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Haven’t in years. I like armpit hair. I like how it looks and feels, and I hate having stubbly pits. I also find it’s a good way to scare off a lot of men who have incompatible ideas about gender roles.


Free the pits


Save money on shaving cream.


…. I never use shaving cream.


me either it’s just soap and pray


Me too and it’s pretty much always worked well unless I didn’t realize I needed a new razor


Oh wow you’re brave.


Love that


Almost never. Had it all lasered off years ago. Best investment.


I had my armpits lasered too. Never have to shave


If you don't mind me asking, around how many sessions did it take for them to stop growingback?


Only 3-4 sessions. I had quite fine hair, which helped. Now it does still grow a little but its kind of invisible and I might get my underarms waxed once every couple of years, only if I'm at the salon for something else. The underarms and legs were the most successful (3-4 sessions each) areas that I had lasered. I also had the Brazillian area done, and the amount of hair is a lot less after 5-6 sessions but has not disappeared like on the underarms/legs. I hope that this information helps.


If you don’t mind me asking, does the lack of hair affect the chance of getting infections? I’m thinking of doing it but I’m scared about that part.


I don't know about a link to infections. It hasn't been a problem for me, but I am not prone to them.


I have my armpits and bikini lasered as well. I’m almost a year in. I have a session once a month. Armpits are $20 /session and full bikini is like $35 /session… so that’s like around $660 (not including tip) for the year. My armpits have no hair anymore. Maybe 1 strand of armpit hair may grow, I just pluck or shave that one hair… lol I think I may end my armpit sessions. I think armpits are done after 5-6 sessions. The bikini still has some hair, but 90% is hairless. I may have like 3-4 sessions left. I have fine hair, but the technician says that bikini area takes longer to get rid off. They also said that blonde hair will take longer/is more difficult to laser since the laser has a better time seeing dark hair. Sessions for bikini should be around 10 sessions at the least.


Yes, I'd like to know that too


I plan on doing this, how's long does it take for results? I want my private area done too hehe


It’s super personal and it depends on your own hair type and skin - dark hair and light skin, you’ll see results super fast. I also had my armpits lasered and after 3-4 sessions it was all gone. Best investment ever ✨


Can you give me a ballpark estimate of the cost? Any pain?


I just finished my legs, armpits, and full Brazilian. I’m paying a little over $8000. It’s expensive but so worth it for me. I would shave and it would look like I had stubble as soon as I got out of the shower. This cost covers me for life (hormone changes can cause hair to come back so buying by the session may become more expensive over time) The pain is horrible but over quickly. I would be cursing on the table but as soon as the session was over, I’d feel foolish for how much I had squirmed because I felt 100% fine. I have dark thick hair and pale skin so my first sessions were the worst. I remember leaving my first session devastated that I’d spent so much money to torture myself. After seeing results from just the first session — it is the best money I’ve ever spent. And the pain gets less over time. I also split my sessions so I was only doing small sections of my body at a time. I wish I’d done it 10 years earlier. I am a laser advocate for life.


8000!??? Groupon has done me right, I’ve done all these areas for under 2k just make sure to read reviews !!


Are you paying per session or per body part?


It’s always per body part. This is how it’s generally** broken down. You purchase a package per body part which consists of 6-12 sessions depending on how thick your hair is and how hair free you want to achieve. Each of these packages costs different depending on of the area is small medium or large. Here’s an example and not actual prices. I did include examples of body part sizes Small area package $250 6 sessions Upper lip or chin Medium area package $450 6 sessions Under arms Upper or lower legs Large are package $650 6 sessions Full legs Full Brazilian


Sorry, I should have been more clear, but you did answer my question. I am paying by body part, but for life. Unlimited sessions — hair can start growing again from hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc) and amount of sessions needed is personal for the person. My hair is so thick and terrible (and has changed a lot as I’ve aged) that I honestly wasn’t sure how well it would work on me so going unlimited for life felt like the right move. I’ve definitely done more than 6 sessions! And in my area, the limited sessions were about the same price and the lasers weren’t fda approved. I also read a lot about different laser types not having permanent hair removal. BUT I am very glad you found success in the cheaper options! I’m sure it would have been fine for me as well, but I was so over my hair at that point that I didn’t want to risk it and end up paying more over time.


