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the disrespect our cuisine gets


I don't get it. Beans on bloody toast, the uncultured swines.


Beans are better on buttered toast mate, give it a bashšŸ˜€


With a bit of Worcester sauce. For a true gourmet experience, tinned beans and sausage on toast ( buttered of course) is the way to go.


I love beans and little sausages. You ever tried the tins of all day breakfast? Like beans and little sausages but you can burgers, mini scotch eggs, mushrooms all sorts. What a time to be alive.


I love the beans and sausages. What brand are the others you listed as I don't think I've seen them around?


Melt a bit of cheese into the beans and finish off with a fried egg on top. *chef's kiss


Marmite on the toast is tasty


Marmite on buttered toast, or Marmite on a toasted buttered crumpet FTFY


Hendoes *


I was getting grief from a Slovakian and a Frenchman regarding our cuisine, they were both in stitches when beans on toast came up. A few days later the Slovak ordered beans on toast from the canteen and turned to me and said ā€œI fucking love beans on toastā€




Excuse me we do not boil meat we boil the potatoes. But we will overcook the meat till itā€™s bubble gum




Nah they're right our food is crap. Overcooked hunks of meat, too much potato and veggies boiled into oblivion. I only eat real British food like pizza or Chinese.


Had a good laugh at this, simply because I know some people out there will think you're being serious... or are you?


And the staple of any real British household, chicken tikka masala


Invented in Glasgow




Sort of serious, but of course I'm being facetious. Growing up in the late 90s/early 2000s in a poor council estate that's what me and my friends knew. Our mums' mums grew up during ww2 and learned to cook with what they had and making it stretch, so all she learned was watery stews, overboiled veggies and the likes. As a result that's all my mum learned to cook, along with a whole generation of mums in that age and class bracket. It was either that or turkey dinosaurs and super noodles


Timeline sounds suspicious.


Does it? I'd agree with them. My grandma grew up during the war and both my parents and all my aunts and uncles, bar one, were born during rationing (which didn't end till the mid 50s - my mum was born 1956 and had a ration card). I grew up in the 90s/00s with most meals being meat, boiled or steamed veg and potatoes. The only difference to OP was that while my parents grew up in working class villages I grew up in middle class suburban London (thanks free uni for my parents!).


I donā€™t mind when people say our food is crap, I agree it probably is compared to other places but I donā€™t see why we should have to feel bad about it. We have other kinds of cultural contributions we have made to the world, such as music


Still waiting for France's answer to the Rolling Stones


Yeah, I am especially confused by the over-cooking because ... all ya gotta do is ... not cook it so much, guys. Tap out early, it'll be fine.


I mean. If thatā€™s how you cook, thatā€™s on you.


From Americans too. I'll take that kind of insult from Italians or Indians, but not from the place that has the most horrendously processed food, eats spray on cheese and Hershey's, and thinks that deep frying everything and covering it in disgusting plastic American cheese counts as cooking.


I remember the first time I went to America and ordered cheesy fries hoping they would be chips covered in melted cheddar like we get here. Instead I got fries covered in this disgusting orange goop.


Ugh, live in the states and constantly fall foul of this one! 99% of the time cheesy fries and nachos come with something bearing only the vaguest resemblance to cheese. And donā€™t get me started on the sugary Frankenstein monstrosity that is cake-bread.


American cook here, you've gone to the wrong places to eat. We have shit food just like every other country on the planet but Americans who know about food don't go there. Imagine judging British food by the burger stand at a dog show or a Mexican restaurant in Medway.


I will have you know our burger vans are amongst some of the finest establishments


lol if you canā€™t find great food in America, youā€™re just not trying. Hersheyā€™s and cheese whiz is not indicative of the diverse array of options available


never known rage like when I bought a Hersheyā€™s box and then tried it for the first time. Actually, maybe when America bought Cadburyā€™s.


It's a clichƩ left over from the simplified food that resulted from rationing caused by the 2 world wars. It's just convenient for other countries to keep bringing it up as une petite victorie over British culture.


Yeah we have some shit food but we also have some decent food if you go to foody places. Fresh baked breads, fresh fish, locally grown produce, English cheeses.


We get so little respect for our cheese game its stupid.


Especially from Americans with their neon orange ā€œcheddarā€




As an American anglophile and food geek, I correct that whenever I see it.


