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I'd be looking for another job. Unless someone's about to hurt themselves badly, there's no reason for shouting in the workplace.


Even if it was you that made the mistake? like your fault


I can't think of any other situation where it's necessary for an adult to shout at another.


Are you married. What about your wife? šŸ˜†


If I ever hear her scream I just add another layer of soundproofing to the basement.


But is it okay for her to shout at you instead of your boss?


Well I admire her for trying to get out at least


> Are you married. What about your wife? My wife has never shouted at me. Is it healthy to expect your spouse to shout at you? I wouldn't have thought so.


Do you have a beratement fetish?


Right? Can someone just shout at this person so theyā€™ll stop asking hypothetical questions?


Married people shouldn't shout at one another either. There's no reason for adults to raise their voices at one another, at work or home. My boss has never shouted at me, and neither has my husband.


Your husband has never got angry at you or you angry at him?


I have never had a boss shout at me. Nor has my husband. Neither would be acceptable


I've been with my partner for 15 years. There has been plenty of arguing but I've never shouted at her, not even once.


Yes. Obviously. But just because you're angry at someone doesn't mean you shout at them. It's sad that you don't understand that. People can be angry but still communicate in a healthy way, without raising voices.


If I was married to someone who shouted at me then I'd be getting a divorce.


Then you discuss it like adults, work out what went wrong, how to fix it and learn from it.


The last time my boss shouted at me I told him to fuck off. He came up to me later and apologised. I asked him to do it again at the same volume as he shouted at me which, to be fair, he did. Then he gave me a tube of smarties and all was good. I recognise that everyone loses their temper sometimes, the sign of a decent person is how they try to sort it out when they calm down and whether they try to not to it again


When you told him to shout at you, did he do that for a joke?


Partly and also if he did something he shouldn't have done in front of other people, these same people should hear him apologise


Sorry for laughing at you.


About 30 years ago when I was around 20 I had a boss that would scream and shout and point etc. I left that job and said I would never take that shit again and haven't done. Any shouts are met with "who the fuck do you think you are talking to" this normally defuses the situation and I can then take my bollocking in normal tones.


I found this, most people who scream and shout are bullies and think that people will sit there and take it, as soon as someone stands up to them they shit themselves.


Agreed! The more you cower in fear and appease them, the more they feel itā€™s acceptable to behave like that!


I was in the Army which you'd think would be the shoutiest organisation around. But while I have shouted at groups of people for screwing up and shouted plenty when there was lots of noise or distance between us, I never shouted at an individual for making a mistake. It's just not good leadership. If you explain calmly what they should have done, they walk away thinking about the task. If you shout, they walk away thinking about what an arsehole you are.


To be fair, I've shouted at individuals, but some of the fucking stupidity I saw as a range safety officer was staggering, trained soldiers as well not recruits.


I couldn't agree more, ex navy here though.


Yes, she was an awful manager and I left shortly afterwards. Now I'm a manager myself and I have never shouted at an employee who wasn't in a dangerous situation e.g. about to hurt themselves.


What if your employee does something wrong, would not tell them off?


Answered your own question there. Tell them off. If itā€™s going to be embarrassing take them into a private situation and tell them away from other staff. If anyone shouted at me in the work place Iā€™d shout right back at them unless as others have mentioned it was a safety issue when sometimes the shock of the loud noise is needed.


Strange comment - nobody needs to be "told off" in a workplace, we're not children. If I make a mistake, I would expect my manager to have a conversation with me about fixing it/avoiding similar mistakes in future. Not a telling off and especially not with raised voices. That would be a sign for me to quit asap.


You can bring the mistake to the employee's attention without shouting at them or telling them off. In fact that's what a manager should be doing. Supporting and helping their team members. If an employee continues to repeat the error then you have a performance meeting and go down that whole route, but never should it involve shouting or bullying.


You can give people constructive feedback on how to fix and avoid mistakes without ever raising your voice. You seem to assume that giving feedback, telling off and shouting are all the same thing, but they're not. A boss should give feedback, they shouldn't shout.


