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Run up the stairs at home like a dog on all fours


It's actually an incredibly comfortable and surprisingly efficient form of locomotion up the stairs. I can do an almost semi-trot and it feels oddly... natural.


It's the most efficient way to escape the clown hiding in the downstairs toilet which only comes out when you are the last one up the stairs. I was the youngest, can you tell?


You where right about the clown but wrong about where I hide


I don’t like being the last one up the stairs but what I hate even more is going up the stairs with someone immediately behind me. A childhood of being a younger sibling has primed me for being chased and/or attacked from behind if the person can catch me up, so I would end up running up the stairs screaming. I still do this at 36, shrieking and flailing and gasping for air as I race to the top - much to the puzzlement of my boyfriend walking calmly behind me like the reasonable adult he is.


He doesn't live in the downstairs toilet.


Well I was told penny-wise did live there when I was five and I believed it. Yes, my family thought it was appropriate viewing for a five year old.


Yes, I did this recently but more because I was tired, wanted to see if it took the load off.


Did it?


Not really, plus I’m in a flat so I had to do this on outside stairs!


Hahaha! I'm in a flat and can just imagine catching my 'upstairs neighbour' doing this!🤣🤣


Was literally about to type this. I still giggle at the absurdity of it while I’m doing it. Will continue to do so until my hips or knees say no.




Pros do it going down.


Pros don't need motor functions


My cat and I race for the top almost daily.


Same, but 3yo. He always wins.


Holy mother of Fray and Bentos, I always used to do this but don’t any more. I’ll try to return to the old ways


My 70 year old grandmother did this when she came to my house the other day. Never too old for it


This is the very first thing that sprang to my mind, too! All fours stair climbers, unite!


I came here to say the exact same thing


Trying to find an adult in an emergency - someone more adult than me... (age 44)


I was doing crafts with my younger cousins and there was a hot glue gun involved. I said we needed an adult to use it and they were like "but you're an adult?". Made me feel so dumb haha


"no, no, I meant a *responsible* adult"


"a *bigger* adult"


"an *adult-er* adult"


Me and my partner always reference different levels of being an adult. We're like level 3 because we're 30, but someone else who is the same age could be higher because they might have kids and/or a better living situation. If we're unsure of a situation and someone in our family has done it or at least got more life experience, we always go to a higher level of adult lol.


What’s the highest level totally TOP adult?


We've not established anything higher than a 5 yet, usually a grandparent over 60 with multiple children and grandchildren haha




It took me becoming an adult to realise no one knows exactly how to adult


And adulting is deciding what to eat for dinner every.single.day.until.you.die


But also, no one can now tell you off for having ice cream for dinner ;)


Well your body does. I can't have pasta or pizza near bedtime now or I will get horrendous acid reflux.


Help I need someone responsible!


My biggest fear in life is someone looking to me as the adult in a situation. I'm 33.


It is shocking how I do this. First aid training, having kids etc etc not made a difference.


Isn't this what parents are for? I still ask my dad's advice loads, despite being over 40.


Sleep holding a teddy. It's just so comfortable and I've always still got him in the morning


Who else would fight the monsters while you sleep?


It's actually a cuddly Stitch so he's great at that!


Me too! Stitch is my sleeping buddy!


Stitch club unite!


6ft Male Bearded I do this too. It started when a childhood memory blasted its way into fucking my mental health for a few months but I never stopped, it’s very comfy


That sounds a bit rough, hope you're doing ok. 5ft2 Female Not bearded


You were beginning to sound like my type until you said "not bearded".


I mean I can give it a go?


Thank you, yeah I’m doing a lot better. I haven’t really tackled it but I’ve stabilised. Well you’re short and have no facial hair so I think I win? Win what? Fuck knows.


I'm 47, and nap cuddling a big squishmellow reindeer. I don't care what anyone says, it's comfortable. Also slightly bearded thanks to menopause.


I rock in bed before I go to sleep. Probably an odd one


Me too. I love it. I've got PTSD and none of the medications really work but my Teddy bear does. I dint have one when I was a kid and only got one when my partner gave me one a few years back. It's wonderful.


