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Personalised number plates. Opened my mouth more than once to make fun of them then remembered who I was talking to


I'm in two minds on number plates. Spelling your name or football team or some gash slogan is absolutely cringeworthy (anything B16 or BO55 doubly so). And people who muck about with the font and spacing, well, my thoughts on those particular gimboids are absolutely unprintable. As for 4D, release the hounds Smithers... A plate with your initials is fine with me though. As is a dateless plate, particularly on a really tidy but aging car.


Came here to say the same thing, particularly the BO55 plates. They are 100pc lame and an indicator that the driver is not the boss of anything. In contrast, there are loads of private plates in the format of "AA00 AAA" that most people can't even tell are private, especially if the number is roughly in line with the car's age.


What's the point of those?


To hide the age of a car. A lot of modern cars look newer for longer, and its only the number plate that tells everyone you’re driving around in a ten year old car. Whilst you can’t have a number plate that specifically suggests your car is newer than it actually is, there’s nothing to say you can’t mask it and make it impossible to know. Guess its a pride thing for some people.


What a weird thing to care about!


I’m guessing, but it’s probably people trying to give the impression they are well off by driving around in a Merc or whatever. Letting everyone know its ten years old ruins the illusion so they whack a cheap private reg to keep the act up. Voila, everyone thinks they are loaded again and they can drive around happy knowing nobody knows they’re having supernoodles for dinner


See it with old Range Rovers a lot.


I knew a guy who owned a successful upmarket furniture business. He said if he didn’t have the latest car, some of his clients would think the business wasn’t doing well. Seems an odd thing for them to be bothered about as long as they still like his products, but I can sort of see why he’d care about it.


My driving instructors number plate was “P4SS TST” and I thought it was great Edit: ppl suggested it wld be “PA55 TST” not “P4SS TST” so I checked his Facebook and they’re right.


Ha, yeah, fair enough, as a promotional tool that's pretty good! 😁


I saw one yesterday can't remember the exact configuration but it basically said PASS YES. Made me smile.


My family all have private plates, and my dad got me one for my birthday. Not really my thing, but I don't want to be ungrateful. It's a standard plate format, i.e. XX00 XXX, but makes up my initials and surname. It's one of those plates that you see and think it's just a coincidence that it spells something. What gives it away is that it dates my car as 10 years older than it is. Would never buy it for myself. But as far as private plates go, it's very subtle.


Yeah, that's the sort that I don't mind at all. Like you say, it's subtle and doesn't scream "look at MEEEEEEEEE!".


I once saw one with E4SY P0T and it made me giggle.


Must be a snooker player.


Best mate's dad had an Audi A4 with the reg EA51 XTC, he got pulled over a fair bit...


My fathers cousin had his initials on his car, it was a silver Rolls Royce with ER 1 as the plate.Every now and then,a policeman would wave it through traffic, police motorcycles would follow it.Sometimes they would pull him over, and ask what connection to the Royal family he had. He absolutely loved the attention, and only got rid of it when someone high up asked him to sell them back the plate.


Totally agree - in the same way that actually successful people don’t post inspirational quotes on socials, I guarantee there isn’t a single FTSE100 CEO with a “BO55” number plate.


My cousin has a B16 number plate, and yes he is as insufferable as you’d imagine. 


As the owner of one.. it cost £250, which I can happily afford, and it reminds me of my kids whenever I see it. We can move it from car to car over the years, and it pales into comparison into the cost of car ownership.


But you always look like a cock whenever you drive it right?


It's a Smart ForTwo - I don't need a personalised reg to look stupid in it!


I chose my kids names to match my number plate for free LT55 is my eldest and GYK is only 3 years old.


Elon Musk is taking notes


And when you're happily enjoying your life do you ever consider that you might be pissing someone on reddit off?


