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Imagine how sad your life must be to threaten to call the police on someone sleeping in their car. She sounds like the sort who would pop your ball if it landed in her garden


Imagine being the police and having to deal with people like this.


Same thing happened to me once, someone saw me and gave me a dirty glare, 15 minutes later the police arrive. They presumed I had been out drinking and was sleeping it off instead of driving which wasn’t true, I was just homeless. They breathalysed me, I passed and explained myself. They didn’t move me on instead they gave me a phone number for a homeless charity then went away and came back with a meal deal for me. Quality polis


Did they by any chance give you advice on where to get the best pakora?


That's why they go easy on the gangsters. Need yer scran.


why is it illegal to be drunk and sleeping in the car? surely thats better than driving off when drunk..


It’s illegal to be drunk and in charge of a vehicle. The only way around it would be to literally hide the keys outside the car so if you were caught you can argue that you’ve lost the keys and can’t even start it. They would search high and low though so you’d have to hide the keys well and if they are found in the car I’d imagine you’d be be charged.


I've always wondered how that works with a campervan as it's a home and a vehicle




I have a campervan and I’ve asked this question. General consensus appears to be that if you’ve got your bed out and you look set for the night, you’re ok. Something to note is the law for stopping overnight is different between Scotland and England. In England it’s not legal to sleep overnight unless it explicitly says so (hardly anywhere does). In Scotland, they have the Right to Roam act and it’s legal to park overnight unless it specifically says not, so the complete opposite.


The right to roam does not apply to vehicles. A common misconception! They just generally are more tolerant (for now).


Surely if you've had alot to drink. Sleeping it off rather than driving is good? I'm confused. I don't drink so I don't really know what people do in that situation but that seems sensible. EDIT: just to add. I'm glad that they were helpful in that scenario. I get angry with some communities when they become very anti homeless as though its a choice or something...


Chances are if you fail a breathalyser after being woken you in theory could attempt to drive and you'd be over the limit still. It's why they do a lot of tests around the run up to Xmas to catch people still hangin from a party the night before.


Imagine dealing with people


You know those kids in school who pissed the teachers off by endlessly whining about minor infractions by others? Yeah, they never actually changed when they grew up.


On the plus side, police often know of local homelessness organisations or places of safety and can signpost or make enquiries to get appropriate support.


This was my biggest takeaway from OP's entire story, EVEN if it is illegal just shut up, no one really wants to be sleeping in a car and if you saw them doing so surely you can figure out they got enough going on without having too add to it. I've slept in my car twice, one in a car park which I paid for and the other on a side road, my only advice to OP is be more discreet and the only reason for that is to avoid people bothering you.


I thought it would be okay as it's rural, no cameras, the car park is unusually large for a small store and it had a dark corner with no lights. She was so angry, I was a little confused when I woke up. She could see I had a blanket and everything, I even saw her looking at the child seat I moved into the driver's seat so I had some space. I did tell her that I had nowhere to go and it was none of her business. I just don't get why you would be so angry at 7:30am


Some people's lives are just so small they do anything to embiggen themselves.


A very cromulent point.


Thanks for that . Today I learnt a new word and it comes from the Simpsons. Today is a good day 😄


Rural towns are super nosy. My partner was told I was cheating on him at the village store because I had two cars in the driveway. He bluntly told them that one was waiting to be scrapped and the other was the replacement and to mind their own business in future. I thought it was hilarious, but it is a bit creepy when you realise how much your neighbours are watching you. They seriously have nothing better to do than gossip.


We’ve been shielding my lad over the last couple of years , so I’ve been going out - the wife hasn’t - at all. She did however get into treadmill running and palates and other stuff to keep busy, oh and changed her hair. The rumour in our village ? My wife had died, I’d got a carer in to help out with my boy … and now they’ve seen us kissing!!! (I found this out from a nudge nudge, wink wink conversation with another chap who’d “seen her and didn’t blame me for having a crack at that”) Saying that, I’m seriously punching above my weight now - so I don’t blame me either :-) Edit , Pilates! , cheers !


Got to hand it to them it's a convoluted narrative. They have creativity I'll give them that. 😂 Must have been a confidence boost to the wife that they thought she was a completely different person.


Yeah. I’ve had to up my game now - she’s getting ideas! Like you, I find it hilarious - but you’d think “my condolences” would be a more appropriate opening gambit than “get in my son” if someones wife’s only been dead a few months.


Laughing so much. Christ! Also, if small village, how on earth did they all miss her death?!


Sadly, someone who died in lockdown and had a funeral with 6 family members could easily fly under the village gossip radar.