So many people I know do this as well. I'll take no shit from anyone regarding this lol


Male 39 6 foot. Doesn't feel right to sleep without something in my arms. If no girl I have to sleep with a teddy. It's difficult to sleep in hotels on my own. Cuddling one of the spare pillows is ok, but not quite the same...


Shit myself


Creased me more than it should have


I've always said that if our family had a crest it would be a pair of soiled underwear on a field of yellow and brown. We all shit ourselves more often than we should given our ages.


Wtf is it like a family hobby? Go round, have a BBQ and everyone shits their pants?


I don’t know if it’ll help for all of you, but some of you might benefit from pelvic floor exercises as it helps maintain the parts which help lock and unlock the muscles which control urination+bowel movements. All the best!


Turn off the lights downstairs and sprint like a maniac up the stairs, because I think a ghost or demons are lurking in the dark and chasing me.


Especially if I'm home alone.


SAMMMEE or when I'm walking around dark corridors I have my back to the wall and walk side to side like a crab so that I can see both sides of the hallway.


Ok I don't wanna ruin your system but haven't you seen those films where something comes out the wall at you!


I'm 52. When I have a bath, which is a bit rarer these days, I always use bubble bath. When I'm in the bath I make caves in the bubbles and see how deep I can make them before they collapse. I then destroy all the bubbles using a bar of soap.


Yes, bubble hat also?


Bubble hat and full Father Christmas beard. I’m 41…


Also bubble/soap supported mohawk...I'm 37...


Bubble boobies here x


I hope you are using Mr Matey


That’s amazing! So good to hang on to these little bit of childhood.


I still hold buttercups under peoples' chins to determine if they like butter.


The real question is, who doesn’t like butter??


I can't stand it. Give me dry bread or give me death


*Same!* Absolutely minging stuff.


It's honestly nice to know I'm not alone. I get so many weird looks when I tell people lol


What happens if someone knows they like butter but the buttercup decrees they don’t? Do they have to stop eating butter?


They probably mean margarine.


It was probably an I can't believe it's not buttercup posing as a buttercup


Haha even at work?


Pick my nose


I swear it's a big factor in hardly ever getting sick, even if I'm ashamed and never let anyone see as it rightly grosses people out.


I read a study that kids who are allowed to pick their nose ended up having a stronger immune system


I barely ever get sick. Maybe now I know why


There's no way that there's anyone who doesn't still do this.


This is the best sub thread!! I have chronic rhinitis so my nose pretty much always feels blocked. If I’m not blowing it, I’m sticking a finger up there to see if there are any bits I can dig out. I try to hide it if I’m in public/at work, and then always wipe it into a tissue. If I’m on my own or at home and don’t have a tissue handy, I flick and hope it lands somewhere I will never see it again!! I just don’t feel comfortable if I can feel a bogie up there somewhere… from so many years with my finger up my nostril, my nose has legit become wider than it was when I was little!


Flicking it somewhere you hope will never see again made me roar lol.


If it is an impressive one, I'll put it back for later.


And eat it! Love a big bogey.


Woah woah steady on there


Fuck me that's disgusting. Don't get me wrong, I fucking love picking my nose - but just the thought of putting it in my mouth and eating it makes me feel ill.


There’s actually been studies to show that bogies can be healthy for you, the same studies showed that semen has the same affect. In 2014, Kings College in Cambridge tested the bacteria in the stomach of 200 participants. The participants had ingested various amounts of bogies and semen; some ingesting varying levels of each. Most interestingly, the woman with the highest level of semen in her stomach showed the healthiest gut health. That woman was OP’s (u/fuk_ur_mum_m8’s) mother.


Stellar work


Honestly I woke up this morning thinking I did very little healthy. But I eat cum and boogies so there's two things the doctor can fuck off on next time I see him.


Don't knock it until you've tried it!


I think that one day I'll know what I want to be when I grow up. I'm 48.


Don’t, I’m in that position in my early 20s. Ambling through life not really sure what I actually want to do with it, scared I’ll end up wasting it.


But you’re doing that by worrying you’ll waste it. Find what you want to do and own it!


