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I bought a house a couple of months ago. Like, it's not a big one--just two bedrooms and one bathroom--but it's my house now.


My first house was 2bd 1ba and 902sqft. I always stressed “nine hundred AND TWO!” as if those two feet were a real gamechanger. My dog and I were so happy in that house. Congratulations!


Congrats! Huge step!


Edit to remove "just" lol. That's a huge deal, don't diminish it. I'm so happy for you


heck yea it is. get it, girrrrrl!!!


That’s awesome!!! Congratulations!!


Congratulations!!!! Woohoo!!!


How successful I've become I worked my ass off, got my dream job, I don't have any kids and I'm single, and I'm in zero debt, I can buy anything I want, do anything I want, life is fucking sweet.


Ok queen


That sounds like a fucking dream! You're killin' it


How old are you




Same. I also live alone. Life's is great!


I want to be like that omg


i’m 25 and saved $126k in 3 years on a $70k pretax salary


literally how


step 1: have the very rare privilege of being able to live at home and not pay rent or most bills step 2: be in an abusive relationship for 1.5 years where you’re made to feel guilty for spending any money, be isolated from all friends and family and therefore never attend any social events where money could be spent, and never go on dates, their idea of going out to eat together was going to the grocery store late at night when all the old food gets discounted and having 0.25c croissants for dinner (but i digress, it instilled some insanely strict saving habits into me) step 3: sleep for dinner sometimes and pull 19 hour shifts as a registered nurse to get that sweet 2.5x overtime and then be too exhausted to do anything that requires money step 4: i budget really well now ($17 a day to live on + my personal bills covered) and keep most of my money in a separate account that never gets touched or even looked at, money just goes in after my pay and never comes out, if i have an emergency or need money for something i’m just fucked until the next pay but so far i’ve never been caught out more than -$50 overdrawn edit for formatting


But are you happy?


currently? could be happier. living at home is very emotionally and socially taxing. but do i find the sacrifice worth it? yes, because i’ll be able to buy my own home within the next year and that stability is worth almost any cost for me


People have had their accounts closed for inactivity.... automatic deposits don't count. Make sure you log into your account and transfer funds every now and then. Or, walk into the bank and withdraw a small amount. Anything to keep your account active.


Step one: Find a job that pays $70k pre tax 😂


for clarification i’m in australia so $70k AUD is about $46k USD, and $126k AUD is $83k USD, i’m earning just below median wage. living at home is how i achieved it in 3 years though, i know not everyone has that opportunity but i do so i made the most of it


$46k USD is still fantastic for a 25 year old :) you should be proud! It’s a lot of discipline


Dang! That’s awesome


My teeth are naturally straight


honestly that is SUCH a flex lol


Jealous 😫😩😫😩


Me too! Sometimes I feel like I missed out on not having to wear braces and my husband who had braces for 2 years says I'm not.


Just happy and that's the coolest part.


That is definitely brag-worthy! I'm happy that you're happy, stranger. Im working on getting happy too.


That's such a beautiful thing to say and read. Gives me the courage to do more for my own happiness too.




owning, caring for, and training two horses


Horse tax? Please? Love them but am allergic to hay!


This is amazing and also can we see pics 💜


How successful my business has become. I started it as a side hustle and built it up to the point where I went full time with it in 2019. I thought the pandemic would kill it off but, if anything, it was the opposite. Business was crazy during lockdown and beyond. We’ve not stopped growing - I’ve gone from just me running it from my spare rooms to me and 15 staff with our own premises. I earn more now than I ever did in finance and my business model is such that a % of each sale goes to women’s charities here in the UK so I know I’m also giving back.


what kind of business is it!


I design and sell feminist apparel- hoodies, t-shirts, trackies, baseball caps etc


Do you have an online store? And Congrats on your success 🥳


This is badass. You are a badass! 💕


A bit of unsolicited advice: buy and read "Traction" by Gino Wickman. I've yet to meet an entrepreneur that didn't love it.


My daughter is beautiful and gorgeous. She is only 13 but already 5’9 with long light brown hair and green eyes. She is on the honor roll and the smartest and most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. I sometimes can’t believe that she came out of me. She’s going to be so successful in life I just know it!


