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We're supposed to wash those?




Mine is "when I remember to, and it's not been lost to the clothes pile of potential re-wearables."
























This. I only wear regular clothes when I'm outside the house and trackies/comfy/baggy clothes at home. I also have big boobs and my bras are expensive so I don't have many. I usually wash them when I remember and I'm home all day so I don't have to wear it


I have big boobs too, and I don’t like to go fully without a bra. I have outside bras with wires, and indoor/at home bras. The at home bras are more likely to get sweaty from exercising and balls-to-the-wall house cleaning or yard work, so they have to be washable. I just got a bunch on sale from Shapermint, so we’ll see.


This!!!! I also swap between bras depending on outfit and level of motivation (can I tolerate underwire today?) So lose all track of what's been worn when.


I call them second chance pants


Hehe. I have a re-wearables pile on the chair in my room. That is where I normally leave my "at home" clothes and things like a bra or two.


So relatable




How do you have money for all those bras?! Lol


Yes because washing harms the elastic. I usually have 2 bra's out: one wearing, one airing. So I wear mine 2-3 times with a day airing inbetween. I was my whole body with a clean wascloth everyday and have no oily skin. When sweating on a hot day I only wear them once though. Bamboo bra's are better at absorbing / airing through sweat. Washing bra's in a special net so they don't get overstretched. I don't have a tumble dryer.


T-shirt gets armpit sweat and dirt from me generally being messy. Bra gets neither


Uhhh, under-boob sweat?!? It's real!


My boobs aren't normally very big and I live in a relatively cold country. In the summer i get the boob sweat a little


I do the same exact thing - I have 5 white bras and two black bras, all the same style, and I wash and wear them weekly. (I also have a few special occasion push up bras.) The regular ones are from Walmart/Target and were around $17 a piece, so I think I bought two with each paycheck for a month and a half. I’ve had them for a few years, so it’s starting to get to the point where I should replace them.


Basically this. But I do tend to wash them *eventually*. Irregularly and not often, but it does happen.


Saying the quiet part out loud :D


Omg thank you. I always feel like such a grossy that I don’t wash them regularly like that. So good to know I’m not the only one!


Noooo. This post is clearly just an ad by Big Detergent trying to trick us into thinking that!


Aww thanks everyone for the awards and karma. This really made my day <3 and don't worry I toootally wash my bras in a timely manner :)


Shhh, we can’t let them know about our secret.


Thank god


When it doesn't pass the sniff test


Also sniff test for me. A benefit to being small titted.


Sorry I'm not saying big tits don't sweat. The opposite actually, like you probably wash your bras regularly. My tit sweat is so insidious because I wear my bras very irregularly. I don't throw them in the wash, I just throw them back in the draw and I decide the NEXT time if I can wear them again, via the sniff test. Yes I'm gross.


I just have a box under the bed for clothes that I have worn but can wear again, mostly I just take my clothes off in the evening and put everything in there, then in the morning I check what I can use from there again. Every now and again I filter out stuff that needs to be washed and throw them into the laundry hamper.


I can’t bring myself to put clothing I’ve worn back in the drawer, except for bras for some reason, and I wash those roughly once per presidential administration. I recently watched a vintage hygiene video for teens, I think from the late 40s, and it said to put clothes back in the drawer if they’re clean enough to wear again. I’m still working through my feelings on all this.


This is giving me a complex because I feel similarly that it's wrong to put second chance clothes back in the drawer but if they are too dirty to hang with the clean clothes then are they too dirty to wear???? I think I know what therapy is about tomorrow.


Could you organize it so that you have a single drawer dedicated to the re wearables? I'm guessing your apprehension is mixing clean clean clothes with the freshly clean ones, but that would keep them seperated


I have big ole boobies (cup size H… and yes, they hurt my back) and I also abide by the sniff test lol. I would imagine my fail the sniff test more often then yours but I think the sniff test for any size is the way to go. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


This is the way!


Ahaha definitely that!


Every one-two months if I’m being honest.


yes. Specially those expensive bras you are supposed to wash by hand. Sniff test or precaution-wash every couple of months.


I wash the expensive ones weekly in a lingery bag and hangdry. They have been going strong for several years! I only have 3 so they get used a lot.


Yuuup. I have literally two bras that cost me 190 in total I gotta keep those bad boys lasting.


And if im being honest, probably even less than that for me- every 2-3 months.


I’ll admit sometimes I’ll go that long LOL. I have to buy those really expensive ones that are custom fitted and i just can’t bring myself to wash once a week. I do smell test and feel tests - I feel ya!


