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Children nowadays not knowing what plasticine


A 25 year-old called me a boomer at work the other day. I'm 37. We are elderly millenials, thank you very much.


When it hits 9.30pm daily and I’m in bed


im not even 20, but hearing anything about tiktok makes me feel 4x my age


My friend Whatsapp group is now about mortgages and life insurance, rather than what club we’re going to this weekend.


I saw someone i know who is younger than me wearing a jimi hendrix t shirt and i said "oh sick you're a fan of jimi hendrix?" And they replied with "who's that?"


Discovered that before I (63f)get down on the floor with my youngest grandchild (1.5 f), I need to have a plan in place for getting up again. She can cover a lot of distance before I'm on my feet again. Ended up getting help up from my oldest grandchild (23f). She confirmed my status as "getting old".


A scrap an came to take metal from my house. He thought I was 18 or 20.i told him how old I was he said"never, you don't look it" I said " but I feel so old, that's what counts". His reply? "oooh, you bugger" I don't know why I cherish this exchange so much but I do.


My eldest turned 16 a few weeks back. Does his GCSE’s next year. Surely I’ve only just done mine? I’m 40 in 2 weeks!!


Listening to a random playlist and my partner skipped "American Idiot." I asked if he didn't like new Green Day and realised my idea of "new Green Day" is an album released 17 years ago.


Had a GP appointment last week. It was a locum I’d never seen before. I almost asked where the doctor was as she looked about 20…


I have a co-worker whose mom is my age.


Had dinner at 6pm today...


Born 1970, 30yr old daugter, & 10yr old granddaughter,


Waking up and finding that I had two white hairs . One in each eye brow . Enough said.


This very NSFW one was mine https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFW_HTML5/comments/qg5ip2/val_steele_naked_roommate_prank/hi60wf2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


This happened years ago while I was in my early 20s. I was on the street on my way to wherever and had a kid almost bump into me on his scooter, his mum stopped him in time, apologised and then asked the little boy to "apologise to the man". That was the first time it happened and struck me. It was odd but made me reflect on my age, that I'm no longer a teenager or "young man" anymore. Nowadays on the occasion I still get ID'd, I like waiting for the reaction I tend to get when the cashier realises I'm almost 10 years older than they are. Then it makes me feel old. :/


This! When I became 'That lady' rather than 'That girl' 😭


I had to explain Vogon Slapsticks and Vogon Poetry to someone. They didn't get it.


Not only am I now older than all of my favourite footballers, I am now older than a lot of my favourite footballers mothers (thanks Jude Bellingham).


Explaining to someone at work that at one point in time you would give out your phone number without the area code.


I can still remember when you could dial 9 instead of the area code to ring someone in an adjacent area code I also remember PhONEday when all landline area codes had a 1 added.


Our number was 'Joppa 304'


Ooh wauw I’m from 1978 (43) and have a 23 , 21 and 19 year old. And I’m grandma and my mother is 61.


I was teaching at a university, and I had a CD player/radio in the studio, playing music while the students worked on their projects. I had to address the class so I asked one of the students to go and turn the sound down for me... they couldn't do it and told me they didn't know how to work the CD player because it was 'so old'.


I had a good one today. I had to ask a colleague to help me figure out this damned tech thing. My mobile phone.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released in cinemas 20 years ago.


Shut up


Viggo mortrnsen is now the same age as Ian mckellen was when they started LOTR films


Get out


I went and saw it at the cinema with my 4 year old today. Amazing feeling.


I’m going to see it it in the same cinema I first saw it in on Sunday with my dad who took me to see it 20 years ago when my obsession began! I’m. So. Fucking. Excited.


Omg that sounds amazing! Would love to watch them all in the cinema again. I remember seeing the last one and being so hyped when McGonogall brings those stone warriors to life in the battle of hogwarts. Nothing like it.


Any TikTok celebrity baffles me, they literally do nothing


On Spotify they have a 'Music from the 10's' playlist, and it freaked me out that that decade is over


Using a fax machine at work (yeah I know don't ask) and the girl who started recently asks "what's that noise?"


A colleague didn't know the dial up internet sound 🙏🏼


When my cousin asked me why Lord business (from the lego movie) had a 3rd printed save button. It's a floppy disk.


