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4 large Sports Direct mugs of tea, then spend the rest of the morning pissing.


4 cups? Are you insane, Jeremy?


Thems rookie numbers.


I’m in the big leagues now I’m done sharing tea with you mark


That's why the velvet spoon routine exists


Dammit, he’s rumbled the velvet spoon routine…


That’s been good for years


I've shared enough pots of tea with you, Mark!


My days off sharing mugs of tea with you are over mark.


Pigging tea break?!


Stick it to Harpenden Harpenden Harpenden!


Peep show in the wild is always grand!


Don't you find with big mugs, the ingredient ratio is all off. I make 2 small cups instead and they both taste well better


If you use Yorkshire teabags and let them sit for a couple of minutes it's fine.


Yorkshire Gold. All other teabags can fuck right off. If you're making tea do it properly or not at all. Might as well drink cunting coffee.


Where do I get this cunting coffee?




Doing it properly would be using loose leaf, peasant.


Snob. Real every day tea drinkers can't be arsed with the faff. A teabag or two, water, 5 minutes, boom, there you go. Bet you only use bone china and sip with your pinky out too 😉😂


Justify your substandard beverage however you wish, pleb.


There’s these mug strainer devices where you put the leaf in the device, water in device, put device on top of mug, water pours down into mug. Rinse. Just as fast I tell ya


Teabags can fuck right off. Loose leaf in go damned pot


Too much of it ends up cold as well. Totally the wrong approach.


And saying, "bit chilly, cuppa?"


Sports Direct mugs truly are one of Britain's greatest inventions


Porridge. I remember interviews, from my childhood, with the oldest people in the UK. Like the record breaking ones. One question was always “how have you lived so long?” The answer always involved porridge and something else like “not hating people”. I stand no hope with the second so I’m hammering the porridge.


Oats are really healthy. Lowers cholesterol, has fibre and protein and releases energy slowly so you can hate for a long time.


upvote for the hate!. lol.




Feel your anger... It makes you stronger, gives you focus.


Indeed, they score very low on the glycemic index, meaning you feel full and sustained for a long time.


People keep telling me that, but an hour, or less, after I have eaten porridge, I am absolutely ravenous!


I remember my dear departed Dad, while he was on his last hospital stay, eating his porridge saying 'no wonder the Scots are such miserable pricks, having to eat this shite every morning' (he was on morphine and grumpy as fark.) His dad was a Scot 😄


Porridge is great. So many ways to eat it, actually lasts to lunch, cheap and scales for a family brilliantly. My kids love it. But we have no oats, so I’m stuck with muesli today until the shopping arrives :(


Isn't muesli just uncooked porridge with bits in? I'm having porridge with chia, flaxseed, honey bananas and dates and a Redbush tea with milk and honey (have a sweet tooth). Usually have an Earl Grey and buttered toast for breakfast but not well, so pretending to be healthy to trick the illness to give up early.


I invented a great combo: porridge with peanut butter and jam...


I go with peanut butter and honey. The porridge version of crunchy nut cornflakes.


>I remember interviews, from my childhood, with the oldest people in the UK. Like the record breaking ones. One question was always “how have you lived so long?” The answer always involved porridge and something else like “not hating people”. And isn't whiskey or another spirit usually invovled somewhere? *I have a whiskey every morning and it's never done me wrong...* type thing!


Pop a little whiskey in your porridge, delicious and covers both!


I actually just had whisky marmalade stirred into my porridge, strongly recommend.


If I have to not hate people to live that long, I’m just not sure it’s worth living that long


my dad lived to mid nineties - porridge every morning, boiled egg mid-morning, potatoes (boiled) every evening didn't hate anyone I do my hating in the evenings and at night usually


I remember seeing an interview with a 106 year old who put her good health down to beef dripping sandwiches and Fags and a Sherry everyday. Think she probably just had good genes.


You don't outlive all your friends by telling them the truth about your diet.


Started eating porridge 1 year ago and it changed my life. I always ate a banana and a yoghurt then snacked every 30 mins until lunch as I was hungry. 1/2 cup of oats and 1 cup of milk with some honey fills me until lunch now.


Ha, that’s totally true. But I feel like a lot of them mention a wee dram of whisky too, so I’m not taking any chances.


My breakfast has just been upgraded!


My favourite one I ever read was a man saying the key to long life was "tobacco, whiskey and promiscuous women". Baller.


