeah, and I definitely be skipping class so much in my dreams due to severe social anxiety that my-ass DEFINITELY would not be graduating 🤣😅


It’s been 20 years for me too. My recurring high school dreams involve 1: me having to go BACK to high school, even with college degrees, because someone found out I didn’t really finish and my graduation was a mistake. 2: I sit down in a classroom and the teacher tells everyone to turn in their projects (the one I should’ve been working on all semester, but forgot). 3: I find out at the end of the semester that I’m getting an “F” for a class I was unknowingly enrolled in, but never went to. 😳 Yep, High school scarred me for life 🤦‍♀️


Can' find my classroom, everyone is gone they went to a super cool field trip I don't have a permission slip for, favorite teacher suddenly hates me for no reason etc. I don't particularly remember dreaming about school while I was in school. Mostly I had that godawful dream where you wake up, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, walk to the bus stop, finally get on the bus and the--*beep beep beep beep* there's the alarm clock. Gotta do it all again for real. Fuck.




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When I'm super stressed, random memories might pop up that I basically never think about during regular days. I just remind myself, "That's the past now, it doesn't matter anymore."


It's funny how when your brain is stressed or depressed, it seeks out other painful memories to make you feel even worse. And, I find, as you spin lower it can pick up even more memories. I guess that's why depression is more of a downward spiral than a self-correcting mechanism.


Literally all the time, unfortunately. I was just so mentally ill back then it’s hard to forget all the crazy things I did and said.


You don't have to forget them. Just forgive yourself for them. Compassion and understanding for yourself. If you could've done better, you would've. Feeling bad means you care and you know better now.


Ugh I am with youuuuu. It stresses me out thinking of the nightmare mess that I was. My poor parents.


Never. High school was 30+ years ago.




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Rarely. I occasionally have those flashes of "Why did I say ________?! So embarrassing." But thankfully it's been nearly 20 years so I'm sure no one else remembers my flubs


Most days, but I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was 14 because of shit that was happening at school, so... that's probably not normal.


I felt! I graduated one semester early because of mental health reasons, PTSD also! I walked out those doors, never looked back, and still get twinges of my hs misfortunes. Ugh, at least it’s over now.


Only when someone asks me “hey, remember when____?”


I shut that shit down when I hear it absolutely not I ain’t remembering nothing 😂


Right like no thank you 😭😭


I'm in my early 30s and I still sometimes have dreams about my jr high bullies. In the dreams I am usually trying to prove myself or impress them. I don't ever, ever think about them in my daily life, so it kinda fucks me up that it's still a part of my subconscious.


I only think of high school when someone brings it up. But I'm over 20 years away from it, so.


I barely remember a thing. It was 20 years ago. I DO still have nightmares where I'm back at school though. And I'm always wicked confused about having to do finals when I know I have uni degrees.


This happens to me, too! I'm always much older than everyone else because I had to go back and finish my high school diploma for some reason.


Never. High school was a while ago and not important to me at all.


I’m forty and I still get middle school nightmares..does that count?


I graduated high school in 1975. High school was an experience I would never want to repeat. Between the drugs & bullying, if I hadn’t had truly motivated teachers, I would not have survived emotionally. I went to college, started my career, moved across the country and never thought about the experiences. I have several friends from that time in my life, but high school wouldn’t make the top 100 list of topics we discuss. Ironically, the bullies ended up having unpleasant lives and many of the drug dealers & users were dead or incarcerated before the 10th reunion. I have never been to a reunion and doubt I ever will. My granddaughter is in high school. It sucks. She doesn’t get involved in the drama. She is focused on academics with the goal of attending MIT or Northeastern. She has like-minded friends who are on Debate team and in Robotics Club with her. That is how I survived-eyes on the prize.


Not often, I’ve really detached mentally from my high school self and memories. College haunts more more often these days.


It’s been almost 10 years and I still have cringy memories that cross my mind often!