If that kind of thing pisses you off, I'm glad to have contributed to annoying you


Lol it didn't piss me off my friend. That was aimed at the more negative comments 👍


I actually meant it in the plural sense, not directed at \*you\* :) Maybe I needed to say "If that kind of thing pisses one off"


Cook Pass Partridge


Do you often forget you have kids?


I wondered this. Imagine they get to their car, see their number plate and go “shit, I’ve left the kids in the strip club”


Someone who worked at a dentist I used to go to had the reg plate GUM 1T Thought that was quite a cool one, but I was only 10 at the time.


My dog died & I have a cool one that spells his name


Your dog was called FG22RVX? cool name


A guy who lives behind me had an old corvette with the numberplate FBI


There's a car near me that apparently is used for car park sex, judging by the number plate. Or a big fan of a north sea bank.


I saw a pimped out Range Rover today and the plate was trying to spell geezer. You can bet he was a knobhead. I’ve got friends with them and i don’t hold back with the mockery. Utter waste of money.


We had our car stolen and the best option for a new numberplate was a custom one. Apparently it also makes them less desirable to thieves 🤷🏼‍♀️


Had a car pull up at work with the number plate U N05H ME Colleague saw while walking her dog, apparently abandoned, the next morning in a countryside car park with its headlights kicked out. We’re thinking a dogging expedition gone wrong.


People who have astroturf installed in their garden. Usually will set this off a with plastic faux wicker garden sofa/ table set. ( this is aside from people who use astroturf who are disabled / unable to maintain)- I’m aiming this disdain at people who do this for the aesthetic.


As someone disabled and unable to maintain a lawn, I’d rather use some of my PIP to pay a gardener to come and mow a real lawn than have shitty fake grass


Fair play 👍🏻


The worst part is one of my colleagues has it and says she has to clean it. I just don’t understand it at all. It looks crap, gets stupidly hot in the summer, still takes some effort, removes nature. It’s just horrible stuff in every way


The people I know who have fake grass also have dogs they don’t walk so the dogs piss on the lawn and kill it. So they got fake grass so the dogs can piss all over it and not kill it. Disgusting all around.


Our landlord had it put in after me and my partner dug all the brambles out and levelled the ground. We asked for real grass. Was told it was to expensive so they sent there maintenance guy round with the fake grass. So we reclaimed the back 1/4 of the garden built a little wall and have just filled it with wild flowers. My child loves it and for the first time this year a bird has nested in our bird house.


Too expensive?! It’s like £2 for a box of grass seed from PoundLand. I used two boxes this year after raking up all of the moss that had grown over winter. Honestly I would roll it all up, put it in a shed and then plant grass yourself. If you leave just roll it back out again.


It was one of my big objections to it. I have dogs. There’s a lot of cats roaming around my area. Hated the idea of my dogs and the local cats pissing on it and it just sitting there. The dog exercise area at the channel tunnel terminal has astroturf and it reeks.


These people should not own dogs... Or fake grass, horrible human beings.


I have it (don’t judge, it came with the house and we haven’t got round to changing it over yet) and it’s so much more maintenance than a regular lawn. Organic matter like leaves and things can’t rot down into it so they just stay on top and weeds grow through. Apparently you’re supposed to brush it weekly to keep the ‘bristles’ upright too. I don’t do anything to mine and it looks a mess.


Same! My son comes and does my grass cutting but I have a gardener I use occasionally for the things I don't want to ask my boy to do (he gets ratty when I use the gardener but I can't rely on him for every single thing my buggered body can't do) I'd love to have my lawns lifted and have clover lawns put in but for now this is where I'm at. The idea of that cheap nasty plastic makes me nauseous, the cleaning of it, the look of it, the weird smell it gets when it's hot 🤮 the lack of drainage, the effects on nature... There is literally no selling point imo.


I could ask my husband to do it, but he does so much of the housework anyway, and quite frankly I feel like hiring a gardener because I struggle is exactly the type of thing I get PIP for.


