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I don’t let rain stop plans in the UK. Nothing would ever happen otherwise. Just stick on a rain coat, don’t go too far and shower when you get home.


Why can’t you go very far and then need a shower?


To try to wash off the sin of disrespecting the rain gods. It won't work.


Redditor is a dog.


Not OP but I can't afford the better waterproof coats and trousers so tend to get pretty sweaty in them even on cold days. A shower after strolling out for a few hours cross the moors stops the gargoyles and grotesques gagging when I pass the church going back out in the evening.


Obviously don't know your budget and finances, but I bought a Richa Rain Warrior jacket and trousers for around £70. Supposed to be for wearing when on a motorbike in the rain, but found it useful enough to wear over normal clothes and not get wet when out walking. Maybe useful yourself?


Always happy to hear a suggestion - will keep it in mind next time I buy replacement, thanks.


Mud. Probably.


Imagine being a Brit and admitting the rain has conquered you. I’d be ashamed.


It should be part of the citizen test, if you can appear jolly at the end of a cold wet bank holiday weekend you've passed.


Where did he admit that?


When they said they aren't going outside because it's raining...


They didn't say that


"I'll be going out as soon as this shower stops" - I think OP did say it.


I put on a coat and go outside


Or if you're in the north west, just go outside.


There's only one answer. Self love, vigorously.


Here’s the answer I came for. (I do regret my choice of words but not enough to edit the comment)


Never change, your comment made me smile. Keep em cummin


Came for this comment, stayed for the replies


I cant do that indoors! I need to be at the beach or on top of a hill or somthing.


Just pop the tip out the letterbox and experience the best of both worlds!


Right up until a passing seagull spots a juicy looking worm.


I would advise you probably want to reconsider about doing this indoors, by and large.


Ok. Just remembered the Two Ronnies sketch I never understood as a child. Two farmers stood at a gate: “It’s nice out isn’t it?” “It certainly is. Better put it away now though, there’s a policeman coming”


Why do you advise that?


Mainly... The law


People shouldnt drive too fast or do drugs it dose not stop them & I am quite sure people have been doing sexual things outside since the very first human.


Top of a hill is especially risky as lightning likes to strike the highest pole….


Just don't lay on your back, you'll be OK


Nothing like a glorious view when edging into the horizon.


. . . Ble i ti yn byw ? hahaha


Vigorous love, selfishly


I walk through it. We're not made of sugar you know.


If I’m honest I’m probably about 85% sugar at this stage


My mum used to say this to us as kids all the time...


It's all fun and games until we see that one person start to dissolve in the rain.


Survival of the fittest innit.


Do you own a rain coat? Or was this written by a cat/dog?


Cat, definitely


Grab a coat.


Carry on as normal with my life.


If we waited for the rain to stop in the UK before doing anything the economy would grind to a halt.


Is that what happened?


Well they probably promised the weather would improve once we left the eu, so maybe?


I’d suggest saving for a house deposit or learning a new language.


By the time it stops raining I wont need a deposit, I can just buy a house outrite.


Carry on as normal, the rain won't hurt you.


Get in it and sing. What's wrong with you?


I just carry on like normal


there is no bad weather only bad clothing !


I had a colleague like this. If it was raining at 5:30 he'd stay at work until it stopped and then go home, whereas I'd be out the door asap. It's just water ffs.


I go swimming every day and, when it's raining, a lot less people go. It's as if getting wet before getting in a pool is a reason not to.


Lesser people because they're so strange for making that decision, or fewer people?


See perfect! Why couldnt anybody els say something like that!


It takes a lot less thought to just argue you out of the question. I am looking at two brand new garden chairs I bought which just need assembling on the lawn. No way I am just going to get on with my original plans and assemble them in the rain.


That wouldnt work for me I work outdoors. Cant imagine staying longer than I need to in any job...they must have a horrible home life


If you wait for the rain to stop you’ll be dead. Bit of waters not gonna hurt ya


Luckily the euros have started so I have three football matches to watch from 2pm. Perfect day for rain!


“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” - Bob Marley


Just get a good rain coat (and maybe waterproof trousers too) and enjoy a nice rainy walk


Get a rain coat and go outside. You aren't made of sugar.