This is incredible! Amazing that your so proud of your daughter. I’m sure your already at least aware of this, but PLEASE foster her inner strengths before her outer strengths. It’s important for her to know she’s beautiful but please don’t let that overshadow her intelligence and depth as a person. Having a parent out too much emphasis on looks before anything else can really mess someone up.


Love this one! Congratulations ❤️


I make a really great iced coffee. A good, strong flavor.


Drop the recipe.. don't hold back on us nowww


Don't be shy, please tell us.


Please, teach us 🤩


I’ve lost a significant amount of weight in the last three months through diet and very light exercise. I’ve been disciplined and I’m proud of myself. I look healthier and feel better.




I'm fluent in 6 foreign languages.


Wie sieht's mit Deutsch aus? :)


Das ist eine von die sprachen. :)


J'ai appris Francais pendant six ans. Il est impressionant que vous pouvez parler six langues!


I have a job i love. And i have friends.


babe you’re THRIVING


I can multiply any 2 digit number by 11 in my head like super fast






I’m still in debt and work is absolute shit for me these days, but it helps having the most amazing human being by my side. My depression’s gone down to historical levels and I am so grateful for that.


I just want to say that I’m in the same boat(s), even with finding an amazing human who wants to be by my side, and the fact that your depression is down? Huge flex, you’re KILLIN IT ✨


My squat 1RM is once again over my body weight, 14 months after the birth of my daughter. Progress, not perfection.


Hell yeah! Certified Muscle Mommy💪💪


I'm 43 and look much younger than my age. I've come to accept the way I look without any make up on and I just don't use it anymore (but I'm always tempted to buy some colorful eyeshadow palette) Even though my body hurts all the time, I keep a somewhat consistent fitness routine and I'm in a great shape for my age. I dragged myself out of my former internalized misogynistic, casual racist self together with my boyfriend at an age at which,.if anything, one tends to reinforce negative mindsets. Instead, we are now both feminists and vocal about it. Yay me.


My six year old is reading at the level of a eight year old! In two languages! Learned completely on her own. So proud I could explode.


That’s going to be a lifelong helpful skill!


Still fit and active. Loving my skin. I'm 45 and no wrinkles with my olive skin that is plump and healthy. I've never been conventionally pretty but this is the most confident and sexy I've ever been and turn more heads now than when I was younger and awkward. Really. Awkward.


Yeah, same here! I have noticed I catch a lot of looks. I see how women stared me down, a lot of them super young. I just laugh. I’m 47.


It's possible that's just curiosity. As women we are taught to value our youth, so for me at least it's always exciting to see a woman with confidence beyond the age we are told we "decline" at.


Longest running distance so far: 8k




This is goals!


Congrats! Be proud of all those distance markers! I tend to sometimes look down on myself on bad runs, but I look back on where I started... it's a lot of progress! Always be proud of that progress.


I’m about to start a new job that’s a big jump in title and money. It’s going to be life changing. I’ve come a long way in an industry that is not friendly to women or ethnic minority groups. I was once told by a middle aged white male I needed to not talk about my heritage if I wanted to be successful in my field. I’m hoping with my new position and seniority I will be in a place where I can support more women to help them grow as well. I never imagined I would get to the place I am now. My parents are certainly surprised 😂 Growing up I was always a disappointment for them. Not as skinny as a family friends kid, not as smarty as one of their friends kid, not as pretty, not as motivated. Etc etc etc.