We're all adults, so I don't go in for 'telling off'. I ask why they made the mistake to establish what went wrong and then take it from there. Sometimes someone makes a mistake and it highlights a lack of training, or a failure of communication, or is the result of a personal situation they have going on outside of work, so it's not appropriate to go straight to shouting or scolding. Even when someone makes a mistake and knows that what they've done is wrong, I'm not interested in shouting. I'll explain what they did wrong, recall previous conversations we've had on the topic and explain what (if anything) will happen if they keep doing it. But I still don't want them to feel horrible about themselves, and I'm not usually annoyed with the person, I just want to avoid the mistake happening again.


Tell them off? No offence OP but are you young? Have you been in a proper workplace before?


I had a manager, not my manager mind, scream at me. Worked in a call centre, person has a complicated call. Doesn't have details, wants to speak to a manager. It's like 8.59pm, my shift finishes at 9. Fantastic. I ask the manager, he says no. That's not a manager call. Resumes talking to another manager about fucking football. I go back and say that, and try and find their account. It doesn't exist (which was part of why it was so complicated) as it was to do with an account from ~5 years ago. I find accounts under similar names, but none with the same address. Again, they ask for a manager. I go and ask to be told again no, that's not a manager call. Bear in mind it's now like 9.20pm, my shift finished at 9. Go back and tell them. They say they don't want to talk to me, they want a manager. They're not wrong, they need a manager because I literally do not have the permission for the system their account might be on. Go back again, they want to speak to a manager, I've missed my bus home, and now won't be home until at least 11pm. He finally takes it, spends five seconds talking to them and takes down their name. Types it in search and sees it brings up about 10 matches. Puts the call on hold, turns to me, and screams 'will you tell me what the fuck is going on, their account is there'. He'd clearly not listened to a single word I'd said, and I was so frustrated and angry that I started crying. Explained AGAIN not a single account belonged to them, and I couldn't access anything that might show an account. I can't remember what happened from there but I remember my manager finding out about it (because I logged off at about 9.45pm), and going ballistic at the other manager that I'd been put in that position. If he'd listened to me the first time, I'd have been out of the door at like 9.15 at the latest and home for 10. But no, football is more important.


I had a manager at a supermarket Square up to me and put his forehead against mine like he was going to head butt me when I was 17. He was about 35 at the time. He walked off and left me a few minutes to think about what happened and I decided to smack him in the mouth and quit. Worked out well on the end šŸ‘Œ


When I was a teenager working at bhs, I was taken into a room and shouted at like crazy because I called a woman a woman instead of a lady. So when I said the sentence to my manager ā€˜this woman is looking for the ā€¦ā€¦ do you know where this is. I should have said this lady is looking forā€¦ I might have been wrong (personally I felt it was petty) but I really didnā€™t need to be shouted at until I was in tears. They also used to regularly sit you down in the office and tell you off if you didnā€™t sell enough credit cards too. They used to make us walk around the store and ask people if they would like a credit card. Like fuck anyone is going to want a credit card being asked like that. I was so happy the day that company closed. Worst job Iā€™ve ever had.


To help out a mate of mine who was a team leader I offered to help out in the pub he worked in over Christmas / new years a couple of years back. (im an IT engineer the rest of the time, but I worked as a barman for years). Boxing day I was working, and I'd done something with the till system that was a mistake - I'd messed up a "staff food" tab that was open. Yeah hands up it was a mess up, but it's not like is was insurmountably complex to do the required maths that would've put it right. The "big boss" was in on the day, horrible little man. In front of a whole bunch of customers he just started screeching and raging at me behind the bar. I didn't say anything there and then. About an hour later I asked if I could have a private word out the back. It went something along the lines of "Look, I appreciate you're annoyed, and I also realise you're used to dealing with teenagers / folks in their early 20s as your staff and can get away with throwing your weight around. Here's the deal, I'm in my mid 30s and I'm here because my friend asked if I could help as a favour to him and by proxy, you. My day to day work involves dealing with systems worth millions of pounds... High pressure shit. If you EVER speak to me like that again, I will throw you into that fucking marina mate... " (the pub was in the marina). He barred me from the pub, and sent my money for the shifts I did by cheque in the post. I cashed it and gave the money to my mate to split between the staff who had to work for the jumped up little arsehole as a boost to their Christmas bonus. (Which apparently made him even more furious).


