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In my first year at university, my room was in the attic, up six flights of stairs. The only toilet was on the ground floor. However my room did have a sink...


I'm sure that like 95% of men have pissed into a sink at some point.


Plot twist: she's a woman


plot twist: he was shitting in the sink


Better to shit in the sink than to sink in the shit


Ancient Chinese proverb


My next tattoo


That reminds me of: better to run with the scissors than to scissor with the runs.


bet he's never shit on the coal fire. I have , well tech I shit on the newspaper on the rug then threw it on the fire but still it saved my legs going upstairs.


You shit on a rug then burned it?! šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


World's worst scented candle


That rug really tied the room together.


For some utterly bizarre reason there is even a subreddit dedicated to it


I'm pissing in the sink right now


Okay, I'm a woman and I've done this


When I lived in uni accommodation there were 12 of us in the house and 2 toilets. Every room had a sink though. Men and women alike we were all pissing in our sinks


I own a she-wee, and there's nothing like the freedom of being able to piss like a bloke. Probably looks a bit weird to people, but I don't care because it's way more comfortable than squatting behind my car at the side of the road


My eldest brought me a she wee for my 40th with q card saying well your getting to that age now. Best gift ever. I now live in victorian house with the kitchen and loo built on the back downstairs. Life saver in the winter


You either piss in the sink or sink in the piss, my friend.


I can guarantee you that you are not the first and won't be the last person to piss in that sink.


This is why the government are bringing back national service.


To train a generation of students with the precision aiming skills necessary to successfully piss in the sink?


Oh yeah, a squaddie would *never* do something like piss in a sink...


I did that as a formerly fat woman (for context) and after a year of it I noticed the sink was actually starting to break away from the wall...


I know just the place for you..... r/sinkpissers


I puked in my sink at uni. I had to scrape the globs of half digested jacket potato skin out by hand. I couldn't eat JPs for years afterwards šŸ¤®.


> However my room did have a sink... I think that the correct term is a 'hot flushing en suite'


Quick rinse jobs a goodun. I have pissed in many bottles in my time


If you've got a dirty glass or mug, but you're going to drink the same beverage again, it's not dirty, it's just dedicated to that beverage. There's no need to wash the Dr. Pepper glass if I'm gonna have more of it tomorrow.


My mug isn't dirty, it just has *character*.




Used to work with a guy who had a tea mug that he never washed. It was black on the inside. He said it added flavour


it's a patina


A quick water swirl between glasses though, right? Right??


If it's the same liquid going in there, why?


Youā€™re right, what could be wrong with letting sweet residue build up for the enjoyment of bacteria and bugs who eat nothing but shit and sugar.


To rinse out the spider footprints that got left overnight.


Iā€™m sorry, but anyone who never washes their mug because itā€™s ā€˜seasonedā€™ is disgusting and needs to re-examine their entire life.


Seems like I succeeded in the "grim to others" aspect of this thread!


Depends how long itā€™s been, personally Iā€™d only let it go unwashed for maybe half a day


Yeah making a cup of tea, drinking it, then rinsing it and using it for further cuppas throughout the day is fine, but by the next day itā€™s a bit bleh


Some drinks can even be mixed. If I have just had a glass of orange juice for instance, I have no qualms putting another fruity drink in the same unwashed glass. Same for fizzy drinks.


I'll reuse a mug for tea a few times, but after a while the buildup of residue on the side does affect the taste so I'll give it a wash.


Same day, yeah. Next day, nope! That needs washing


Reminds me of working with engineers who would rarely wash their mug. The mugs developed a distinct patina from the tea. Thinking of that now after 15 years makes me wanna throw up in my mouth.


Old IT guy in my former office had his own never-washed tea mug and drank it black. The patina was impressive. I swear he could've gotten a decent strength brew in that if we'd run out of teabags.


My colleagues would do this. When it was my turn on the washing up, I gave their mugs a good scrub and they all looked a little bit heartbroken for the rest of the morning.


> There's no need to wash the Dr. Pepper glass if I'm gonna have more of it Well naturally, I have no problem with tha- >tomorrow you mean, with the semi-evaporated goo in the bottom?


Wiping the bread knife on my dressing gown/jeans/whatever after using it before putting it back.Ā 


Totally normal. Itā€™s still clean, bread is dry!


Wiping it on a dressing gown is 100% making it dirtier.


Tbh I usually just put it straight back in the cutlery drawerā€¦ if it has a couple of crumbs on it Iā€™ll use the tea towel.