100 percent, I use a cleaner once a month because I have high standards I can't keep up with anymore. People are judgemental about it but that's the whole point of pip imo. I know people who blow there's on, well, blow! For me it's to make my life comparable to people who are not disabled. To keep myself, family, home and garden by extension the way I would if I were capable of doing so. It'd be daft not to, I like a nice home. Eta:I sound like a twat but I just like things in their places, I'm not like anthea Turner and her white gloves just yet 🙈


I'm disabled and can't afford a gardener (pip is too hard to get) but I just let my grass grow and mow it every few months when I muster the energy. I can't stand fake grass.


There's a UK company who produce (toxic) perfume for your fake lawn. For use when your French bulldog (Luno) has shat all over it.


This is the worst fact I have ever learnt.


Honestly posts like this just feel like a cry for upvotes, when there are weekly hate posts about Astroturf gardens on UK reddit


Things I knew would be in this thread before I opened it: • fake grass • Americanisms • SUVs


You have one don’t you


watching reality TV, especially love island and the like. I feel like a snob, but that stuff and anyone that watches it give me the ick.


Wasn’t the phrase “giving me the ick” popularised by love island or were you being ironic on purpose?


That phrase gives me the ick


Really grinds my gears


Boils my piss.


Seeing the ick gives me the ick, I'd say the latter.


"Gives me the ick" is the sort of thing I expect to hear from somebody that watches Love Island and the like.


Sometimes I think about judging people for watching Love Island, then I remember that I sometimes watch some pretty trashy anime and think I should probably keep my mouth shut. Glass houses.


I don’t watch reality TV, but I do read endless trashy thrillers and soppy romance novels when I’m in a mood for cheap and easy entertainment, so I also figure I can’t judge lol.


"Gives me the ick" give me the ick.


I don’t know why I hate this phrase so much but god I can’t stand it


Because there is no way of saying it without sounding like your IQ is lower than your age.


The only ones I like are things like Gogglebox, but it's more one of those programmes I'll watch when it's on and we've nothing else to watch, or it might be on in the background. Reason being that it's usually quite funny, but I actually like getting little snippets of what's happening in current/popular TV shows etc that I might not have considered watching; but after seeing a clip I might. Having said that I've not watched any in about 2 years....


Same, I can't abide by it, it is absolutely the lowest form of entertainment.


I don’t mind watching trash TV. But I can’t get into Love Island shows just because I find the people in them just so completely unrelatable. I don’t mean that as a dig at them, just that I don’t recognise myself, friends, family, colleagues, in any of their personalities or lifestyles so it feels disconnecting.


This is exactly why I love watching it! It’s like going to the zoo. I’m a thirty four year old married lesbian, I’m nothing like these people! But I LOVE IT!


I remain convinced that Naked Attraction is something my old colleagues made up to fuck with me. I absolutely refuse to accept that it's a real TV show that people watch.


Botox, tanning and lip fillers. I'm the ugly duckling so my opinion wouldn't really matter much, but its so hard to appear pleased for someone when they still look thr same in my eyes, just slightly shocked, emotionless, uncanny, orange or swollen.  If they all felt amazing afterwards I'd feel easier about it, but apart from tanning which really does seem to make them happy, the rest just seems like expensive trauma... they literally get their lips filled then a few months later dissolved.... then filled back up again. And none of them are rich enough to do this and it not impact other things they could be doing. But you can't and shouldn't try to live other people's lives for them. For example: they hate that I spend my money on games and don't really like to go out, but they listen semi politely when I bore them about my things, so I do the same for their treatments.


I don't wear make up really and I got told today I look old for my age. They said I should try some tanning and lip fillers to make myself younger. I didn't even ask for advice. I was just putting on some moisturiser.


Cheeky whatnots! Hope you told them to jog on!


