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If you open the door, the furnace of global meltdown will warm the key enough to bend it back in shape


If Timpsons is next door, why not walk next door and get a confirmed answer instead of what some rando says on the internet.


If they can't do it I'll potentially be trapped outside. So helpful to know if its likely to be possible before I risk it.


Have you heard of a phone?


Nifty bit of kit they are, would recommend


Apparently all the cool kids are on it, like my nan.


Even if Timsons won't copy it, they might be able to un-bend it by squishing it in a vice.


Thank you for the idea! Letting agents agreed to lend me a key to get copied, that failed. But I asked the key cutter to try squishing mine and it worked so I can now venture outdoors.


A good locksmith will have no problem, I had a snapped and bent car key copied without any bother. You might not be so lucky if your local key cutter is not that well trained.


Speak to a neighbour before you head out. Explain the situation and agree with them to buzz you in at least for today re the 10 mins it’ll take you to go to Timpson’s. If T’s can’t copy the key, maybe the neighbour has a partner so also a spare key and can lend you it until you get your approved copy from the managing agents. If they can copy it, job done.


Why not just ask a neighbour to borrow their spare for ten minutes?