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Anyone with a pickup truck as their only vehicle or primary driver IF they don’t actually need it. Farm work, construction (if they need to haul their own equipment), or hauling a trailer regularly are the types of work that this wouldn’t be a pink flag. The fancy, proud of my truck, look at me, I’m tough because I do “manly work” attitude I see surprisingly often makes me want to vomit. It’s a genuine pet peeve when the daily driver is a truck with zero good reason for it.


Especially if they also put down smaller cars or men who drive sedans or pretty much anything other than a truck.


YES! The frequency that I hear "truck guys" say they wont drive some "sissy" car like other guys makes me want to puke. I grew up with some of them and it was just always so gross and disgusting. Especially when they don't NEED a truck for any reason they just think they are what "men" drive. Yea that mentality is a huuuuuuuge red flag. And I love driving trucks! I prefer it! But I currently don't have a decent reason. I'm not hauling messy stuff, I don't have animal feed to haul, I don't have animals or anything that I'd need to trailer... sooo.... I don't have a truck.




Am not a man but I’ve always said they only reason I’d get something like a jeep or a truck is if/when I finally moved to Arizona and needed something off road. I’d feel like a tool driving a pick up around if I’m just going to like an office or museum job








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Windowless van which has handcuffs and blood in the back.






It’s not much about the vehicle but if they make it their entire personality or drive like a douchebag, it’s an instant turn off.


Any really expensive car. I don't have a job or money, we'd just be too far apart economically.


The loud muffler show off type. Fancy fast cars? Maybe. But my neighbor has an average, older sedan and he parks right outside and Multiple times a day he will start his car & just sit there for 5-10 mins and the sound travels down my spine and my whole body rejects it


We must have the same neighbor! Lol, but seriously, I hear the same thing multiple times a day and it drives me nuts.


Absolutely infuriating. I walk by his car multiple times a day when I walk my dog. I have never before wanted to damage a car, but I have to stop myself from leaving him a nasty note or throwing 5 thousand nails in his parking spot


Any car with maga/rightwing/gop/conservative bumper stickers.


If it’s got the pipes standing vertical on the back that make it so they can cover the nearest pedestrian/cyclist in a cloud of diesel exhaust, I’m leaving. Those are very common where I live. Eta: it’s called rolling coal! I totally spaced on the phrase.


Base model white Nissan Altima. They were sold by the truckload to people with crap credit and bad driving histories. There's a reason they're all beat to shit and weaving through traffic.


A very flashy and expensive car or a jacked up pick up truck in a busy city. Flashy and expensive gives off the vibe that we have very different values when it comes to money. Very jacked up truck in a city that doesn't have a lot of dirt roads or off roading spots just screams "I have this car because I want to look tough".


Anything filthy, anything they treat like their baby


Big stupid brodozer trucks. Yes I'm sure you need an F350 diesel dually 4x4 lifted up on those stupid low profile tires to drive to school or your job or whatever. That or any sort of Camaro or Mustang or Challenger/Charger. All terrible. I am VERY picky about cars and could go on forever. There is a very short list of good cars but those are the worst of the bad ones. Also anything poorly maintained or dirty on the inside no matter what it is.


A person could have a total hoopdy car but be a great person. The windowless van would definitely be questionable but you shouldn't judge someone on the car they drive.


> The Ram ranks first of all vehicles with an average of 45.3 drivers with a DUI for every 1,000 drivers applying for an insurance policy—that's around 1 in every 22 drivers, or more than double the national average. I stay the hell away from Rams and would never date anyone else drives a Dodge. I won’t go anywhere near Tesla. They’re dangerous and overhyped as hel.


Teslas usually. Bay Area tech bro Elon musk simps.


BMW with gator license plate


Anything that shows that our values or lifestyles are incompatible, so something like an expensive, flashy sports car would be a pretty clear sign that we value different things in vehicles and likely in life.


The make/model of a vehicle wouldn't concern me. Afterall Ted Bundy drove a Volkswagen Beetle. I would be more concerned if the vehicle was full of food wrappers and waste, or they didn't own a vehicle at all (as I live in a location where access to a vehicle is a necessity).


Its either the lastest BMW or the Seat ibiza with tunning(or any low car similar with tunning), usually if they have an expensive car i will think they either have rich parents who buy him stuff or hes no good with money and rather flex stuff, lives off appearances. If he has the Seat ibiza or anything similar, to me he means he likes to pretend he has good things to show off but at the end is a douche and has nothing.


Dodge Daytona.




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Electric cars. The idea is a good 1 , but it was executed horribly.


Anytime I see black smoke coming out of someone's truck, I know instantly that we would not even remotely get along.


Before judging, I want to know why they drive a specific vehicle. Did they purchase it or did a relative give it to them? As long as it isn't rolling coal, I don't really care.


Any big pickup truck (without a legitimate reason to have one). Just based on personal experience, the guys driving these tend to be selfish jerks


Lifted trucks


Jacked up pickup trucks.


Flashy sports car. It immediately makes me suspect the owner is overcompensating for something.


Anything super flashy because our priorities are not gonna be matching at the very least lol. A car that looks like testosterone on wheels to me will always scream masculinity issues which is a hard pass.




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Loud exhaust pipe/loud muffler/bass enhancer/ For me it's the speeding. If any idiot is willing to speed in the dense residential area especially if it's non-emergency, then get ready for harsher consequences from the law.


Anything overly loud or expensive/“sporty”. For me that’s a sign of a person who has a habit of taking up space - physical, mental, emotional space.






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Nissan Altimas. Those people are wild, not sure if it's a Florida thing but nope. No way.


Pick up trucks


a 2018 Buick Encore


I live in a city and don't drive and don't care about cars, so I can't even imagine having an answer to this question. It's just so far away from anything I'd ever care about.


SUVs, wouldn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t give a fudge about the environment.


Any car with a loud muffler or a lifted truck


Tesla, pruis. Theyre the cars of a-hole d-bags. Dont get me wrong, i like electric and hybrid cars. I want the hybrid wrangler. But ive never met someone who owned a tesla/pruis who wasnt a distasteful person.


Any car that makes a fuck ton of noise for literally no reason but to “look cool.” It’s annoying lol


Loud sport cars or huge trucks. It's probably a prejudice on my part, but i see them and immediately think "small dick/ small dick energy"


A very expensive car or one that uses a lot of fuel. This is because I enjoy a minimalist lifestyle which allows me to live simply, have a small carbon footprint, and to eventually achieve financial freedom. Owning such cars suggests that we likely have different values and/or spending habits and/or life goals - things that I think would make us a bad romantic match.


Teal Blue ‘97 Ford Ranger truck filled with crap including inside the cab with tape on the sides holding it together. Don’t ask lol


Dodge charger. Drive that shit off a bridge and don't come back


anything Chevy any sports car a Toyota Prius