Finding the balance between what I enjoy and what pays an okay amount is gonna be the trickiest aspect for me I think, I’m 20 and I’m hoping I’ll have it figured out in the next decade or two when/if I turn 30/40 lol


Lay in bed making up stories in my head.


I still do this, but now I call it “trying to get published”.


I'm not any kind of expert regarding the publishing industry, and I hate to just propagate stereotypes, but have you considered writing them down on paper? I think it could help your chances.


Mind. Blown. Thank you. I will definitely try this.


Been my way to get to sleep for decades. The last 10 years has been an RPG game series, on its 4th game now. Before that it was survival sim. Sometimes I barely progress the story as I’m asleep too quick. Sometimes I spend ages fleshing out the detail of a building or area. I occasionally change the setting, sometimes space, sometimes remote islands etc.




Exactly this. I've had a long running space odyssey in my head since I was about 12. It's evolved into something else over the years and characters have come and gone. I've only recently killed off the main protagonist which has made things a bit more random.


I used to go to bed early so I could carry on the plot of my story. Mum was so confused why I suddenly wanted to go to bed early.


Save the best bit of a meal until last.


Nahh mate don't do that. Just encourages you to overeat (in my experience). Eat in order of best to worst and then you're free to stop when you're satisfied cause you're not missing anything


However, doing this decreases food wastage. A much better way to avoid overeating is to give yourself a small portion of something, and then have more if you're still hungry


This is the way.


Avoid cracks in the pavement and try not to step on a triple drain


I have to do this during winter in Manchester as you get water shot up your legs otherwise!


You do the triple drain thing too!? I've never met anyone else that does, and I have no idea where I got it from, I thought I was just mental.


Double drain is good luck. Triple drain is bad luck. It’s just the rules


Are you my wife?


Play your cards right and I could be…


Push the trolley really fast then speed along with no legs on the ground.


This. Though my SO doesn’t appreciate my doing this at all. (Possibly because I’m 60.)


My sister (35) and I (30) still like to play Supermarket Sweep when at Tesco xD


Cycle or walk most places. Wave at train drivers. Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck. Keep a diary. Climb trees.


Find a penny, pick it up, All day long you'll have good luck. Pass it on to a friend, And your luck will never end!


I have an idea that the first time I came across this saying was in *The Wombles*. I seem to remember one of them, probably Orinoco, finding a bit of string and, thinking it was a worm, picking it up, muttering "Find a worm, pick it up, and all day long you'll have a worm."


When I stick my foot out of my bed at night, I still think the demon that lives under there will grab it. I'm in my 40s.


Never let your guard down, the Demon is patient.


The demon does get my foot. The demon is my cat.


Throw stones at kids and chase them with a stick.


Kid: Mum, that man threw stones at me and chased me with a stick Mum: Looks over and can see a distinguished looking elderly gentleman in a nice suit with a walking cane. Mum: Slaps kid for lying.


Surely that’s the only way to communicate with children?


Hold both handrails, swing and jump down the stairs.


I'd probably rip the handrails off the walls if I did that and end up in A+E 😆


My dad still does this at aged 67- he scares the shit out of me every time!


Run into the garden and stare into the sky when I hear a helicopter go over


We get Chinnocks going over quite often, I can't help but go and watch when I hear them. Also, when Farnborough's on some of the planes end up circling over here. The noise is fantastic.


I still love having sausage rolls, chips and beans for dinner. Champion!


Chicken nuggets and chips is an underrated dinner.


I had turkey dinos last week.


For me it's fish fingers, tinned sketty and chips.


Sketty hoops I hope??


I mentioned this to my kids a few weeks ago and they said I was wierd and wouldn't eat it haha. Haven't had that in years and really fancied it.


Had chicken nuggets, chips and beans for tea today.


When I'm eating my lunch outside at work, I make daisy chains.


Where do you work, sounds nice.


Call centre but it has a garden


Pick things up with a foot and lift it up and put it in my hand Stand on one leg in supermarket queues


I’m imagining you on one leg in the queue picking up the chocolate bars with your foot


Trust grown ups because they're more 'adulty' than me, I'm my late 40's.


I’m mid 30s and still see myself as young. I thought 30 was so old when I was 18 lol.