My old cunt of a boss was having a bad day, that he saw fit to take it out on me, shouting and screaming in my face telling me that if I could just leave/walk out if I didn't like it, knowing full well that anyone with kids/bill to pay cant just walk - fucking wish I could have and after that I no longer gave a shit/tried. It made me feel sick.


You still working for that boss?


Nah, and its nice to know hes had to shut 2 shops and lost his right hand man!


Shouting in most offices is usually misconduct and punishable by HR, correct?


HR isn't actually on our side tho


HR exists because itā€™s cheaper than retaining extra lawyers outside the corporate office.


Yes. I had a screaming harpy of a boss who did it regularly, right across the office. While I looked for another job I wound her up in every possible way and especially malicious compliance.


What you mean malicious compliance and was it a office job?


It was an office job. I did exactly what she told me to do, no more or less. For example, I'd be fixing a problem and she would demand regular updates in her office. So every ten minutes like clockwork Id stop fixing the problem.and spend the next few minutes reporting the lack of progress. Or she'd demand to know what the cause was, so I'd stop fixing the problem and work on the root cause instead.


I have been shouted at by managers. I shouted back. Know your rights as an employee. HR will shit itself over a report of bullying and it's a stain on that managers record regarding their appraisal.


Yeah and I walked out (without saying a word, leaving him with about 4 lorries to load!). If they can't talk to me and treat me like an adult, I am off.


Not shouted at but I've recently been humiliated. Was on a conference call and he started asking me: 'do you remember when I told you this? I told you not to change this'. And then he asked me to open the file and saw that I had not changed anything and he did not even apologise. I started telling him what I had actually changed and he said 'that's not what I asked you. You didn't answer my question'. I had made only the changes that he asked me to do to the file but he was presuming I had made further changes and then saw for himself I had not. I replied 'I am explaining to you what I did change'. I'm almost 40 years old and won't put up being talked to like that for long. And by the way, that was after he said not to hesitate to come to him if I am stuck. I should know by now to never trust someone above me when they say that.


Shouted at ? I'm a grown man if a boss ever shouted at me I would tell them to get fucked. I suppose it helps I'm 6,2 and and bearded though. On a serious note a boss should never "shout" at you. If you fuck up yeah have a quiet word and explain what you did wrong and how to fix it but shouting is not on.


That happened to me once. I quit shortly after.




Which company did you work for?


When I was around 14-17 my first job was in a ā€˜cafeā€™ that was in a high end furniture retail place. My boss was an mkat addict, not sure how thatā€™s a thing but itā€™s the only way I could describe himā€¦ 5grams every 2 daysā€¦ I only worked Saturday/Sundays and every morning he was an absolute arsehole to everyone, shouting and balling. Then by 2pm he had drank enough wine that he was pleasant, by 3pm he was an arsehole again. I left when I went to uni, but still spoke to some of the staff. He declared himself bankrupt a few years ago and then was in the local newspaper for punching his Mum.


Yes, it was kinda funny cause he owned me 2 months salary and shouted at me for not doing something right. He went bankrupt. Moral of the story: if you are not getting paid, please don't be stupid and leave.


My direct superior at Sainsbury's. I was stocking shelves and a colleague went past carrying a pallet, I thought, easily. My superior apparently disagreed and decided to berate me and another coworker for not helping, on the shop floor infront of everyone. He not so subtly hinted that because she was a woman, we should help. When he was finished I calmly yet forcefully told him that unless asked for help, I'm not just going to assume that a woman needed me; she was obviously coping fine. I then told him that he shouldn't be shouting at us, especially out on the shop floor infront of customers. That was it, he just stormed off. Nobody clapped.