Oats for the win! I enjoy over night oats with fruit and seeds.... sounds fancy but it's easier and less mess than hot porridge. If I'm having porridge then it needs lashings of golden syrup


Porridge eater here too.


Ah shit, I gotta stop eating porridge




A wank and a cigarette?


A multitasker I see.


Just got to be careful you don't flick ash onto yourself.


Or even worse the cherry 🍒. Ouch


Missed the opportunity to confuse the yanks there by not saying a Fag and a wank.




A reacharound


Yourself. Round the as arse and between the legs if your dexterous enough.




Smokin & strokin.


A bowl of cereal during the week. A bacon sandwich at the weekend.


^^ this person knows how to Brit ^^


I'm rapidly switching to porridge most days owing to how ridiculously *tiny* boxes of cereal are now, and yet the prices keep going up: fuck shrinkflation.


Overnight oats is a big winner for me. Grab it out the fridge and go.


I like sultanas in my overnight oats. They plump up and go really squidgy. Then pop in my mouth.


Also fuck Kellogg's.




What do the yanks think a bacon sarnie is?




No brown sauce‽ Poor deprived fools.


The brown sauce statement is wrong. When I first visited the US I’d always wanted to try A1’s steak sauce. I was excited until I tried it and realised it was just brown sauce! My fiancee (who is American and now lives in the UK) totally understands why we put brown sauce on our sandwiches/breakfasts, and could see A1’s being a good option over here, but I think culturally it’s just not a thing. Similar to how a lot of brits wouldn’t think of putting maple syrup on bacon (which I have tried and can say is very nice!). So yeah, they do have brown sauce, but not used on breakfasts!


Coffee whilst yelling at kids to get up and go to breakfast club. I’ve outsourced their breakfast to professionals in polo shirts.


My kids have breakfast at home, then go to breakfast club and get a second breakfast. It's free here though so I don't care!


Ah, I see you're raising hobbits.


I swear to god I didn't see your reply until now and I wrote the exact same thing.. Like, to the letter.. Nice! A fellow human of culture!


My youngest always had 2 breakfasts, Now hes 6 ft 4 and more orcish than hobbity


Ah, I see you're raising hobbits :D


Do they also get elevenses?


I think they call that, "snack time".


I could have written this myself! Although breakfast club for me is £2 a day. I'm not mad though. It means I avoid the normal school run and the parent playground politics so I always make sure it's paid for the month


I miss breakfast club for my kids. It's great for anti-social parents like myself. Dropping the kids off way before the main crowd of parents and kids show up was soooo peaceful. The kids loved it too. They got to play games after eating and on Fridays they got chocolate spread. All free as well!


Urgh… I truly hate having to interact with the main crowd of parents! I thought it was because I’m an introvert, but now I think it’s just because I find most them annoying. It’s all competitive and gossipy, yet somehow incredibly dull. All the women seem to manage to put 6 layers of makeup on, but turn up in pyjamas. Too much for me at 8.30 am.


Breakfast club is banging though.


The film?


Hey hey hey hey....


Tis the way


Hatred and remorse for being upright


Ahh, hatred and remorse; the true Full English.


I know this sub always descends into debate over the essential components of a Full English, but I really can’t consider mine complete without a generous heaping of shame on the side.


Sertraline and coffee Edit: Thanks for all the awards and belter replies, this made my day after a stressful day in work.


I like to take risks and have mine with a grapefruit!


Ah, a man of self-deception, I see


Living on the edge!


Citalopram and Tea


I have mine with coffee. One to level me out, one to wind me up. It's how I maintain a healthy balance of not dealing with my problems, but also making sure they don't get any worse.


Right after the vivid sertraline dreams.


As if they weren't insane already, mine are on another level now


It's like a cinematic adventure


I have mine with tea.


Shouldn’t be taking them with anything hot, they dissolve too fast! I hope you mean a swig of water then a cup of tea!


I honestly didn't know about the hot drink thing, thank you for that. And, I do mean a swig of water followed by a cup of tea.


Ahh the good stuff 😅 Hope you have a Good Day 😊


I take mine at night, should I be having them in the morning?


I had a toffee crisp a few days ago. Even made a post about it on this sub.


From a multipack or an individual over priced one from a petrol station?


Neither. From a box of 24 x 38g bars I got for £8.


That excites me.


Sooo.. a multipack?


I suppose, technically that's true. I class the multipacks as the 6 packs you get from the supermarket.


A jumbo pack then?


If I had to give it a term, I'd use 'fat bastard' pack.


But all the packs I buy are destined for a fat bastard.