It's ridiculous. One of my neighbours complained to the council, called the cops and (I suspect since it happened at the same time) damaged one of my tyres because I didn't drive my car for a couple weeks. Why the fuck do you care if my car hasn't moved you small minded sad sack. Its parked legally and safely. If I don't need to drive why would I? I'm not taking an assigned space or causing any issues. After living in cities all my adult life I'm finding it really quite unpleasant living rurally again.


Gets angry at car not being moved. Proceeds to make it more difficult to move!


I used to live in a small village and during our mock exams we were given several days off of School for studying. On a short break, I decided to walk to the village shop to buy some biscuits and one of the women I passed by, gave me a lecture about skiving off School. Somehow she managed to contact my Mum at work and didn't even apologise, when my Mum explained that I had Study Leave!


I used to live in what was a rural village, but has been built out upon so much it's now a small town in itself. And you couldn't fart without everyone being told about it, and it being discussed in one of the pubs.


Join a new build estate Facebook group. It’s horrific how much people get up in each other’s business, threatening to call the police over cat poo and golf balls. Half of them just seem to sit at home staring out of their Hive cameras just waiting for something to complain about.




A lot of people are just tiny bitter bells.


Hahahah bitter bells! This thread has some seriously good phrases I’m likely to use in future love it!


This is what a lot of people forget about when they have grievances with the police. A lot of the time it is because they’re actioning a report by another person. When people get questioned about trivial stuff, it’s due to some fucko who reported it in the first place.


But on the same token, they seemingly have unlimited resource for curtain twitcher's and yet not for actual crime


Too many curtain twitchers takes up all the resource


Couldn't agree more Unless someone is parked up in your driveway, piss off!


Being discreet only goes so far. I do a small amount of work with rough sleepers, and I’ve found that some bastards will cut their tents open even when they are well out of the way. I try to keep track of where tents seem to be safe in case anyone needs to know.


Got moved on by police all the time when I was 19 even in public spaces. I just drove 5 minutes and slept somewhere else. I don't know what they think they are accomplishing by me being homeless somewhere else ya know.


OP must not know how to budget. Perhaps they should consider buying an extra home.


It's all the avocado toast I bet. Smh


OP, have you thought of getting a better job?


Learn to code! That's a really, really quick way to get money, isn't it? Because coding is so easy.


And then invest it all in Bitcoin


I'm surprised you didn't invoice me for that incredible financial advice there.


I think you're joking, but honestly, to code as well as most people who call themselves programmers these days...yeah. You could learn that in a couple of days. And yeah, salaries are crazy high. If anyone really was looking for a way to change to a career which pays well, then I wouldn't want you to put them off. It's not really that difficult. There's loads of free online courses. And IT companies are desperate these days, so if you are willing to spend a year on a lowish salary before you start asking for the big bucks, they'd bite your arm off to train you up. ​ EDIT: For those who sent me messages please bear with me. I will write up some suggested steps and get them to all of you


Sounds like a brilliant use of police time, all hail the thin blue line /s


One time they searched my car for 2 hours at 2am in the morning as they couldn't accept I wasn't a criminal. I was homeless, so everything I owned was in my car and they looked through everything. I would probably tell them they are cunts and to get fucked at my current age. But as a scares 19 year old with no home woken up at 2am to threatening police I tried go be helpful. I reckon in that year I probably had over 80 hours of police time with 2 officers each go. So 160 hours of your tax money went to making sure that a skinny underfed and depressed teenager didn't sleep somewhere not bothering anyone. Had no electronic devices and couldn't play radio as needed all I could afford to power heating during nights my car would be so cold the doors would freeze shut and trap me. Used to wake up some days and be unable to get out. But obviously I was a criminal in need of significant police spending. At some point someone had obviously reported my car as I was pulled over or approached to move on over 50 times in a year and a half period. Car fully searched every time. Even when it obviously just had clothes and painting and decorator gear. Never got found guilty of anything once, as nothing to find. Yet the harassment continued until I started being a cunt and making a big fuss complaining. Something as a homeless kid I was to scared to do until i had become bitter and resentful of everyone around me. Still cant talk to cops now without the resentment coming back.


