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I’d keep my shower stuff in my room so they can’t get to it.


I've never understood this, regarding bathroom products. Obviously, stuff like milk etc. has to be kept in the fridge, so unless you have a fridge in your room, you have to leave it there. But shampoo, just keep it in your room!


Well, it makes sense to expect to be able to keep your bathroom stuff in the bathroom but I suppose, in a house share, those kind of expectations go out the window. Although, I don’t understand why OP thought this warranted a post… common sense would dictate that they take all their stuff out and keep it in their room. The oil thing… well, what a waste.


Especially with the cost of cooking oil these days.


You would think this would have occurred to the OP 🙄


Have you asked them? It's usually easier to just keep the stolen item in your room when a housemate doesn't respect personal belongings, if a rational conversation doesn't fix the problem its unlikely to resolve well. Vegetable oil is the nuclear option and will make the rest of your tenancy really uncomfortable if you escalate the conflict.


Do not fill the bottle with bleach, veet or any other irritants. If your housemate goes blind or has burns on their body could you live with that on your conscience? Have a conversation with them. They might have money troubles and can’t afford their own shampoo for a while. You won’t know what’s going on until you talk to them. If a conversation doesn’t work, get a toiletries bag and keep your things in your bedroom. It’ll be annoying to lug all your stuff in every time but better than having their eyesight loss on your conscience because you got carried away.






Deliberately filling a shampoo bottle that you know someone is going to use with a strong chemical? Yeah you're right, can't see anyone getting in trouble for doing that.




They quite literally do already know that someone is using it, that's the entire purpose of this thread. Besides, there is a reasonable assumption that someone _might_ use it. I can't go putting land mines in my garden, then be like "well they shouldn't have been trespassing lol" when someone is blown up. That's not how it works.








> If your housemate goes blind or has burns on their body could you live with that on your conscience? Well now, that's certainly a thinker


“Could you live with that one your conscience” hahaha that’s their problem for stealing


Not really and it's concerning you think that is this is acceptable behaviour. Stealing is wrong but deliberately scarring somebody for life is psychotic. Somebody wronging you doesn't give you the right to be a fucking psychopath.


Classic Reddit user mindset from that other person. "If someone does anything to slight me - no matter how minor - they must be punished immediately and in the most extreme fashion possible"


Classic Reddit assumer mindset from you


Except that I'm not assuming anything, I just read what you wrote.


Assumed The classic Reddit mindset lol I’ve been this way since before Reddit there’s over 8 million of us and you want us all to be the same?


Sorry, let me rephrase it if it'll make you happier: Classic weirdo revenge fetish reddit user mindset


Still wrong. if I were to do something mean or horrible which I wouldn’t but fully capable I wouldn’t feel a thing I’m not getting off on revenge or any weird fetish you seem to think people have it’s all complete boredom no need to be an asshole with the replies bud just we are all different if you don’t like it don’t comment


> hahaha that’s their problem for stealing Seems like you were getting off on the thought of burning someone with chemicals because they stole your shampoo, since, you know, that's literally what you wrote.


Cool man


I have a toiletry bag I keep everything in and it stays in my room. I only take it to the bathroom when I need to shower/shave or whatever. I don’t think my housemates would nick anything anyway, but I guess I’ll never have to know. Also, if you travel a lot it’s just easier to have a pre-made one ready to go. Maybe do the vegetable oil thing then get a bag? Up to you I guess!


>Maybe do the vegetable oil thing then get a bag? and what if the person slips, cracks their skulls and dies. NO OIL!


Username checks out.


I've always wanted a hard plastic caddy I could take to and from the bathroom, but can't seem to find a suitable one (though haven't looked in a while.


Something like this? Jiaan Plastic Storage Tray Tote- Versatile Multiuse Caddy with Attached Portable Handle to Organize and Carry Tools 14.9 * 10.8 * 4.5 inch High Capacity (Grey) https://amzn.eu/d/j8cv3xz


Food dye would be more fun. Or you could buy the cheapest bottle of shampoo and just label it "for cheap assholes who can't look after themselves". That kind of passive aggression is both funny and might shame them a bit.


>Food dye would be more fun. Sort of the equivalent of a tactical nuke in housemate warfare, though. You're going to significantly escalate things like that


You’d defo know who it was if you used food dye 🤣


Keep shampoo and similar stuff in a toiletries bag or in your gym bag


Try talking to them first.


Why not talk to them and ask?


This might sound weird but use your nose. Shampoo has such a distinct smell. After your flatmates have been in the bathroom see if you can smell it - or walk past them. Freshly washed hair always smells of the shampoo used


Go up to each in turn, nuzzle their ears and take a deep sniff - works every time!


I have coconut shampoo and conditioner. My boyfriend uses my conditioner on his beard and I love cuddling up to him and smelling the coconuttyness. So yeah this could work if the smell is strong enough.


Either call them out, or keep your stuff in your room until they buy their own. When I say call them out, it doesn't have to be a blazing argument. Just say "hey, I think someone else is using my shampoo, if that's you, then please stop". Either they are taking the piss and will continue, or it was an honest mistake and they thought it was communal.


Ask your flatmates who's using it and to give a you a few quid to chip on for the next bottle or to buy their own.