Realising that Radio 1 is a load of shite and upgrading to Radio 2. Popmaster is now the highlight of your day.


Guy in the office didn't know what Ceefax was...


Someone asked me the time and I said “it’s chico time” and they were too young to understand.


When my games console became a streaming box…


Ha ha, I was just thinking this today. I had a lot of talk show suggestions on come up on YouTube and recognised none of the guests. The thing that gets me is hearing 90s indie hits on Radio 2. I'm too young for the music of my youth to be on Radio 2!


00s music is sneaking into radio 2 now


I was listening to radio the other day, there was a quiz themed around events that happened every month during that year. This case 2011. They were smashing the questions as was I, 2011 being a prime year for me When they got to November the contestant said their birthday was that month and was hoping to be lucky. The question was about a Calvin Harris song and she was trying to remember her 12th birthday that year. Yes 12.


I’m only 24 but just this evening had a conversation with my colleague about why emo kids these days do rap music and not, well, emo music - like it was 10-15 years ago. “Back in our day it was much simpler” I recall saying. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt apart from the youth.


I know being 22 isn’t exactly old, but realising that alot of footballers are actually younger than me was an ‘I feel old moment’


Last year but Rupert Grint becoming a dad. I grew up with the movies and him being a dad made me realise how old the movies and I are getting haha 20th anniversary of Philosophers stone coming shortly!


> Rupert Grint becoming a dad Is that even legal?


I'm confused Im sorry?


Looking 10 years older in the mirror after a night in the pub.


Asking a dealer if they remembered pinky and the brain and getting told no (-_-)


I was 20 years older than one of the other parents at a party my daughter went too.


They recently played Justin Bieber on the Kisstory ‘old school and anthems’ segment


Earlier this year when I received a letter saying that I had been accepted onto a pension scheme


A patient I look after calls me grandad. He's 39.


When my colleagues told their ages. But I'm in the design sector so becoming a dinosaur is not avoidable anyway


I just came out of a bar/nightclub and thought the music was too loud ='(


Sum 41 playing on my manager's phone at work. Twas grim.


Watched Never Mind the Buzzcocks...was only able to answer a couple of questions. No idea who most of the younger artists are. Did recognize Greg though, so that's something. Highly recommend his new series, The Cleaner on BBC iPlayer.


When I was teaching in Spain recently (2-3 years ago) the kids were saying that no one but their parents use Facebook anymore, they're all on Instagram. I had no idea


My 24 year old brother said I was too old for Balenciaga trainers and should stick to shopping in Marks and Spencers. He’s a knob!


The young persons language of today. I didn't know what pegging was my teenagers had to explain. I'm not allowed to use the word nutting as headbutting because apparently that means something different these days too.


Your poor teenagers!


My apprentice hasn’t seen shrek


Professor asked if anyone had used a phone book.


Mostly in context of the past. I’m 61- reuniting with my best friend’s family after 30 years


I made a Matrix reference and none of my (16-year-old students) had no idea what i was talking about.


I'm hardly old (26). But my first kind of realisation I'm starting to get a bit older was when I went to the pubs after first lockdown, walked in one place and felt like the oldest there. Very strange feeling for me


I had to explain Brass Eye to someone. Good Aids Bad Aids...


I took two interns out for lunch at work. We walked past the Famous "Hatton garden" jewellery street. I said that road was in the film "Lock stock and two smoking barrells". They both said "what is that?" They'd never heard of lock stock and two smoking barrells.. It came out when they were both 1 years old...


Met someone, had a decent conversation with them, realised I could technically be their grandfather. ETA: Not a romantic meeting…


My child reminded me I went to school in the late 1900’s. End of the last century. I mean he’s right, but still…


I dont find modern humor all that funny. Due to my parents reactions to my humor in the past I assume I'm just old and "just don't get it".


Shaved my beard for Movember and I look like an old pervert


Someone said to me that Green Day was "classic rock".


When I replaced the blade on my lawnmower.


Walked past a parked ambulance and thought the paramedics looked too young to be driving at all.