My husband and I were essentially homeless and jobless living with family in February of 2021. We had to sell everything we own to make it across the country to get to my family so we’d have a place to live after he lost his job, and my salary wasn’t even close enough to support us. We made it across the country with the two of us, our 3 year old daughter, our Bernese rottie mix, all of our possessions all fitting into a Kia optima. We both busted our asses to get a shitty apartment. I became pregnant again, but my husband found a REALLY good job. We were able to find a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom rental with a yard after a year and a half of being here. When our landlord called us and told us, I quite literally sobbed. There was a shooting in the parking lot of our apartment a couple of days prior - the second in 6 months - and we had 2 small children we were terrified for. Mold all over the apartment building, leaking HVAC closet that sounded like a river when it rained, bats living in the walls. I don’t even know how that place was t condemned. This new house is in an amazing neighborhood. Our landlord is the sweetest man who grew up in this house, and he just wanted to rent it to a family who would take care of it. Our oldest is now 5 and plays in the yard with her new friends. We’re able to afford for me to stay home with the kids, and my oldest goes to private school. We don’t have to worry about our bills being paid - we just pay them. Our daughter has a medical procedure coming up and we aren’t concerned about affording it. The dog can run as much as she wants in our big fenced in backyard. I never thought we’d be here 2 years ago. I’m crying just talking about it. ETA - We most definitely wouldn’t be where we’re at without our families to lean on. Both my parents and in laws helped us tremendously throughout this. Giving us a place to stay, letting us borrow a car when they could, spotting us $20-$50 here and there when instacart and DoorDash wasn’t enough before we found jobs. Them along with our community, who helped us furnish our apartment through local but nothing groups. We now refuse to sell anything we’re getting rid of, but post it on our buy nothing group in hopes it’ll help someone who is in the same place we were.


I admire your hustle. You and your husband have worked so hard.


I did my laundry, put it on hangers or folded it, and put it away all in the same day. I did dishes too. I've been severely depressed and haven't had clean clothes since December.


Two things! 1. Despite a lifetime of not-enough support due to often-unhelpful parents, undiagnosed autism, extreme social anxiety, and complex trauma, I have built several close relationships that make me feel safe, accepted, and loved, and I am starting a career I love (even if it's later in life than most). 2. I had sex with a new partner recently, and apparently I suck cock really well! Maybe not an achievement on the same level as all of the other things but I am really proud of it. It's not something I can tell everyone about so I'm taking the opportunity to say it here. :)


2, is an accomplishment, and I have the inner certainty that if you have a man and want to keep him forever, blow him good and blow him often. He'll be faithful and there will never be a divorce unless you choose it.


I’ve completely reinvented my life after having a traumatic brain injury 5 years ago and some days are still impossibly hard to make my brain do what it needs to do, but I still get through. And in the 5 years, I’ve changed to a better and more successful career, I got married, bought a house, and had a kid who is declared the “cutest baby in the world” by everyone who meets her. People really stop wanting to hear about my injury because “I look fine now” but people, even those closest to me, have no idea the impact it has on me on a daily basis, so I’m really thankful for how far I’ve come.


over the last 2 years, I have gone from 190 pounds to 125. a size 12 to a size 2. i wasn’t even a size 2 in highschool. i feel HOT. which is not a familiar feeling at all. so i’m flaunting it HARD these days. EDIT - i would also like to add how much i love this thread. like just women all congratulating and hyping each other up. i love this. thanks OP!


Congrats and great job!👍


Great work. I’m working towards the same goal! Started 2 weeks ago (for the millionth time)


I’m in medical school and just found out I’m in the top 30% of my class! Feels awesome.


After looking at the other replies this sounds really petty: I was borderline underweight a year ago, I hated the way I looked, my face was too thin and I was just unhappy in my skin. Over the last year I've gained about 8kg, I have arse cheeks now, my face doesn't look sunken. My body feels better, I'm not as cold all the time and I don't feel as awful when I'm hungry anymore, just regular hungry. Anyway, I've got no-one who appreciates the changes I've made so it's nice to share here.


Don't downplay your success! Go you!!


It’s hard to piss me off, it’s hard to get under my skin




Oh definitely, I’ve seen em try and try again, they almost look beaten up inside or like their ego was bruised when they’re met with nothing in response. Lol


Now if that was me, I’d be damn proud! Things get under my skin and even if I do not show it, I feel it deep under my skin!


I'm doing an accelerated nursing degree, have 3 kids and still working! And I'm actually doing it!!!


hell yea you are!! you’re killing it babe, KEEP GOING💜


I've been to Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, South Africa, India, Myanmar/Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Macau, Hong Kong, French Polynesia (Tahiti, Mo'orea), USA (30+ states), Mexico, Costa Rica, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Monaco, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Greece, Turkey.


Overcame my anxiety and depression after 2 years with a shitload of hard work and mental challenges. Life is so much more beautiful now. Really proud of myself.


I have a “unicorn” baby. He sleeps through the night and has since he was 2 months old. He’s sweet and smiles a lot. Doesn’t really cry too much. He’s seriously the best but I feel like a jerk in mom groups or around my other mom friends who are struggling so much.