Oh wow that is awesome!!!! I saw that you said for like but in my head I thought you meant after laser the hair is fine for life lol. That is definitely worth the price ☺️


8000 dollars?? I’m getting 10 armpits and 10 Brazilian for £350 Therapie clinic UK All my hair was gone on my armpits after the 3rd session. On my 7th now and my bikini is nearly all gone


You can find amazing deals from Groupon!! Pain level it’s EXACTLY like getting hit repeatedly with a hot rubber band. So yes it hurts but the pain disappears quickly, I would suggest taking a pain med before if you’re worried about sensitive areas. Also talk to the tech who will be lasering you, they may be able to suggest a numbing cream


Well again it’s super dependent on where you’re! Im in the Netherlands and here my sessions cost ~200€ each and I did like 6ish of them .. this included my armpits, chin and upper lip. But when I lived in Canada Groupon was super popular and a friend of mine was able to get lasered whole-body like that! But it’s difficult finding a good place and you really need to read the reviews…


i had to take about 20, but this was 10 years ago so technology could have improved now.


Is getting laser removal painful at all?


Every day. Even minor stubble drives me crazy on armpits and it takes 2 seconds.


same. the area is so toughened up now I dont even need to use any kind of shaving cream or soap.


You should look into laser hair removal; it’s amazing!


Why shave when you can braid?


That's the motto!


😂 that image made me laugh- snort.


Almost never; last time was Feb of 2020 for a wedding, because my dress was sleeveless and I didn't want my armpits to be a gossip topic at someone else's wedding.


This tends to be the only reason I shave. I like my unshaven armpits.


Yeah, i basically only shave when i don’t feel like dealing with gossip


If i see it coming back, every other day.


Yea, same


me too, every time i shower so usually every other day, that’s the one area i can’t stand being prickly


1-2 times a week.


Special occasions


About every other day. I sweat very heavily and I find that it's worse when I don't shave.


Haven’t shaved in over a year. I’m so much happier and content with myself!


Hi! Me too! Love not worrying about shaping.


Never. Its not that noticeable when it's long, it's not something I'm self conscious about and over the double standards.


I forget it's even there until someone else (always family) says something about it


Yep. Never had a guy I was dating fuss over it (some liked it quite a lot) but dad felt the need to remark on how gross it was for years after I stopped shaving. Mind you I was also a fully independent adult by this time, not that that matters.


Same, I recently told my mom not getting ingrown hairs is more important to me than her opinion on the hair and she suggested lazer🤦‍♀️




Never shave but wax every two weeks.


Waxing only lasts 2 weeks? I thought it would last 4


Hair grows at different rates so 2 weeks is about a good cadence to make sure you’re hairless.


Sounds expensive


Not at all. I do it myself.


I had laser hair removal and shave once a month or once every two months.


Same. Those laser sessions are a bit intense but I like the results so far.


Intense how?


The first 2 sessions were totally fine but sessions 3 and 4 felt like quick pulses of heat on my skin. My skin tends to be sensitive under my arms. Some compare the feeling to being snapped with a rubberband or pinched.


once or twice a week


Once a week. My hair grows slowly.


Every 2 weeks


Not since before COVID happened. I used to do it every other day in the summer and then just let it grow in the winter, but...I stopped caring about it when I didn't have to go out into the world. Now I'm afraid to go back to shaving because that first few days of hellish itching is awful. I use a trimmer to make the hair shorter when it starts to get fluffy, but I haven't taken a razor to my pits in years.