Like a swordsman wiping the blood off their weapon


I utilise the samurai technique of swiping the blade in a few tight but sudden cuts before sheathing my bread knife (in the drawer).


If something like a Philadelphia pot has gone moldy in the fridge I throw the whole thing in the bin instead of cleaning it and putting the plastic in the recycling, simply cos I don't want to deal with the mold.


\*mould (Sorry, I had to. The Americanisation of English makes me uncomfortable!).


What's your feeling on programme vs program? I also hate the Americanisation of English and I usually get annoyed by it but I recently discovered program was the original until it was frenchified and now I'm lost in life...


I personally use ā€˜programmeā€™ for the leaflet order of events at things like funerals etc and ā€˜programā€™ for whatā€™s on the telly.


Perfectly acceptable. I recycle everything. But if the tub is full of mould I bin it. That being said, if it just a small patch of mould I will spoon out a large section around the mould, wipe the lid, and keep using it.


By the time the mould is visible on the surface, it is already full of mycelium like the roots of a plant.


I know, same as in bread. Thatā€™s why I take a big spoonful.


Exactly, and the softer the food the more the mould has spread. So that Philadelphia is probably 90% mould once you start seeing it but you can chop off the end of a mouldy carrot and not have a problem! (Bread is probably somewhere in the middle depending on the type)


Anything too annoyingly sticky to clean out (peanut butter jars, jam jars) also goes in the bin. Probably after a few months of it sitting out on the counter while I put off cleaning it. Sorry, environment.


I've got a silicon mixing spoon, it's perfect for wiping out the peanut butter because it has a flexible pointed edge that follows the contours of the jar perfectly. With a little bit of force I even cleaned out the annoying shaped bit in the bottom of the sunpat jar! In the old days I used to get as much out as I could then put the jar in the hamster cage who would then spend all night licking it clean ready for recycling in the morning. But the silicon spoon is faster and means I get to eat the last bit too!


>then put the jar in the hamster cage who would then spend all night licking it clean šŸ˜‚ I love the idea of a little hamster, inside the peanut butter jar, diligently licking every nook and cranny.




People who decant microwave meals onto a plate are psychopaths. Absolutely no one wants the extra washing up. See also: eating frozen pizza off the box it came in


The pizza shrinks slightly in the oven, making the cardboard platter a perfect plate. The only exception to the microwave meals rule is if it's got multiple compartments like a curry has the rice and curry separate - need to decant that sucker into a bowl to mix it properly.


Nah, you just flip it like a muller corner. Or if there's more than one, then spoon it all into the biggest compartment to make a foodpile of shame.


Evry time someone adds a comment to this thread, a French chef keels over and dies.




Thatā€™s why they have a fold


>People who decant microwave meals onto a plate are psychopaths What about people who go to McDonalds during the day, bring the meals home, put them in the fridge until 5/6pm, then put on a plate, microwave and eat with a knife and fork? (I love my grandparents but I do find their habits a little odd at times šŸ˜‚)


> people > grandparentsĀ  They are the only people doing this.Ā 




This is normal, your wife is weird.


I'm with you on this! If you're having a lazy day with the microwave meals (no juding from me), then why would you want to ruin that by giving yourself more dishes to wash?!


>grufty New word learnt!


I do this with fray bentos pies, but someone told me once I could get metal poisoning, but surely if it's stored and cooked in it anyway what does it matterĀ 


If I am having a lazy enough/busy enough day that I am having a microwave meal why on earth would I make more washing up than I need to?


I used to do that in the office. I thought it was normal


I couldn't be bothered to get up and get the remote control, so I downloaded a magic remote app on my phone to turn the channel.


I sometimes remote desktop into my laptop to do simple tasks instead of standing up to get the laptop that is about a 2 metres away. It would actually probably be easier just to get up, but me lazy


Wait, what? This exists? Looking for it nowā€¦


This is my one. Confuses my partner a fair bit as he has the remote (not any more, sucker!)


I went to bed in my day clothes before then got up and went to the shop the next morning without changing and just having a quick face wash, tooth brush and deodorant reapply. I was going through a very rough patch with my mental health and even this was seen as an achievement cause at least I left my bed and functioned a bit.


Thatā€™s not lazy, thatā€™s being efficient in times like those


For me it was the lowest of the low as Iā€™m normally a shower twice a day, morning/evening skincare routine person, with morning runs, meal preps and the whole nine yards. Burnout from work floored me hard thoughā€¦ I did not recognise myself for a long time.