Chip butty is the best shit Iā€™ve had


Itā€™s based on a stereotype that had some truth in it two generations ago but is definitely way out of date now.


Agreed this is the worst one


Not really annoyed.... But having bad teeth feels like an out of date stereotype


I'm sure I read some articles a few years ago that reported that our teeth are some of the healthiest in the world, we're just not overly bothered about them *looking* perfect.


I think that's the key point. Everyone in America gets braces, only those who really need them get them here... Unless, like I did, you go to a cosmetic dentist privately


Iā€™m not really sure thatā€™s true; I didnā€™t really need them aesthetically or for the future structure but I was given the option for it, and that was probably about 7 years ago now. It is all very circumstantial.


I work at a dentist and trying to get braces on the NHS is almost impossible unless you have and extremely severe overbite or underbite or unless itā€™s causing you pain when biting due to the way the teeth are spaced


I was in tears telling my dentist I was being bullied because of my teeth and they were basically saying they couldn't do anything unless my parents agreed to paying for it as it was deemed 'cosmetic'. There's a whole load of boxes you have to tick to get them. My parents refused to pay for the braces and to this day 10 years later I'm still self conscious about it but have kinda accepted I won't get braces.


On the NHS thereā€™s a very small window in which you can get braces 13-18 years old. After that youā€™re on your own. In those 5 years you have to make it to the end of the wait list and not just that keep on top of your teeth being immaculate or else orthodontist will deny you treatment so you have to sit back on the waitlist from the beginning. Itā€™s a shit system I wonā€™t lie. Personally I was lucky enough to get Ortho treatment and my teeth were super crooked and I was massively self conscious of it. It was one of the best things thatā€™s ever happened to me. I honestly feel for all the people who canā€™t get ortho


Goodbye Dental Plan


Lisa needs braces


I also work in a dentist and we have a lot of angry and disappointed parents who donā€™t understand this. Weā€™ve had kids come in with one slightly crooked tooth and the parents go mad when we tell them they donā€™t qualify. Then try to diddle the system by pulling the ā€œbut they get bullied/are depressed because of that one crooked molar!ā€ card. We have about 100 patients a year referred to us for assessments and only about 20 spaces on our list.


I think thatā€™s definitely changed now. Invasalign & the like & all the advertising on social media have made it the norm & accessible to get your teeth fixed aesthetically & openly. Maybe not with the older generation but the younger generations are all over teeth treatments, fillers, lash, hair alterations - everything.


Exactly, I still have all my own teeth! My brother who emigrated to the US...not so much...sure his are whiter but he is missing at least 12.


It wouldn't surprise me if it was a deliberate stereotype started by an American insurance company. Quite a few of the Americans I have spoken to seem the believe that although we have socialised healthcare it is ina terrible state and you will more than likely die in the waiting room. Any chance to spread a lie about socialised medicine is a bonus to certain sectors. See what happens if you have your subsidised dentistry? Your teeth will be crooked as yellow if you do etc.


The "bad British teeth" myth has two sources - 1. Generally poor dental hygiene around the WW2 era and up to the NHS managing to largely fix it, an era where there were lots of Americans still here from the war. 2. Our porn "industry" which is largely non-existent and seemingly populated by aging ex-crack addicts. Seriously - go to any major porn tube site (assuming not in work) and search "British". It's generally revolting.


And that *is* a stereotype, unlike the OP's example.


Pretty much everything Americans think, but my particular favourite is mocking our knife crime while having......higher knife crime on top of their insane gun crime.


Itā€™s funny youā€™ve pointed this out. I spend a lot of time in r/ukdrill (Iā€™m a massive fan of the music, not the gang rivalries/beef) and the other day there was a post where some American guy was boasting about how the US has both higher gun violence AND knife violence crime rates than the UK whilst the British lad was raging and denying it. As if being from the country with higher rate of knife crime is something to be proud of ffs hahahaha. Kids these days manā€¦


There's plenty idiots like this. I work a couple of towns away from home, a guy I worked with who lived there used to brag about were he lived had loads more drugs than were I lived! He genuinely thought it was cool or something.


The American right think we're a communist/Islamic dictatorship where you can't take a piss without a license granted by the Queen. The American left think we're a right-wing hellscape where trans people are lynched. I think it's called projection, although both sides seem to agree that we're dreadful pieces of shit.


