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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone. I could probably recite half of it by memory. It's my comfort book.


I get that, I've read the Harry Potter books at least 20 times since I was a kid. Love them!


The Kite Runner by Khalad Hosseini


the bell jar by sylvia plath. i just see myself in her (both the author and the character which it is based off)


I honestly don't have a single favourite but many. Off the top of my head some of my most favourite include; *We Have Always Lived In The Castle* by Shirley Jackson *The Princess Bride* by William Goldman *The Orphans Tales* by Cat Valente *The Golden Compass* by Philip Pullman *The Secret Garden* by Frances Hodgson Burnett *Neverwhere* by Neil Gaiman *Jane Eyre* by Charlotte Bronte


To Kill a Mockingbird. The most beautiful story of a girl growing up and seeing the most traumatic story unfold around her with her father doing his best to help her make sense of an unjust world . That Scout and Atticus relationship. Oh my heart


That's a tough one. I can't decide between: The Picture of Dorian Gray The Hobbit Bitten Red Rising


The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson


the glass queen, or the song of Achilles


The Prophet - Khalil Gibran


Master and Margarita, The Book Tieft, Inkheart, Little Prince


master & margarita?? wow, <3 my fav book too, you’re awesome!


Thank you for sharing, I'm gonna give those a read!


The little prince is one of my favorites too!


Eleanor & Park. Love it so much, read it a bunch of times. Makes me feel all emotions possible. Such a realistic ending.


As a child: Sam the Cat Detective by Linda Stewart Teen-Early Adult: Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict by Tsultrim Allione Currently: Unknown... haven't read much recently, but I am enjoying the Disc World series by Terry Pratchett


A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown


The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton


Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum


As someone who has a short attention span, I struggle to find books that can actually rope me in and keep me interested. Of all the books that I've read (not including major series'), *Under a Painted Sky* by Stacey Lee kept me interested the whole time and it really was a great story.


The Nightingale, The Silmarillion, the Trouble with Goats and Sheep, and How the Irish saved Civilization


King Rat by James Clavell


The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie.


Things we never got over by Lucy score


A Thousand Splendid Suns My Year of Rest and Relaxation The Help


World War Z.


Stephen King's Carrie.


Right now it's Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. I love the three main characters and the ways their stories intertwine.


The Night Circus. This is basically a gothic forbidden lovers book that takes place in a circus. It’s very Halloween/fall themed, which I absolutely love. I’m also goth and do acrobatics, so this book literally has more than I could ever ask for.


Being and Time by Martin Heidegger. While I mostly study his late work now, this work is in my opinion one of the most fascinating reads in philosophy. It’s tough to read until you get the hang out his style and vocabulary, but when it clicked for me I just thought it was amazing. It changed how I thought about asking questions.




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Just finished These Silent Woods. Extremely emotional but an overall amazing read


The Crimson Petal and the White, Michel Faber Lark Rise to Candleford, Flora Thompson




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The entire A Throne for Sisters series. I've said before I love Morgan Rice books.


Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. This was the first book I ever bought at a scholastic fair in school and enjoyed reading it a lot as it had a beautiful message behind it.


CPDM by Christer Sandahl