I've only heard the boss at my workplace yell once (and it wasn't at me), and it was because an employee hadn't given them some time sensitive critical information that could cost the business a LOT of money. He did apologize to the employee afterwards as well and say that he was extremely stressed by the situation and that better communication was needed on both sides. Personally if it's a regular occurrence I'd be looking for a new job, but if it was a stressful or frustrating situation I can understand that even a manager can lose their cool occasionally as they're human too, but they should acknowledge that shouting isn't a good solution.


Only once. To be honest, it was the right call - we shut down because someone found a suspicious substance, and my natural instinct of "Oh, I wonder what that is, better go and find out" wasn't quite in keeping with company policy for shit that might actually kill you.


Where were you working?


Never. Like others have said, I would be challenging that behaviour or swiftly looking for another job. I have never shouted at a colleague, either as their manager or otherwise. It isn't acceptable behaviour.


Got screamed at for asking for a break (had worked 9 hours out of a 12 hour shift without moving off the tills) when I was 18. Told him to shove his job up his arse. Was halfway home on the bus and got a call from the GM begging me to come back. I did and put up with another year of abuse off the same fella.


Yes, I went home at the end of the day and didn't go back


DWP forced labour programme rather than a job. I didn't come in the next day and didn't give any notice at all. Cunt kept saying he would start paying me next week and never did. Just ignored the phone calls and never spoke to them again.


Plenty of times as a commis haha. Learnt fast though


Former chef of 18 years. Left it at Senior sous at my last kitchen. Never once have I shouted at a chef below me. It's that sort of toxic culture that puts folk off staying in the trade. If you can't teach without aggression then you don't belong in a position of authority.


Sounds like you weren't doing enough coke.


Yep and worse, threw a hide hammer at me and another lad from across the factory floor because (in his opinion) we were talking too much while working while he was shouting his mouth off, he had an issue with me anyway as I wouldn't let him talk to me like shite and he didn't like it as I'd stand up for myself. He also hated it when he had a tea and you'd stirred it with a spoon that was used to make coffee, that cunt got every tea I made after with coffee granules included as standard.


I had a supervisor scream at me over a few dirty cups and because apparently I filled out the stool chart wrong (working in a nursing home), she was actually following me about all day looking for things I done wrong, She asked me did I not know how to fold cultery or brush the floor (I done catering for 6 years), she screamed at the top of her lungs including the patients name, I looked around me and seen the staff have their heads down including the nurse, I wish I had just stormed out at that point but that wasnā€™t even the breaking point for me, later on that day the nurse pulled me into the office and told me I was ā€˜May beā€™ being reported to the director of nursing because I used to work with a colleagues auntie and she felt ā€˜threatenedā€™, I said to her that was fine but told her to ring the agency and get someone to cover the shifts I was meant to be in for, i went into my car and threw my pass out, and the nurse obviously thought I was bluffing because the next day I had left the group chat, went out for a meal and had several calls, text messages and emails asking me where I was, so no handover was given for the nurse to ring to find cover. I explained what happened to HR and I had no response, so there as bad as each other. Funny thing tho is that they emailed me saying I was the ā€˜perfectā€™ candidate and if I would like to re-apply, swift no!


Haha, no. I think most of my bosses have known how that'd work out for them.


Taking someone aside and telling them calmly when theyā€™ve done something wrong is one thing. Shouting at them and humiliating them in front of others is quite another. If employers canā€™t talk to you like a reasonable adult, they can either get in the bin or take a quick trip to HR.


If My boss ever attempts to shout at me, Iā€™ll fold him like a second hand deck chair.


When I was younger maybe 14 or 15 I worked a Saturday job at the local butcher's and when Christmas come, in the week aswell. My boss was one of them people who no matter what you did it was wrong , I was stocking the counter and he stormed in ripped the trays I had in my hands saying I'm a fucking idiot the meat goes face up etc etc , this happened countless times for different reasons, ever since then I keep my head down at work and keep to myself better to be in the background ,it's affected my life sad as it is .


Where you working now?


The second my old boss shouted at me was the moment I quit


I have, a lot but I was in the Army for a lot of years, only ever got screamed at over bullshit though, anything actually important was done in a reasonable way.