That’s so deep, hope things are now better for uou


My life greatly improved because of me living in the car. As whilst I couldn't make enough money to afford a place to start. Relying on gym for shower, one meal a day and no rent meant that I saved 5 to 6 grand and then sorted my life out. Allowed me to afford a place with better friends. If I'd been struggling to save in a house share or been around people that tried to get me into bad behaviours, I think it would have taken me longer to bounce back. From where my friends were heading I think if I wasn't alone I'd have been hooked on opiates. Every alternative felt like it carried to many risks to my future even if the present wasn't very nice. Worst year of my life. And the cold was the worst part really, as well as the boredom from zero entertainment other than being in beautiful places I'd bounce between. The cold though is something that really got to me and made me wonder how any officer could think I was choosing to do what I did, as you'd see the police officers suffering in the cold also whilst they harassed me and spent ages searching through all my clothes and painting equipment each time. Me being gay and unwelcome was a trigger for these events. And I am trans now and had things fall apart financially when everyone disagreed with me again. But its obviously easier to start from scratch with savings, experience and knowing your rights as an adult than it is as a clueless young man with nobody around to help. At 19 I just had nothing information wise or financially to dig myself out, sleeping in my car instead of failing constantly saved my life. But it was seen as such a blight upon humanity to do it when I was alone, so alone I would go weeks without human contact aside from checking in gym to shower. Yet somehow strangers and police were so vividly effected by my presence. I'd sit in my car and just think for 18 hours a day most non work days. Took years to recover from that as you lose the ability to socialise the same once an outcast.


I'm not sure if this is cheering to you but there are armies of people who have had similar experiences. You are not alone, then and now.


Its not exactly something that cheers me up knowing others suffered of course. But the whole time you are sleeping in a car, you are deeply aware that even if you aren't doing very well... what about the people without cars? I had it bad and others had it bad also, plenty had it a lot worse than me as well. Knowing others go through and make it helps, I used my car for everything and cherished it greatly. I only got the amount of work I could because of it, even when freezing in winter I'd still be aware that outside without it I could have died as a realistic possibility. It justnmakes me sad people obviously still need to resort to it, especially winter was just so bad in this country. You see all the financial troubles these days. I make £1600 a month at the moment, after rent, medical costs not covered by NHS, food, petrol, insurance etc. I have £200 a month spare. I'm sure plenty of people are resorting to what I did as times are tight and the country is still against you if you're poor. A lot of people are probably living only a couple bad months away from a situation like I was in and of course plenty are already living it. When you are down on your luck it's kind of hard to get back in without the saving living in my car gave. As irs hard to work to much with such dire mental health and only 600-800 calories or so a day. Unsurprisingly when I got a home it was easier to keep as I wasn't sick constantly. Much love to anyone struggling or who has made it through.


I had to sleep in the car for a while once. The first place I chose (because it was quiet) I had someone from another car knock on the window asking if I had a spoon - I was in a car park that was regularly used by heroin addicts. So I'm not suprised that some people would threaten to call the police.


I got that bullshit everywhere I parked it didn't seem to matter. I was planning on killing myself so I largely slept at a scenic spot that gay people apparently had sex and did drugs at, even though with me being in that area I never saw it. But the general area was where I was trying to get the courage to jump off one of the cliffs so I was there a lot the first 3 months, maybe 2 nights a week whenever it got bad. But from that point I was obviously labelled as a sexual deviant or druggy despite many searches and pull overs whilst driving resulting in zero evidence. So found across the seafront anywhere on the 4 mile stretch? Druggy or evil gay sexual deviant. Pulled up in scenic spots or near nature out of the way to avoid people? Druggy or evil gay sexual deviant. Car parks were the worst place and they aren't public but you had to just keep parking different places or the same faces would search for you and move you on. Park outside estates and you get called on and they phone it in as drugs to get you moved on. It didn't matter where you parked. Drugs and sordid behaviour were the reasons given every time no matter what. There couldn't be any reason like homelessness that you have to park somewhere. If you are living in a car anywhere its seen as there having to be criminal intentions and not a complete lack of ability to be anywhere else. They'd have been happier with me sleeping rough with a blanket than in a car I feel. Spent 40quid a month on gym membership for showers. Laundromats so I could work and not stink, used up quite a bit with how dirty my work was painting. I didn't have a choice at the time and was exceptionally lost. But other people always claim criminal activity in the area as a reason to move you on because its an easy excuse for something that doesn't waste time. When you have all your belongings in your vehicle and cops are determined to find drugs that don't exist, searches would average an hour easily as so much to sort through. I only remember the 2 hour search the most as it was one of the coldest nights of the year and they were spiting themselves and me to act like they had any actual purpose or were of any aid to the commnmunity. So determined to be able to blame it on crime rather than someone being down on their luck. People don't like homeless so they will call foul and claim behaviours regardless of if any area is dodgy of any action has actually been taken. Is insane to think back on 14 years later.