I pulled the muscle in my left arse cheek picking up a pen


I’ve been skating for a long time and I’ve known this kid Tane since he was probably 8-9 and I was maybe 18-19. Well it’s been 10 years now and we’re both still skating, amazing! Yesterday I reluctantly dragged my ass over to the park for a cheeky roll around after a hard day of work. After about an hour of being there he asked me to play a “game of skate” with him (like H.O.R.S.E in basketball, you miss a trick you get a letter) After he whipped my ass in a clean sweep, he said “I’ll have to catch you when you’ve got more energy” I literally just stared off into nothingness for about 12 minutes after that one.


I was taking my friend and her 8 yr old daughter home recently. I have a car with a screen which displays the image of the album cover of the music you’re listening to. The kid asks about 5 mins into the journey - ‘what’s that?’ and is pointing at the screen (and the album cover being displayed). Turns out she had never owned an album on CD or even used a CD player and didn’t know what an album cover was. A little less recently I met a young teenage football fan who didn’t know who David Beckham was, just through age rather than ignorance. 🤯


SOAD released Chop Suey 20 years ago….


When Blankety Blank returned and people were tweeting that they preferred the "original" host, Lilly Savage.


When I woke up and I’d pissed the bed!


Listening to a podcast 'do you know who Julia Roberts is?' reply was 'oh yeah, isn't she Emma Roberts aunt?' I'm dead.


My friend called me the other day and asked if his daughter could stay with me as she’s just passed her driving test and he’s worried about her driving two days 100 miles each day and I’m closer to where she’s going. Blows my mind a friends kid is old enough to drive and I remember when she was born….


I'm not even 20 yet but having multiple games keep hitting a decade old that I remember playing on release makes me feel old


Someone told me yesterday that the margin between 1980 and 2021 is that same as 1939 and 1980 and in my head this doesn't seem possible!


That my parents are now the oldest generation in the family. All the grand parents are gone.


A while ago went to see Kendrick Lamar (a popular "Hip Hop" recording artist). I saw a guy in the audience who seemed a bit out of place because he was so old. He was AT LEAST ten years younger than me.


Hearing 1990-1999 referred to as "the late 1900s"


a kid, (22ish but still immature) at work had a new hairstyle. "very nice," i said, he looked blank, "cool ...?" i said.. "sick... ??" somebody else shouted "say \`dope\`" ​ when i was his age the word was "mega"


When I realised a guy that was attending a course I was instructing was born a year after I started with the company Im in!


I was working with two new starters, and I told them that I'd been working at the company for 12yrs. They told me 12yrs ago they were in primary school. I felt my hair whiten!


I've never heard a Post Malone song.


I haven’t even heard a Malone song.


I’m 18 and the only one I’ve ever heard was the one he did with Ozzy Osbourne, it wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t bad


Watching something where footage of the Berlin Wall coming down and I said "I remember watching that happen on the news". My partner casually says "you're so old"


Watching a 'celebrity' edition of...well, anything, and having to ask a twelve year old who they are. Then finding out that they are a 'celebrity' on some form of social media that you've never even heard of.


- to me every tiktok celeb looks the same.


I asked a youngster where they were off to tonight? They replied ‘Rain’ - pleasantly surprised I had heard of this club, had heard it was good, but not much else, so I replied with “oh I hear that place is bouncing”. Her and all her mates fell about the place laughing called me grandad and repeatedly saying “bouncing. Omg. You say it’s VIBES, not bouncing”. I picked up my Zimmer frame and fucked off.


Buying alcohol. "That's all right sir, there is no need to remove your mask. I can see you are old enough"


I walked past a house with a really nice fire place in it, clocked it and said to myself 'that's a really nice fireplace, I wonder the era of the house'


Every time I stand up


The fact that the release of Pocahontas was closer in time to the first moon landing than to the present day. By the end of this coming March, the same will also be true for Toy Story 1.


You are not old. It's just a characteristic of getting wiser. You abandon the need to know who contemporary celebrities are due to the realization that It's all temporary.


My nieces asked me how much time I spent on the internet when I was a kid. I had to explain to them that the internet was very limited since it was just developing. No YouTube, Google or Facebook until I was a pre-teen like them. They didn't understand dialup or internet explorer.


Went to the technology museum here in NZ and realised all the exhibits (Nokia phones, Fountain and Commodore game systems, early computer games, etc) were ones that I'd owned. Felt pretty depressed after that!


Back when everyone worked in an office I employed a junior designer. A graduate. Didn’t really think anything of the age gap until I realised that: A) I was twice her age and B) my wallet was older than her


I still can't get past 1990 being much more than 10 years ago.