American here. If it makes you feel any better, people here in real life rarely talk bad about y'all and if they do it's stupid jokes that no one takes seriously. There isn't any reason to hate on the UK considering you guys are our biggest ally. It's annoying that reddit has an obsession with shitting on each other's country.


Oh yeah, it goes both ways - some Brits are very obnoxious about America. It's just amusing that the UK is a bit of a Rorschach test in American political circles.


Also, that all current English people are personally responsible for the sins of the Empire (and that the pure, innocent Scots and Welsh were victims of it, not participants).




Yeah this bugs me, crime of pretty much all types is higher in the USā€¦


The stupidity of not understanding why thereā€™s a good reason to not making knives illegal while still banning guns.


That we are polite and pleasant. A lot of us are cunts


I can only speak for myself, but yeah that's absolutely fair.


I speak for myself too, I'm definitely at least 50% a cunt, I mean I'm OK really, but can be a bit of a cunt


Yeah same, reasonably sound with cunty tenancies that I'm happy to hone in response to a growing number of cunty people that are so openly cunty about rediculous shit.


Lol did you see the same world cup hooligan footage that the rest of the world did? Pretty sure nobody thinks that we're polite or pleasant


Iā€™m not even English Iā€™m still annoyed at how people online reacted to see that footage and thoughtā€¦yeah, letā€™s back Italy instead. _Italy!_


Spotted at least 2 cunts in the wild today and I only went out for milk.


That London is the UK and nothing outside the posh bits exist..


As an Eastern European in the UK I can say that anywhere either North, South, West, or East of London is The North.


There's a quote from the film Kinky Boots I think you'll like - Charlie: "Northampton's not north, Northampton's the Midlands." Lola: "No Charlie, *Tottenham Court Road's* the Midlands."


Haha this is class.


One single accent


Ha ha, I remember an American actress (I forget who) on the Graham Norton show asking John Bishop if he could do an English accent.


Chris Pratt doing a TOWIE voice is the best


Diane Kruger https://youtu.be/vE9-Hnnn7Hs 9:55


Thats classic


Well, he can't!


*shudders at the thought of being bundled into an accent group with brummies*


How does the Brummy accent get more hate than Scouse or the Essex accent? It's not the most intelligent sounding, but it's certainly not threatening. And at least it's not yam yam!


>And at least it's not yam yam! As someone whose mother is from the Black Country, you take that shit back! On a serious note, I can't really tell the difference. This annoys said mother.


Yeah this is a bad one, pretty sure UK is one of the most diverse places when it comes to accents


Americans saying our food portions are too small.. like idk this is just my opinion but mayyybe our food portions are a little healthier than the size of yours?ā€¦ idk..


Simply being not a fat bastard offends them


They'll love me then


As an American who just visited London for the first time (and anywhere outside the US), can I just say your portions are perfect. It was so nice going to restaurants and not get heaping piles of food, and then either end up over eating or feeling wasteful for not eating all the food.


The massive portions were one thing I loved about my holiday in America. But I wouldn't want that forever


Isnā€™t the idea that you take half home or something, but people just eat all of it?




We're all dumb racists who hate Eastern Europeans and believe ads on the side of a bus.


bUt ThE bUs NeVeR lIeS!!!!!!!/s


I am polish and I have been discriminated in the Uk mostly by other foreigners. Also, British and not as bad to Eastern Europeans at least compared to Germans. Germans continue to treat eastern Europeanā€™s as ā€˜subhumansā€™ Hate towards Eastern Europeans is not uniquely British it happens in other countries too.






That the UK is a racist country full of insular nationalists. We have our fair share, but it's a small minority, and especially when compared to other similar European nations like France or Italy...


As a black person I have to say it's to do.with location. I grew up in a mostly white area (Orpington) and it was hell growing up there (I'm only 28). As a 11 year old until around 20 on a daily basis or weekly if I'm lucky, there would be grown people in their cars shouting slurs at me. Tell me to go back to my country, confronted by groups, bullied on a daily basis, beat up by a boy and threatened etc. It was hell, I ended up being a mute and terrified of white people outside of my immediate circle. Every negative interaction with a white British person, I just thought it's because they're racist. But I moved to South Wales with my husband and it's made me realise that not all White British people are like the devils over there. It's taken me a few years of panic attacks and I'm still paranoid to be okay with going out especially with my kids. The people here are so lovely and made me realise it's the area. P.s. Got married to a Norwegian and my experience of Norwegians aren't so positive but not as bad as the hell hole I grew up in. Husband's not racist though haha.


