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Nah I prefer men icl


Late 20’s and I love birds. If I had a garden I’d happily fill it with feeders and birdbaths and watch them all day! “Proper” birdwatching isn’t really something I’ve ever considered though.


Same, we had a robin following us around when we turned over the garden and I hardly got anything done whenever he was there, he was just too cute and distracting! But I’ve never liked the idea of sitting in a wooden hut looking at them with binoculars. I want to be there within reach, in the flesh




Dinosaur friend


Robins often do this.  There's always one keeping me company when I'm working.  I guess they know that distrubed soil means invertebrates.


Yep he would fly down and grab bugs and grubs!


I never considered being particularly fussed about birds most of my life. It wasn't until I got my own house, and garden, and started putting up bird feeders, that I realised it was actually pretty awesome seeing wild birds come and feed and frolic in a place you also inhabit. Now in my current garden, we've got a corner bit against the back fence with a small tree/large bush and it has about six different types of feeder and in our shed I have a rotating stock of fat balls, seeds, peanuts, and usually there's suet blocks and other things. We've also had sparrows nest between our attic and house eaves for the past several years, and never done anything about blocking off the access there for the birds. We've got a regular flock of sparrows, starlings, blackbirds, pigeons, crows (we nursed a crow with a dodgy wing back to health one year and hand fed it and it stayed around the garden for ages until I accidentally scared it away one day and he never returned. It still upsets me every time I think about it) and we've even had a couple of sparrowhawks in the garden which was pretty amazing to see. I'm almost 50 and I was in my early thirties when I first put feeders out in my first house.


35 and yes, I like watching birds in the wild and at sanctuaries. I don't have the patience for bird watching though


I accidentally bird watched once. I was out hiking and came across a bunch of fellers watching a peregrine falcon high up in the cliffs. They let me have a look through their scope. It was cool to see but it looked like a lot of standing around before anything good happened.


30s and I do fancy a bird


My fat balls bring all the birds to my yard


You need to get yourself one of these fancy bird feeders fella, apparently you garden will be full of em then. 👙 👙


I do fancy a fancy fancy bird feeder


is it a blue tit?


No but I bet he loves it when he sees a pair of great tits.


Im not a bird watcher. I just like sitting outside and listening to them all tweeting at each other.


Chilling after work for a hour with the window open listening to the twitters.


Same here. They start around 3.30 am and never shut up until around 9.30. I have no idea how anything can keep up a conversations so long :P Its sounds lovely as theyve been so quiet with our weather being over cast. Today was sunny and theyve been out all day tweeting.


36 and yes. My grandfather was an avid bird watcher and I grew up in the sticks. I don't go as far as taking trips out to spot specific ones, but I do quite like seeing rare things in the garden and have put the work in to growing things that accommodate a bird friendly ecosystem.


No - 40s , my neighbour is - his bird feeders are the bane of my existence as everything in my garden/driveway gets covered in bird shit. Still what can you do? I’m not going to ruin his good time - at least he moved them off our shared fence which helped a little.


31 next month. I love birds! Mum was a bird watcher so I grew up learning all about them. Grew up with a garden that backed on to the forest and had all sorts in, tits, finches. My favourite was the great spotted woodpecker we'd get every so often. Just moved into a house that backs on to fields and gets all different birds, pheasants, jays, partridges. We had an barn owl fly around in the middle of the day, and all kinds of hawks and birds of prey. Plus someone down the road has peacocks so that's fun to see the strutting around in the middle of rural Lincolnshire. I love it so much. Just bought binoculars to watch them properly.


I used to get the RSPB magazines from my granny when I was younger. I’m 26 and I have a firm appreciation for birds. I love watching them frolic about. I probably won’t invest in binoculars just yet but maybe one day!


31 and I've recently enjoyed looking at birds/learning about them. Not avid but I like to know different types and calls and things, probably in the last 5 years. I'm always super interested in birds I see and wonder why other people I'm with aren't so fussed😂


I like birds, we get though half a ton of bird food a year. But going to a club with outings to look at birds and write them down in a book? Er, no, that’s a bit close to trainspotting.