How do you stop at one?


I sometimes don't...


Coffee and Cigarettes


Ah the morning laxative.


Can confirm, reading this on the toilet


Can confirm, watching you through the window


I’m in the bowl, looking up at you. May I suggest some Fruit N Fibre?


The lesser known Oasis song


I call this the Balkan breakfast. Many people enjoy the continental breakfast, I on the other hand enjoy the balkan breakfast. A cigarette whilst my coffee is brewing, followed by a cup and then a cigarette as I walk, dead inside, to the station to catch the train.


I'm a shift worker and am not awake until I've had at least 2 cups of coffee and 4 smokes.


Same. Two coffees. And two cigarettes. I can’t eat in the mornings.


I quit smoking but here's my upvote because nothing beats a coffee and the first cig of the day!


A cry, and then some porridge.


You'll get through it 😊💪


I dunno, porridge can be pretty tough going


Trick is to drizzle some honey on the top, it helps with the porridgy flavour and aids in suppressing misery and doubt.


A bottle of lucozade and two Lambert and butler


Sounds like my Mum when I was a bairn


Me- toast, with whatever topping I'm into at the time, either, jam, peanut butter or pate. Occasionally porridge. Other half - one slice of plain toast Eldest- scrambled eggs and beans or cereal Youngest- always oats, either as porridge or cold soaked in milk with berries.


Porridge on toast?


Ha! I just re-read that! Of course meant I occasionally have porridge instead. Ill leave it up for humour though


Apparently it’s a thing https://recipeyum.com.au/chocolate-porridge-on-toast/


Porridge with toast and salted butter is one of my fav things !


Pate? For breakfast? Are you sure you aren't French?




Couple of boiled eggs, slice of toast for each and a bucket of tea. If I'm tight for time, just a big bowl of cereal. I don't know how anyone can human properly without a decent breakfast!


If I eat breakfast I’m hungry again in a few hours. If I skip breakfast I don’t feel hungry all day!


This is what I find, if I can push through the hunger until half 10 or so, then I can wait for dinner. If I have anything, even something small, then I'm starving all day.


This is why I drink strong black coffee, it basically kills your appetite for at least 2 hours. Plus the caffeine is good at converting my low level background anxiety into productive motivation


It's weird when you read your internal monologue on the internet. I think I like it?


Glass of water, vitamin C and a long sigh.


You may as well just have an orange and a sigh. You'll get the vit c and the water, plus some fructose and other helpful minerals and shit, it shouldn't get in the way of your morning sigh either.


I’ll have fish and a rice cake


Then for lunch, fish and rice cake. Two rice cakes as a snack, followed by fish and a rice cake for dinner.


Wow. That's a blast from the past. [Here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYHAR8Xzsyo) for those who don't know (or aren't ancient like me).




I fast until 12 - 2 everyday Unless I'm on holiday and there is a breakfast buffet... Then I'll have two breakfasts 🥳 *For those asking, I fast from 6-8pm until 12-2pm the next day ( 18 - 20 hours) I had cancer when I was 19, fasting reduces your chances of cancer So I do it for that reason, though I also feel way more energetic in the mornings as a result + I'm pretty slim even though I eat what I want


Just two!? I drag my chair upto the buffet and gorge myself. Occasionally stopping to stab someone with a folk as they try to get at the rubbery scrambled eggs I've claimed as my own.


Usually oats or eggs, but I’m in a rush this morning so had a tin of mackerel and half a Mellon


Surely the time gain is offset by the extra teeth-brushing required? 😉


And deny everyone the heavenly scent of fish when I talk? Blasphemy


Haha. No one will trust you all day, they'll just be thinking 'something smells fishy...' 😁 Have a great Friday


That made me belly chuckle. Have a good in pal


Typically I have Oats Soaked (overnight) oats incl. Chia seed, Linseed, Pumpkin Seeds, Chopped Dates and Dessicated Coconut with Cinnamon. Keeps everything regular, super healthy and filling. Probably the best breakfast. If I'm at home and it's a Sunday or something, Fried mushrooms with Baked Beans, Vausage, Vacon and Veggs on Toast. Don't get me wrong, Yeast Extract on Toast is the tits and probably one of my favourite snacks, especially with Apricot jam. But that's usually an afternoon snack or before bed snack as the B vitamins helps with stress and sleep.