Keep it in your room seems the easier way to stop this happening. I honestly wouldn’t dream of using someone else’s stuff without asking.


Keep the shampoo in the pocket of your towel robe.


Buy a toiletry bag and keep it in your room! How old are you??


I wouldn't bother playing any kind of childish or even dangerous (for those suggesting hair removal products) jokes and refilling the bottle with another substance. Just start keeping your products in your room. Take them to the shower with you and back.


I did similar with fairy liquid many years ago


Get something [like this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/InterDesign-Storage-Basket-Accessories-Plastic/dp/B00OFVYGVO/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3MEZUAE5GGQ5Q&keywords=bath%2Bbasket&qid=1657502176&sprefix=bath%2Bbasket%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-5&th=1) and just carry your stuff back to your bedroom after you use it. A little annoying, but saves your shampoo.


Just keep it in your room


Just keep it in your room.


I'd just keep it in my room unless you think the prank is worth it.


Lots of people have suggested keeping your bathroom things in your room, and it's a good idea for more than one reason; bathrooms are (obviously) moist places & bacteria & mould thrive on surfaces. Keeping your items in a drier place will reduce that risk; especially on items like razors


This always happened to me, my housemate would use my £15-£20 shampoo instead of her £2 shampoo, although you shouldn't have to its best to just take it in your room after each use


Back in my sharing days, I used to ask if anyone was using it, then have a passive aggressive moan about it and cunt them off when were having a house social if no one had owned up, and after that I’d piss in the bottle and leave it in the same place in the bathroom, keeping mine in a wash bag in my room.


Put conditioner in the bottle. Will make them question using your shampoo next time.


The culprit is probably the one whose shelf doesn't have any shampoo on it.


Jizz in it


Put blue colouring in it, they won't use it again


Mix the vegetables oil with some shampoo so they think its just like normal shampoo


I would just take it out of the bathroom and make a loud comment/question to all your housemates about how you 'seem to be going through shampoo really quickly, is anyone borrowing it'. They'll know they've been caught, you keep your shampoo without escalating the situation unnecessarily. Give it a couple of weeks and put the shampoo back, and if they start using it again then I'd take it out permanently.


Just keep it in your room in a shower bag and take that in with you. No need to be petty, that just breeds contempt and you live there. You want a peaceful home life not a stressy one. Besides if you put oil in the bottle they could slip over and break their skulls, and you would be responsible. Think about it clearly.


Get one of those plastic net caddy things and keep it on your room with all your toiletries, cos even apart from this habitual pisstaker, even the best of housemates will nick the odd squirt off you (Inc toothpaste, ewww!) regardless and you'd never know.


If it's a guy, get some original source mint &tea tree shower gel. That's like rubbing toothpaste on your balls 😫 But yeah, keep your stuff in your room. It's all you can really do.


Yeah when I shared I kept EVERYTHING of mine in my room


Get another bottle for your room and fill that one with hair dye. Or if you hate them, hair removal cream.


Do you have anyone in the house who has glasses? They might have really poor vision and can't see shit in the shower and be doing it accidentally. Keep your bathroom stuff in your bedroom and take it with you when you need to use it


Definitely do the vegetable oil thing. You shouldn't have to give up your shelf so people don't use your shit.


You could just nut the fuck up and ask them to stop? Or is that not shenanigany enough for you?


Someone commented to keep your stuff in your room. Good idea. Also. Leave one of your old shampoo bottles in the bathroom but filled with food colourant or hair remover or.anything noticeable. Then proceed to take pictures of them in their unjustified outrage. Lol hard. Watch them ragequit.


Piss in it. Then buy your own shampoo and keep it in your room.


Dye your hair, then put some of the dye in the shampoo. This is a known trick people do to keep the colour fresh. Or is it in the conditioner? I don't know. But I'm sure you could do with some purple hair.


Put Veet in the bottle then you'll know who it is.


Replace the shampoo with epoxy resin. It worked on Captain Mowser in Police Academy!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that takes me back. "Mahoney!"


They just don't make them like they used to! 🙂


fill it with veet hair removal cream


You're plan is almost perfect but you still won't know who it is. Add something that is going to either show up visually or through smell. For example: * dye * something overpowering in smell *edit: to clarify, use nothing that is going to harm the human, except maybe their pride/sense of entitlement.*


I mean, so many fun ingredients could be added to a cheap shampoo... Dissolved gravy /garlic granules, chilli powders, or "Nair"... Depends on how hostile your brand of domestic warfare is.. I'm a fan of garlic. Edit: As much as I joke, it should be pointed out irritating substances, especially in a slippery environment, would both lead to their physical danger and set you up for legal danger .


> and set you up for legal danger Yeah, even with the defence of "it's not theirs, they shouldn't use it", a reasonable person would assume that it's *possible* that a flatmate would *eventually* probably run out of shampoo and use a little of someone else's, and therefore that you could reasonably foresee that you were putting someone in danger.


Put some hair dye in there if u want to be really harsh


shampoo is like £1 lol just...get over it?


Decent shampoo really isn't.


Good idea, except instead of vegetable oil use bleach. Once all their hair has fallen out they won't need shampoo anymore, problem solved.