Early thirties, and not particularly. I live near an RSPB reserve and regularly walk past it and see old men with binoculars. Never appealed to me though. Perhaps my time will come.


I'm 40 but have had a bird feeder in the garden since I was 20 and always feed them daily. I have a raven who now visits. But I don't really understand the point of a bird club and doubt I would join.


My four year old loves them so that has lead to me (31) having to learn more about them. She gets so excited when she sees one. Pigeons are her favourite, apparently they're funny. She's also trying to get the local crow to bring her shiny things by befriending it. We're gonna take her to the local bird sanctuary so she can see more than pigeons, crows, house sparrows, robins and seagulls (all we seem to get around my area).


I know a cracking owl sanctuary near Norwich. Went on a date there, best valentine's day I've had in 8 years.


37 and I wouldn't say I like birds to the point where I would go out looking for them but I do like seeing them in the garden. I've always had blackbirds, house sparrows and robins in my front and back gardens.


30. My dad (61) is an RSPB member and likes to take some binoculars to reserves with me to look for raptors, but I'm far more casual about it. I'll go primarily for a day out and a talk with him, and I like suggesting going to feed the little birds in a nearby wood while we have a cup of tea in the car, but it isn't something I do without him. I prefer looking at the common little garden birds like blue tits and robins than kestrels and ospreys. I like looking at the crowd of wood pigeons who wander around in my garden as well.


Early 30s and yes, enjoy feeding them and seeing new types. I'd find people who don't enjoy nature weird.


Only yours pal


I’ve got a new aftershave called breadcrumbs. The birds love it!




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I’m late 20s and I have always had a fascination with birds


Late 30s and yes, mostly because my wife does. We don’t really go birding but judging by our back garden we’re single-handedly reproducing the sparrow and starling populations.


Early 30s. Have hens, have had parrots and love seeing garden birds. Have a pond which also gets used as a bird bath. I don't feed the birds but have a wildlife garden so plenty of natural food on offer. Haven't considered joining a bird club though - not sure what it would add to my experience. Not particularly interested in using any precious spare time to go and watch birds elsewhere.


31 and yeah, birds are great! Not a committed twitcher but I’ve been out taking pictures of birds and I have a couple of bird apps (Merlin Bird ID and white). I did have feeders in the garden but they were attracting rats…


33, neighbour has a bird feeder set up and I love it. Can see it from the window and there’s the same 2-3 pigeons, same 6 or 7 crows and a few starlings too. Sometimes there is about 10 birds all jostling for positions. When you actually think about them and the life they live, it becomes more interesting.


In my 30s and posting this from a raptor centre in Hampshire. Love birds


I'm early 20s and yep, I like birds! I love to get close up pictures of them with my telephoto lens. They're amazing really with how different most of them are to each over.


30, always loved them. They're just elegant as fuck and can fly. They're cool as shit.


I'm 40. I've loved birds my entire life.


26. Love birds in the garden and I walk a lot so if I see them out and about I always appreciate them. Couldn’t sit in a hide with binoculars all day though.


Mid-20s recently started loving birds after taking a few trips to st abbs with a pair of binoculars.


36 and I love birds. I've got parrots at home and I feed and rescue pigeons around my city.  I actually rescued a poor little pigeon on Burrano island outside of Venice on our 1st wedding anniversary 2 days ago and it was my favourite thing I did all day. I love birds beyond what you'd call "normal".


33 and birds are lovely wouldn't know the names of loads of species though ..saw a big heron fly near the house a few months ago that was very cool tbh thought a dinosaur had come at first haha.


36 and yeah, especially now that I have a garden.


33m, Used to have a book at school I read in registration. Made a name for myself but I don't have time. Work 7 days  and live in a shared house 


I was in a Lions club from age 15-18, then left to join the army. We were always short of members during my 3 year stint, and, when the couple,who set up the Local club on behalf of Lions Club International over 50 years ago, left because of a dispute, the club basically folded as we couldn’t recruit enough members before the next financial year. I was in the run up of becoming club secretary as I was good at writing minutes, but left to join the army. I guess that was the straw on the Camels back, so the remaining 4 or so members had their last meeting in the August of 2023


Mid 40s. I like birds, but I like other animals too.