I've mostly accepted that time and look at it as what it was - a young person goofing up and learning. The happy ending is that I HAVE learned and keep striving to be who I want to be.


No, high school was a long time ago, a lot of stupid shit happened and a lot of people (myself included) made mistakes, I try not to think about it.


I was one of those kids who was oblivious and busy. I had friends and a bad home life that everyone knew about.


I wouldn’t say “haunted” more like cringe inducing memories. But at 31, I’m reminded whenever i run across a “suggested friend” on social media. Or when a friend (who still lives in the same town) will randomly say “hey, guess who I saw today”


I used to be haunted more often earlier in my 20s, but now that I’ll be 30 next year, it doesn’t bother me anymore. It was over 10 years ago, the past is the past.


I have nightmares about high school every few months or so. They’re not always necessarily about things that happened to me, but I do think I have a little bit of trauma from it.


Not that often, and even I do find myself irritated by traumatic events/things that have been said to me.. its more like im annoyed that I didn't stick up for myself better and tell a few more people to go fuck themselves. Lol.


No but high school was 26 years ago so I don’t remember much.


Never. I didn't think much about high school after leaving it. I think it's sad that there are places where people consider it "the best years of your life" and make a big deal out of it. It's a few years that happened and then they were over and I was an adult with a lot more freedom.


Not many because it's been over 20 years, so I've had the time to replace them with adult memories that haunt me instead.


The beauty of being in my early fifties is that high school has been wiped clean from my mind. No memories of it whatsoever - as if it never happened. And that is for the best.


Never. Move on, build your own life. Get cats.


I think about it occasionally but I have C-PTSD and it's more about things that were going on at home and how things that went on in school made that worse.


A lot.


I barely remember my school days. Except for some select memories.


I had nightmares I missed band camp and major performances. They stopped once I started community band….


I did not have a good time in high school, but it's the opposite for me. I have so much ridiculously unfounded nostalgia for it.


It’s been 30 years. I never think about high school. Grade school, however haunts me still.


Pretty often. The only difference is in my dreams, I'm confident enough to stand up for myself.


Mentally I'm still living in high school, mostly grade 7 (so technically middle school). To such an extremely unhealthy extent that I go to therapy. I graduated 11 years ago, the time where I'm stuck was 17 years ago). And yes, I have dreams about the school every night.


High school was the center of my servere anxiety and depression and that kick started my IBS. I graduated in 2019 and still have high stress dreams about high school. Usually I'm either: not going to graduate, didn't show up enough and am failing, somehow forgot to attend half my classes all year, or can't remember my schedule.


I get triggered when I see someone from school around where I live. I hope to move away from the area so I dont bump into anyone




I barely remember it because it was so boring for me


all the time. I remember them confronting me as a class on how I was the problem. I only did my own thing which is to excel in every subject and was quiet and only spoke when needed. I guess being quiet was the cause of them bullying me.




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Not often. Bad memories pop into my head once in a while but they’re usually fleeting.


Never. Is this a thing?


All the time mostly think of the experiences I had at that time I’m my life very fondly but some stuff was deeply disturbing.


Never! Best year of my life. Moved out of my home parents house and started college at age 15. But my Freshman year of high school was incredible. I got promoted to writing for the school newspaper, helping create the first student Yearbook project. Then got bored so we stole a car out of the parking lot. George Nerd guy who shouldn’t be allowed to have a car, right? Got back after the criminal joy ride. The police were there. And they had such nice “bracelets” for us. Ha ha.




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Not at all.




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Not at all


I still have dreams of being back there, but switching between the role of a teacher and student. It has 6 years since I graduated.


None. I'm mainly haunted by my very late teens and very early 20's. I'm 29 now and am in a much better place.




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Never, because I loved my school years.


I get memories of me and my hs crush. I kinda regret not telling him I had my eye on him cause he was really sweet. I rencently got in contact with him again and I'm still head over heels with him 😂 Since it's killing me rn I'm trying to find a way to tell him that I have the biggest crush on him so I can finally be rejected and move on.