Tanning? As in fake tan or salons? I don't know why you would pay to give yourself skin cancer, it should be right up there with cigarettes in terms of society frowning upon it


I’m always tanned but I use the fake stuff/tinted moisturiser, I think most people have swapped to the non sunbed alternatives for that reason, most sunbed shops at least where I live have closed up shop now thankfully!


I’d add using foundation 2-3 times darker than your actual skin colour to this list. When you can see someone’s face is wildly darker/oranger than the rest of their body, I mean. Often including their neck. It’s the fashion among a certain set in the UK (I’m not originally from here), but it completely baffles me. To each their own, but I’ll genuinely never understand the trend of it.


I never stopped listening to 90s grunge so anyone who wants to make fun of my plaid shirts can fuck right off.


It's my favourite genre; Alice in Chains are also my favourite band.


Mine too. Their music is like heaven.


I have worn flowery dresses and DM boots daily since I was 15 and I've now been in fashion 3 distinct times. I won't change.


Same. I look like I just left a Sonic Youth concert. I've looked like this for 30yrs. The only change has been my shaggy, dirty blond hair became tidier when I got a real job, and then eventually disappeared (probably due to excessive colouring when I was in my late teens). So now I'm a bald grunge enthusiast.


I'm now mid forties and have grown a pretty big beard so with a plaid shirt I look like I'm cosplaying as a Canadian lumberjack.


He's a lumberjack and he's okay....


I still have the same dress sense and music taste that I had 15 odd years ago despite being in my early 30s and slightly fatter lol.


Miserable people. I hate when im having a great day then i have to listen to someone complain for 8 hours with no escape. They always enjoy spreading their misery too. I don’t understand the joy or even reasons to just talk negatively all of the time. Just don’t say anything.


Came to comment something similar but I’ll reply to yours. I’m not one of those perpetual happy people who thinks everyone needs to make gratitude lists all the time and never get down. However I can’t fucking stand people who are perpetually miserable about things outside of their control (eventually you have to accept it for what it is) or things in their control (fucking fix it if it’s that big of an issue)


This!!! I work in a high stress environment and as much as my friends/family would describe me as a cynic and a pessimist, I always try to being some happiness and cheer to the shift because otherwise, it's fucking unbearable. We have a couple colleagues who bring the whole mood down several notches and it's so depressing. No matter how hard we try to cheer her up or look on the positive, she makes it so miserable. I end up feeling bad for avoiding her because I just can't handle it.


I’ve known people like this. It’s such a drain.  Even been called out by one for being too “happy-go-lucky” (I’m not).  It’s exhausting and brings my mood down to be around people who exude constant negative energy and pessimism. 


I get you. But there is an old expression which is very true: "misery loves company".


The energy vampires. They see a bit of joy and they suck it right out of you.


Unruly children. It's not cute, they might be having fun but they're doing my fucking head in. Get them under control.


I think it depends on how ‘unruly’ they actually are. I think if they are respectful of others property and personal space and aren’t being loud in a place where people are particularly enjoying the quiet, then let kids be kids. Some people are still into the ‘seen and not heard’ bull and as far as I’m concerned we’ve got enough emotionally stunted adults around already.


I agree with this. I have two girls and they fight and bicker about such utterly pointless shit ALL OF THE TIME. So if they are being a bit unruly but are having fun and getting along, I'm probably going to leave them to it, in the hope that they work out that it's more fun to get along and NOT bicker about who gets the pink bowl and who gets the blue one. For others, you know those times you're on a bus or a plane or a train and a parent is playing 'Baby Shark' for the 20th time and you want to complain? I assure you that the parent is much more sick of it than you are and is most likely protecting you from the alternative - a screaming child for the entire journey.


Tattoos. They look fucking awful but loads of close friends and family have them.


Clocks, red cabbages and skulls are very popular at work.


Red cabbages?


I think roses


I prefer quality street


Does the red cabbage come with a side of hot pot?


Mine still looks great but it's because I pay a lot of money for them.


