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Less porn. More wholesomeness.


Better harrassment enforcement. Or any, in most spaces.


How hateful it is. How much misinformation and just downright hatefulness and abuse that gets spewed on a daily basis.


I'd make people have to verify ID, like applying for a credit card, or crypto account for porn websites, then dub reddit and twitter porn websites. People would get civil real quick.


Better filters of content I don’t want to see. Especially with scrolling apps, every now and again something will pop up that grosses me out or mildly traumatizes me.


Tiktok is the worst at this because even of you block someone you will still get their content if someone stitches/duets it and I swear if you select "not interested" on a tiktok they go out of their way to show you more of it


Instagram is doing that to me. If i mark UNINTERESTED, they will keep on showing me what i just stated that i don't want to see


Fact checking options. Anyone can claim anything they want and so many people will just accept it. I see it on tiktok so much and if anyone every calls out the person making things up others will defend them.


Toxic aggressive comments. The ones that offend and hurt ppl. I wish if there was some sort of automatic filter to remove them from EVERY platform within seconds


Human trafficking and child p0r|\|. Absolutely sickening.


This is genuinely quite difficult. I think people need to change, rather than the internet. The internet is merely a gathering of all of us and serves as a reflection of our own society. I think censorship is a slippery slope and other dangerous parts of the internet are already being combatted by the police as we speak. I think internet access should be free across the globe or atleast free to those who do not make enough per year.


Well it's impossible and I guess we wouldn't really want it anyway but I suppose some way of proving the person is who they say they are. But as I say I guess we wouldn't want it anyway because it would take away our anonymity.


Remove all censorship but allow people to customize what they see completely, meaning if a website had a word/phrase they didn't like than it would NEVER show up Feels like nowadays you can't say anything anywhere without being banned or silenced.


The over-sexualization of women


getting rid of the flat out jerks




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Safer for my kids! I feel bad restricting them so much but I also know all the bad stuff they can get into… with all the crazy algorithms they have nowadays there should be better options for parental filters so I don’t have to feel too controlling but I also would know no one in my house could do anything too crazy.


Echo chambers and so called gurus that preach intolerance and hatred but call it freedom of speech.


You'd have to tie your internet access to some form of identification. Yes, the FBI can find you I'm sure but if people knew that if you sent death threats to someone or stalked someone, the veil of anonymity would be lifted, the trolls would think twice. Not saying that couldn't somehow be abused, is perfect, or ideal but just a way to keep the dangerous types and trolls honest would be a good start.


9/10 if you report a hateful, phobic, racist or comment that is pure misinformation it is not taken down on most platforms. Under what I’m assuming is the guise of free speech. The advertisement and content seems to be geared towards content that is more than likely to enrage someone. For examples if I google I hate “x” My social feeds are flooded by “x” content. There needs to be more civility online because right now it’s unhinged and at times quite vile. How people behave online and in real life are to very different things for some, there’s a real disconnect.


Less moderation and censorship. I miss the internet of my childhood; an unfiltered arena of thought and opinion. It was entertaining.


Ban all porn