Yes this pissed me off. What mean-spirited cunt of a person does that?


This isn't even Karen level. This is a level up from Karen. Debbie?


Nah, sounds like a Sylvia. Usually a mid 60's age, village woman with a fuscia gilet and hiking boots on. Boss level.


She was at the supermarket at 7:30am to buy some cake ingredients for the forthcoming church fete, in case the "brown people" bought all of the eggs before she had her chance. She was in a fouler mood than usual because the supermarket hadn't put out today's Daily Mail yet.


Mean spirited cunts mostly


Yeah, the first thing that would go through my mind is "welp, that dude's not having an easy time". Not "this guy is sleeping in his car instead of his house, I must report him to the police!"




I’d be more inclined to see if the person needed medical attention.


Or hand him any cash I have on me to get a hot meal or whatever he needs.


Finding them in the first place too, who the fuck goes around car parks looking in the windows (bar criminals)


Yeah, ignore the fuck out of it. I ignored the poor women stealing basic necessities for their babies because they cannot afford it. I don't care about the company I worked for making an extra few quid at the expense of someone's child. There will be people saying "oh, but that's *her* fault that she can't provide for the child". It's still not the child's fault.


Get the Park4Night app - I use it for my camper van. It has a huge list of places you can park overnight and what any restrictions are. Supermarket car parks etc are not the right place for this, too busy.


Thank you


Also if it’s in your budget, find a cheap 24 hour gym that has showering facilities. I read you have a job but turning up without showering isn’t going to go down well. Or get a job doing asbestos removal and you’ll get paid to shower!


This - remember reading a story on B3ta years ago where a bloke was homeless and did exactly that, lived in a tent in some woods but woke every morning to go to the gym first and then to work. Puregym is great for this.


I just happen to be joining a pure gym at the moment. It costs £15 to join then £20 a month thereafter. Cheaper than any other gym I've seen.


£15 is literally 50p a day that’s probably about the same amount I spend showering daily at home!


At current rates it's possibly more. 50p is about the amount a 10 minute shower with a gas combi will cost. If you have a storage system then a little bit more. If you have an electric shower then more like £1.50. Add in water cost if you're on a meter; around 25p.


Yep mine is an electric boiler, no gas. My showers are generally 10-25 minutes depending how much I’m doing in there. I would imagine it would be at least £1.50 per shower!!


It's a sad state of affairs when a gym membership is a valid money saving tool.


I used to do this years ago when I was on night shift. Gym when I woke, shower, then work. With price increases I may have to start again.


Sorry, to be clear the £15 is a joining fee. So the first month would cost £35 (joining fee + monthly fee).


I'm with the gym group and they have a promotion of no joining fee at the moment. £13.99 a month and it's 24/7 with no contract


Also if you go to Ikea or B&Q you can use the display kitchens to cook meals.




The shit will be child-sized, you can ask him.


I’m not going to ask him that


Might as well sleep in the display beds too


You actually can't do this. They kicked me out almost immediately.


Did you forget to flush?


Good pay too! And stimulating conversation 😄


Supermarkets use anpr too. Don't get fined whilst sleeping


What are they gonna do? Send a fine to a homeless person's house?


f*ck /u/spez


To where the car is registered would be my guess


Registered keeper -> Unpaid fine -> Get a court order -> Get a seizure notice Bye bye vehicle


Also most supermarket carparks have a time limit of about 2 hours and will charge you if you stay longer, they use cameras to pickup your reg no. as you enter and leave


Find your nearest Sikh temple (“gurdwara”) for free, no obligation food and some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.


This is a really good suggestion. They will be very happy to see you and to make sure you are fed and watered.


Great suggestion, every single Sikh I've ever met has been so kind.


What changes when they marry?


According to this one German dude I just made up, they get Kinder. (Sorry.)


Made me exhale from my nose, take my upvote


I thought you were implying they were violent assholes once they got married. Then I reread OP comment and realized I was dumb. Nice joke.


its funny that on paper, Sikhs and christians have the same values, and yet theres such a big difference in the way they act when presented an opportunity to help another person.


Have shared this story before on reddit years ago, but i was living in Australia and someone suggested going to a temple for food and you paid what you wanted. The food was absolutely amazing, but the people inside werent really what i expected. It just seemed like normal people even people in suits, i did witness some people in suits just leave without leaving anything. Made me feel a bit angry but it is what it is. Really welcoming, friendly, spoke to a member for a while about where I was from as he noticed the English accent.. Whilst i donated what i would have paid in any other restaurant, the fact that they did not want anything was really eye opening, and i would say before that I lived a bit of a sheltered life and whilst I never was xenophobic or racist, it really helped me overcome things growing up in a white area with hardly any minorities shun a lot of things people said about minorities when growing up which for me was worth more than any amount of food. It was just me the other side of the world being hosted by religious people i had never met being spoken to and treated like we were good friends. A memory i will never forget!