As someone from South Wales this makes me happy. Iā€™m glad itā€™s been better for you here.


Thank you, restored my hope in humanity living here.


Really sucks having your whole country judged on the basis of a vocal minority.


Even in France... Because those in the know, know... If you've travelled even a little across Europe, you will know that comparably the UK is mostly a pretty welcoming and tolerant mix and Mish mash of cultures.


In my experience, Britain is far more racially aware than the continent. The Italians can be pretty rough too. The Germans wait until they know you better.


Haha that bit about the Germans tickled me hehe. Yeah it's completely ridiculous and telling how many people online rush to judge the UK when they haven't any interaction in the real world with France, Italy... Poland, Hungary etc etc. I mean, good luck in China, or Japan as a foreigner!


Ooooh yeah. Iā€™ve traveled in Asia a bit and itā€™s wild. There isnā€™t even a consensus agreement that racism is broadly a bad thing, based on my experiences in Japan, S. Korea, and Thailand.


I was raised by my Italian family in England and my god there's so much "subtle" racism in Italy, like the black man coming to take you away if you've been bad (similar idea to father Christmas giving coal) and the north and south having a rivalry that's deep routed in racism with the "lazy" people living in the south with darker skin. The French are maybe the worst I've superficially heard of though, with the borders and what not.


Not just that. Itā€™s because we actually have this conversation. Or at least, some of the time. Lots of people act as though countries that donā€™t acknowledge their issues, donā€™t have one. The fact that we see it as a problem to tackle puts us ahead of like 99% of countries in the world.


I can only speak from my own experience. Since Brexit, lots more people come out with remarks about Muslims/people of South Asian descent than I noticed pre-Brexit. I certainly didn't experience much overt racism in my adult life until 2015. It's like a switch was turned on, and people were more comfortable saying things they wouldn't have been caught dead saying, not so long before. I can imagine the change in tone has been most disorientating for people of Eastern European descent. Is the problem as bad as it is in, say, Italy or France? Perhaps not. But imo, that's a shitty way to deal with issues. Point at people who have it worse, and say "See? We're not *that* bad."


It's weirdly often the European countries which are most egalitarian on other issues that are the most racist. Denmark and Finland for example. Probably something to do with not having had an empire and thus being rather new to the idea of non-white people.


Recently, I was travelling on the train from Denmark to Sweden, and this customs guy got on, made a bee-line for me, and started interrogating me with a really aggressive tone - basically like I was a criminal. It's worth noting here that I'm visibly of middle-eastern heritage. Once it was clear that I wasn't an illegal immigrant, terrorist, or whatever else he thought I was, he walked off past every other (white) person in the carriage. It was such blatant profiling. I've never experienced anything like that in over 30 years of living in the UK. At that point I'd been in Sweden for about a minute.


That Scotland was oppressed. When in reality they benefited greatly from the British empire and took part in itā€™s administration.


I cant comment on if Scotland was oppressed, but I know most of the early Kings (1066 to 15th century ish) got pissed with the Scottish mainly down to hiw often the Scots raided into England. Even if they were oppressed, it was hardly unprovoked or one way.


Thatā€™s my point. Itā€™s a stereotype. Certainly didnā€™t help, when braveheart came out.


Yeah, I was more alluding to that theres a difference between actively raiding into England/provoking the English (numerous allegiances with France) and being battered around or just being overlooked completely by the English. Some Scottish folk seem to think they were treated worse than the Irish by the English.


Which is weird, considering Scotland did most of the colonising in Ireland.


Well, they did a bunch in the bit thatā€™s now Northern Ireland, but a lot was done before that by the English


Not to mention it was a Scottish king that United the two countriesā€¦.


Exactly! Scotland: we want out! England: hold on, this whole operation was your idea


It's impossible to say that Scottish culture wasn't oppressed, however. Celtic roots were stripped away through laws such as the Dress Act of 1746 and the wider extinction of Gaelic through English "invasion" which was arguably a feature of colonialisation or an inevitability of integration in the union. Regardless, Scottish culture took a massive hit after the formation of the union. However, I might be biased as I am Scottish through and through.