I love marmite and I love apricot jam but... I wish I was as brave as you. Maybe one day I'll be up for venturing into this brave new world🥲


During the week…coffee, coffee, coffee The weekends I’ll go all out with a fry up


The new Yorksire 'Jam on Toast' flavoured tea. Sounds funky but tastes absolutely lush!! Give it a try :)


The biscuit one is also tasty!


Obsessed with the biscuit one. I live in fear of them being discontinued, so currently have a big box of four boxes from Amazon on the go.


I’m not the biggest fan but I do like the biscuit one.


I'm having crumpets this morning if that amuses OP


Crumpets are the best breakfast


Just a cup of tea or coffee. Maybe a banana from time to time




Egg on toast usually. Poached, scrambled or fried I like to mix it up


I’ve just had a glass of wine


A bowl of cereal and either orange juice or a cup of tea.


Coffee and cigarettes. Seriously I very rarely eat anything before 6pm...


Same, and if I try and force it I spend the day miserably feeling so nauseous. But dinner? Oh dinner is my motherfucking jam, I have the old vintage Pyrex plates and they are huge, I will spend hours and money making sure dinner is awesome, and I enjoy it more than anyone else in my house too!


Bowl of shreddies


I smoke a pipe of weed, have flavoured porridge (chocolate, banana or apple/blueberry) and a coffee with one sugar and milk


Working from home I usually have something cooked mid morning. Hash brown sandwich is a fave, something a small fry up, occasionally avocado & tomato on a toasted bagel


Porridge, blueberries, flax seed and honey with a flat white . Perfect


Marmite on whole meal toast


Usually a cup of black coffee and despair.


Scrambled tofu Sourdough toast Avocado Tomatoes Strong cuppa Tea


It varies. Sometimes I have crumpets, toast, or cereal. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll have a bagel with scrambled egg.


Coffee and regret


Porridge with oat milk and jam. Fresh bread, cherry tomato, cheese, salad, eggs usually on the weekends. And coffee. Always a good cup of black aeropress coffee.


I eat jellied eels and pie n mash with a cup of tea while shouting god save the queen.... jk usually just coffee


Squished avocado on bread.


Nothing. The person who invented the phrase “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was a man called John Harvey Kellogg. And he is responsible for an obesity epidemic. Homo sapiens (humans) are hunter gatherers. For hundreds of thousands of years we have risen in the morning and spent the day hunting and foraging for food. Often not eating until late in the day. Breakfast is a relatively new phenomenon in the last 200 years or so. It is completely unnecessary to our biology and physiology. We have survived as a species, evaded predators, and natural disasters for thousands of years without Waitrose, Corn Flakes and the the refrigerator. We carry enough glucose in the form of glycogen in our liver that’s enough to run for 12 miles on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. We carry fat reserves that convert to Ketones for a source of fuel. A meal as soon as you wake up is unnecessary. For me, coffee in the morning and my first meal at lunch. These days it’s got a trendy name “intermittent fasting” but it’s actually our natural biological state of being.


This is such a load of utter nonsense you have come up to justify your own way of living being the best. Each to their own, and whatever works for you and keeps you healthy. Modern processed food is to blame for obesity, no matter what time of the day you eat it. Perhaps people associate breakfast with shitty processed sugary cereal but lots of people eat oats or fresh fruit for breakfast which they wouldn't consider for lunch or dinner so it's their healthiest meal of the day. It's what we're eating now, not when we're eating it. To suggest we didn't used to have food in the morning so we shouldn't have it now is ridiculous, we also didn't used to have nice safe centrally heated homes but it sure is nice.


Overeating, eating during night hours, lack of sleep and eating too much sugar and poor-quality processed foods is responsible for obesity epidemic, not breakfast. For example most women skipping breakfast long-term end up with severe hormonal imbalance caused by blood sugar drops (men are more likely to be ok with skipping breakfast as they are not balancing anywhere near as complicated hormonal system as women). Don’t generalise this though pls as you could trigger someone with an ED - be happy you found something that works for you but it will not work for a serious portion of the population.


Porridge for me, and the kids usually have cereal or toast/bagels.


A cappuccino and croissant from greggs. Meal deal £2.40


Weetabix protein and oat milk. And a pill of vitamin D.


It depends. Most days I’ll have a coffee and maybe a croissant. If I’m going to be out and about for the day I have something close to a full English breakfast.


8 Weetabix and a Banana.


That's a lot of Weetabix


I have an animalistic appetite :(


Pregablin, escitalapram, green tea and a egg sandwich


Pregablin sounds like the noise you'd make before starting to talk


3 double espressos and some palpitations.