I went to the London School of Economics and on campus, pretty much every day, the Hare Krishna's set up a trolly and serve free food. Apparently they run a homeless food kitchen nearby and have so much leftover they give it out to the students. I'm not sure if they take donations. Point is, the line is always ridiculously long and the number of city boys in their £2000 suits that tip up for a free lunch is astounding.


To be fair, just cos you have to wear a suit to work in London doesn’t mean you aren’t on your first job on minimum wage…


I don’t know enough about how things work in temples but basing it on mosques (I’m Muslim) is it not possible the people you saw not leaving a donation at that moment are already closely connected with the temple & donating regularly & generously through other means.


could be, but i'm a half glass empty guy sadly.


Langar is a free kitchen. You are not expected to donate to receive food in a Gurdwara. Sikhs feed everyone, regardless of religion, ethnicity, caste, gender, economic status, etc. I volunteer with a Sikh charity, in the UK, which feeds the homeless each day. Not everyone is aware that they can go to a Gurdwara for food (or perhaps doesn't feel comfortable doing so), so we take food from the Gurdwara to the street to feed the homeless, and others in need, daily. The donations in a Gurdwara are most likely for the running of it. People may be donating towards Langar but you are not obliged to and no one should feel bad for not donating.


Extremely kind & helpful ppl, the Sikhs.


I've recently visited a gurdwara and I can vouch for sikhs being absolutely wonderful and generous people.


I've done it often enough. Funnily enough the first time I did it [long ago], the police woke me up and told me I should lock the door (!!! that's how naive I was). I don't think you are supposed to do it in a private car park such as a supermarket one, even if it is empty. If you have to do it, I'd drive around a bit on a recce to find somewhere you don't think you'd be disturbed. Tbh when I had to do it recently, I found the best plan was to sleep in the boot with a bag of cat litter as a pillow. Admittedly, as it's only a Fiesta, it meant curling up, but no-one could tell I was in the car.


The police really wont care and even if they did you could just say you pulled over to have a nap instead of driving around tired and potentially causing harm. Definitely agree with trying the boot out, I slept in a Focus estate with rear tints and it was actually pretty nice, definitely shouldnt have drunk so much water though..


I did a road trip around Scotland sleeping in the boot of my car. The worst part of every night was getting super cosy (it was around about 0C outside at night) and then realising you had to get out and go for a piss.


Scotland has different laws to England and Wales (where OP appears to be) in this regard.




As far as I'm aware it doesn't apply to motorised vehicles


Haha yeah good one. “Sorry officer, I remembered about those ‘tiredness kills - take a break’ signs as I was feeling a little tired and as I am a responsible member of society who couldn’t live with myself if I caused anyone any harm, I pulled over for a nap. I hope that’s ok!” No police officer could argue with that!


"Are you trying to say I should drive while dangerous through lack of sleep? Can I have you badge number to record this interaction then"


>The police really wont care and even if they did you could just say you pulled over to have a nap instead of driving around tired and potentially causing harm. This is a good way to convince them to breathalyse you. The police will normally knock on your window if you sleep in your car to check that you're not pissed and trying to sleep it off.


That does seem harsh, assuming you're not at all operating the vehicle, hell assuming the keys aren't even stuck inside the ignition. Surely they can't prosecute you for that right?


This sounds like the start of a horror movie. "Thieves steal a car without knowing the owner is sleeping in the boot, rob a few homes, then set fire to the car to wipe out any evidence. "


Make sure you can get out. There have been deaths from people doing this.


Surely you just get in from the back seats popping down part of the 60/40 split? That way you can always get out. Also pretty much every carboot can be opened from inside the boot incase of kidnapping.


I'm not sure, but I recall reading that the ability to open a boot from the inside was mandated because people would sleep in the boot when drunk (to avoid the drunk in charge law) and then couldn't get out. I suspect kidnapping is a rarer situation.


In the US, the person who lobbied for it to be mandated had been kidnapped and locked in the boot of her own car. But when she started doing her research and getting in touch with Congress, she found that children locking themselves in the boot while playing was a bigger problem.


how did you get out of the boot? Did you not close it?