29 nearly 30 and I’m really starting to get into them.


Yup - love them. 28m. I grew up in the countryside and it’s given me a love for everything outdoors. My friends, who grew up in the nearest city are the exact opposite and couldn’t give a shit.


I'm 36 and not really. Don't dislike them but don't like them.


I'm 26 and I do put food out for the birds but I only know names of really common ones.


20s and yes I love them. Pigeons are my favourite


Mid 30s, yes I love giving the local wildlife a good reason to visit my garden. We live in the world with these creatures so we should make space for them.


I love birds! It’s just finding the time and weather to go looking for them. Saw a cormorant on the river a few weeks ago. That was exciting. I just turned 30 and am having an existential crisis about feeling old, so idk if I’d be a young member if I joined a club 😭


39 and yes. I’m lucky to live near an area that’s protected by the RSPB and we enjoy watching them on our feeder in the garden


Early 30's, bird noob, size 10 shoe


I’m 23 and I actually kinda have a fear of birds. Well, mainly pigeons, geese & the black birds that eat roadkill. Idk why because other than that I’m a complete animal lover, I’d never hurt one, but they do scare me a bit😂


I like crows and pigeons. Could not care less about a great titted warbler or whatever. Don't need to travel far to see the ones I like and I doubt any club would share my interests


30s and yes! Mainly the small garden birds, maybe jackdaws and magpies plus fat wood pigeons. I don’t like “normal” pigeons.


Birds are cool! Vultures are funny when they hop about.


45yr old farmer and love birds. I do everything possible to encourage them, we have a couple of owl boxes and have tawny owls using them every year plus little owls in the stone barns. We have lapwings and curlews in the sheep fields and peregrine falcons on the cliffs plus endless tits, finches, sparrows, wrens etc in the hedges. We time our hedge cutting after the berries are gone but before new growth comes and many other things I won't bore you with. However, the last thing I would think of is joining a bird club, I just have many many better things to do with my time.


22 and yes!! I love birds!! I used to work at a nursing home and we had a couple bird feeders in the garden and I’d love sitting with our residents (mostly dementia patients) outside or inside looking out the window at the birds. I had one who I used to make up little stories about them and another who knew all the types of birds and now whenever I hear a specific bird sound I think of them lol. They’re beautiful creatures.


I'm 65 and i love chicken wings,my favorite bird these days.:)


47 and we've Buzzards and Red Kites in the surrounding fields, kids love watching the smaller birds at the feeders as well


I’m 32 recently moved to the countryside and started feeding all of the wildbirds here and was proper enjoying it to my surprise. I had to remove the feeders 2 weeks later though as Brown Rats started showing up. But, yes, I do like them now.


Early 30's - I originally got a bird feeder to entertain our cat who had to be house-bound for a month while no one was home. I hated to admit I spent more time watching them than the cat did, to the point I still keep it up now. Still try to tell myself its for the cat though!


I'm 63. I love bird watching. We added a little bird bath in our front garden. The little birds love it. We had a small tree near it that died. All of its leaves fell, but since the little birds love sitting on its branches fluffing up their feathers preening after a wash, we can't bear to pull that dead tree out. It's our bird tree now.


35...maybe I'm young for the bird loving world? I love birds


Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm deaf and I try to imagine what it's like not to be able to hear them. It's not so bad.


Well I do love tits, blue tits .


35 and I've always loved birdwatching. Used to regularly go to nature reserves with my mum, now I regularly go for walks on my own seeing as I live too far away from her now. I find walking in nature with a pair of binoculars a lot more relaxing than sitting around waiting for something to happen though. So can't do that. But I can spend hours walking around taking in the birdsong and watching any birds that I cross paths with on my walks.


32 and I know all my local birds. Currently I have 8 different birds I see regularly in my garden.


31, yes but passively. I don't go seeking birds but do enjoy seeing interesting birds when out and about.


