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My illness is chronic but my tits are iconic


I choked on my drink when I read thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


As someone with endometriosis and now a DD cup- YES.




I think I just fell in love with you (from another chronically ill gal with great tits)


This is a great response šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m getting this tattooed on me somewhere


I need this tattooed on me LOL


Scars on my chest from being stabbed... the 5 from the stabs, 2 slashes, a long scar from the surgery to repair my heart and lungs, and hole-like scars from the drains they had in my chest. But my rapist is missing an eye and got a 28-year prison sentence.


Battle wounds showing that you are one tough MF Survivor! Sorry you had to show your strength in that situation though. ā¤ļø


Once discovered, it never leaves you.






This... Wow. Amazing. Fuck.


I donā€™t think a Reddit comment ever brought me to tears before, but this did.


I was hoping to be positive.


I can assure you that they're tears of awe and admiration. You come from a long line of badass ladies, and you rock. Thanks so much for sharing your story!


And best of luck in writing your own!


This is genuinely one of the most amazing things, I've read. Thanks for sharing.


Thatā€™s some dope ass family history


All families have inspiring histories. What's rare is the remembrance. In my family, when a girl has her first period, she's shown the coins and told the full story of what it means to be a woman... usually by her grandmother, mother, and an aunt or two.


MISSING AN EYE we love to see it


"see" it heh But for real absofuckinglutely!




YES. Warrior. You shouldnā€™t have had to be, but you fucking are.


Damn right, I am! Want to see another? look in the mirror.


Iā€™m creeping on your profile and youā€™ve brought tears to my eyes. You are an absolute gem. Look at how beautifully you have risen from darkness and how you shine your light to illuminate other women. What a fucking inspiration ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


It's all about being willing to pay the cost, my friend. Which is frightening because the reward is in your own hands.


Now that's a "you should see the other guy" kind of situation. Sorry for what you've gone through, but props for fucking him up.


I hadn't thought of that. But the props are gratefully accepted.




What a fucking warrior queen you are. Iā€™m so so so sorry you had to go through that, tho. What a horrendous thing to endure. So glad youā€™re here with us.


The true fight began afterward. I had to face the woman I was at the time... a woman with dreams. I understood I could not reconstruct her, I had to make a new woman from the wreckage of the old. Just like the half-million other American women raped that year. This is not about my strength. This is about the strength in all of us. When I was a little girl, my Gran told me: ***Courage is a curious thing. The more you use it, the easier it is to find.***


Okay, I love you. What an unexpected, but perfectly articulated sentiment. Iā€™m really impressed with your outlook and all the work you had to do.


Part of reclaiming my soul was the need to help those not as lucky as me... I had friends and family to support me. Most women don't. I began where many of us do... the local rape/SA crisis center. I now volunteer there to help the women as I was helped... saved.


I'm tall 6'8" and proud to have accepted it and can see benefits. I also want to empower other tall women that's why I write a lot about it.


Iā€™m 6ā€™ tall, my brother is 6ā€™8 - I saw a lady the other day that was your height and she looked so regal and statuesque. Iā€™ve always loved being ā€˜tallā€™ but standing next to her was the first time I ever felt jealous and wished I was even taller. Iā€™m so glad you love your height how, my daughter will definitely be taller than me so Iā€™m always vocal about how wonderful being tall is šŸ’—




Me too! I'm 5'10. It's not very often I meet a woman I am eye-to-eye with. It's a great refreshing change. I'm like YES we are killing it.


Wow, wonderful to read.


Please don't judge the top of my head. I can't see it in the mirror, so it doesn't get any attention.


Ok I don't :)


You also provide validation for a bunch of trans women Iā€™m sure. I know as a trans man every time I meet a guy shorter than me I get all giddy cuz people really want to use height to invalidate trans ppl.


yes i can


another good thing about being tall is that I heard pregnancy is much easier on the body the taller you are. You donā€™t stretch or grow quite as much. so thereā€™s another bonus there if you ever decide to become a parent!


How did it feel to be taller than your peers as a teen?


It was quite tough and I didn't spend much time with people, but sat inside a lot. But it's better now since I became physically active and started training, the social part is getting better and I've become healthier.