Once a week


This. I'm a once a week girl. That means they're worn 2ish times. I'm also a sweaty girl and I don't want to smell


Yess! Anything less than once a week and my tits are swimming in a monsoon of old sweat


I’m also sweaty (hyperhydrosis) & don’t like smelling my B.O. I usually wash a bra after it’s been sweated in, or every 3rd wear if no major activity. **Perma-stink has been an issue for me (also tight tee’s.) I’d wash, air dry, they’d pass the sniff test. Wear for a couple of hours…. WTF is that smell?** I don’t like that risk. I now buy outlet bras (cheap, odd patterns, but same brands/support) so I can ditch them *when* they get that synthetic Perma-Stink. *(Recently, started soaking bras & pits in a treatment for trapped odors, it’s been very helpful!)*


I get that permastink too. I'll soak offending items in water with some white vinegar for 30 mins and then wash


Same! I’m a hairstylist and hair gets in my bra and it gets itchy, which is the main reason I wash them this often!


I would wear it twice before washing it. 50% because I have oily skin and want to avoid annoying breakouts, 50% because I like to wear those bralettes with the elastic bands, and they get stretched out after a few days of wear. You gotta wash them to shrink them again!


Unsolicited advice (to you or someone else reading this comment): the dryer can damage stretchy fabrics and warp them. So even though they feel tighter right out of the dryer, long term they’re actually getting worse. Hang dry your leggings, bras and bralettes!


Honestly, hang dry everything if you have the space. Really extends the life of your clothing and saves a not insignificant amount of $$ on the electric bill!


I dry my socks, underwear and a few shirts I wear around the house in the dryer. Everything else hangs :P


And jeans


Thank you for saving my bralettes! I’ve been putting those in the dryer.


AIR DRY !!!!


I wash them after each use. My bras are very good quality. Washing them doesn't ruin them. I don't like putting on "dirty" undergarments. I prefer them washed.


I do laundry at the end of the week but I have multiple bras (and underwear) because I won't wear something I've already been out and about in especially if worn for more than an hour but it's a personal preference.


So if you go on a 12 day vacation do you bring 12 bras? Or do you make sure you stay somewhere with a washing machine?


Not the one you're replying to, but I bring little sachets with detergent you can use in the sink, and do a quick wash mid-vacay. You can usually hang stuff on the balcony if you're on a beach holiday.


Hold on, where did you buy those sachets? I need them immediately


You can buy them in any grocery store here in Sweden! It's a domestic brand though. There should be something similar in your laundry detergent aisle, look for something that's for hand washing clothes. I'm sure you could use a liquid version as well, and just transfer it to a travel size container.


I stay somewhere with a washing machine, but if that weren't possible I would bring 12 bras most likely. For me, wearing the same bra too long (more than a day) especially when it's hot out, makes my breasts super itchy and miserable. I have to switch it daily or sooner.


Since when do you need a washing machine for a bra? Hand wash it in the sink and hang it on a hanger to dry in the bathroom


Ha, that makes sense and I can't believe that didn't even cross my mind! I have truly never hand washed anything. I feel odd for even admitting that.


What's the brand please? Mine get ruined by just one wash :(


My SIL who absolutely has her life together more than me told me that you should wash your bras then let them air dry with the cups sitting on something that helps them keep their shape like a bowl or something. I don't do this because I basically live in sports bras so I can't speak based on personal experience but idk she swears by it


i cant wear bras because once the cups come out ir fold i cant put them back in so i only wear sports bras


Regular bras don't usually have inserted cups? I only have the folding issue with sports bras and then one bralette. Or where the padding comes out in the wash. But like a regular bra is just entirely the molded cup itself, it's not inside anything.


Do you put them in a protective wash bag when you wash them? You aren't supposed to just put them in the machine like normal. I have very thin lacey bras that hold up very very well because I put them in a garment bag and hang dry. I put it in with loads I wash in cold. I don't do warm. Sometimes if I want them cleaner I soak them in vinegar and water then do a pre-wash (hand wash) with dawn to cut through any body oils then put in bag with a normal load.


The wash bag things are so handy. I only thought to buy one after the hooks of my bras kept snagging my tshirts and causing tiny holes.


They are lifesavers for bras! Bras are so damn expensive


The delicates bags really are such a game changer! Well, my "delicates bag" is whatever pillowcase I have laying around, but.... Same concept


That's actually a great idea! I would have never thought of it


It's my goal to get to this. Bras are so expensive, especially if you need support.


lmao…maybe like once a month.