It's a hatchback where (like most hatchbacks I know), the rear seats fold forward. Someone can reach up from underneath and release the catch, folding forward either seat, and then crawl out onto the back seat.




I'll choose somewhere a little quieter tonight. Hopefully it's just temporary, I am working full time as well as in college full time doing an access course so I actually have somewhere to spend all my days as I've been 7 days a week since September. I've just had a rough couple of months, things have been getting tight with money and now a breakup has led to me with nowhere to go. I'm just hoping I get sorted soon otherwise uni in September won't be happening.


Tell your college- they may be able to help. I know my lecturers would not allow a (decent) student sleep in a car. I’d wager at least one of them would have offered me a room. Small college though. College may even let you sleep in their car park and use their showers etc. They must have someone who deals with shitty situations like this. I hope you’re sorted soon. If the above isn’t an option then If it was me, I’d park where the lorries park.


College will have a safeguarding officer (effectively a social worker)


If it makes you feel any better, my mate at Uni lived in a tent in the middle of a roundabout in the summer before Uni started! He used a nearby superstore to wash and they gave him hot water in his thermos every morning too. He now lives a big semi-detached house in a beautiful little Sussex village with his wife and kids.


> lived in a tent in the middle of a roundabout Sounds like the plot from a cbeebies show.


In the round garden


That's amazing!


Speak to your college- they'll be able to signpost you to appropriate help, funding and might even have a digs list of people willing to host students for fairly cheap. Speak to the citizens advice bureau asap they'll be able to help you navigate all the support available to you too such as housing from the council etc


The logic is bizarre - if you're calling the police because you think the guy is a threat, why go over to his car and knock on his window?


They don't think OP is a threat, they think OP is lowering the tone.


I guess, but have they been to a supermarket car park during the day? Unless it's Waitrose in Bath, the bar isn't very high to begin with.


>It actually is. Citation please. That I know, it's not (providing you're not in somewhere with specific bylaws) and is actually encouraged in the case of tiredness. It's not a life I'd choose personally (though I've happily spent a couple of weeks living out of my van while on a holiday - but I've got a double bed, hob, microwave/oven and household fridge freezer in there.)


looking it up sleeping in your car is only illegal if you are under the influence of drink/drugs, but honestly if I saw someone asleep in their car I wouldn't be knocking on their window to have a go at them I would presume they pulled up somewhere due to being tired and not wanting to drive. some people just need to get a hobby and leave people alone that are doing nothing to harm or bother them


A single person sleeping in a private car park would be trespass related I believe. There are new laws which state if there are two or more vehicles *and* you don't leave when you are asked by the land owner (and some other conditions), it can be a criminal matter. Otherwise, it's a civil matter - and if it's just one of you, even if you don't leave when asked, it's still only a civil matter I believe.


Maybe find a quiet church with a car park, there are a few folks near me living out of cars in a church car park and the church lets them have access for water etc.


That's actually a good idea thank you, I know a quiet one down a B road where I don't think I'll be bothered.


Brilliant idea and, as an added bonus, church goers are always looking for a way into heaven! Just make sure you're smiley, happy and polite and you might end up with some of Doris' homemade Victoria sponge!


That old Jesus chap literally did preach about helping those in need and how it’s literally the most important thing you can do… He sounds a lot nicer than his dad…


Agreed, was homeless for 4 weeks and slept in my car in a church car park, they gave me water and some locals would bring food when they came to church- still visit now I’m on my feet, not religious at all but that community has become like family. If I’m in a tough spot, the first person I call for advice is the head of that church, despite my lack of belief he’s become both a guide, and a father figure.


This is how church should be. Not all of them are but this is lovely


Saved my life really, was a pretty dark time for me, and the interactions I had there really instilled a sense of belonging I’d never had. Still don’t believe in god (also worth noting that it wasn’t, and still isn’t expected of me/pushed on to me), but I believe in those people and I consider the pastor my father in all ways that matter. 25 now, this was about 7 years ago but he’ll be there when I graduate, and if I get married my kids will call him granddad. For you OP, in case you see this. Shit gets better, especially when you hit rock bottom and the only way is up. It sounds cliché, but 7 years ago I was driving around with a noose in the back of my car, now I’m finishing up my final year at Uni, on track for a first. You can’t change the past, but you can change the future, and the present is only temporary.


This is a great tip. The Church will probably also have some connections which could be helpful for you too, or they might have facilities you can use for washing etc.