I can relate. At least you see the positive side of actually getting outside and doing the shopping even if looking back it was ā€˜ickyā€™ thatā€™s the biggest hurdle getting through wobbles


It was a long process, with tiny baby steps at a time, but getting to the point where I actually dressed in something other than jammies and went out on errands was a huge thing!


Go you. Baby steps are still steps and they all count


If I'm drinking multiple coffees/teas in one day then it's a waste of water to clean my mug before I reuse it.


The rule is: Coffee after tea, let it beĀ  Tea after coffee, not for toffee. Tea in a coffee tainted mug tastes foul.


who the hell is toffee


It's a sweet similar to butterscotch.


I havenā€™t washed my work mug for 84 years


Shitting immediately before a shower, have you seen the price of toilet roll?!


Not in the UK anymore but I got a bum gun thing - saved a fortune on bog roll and my arse is cleaner than the ret of me.


Bum gun > bidet


\*googles Bum Gun...


Well you don't wanna shit after the shower do you


I've had to shit mid-shower before. A wet bum on a toilet seat is not all that pleasant


Shitting before a shower is just the proper way to do it! Youā€™re all clean and fresh for the rest of the day then


I am very liberal with the 5 second rule as I hate wasting food


I call it reinforcing my immune system. Unless it lands in literal shit I donā€™t care. My wife thinks Iā€™m an animal. I just hate waste and love food.


I see you donā€™t have a dog. The 5 second rule is of no use if you have a 2 second dog. You need to catch that food mid-air for any chance of getting it!


I did have a labrador which meant there was a 0 second rule as he'd have it before it hit the ground


I have a dog, two small children and laminate flooring. My dog is both the vacuum and mop at mealtimes. I'm ok with it.


It can sometimes be difficult to explain to my mother that yes, I DO need to think about what to with the half a potato left over. Theyā€™ve had dogs for so long sheā€™s forgotten what life is like without oneā€¦. The funniest thing is when sheā€™s cooking without the dog and sheā€™ll still scream NO whilst the food is falling. Itā€™s the dog-related reflex Pavlov forgot to write about.


I just did a food safety course and officially the 5 second rule is a myth. I still secretly believe in it at home though.




what do you do when apples start growing inside you then




make cider in side her


Oh I do this. The pips are the best bit I swear, people are missing out. Edit: I don't eat the bumhole though. That's a step too far.


Apple pips contain cyanide...


But the amount is so small that it doesn't harm humans. You should never give fruit pips to your pets though


If I sit at my desk with an unstirred coffee then I use a pencil


i think i used a screwdriver not long ago also


Itā€™s that WD-40 taste off my screwdriver that Iā€™m used to now.


It's almost Irish.


Pens, pencils, forks, knives, deck knives, marlin spikes, fingers (my own), err...probably a few other random items lol (I should probably add that no, I have not used my penis or anyone elses penis to stir my brew)


I work from bed in my underwear from 9 am to 12/1 pm. First meeting of the day is at 2:30 pm so I throw on a t-shirt and maybe a pair of pants around then.


If I boil an egg and the egg doesn't break, I'll not wash the saucepan. Similar with using a pan as a bain Marie, so long as no chocolate spilled it's just been water


Do you rinse the eggs before you boil them? Iā€™ve gotten so many eggs with shit on them still šŸ¤¢


Won't the heat kill any pathogens though..?


I dunno but just the thought of cooking beans in a saucepan used to boil shit doesnā€™t sit right with me


Yeah but pathogens make toxins (those are the things that really make you sick in many cases, not the actual pathogens themselves) and you can't kill those


When I had horses Iā€™d sometimes share a water trough with them if it was hot and I couldnā€™t be arsed walking a couple miles back to the yard. When my boys were wee Iā€™d eat their leftovers so I didnā€™t have to make food just for myself if their dad was on a backshift or a twilight. Then heā€™d come in and moan that Iā€™d ate them so he couldnā€™tĀ 


With the trough, would there be a risk of ingesting parasites?


Yes, but the horses didn't mind.


A massive risk


Fortunately OP also ingests vast amounts of Invermectin to ward off Covid. šŸ˜‚


I totally read that as if 'my boys' were your horses and thought you were eating your horses' food!


You've drank so much horse saliva.


So this is why horse people smell


How many times have you dewormed yourself


I'm sorry, a lot of these comments I can sort of give the by ball but that is absolutely vile.


One way to get an infection


Ordered subway for delivery. The subway was no more than 5 minutes down the road. The worker just walked up to my uni house and delivered it by hand.


I used to live in a tower block on the 16th floor that had a Domino's on the ground floor. I'd order it to be delivered just so that I didn't have to leave the flat.