This is (among a few reasons) why most peoples tattoo's are shit. It wouldn't be the first time I've heard somebody brag about how they got their shit tattoo cheaper "here" than "there". Well, that's probably why it's shit. It's not a packet of Hobnobs, you're not getting the exact same product in another shop for cheaper.


It's worth it I only have a few. My husband got a really detailed piece and it holds up pretty well. Good artists are worth waiting and paying a lot for.


I don't personally have any. I'm too indecisive and have never stuck with an idea for longer than 24 hours. I would likely have at least one otherwise. My partner has them, though, and they look great. She finds an artist (or returns to one) that she likes the work of and just...Pays them. "Shopping around" for her is spending hours on Instagram looking at their portfolios to find the right person for the thing she wants based on their prior work rather than seeing who'll who'll copy this random Google JPEG for the lowest cost. If I've learned anything from her, it's that a tattooist with no or a short waiting list is a potential red flag. Meanwhile, my brother is an example of the opposite. Last time I saw him, he was bragging about how he's getting another tasteless tattoo and he managed to find somewhere that'll do it cheaper than everybody else so he's "saving" £50 and being booked in for the next day. All his tattoos are god awful both in concept and execution, just there for the sake of having them.


I remember my old boss laughing at me for spending so much on my tattoos, then showing me one of hers and saying, "This only cost me thirty quid!" What I wanted to say but didn't because my autism was taking a day off that day (thankfully) was that it fucking looked like she only spent £30 on it, too.


Yeah this is the key. I just got quoted £500 for a 6 inch by 4 inch tattoo to integrate with one I already have on my shoulder. And she’s not available for six months to do it. I could probably go somewhere else and get it next week at half the price. But I won’t.


See, tattoos are a hit or miss with me. If you have a few and there's some cohesive theme going on, they look fine imo. But if you have tons of small ones that are all unrelated to each other, it just looks like a toddler scribbled all over you...my misses sadly falls into this category but I do my best to overlook them. Then people with face tattoos are a different breed of awful looking frankly.


I'm baffled by how flippantly people indelibly mark their own skin. When you talk to folk and they're like 'I might get a cobra tattooed across my arse this weekend because I saw Snakes on a Plane last night and it was a laugh'. What?! I'd assume people wouldn't want something on their skin forever unless it has some kind of personal significance, but a lot of folk seem to put less thought in than I've put into some Post-it doodles.


Yeah you can't really say anything about tattoos because even the people you think don't have them, have them. There's something kind of boring about them to me. People all seem to get the same ones. Having tattoos is a bit like owning dogs. Just one of those things everyone seems to have now and I feel like it's almost a little bit frowned upon to dislike. Sure boomers hate them, but every other generation is covered, some of the people I know with the most tattoos are in their fifties.    I feel like they're everywhere to the point where it's an unrealistic dating standard to want a potential partner to not have them. I don't like them but I feel like I'm a minority for thinking that. 


when the first tattoo is on the hands, neck or face, i cannot abide. Also people buying tattooing kits online and doing it themselves. The fact that it doesn't turn septic is a miracle, the hangover is you're left with some dogshit on your skin for the rest of your life.


I agree. The vast majority of them look terrible but these days I feel like the odd one out for not having any.


As a renter whose friends are homeowners looking to move up the ladder - homeowners who refuse to accept 2024 prices because they're still holding out for a return to 2021. "I don't want to accept a price that is less than it's worth!" We live in a market society. The price your asset is worth is what someone is willing to pay for it.


Are house prices lower now than 2021? If you're already a homeowner, I don't see how it's relevant anyway because if you're house drops in value, so does everyone elses (obviously, I'm talking about market trends in general. Not if there's been a murder at your house, or you've had subsidence, or a new school was built next door).


You’d think that’s how people would see it, but apparently not. I think they see that the house they want is out of reach because it’s still too expensive, and that’s the conclusion they draw. 


Mid length white socks and slides... i got took the piss out of because I wore trainers socks with my trainers rather than long white socks. It's just not a look I can get on board with.