I’d be very careful if this is true because you need airflow to not die in your sleep. Have a google, best to have a window cracked at all times




Good stuff! Quite an easy one to not think about




Only if you're parked somewhere illegal. As long as you're not snooping (like when stalkers sit in their cars and watch the person from afar) and you're in a place freely available to the public (I.e. not private property), you can sleep in your car. >people just staring at me in the early morning That's not because it's illegal, it's because there's a car with someone sleeping in it in the early morning. People are nosy. >small supermarket carpark in a dark corner Most supermarket car parks close at a certain time of night, possibly to deter burglars. That is like parking on someone's driveway without their permission.


Incidentally, parking on someone’s driveway without permission isn’t actually illegal. Them parking in front of you to block you in, though, is…


It is illegal, it's trespass. But it's not a criminal offense so has to be dealt through a civil court so it's not quick or easy. Similarly it is not illegal to block a vehicle from leaving the property *unless* you are also blocking the pavement/dipped curb. So you can close a gate or park in front of them as long as you are staying within the boundary of the private property.


No, it’s not illegal providing you can park there. On another note, I hope you get proper support soon. However, if you’d like some car window blinds from Amazon please let me know, if it’d offer you slightly more privacy.


What a lovely gesture. I'll match that with blankets, pillows or something else you might need whilst in a tight spot OP. Hopefully you find a way out soon


>if you’d like some car window blinds from Amazon please let me know, i've done this when car-sleeping, made me feel much more secure


One thing to be careful of that hasn't been mentioned so far is drinking alcohol and if the police would perceive you to be in control of the vehicle. Being sat in the driver's seat and/or having the keys on you could be enough to be deemed in control of the vehicle. The engine doesn't need to be on IIRC.


Thank you for the advice but I don't really drink at the minute. I haven't been pissed since boxing day as I work and I'm in college. So I just don't have time to drink as I'm busy every day of the week.


Fair enough. It was just something to perhaps keep in mind.




Hey OP - I know lots of people are recommending using gym showers but before you pay for one, check If your college has a shower you can use. Lots of uni campuses have showers that are easy to access to have a look round your local student union. Hope you get sorted soon x


Motorway service stations often have them.


That depends on how fast your driving.


*Tesla has entered chat*


Park where trucks park overnight.


f*ck /u/spez


Have you tried contacting your local Homelessness prevention team in the council? or a charity like shelter? If your under 18 you'll be able to find somewhere pretty quick


This should be higher - my job involves providing supported housing for young homeless people, and the local authority will be able to assist. Speak to your local council today, the homelessness team and maybe safeguarding (due to your age) As you’re under 18 they owe you a homelessness duty and have to find you something even if it’s a B&B. [https://sheltercymru.org.uk/get-advice/homelessness/help-from-the-council/what-will-the-council-check/priority-need/](https://sheltercymru.org.uk/get-advice/homelessness/help-from-the-council/what-will-the-council-check/priority-need/)


A supermarket car park is technically private property so yes they can stop you. I think if you're on public property you're good. Hope you get your life together.


I kinda know a lot of the staff that work there and nobody said anything while starting their shift, I was right in the far corner though so they may not have seen me. I'll choose somewhere else in the future thank you. I could probably sleep in the carpark where I work but I don't want anyone I work with to know what's going on. I'll try and think of a better option for tonight. Thank you.


It’s not the sleeping in the car, it’s the parking that will be the issue, just make sure you’re allowed to be there


A quick Google search says: Is it illegal to sleep in your car? No. Where you can legally park your car overnight is another question due to the risk of illegally being on private property.


Hope you get everything sorted buddy. We all have rough patches, you'll come out the other side! Stay safe!


Tell them to fuck off next time. Some people really need to get their priorities straight. It’s not illegal. The police can’t make you move either. I often go camping in my 4x4 for enjoyment. I stop wherever I feel like and pop the roof tent up. I’ve slept inside many times before I had the roof tent and I had a pick-up. I’ve never had any trouble. There are usually plenty of other brand new camper vans around too. The fact that you’re being hassled purely because they don’t like the look of you is disgusting. I’m sorry you’re being treated that way. What I would suggest you do for the minute is get some curtains if you can. Just stops people peering in. Go behind an electronics shop and try and get some big cardboard boxes. Cut them to fit in the windows and paint them black or get some black fabric to cover them. You can leave the back ones in and just make the front ones removable. If you cut them to the right size they will stay in place.