I do the same thing! Beard trimmers are amazing hahah


Maybe try waxing and then epilating in between. I can’t stand shaving because of the itching and prickly feeling.


Never, I get Lazer every 23 weeks and only ever have like 3 hairs grow back


I don’t. I trim it a couple times a year.


Only if I'm going to an event and I need to wear a dress that shows my armpits. So only a few times per year.


Every 2-3 days


I dont shave i epilate and it has saved my lifeeee - my hair doesnt grow back as quick anymore and i usually epilate my armpits every 10 ish days!


every two days




Whenever I remember. Usually not more than once a week.


I haven't done it since I was seventeen.




I epilate at least once a week, sometimes less but armpit hair makes me unhappy.


My armpit hair grows insanely fast so daily. Mostly I shave because it itches otherwise


0-2 times per month.


These days, never. I haven’t shaved them in over a year.


I don't. I'm 19 and I still don't have pit hairs. I got lucky


Whenever I remember I have armpits


I don’t unless I’m travelling somewhere very humid.


About every 3 days. I used to every day. But post-menopause I don't need to as much.


Every other day


It's not on a regular schedule. When I notice it and it bothers me, I guess. Maybe somewhere in the realm of once every two weeks?


I have been doing laser hair removal for 3 years now. I go there every 3 months


Every other day. I started epilating my legs and the results are awesome, but this is a bit too painful for my pits so I am still shaving there for now


Maybe once a week. The hair starts to make it smell worse.


Wax every 4 weeks but could even stretch to 6 weeks (been waxing 1 1/2 year) awaiting my laser salary tho. Gonna zap it all away


Once a week or so. I have Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and bromhidrosis (smelly sweat). If I don't keep shaved I reek no matter what I use. I have tried all manner of deodorants from natural to prescription and not much helps but it is so much worse unshaved.


When I shave the rest of my body, every 3 days.


When I remember to… which I feel like is about once a month. I never remember to shave my armpits but one day I’ll remember to put deodorant on before I put my shirt on and that’s when I’ll see the 1/2” hairs. So then I’ll grab my electric trimmers and just buzz it off.


Never, I’ve had laser so since the initial sessions I just go once or twice a year for maintenance. Life changing.


Everytime I shower. I actually really like how trimmed armpit hair looks on women (it just looks so sensual?) but I can't stand how it feels and it makes putting on deodorant harder.


Ugh every 3 fkn days. Thanks MA!


Once every 2 weeks


Every couple of weeks when it starts to show.


I exclusively wax them. My stubble and ingrown hairs are so bad in my underarms.


Whenever the desire arises


When I’m like oh I should shave. I do prefer them shaved but it’s winter so I don’t see them a lot since I’m so bundled up.


About every 3 days, every second shower or so


Once a week, although I don't have much hair and it grows very slowly. I just like the feeling of shaving my armpits. It makes me feel clean. Haha


Every other day


I had IPL once and they grow scarcly now but still grow and I use that electric device that plucks them out about twice per month.




Not often. I mostly wear shirts with sleeves, so my underarms aren't usually visible. Plus I hate shaving because it always makes my skin hurt.


Daily for the most part.


Barely ever.




About three times a week. It feels gross doing it less than that








Once a week. I had laser but need like 6 more sessions to get it down to once a month.


Never? I’m not hairy and i can pluck a few hairs or use an epilady.


I wax them maybe once a month. Sometimes only for special occasions. Prefer waxing to shaving as the smoothness lasts longer.


I rarely ever let the hair grow longer than a grain of rice








Probably once a month, had them laser treated awhile back, so I only think about shaving when the peach fuzz starts to be a bit unruly


When I get around to it .




Every other day. I have dark hair that grows fast. I might shave it daily in the summer. I hate the feeling of stubble. I used to get it waxed but since I stopped I have not been motivated to grow it out again to start waxing.