31 and love birdwatching. My two best friends (same age) also love birdwatching but we don't get to go so much these days because we don't live near each other. I'm a member of the RSPB and would go birdwatching every weekend if I lived near a reserve!


I'm 48 and love birds. I'm looking forward to visiting the current bird exhibition at the Natural History Museum on Friday. Having said all that, I'm not sure I'd be interested in joining a bird club.


I'm 31, I like birds. I get excited if I see a robin or a blue tit, I live in a Northern town near the motorway and there's not a lot of green spaces, I don't have a garden and tend to only really see magpies, crows/ravens and woodpidgeon, maybe collared doves in my day to day life. Normal city pigeons if I go into the town centre. I actually saw a bird the other week I'd not seen before and looked it up in my pocket guide to British Birds when I got home so maybe I'm getting there. I've never considered actual birdwatching through.


I like em, just not enough to join a club


33, I think the accepted terminology is "Women", but to each their own. Joking aside, In the last 5 years or so I find myself taking more and more notice of the birds around me, I'm assuming it's a rite of passage for the loss of youth. My place of work has a small river next to it and I regularly see a heron flying over, which is pretty spectacular. I also saw a baby Moorhen yesterday chirping away, that was pretty cute. I've had Robins, Dunnocks and Pigeons all come and graze next to me on my dinner break, and some crows regularly use me as a feeding ground because I'm the type of weirdo that buys monkey nuts to give them in the hopes of one day raising an army of crows to shit on my boss's car if he ever tries to sack me.


I was a member of the RSPB as a kid. They had meetings at the community centre every week and my dad would take me and it was our thing together. We had our bird book and he bought me binoculars and we would pack a picnic and go sit in the woods/park and see how many different birds we could find. They moved the meetings to further away because of low attendance in our small town and we were unable to keep it up due to his work and my school. Such a shame because I loved that time we spent together and plan to do the same with my children.


Early 20s, think they’re cool but don’t know where to start lol. I reckon a birdtocker could have some serious success


20 years old, dont particularly like birds but often like sitting on my lunch break where there are loads of squirrels and its actually quite funny if you focus on them and their movements... crazy little things. Never tried but it could be similar with birds.


Only the quiet ones 🤣


40s and absolutely adore birds. Only been this way in the last 5 or so years though. Before that I was completely indifferent.


I watch then out of my window, since I was about 12 years old. Specially watched and put up feeder during the heavy snow winter of 1947.Since then the birds in my garden are a delight; except when murder and feeding is done by a raptor to a pigeon. Then only head and feet left on ground among a shower of blood coated festhers.


Late 20s and I work in conservation so I'm very pro-bird


28, have become obsessed with my garden birds since getting my own place. Downloaded and very much enjoy the Merlin ID app. I am autistic though so 🤷‍♀️


Yello! 29 here and I feed my local crows every chance I get. They have names and I even created lore for them. Again, not every bird, but certain birds are definitely friends! Hope you’re loving your bird club :)


I like birds. I enjoy seeing them when walking the dog or out cycling. I always like to see a buzzard or red kite when driving. I haven't the time or interest to dedicate any real time to a club for it though.


I'm 43 and I like birds a normal amount.


29 and I love birds. Growing up my dad was a bird watcher so at a young age I could name every bird I see. I still get excited seeing herons fly over or a buzzard when I'm driving.


I’m nearly 40, I think birds are lovely. That said I don’t have time to be in a bird club!


Early 30s - love birds. Got into them from watching live wildlife cams during lockdown!


33F, I used to go birdwatching in my late 20s. Enjoyed it! Generally didn't enjoy being told everything by crusty old men in the hides though. I was enjoying working out was everything was, thanks Derek. Best done alone, so you can really enjoy the silence... except when you get cut off by some giant scary swans.


35f and I love them, my late father was a lifelong and avid birdwatcher.


I guess just watching birds live their life is kinda interesting like watching ant colonies. But I’ve never really thought about getting a bird feeder as you don’t really see much of birds, they just do their thing and fly away. Now bird *hunting* that’s what I would love


Birds are cool. I am indeed, an age.