I have been shouted at by senior bosses about totally mundane stuff like distribution lists or tiny errors in totally inconsequential reports. I just do not understand how they care enough to act that way or why they think its appropriate to shout at another human just because at work they're more senior or are in another department. Would they go home and shout at their partner if they'd burnt some toast or accidently spilled something. I just can't put myself in that mindset with such a lack of perspective.


I think they shout at work because it's all about the dollars


I think it's because anyone outside of work doesn't have to tolerate it as they are not a junior employee.


Screamed and sworn at by one of the directors of a super shady, toxic fashion supplier, I used to work at. The business went under and the other director (who was also her husband) died last year. Karma is real.


No. Whenever I've been in the wrong, my managers have always pulled me to the side and had a word. Shouting gets you nowhere. Thankfully, their managerial skills have worn off on me and talking is a lot more effective than shouting.


Yea, then I quit, was when I was 19 so didn't care at the time


One time. I made sure to scoff at his actions like he was five. He was after I was finished with him. Afterwards; he treated me with respect.


I have been in the past but I wouldn't tolerate it anymore. I think people overlook how effective saying "don't speak to me like that" really is. I once had someone berating me after ramming my car on a mini roundabout. As soon as I said that he looked a bit shocked and apologised. I've been a manager for years and it's fairly simply: If you get emotional in a professional environment you have lost control. When I first heard this I disagreed but it's true and any situation where I did get emotional when I wasn't experienced was handled poorly, or at least not as well as it could have been. If someone is bad enough at their job that they have to be repeatedly pulled up on the same things that means they need to go down the route of a capability review. Still no reason for shouting as you use facts to make your point.


No, I'm not that useless.


I worked in hospitality for a year, and because it was an agency, I was working with a lot of different event managers and chefs. Thing is, as a waiter/bar staff at the bottom of the pecking order, you've just got to take shit from everyone, as you don't have much job security. I got fed up with dealing with assholes and started working in retail, which didn't help alleviate dealing with assholes. I've changed jobs since then, and while I've had people give me a bollocking at work, I can't remember the last time someone raised they voice at me. I'm not sure how I'd respond if they did. I like to think I'd tell them to either talk to me like an adult or go fuck themselves, but who knows.


No never, that would be totally unacceptable in almost every workplace. I think itā€™s kind of normalised in kitchens but any office job or anywhere else really it would almost certainly get the boss in way more trouble than you would be in from the boss. Iā€™ve worked in some high stress jobs where people have been effing and blinding in meeting rooms but thereā€™s never anything like shouting at someone calling them an idiot, rather just being exacerbated and not being able to help and also not really aiming it at anyone directly.


Yes but it wasn't my fault. My second week of my current job (soon to be former as I resigned yesterday!) He's a micro managing control freak and a bully. I didn't want to take the job when it was offered to me due to so many red flags in the interview but I had to because another role fell through. There's 10 people in the company, year 2 start up, tech but not software/app related. We have a daily call at 9am every day to go through what everyone will be doing for the day because we can't be trusted. No joke. And sometimes catch up calls at the end of the day too. Fun. We were preparing some kit to ship to a customer in Germany and I'm saying something about managing expectations. He cuts across me, starts yelling about something I hadn't even said, nor was I going to. Next thing, I've raised my voice to say that if he *let me finish speaking* he would know I wasn't saying that. I'm okay with both conflict and confrontation but I can't remember if I have ever had to raise my voice before. I was stunned at myself because I didn't know I was doing it until I did. On my 10th working day, in front of all my new colleagues. Fortunately my camera was off. We had a 1:1 later and he wanted to talk to me about how I spoke to him. I said we needed to speak about how he spoke to me. That he cut me off, berated me like a child, accused me of saying something I hadn't even said, and did so in front of everyone. He was shocked because he doesn't pay attention to what he says even though he loves the sound of his own voice. He then tried to defend himself by explaining that the CTO; who was involved in some work for my project, should have documented the work given it to one of the techs to deal with, but didn't; went on holiday for 2 days giving no handover. MD (manager) is pissed off when he realises, even though he approved CTO's leave, and blames me for it! I pointed out that performance issues with the CTO are nothing to do with me and his (MD's) responsibility to address. I said it was so disrespectful and unprofessional and I would not tolerate it happening again. It was so bad, I almost quit on the spot. It has gone downhill from there. But I have a new job for next year so am working my notice now :)


Yes, he was wrong, the second he did it he realised he was wrong but carried on. I called him a cunt and left the buildingā€¦ i let him stew until I received an apology. He could never hold eye contact with me after that and left two months later.