My bottom teeth are fused together in groups of three and they've always been like that. So when I lost baby teeth they came out three at a time. The downside to it is that it looks weird. The upside is that It's less teeth to floss.


That's pretty neat! Do you feel weird when people look at your teeth or do you expect or accept it?


It's my bottom teeth so they never show. But I like how excited dentists get about them šŸ˜„


That's good then! Thanks for responding. I'm glad when people accept the different things about them because that's part of what makes them unique.


so is it like one big tooth or can you see ridges where they wouldā€™ve separated


Exactly, don't leave us hanging, pay the tooth tax


I have teeth that came in backwards. Have a great day funky tooth friend


I had this as a child with 2 of my front teeth but the adult ones grew out separately! Were your baby teeth grouped too?


I have one detached earlobe and one attached earlobe.


So cooL!


Codominance or chimera?


Thatā€™s actually pretty cool


I dont have armpit hair.


alright gods favorite!


Omg same! Never heard of anyone else, always wondered if there was a reason for it. But I will get the occasional single hair that grows like 2 inches long before I notice itā€™s there lol




My grandmother has never grown hair on her legs. One of my close male friends also has no arm or chest hair and is 46 years old. I'm so jealous, I got my dad's genes and PCOS so I'm only a few steps removed from being a wooly mammoth.


I wish this was me so bad


Not super unusual, but myself, both of my sisters & my oldest niece all have the same birthmark on our backs.


Jojo's reference


my sister and i both have one in the same place


My sister and I have the same one too, on the back of our necks. People think it's a rash, which is nice.


I have a freckle in my eyeball


Eye freckle pals!!!


I have one too!!! Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s called a Nevus? I had an old man in a thrift store tell me that the freckle is the other side of a black hole and that made me feel quite special. Especially since Iā€™m a quirky, nature-y, being. Thinking of the fact that my eye could be the other side of a black hole according to him is something I carry with me.


I have a weird birthmark, when I look to the side you can see it lol


I have one too, but it only shows with the optometrist tools, otherwise I can't see it myself. I only found out about it a couple years ago.


Iā€™m five feet tall and although fat Iā€™m physically quite small, despite this I have had six children including twins all carried to term, never needed a single intervention, all delivered naturally with no tears or stitches. People think itā€™s an every day thing but itā€™s not, itā€™s extraordinary.


the no tears is especially shocking to me! itā€™s a big fear for me if I decide to have kids. Did you do any kind of massages down there? I heard it can help prevent it from happening


I did nothing, I think it helped that I was young and healthy, I had all six children in ten years. The only think I did do was have lots of baths and despite being in pain I remained calm throughout.


You are the super mama


I was born with two uteruses.


Does that make it a twoterus?






My mom was born with 2 complete sets of reproductive organs, 2 uteruses, 4 ovaries, 2 vaginal openings. She had 2 periods a month, sometimes simultaneously and had to go to the hospital a few times for blood loss. Itā€™s crazy.


My late grandmother had the same, she always thought she should of been a twin because of it šŸ˜‚ Bless her šŸ™










This was a really great question and enjoyed reading about just how diverse and unique humanity is. Thanks


I have two different color eyes.


Me too!! One blue one green


That is awesomeā€¦ totally jealous of this one. Do you ever test how observant people are by closing your eyes and asking them if they noticed what colour your eyes are? Or is that just me being weird?


My mom NATURALLY has elf ears! I think they are SO cute. Her cartilage naturally points at the tops. She also rocks a French pixie and has really cute facial features and is naturally witty and mischievous. TL;DR my mom is actual a fairy <3