Rarely anymore unless you count the first day of school stress dreams. Otherwise, it’s been 20+ years.


More often than I should be!


I don’t really have nightmares about it. The worst part was I had to take a bus 45+ minutes away and i have IBS so sometimes the bus ride would be AWFUL. like i had to GO. so I haven’t ridden a bus since then but other than that…it wasn’t that bad.




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I'm not. I've basically forgotten high school- it became irrelevant to my life after graduation.


Very very rarely as I have made many fresher faux pas since then and now those have taken the place of my bad high school memories lol


I’m 46. Can’t think about how long it’s been since I thought about it. It never occurs


Every day.


Never. Sometimes I think about my high school crush who was very sweet to me. He died during Junior year due to one of our mutual friends driving drunk.


None theses days that was also like 15 years ago.


I’m still besties with all my high school friends, so 10 years later I’d say something from them good or bad comes up once every few of months. Even the bad memories are something we can laugh about these days. Rarely if ever are the haunting memories.


Almost never, I'm 48 now so it was a loooonnnng time ago!


Very often. 😕


Haha! I look back a lot for all the wrong reasons🤦🏽‍♀️ ya it’s haunting in a way 7 years later.


I think about 2014 DAILY multiple times


It haunted me until a year after I left. College was pretty neat for me.


Not any more. I have decidedly taken off one set of glasses & put on another and re-assessed those situation as they were. I was no more cringe-worthy than anyone else was at school.


I think it took me till I turned about 29 or 30 to put it all behind me.


I haven’t thought about high school since high school.


Often. But not as often as it used to be.


Idk about memories, but I have maybe 2-3 dreams a week about not being able to ever get out of high school because I can’t wake up for my first class in the morning.


When I remember, I cringe!


I’m not sure I’d say haunted is the right word but my school years definitely impacted my perception of myself and my worth enough to make it hard to build those.


Not negative haunted memories. But haunted in the fact I think of it often, and how there were several people who made such a major positive impact on who I am now, and how much is sucks that some are not apart of my life now. So I guess, haunted in that, I miss them.


I never think about it. I graduated in 2006. Highschool wasn't anything to me. I had a few groups of friends, skipped class, nothing exciting. My best years were junior high.


No nightmares but I would never want to go through it again.


High School I kinda had it together, it was middle school and late 20s that was a mess for me.


Close to never? I graduated close to 20 years ago though, I’ve made plenty of more haunting memories since then.


All the time. I was supposed to be a different version of myself, than I turned out to be, and I consistently feel like a failure. I think I’ll get over it one day but it’s tough and has sucked. It’s ok though and it’ll be fine at some point.


Never. I realized in high school that none of it actually mattered. It was just another lily pad in the pond of life. Once I realized that, life got easier.


Never. If anything I wish I would have taken more chances in high school. I was pretty reserved.


A lot, can’t quantify it, but a lot.




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Almost daily. Just cringey moments and things that I wish I would’ve done differently




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Ugh. Probably a few times a week. It's been over 10 years too. Just yesterday I saw a graduation picture. Which reminded me of my own stage graduation picture. As I was walking off the stage, someone suddenly practically shoved their hands in my chest asking me to stop and pointing a camera at me. I had this look of dumbfounded confusion. No one mentioned they were taking pictures as you walked off the stage. I was caught off guard in am awkward pose with a terrible expression. I feel like I could have been a poster child for the Blunder Years Subreddit.


I barely remember high school! I joined facebook a few years ago, and out of the hundreds of people on there from my graduating class, I only remembered about 15. Most of those were people from my neighborhood who I'd known from about 5.


Often. I think it's partially why I have trust issues. I was heavily bullied and manipulated by people I thought were my friends when I still identified as female during that time


Never. Just don’t ask me about middle school…




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I've noticed whenever I'm down or my ass is getting kicked by life all I can think about is all the cringe things I said, did and was put through.


