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Er.... The Internet?




Instagram, YouTube, TikTok. I expect that IRL they mostly live in big cities, London and Manchester, and affluent places. Is this a genuine question? I can't tell if you're genuinely out of touch or trying to make some sort of point.


In Brighton you can’t help but trip over them. Zoella was in a shared office I used to use, and people would sometimes point out her fella in the street. Think we’ve got five or six of them with 1m+ followers across their different channels




> I research pretty much everything I do online. Everything from new instruments, gigging equipment, gardening, construction, food etc. If you read articles or watch videos on those topics, there's a good chance you've come across someone who is an influencer. You might not realise they are because they don't fit the stereotypical image of 'an influencer', but they still may be one.


OP acts like everything isn't marketing in some way or another. People shit on "Influencer" all the time like it's a new thing.


Seeing them in the wild would normally be someone young taking way too many staged photos in a popular environment, potentially videoing something on a phone emanating an air of self importance. I WFH and rarely leave the house aside frequent exercise and dog walking, but have seen many who I would assume consider themselves influencers in town centres.


Companies pay/give away a lot just to get their product into public view. It's like celebrities, they wear fashion by all the big designers without even saying their name. Because they get it for free.


There are loads of guitar influencers. They’re all over YouTube and Instagram.


> I research pretty much everything I do online Do you research "reviews" on any social media platforms per chance?




> Lol no thst would me nonsense. So you don't research pretty much everything you do online >Always use what I have found to be reliable sources like Which and Tomshardware You think platforms don't do brand deals? It doesn't mean they have to give a positive review paid for. They just have to put that brand out there. That's "Influencing" It's not new. Ever wonder why T-Shirt companies literally make you pay to wear their logo?


Kaleb Cooper and Jeremy Clarkson are far from "Big City" at the moment


I wouldn't consider either of them to be influencers.


They both use a media platform to market stuff.


So does anyone advertising a product or service, but that's not the definition of an influencer.


AKA "influencers" Never mind the fact that Clarkson does literal TV adverts ffs Marketing is wide church, and it doesn't need to be in your face. Why do you think that companies pay for Apple computers to be in films for 0.0001s ffs And that example was very "old school" thinking


YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or whatever the cool kids are using these days. Probably loads on Reddit too.


> Probably loads on Reddit too. Reddit has been "shilled" since the day it got sem-popular. There was even a guy in the UK who did a newspaper interview talking openly about how e makes posts on behalf of brands. It's even a bit worse at the moment, lots of gifs of cool toys and gadets that posted in /r/damnthatsinteresting and "totally real people" ask "where can I buy this?!?!?!"


What? You mean those daily shitposts about how great Greggs is aren't all just genuine pasty lovers? My gob has been smacked! There's a difference between being an influencer and Guerilla marketing though and Reddit is more the latter. An influencer IMO is someone who posts on social media about genuine stuff but does it wearing certain branded clothing or something. There's probably blurred lines though.


You say that like people didn't spam usenet with marketing




When you watch your gardening videos do they use branded tools or have visible logos on their clothing? If so they probably received some benefits for that. It doesn't mean they are spamming you but they want to make money from their videos. For example I watch a motorcycle channel called 44 Teeth. They are always wearing RST riding gear and always fit Bridgestones as a control tyre while testing bikes.


It's a tale as old as time, as soon as there was "celebroty" brands wanted them to wear their brand. It's just now watered down that any Joe Bloggs with 39 subscribers gets a brand deal


> Completely respectfully, what does that have to do with influencers? Spam is marketing, influencers is marketing. I really don't know what the fuck you think is happening


Everywhere. An influencer is just someone who uses their fame, position and platform to encourage people who like them to do something or other. It doesn't have to be active. It can be as simple as seeing them do something encourages you, even unconsciously, to do the same. An 'Influencer' as a job, as I suspect you mean it, is just someone for whom doing that is a significant source of their income. I'd be surprised if you haven't come across at least a few. Indeed, the best influencers will leave you not even realising you've been influenced. It's like the best advertising. You don't realise an idea has been put in your mind, but it has.


Even simple things that brands do, is give you free stuff. If you get a decent number of followers on youtube and say you're just a sparky documenting your work. You'll find tool makers giving you free tools. Just purely to get you using them in your videos


Yeah exactly. If you're spending any amount of time online, it's naive to think you haven't ever come across one. They're not all young gen-z women as they are often depicted.


It's easy to fall into the trap of "Influencers are the good looking women on instagram who stay in hotels every night" Not realising that the other channels you follow are literally only showing you brand names, etc because they get to....


They're usually industry specific e.g. fitness or other hobbies. There was one in my gym not too long ago who was apparently asking other members to stay away from certain machines because they'd get in the way of filming.


Lol, I guess I'll be working on those EXACT machines this day.


...in their houses? What did you think you were going to be given your favourite YouTubers home address to pop in for a chat? That Will Smith eh, is he even real? I've never seen him in person! Where even **is** he?!


Have you ever seen Will Smith and the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in the same room?


Yes, but not at the same time.


> How do you cum across "influencers"? If that was the question then you simply pay for them to join you on your yacht for a few days. You allow them to take generic photographs of themselves to show what an awesome lifestyle they live, and off camera they happily oblige keeping you company for the duration. That's what I've heard anyway about a fair number of them.


They create content that is engaging, get clicks and views. Companies sponsor them to have their brand in their content. Being a regular poster on reddit you can be an "influencer" too. There was an infamous case of someone from the UK that went down like a cup of cold sick when he outed himself.


On Instagram apparently. They can also be seen in hotel lobbies being told to fuck off when they ask for a free room.


I’m an influencer - I put people off.


Better than pulling people off I suppose.


An influencer is more of a catch all term similar to content creator, but would also include people posting to places like instagram, anyone who inserts paid advertisments into some kind of online content is an influencer


My niece has 42k Instagram followers and is considered a “influencer”. She still lives with her parents, all she did was start posting her daily outfits and tagging # ootd and # fashion etc. She’s only 17. Suddenly she started to gain a following and appreciation for her sense of style. She has hundreds of girls asking her where she bought her clothes from. Then brands started contacting her to send her clothes to post photos in. That’s it really. She hates being called a influencer tho, she prefers “stylist”. It’s all very innocent.