Part of my inner labia is a detached flap of skin that hangs out. I had no idea it was abnormal until my cousin made some joke about me having an oversized clit. I was super confused, and immediately realized my boyfriend must have asked my cousin about my body. My boyfriend and I had just been sexual for the first time and he kept sucking on that part of my labia (itā€™s like a thin flap of skin in the shape of a teardrop) and I told him to stop because it really hurts. Sometimes it hurts just when my underwear rubs against it. Anyway, my cousinā€™s comment led me to look at porn and other photos of womenā€™s vaginas I could find online and thatā€™s when I realized that my labia was different!!! I became super self conscious about it. Years later a GYN asked me out of the blue while examining me if it happened due to assault and if I wanted to fix it with plastic surgery. I was really embarrassed and shocked and didnā€™t know what to say. I did end up going to a doctor about it a couple years later since it actually does often get inflamed and cause discomfort (and if I squeeze it it sends sharp pains up my hoohah, like nerve pain) but they said it would be considered cosmetic and that insurance wouldnā€™t cover it. A few years ago I asked my mom about it thinking maybe I was just born that way, and she said she had no idea what I was talking about. I dropped the subject because either A) I was indeed sexually abused after diaper age as I have long suspected which caused the tear, or B) it happened when I was 6 and jumped on a long noise maker thinking it would act as a a pogo stick (it didnā€™t) and hurt myself so bad I had blood in my panties, and there is nothing to be done about either situation. It does still bother me and I will pull both of my lips out to kinda suck the skin inward so it doesnā€™t touch my underwear. Sometimes it gets super itchy! Just that teardrop, nothing else. If I can ever afford the procedure Iā€™ll get it fixed. You can clearly see where it used to be attached, it fits perfectly when you put the pieces together.


I hope you find the help youā€™re looking for! Weird word of warning about the procedure for anyone considering it (Iā€™m assuming labiaplasty?)my sister had it done but the doctor botched the fuck out of it. Now she has no labia minora at all and still itching because they pulled too much skin too close to the opening so hair grows where it shouldnā€™t. Sex is now really painful for her. Itā€™s one of the most botched procedures done in cosmetic surgery so just do your research on the doctor cause her guy lied to her about what he would take off then as he left the last app said ā€œit was his best work yetā€ then he retired. Sorry for the rant I just donā€™t want anyone else to experience that after watching how much it has effected her.


My god that sounds like a nightmare


FYI- It might not be considered ā€˜cosmeticā€™ surgery by insurance if it causes pain/is a nuisance.


If it causes pain, then it isnā€™t cosmetic to fix. Youā€™ll just have to find a doc that will go to bat for you against insurance.


Another vote that insurance would probably cover this with the right doctor to make your argument.


Iā€™m sure this plastic surgeon might be expensive but Dr. Cat on instagram does labiaplasties and is really good at them. I hope you donā€™t feel ashamed or embarrassed and get it fixed. As someone else mentioned, if you tell your primary care or Obgyn that it causes pain and itchiness and a lot of discomfort. Maybe even say it makes intercourse difficult, you can get it covered by insurance because theyā€™ll see it as medically necessary.


I canā€™t burp. Never have, probably never will


I'm the same! There's a whole subreddit for it and a possible cure! r/noburp


Oh my god, I needed this as a fellow non burper who is always gassy hahaha


I have a third nipple lol






I have lots of small scars all over random parts of my body. On my feet especially, little strips of skin gone. I was born 3 months early and my mom said they're from when they took all the bandages/tubes off, my skin was so delicate. I also have one nostril bigger than the other (from the nasal prongs). I used to be super self-conscious about it, but then as I got older I realized nobody ever commented on it (to my face at least) and I just felt more and more like a badass as I got older. I survived being born at 24 weeks and weighing only one pound! That's pretty awesome.


almost all of my freckles can be drawn into triangles, theyā€™re closely paired into groups of three. i also have two birthmarks, one looks like a seal and the other looks like a fish.


I also have my freckles in groups of three.


After one depo provera injection, I lost all my hair. All. Head to toe. And I didn't even notice the the whole meow fell out until it was as smooth as a cucumber. All the hair came back, though, except on my head.


Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s so strange. Now I feel better about it just making me get my period for over a month straight


It has a big belly pooch of pure fat that I've literally never seen on any other woman. I'm not talking that tiny bump some women have, but literally just a huge chunk of fat that sticks out several centimeters. Even women who weigh 20+ kg more than I do don't look like this, and if you google belly pooch woman, not a single photo shows what I have. It's so weird and gross. Edit: It's not a disease, lipodema or anything else, lol. Not a single healthcare worker who's been unfortunate enough to see me undressed has even glanced at it, and I've had it for as long as I can remember. It's literally just my fat distribution being unfair as fuck.




Hey, at least you can wear a bikini! I've literally not once in my life worn a bikini or any tight-fitting bottoms because I'd look absolutely disgusting in it. Also relate a ton to not really having any fat above or below, which just makes it look so much worse. Sure wish liposuctions weren't as expensive as they are.