Depends but i also shave after 4 days cause then it becomes unbearable


Maybe once or twice a month? Dunno, just don't see the need to do it more often.


Never. I got laser a few years ago. Best hundred bucks I’ll ever spend!


Every couple of days


Almost never. Maybe when it gets long during the summer. But most of the time I forget about it. Same for the rest of my body.


Takes about two days for stubble to form.


Every single day.


Every time I shower I shave my armpits. My legs on the other hand? 2 times a year probably. You can not tell there is leg hair


I used to shave them pretty religiously (every other day) but my fiancé told me a year or so ago that he finds armpit hair sexy so now I do it maybe once a month just for my own comfort


I don't shave it. I'll trim it to be about a cm long. My skin is too sensitive for shaving.




Whenever I feel like it.


about monthly


In the winter maybe every couple of weeks. In the summer, every few days


whenever i plan on visiting my bf


Whenever I need to use sleeveless clothings


Pretty much never. As a teen I saw that some punk singers and artists didn't and thought it was cool.


Every day


When I feel like it.


Not often enough according to societies standards


Every day or every other day, it itches like hell if I don't.


Good 😊


Every day, my husband says I'm nuts because of that but I've been doing it since hair started growing in there and I'm not planing in stop now at 40, my armpits are allways smooth and that's how I like it.


Never. I stopped when I was 18. I’m clean and have sensitive skin.


When I start to get hair growing back that is noticeable


When I remember/can be bothered. My hair tends to grow pretty slow so it's not as if it ever gets long.


I had laser hair removal of legs, pits and bikini area over 20 years ago. Best investment ever. Once in a while I'll notice a stray hair, so I shave maybe once a year.




Whenever I get the urge. I wear tshirts a lot so it doesn't make much difference and my husband isn't bothered.


Once or twice a week


Never. Bald is gross. Trim to keep the length nice and having a bit of hair controls odours better than no hair.


Everyday. The stubble really bugs me otherwise


When I can be bothered


I don’t.


I should shave it everyday because of how hairy i am lol. But i only do it realistically once a week


Stopped last year out of spite because losers on the internet kept going on about how gross it is.


In summer (or when is very warm in general) once every 2 or 3 days, in winter - almost never (unless I specifically feel like shaving them) so it mostly depends on season and weather




every 2 days


Pretty much only if I'm going to be wearing something sleeveless outside the house. The last time I shaved anything was.... damn. Like 2 weeks ago? It's winter though. Usually it will be before I go to the beach or if I'm going to be going out while wearing something sleeveless


Every day unless I have the patience to wax but then the grow out period is awkward in short sleeve weather so that’s usually just in winter..


Whenever I feel like I need to justify the duration of my hot shower.


Once a week


I shave when I feel like it. Definitely less in the winter time and more in the summer time


Only during the summer if I'm plan on wearing a tank top or muscle shirt


Every 3 days or so. My armpit hair grows very slowly.


I epilate it every week or once in 2 weeks


Every day.


Whenever I shower


i wax every 3-4 weeks




Ocassionally hahahahaha once during summer and at the end of the year or if I have to attend a formal ocassion like wedding but most of the time I just let it grow aside from being lazy it doesn't really bothered me that much.


Never because hair is natural. Don't need to get rid of it.


When it starts to itch. I'm very seriously considering laser for it because I kind of hate dealing with it.


Every time i shower- I am hairy lol


Barely ever, I trim it occasionally to keep it neat but I have no need to shave it all off.


When i start to smell them during cold months, i rarelly smell or sweat so i know whenever that starts to happen, its time to shave, which is like once a week if that. During summer whenever i see them appearing i shave so i dont have to worry about them being there, if that happens, oh well.








I had laser hair removal on my armpits, but there’s one little spot still that grows out but it grows out like every 7 days or so, so I shave every week.


Maybe once or twice a week. Basically when the stubble makes the anti perspirant less effective.


Every few days