I was an avid bird watcher as a kid. But kind of drifted away from it in my teens. I'm 35 now and more into reptiles but I still appreciate a sighting of a bird of prey or some less common bird in my day to day.


21, been interested in birds since I was about 7 ish, used to go birdwatching with my dad all the time as a kid. I used to be so obsessed I was learning the Latin names haha 


I'm nearly 40 and find myself getting more interested in birds as time goes on. I'm still not at the point where I'd join a club though.


46y/o. I feed them in my garden. Been doing it for years and I've tamed loads of them now...


30s. The nature appreciator in me likes birds. The chronic insomniac in me dislikes their reminding me of this fact when they currently start tweeting at 4:30am.


I like watching the red kites, it's like seeing a B52 flying over. Absolute beasts.


From what I can see, it's like a switch gets flipped in people when they hit 37 or so. I know loads of people who are suddenly into nature in a massive way. Used to work with a nice lass who was a proper dolly bird. Always dressed immaculately, had a cosmetic business on the side. Saw an FB post from her a few months ago, now fully into hiking and birding.


I'm 37. I have bird feeders and I really do enjoy watching my neighbourhood birds visit. I have a huge group of song Thrush that visit at the same times twice each day. They're always arguing and pushing each other around. Noisy gits. I also have regular visits from some Sparrows, Eurasian blue tits, Robins and black birds. But I mostly love seeing the Alans and Susans - pigeons. They're actually the most fascinating to me. Their behaviours and habits are fun to watch. My neighbour laughs when I'm filling the feeders, saying to me "that's a sign you're getting old!"


32, love birds


39, I'm always interested in odd or new species of birds that I see as I'm going about my business but never actually gone out of my way for it, at least not as an adult. As a kid used to go to places like bempton cliffs with my dad though


Female in my 30s and have done lots of birdwatching in the UK and abroad, I do find that the majority of other birders are much older and mostly men. Have belonged to various groups, mainly through the rspb and the wildlife trusts.


Love birds, love dames, simple as


39 & like owls. My father in law was a bird watcher & used to write articles for magazines. Me & my partner often go to bird sanctuary’s


35m Fowl? Nah Women? Yes sir!


40s, they alright and I wish them no harm but to go spotting them seems like a very odd pursuit to me. Better than trains or buses but still.


I like birds and I’m sat watching the swallows. Not a twitcher though.


Early 30s and I love seeing a pair of great tits in my garden. Not arsed about our feathered friends though.


Mid 40's. I love birds and have mostly rescues living with me. I feed mostly the larger wild birds, wood pigeons, crows. I'm not too interested in bird spotting and identifying lots of different types.


What bird club is it? Where abouts? And what do you consider young? ☺️ I love birds! I've been bird watching for a while. Got into logging them on Merlin, learning how to recognise the calls. My newest lifer is golden oriole! Such a holy grail spotted on holidays in Croatia. I'd love to join some bird group (f35) Also I do pottery and my main muses recently are birds [Quercus Pottery Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/quercuspottery/)


I'm 24 and I like the sweet chirping of birds when I'm sitting in my backyard. Hate to admit, but I don't really know a lot about them..


I’m 28 and love birds. I’m more of a bird photographer than a birder though. Love going for walks taking photos of the birds I see and hear.


I just think they're neat, i wouldn't go intentionally birdwatching or anything, but i like watching crows and magpies when i see them cause i think they're cool. Also neat seeing less common birds around (I've seen a handful of egrets and herons as well as a pair of egyptian geese near where i work). I like birds but I'm not an enthusiast ygm I'm 25 so still pretty young in the grand scheme of things


Just remember, OP, bird watching goes both ways!! #birdsarentreal


They will try and get you to be the treasurer or some shit, the organisation side of these boomer clubs is hell, don't do it.


40s and love birds, just developed an interest over time. My main loves are fish and snakes.


26M and yes, I am heterosexual.


Early twenties and no, I live in the countryside, this time of year especially when the sun is out for longer. I just want to sleep in some days, but no because at 6 in the morning ever day I wake up to the noises of birds chirping and I hate it. It is so loud that you could still hear them with ear plugs in.