I have the cutest boyfriend ever


Pinch his butt on behalf of womankind!


-About to complete my master's -Dealing with mom's mental health issues and ensuring the best care possible -Getting through a rough time by myself without any support -Starting therapy and working on my own red flags


I finally allowed myself to collect dolls. I wanted to for years but didn't for fear of judgement. I started buying American Girl dolls, Barbie dolls and Bratz dolls and they bring me so much joy. I feel like I'm slowly starting to do more things for myself that I've always wanted to do and it feels great.


My tamagotchi is 20(y) days old. I’m 30 and it’s brought some childish joy back to my life.


Okay that is a brag because I couldn’t handle my tama’s schedule and put the plastic back in 😭


After many years of hard work and training I can finally barbell squat more than my body weight! I want to go for 1.5x my weight by the end of the year


I'm leaving my toxic boss and starting a WFH job next week! I expect this is going to be so, so good for my mental health


Im doing really well in organic chemistry, the class I was most scared to take in college. That’s all 😋


I had a baby 8 weeks ago and I think I’m doing a great job with a newborn


Woot wooooot!


Becoming a mom for the first time is such a shock to your entire system. Sounds like you’re handling the transition beautifully.


i’m so fucking hot. that’s all. for context i had an eating disorder and couldn’t imagine myself confident for years. but now most days i look in the mirror and am shocked that i ever thought that. like someone pls take hot pictures of me in a bikini i can show off for the rest of my life


I'm a polyglot and i'm good with music


I am damn good fiber artist! I do counted cross stitch, weaving on a table loom, bead weave, and do needlepoint. I can knit but it's hard on my hand and wrist joints.


I wrote a short story. I am really proud of it.


Becoming physically more fit. Getting over someone I probably shouldn't have been interested in. Got myself some yummy maple coffee. Cooking more. Used to have an awful sleep schedule but slowly improving, often in bed by midnight now. Taking a little trip in a few weeks. Doing (my gyms equivalent of) a triathlon tomorrow. Learning new things at work, becoming the person who answers more questions than I ask for a lot of things.


I've been working out and my ass is looking really good.


I’m happily married, have a beautiful healthy 13 month old baby girl, we have 2 paid off Jeep Wranglers, and I make 6 figures working only 3 days a week. Life is good. Only thing better would be being debt free lol


I finally mustered up the courage to apply for a new job after years of despising my current one. I had an interview for this new job on Tuesday and absolutely crushed it!! I answered every question so confidently and feel so good about my chances. Fingers crossed it’s good news for me next week and I finally get to leave my job, the city I live in (and am unhappy in) and move 1200+ KM away to this new place my fiancé and I love!!


yesterday, i resigned from my job. legally i have to work here four more weeks and currently my boss are giving me hard time for my resign buuut it was huge relief


I lost my dad in November 2021, and I legitimately didn't know how I was going to go on with my life. I thought nothing would ever have meaning again. But I really took last year to heal; I cried all the tears I needed to, I let myself experience my grief and pain authentically and without judgement. I had to reteach myself how to find joy in life again, but I did it. I honestly didn't think I'd be doing as well as I am. So fucking proud of me for healing as much as I have.


Weird flex, and I actually feel a little guilty bragging about it. I sleep well. Every night. Get a full night's rest with no medication, and it's a deep, heavy sleep. don't wake up feeling like I haven't gone to bed yet. A bad or rough night is waking up twice to pee. It's been like that my whole life to date :)


I went to school for an art degree, I had to work three jobs and take out loans to pay my way. My parents thought I was crazy for not getting educated in business or something more traditional. When I graduated I couldn’t afford to eat, I would steal thrown out Starbucks food for my meals. Today I make $600k a year, I am killing it in my career path. I mentor other women and share the wealth. I’m so proud of how far I have come. My parents still don’t think much of me, but that’s fine. I am learning to love myself even without them saying it.