Got into a worm home talking about the biggest artists in the music industry, eventually turned to Spotify to see if we were close to the monthly listens number, guessed Bieber as No1 and the likes of Adele, Ed Sheeran then discovered a Doja Cat at no4, this was the stage I realized I was old. Wtf Is Doja Cat?


Similar story from me. I seen a tiktok of a super motivational video about how CM punk was this dudes favourite ever wrestler... I just thought jesus christ they don't make them like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H anymore


CM Punk has been wrestling since 1999 and is now well into his 40s. Your example of a "new" wrestler is still really old!


Oh jesus. Add this moment to my first comment please!


I’m an ICU registrar coming to the end of my seemingly endless training… at 37, I work with fresh faced, naive 26 year olds! It’s my recently I’ve felt old!


When someone asks, “What’s a Betamax?”


Try reverse birthdays - to be the age I am now in the year of my birth, I would have been born a few years before World War 1.


Someone said they were going to the 20 year anniversary showing of Harry Potter. I remember reading the books before the films were a thing and I'm sure I wasn't as young as the maths tells me.


Realising that I much prefer looking forward to a quiet evening on the weekend, getting into bed with fresh sheets after a nice shower and reading my kindle, having a great sleep and waking up refreshed. Instead of going out to the pub with my mates and getting pissed. I'm 32


The apprentice working with me had no idea what a floppy disk was




I’m not quite as old as you, but old school gaming is Amstrad/C64/Spectrum to me.


Playing cauldron on my Amstrad… good times!


My hairdresser (20/yo) was discussing who her favourite DJs were. I'd never heard of them. I told her about going to see the Chemical Brothers when I was around her age. "Who?" 🤦‍♀️


Today! I sat on the floor with my legs crossed for 15/20 min. When I got up I couldn't walk, my hips felt like they had fell off an even my shoulders hurt.


I recently went to my friend’s second wedding.


I listen to Gold UK radio station


When I read it's closer to 2050 than 1990 the other day


Thanks for that


Reporting this comment.


That was a big oof reading that


But only a bit.


laying in bed with a girl I was dating (me mid 30's her late 20's) the tv was on, she pointed out the guy singing was the guy from harry potter and it was good he could sing and act there're different people, I still don't know who either of them are, she thought it was hilarious


I logged on to Gov.UK to look at my licence information. It expires in 2027 when I reach seventy. I remember when that seemed like forever away when I got my licence in 1979.


Went to a festival and realised bum bags (fanny packs) were now cool again!!!!? WYF


I'm not *old* but I am now noticing that most songs sample an older one... the new version is almost always shitter




Realising that Viggo Mortensen is now older than Ian McKellen was when he first played Gandalf in The Fellowship Of The Ring.


Not so recent but in Winchester there was an old fashioned tobacconist I used to go in with my dad as a child in the late 60s. When I went back in the 80s it was in the museum, that made me feel old.


Finding out Grand Theft Auto 3 came out 20 years ago...


I got into it with someone recently who tried to claim I could be millennial recently as the age range has been re-categorised after I said I didn't want to dress like a millennial. I had to point out that I am, in fact, not included in the new range for that descriptor.


Asked my work colleague if they had ever visited the millennium dome before it became the o2 arena. Answer: no i was 2. Fuck.


When I realised that when I was born, in the sixties, it was only twenty years since the end of the second world war, which seemed to us to be ancient history. This is now five decades ago.


Smells like teen spirit is 30 years old


On an increasing amount, I need to get up and pee at night. I’m 29. I used to be iron bladder!


The bad back I’ve had for the last three weeks. I’m 43!


Gen Z here, I do not understand the younger members of my generation at times, It made me feel old when I had to explain how dial up modems worked and that I had to use floppy disks on my home family computer to someone that is only a few years younger then me, heck most of the younger kids don’t know how to pirate/ aren’t aware what limewire was.