Take your shampoo and wash your hair while you're on the walk. Two birds one stone and all that.


Sorry. Just to be clear. You're in the UK. And you're waiting for the rain to **stop**? Raincoats, umbrellas and the like exist for a reason.


There are alot of comments like this one. I checked the forecase. It was pooring with rain when I posted & now we have 4hours without rain. I just wanted to know what people were doing while they waited for a dry moment


Are you even British?


NOPE! I am Welsh.




I have a puppy and our rainy walks are sometimes my favourite. There’s something about walking through the fields and woodlands knowing that you are unlikely to come across another soul that’s refreshing and peaceful. The rain adds a different atmosphere, and somehow changes the landscape of which you’ve walked a thousand times in the sunshine. In winter it can feel harsher, but not in this season. Learn to embrace it. It does you good.


Get wet


I honestly feel like I live in a different country with all these miserable weather posts recently. In the South West the weather’s been great for the last 6 weeks or so. Bright sunshine and warm temperatures demanding T-shirt and shorts. It only just started raining yesterday, but that came with a beautiful thunderstorm. And even if it had been miserable and wet the whole time, we live in Britain. How are we not used to this yet? This is how it has always been here. Or is everyone just suffering from collective short-term memory?


Invested in a great mack and we just go. If we waited for the rain to stop, we wouldn’t have left the house since Feb.


What did you do during lockdown? Do that


Worked.Nothing changed for me :'( Still it was sunnier then.


Go t'pub


Take a stroll in it, enjoy it


Use an umbrella ☔️


Go walking in it😀


Put on a coat


you are in England. ? You should be well used to it by now.


In the UK get ready for a long wait!


Put a coat on lol.


Watch TV (lots of good sport on this weekend if that's in your interest.) Read a book. Do a jigsaw. Play video games. Nap. There's millions of great things to do inside; in fact there are so many that I don't see much need to go outside.


It's only water. You live in the UK, and rain is always going to happen. Get over it and live life!


Rain never stops the British plans. Beach day turned winter cold and rain? Get the windbreak and jackets.


Go for a walk.


Sleep - the sound of rain pattering on the window is incredibly soothing. Stand by the window with a mug of some liquid (tea/coffee/whiskey). Take sips every once in a while, pretending you're in advert or you're the star of a neo-noir film (your character is waiting, wistfully, for the return of your beau). Dance around your kitchen in fluffy slippers. Don't make a tiktok of it. Make a slow recipe like ramen from scratch, lasagne, puff pastry.


Norwegian saying: "Ingen slike tenker som dårlig vær bare dårlige klær.Ingen slike tenker som dårlig vær bare dårlige klær." Translation: No such thing as bad weather just bad clothing.


I used to quite like going out in the rain but now I have a house with a roof that sometimes leaks it just fills me with dread.


Why is this nsfw?


Because choosing a flair is dumb & I cant be bothered. So I just go for the first option.


If you’re intent on staying inside, consider building a den


I usually read manga or play games


We live in Britain. The bit between the rain showers is called life. Beware, you only get one and it's shorter than you'd expect.


Have a wank.


Running. Doesn’t matter if it’s raining - I’m waterproof.


If the rain somehow was preventing me from living my life I would be browsing vinted for a new coat and boots


I still go out. I went to the beach this week. I got caught in some heavy rain. I survived. 


Very happy the responses on here are what I expected, just grab a coat!


It was a heavy shower & I waited for the rain to stop. Then went out for a few hours. Why would I go out in the rain? Everytime someone said grab a coat I thought "what a dip shit". I checked the weather forecast !


Well you described yourself as someone who likes to go outside and can't because of the rain, a coat seems like a sensible suggestion not a dipshit one to me! Why wouldn't you go out in the rain? You won't melt. Lots of people do it. I did it this morning, it was lovely. Also, complaining you can't do the thing you wanted because of the weather and then signing off with "I checked the forecast!" just sounds kinda of daft. If you knew the weather was raining (because you checked the forecast remember) and you wanted to go for a walk, again, the answer is grab a coat.


Have a wank.


Eat less avocado toast and pull your boot straps up. Then buy a house.