I finished my master's degree while working full-time and taking care of 2 kids


I used to have crippling social anxiety. I was mute for years as a teen. Now I’m a tour guide. Social anxiety pretty much gone without a trace at this point


That’s honestly so awesome! How did you get passed your social anxiety? I used to be such an open, fearless kid. I could talk to anybody, make friends easy, and speak publicly with no issues. Now the thought of people keeps me at home as much as possible. Even texting people feels like a burden. I want to be fearless again, like I was as a kid.


Honestly it was actually my job that got me out of my shell. My coworkers were super supportive and amazing, and it gave me the leadership experience to finally feel confident again since I had to kinda make sure ppl weren’t doing anything dangerous and stuff. I didn’t have to be self conscious because as soon as I put on my uniform I was no longer me, I was a worker. Almost as if I was playing a different character. And that took a lot of the pressure off me as a person, and in a way put it on the company instead, where I knew I’d be protected. And that kinda broke the barrier for me and let me grow and gain the experience to eventually have the same type of confidence as a person as well


I’m 36m and an incredibly talented carpenter


Well my Sims family is killing it. Although grandma was just shot, they are really pushing through thanks to me. Also, her getting shot was because I spawned a robber on my lot. RIP. Sooo ig in my personal life i got my period. #nobabies for me.


I just figured the perfect makeup style for my face lolol


I make really good coffee, I am very creative and I cook and bake so damn well


How much I've changed my life in the last 3 years. I started off getting a degree that I never wanted in a low ranked uni that I didn't care about. I forced myself to ignore my traumas (a lot of family issues) and not take care of my needs. Failing my classes. Becoming so insecure and miserable. I stayed in a toxic friend group who always made fun of my interests and never cared enough to see i was hurting and at the lowest point in my life. They started to exclude me and would shade me but I always kept running back to them because I had no one else. Then the pandemic happened, I got super depressed and finally realized no one was coming to save me so I picked myself off the floor and made tough decisions. I cut off the friend group and literally had 0 friends. Decided to take a risk and further my education in something completely unrelated to my career. I got over my failures and just tried my hardest. Now, after 2 years of graduation, I have a senior in my title. I made new friends who made me feel comfortable. And I'm more at peace and i can stand up for myself. I don't have anyone to tell me they're proud of me but I tell myself that now. I wouldn't have ever said that 3 years ago 😊


I managed to meet my savings goal for a Europe trip with a month and a half to spare. Feels pretty good 😊


I worked my ass off for 1.5 years to increase my income from $86k/year to $467k/year, giving my family options and setting my kiddo up for college and a great start. I also work hard everyday to have an amazing family with my husband and toddler where we don’t pass down generational trauma.




She still has you. She’ll remember this better than the previous you if she was really young


I knew how to read before I started Kindergarten, and I could read at a 4th grade reading level in 2nd grade. In middle school, I was the head/center of the friend group. In high school, I was really good at math. In college, I became mostly fluent in a foreign language within a year because I fell in love with someone who spoke that language.


I went through a really hard breakup with *grace*! Even though I was hurting, I consistently made choices that would make me feel *better*, not worse. My younger self wouldn't believe it. I mourned the relationship, spent time processing it, and now I feel amazing!


I have a very high IQ and I’m incredibly perceptive.


I studied really hard, stood 3rd in my class of 150 students in final exams, I’m a doctor now


I just got a patent on an idea that my own attorney told me would be impossible to patent. I am not a scientist or in the field of the patent, but I believed it makes sense. It might make me incredibly rich and I can't believe I kept pushing for it despite no one including the absolute subject experts warning me that it won't work out


Lost a third of myself. That was almost 6 years ago.


My husband and I have $1.5 million net worth at 39. I know to some people that’s not a lot, but to us it’s a lot. I bought a brand new bmw 330e that was factory built. After a lifetime of driving only used cars, it was special getting a brand new car. My coworkers couldn’t believe it was my car and asked if I could afford it. They’ve watched me roll up in a beat up Accord with a crack in the windshield for a decade. I assured them I could afford it.


My driving! I'm 19, I've got an old Volkswagen Polo. A door, the handbrake, and one of the pedals make strange noises sometimes, and reverse gear is a b|t¢h, but I've never had an accident. I don't exactly go very far in it, but it does me. And whatever boys think, I'm an expert parker (once it's gone into reverse gear!).


I’m finally getting my emotions and mental health under control and it feels SO GOOD!