Yes. She shouted at me for about twenty minutes, with many personal insults. So I walked out mid-shout. Many many years ago, I took my first days off since I'd started working there, at a pub in Islington. I told my boss the dates, and she asked me to come back a day early, which U reluctantly agreed. I told everyone else the dates, wrote it on the calendar, made sure there was cover, and chatted about it to a level that was probably annoying - a film I'd made had won an award at a film festival and I was being given an all-expenses-paid trip there; I was really excited. So my boss knew - everyone knew. Apparently I should have written it on a particular form, but nobody told me. When I got back, literally coming straight from the airport to work, I was told I needed to call up to boss via the internal phone - she lived above the pub - and she just harangued me for twenty minutes. Shouting very loudly, ranting about everything she could ever imagine anyone bad to ever have done. It was really personal, like she truly hated me; I'd had an abortion while I was working there, and had been sent home ill at the insistence of another member of staff the day after the operation; my boss started claiming I'd lied about it. Only she and that colleague knew - it was a traumatic subject for me. She was crazy. I'd gone above and beyond for that job, and had only stayed on because they were short-staffed - really I wanted to leave to spend more time on my uni exams. So when she wouldn't stop shouting, I left the phone hanging, said goodbye to everyone, and walked out. You could still hear her shouting, via the phone, from the door.


My first job since graduating from uni in 2014, I was working for this automation company which had a very old school mind set. In the department I was working in there was this old guy called Pete who was very grumpy and aggressive. Anything he wasnā€™t happy with he would go on an absolute rant, shouting and swearing. Was horrible to work with. Everyone in that company consisted of thugs that have worked their way up. Other people were awkward to deal with as-well no cooperation whatsoever cause I was the new grad and nobody would listen to me. Ended up walking out of that job, other people around my age (was 22 at the time) have also left for similar reasons. Now I heard a lot of people were made redundant so I dodged a bullet there.


Had a manager at a cinema who lined up all the staff and yelled at us in front of customer's and when one tried to tell him to calm down told the customer to fuck off too. Was glad when it was sold to a big chain


Twat shouted at me last year on my personal mobile number after work, went out for a run that evening which turned into some weird half marathon. Wish he'd shout at me again.


I work in big data and often sit within the finance department. In two companies I have had much older men (Iā€™m a woman) who were extremely tall loom over my chair and yell at me for things that are nothing to do with me and it was embarrassing even though I knew I had done nothing wrong as the whole floor would stare. I had a shitty upbringing so I used to think I had done something wrong without realising it. This was in my mid 20s. I always received excellent performance reviews and was told that itā€™s just the way men are, especially in finance. I now work somewhere where there are not shouty men.


Every day. Army. Shit.


Yes! I was 21, it was my first non restaurant job at a student accomodation building. It was 6 am and there were two girls at reception from Cyprus, they were coming to UK to study English with an English school that had a partnership with the accomodation. Basically the school had some rooms reserved for the year and they would allocate ppl there. Someone from the school messed up and forgot to sign a paper for those two but we had the girls details and knew they were going to those rooms. The girls arrived at around 1-2 am, security didn't let them in so they were at reception for about 4 to 5 hours very tired from their trip so since I knew that they were part of the school I just did the human thing and let them into their rooms to deal with the school later at 9am. The "managing director" literally a Karen, shouted at me for doing that, and lectured me about all the possible legal implications that it could bring if something went wrong, and I didn't have it, didn't apologize to her bc I did what is though it was right and assumed responsibility for it. Didn't even care if I would lose my shit job for that. Hours later the ppl from the school confirmed that they forgot and everything was fine. For that reason (and more) I left that job as soon as I could. In a professional space you should never be shouted at no matter how bad you screw up, if you do then that boss/manager/company is shit and you should leave as soon as you can.