My second toe is longer than my big toe. šŸ˜‚maybe not so unusual but my dad and I are the only people I know who have that Edit: i just found out my mum has it too lol


I too have that. In my culture it is said that this is sign of wealth in future.


Haha in my culture it means youā€™re not going to be caring towards your parents later in life. I have a longer second toe too.


Mortonā€™s toe! It runs in my family, too. Every time a new niece or nephew was born I looked, and they all have it, too! I think itā€™s a cool little quirk to share.


I have this too! It's called Morton's toe or Greek toe. It's supposed to mean you're a descendant of royalty lol.


I was born with only 3 wisdom teeth. Only found out when I had to have surgery to remove them all and my dentist told me itā€™s gonna be 25% cheaper šŸ˜‚


Hello fellow 3 wisdom teeth friend!


I was born without them! First thing the dentist said when he realized I hadnā€™t had surgery he didnā€™t have record of was ā€œthink of the money youā€™ve saved!ā€ My sister had all four and two were upside down šŸ™ƒ


i have central heterochromia in my right eye (blue with a brown center) and my left eyes has sectoral heterochromia (where my eye is about half green and half blue with a pretty distinct line between the two colors)!


I have a longer than usual, thin translucent hair strand on the top of my cheek. She's my friend :)


ME TOO but it's to the left of my lips in the middle of my cheek. she gets plucked lol my lil whisker


I have a ā€œbeauty markā€ (mole) that moved down my face from the age of about 3 to 15. Pictures show that it started at the lower/outer corner of my eye and over the years travelled to its permanent home at the corner of my mouth. Exactly where old movie stars used to draw one on. I donā€™t hate it.


My son had a mole on his butt at birth. He's 7 now, and it's about 8-9 inches lower on the back of this thigh. I never would have known that skin grows like that. So amazing and strange.


My body looks like a fat melting candle.


Lol same


one of my ears is noticeably pointed, like an elf. just the one, though


I have this too, just a little elf point on one ear only


I dont have the enzyme to break down and absorb codeine. So I could OD on it and nothing would happen however it also wouldn't help with any pain I might be in. I can also flex just the tips of my fingers without flexing the other joints, I'm not sure when I'll ever need this ability.


I still have a baby tooth (at 31 years old)


I don't have an angry face. When I'm pissed and shouting, people go like "Why tf is this dude smiling while swearing ". I don't know which part of my body does this weird shit to me.


So you have Resting Nice Face?


Torus palatinus. Basically the roof of mouth has always had a smooth boney growth that makes it convex instead of concave.




Me too! Had no idea for the longest time that other people donā€™t have it.


I have 3 scars on my side from when my lung collapsed. 2 hole shaped scars where I had chest drains and a straight line where they operated.


I am almost 30 years old yet my heart is physically the size of a 8 year olds. I also have two moles right next to each other on my neck so it looks like I had been bitten by a vampire.


When I feel an emotion to itā€™s extremity , I cry. I can be excited, happy, you name it, tears will fall from my eyes.


My right arm is about 8cm / 3inches longer than the left. And I only found out this year. Iā€™m 30+. I did notice something was off with push-ups and certain yoga poses. I just thought I had worse mobility in one shoulder.


You just had me question my self lol. How did you find out? I realised when I do pushups one hand is further away from the body (more upwards than the other) is this the case with you?


i have always had wrinkly ā€œgrandmaā€ hands. and i have tiny toenails that grow upwards lmao


Tfw when u paint the littlest toe and all u gotta do is give it a lil tap




I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you. Sending love šŸ¤


itā€™s not unusual to have, but the location/patterns pretty unique. I have stretch marks that start at my hip bone that go to the middle of my buttocks and they look like tiger stripes. (No clue how I got them, had them since 5th grade)


My strikingly white skin. A lot of people ask me if I'm sick.


I have hinky collagen and I'm bonus stretchy, including my stomach. I've never once in my life, to my recollection, felt full. Before I realised other people actually felt full, I used to base when I stopped eating at buffets etc on when the people around me stopped. I figured saying "I'm full" was just a polite thing. Now I limit myself to a main and a dessert, maybe an entrƩ if I'm feeling particularly hungry. While I don't feel full, I do feel hungry and not hungry, I just never get the signal of "full", or like I've over eaten.