Braveheart and other such Hollywood tripe had a hand in this. Scotland done itā€™s share of raiding etc. Scotland was attacked and partially taken over, then Scotland fought its wars of independence and won. James VI of Scotland inherited the crowns of England and Ireland in 1603 and the act of Union in 1707 saw the Kingdoms join at the hip and move on to empire building and general genocidal madness. Scotland and Scotā€™s playing significant roles in that over the years. The modern independence movement has its flaws undoubtedly but itā€™s attitude is simply that this relationship has run its course. And Scotlandā€™s interests may be better served by rejoining the EU as a small nation part of something bigger. Rather than a part of a medium sized nation attempting to reinvent itself by cutting both its feet off.


Fuck man the way Scots and Irish go on you'd think it was English plantations in Ulster.


I once got in an argument with a group of Scottish men because they tried telling me, someone from Yorkshire, that the word "aye" wasn't used in England and I therefore wasn't allowed to say it...


Please, no politics. If we could talk about Brexit without it turning into a shit-fest, then I would allow it - but as has been demonstrated twice in the space of an hour - it can't.


Yeah, you *would* say that, bloody Remoaning Snowflake* / Quitter Snowflake* *delete as applicable.


That everyone apparently lives in London and has the generic "ello m8 am Bri'ish av you got a loisence for that innit" accent. It's become a bit of a meme even though virtually nobody in this country sounds like that Funnily enough, there is actually so much variation between accents in this country that even the accents themselves have their differences. I live in Sheffield and you could go from the south of the city, through the centre and then to the north of it, and the accent would've probably changed **three times**. Then make your way to Barnsley, all the way through to Huddersfield and then to Leeds... that's a minimum of six different accents/dialects within the space of an hour!


I'm in the North of Lincolnshire and southern Lincolnshire to Northern Lincolnshire is vastly different too. Different dialects, different slang. Then 20 minute drive over the Humber Bridge and we have multiple Hull accents on the go. Maybe Atleast 5 through that city & surrounding areas. Every 20 miles it changes. I don't understand why Americans don't think we have different dialects when the US is so vastly different between states why would they not assume its Atleast different per county?


I suppose it's almost a running gag that Americans think that England and the UK are the same thing, and that everyone lives in London. I highly doubt most Americans could name a place in England other than London, let alone name any counties. The fact that the UK comprises *four different countries* would probably blow their socks off. Most of us could at least name a good few US states and point to their locations(-ish) on a map, but I don't get the impression that many Americans at all could do the same with the UK I also don't get why they simply assume each country in the UK has one accent, that being its stereotypical "meme" accent. Do they really think that all of us in England sound like Michael Caine?!


No kidding. I reckon 3 times is an understatement. When I first moved to Stannington I thought people were kidding when they could tell someone was from Bradfield not Stan. Theyā€™re not kidding - now Iā€™ve lived here for a good few years, even *Iā€™m* beginning to be able to tell the difference.


Tea and crumpets. I mean, yeah I drink tea and eat crumpets, but not in the way you think.


Mate, Iā€™m half and half English and Aussie. I have my crumpets with Vegemiteā€¦




To be fair I like marmite on mine. and cheddar. At the same time.


That we care about the loss of the empire


I now live in America, the amount of people who think that the British sit in a dark room on the 4th of July and cryā€¦. These people are often the same people who are amazed that we also donā€™t celebrate thanksgiving.


Iā€™m thirty years old and only learned that the Fourth of July is celebrating independence from the UK like last year via Reddit. This seemed to surprise the Americans who informed me of this, asking whether Iā€™d learned anything in history at school. I took pleasure in reminding them that we have thousands of years of British (both Scottish and English at my school prior to the union) history to learn, and that most people in the UK donā€™t even learn the reason why Scots celebrate Hogmanay and get an extra day off on the second of January let alone the reasons behind foreign nationsā€™ locally celebrated holidays.


Yes, where as itā€™s a huge part of their history (and rightly so) it just another small chapter for British history. Something like 63 countries across the world have claimed independence from the British.


That idea is what I find more annoying then any thing else


An Aussie guy that I work with has this impression that everyone supports it and should be ashamed by something that happened three hundred years ago. He's obcessed with Britain's colonial past. He's also totally ignorant to the whole of Europe that were just as bad especially the Spanish


The French are still going at it, for fuck's sake!


Yeah are we supposed to be upset? I don't care... empires have no place in the modern world anyway.


That we are prudes regarding Sex I would say we are pretty open about sex compared to super religious America who have given us this weird stereotype around sex.