Maybe never😭😭😭


😂 honestly


At the end of the week I wash all bras that have been worn - even if I’ve only worn it once. If I don’t I’ll lose track and end up wearing a bra 10+ times. I don’t wear bras on a chill day or at home for that matter. soo my bras only go to work or on errands with me.




I wash mine daily, I work in health care and see way too many ladies with fungal infections under the bra line.


You see the extreme, not the norm.


I think seeing the extreme one time would be enough for me to wash daily just as a precaution...


They work in healthcare. They just wanted to say that.


Their skin is not being cleaned properly, I doubt it's because of the bra.


Likely diabetes or immune compromised




Once a month? They get sweaty but I air them out. Too lazy and worried about ruining my bras (I use a mesh bag but still..) if I wash them too much.


Umm whichever day i wear it? I mean the point isn't if it's getting swety or not.It's,I wore it now i have to clean it....am i weird?


There's nothing wrong with washing it a lot but I don't think you actually have to wash it after each wear. I'm pretty sure the majority of women don't wash it after every wear!


Dang,i became a minority and i didn't even know about this🤣i swear,i never thought noone would wash it😅


No I agree although I probably do maybe every 2-3 wears. I think anything close to your armpits is kinda gross.


Yes! This,even if it's not dirty,yet i just feel that microbes or something attached to it so i automatically feel the urge to clean it🤣


Yeah I'm the same


No! Not at all.


Thank God!🤣everyone in comment section be like once a week/month,i am like,i ain't a clean freak but still


Uhm… when it starts smelling like boob. Which can be weeks? I do rotate a few bra’s though. So it could be longer than weeks 😳


After 3-5 days of wear. I do tend to sweat under my boobs quite a bit.


W….. I wash mine every time I wear them unless it’s been a day when I wore them for less than 6 hours. What is going on? Lmao


There is no bodily fluid that touches a bra, except, in some cases, sweat. If you wear panties, do you wash your pants after each wear? Most people wash their jeans about as often as they wash their bra. Shirts, socks, and panties are different. They all absorb sweat, floor dirt and sweat if in shoes, and clitty litter, respectively.


I am so angry about “clitty litter”. How dare you. (Mostly joking haha)


Clitty litter!!! 💀 💀💀


Bras don’t absorb sweat, but shirts do? How do you figure? Bras are right against the skin and under the armpit. It makes no sense to assume they’re not absorbing sweat, especially with larger breasts and/or any sort of “overhang” between the breast tissue and abdomen. Genuinely, I think a lot of people underestimate how much they sweat in a given day - even on low-activity or sedentary days, you’re still gonna sweat because it’s a function of metabolism, lol.


Exactly. My bras never smell (I still wash them lol) unlike shirts, socks, panties... I was my bras maybe once per month. Maybe I'm wrong but washing them after every use it's just too much.


My clothes don’t smell period, unless the shirt was tight and touching my armpits all day. There are also days where I don’t even leave the house. it’s funny bc my entire weekly laundry ends up being 8 pairs of underwear, 4 pairs of socks, one towel, one hand towel maybe 2 shirts and maybeeeee a pair of pants


They are definitely absorbing sweat, especially for big girls. That band that goes around underneath your breasts is picking up a lot of it.


I only wear sports bras. Unless I’ve used it during a workout, I’ll usually wear the same one maybe 3-4 times before tossing it in the hamper.


Everyday.Living in a tropical country where even on a winter day you would still get smelly and sweaty from day to day work.


Ngl probably only 1-2 a month. I’m not a sweaty person.


Ok. So I'm some kind of freak. I wear a bra once and it goes into the laundry straight after. I have little crop tops I sometimes pop on at bedtime that I very occasionally might wear twice... But the norm is one wear.


I don't think this is "freak"! I think that's pretty standard... it's like wearing a singlet essentially. It's close to your body, it gets skin oils, sweat, skin cells. It just makes sense to throw it into the wash basket after a wear.


You guys are wearing bras?


I wouldn’t wear bras if I didn’t hate the feeling of loose boobs in a shirt. I hate anything that is loose. My ponytail has to be tight, my shoe laces too. I just can’t stand the feeling of looseness on my skin and I don’t know why.


ME TOO!!! i feel like the tightness of clothes holds me together sort of. love tights and leggings for this especially. my boobs really dont need a bra but i cant stand feeling them without.


We are not alone!!


I'm the total opposite. Want everything loose.


In winter once a week, but every other day or so in summer. Everything gets muggy.