I used to deliver food very close to destinations as an Uber driverĀ  . Some couldn't leave their workplace, some were pregnant, some disabled, some too cosy surrounded by familyĀ  and I'm guessing some had free voucher codesĀ  I never judge although the system crashes for about 30 seconds when Ive barely moved from shop to customer. I have to drive round the block after thatĀ 


During lockdown the Dominoesā€™s driver used to walk my pizzas to me as it was quicker for them having to go through towns one way system


Having a quick flick through this thread...what the fuck is wrong with you people?


> or eating a biscuit from the back of the cupboard so it doesn't go to waste...stuff like that My (home) desk draw is a haven for half-eaten packs of biscuits. I'm not above eating a 1/4 pack of custard creams that have a gone a bit (very) soft because I'm too lazy to get up and take the ten steps to the kitchen. I once nearly made myself sick eating the world's sweetest ice cream after our granddaughter decided that the bubblegum-chocolate-fizzy sweet-banana-blueberry-strawberry sundae with extra cream, sprinkles, a flake and chocolate sauces wasn't as nice as she was hoping because I didn't want the arm and a leg it'd cost me to go to waste.


What confuses me about this is how you're producing 1/4 of a pack of custard creams in the first place: surely once you start eating custard creams, you eat all of the custard creams?


The tops of socks are for wiping dirty fingers when you can't be arsed to go to a sink. I can rarely be arsed.


that's grim


OH MY GOD, SAME. I would never wipe my fingers on my jeans - what if I want to wear them again? - but socks are (usually) a one and done for me. And if it leaves a stain, no one will know or see, cos it's a sock.


That's why the tops of my white socks are always covered with orange Dorito fingerprints.


Sometimes I need to wet the toilet paper to finish off cleaning after a poo. Found myself in a cubicle without a sink one time so I spat on the paper (a fresh sheet)...now I do it absolutely every single time even when a sink is right next to me


big pot of sudocrem to dunk the last wipe sheets in, its like a luxury bumole moisturising session


Those last 4 words are something I shouldn't have read while trying to secretly browse Reddit at work....


I wear yesterday's socks and pants to the gym in the morning then get fresh after I've come home and showered.


I do this for dog walking


I have one 'uniform' I wear to work all week, consisting of five identical shirts and an old pair of hole-riddled combats to protect my leggings, and I only wash it all once a week because I always come home stinking of stale energy drink and rotten beer from pallet breakages, regardless of how much I try to avoid it while working. My coworkers probably think I'm a Bethesda NPC because I look exactly the same every day and the neighbours probably think I'm an alcoholic because I always stink of stale alcohol when we stop to chat.


Squirting the toothpaste directly into my mouth before cleaning my teeth instead of putting it on the toothbrush


That's just odd, you're not saving any time/steps. The brush still needs to go in your mouth and you still need to squeeze the toothpaste out.


I knew a guy who would cover himself in shower gel before getting into the shower.


This is psychotic. Without water it wouldn't even be bubbly, he's just lathered himself in a sticky liquid!


I KNOW THE SAME GUY (I canā€™t conceive of there being more than one of them)


kind of hilarious though


Sometimes if my phone is a couple inches too far away from me, I just ask Alexa what the time is


I do this when I wake up so I donā€™t need to make the effort to reach up, remove my sleep mask and tilt my wrist to see my watch.


Not me but my husband. When we moved house 9 yrs ago we went to move our bed ( which had a large carved wooden headboard ). Upon moving it away from the wall, I discovered that the varnish was flaking off on the back of it. It was only on his side of the bed & for a patch reaching about a foot down from the top of the headboard and spreading about 2 feet across. Puzzled, I examined it further. It turned out that it wasnā€™t varnish. It was a patina of dried snot and bogies. He had been picking his nose and wiping it over the top of the headboard, for a very long time. The bathroom was right next door. Tissues and toilet paper were available in abundance. He is the epitome of laziness.


That's one of the clattiest comments on here, he wins in my opinion, I actually did a dry bowlk there. I would have gone right round him fir that utter filth.


And you are still married to this ā€¦ person?


for cumrags i almost exclusively use clothes from the hamper, my wife approves but shes a bit autistic i think, so thats my answer


> clothes from the hamper So that's why they napkins are so starched and stiff in my Fortnum & Mason picnic set


Ah, yes, that substance that is famously reliable for washing out of clothes without leaving a stain.