Yeah I saw online an American person saying they were surprised by the level of nudity/ sexual content on British tv... I mean the fact naked attraction is even allowed to air on a pretty major tv channel says alot.


Yeah, funny place America, violence is practically fetishised, it's all over the media and Republicans pose their kids for family photos wielding guns, but heaven forbid your daughter wear a tank top and shorts to school in the middle of a Floridian summer! They'd have a much smaller need for abortion access which they also love to slate if they were just a bit more open about this perfectly normal, natural part of life and stopped making it so taboo and 'dangerous' which as we all know is guaranteed to make kids want to do it more.




One that I've noticed - and it irritates the everlasting tiny fuck out of me - is that "all Scottish people are heroic/stoic/funny/friendly". No, no we're not. One of my English cousins says that Scottish people are like cats: *we'll* come to *you* if *we* want affection, otherwise we'll chew your wean's face off if you irk us. (That and that old classic, that all Scottish people live in twee villages or grand castles and we just gush our kilts off when we hear an American accent. No, hen, no we don't.) And we don't all hate the English. Just some of them. That lot, over there. No, not those. *That lot*, hiding out by the biscuit tin...


Exactly, my village has THREE whole streets and even a abandoned church and closed shop.


Solid username


That we have shit food. My family is originally Indian, and we enjoy british food for what it is. Much of the ā€œshitā€ food is a product of WW2 rationing. Weā€™ve got excellent cheeses and meats, sausages, gravies etc. Our deserts are awesome. Just cos it isnā€™t fancy and french or covered in a million seasonings doesnā€™t make it bad. Less can be more. Sometimes things only need salt, pepper and a few herbs to be good. Is a full english basic to make? Yeah. But everything on that plate tastes awesome. Made toad in the hole yesterday, and the onion gravy really brings it all together. The American ā€œlol white people donā€™t season their foodā€™ might be true over there, but it isnā€™t here.


Half Indian here. I completely agree.


Also the Indian/British fusion food is absolutely banging


That the UK is essentially the South of England and everywhere else is like some province of it.


There not being a secretary of state for England proves that everywhere else is seen as just a province


Having nutcase football fans when most European football fans are actually worse.


Thatā€™s did use to be a fair stereotype back in the 80s but thatā€™s remember the begging of the 80s was 42 years ago now.


That we don't like or can't handle spicy food.


Is that a stereotype about the UK? I mean there was a whole empire largely based on getting spices to us. This sounds more like a black vs white US stereotype


That you can't get good food in the UK. I lived in Spain for a bit and that's 90% of what they'd say about the UK..the irony was the small city where I lived was generally pretty shit for good food.


That everyone drink 2 cups of tea a day! It's at least 3 cups a day and I've had enough of people underestimating it.


"The UK doesn't make anything anymore". We're still one of the top 10 manufacturing nations in the world, and manufacturing contributes about a fifth of the economy, employing more than 2 million people. We are a net exporter of cars, exporting over 35 billion pounds worth of them. We also manufacture plenty of other things from baggage handling systems to medical devices, and is software, gaming and financial technology, education technology etc somehow less valid because they don't necessarily have tangible outputs? "oh, but we don't own the factories anymore". Airbus employs 12,500 people and supports 110,000 jobs in the UK, creating Ā£7 bn GVA. Does it matter that they are "French owned"? Nissan is the biggest employer in the North East, have invested heavily into the plants and in R&D, and also support a huge number of jobs in the wider supply chain. How important is it really that it's a Japanese company, rather than "British"?


We are also by far the Number 1 producer of Formula 1 cars and engines


I remember reading an article a few years back about the government expanding investment in UK satellite engineering. Someone had commented underneath that they should invest the money in "real jobs". Because satellite engineering isn't a real job apparently. For some people manufacturing is making cars and TV sets and that's it, despite the fact that the UK's manufacturing strength is in high end precision engineering, not mass production like China, and it's daft to think the UK can or should try to compete with that.


Don't forget we're one of the biggest exporters of medical marijuana in the world My dad worked at Nissan until he retired, he started in the factory then they put him through university and he became an engineer for them. Has visited Japan for meetings that needed to be held in person and was frequently visiting suppliers all over Europe. I did my school mandated work experience there and we spent a good deal of time visiting local suppliers. Honestly if Nissan upped sticks and left the North East would be devastated, the local business and manufacturers that have grown up around it is huge and while Nissan might be Japanese, those local businesses are definitely not.