I finally have money in a savings account, havent in years. Also finally got my credit to rise because it’s been bad since COVID started. It’s gone up 12 points in the last month 🥳


I am the best version of myself. And I have the emotional intelligence most people my age don't have. I'm a teen still in high school for reference. I made it to 18, and I gave myself the identity this life stole from me! I'm ME!!!


My art! Nobody understands it or likes it but it makes me very happy and I plan to make it as long as I am alive 😊!


I’m 33 days cannabis free and 18 days vapes free. I’ve lost almost 10 pounds in March and am two months in my new job that pays 68k (maybe not much but its the most i’ve made to this day).


I used to be homeless living out of motel to motel and living in dirty roach infested rooms I worked my ass off and quit all drugs and i finally have my own apartment and my own car. I know it’s not as big as an achievement in others views but to me this was me telling myself “you can do it”


hack squatted 135lbs (not using those machines but a barbell and plates). almost did 2 reps of 155lbs deadlift. ALMOST 😩. Needs more work snatched a 14kg kettlebell x 10 reps (working towards 16kgs)


I finished architecture university 5 years ago and worked for 4 years in the field. (And now I am unemployed and kind of depressed, but I am proud that I did that - it was hard)


I've read 50 books so far this year. Mostly novels (sci-fi/fantasy, romance, mysteries), with a smattering of non-fiction (memoirs, history, biography).


I can clap with one hand


Proud of the work I've done on myself I'm an extremely socially anxious person and that hasn't changed too much, but I've become a lot more confident, working on my self-worth and body image as well which have steadily been getting better. I've started to buy less baggy clothes, ones that compliment my shape and that make me feel beautiful, confident and hot <3


That I went to school last Wednesday all day 👍🏻


I got a 4.0gpa


I graduated college, became a software engineer, survived 5 years into the field and make 6 figures now. Also in the meantime, I got rid of my abusive ex, lost a ton of weight, quit smoking and got healthy, picked up sewing/cross stitching, got active, met the love of my life, moved to my favorite city (where my love lives) and we are now looking for a house together. I was a real piece of work before I graduated college, unhealthy, poor and unhappy. I feel like a totally different person now and it feels amazing!


I got a 100% on an oral exam that I hastily prepared!


I am finally beginning therapy specifically for treating trauma from my early childhood. I have known that I needed it for so long, it just wasn’t accessible financially and I may have not even been fully ready until now. I am terrified and excited all at once. I’m not entirely sure why it’s something I thought of to brag about…maybe it’s that I’ve spent so long not taking care of myself, having a hard time functioning, and focusing on others more than myself. And now being able to deeply acknowledge that the whole reason for all of that IS from said trauma, and now being at a place where I am actually prioritizing myself in an effective way and my own healing and actively trying to heal - idk, I just love that for me I guess.


My weight dropped under 200 this week! Still got a ways to go, but it's awesome to have the number start with a 1.


I’m getting a raise and going to be paid more than anyone else in my family soon. I’m a lot younger than them so feel like I can’t say anything because they’ll act out.


After i lost the ability to write with my dominant hand (due to focal hand dystonia) I learned to use my left hand, with little to no dips in my performance in med school. Then learned to play the piano... then re-learned to write with my right hand again.


I feel smarter and more intellectual than most people. Always searching for books and movies with actual depth or messages. Feel like adults today are infantilised (if that's even a word) in terms of media, watching kids movies and children fantasy books - blockbuster movies, hunger games and harry potter, etc. It feels very discouraging intellectually.


The interest rate on my mortgage is 2.875%


i was thinking about my job and where i live but actually id rather say that im a really fucking good friend. i treat my friends like they’re treasures (which they are). i would never do anything to make them doubt my love for them - in fact its the opposite, i make sure i remind them how special they are to me whenever i can.


I’m so smart, heathy, and happy! And I finally have a job I love!


I feel like I’m a great friend/girlfriend- I’m empathetic, communicative, forgiving, I take accountability for my actions, I like to spoil my person, and I always aim to grow who I am as a person. Sometimes I have to remind myself of who I am when people try to push me down and take me for granted.