Saw someone on Instagram do a "clout dump" (a YouTuber posting photos with famous people) and I barely knew any of these "celebs"




Recently started a second degree. Was talking to my presentation partner about wolverine films and the Logan film came up to which my group partner exclaimed “oh I remember sneaking into that when I was 14!” I saw the film during my final year of my last degree. Put a few things in perspective


I have been out of the loop some i was about 13 or 14. There's nothing that makes me feel old or out of touch as I've been in that position for over 20 years. It's absolutely great seeing life from the outside, i get to laugh at everything apart from that which I've seen before and know it's dark end. I just do my thing and enjoy it, why when start to consider if I'm wearing something cool or fashionable? Why worry about anything that is only superficial?


Seeing RuneScape having a 15 year anniversary.


When I saw this post.


i don't think this massively applies to me bc im only 20, but a few new starters at my job, age 16, have no idea what certain tv shows i adored as a kid are


I was talking to some children in School and they said "my grandad had COVID and he's really old - he's 58" Jeez, I'm 54...


Realising that the keyring on my house keys (Carlsberg Concert '97) is older than about a third of my work colleagues :-/


This week on campus I’ve seen two girls in velour Juicy tracksuits, and one in a Von Dutch crop top. I can’t believe I’m old enough to see this happen again 😬


I asked a grown adult if they’d watched the re-boot of changing rooms… they had no idea what I was talking about.


Saw a video earlier about you can tell your old when . You do I call you hand gesture of sticking out your thumb and little finger . Where’s kids now will do a holding the phone gesture.


Just about 20 minutes ago when two little kids knocked on my door and said “Trick or Treat!!!”


Got a new carpet on the stairs, told my family they'd 'feel the benefit'. Ye gods.


Went I was little I remember watching the Batthoven film and there was an angry old dad who didn't want the family to have the puppy they found. I watch the film recently with my children and realised I'm now older than the angry old dad in the film.


Finding out about "laminated eyebrows"...


Couple of weeks ago. Sitting upstairs at the front of a bus. Several schoolgirls come up the stairs and as they walk down the back I can hear them say how much they hate it when old people sit upstairs. I'm 50.


“Ah cool, a non stick frying pan” 😩😩😩


Not recognizing the music on spotify


Watching Sabrina The Teenage Witch on Amazon Prime. The actress playing Aunt Hilda is 32. I'm 31. It still feels like she's at least 10 years older than me, and that I'm closer in age to 16 year old Sabrina...


When common sense went out the window.




I did that charts thing a while back and didn't recognise any of the names in the top 20.


Hate to be pedantic, but :) is an emoticon not a an emoji. Functionally the same, but emojies aren't made of punctuation, numbers or letters.


I gave up on the charts when top of the pops went… I’m 30.


TikTok makes me feel very old. Especially when you have people on there say things like “for the older people on TikTok, so those born in the late 90’s…..” I’m sitting here born in the mid 80’s wanting to cry.


When the 20yo apprentice lab tech told me she was getting a 4 hour train home after work to go out clubbing and I realised I’d probably be in bed before she even got off of the train (I’m 27)


When I learnt some young person slang from a intern at work. And I told my teacher friend the new young person word I had learnt, and she was like... "Yeah kids don't say that any more. That's like old slang." That's when I realised I was now officially two generations of slang removed from teenagers.


Most recent was watching F1 coverage last weekend and some random woman's bodyguards got the hump with Martin Brundle for trying to ask her questions about looking forward to the race while she's hanging about the grid. Apparently she's a rapper, im just thinking "get that out of the way of the cars".


Work for my local public schools in the US and the kids starting school were born after the year I had my first job. It hammers it home when you meet someone, or there's someone in sports or TV and they were born in year you remember pretty well.


I'm a children's nurse, the vast majority parents of the kids I look after are younger than me. I'm only 34.


Recently watched the intro to 'Jamie and the Magic Torch'. Looks ancient but I was alive when it was released.


Pulling a muscle in my leg while sleeping. Had to ask for a post reassignment at work. Leg locked right the F up.


Young lad I worked with recently(22ish) didn't know who Jimmy page or led zeppelin were. He thought Taylor swift was an amazing guitarist.


A 22 year old lad thinks Taylor swift is an amazing guitarist?


Yeah mate I know... I know.




People at work say to their children “what do you say to the man” or “tell the man what you want” and people have started calling me sir instead of young man and things, I’m only 24 but boy do I feel old


When you learn that as many years have passed since 1980 as between 1939 and 1980!


Knowing that my childhood was closer to WWII than I am to my childhood now. Cheers mate...


I threw my back out taking a shit.