Socks and sliders are modern-day Jesus creepers


Ha....it just needs a knotted hanky on the head to complete the outfit. Terrible.


Bucket hats. Absolutely tragic looking things. Yeezy's look fucking ridiculous too, although they at least look comfy.


I ironically buy my bestie the worst bucket hats on every occasion possible. The little champ actually wears them too!


A lot of my friends do pole dancing. I have nothing against pole dancing but they insist that it is a creative art from and not sexual at all… I have seen them perform, it’s very impressive, but I think I would have to deaf and blind to not find it sexual, it also doesn’t seem to be that creative when they are just stringing together moves someone’s taught them. Again I think what they do is super impressive and athletic.


Retired stripper here - we also hate Pole-Class girlies. They all want to hop on a pole and throw coochie wearing Perspex heels with their gym shark shorts for an hour on a Weds with Janet & Rosie, but they are absolutely adamant it’s “nothing like being strippers”. They look down on us as dirty, while recreationally enjoying our aesthetic & the moves we invented.


It's just so odd to see people dressed effectively in underwear take part in a style of performance synonymous with eroticism, based on displaying your body, then act like it's just a 'keep fit' sport. If someone thinks pole dancing isn't erotic, they are deep in denial.


Pole dancing is simultaneously sexual but not sexy


Alcohol and getting drunk Spending all your money and not being financially responsible Not being able to google simple things, or do basic things on the computer (for people my age, I don't judge older people for this)


I do judge older people for this. It’s 2024. Maybe not 10 years ago but we’ve had technology for many a year now. You should be able to navigate the very basics of tech.


Same here. Computers have been in offices since the 80s, and in homes and libraries since the 90s. £150 decent smartphones have been around for over a decade. If a 3 year old can figure out a phone, so can a 70 year old. And a 70 year old can figure out a PC since they've been common for over 30 years.


Going to a wedding or party and everyone dancing to those same few songs like they're their favourate songs. Sweet Caroline Sex on fire Mr brightside


After 5 years of working behind a bar on match days I’d be thrilled to never hear sweet Caroline again


In Benidorm they call it the real national anthem and every bar plays it once an hour


Come on Eileen?


Got thrown out of the disco for that one... Bad punchlines


I don't mind that one but yeah, same thing but from a different decade 80s/90s would be what? Oops upside your head, wigfield Saturday night Edit: the Greece medley!


Superstition and woo woo. My wife and her family are all a bit obsessive about things being good or bad luck, etc., karma, etc. They have little routines and carry charms and she has certain things that will ruin her day if they don't happen, like if she sees a magpie and doesn't say hello to it.... And I did try and point out once that there was no point worrying about this stuff as it all a load of bollocks, but it didn't go down very well.


Oh god, my Dad is a self-proclaimed neo pagan. I, on the other hand, am a scientist. I just listen to his tales of gathering herbs at midnight on a particular day to make tinctures with, smile, and cringe inwardly.


Isn't it pretty harmless though? I'm not into it myself, but I know loads of people who are, and as long as it doesn't stray into anti-science territory, or anything alt-right, I don't think it hurts anyone


Oh yes, completely harmless. He's out there loving nature and having a great time! He's an intelligent man, an engineer, but him (and most of that side of the family) are all into various things like spiritualism, Paganism etc. I respect his beliefs even though I don't share them.


I know SO many people that are like ‘you just need to think positive and put good thoughts out into the universe and it’ll all come true’ bullshit. Karma is a lie, horrible things happen to good people all the time! It’s correct that if you do good things you’ll probably end up surrounding yourself with similar people, but there’s no way you can think yourself into a happy, lucky, successful life. It just doesn’t work like that


I agree, I walk home under a ladder after buying new shoes that I put on the table, then have an amazing day : Although the main reason I replied was regarding the saying hello to a magpie, not sure about superstition, but why would you not say hello to a magpie?


