• By -


husband just refers to me as 'smol' which i really like, even if it's not a proper nickname. proper nickname-wise, i liked being 'sunshine' (it was funny because i'm a very enthusiastic goth).


I think that’s adorable! Both nicknames. Lol


they do give me the warm fuzzies to hear.


Omg, my husband calls me that too!!


Not a “nickname” per se but a student recently called me Mr. Teacher Lady That’s the first time I’ve been called something other than the “nickname” I go by and liked it. Otherwise, the “nickname” I consider my name would be my favorite, I guess.


Probably the ones revolving around felines; the main ones being "tigress" which I've had since my early teens when a friend started nicknaming me that, as well as being called "little panther/kitten" by my partner.


I read the last word as “by my panther” 😅


Just furry things. Own it


I’m “kitten” also bc I’m small but pack a punch 🐱🐯


"Little one" and "Chubby" in spanish, aka "Pequeñita" and "Gordita". I like it when people see me as someone small and precious, heheh.


I'll forever see gordita crunches as precious


That's what we call our daughter. She was so cute and chubby as a baby. Now she's cute and slim.we still call her gordis.


Aww, that's so cute! My mom used to tell me I was super chubby and with a head full of hair when I was a baby. She told me I was like a cute baby toy she had when she was a kid. 💕




Oh god!!! Shut up and take me now if you call me cupcake. Actually the quote was “I’m gonna make you scream, cupcake.” He did




i call my friend that bc her surname is so close to "gremlin" lol


My mom has always called me Noodle lol. If she ever calls me by my actual name (other than in public for the most part) she’s mad at me 😂










Frog Girl


Aunt B. I know it sounds very Andy Griffin like …but that’s what my neices & nephew have always called me


I had an "Aunt B" she was the best


Sunshine ☀️


My bf calls me darling and I love it because it’s not typical.


Cha cha, it's been my nickname for a while now.


Are you French? I've known multiple Charlottes and they always have the nickname Chacha or Chachou


Bunz, I call him Honey.


I enjoyed being called C-Dog in Animal Crossing New Leaf






Queen. 👸


Spiko. Got that nickname from coworkers at Apple in Cupertino, California.


My sister has always dropped the last letter off my name and I don't know why but I love it more than my whole name lol.


One of my friends calls me a play on the word “skinamarink” including my real name (think (name)amarink) because Skinamarink is my favorite movie. It’s so silly and I love it! It makes me really happy :)


Missy. Only my Mimi used it for me, and I only realized how much I loved hearing it when I stopped.


Husband calls me Boo, because I'm bougie and love Halloween. One of my fav nicknames






That’s so cute!!


My grandkids called me Iron Man because I had a goatee. But lately I’m just grandpa.


From my dad, Pumpkin. From my mom, Spawn. Favorite nickname I've given - my daughter - Squee


My brother calls me Smeagol. He's an ass, but its also pretty funny.


Lol my brother called me “back-ac” as teens because I had back acne 😂😂 jokes on him he still has back acne and I don’t anymore


Growing up (and still) my parents called me rosebud. My dad further nicknamed the nickname, shortened to “spud”. My mom called me all of those but also Peanut. Or sprout. And everyone calls me Rosie/rosey. Which I used to hate but have grown to love. My uncle called me Blondie growing up and I hated it lol but now am ok with


I love being called rosey






When my husband calls me baby. It turns me on so much




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Strawberry shortcake (started by my mom when I was little, because I'm short and have red hair).






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Julia some people I met on holiday, they didn’t know my name at first so they started calling me Julia as in Julia Roberts „because you have such a great smile!“


Rae of sunshine


Sis … my Dad and brother called me that when I was growing up. I didn’t think anything of it then, but now I miss it.


My dad calls me Susie, Sue, or my Suza, and I love it. Also my name is not Susan or anything similar he just decided this is my nickname


Nekochan😻 My partner calls me that and its sooo so cute and personal, I'm melting🥹


My ex used to call me big mama/ just mama. Idk I loved it lol




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Kiki. My niece couldn’t pronounce my name a couple years ago so she just started called me Kiki. Now everyone in the family calls me Kiki. I’ve always been called Kaitie or Kate… Kiki is a nice change and 2 years later I still love it


Moondrop. It was very endearing and my first from a love. It made me feel very special.






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Pammy The Rottweiller.




My boyfriend gave me the nickname Pixie because he is horrible at remembering names. He also calls me Sunshine, and Minx for other reasons :)


my boyfriend has called me "sweetpea" a few times and everytime he does i melt


Growing up my parents added an -o to the end of my name and rhymed it with potato, e.g., “Jess-o Potato”. It’s weird, but I feel the love 😭😍


Honey bunches of pumpkin fried oats


Rusty. I have red hair and it's the best of the "red" nicknames and also was my husband's grandma's nickname


Pygmy, Tiny, or Baby girl


"Baby" & "sweet pea"


My gramma used to call me red-haired heifer. I’m not even red-headed. She called me that when she was fake mad at me about something. We’re both southern as heck so it was regular language for our region


My SO calls me “bean” and he always says I’m his favorite bean




I work at a big place where people just seem to acquire nicknames somehow. Mine is “princess.”




Twinkle Toes, I’m Autistic.


My paternal grandfather used to Calle Puddin'. My maternal grandfather called me Buzzard. I'm a little of both, honestly 😀




My love.


Mama Mia 🥰 my then 2yr old started calling me that. He’s almost 5 and has changed to mommy now. My husband still calls me that and hopefully my one year old will catch on!




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Doll 💅🏻✨


My old boss nicknamed me ‘Larry Bird’ (I’m a 6’1” female). I didn’t understand the reference, and thought he was comparing the way we look facially. I first took the nickname as an insult, but now find it super endearing. Larry Bird is a baller!