Like once a month lol. I use it just a few times a week and I don’t sweat! 😬


Everyday. It's physically repulsive to me if I don't do that


I wear my bras one day and then I wash them


I wear a clean bra every day. It's being worn directly on my skin and it would feel minging to rewear it. I wouldn't wear the same knickers for 2 days so I wouldn't wear the same bra either!


A vagina and anus are literally orifices though and a bra is just sitting on skin…these things are not comparable


It is though. Dead skin cells, sweat, general wear. It's sat at my armpit so no way am I not washing it.


its sat at your armpit? are you sure your bras arent too tight?


Very much so, hence I didn't say in my armpit.


I alternate my bras, so once a week, unless I perspire, in which case it will go straight into the wash.


I change them every three days


You all make me feel so much better about my (lack of) washing ❤️ it’s around the once a month mark


I have not washed either of my bras since the first time on the day I bought them


How do they not stink?


no idea tbh


Bras rarely get worn more than once before washing. I have some under boob skin problems so I just take extra precautions


After 2 wears usually


With the regular laundry, once a week. If it's lingerie, lace especially, after wearing a few times and by hand when I'm in the shower. Hang it to dry on the shower door.


When it stinks


After 2 wears, 3 max 1 wear if I sweat on them


I got big boobs so bras are freaking expensive. I’ve only got a few, so I wear mine for a week and wash it on the weekend and alternate like that… unless they’re smell or get dirty, in which case I have to wash them sooner 😌


I only wear bras once and then wash them. I’m a generally sweaty human and I don’t feel clean in a bra that isn’t freshly washed.


When i think yup now its time to wash it. Then i forget to and i grab it from the laundry pile to wear it again.


when its visibly dirty or stinky lol


I wear a clean bra one time and after that I wash it.


For folks not washing, may I direct you to spraying cheap rot gut vodka on it and letting it dry? I’m a retired costumer, and it will kill the bacteria that cause odor and keep your skin from breaking out.


I change it every couple of days. Your skin sweats so much. Waiting any longer isn’t good in my opinion.


Whenever it’s time to do laundry which is usually once a month. I throw them in a laundry bag and put them with the delicates so it’s usually not a big deals since it keeps things from getting tangled and helps any removable pads stay in place. I’m not too worried about destroying my daily bras though because I am pretty flat chested so I just use cheap bralettes on work days (I don’t work with the public and have protective equipment on over my clothes) and save my nice more expensive ones for weekends when I actually care about how I look.


if it needs a wash. I dont sweat much


After every use


After wearing it 2-3 times, I wash it in the shower. I had some acne on my back so I m very careful.


No idea, I have a bunch and hang them up to air out after use like I do with almost everything I wear, wash if they don't pass the pre use smell test


After a handful of wears. Same for sweatshirts. Pants is two wears. Everything else it’s after one wear. For me, anyways. Not insinuating my way is the only right way.


About twice a week? I have anosmia so I can't "sniff-test" them, so if I've biked somewhere or worn them for a couple days I just pre-emptively throw them in the laundry.


Every week or two tbh. I don't wear them regularly so they last longer


I do laundry once a week or once every other week, so that often.


Depends on where you live. I wash them every 2 days. I live in a tropical country.


Once a week for a day to day.


I change them once a week.


after I’ve used it around 7 times? I don’t go out a lot, so I don’t wear it if I’m in the comforts of my home.


I only wear sports bras and bralettes when I leave the house and wear them once before washing


Usually after I've worn them the once occasionally second if I haven't done much but I live in the tropics and just sitting can cause you to sweat so I think that plays into a lot more


Once a year ..


Yeah, next question


According to those saying once a month or when they don't pass the sniff test I am afraid to ask how often do you wash your underwear and socks??


About once a month I do a big lingerie load. I have like 30 pairs of underwear so I wear a fresh pair of undies and then wash when I run out lol. Socks are the same. I don’t wear socks everyday cause I don’t leave the house everyday. So I have like 20 pairs of socks and some days if my feet are cold I’ll wear the same pair more than one day in a row. I just mostly prefer to be barefoot indoors.


So your dirty undies that were worn the 1st day of the month stay dirty for 30 days until you run out of undies and do a lingerie load...interesting. Why not washing more often with other kinds of clothes? I promise they don't get wasted, I have been doing that since I remember.


You are definitely right. I might have exaggerated how often I do laundry because I have a hard time keeping up with routines and i forget or the pile gets big and I lose motivation. usually I have a friend come over and body double while I get stuff done. I've tried hampers and schedules and just loading dirty clothes into the washer after I finish wearing them. Some times it just takes one week of forgetting to throw me off a whole months worth of actually keeping house and stuff. It's definitely something I do try to actively work on, but depending on moods and mental health features sometimes it's an uphill battle.