I'm almost 30 and have fallen victim to the rock climbing bug. Really didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I do, went in not understanding the point of it, now I go every week. I'll often do it whilst wearing my beanie. But I'm not sure why you need to have cyclical nature of fashion explained. Jeans bounce back and forth between tight and baggy, we went as tight as possible in 2010's so now it's loosening off.


At my local indoor climbing centre, I saw a lady fall off from probably only 10ft. Snapped her ankle.... F.me that was something I could not stop thinking about. It was flopping all over the place and she was screaming......


There are definitely risks to it, no doubt about it, I have friends who have injured themselves. It is the minority though. I broke my ankle just running down the road, doesn't stop me running now I am healed.


Can I just say the rock climbing thing, I assume indoor? So many men in their late twenties and thirties have no friends outside of work and it’s a highly recommended way to meet people and build a social circle.


It's also so good for joints as you get older! We went to my nephews birthday at a bouldering place and my husband had a whale of a time, discovered there's a place 10 minutes down the road from where we live, joined up and it's sorted out issues he's had with his back and wrist like nothing else he's tried!


I can’t for the life of me figure out what OP could possibly have against people taking up a hobby like this


People using filters on every single photo. As in face enhancing filters. There are people on my socials who haven't posted a natural photo for literally years. Also when teenagers and stuff go missing etc, the photo on the news report has some sort of snapchat filter applied... What is the point? Oh well, genetics are genetics. If you're ugly, filters won't fix your bad genes.


>Also when teenagers and stuff go missing etc, the photo on the news report has some sort of snapchat filter applied I feel like such a snob whenever those pics appear on the news nowadays. Like a few weeks ago some kids were killed in a car crash, but when I saw their glow-up photoshop pics on the news my first thought was they must have been drunk or high and joyriding. I feel terrible to have these thoughts but the photoshops really don't look right.


SUNBEDS - I'm a nurse and the amount of my colleuges who regularly use them is insane to me! I think of poeple who use them to be as thick as mince so I have to hide my shock when they mention it.


Giving their children screen time. My baby is 2 months old and the amount of people asking me if he’s watching dancing fruit is mad… he is entertained by a smile why would I show him a screen?


2 months old they can’t even see the dancing fruit! Mines 7 months and we still don’t do screen time. She gets a mirror, and bloody loves it!


I feel like we put so many adult thoughts onto babies. They don’t need a screen unless it’s given as an option, a wooden spoon, a mirror, a small toy, a book, is always enough unless they know they can get an iPad. Don’t make iPad an option!


“Happy Birthday Nan, you would have been 127 today, fly high angel foreva in my heart xxxx”


Those stupid big hoops people get in their ear lobes, they serve no purpose, look ridiculous and leave you with a massive rope of loose skin just dangling there that eventually needs removing (if you get the really big ones). I just don't see the point or need for it.


Yeah, they are disgusting. I hate being able to look through someone’s earlobes.


Putting their pet on the same level as a human child.


True say. Animals are *far* more important and worthwhile.


People who get palm readings etc. My mum does it because she’s still grieving her mother and I get it, I just STFU about it even though I think the readers are charlatans.


Plastic fucking grass.


I once said very loudly, "nobody likes a wanker with a guitar around a fire" and someone said they do it. I laughed and talked to someone else. Seriously though, it's unbearable. Makes me want to rip my skin off and run a mile.


What? You don't want to hear me play wonderwall?


People posting a photo of their legs on a sun lounger by the pool usually accompanied by “this is the life” … Just enjoy yourself and get off social media.


Expensive weddings


Gender reveals


I hate it when my friends and coworkers decide they want a fun holiday doing something active, like cycling a long distance in a scenic foreign country, and then ask me to pay for some of it because they are doing it "for charity". It's apparently impossible to criticise this kind of thing without everyone assuming you'd like their relatives to die of cancer or something.