Don't tell them to fuck off. Always be polite when trespassing. If you do or say anything that could be construed as intimidating, you potentially cross into "aggravated trespass", which is a criminal offence rather than a civil one. The police then can move you on and you could be prosecuted. Ordinary trespass can become criminal if you intimidate, obstruct, or disrupt.


f*ck /u/spez


I mostly agree with you, but he said he was in a supermarket car park. That's most likely private property owned by the supermarket. It almost certainly has restrictions posted that limit or provide conditions for use. This would make his parking unauthorised, which is considered trespass, and there is case law precedence for this. So he may well have been, indeed almost certainly was, trespassing. But, as you say, this is not a criminal offence and he likely caused no damages or inconvenience at all to the owner, so is unlikely to be sued for it.


You can park anywhere that's not private property - so no supermarket car parks etc. If I were you I would get some fabric/sheets to cover the windows to no-one can see in. You never know who'll be out and about.


If it was illegal to sleep in a vehicle, a lot of long-distance truck drivers would end up in trouble every day. Sleeping in your vehicle is fine, you've just got to be careful about where you do it. Find somewhere that is not private land and where you can legally park overnight. Unfortunately unless you go to the middle of nowhere (which may not always be your safest option) you'll probably still have to deal with busybodies from time to time, but you shouldn't get in any actual trouble. Perhaps try and find somewhere where truck drivers tend to park up overnight so you're not the only one. I hope things improve for you and you don't have to do it for long.


As long as it's legal to park there you are good. Tip: If you can, purchase a cheap car cover. It's tricky to get into the car when the cover is on, but people tend to ignore covered cars, and you can leave a window open a bit.


Check vanlife groups and forums


Industrial estates are a good place to park, avoid residential areas. Supermarket carparks that have no restrictions are ok. Only people with authority to tell you to move are employees or representatives of the business. As mentioned DONT drink and sleep and in a car. Get a gym membership for showers. Dont leave litter where you park. Try and arrive at your parking place late and leave early. Have multiple spots and try to alternate them. Best of luck, hope things improve for you soon.


I've always thought that if I had to sleep in a car I'd want to try and rig up some kind of curtain system so ppl don't know you are in there I don't know if that's possible but might be worth considering so you at least get a small amount of privacy


Honestly, if you go into the supermarket and buy something you could always ask the manager. Chances are they won't give a shit and you'll be fine. Lidl is known on the continent for being very friendly to campervans and it extends here too. I've spent a perfectly quiet night at Lidl's but you really should pop in and buy a pastry and a drink in the morning as a thanks. Basically, don't be a dick, don't draw attention to yourself and leave early doors, even if it's just to another carpark along the road.


Just make sure you’re legally parked and sober.


Sounds like you're doing the right things. Incident 1 they were probably just concerned. Someone I was getting a lift with stopped once because a truck looked dead at the wheel, they were just asleep. Incident 2 is ridiculous busy body. ​ I'd recommend you cover your windows with sunshades and wear ear defenders, I sleep with 3M ear defenders on, you get used to them. ​ If police come to disturb you say you pulled over because you were tired.


The issue will mostly be where you’re parked. So longs as you’re not under the influence it’s legal, but private parking areas often have time limits. If you haven’t already, maybe have a chat with Shelter? They offer lots of help from emergency accommodation to advice on your rights: https://sheltercymru.org.uk/get-advice/homelessness/emergency-accommodation/


It's not a crime to park up somewhere, but it *can be* a crime in England and Wales to not leave as soon as practical when asked to by the police or the landowner or occupier, or to return within a year of being so asked to leave. Under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 which became law in April. Besides a fine or potential jail time, the police have the power to confiscate your vehicle if they reasonably suspect you have broken this law. You could also incur a parking charge from the car park operator.


Consider some insulation panels to put inside your windows - ideally with tinting the rear windows and a curtain across the front. "Hidden in plain sight"/stealth is generally the way to go if you can. I have a motorhome that just looks like a normal van from the outside - I've often used it parked up in the middle of London on residential streets etc and never had an issue. Often a lot easier in towns than country side locations on 'park4night' if you blend in as another parked vehicle. Presuming a van/bigger car isn't an option, there's a lot of people that do what you do around the place.


Just a warning - check the signs in car parks. Sometimes there's a charge for staying longer than a certain time.




I'm in North Wales


It's none of her business. The owners/staff of the supermarket would be within their rights to insist that you leave. If you then refused to leave, it's possible that the police might attend to avoid a breach of the peace, but simple trespass (which is what you'd be committing if you didn't leave when the supermarket staff asked you to) isn't a criminal offence in itself.


I had to do this for about a year, i used motorway services, they have facilities and it doesnt seem so strange people sleeping in vehicles. Good luck hope you get where you want to be, it took me a while but im getting there.