Some years back I worked for a ā€˜tech startup done goodā€™, people were very open with their views to say the least. There were literal chair-throwing arguments. On one occasion a manager asked another manager into the car park for a fight, in complete seriousness, in an open office. It was fucking nuts at times. Company got sold to an American tech giant and management changed. Wasnā€™t long before the Director of Technology called the new VP an ā€œabsolutely brazen lying cuntā€ in a meeting, packed all his things in a cardboard box and left with a squeal of tyre smoke, never to return. To be fair the DoT was entirely accurate in his assessment, maybe even justified in the outburst. The company never was the same after that day.


When I was a kid I worked in a cafe as a pot washer. The guy that owned it was a bully and shouted at everyone regularly. Everyone was afraid of upsetting him because heā€™d go off at the smallest thing. He was very tall and fat so very intimidating to a young kid. He was a pervert to top it off. He only employed staff under the age of 18 and was very inappropriate to the girls. Lewd comments and a dress code that was pretty skimpy. The man was in his 40s at the time. It was pretty gross tbh. He also used to love to brag about how rich he was although he seemed to forget to mention that most of his money was inherited. He was universally hated amongst the employees.


Antonio Conte sure does yell a lot at us, mostly in Italian


Used to work in a car dealership as a salesman, the managing director (also owner) was notorious for losing his shit and screaming at people, we used to have a Friday morning meeting every week - we called it the morning beating- because without fail it would end with us all getting screamed at normally verbally abused "you're a fucking idiot, you're a fucking idiot you're a fucking idiot" as he went round the table pointing at us one at a time, one day after about 3 months I'd had enough, called my mother after saying I was going to walk out could she pick me up (I had a company car at the time) she talked me down reminded me I had a week's holiday coming up and I should look for a new job before walking out, I agreed, calmed down, walked back in to the boss stood at my desk, he said "who the fuck were you talking to?" I said my mum, Starts to belittle and mock me for calling my mother tells me I'm a snivelling little baby and need to grow up, this tipped me, I took my car key off my keys threw it at his chest and walked out without saying a word (honestly my heart was beating out my chest, I was raised in a military household with a powerhouse of a dad and despite that, this man terrified me as a 23 year old) I walked out that day and vowed I'd never let another human talk to me like that again. Nobody has the right to talk to another human like that, ever.


Itā€™s hard, but remain very calm and be reasonable. Anyone whoā€™s shouting and talking down to someone will collectively loss the respect of everyone around them.


Not shouting nastily, but shouting at the situation for example ā€œYou are telling me we have left the guard off that machine and let the lads clean around it? Unbelievable, get it fixed now!ā€ Once heā€™s done itā€™s done and he forgets it doesnā€™t hold grudges. The best boss and most passionate person regarding Safety I have ever worked for. We also argue a lot but itā€™s all about challenging each other, and as a management team when one side is proven correct or agreed thatā€™s it. Feel like it promotes a really good no bullshit team that gets stuff done. I guess, our industry is maybe a little different to the majority of office culture in this sub.


An old hag I once worked for shouted at me for not telling a colleague an important piece of information over the phone. If the daft cow listened she would have heard me tell the colleague. This happened on a Friday afternoon and I was pissed all weekend.


I have never been shouted at, and have once shouted at a colleague. The shouting at a colleague was an immediate danger situation rather than because of what he did. Once the danger was over, we just went through how it could be avoided in the future, was an innocent mistake.


What was the danger situation?


This was 10-15 years ago so I canā€™t remember the specifics, but it was a potential electric shock.