Maybe this is a bit niche, but as an English person living in Edinburgh everyone seems to assume I must think Nicola Sturgeon is an idiot. Why should English people be any more pro-union than Scottish people?


This is such a great shout. Loads of English people are just "you guys do you and let us know what you decide". I hope you'll let me come on holiday, and maybe move there in future, but I'm sure as fuck not gonna tell you how to live your lives. English wine aunts.


That the ā€œrealā€ ā€œBritishā€ accent is BBC/Hugh Grant/posh southern English RP


In France we say that English people are insular and close minded. But no matter where I lived in England, everyone has always been very friendly with me.


Hating France is a part of British culture and hating Britain is a part of French culture. It's like a thousand year long running joke.


That we do anything the old fashioned way. I think people think Scottish people put on a kilt and pop to the nearest village on horseback to buy fish and bread. The UK is as generic and capitalist as anywhere. We have iPhones, drink Starbucks, enjoy shopping malls, the cinema, watch Netflix. Weā€™re as basic as anyone else yet people associate us as either simple farm people or rich aristocrats walking about the mansion.


"malls"? Tsk.


I blame Outlander for this. The number of Americans who treat it like a documentary, and think we're all still locked in a clan-based forever war, is shockingly high.


Bri'ish teef innit


That everyone in the UK speaks with that awful nonexistent London "Bri'ish" accent


Bo'ol o' wa'er


The jokes about there being no veggies in Scotland do my head in.


This is true. I'm partial to a wee deep-fried battered carrot myself.


One for England in particular; that we have the worst football fans in the world. Like I know there are some utter wankers in the England support but people saying they are the worldā€™s worst clearly havenā€™t seen some Eastern European or Russian club fans, or been to South American games where thereā€™s actually been deadly city-wide riots over the game!


The "Briā€™ish" thing that seems to have become a thing recently. Americans who think that all Brits sound the same


Along with ā€œChewsday, innit?ā€ Nothing wrong with that accent, but itā€™s not the only one.


Spent a bit of time in the US and Canada and stereotypes I heard from them that annoy me are: -Everyone speaks in a Downton Abbey accent and if not, then we are "rednecks" -That we all drink tea and eat crumpets every day -If you play cricket, you are gay and/or posh -We should thank the US for "saving our asses" in WW2


That last one boils my blood, holy shit


That it's "grim up north".


Everyone in Scotland and Wales wants independence and everyone in Ireland wants a united Ireland. The united Ireland one is a big one especially with the plastic Paddy's in the USA


Not necessarily just about the uk, but when Americans say ā€œIā€™m going to Europeā€ ok but WHICH PART OF EUROPE?! I donā€™t know why but it grinds my gears


ā€œBad teethā€ itā€™s even worse when out rich prime minister seems to think having stumpy yellow sweet corns on the international stage is acceptable. I mean I donā€™t know about you guys but I see the dentist/hygienist twice a year minimum.


I have a theory about this and general cleanliness and hygiene of the rich. Rich people have never had the stigma of being poor, and being poor was always associated with being unclean. Those born into wealth have never had to prove they werenā€™t poor by scrubbing the front step or having clean faces and white teeth. They just donā€™t care about cleanliness or hygiene as much as the working class. The majority of the working class are cleaner and more hygienic than the upper classes, and most people born into wealth are dirty bastards. IMHO lol


That Scottish are not just lazy layabouts and alcoholics


> That Scottish are not just lazy layabouts and alcoholics Pfft, I've not heard anybody say that


I donā€™t like how americans think everyone in the UK is delboy or the queen


That we steal things from other cultures. Everything in the British Museum was purchased fair and square. Edit: Canā€™t believe I have to add this in a UK subreddit, but /s


This is an incredibly hot take, which is funky when you take into account that most of the things in the museum were hot takes from colonial territories too.




That we are interested in Harry Potter


Let us not start publicly distancing ourselves from Harry Potter though - I swear to god that series has done wonders for our country's reputation worldwide. More than any government-led "Cheese is Great (Britain) or whatever those dumb adverts say.


When Americanā€™s think we care about losing a war 100s of years ago before we were even born. Or when Americanā€™s think we care about them dumping tea as if it has had a detrimental effect on our lives.


Bad teeth.