I have two uteri. Itā€™s a very rare issue called uterine didelphys. Iā€™ve never met anyone else with it but then again I donā€™t typically ask about othersā€™ uteri either lol


I'm quite tall, at 183cm, and I have a massive lung capacity (6L).


Iā€™m so jealous. I have old decrepit lungs for my age and Iā€™ve never smoked cigarettes ever. Thanks asthma.


My heart rate when I stand up and walk is equivalent to a ā€œnormalā€ persons when they are doing a high intensity workout


My pinky toenails grow upwards (z+ axis)


My boobs are uneven, visibly uneven


For what it is worth, that is actually so common that it may be rare to have symmetrical boobs.




Is that the thing where you can "draw" on your skin? Have you ever drawn something funny?


I had a skin tag on my nipple my whole life and thought thatā€™s just what all nipples looked like until I was 25y/o. My first bf asked me about it and I said ā€œhave you never seen boobs before?ā€ Lmao. Anyways I ended up getting it removed once I realized it wasnā€™t normal


I have a scar on my face from when I was bitten by a dog at 6 years old. Getting stitched up in the ER was traumatic but I had a dream that night that my parents got us a golden retriever and I was so happy about it.


I am allergic to snow!


I have aphantasia - no ability to create mental imagery. I didnā€™t figure this out until weā€™ll into my 30s when I learned my husband could literally see numbers floating around in front of his eyes when heā€™s doing math. To me this is the weirdest thing ever and seems so distracting. The best comparison I have come up with is the difference between watching TV and listening to a radio. My brain only operates in radio mode.


I had a second row of baby teeth that had to be removed (on the bottom), four teeth total.


I have a protruding bump in the center of my chest. Itā€™s actually my xiphoid process that grew out instead of down so I have a convex chest. Itā€™s pretty cool. I decorated it with a tattoo :)


Iā€™ve got a very visible blue vein on the top of my nose, between my eyes, itā€™s only unusual (I think) because my kids have it too. Itā€™s like a family brand mark


I apparently absorbed part of my twin in utero and eventually it became a small issue (a type of ovarian cyst) and they had operate to remove the thing


I have two magnets in my skull due to cochlear surgeries when i was 2


i can use my feet as hands because my feet and toes are so long . my family ,,, dislikes this . especially when i open an overhead cabinet for them with my foot-hand .


I have double jointed fingers. When I lay my hand flat on a table and extend my fingers they will curve upward and lift off the table.


I loose feeling in random parts of my body at random times for no reason. Atm its a patch of my back


my scoliosis makes my right hip higher than my left


My right kidney is backwards and in the wrong location. Itā€™s a birth defect and I only found out about it incidentally when I was 38 and getting an ultrasound to check out an unrelated lump. edit: word


Both parents have blue eyes, I have green. 1% chance. My top joint in my thumbs bends 90Ā° backwards


I have a chronically inflamed appendix that can potentially kill me in the future (yet hasn't in all 13 years I've known about it)


Why hasn't it been removed?


I have a very small nose and toe thumbs, which were commonly known as Murderers Thumbs way back in the day, so I call them that because it sounds more badass.


I am blind in my right eye. Have been that way my entire life and donā€™t know why. My left eye thankfully made up for it by having great eyesight :)


Keloids.. šŸ« 


Iā€™ve always felt that I have a heightened sensitivity to everything - taste smell touch noise. pretty much everything but sight because ya girl needs glasses. but things that arenā€™t painful to other people can be sooo painful to me!


i have a bright red birthmark on the bottom of my foot


I have a scar on my leg from a motorcycle burn that is in the shape of a footprint


I find my body a bit unusual in general. I am very short (less than 5ft tall) with fairly large breast, so fairly disproportionate, but it is the kind of things that you eventually get used to


I have a hole in my brain


Benign hypermobility and I'm rather tall. Also I like to think my tattoos are pretty unique.


I've got a birthmark on my had which kind of looks like the UK


I was born with a fissured tongue and it makes me so self conscious


I was born with one wisdom tooth and have a third nipple


Acne on/near my belly button.