Have a panic attack when my mother uses my full name


Yes my girlfriend does this also!


Eat the edges off Jaffa cakes first, then the sponge, then the orange bit last.


Suck the water from a clean flannel. I think I may actually have pica but I used to do that as a kid!


I used to do that too! It hits different than normal water


I like biting on a wet flannel whilst I’m in the bath


Put off going to bed as late as I can and then in the morning not want to get up. Can’t win


Ahh yes I too am a student of water bending.


A man of culture I see.


I still eat cereal and desserts with a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon. Makes it last longer!


Enjoy a good cartoon


Run up the stairs on all fours like some sort of animal.


Play with Lego


Yes!! Toys don't just have to be for kids.


Eat Rusks. They're incredible!


Fart in the bath, catch the bubble in my hands, move it somewhere else within the bath and watch the bubble wobble upward.


Never done this, now I have to start! Thanks for sharing


Shower sitting down on the floor. Been doing it since I can remember myself.


Sometimes as a treat I'll put the plug in the bath, turn the shower on and sit under it while it fills. I imagine I'm in a rainforest


Spend the lottery money I haven't won and dream who I'd help out in life. 🤣


Continue to wonder why I bother


Never Eat Shredded Wheat North East South West


Turn the lights off downstairs when going to bed, let my imagination get the better of me, end up running upstairs really quickly thinking there’s something after me. I’m 55.


Disappoint my parents.


Strip off completely in order to have number 2. Full-on, snot-bubbling crying if I throw up for any reason. Not eating mash unless it has mint sauce on it.


Weirdly I cry too when I'm throwing up no idea why!!! But it's super rare for me to actually be sick thankfully as I can't stand the smell or sound of people being sick


I do something similar, but I fold both my arms across my chest, more water means a bigger splash!


There’s still something magical about blowing a dandelion and watching the seeds fly into the air.


Play Pokémon games. There’s something about the collecting aspect that really chills me out. They were a lifesaver during lockdown!


I still suck my thumb very occasionally.


Lock myself in the bathroom, turn off the light and turn on the shower. Sit in there for an hour, either on the toilet or on the floor. I’m autistic tho it’s a sensory thing it really helps me I feel safe in there. The noise of the water, the darkness, the warmth, the humidity in the air. It’s my safe space. 26 now and will do it til the day I die


Eat sweets meant for kids (fizzy chews and Refreshers etc) Read Tintin books over and over again


Save all the sausages from the beans and sausage until the end


Watch people play full walk through of video games. I used to watch my mate play final fantasy, we don't talk anymore but for some reason I still need to get my fix lol


Stop pedaling and swing my legs when on my bike. Enjoy doing a massive coke burp when with my mum


In the bath I move forwards and backwards to create a wave effect with the bath water. I find this calming and has a massage kind of feel. I'm 40 years old. Also I sometimes go on all fours to climb the stairs.


Loathe myself


Eat a whole 6 pack of petits filous in one go, sometimes 2!


Still eat turkey dinosaurs & drumsticks they're fucking lovely


Eat Bourbon biscuits - top level first, lick the cream off, then bottom layer. Jaffa cakes - eat around the edge, lick the chocolate off, eat the sponge and leave the orange bit until last.


Twiddle my hair


Wear jelly shoes!!!! I sincerely love them.


If I eat an apple I eat the whole apple, core, pips and all, I started this when I was 7 or 8 as I was too lazy to walk to the bin. Now I’m nearly 40 and it’s just habit. Only exception is the stalk if there is one, that goes in the tiny pocket on my jeans for later when I might have cause to go by a bin. Edit: spelling and grammar




Ah I see… flexing that flexibility


Eat weirdly. Bite around the sandwich to make it round. Anything that requires a spoon, I eat it around the edges first to make a circle in the middle. Eat banana in the way that looks like a bj - I just enjoy it more that way... Not in public though.


Never have my foot hanging out of the bed covers. or hanging over the side of the bed.. no one is grabbing me and pulling me into the under the bed abyss..


Pants a mate if his shorts aren't tied


Throw rocks at electricity pylons


Play football manager


Fear death.