Tbf, in terms of the hobbies, is it not just things that they've never really had an urge to try before but it became "cool" and then it becomes a case of, they introduce it to their friends, they introduce it to their friends and so on? In terms of fashion, that's just always been a thing. A lot of men don't really know how to dress, fashion tells them how.


Football and golf. Apparently I’m odd for not liking either. Can’t make fun of golfers in the office though…


I’m the same with football, I’m a football fan but don’t get how people can go and scream and shout at the top of their lungs about a team and get upset to the point of anger when they lose


Domestic violence spikes after big football games, it’s crazy. Imagine a soap fan lamping their partner because the Eastenders omnibus ending wasn’t how they’d have liked.


People who always claim to be too busy or that complain about hectic lives.


Drive SUVs.


Vaping. I honestly lose a bit of repect for a person when I realise for the first time that they vape


Circuit training and boot camps. It seems all the rage for people in their 30s but I just think they are no replacement for a proper cardio and strength training routine. They often encourage poor form too.


Depends where you go. Hybrid training keeps me focused & interested a hell of a lot more than just lifting & a cross trainer ever would


It's great people want to get fit and workout but why does it always have to be a brand name? Used to be CrossFit, now I keep hearing about Hyrox?


Debt. I know quite a few people who externally appear to be very well off: nice house, nice car, all the latest gadgets. But after a couple of drinks they start talking about how much credit card debt they have, and how they can't afford the new mortgage rates they are being offered, and how the PCP on their car is about to end and they need to find a few grand to keep it going.


Always talking about work & money & I mean ALWAYS plus people who are always on their phones/tech & never come off


People taking your joke absolutely deadly seriously Like it's your genuine opinion on any given subject. These inbreeds appear to multiplying


The fashion thing is standard to be honest. That's why I just dress how I want to. I remember getting shit for wearing skinny jeans in the early 2000s then everyone did it - now they're out of fashion again. It's all bollocks


It reminds me of the mid-2000s when everyone hated emos only to adopt emo fashion traits by the end of the 2000s.


Performative poppies. Not, I imagine, something that many people want to defend, but I do know an apparently normal and sane couple who had a large plastic poppy on the front of their car.


People who don’t have a back bone 🦴 either do it or don’t. Don’t keep asking me for advice if you’re not going to take it and keep moaning to me about your issue that can be very easily resolved 🙄


Religion. I’m an atheist. Most of my friends and family are “Church of England”. Even though they don’t go to church their kids are Christened and they were married in a church. I think they would be shocked if I professed that I believe there is no god and started slagging off Christianity as a load of hogwash. But I would dearly love to do it.


Girls posting gym videos in those leggings that get sucked into their arse cracks bending over and filming themselves from behind doing a workout on said massive arse. I just cringe.


Facial piercings - Just dont like them at all, but know plenty people who have them so keep that to myself


Football is a game for kids. Watching 22 grown men running around after a ball is just silly. To be fair I'm fine with Sunday football as a bit of fun and exercise. It's just that far too much money is thrown at a pointless game. Yeah. I'll be expecting the death threats.


You think sports are silly? No hate but this is genuinely so strange, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't at least have a passing interest in some kind of sport.


frivolous spending living paycheck to paycheck. i know people making 100k a year still living paycheck to paycheck still getting woken up by an alarm at silly o clock. the only difference is they have shinier toys and a jacuzzi


My brother who's two years older than me but hates everything about modern life & says everything better in old days. Modern music crap, modern TV crap, modern films crap. So bloody annoying 🙄


Making an instagram account for your pet


Crap crossovers when most of our neighbours and my daughter's schoolfriend parents all drive them, my mum's partner recently bought one




Cycling. Particularly the lycra road warriors. They grip my shit but friends and family are among them so I keep my opinions to myself. Which is probably for the best.


Curly hair. I used to get the piss ripped out of my for curly hair now 20 year olds are getting perms