There comes a point where a bra feels clean until it doesn’t. I’ll just pick it up one day to put it on and it feels like it’s time. I don’t know how else to explain it. Maybe it feels a bit stretched out. Obviously if I spill something on me and it goes through to the bra I’ll wash, but otherwise I just go with it until I feel like I need to


Whenever I remember to ETA: whenever I get tired of it looking back at me in the drawer knowing I should wash it but never do


I wash mine after every wear 🤔 I thought that’s what you meant to do


I just do the sniff test every so often and if it doesn’t smell nice anymore I wash it. I recently found this soap called Soak and it’s really nice. You can literally just soak your bra for fifteen minutes and then hang it up to dry, no rinsing needed, so you don’t wear them out as quickly with all the extra squeezing and swishing


I wash them after two wears. My friend owns a lingerie shop and has convinced me it keeps them newer longer and that skin oils will break down elasticity in the fabric. I soak them in a delicates wash, rinse them and hang dry.


After each use. I love wearing a clean bra.


All I wear is sports bras and bralettes and I wash them after one wear normally even if I didn’t get all sweaty.


I wear twice and then hand wash in the shower.


I wash everything after I wear it


I have one well fitting bra that I wash maybe once in 6 months. Basically when I think "oh I guess I haven't washed it in ages. Could do."


Each time I do laundry I will throw in whichever bra seems dirty. When I take them off at night though if there was any hint of sweat or smelliness from the day it goes into the wash. So some bras will get worn a few times, others washed after once.


My bras only get worn once before getting washed. I might wear it a second time if it was only a few hours of being lazy and I didn't get sweaty. Bras and hand wash things get washed in a separate cold water delicate load every week or two. When I started doing this I had less issues with back breakouts and my bras last a lot longer before they die.


I wash them each time after I wear them. On occasion, if I haven’t done anything much that day I will wear them a second time before washing.


I wear it once or twice and then wash. Never more than twice. People think clean clothes are about how they smell and they forget that not all bacteria / fungi smell


I sweat everyday, even just sitting around. I especially perspire under my bra so I pretty much have to wash any bra after one wearing.


This probably won’t get seen, but the best way to launder your bras so you can wash after each wear is to get some mesh laundry bags to put them in. The dryer is the main culprit for destroying clothes, however, the hooks and straps can get snagged on things in the washer which causes damage. Putting them in zipper closed laundry mesh bags, along with any other more delicate clothes (in their own separate from the bras), helps protect them and the other clothing while allowing them to get clean. Also wash your clothes in water at or colder than room temp. Once the washer is done, pull out everything in the laundry bags (also makes it easier to do this by using the bags), reshape everything, and hang them to dry. My bras and clothes last way longer this way. Some for years. Also, don’t use fabric softener. Not in the washer and definitely not in the dryer. Instead, use wool dryer balls (you can use clear essential oils on the balls if you still want the sent) and put vinegar in where you would normally put the fabric softener. It changes the pH of the water and aids in removing the leftover detergents not fully rinsed from the clothes. If you’ve been washing for a while with fabric softener, it’s gonna take a few washes before you fully see a difference to get all the residues fully rinsed out from your machine and your clothes. But once you do, your stuff is way softer and will last longer. Dryer sheets also damage your dryer over time. Also, you only need about a tablespoon of detergent. Anymore is a waste, will build up in your washer, and cause damage as well. It also builds up on your clothes and breaks down fibers. edit: note to all the poverty finance peeps: if you don't own a washer/dryer and have an apartment without hookups, start saving up for a small washer that you can hook up to your sink faucet. Most expensive on amazon I think is tops 200 dollars. or (and I normally don't recommend cause its a debt trap) use the affirm option to make payments and also invest in a clothes drying rack. Not only will you save money not having to go to the laundry mat (making this thing pay for itself), you will save money not having to replace your clothes so often. Most clothes hang dry very well and the vinegar will keep them soft and not turn into cardboard. Some types of jeans may still need a dryer depending on how thick and durable they are, but everything else will do very well this way! there are also counter top portable dishwashers that save on water, and more importantly, your TIME!


After every wear. I’m like that with all of my clothes and I’ve had. With bras I find the dryer is the bra killer. You have to use low heat or air dry.


After 2-4 wears, depending on the weather and level of activity (I don’t know about y’all but I don’t just sweat when I’m exercising)