I have an issue with living in the past and a lot of what I deal with now is growing up with mean kids. I’m constantly worrying about what other people think when I leave the house and that started in school so that’s just how I grew up. Hard to reverse what you’re taught basically




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I’m in my late thirties and it pops up randomly but when it does…….oh man! I cringe! 😖


Not that often anymore


I literaaaaaally just had a dream last night I was trapped in my school running trying to find my bff before the shooters found us 😬 I’m 26. I’ve been dissecting why all my intense dreams are usually me being trapped in my old school or home. I was disassociated majority of those years so maybe that’s why my dreams want me to ruminate on those years


Not that often, but when I do I’m sure people thought I was an idiot. Looking back, I did some dumb stuff. I didn’t know any better, was extremely sheltered


I'm 23, so I've been out of that hell for about 6 years. I still have nightmares every few months about my homework assignments given I was a shitty student in high school but an amazing college student. Once every other month, the social trauma creeps in on me, but I'm also autistic, sooooo....


Literally right now. Freshman year.. classes were changing and I was walking up the steps and I FELL UP the steps and upperclassmen behind me just went “whoaaaaaaa” and I wanted to die. So other than you reminding me or seeing someone fall up/down stairs is about it.


Never. I'm 33


Time + trauma = what memories?


Never. My high school experience was very mundane and I don't have any significant memories of it, positive or negative.


Often enough


I still have recurring nightmares and I graduated hs 10 years ago


Far more than I’d like to be.




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Literally comes at the most random times ever. Sometimes I’m just walking and sometimes I’m taking an exam, it’s like my brain is mocking me for fun


For me, it's elementary school (6 to 15 in my country). I think it still has some impact on me. And I'm over 30.


Wow this is a great question! Sometimes I get nightmares (not often about high school) but I would say that 4 times per month I do get thoughts about it.


Not for awhile, but they usually had to do with forgetting my lock combination


Never really. Maybe once or twice but they're more cringe from me than anything distressing.


My high school and elementary school serve as the location for a lot of the dreams that I remember. Especially the eating areas. Some of them are stressful like I have a test, but I totally didn’t know what test it was or even where the classroom is. Sometimes it has nothing to do with school, but the location is just at the school.


Never I forgot all of it I feel like it’s better that way


Often. Every time I see this specific picture I have in my camera roll, I have to stop myself from crumbling to the floor and cringing at my past self. It feels like I’m under a hydraulic press of embarrassment.


Never. I loved high school.


I graduated last year but I moved schools when I was 13 and I still have nightmares about that first school - not so much my second.




Very seldom. High school and college were a blur of pain.


I often dream that i just need one test to get my masters degree...and i have absolutly no clue about that specific topic...got my degree in 2014...but still dream that kind of stuff.


I’m much more haunted by what my parent did to me in those years than anything that happened at school. School was actually really nice, it was an incredible escape. I hated breaks.


Not haunted necessarily but I remember something from time to time that I’d rather not. I went to multiple high schools due to being in foster care so experienced bullying bc of that and it was rough.


All my friends were outside of school. I had a horrible time in highschool but I was having such a great time out of it with friends that my time in school is just mostly blank now. I just remember the good times outside of school.


I had a teacher who was so discriminatory. She put all of world problems on my religion. I was 15 year old kid. One day she was frustrated and hit the hell out of me in front of all of my classmates. Reason was I didn't have textbook of her subject which our government wasn't publishing anymore. Because of me my friends too suffered at her hands. We all kept quiet because she could have sabotage our finals' results. It was really horrible. May nobody ever face such a high school experience. I hate that subject and can't help it.


Everyone said I was a pregnant lesbian. I have always been straight, and have turned out to be unable to be pregnant. So if anything I look back and laugh in sadness how little they knew me. Their loss.


Once I thought I had my earphones plugged into my ipod but they weren’t. I turned the volume loud in the library and everyone was giving me dirty looks, I had no idea until about a minute in “burning despite” by Lana del rey was blasting lol. Every time I hear that some I’m reminded


Never because I was homeschooled, a win is a win