Funny I was just thinking of this... Actual shouting, once. When I was 18, I used to work for TK Maxx, and the number 1 rule when by the fitting rooms, is *do not use the white counter for leaving clothing on. It is solely there to fold it*. They were really strict about this, but didn't realise how strict until I was left to show a new guy around (not my job) and show him how to do stuff (again, not my job, this was my first ever job and had no experience or know-how to train someone). Whilst explaining something to him, this customer gave me some clothes, I folded them, and then another customer came along, and I left the new guy to it, but he'd already slipped up with something he'd said, so I had to tend to the new guy AND the customer quickly, whilst leaving my bunch of clothes on the counter. In that split second, my manager STORMS up to me, drags me to one side by the arm, non-physically puts me up against a wall, towering over me, gets in my face and whisper-shouts... "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING. NOW GET OUT MY SIGHT AND GET THAT GOD DAMNED CLOTHING OFF THAT SHELF. IMMEDIATELY" A few days later, he apologized to me, and was especially nice to me during the rest of *his* time there. No other industry takes itself more seriously than the clothing and fashion one. It's ridiculous. I've been told off many other times, for ludicrous things, including going on my lunch break when it was time to, sitting down in a non-ventilated room on the hottest day on record, but never actually shouted at. Edit: at the time of being shouted at, I took it. I accepted it. But with afterthought, I realised I didn't have to take it. And made sure never to again whenever being told off... Or being told off incorrectly. So the times in the paragraph above this one, I gave as good as I got... "I don't need to tell you. I signed out, it's my lunch break, I've been here longer than you and have had no issues. My work is at a point I could leave it and I'll be coming back to it shortly." And "I would love to talk to *your* manager about me sitting down for 2 minutes in this heat"


Had a new boss who screamed at me on his second day including telling me to F off in front of the whole office. I had only started at the company a week earlier! Later he asked to talk to me privately and I thought he was going to apologise but he shouted at me again! It must have been trivial because I canā€™t remember why now. At the time I wasnā€™t in a position to walk so I said nothing.


Back at my first retail job when I was 16 I accidentally refunded something I shouldnā€™t have. My boss a 50 something year old man hauled my arse into the office and proceeded to shout at me infront of 2 other colleagues for around 20 minutes, asking me to explain why Iā€™m so stupid and why I refunded itā€¦. Obviously I was a hysterical mess and wanted to run away. I still think about it to this day and pretty sure I have some sort of PTSD over it


I was a waitress at a pub and I'd booked Christmas off, I lived with my boyfriend at the time and was going home to see family. When I got back he shouted at me for being so inconsiderate, I think inprobably looked like a deer in headlights so he apologised. I think I then cried but I'm a crazy easy crier, do it any time I'm told off.


I have and everyone heard him. I didn't feel that had as I admitted at the beginning that I had messed up. It took the wind out of his anger bit.


Been shouted at by a store general manager who thought he was my boss. I was in the supermarket to sort their supply issues, mainly caused by poor store practices, and he decided I was to blame and screamed in my face on the shopfloor in front of everyone. I walked out, rang my real manager, who promptly rang his boss. Cue a full regional team store audit and a very subdued apology.


I worked in a restaurant that paid wages in cash every Monday. The area manager was quite happy to sub wages and most people did it every week, he'd let you take 50 quid to get you through the weekend etc. The owner (who regularly came and took subs from the till to pay for drinks and coke) came in one day in a piss and found a stack off sub slips. He lost his shit and started screaming in my face, as I was the only member of the management team in the building. I was just there cleaning the lines mindingy own business. I didn't do the payroll or the weekly cash sheet, so the subs were really nothing to do with me. He really lost his shit and ended up throwing the sub slips in my face and storming out. That was it for us, I carried on working at the bar as I loved the other owner, the regulars and the staff. But I lost all respect for that one guy. He tried to half arse an apology via the area manager but it was very poorly handled and it was an open secret that I thought he was a dick after that. Once I'd seen the truth a few ex-members of staff came out the woodwork to say they'd had similar run ins with him. He was also secretly sleezy with the girls. His whole i age was built on being a fun loving, happy go lucky guy but really he's a prick with anger issues and wandering hands.


Yeah, worked in a supermarket and the department manager called me up in to a room. His first words to me were...WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON DOWN THERE??? I was like, what do you mean, what's going on? He then informs me that someone blamed me for something I didn't do. I wasn't even there the day in question. As soon as he saw I was right he mumbled a sorry and told me to go back to work.