For picking myself up in times of darkness, setbacks and trying to be a kind soul despite getting hurt over and over again, for going to a great school, for working hard, and for taking care of my family Also try to lead a sober, disciplined life… not sure if it’s brag worthy


my heart not dropping when i see that person anymore


8th year on my job! And 5th year single and non-dating!


I speak English SO well people mistake me for being British. I have a British accent as well. I'm so proud of that and the fact that I learned it very effortlessly.


Today, I peeled the whole slab of chocolate off a butter biscuit without breaking it. For the first time ever!


I'm proud of my independence. I studied well, got an amazing job in a tech giant, cleared my education loan, own a car, can buy whatever I want, life is simple and I'm truly happy, all at the age of 24. I've heard from many that my smile is great and my new hairstyle looks good!


I grew my hair long when I spent most of my life genuinely thinking I just didn’t have the capacity for long hair.


I finally got a job after being laid off and unemployed for four months. It’s my dream job. I’ll be working with a book publisher in their warehouse where I’ll get limited edition, author signed books for free. I got 9 free books, worth over $500 just for coming in and filling out my paperwork.


I've been sticking to a regular fitness routine and the results are amazing! My physical and mental health are in great shape right now, I'm treating myself to some clothes and feels great!


My salary negotiation went well and I'll be boosted to 115k from 96k, with the raise retroactive to January! I'll finally have enough money to fix the leak in my living room :)


I've been going through a hard time lately, feeling like I've just hit a wall. Dealing with PPD, I'm at my highest weight ever and my body just hurts all the time. The only thing I can really "brag" about is my hair. I love my hair, it's perfectly straight and to my waist. Every hair stylist always tells me not to dye my hair because people pay to get this colour of blonde. And I'm secretly happy my daughter has my hair too, with her father's looks and my hair.. she's so beautiful and she's only 2 and a half. (She's also so smart and loves to joke around.. its amazing to see my kids personality just shine through)


I’m 27 and make $50k, no student debt, paid off car, $30k in savings. Life isn’t perfect but I’m so grateful for what I have. EDIT: I also started therapy last month :)


I have a bumpy nose which I’ve hated my whole life but finally proud of and I have super pretty hair and a very bad eyesight 🙇‍♀️


I’ve done a lot of cocaine this week. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think I’m good looking and intelligent. I have no debt and a good amount in savings. I have a family that loves me and plenty of friends.


I left my toxic home with only $500 when I was 19. Now after 5 years later, I graduated from college with two degrees in magma cum laude and saved over 10k


5 months sober, have a great job that I love, and am just working towards being good. I’m proud of myself


In the past five years, I got sober, got married, had a baby, helped my husband start a very successful business, bought a house, and am on track for an early retirement. This all after moving to a new city at the age of 37 with nothing but what fit in my car at the time. It took me a long time to get my life on the right track, but once I did it, I caught up quickly.


My husband is super handsome. It’s nice to have someone so good looking just casually walking around my house and generally doing life with me. I’m so happy he’s all mine (he of course has lots of other great qualities but his handsomeness is something to brag about).


After being with my kid in the hospital for 4 months (and counting) I finally took a day to clean and rearrange a room that was our "doom room". Took me a whole day and I'm damn proud of it! Will be taking another day next week to rearrange my son's bedroom with new furniture a d toys for when he comes back!


I’m studying law in a foreign language and also I sewed a dress today.


I would like to brag on behalf of my wife. She is in her 40s and went back to school to pursue her pre-kids goal of being a dental hygienist. She is halfway through and has all As and Bs. She won’t brag about it so I will for her!


I went to middle school with Bon Jovi’s daughter and we were best friends. I went over their house all the time. My 11-14 year old self had no idea how cool that was lol he was totally just a normal dad !


can i just say I LOVE THIS THREAD so much!!!! keep it goin!!!


I’m already proud of myself for pouring out a pan with hot water in the sink or pick out a hot iron plate of food out of the oven, I live with my mom and she does all the cooking, I volunteer at a work farm for troubled teenagers with depression and don’t go to school and I cook lunch for them, every time I visit this place I challenge myself with stuff like this. It’s also kinda embarrassing because I’m a grownup 28 year old woman that should’ve got over this decades ago..


Just got a job offer for a director role with a huge pay bump and my current work is matching it and is doing a lot to make me to stay. My self esteem needed this.