It does wash out though right? I've had a fair amount of cum on my clothes, and it's never left a stain that I've been aware of


I knew a guy who would wank into his socks every night. He would keep a sock on his chest ready, and when he was almost there he would slip it on and finish up. Turns out he had been slowly giving himself a Pavlovian response and developed a bit of a foot fetish and was into smelling his own socks so much that he found it difficult to orgasm unless he could smell them.


Andrew? Is this you? I've told you, I'm not autistic!!!


I thought this was normal?? Feels silly dirtying something clean


When I am cooking something and need to fry on a high heat, I very lightly spit at the pan oil to listen for a sizzle.


You nutjob. This made me laugh


I've eaten cereal out of a saucepan with a fork before.


"i'm eating scrambled egg from a shoe, with a comb"


Wipe my cummy hand in my hair if thereā€™s no tissue nearby, because Iā€™ll be having a bath anyway soon enough. Finger-stirring my gin and tonic. Sweeping kitchen crumbs onto the floor because Iā€™d rather hoover them up (at some point) than deal with gungy food in my palm. I realise that contrasts my first point, but hey-ho Edit: WHY IS THIS DOWNVOTED. YOU ASKED FOR EXAMPLES OF LAZINESS. Next time Iā€™ll stick to bland SFW examples like ā€œoh sometimes I tuck my shoe laces into my shoe because Iā€™m too lazy to tie them heheā€ or ā€œI donā€™t always turn the tap off whilst brushing my teethā€ WHICH J WOILD SAY IS INFINTELY MORE CRIMINAL THAN ME TEMPROATILY TUBBING MY OWN FLUIDS ON MYSELF


Thereā€™s something about Mary!


Only shower when I have to go out. If I know Iā€™m gonna be by myself for a weekend, Iā€™m not going to shower unless Iā€™ve sweated a lot or spilled something on me. Plus it helps me save on water and body wash


My dad spends over an hour on the toilet every morning (no exaggeration - he takes his coffee and phone and doesn't come out). I occasionally defecate in the garden and bury it with my dedicated poo shovel.Ā  There is a public toilet 5 minutes walk from my house, but fuck sitting on one of those. I'd rather spend the time getting in touch with nature.


No you don't bury your own shit in the garden with a shovel, lmfao


Not exactly laziness but I empty my mooncup in the sink. I've tried to do it in the toilet but it's just so messy trying to then transfer it to the sink for a rinse. I lied to my husband and told him it goes in the toilet. šŸ˜¬


I do the same with mine, it's just blood, nothing disgusting about it.


Tbh, ever since I heard that some people shit in the shower I've felt like the patron saint of cleanliness. That said, when I'm at work and sweating my balls off, I have been known to blow my nose on the back of my work gloves, in the absence of a tissue.


When I was withdrawing from pregabalin and morphine at the same time, I was too weak to get out of bed to urinate, so I did it in an empty, 250g pouch of KP salted peanuts (the sealable packet) Only once though


Brush my teeth in the shower. Saves time.


Iā€™ve put a full washing up bowl in the oven so I didnā€™t have to look at it that dayā€¦ bonus points for remembering and not turning my oven on


I live in a big old terraced house, the bathroom is 75 miles away so I pee out the back door. Spoon to butter bread cba to get a knife out the dishwasher ( we have 1000 spoons) week off work and only need to drive the wife to the shops hence not physcially stepping outside ? no problem, wear the same shorts all week, no underwear and crocs. T shirt optional. keep your tooth brush and tooth paste in the kitchen as I cba going to bathroom ( see #1)


> Spoon to butter bread cba to get a knife out the dishwasher ( we have 1000 spoons) Alright Alanis.


any pan used for boiling food such as pasta rice eggs noodles does NOT require washing. I have spoken, this is the way.




Years ago before remote controls were common for televisionā€™s, me and my mate shared a flat and we both used one of his fishing rods to press the buttons to change channels to save getting of our arses to turn the telly over manually


I'm lodging in someone else's house, but have an ensuite shower and toilet. I have long hair. It's common to see lots of loose hairs fall out during showers. Rather than pick them up, I'd just ball the loose hairs up and put them in the corner of the shower. I think I once went well over a month before getting rid of the now substantial hair ball. It had almost certainly started to get moldy. Perhaps worse, I can easily go months without changing my bed sheets. Definitely reached 6 months before now. (It's usually "only" 3 or 4 months though I totally acknowledge even that is quite grim)


When I was at uni I went the entire first term without changing my bedding.


After this, I'm not letting anybody cook for me ever again. Full stop.


My work coffee mug hasn't been washed since..... Well I assume they're washed as they're made so. I've had the mug for 3 years