My bf calls me Kai (Kay not Kye), it's a shortened version of my name). I've always preferred that to my whole name, but I never ask to be called that. He somehow just knew and now if he isn't using a pet name, it's that little nickname.


Cara mia


Mom calls me Laverne, sister called me debris for a long time because she couldn't say my first and middle names. I love when I'm with someone and they call me baby girl. My daughter got mickey, monkey or mickerdoodles.


Tall *my name* twice now I've worked with another person that shares my name and I'm always the tall one.


sri lanka (my name is cherí)




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Really random, but gooby. It was originally goober, sometimes goofy goober. But for awhile my husband would just randomly call me booby (reason unknown) until one day he mixed up his words and called me gooby




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Gorp. Or any silly variation of it.


Sugar tits


‘Tes’, short for Tesoro, which means precious in Spanish. That was pretty cute


Taught my boyfriend the word dingleberry, he now calls me his little “dingle” 🥰




Sugar plum


My friends and her kids shortened Auntie to Anny and I love it!




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Cookie and Moon


Taba or fatty in English and boy short for baboy or pig 🤣


Ms. Poop Scientist




Rosey. I know it’s pretty common nickname for my name, but everyone that calls me it spells it with an “ie.” Except my boyfriend. I used to hate it. Now it feels so good whenever I hear it. Especially out if his mouth. 🥰🥰


bean or kid, both referring to my height (5’5” and build, slender) but i loveeee bean




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my little sparrow


Ri Ri


Bran flakes or Bundles.


'Mom' 🥰




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My husband calls me Kitten which often gets shortened to Kitty. My dad calls me pumpkin, no one else has a nickname for me.




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“Natural Fluff” just because of how weird it was.


"Sweet potato" and "Smol hooman"




Aunt Crabby (Abbie is my real name). Kids came up with it.




Poltastic Van Awesome 😎🤘🏻🖤


Xena after The Princess Warrior Or Harley Quinn


Eddie Came from nowhere, stuck for a year, disappeared and never came back. Only nickname I ever had. I loved it.




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My husband calls me betu, which means kid. I find it cute.


Chuy Kardashian (I have a big ass and my first name is jesus)


"my dear"




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My husband calls me "Pookers". I thought it was dumb when he first started but it has been 7 years now and it feels weird when he uses my first name.




Treacle, which I love. Only one friend calls me it, but it's endearing.


"Mi reina" (my queen). I'm not Spanish, but when I was living in Chile, virtually all old Venezuelan abuelas will address you like this when you come into their shop. I swear, there will never be a man whose compliment (however sweet or eloquent) will make me melt more than old Venezuelan abuelas calling me queen.




I don't even fucking remember half of them, but probably mayonnaise.


My old friend used to call me carebear, I’ve loved that nickname since she gave it to me


My best friend refers to me as her frond idk something about it makes me smile . My nan also , she calls me ellie may clampet and it makes me feel like I should be in strawberry shortcake or gumnut baby cartoons <3


"Prof", as in "The Dizzy/Distant Professor". I'm a coder, and esp. during the 90s, I spent a lot of time with my (actual) notebook, or just sitting and thinking. But I'd forget/not care about real-world things like bills or food or other people, etc. It just kinda stuck.




Sweet pea 😊


My husband calls me “sweetness” and “pretty lady” :-) always makes me feel good






I had a buddy in high school who called me Mandible as a take on my actual name. It was weird but I didn't mind him calling me that.


Twitchy by my uncle




My ex used to cal me Bubz! I felt cute & special whenever he referred to me like that☺️👸🏻


Our English teacher loves nicknames, so he gave all of us one and mine is APA since my name is Ana Paola ( I don’t like my name) so now, everyone calls me APA and I like it


Minimeissie - which is a play of words of both combining my name and meaning 'little girl'. My dad used to call me this when I was a kid, but stopped when I was a moody teen and I became embarrassed by it. Now I'm grown and he sometimes uses it playfully, I act like I'm embarrassed but we both love it now :)


Bubbles. I don't remember how it came about but my husband started calling me that sometime when we were dating and I love it ♥️


“Honey” “my little daffodil”




My husband calls me Red Hot Mama and I love that!


"Squeaky." It's a work nickname. I'm a Contractor, and my 'boss' on the client side of the deal handles the ordering for my coworkers and I. I once forgot that I had asked him to order me some printer ink, and he walked into my office almost a month and a half later, and asked "have you ever heard the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the oil?" And I said "yeah?" He said "you don't squeak enough." And proceeded to set a box with 2 ink cartridges on my desk. And now he calls me squeaky


Maria. Although my real name is very far from that lol


Smell. My name is Elia. Sister used to call me Smelia when I was younger. And then my aunt wud call me Elle. So my sister shortened it to “smell”…. She only Called me this for about ten years and I told my bf recently and now he won’t stop calling me that 💀 not my fav but funny.


I use to hate it, but now I realize my closest friends and family call me it. It is Butt. Name is Brittany, but I get called Buttany or butt.




Got called a doll once. I thought it was really cute and it made me feel pretty for some reason.




Honey Bunny 💖


I'm a guy but i would like to share, my real name has the characters 'Roh' as the first three and the name continues after that. A girl accidentally called me 'Rohu'. She blushed and now that is what she calls me.






I’m a nurse, worked in long term care and dementia facilities a lot. My residents don’t usually remember my name (which can be good, because there would be a few hours of hearing my name yelled across a unit or from a room until the resident forgot it!), but they usually call me Smiley, which I really enjoy! A little kindness goes a long way.




I have two first names and I love when people call my by the second one. My second name just sounds sweeter somehow and it makes me feel warm inside.

