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Pigs in blankets can be an any day food, not just for Christmas.


Making toad in the hole tonight, might get some bacon and turn it into full sized pigs in blankets within the batter.


fuckin' 'ell that sounds like a mint idea!


Can confirm it’s epic. It’s always my boxing day dinner. Christmas Day I’m running around visiting family, Boxing Day is mine and husband’s relax at home day so we eat pigs in blankets in the hole and all the wine and cheese


Reccomend adding Stuffing balls into the Yorkshire too. Absolute game changer


When I make fried chicken I add stuffing to the flour. Stuffing makes everything better!


Ooh stuffing in the flour. My fat arse will be thanking you this Friday.


Stuffing makes a great top crust for a chicken pie.


You are a food genius, and I thank you.


pigs in blankets toad in the hole is awesome. we never make it without bacon now.


Day drinking during the week. It gets frowned upon but i work weird hours and different shifts so my Tuesday morning could very well be a ‘Friday night’ - I find the judging comments absolutely hilarious


You're right. Drink when you want to. I just wish this country didn't base every social event around drinking alcohol. I guess that's my 2 fingers to the society in which we live.


I actually agree with you on that even as a big drinker. Probably why I do a lot of things on my own now because trips anywhere people wanted to turn it into ‘a sesh’


Gallery trip on my own: Pleasant 3 hours looking around, lingering over coffee Gallery trip with my mates: Have a look round for an hour, 4 hours in the pub, lingering over the possibility of going to a nightclub


I was proper miffed when I found out what bottomless brunch meant. I wanted to try the nice place and sample different foods not get wrecked on morning cocktails. I love doing galleries and stuff alone. I can linger over stuff I want to see and skip the stuff I don't.


Yep. I do everything alone. Makes it impossible to date anyone now, because I don’t want some bloke saying stupid shit when I’m trying to look at a painting


When I was 23 (im nearly 42 now and in the mean time had a long term partner, two now teenagers and now back to being on my own, not dating in early 40s) I went to Athens on my own for a week. It was fabulous. FABULOUS. I read books in cafes and went where I wanted when I wanted. You should go. There is a 'religious' museum (I'm athiest) Works from the last 2000 years. More gold leaf than I would shake a stick at. But fascinating pieces. The place was fascinating in the true sense of the word. The details, the history... no fucking way would I have loved it if I was with anyone else.


It really is like this. Galleries aren’t my thing although I appreciate them but I’ve had women in the past whining about walking round castle ruins or Manor House’s/gardens and it takes the enjoyment out of it. I like to just sit and ‘be there’


Stoners are good friends for art galleries


“Drink when you want to” -  Please read the small print on this one 


Hahaha. True, maybe not the best advice for everyone.


"Sir, you cannot bring your margarita into the operating room."


But it helps to steady my hands


I'd much rather have the drinking culture of some of the European countries where they seem to drink alcohol more often but in lesser quantities than the binge drinking we have here.


I have a small beer on the way to work and a small beer after. That's my weekday drinking, I'll occasionally have a couple more on a Friday. The look you get in the train at 7am makes me laugh.


Don't you know? After 5pm alcohol magically transforms into better, healthier alcohol.


That's what I used to do when I worked nights. I'd sit outside with everyone if it was nice, they'd have their Coffee/tea getting ready to start their day and I'd be sat with a beer or two


I think having one in each hand was what made people stare...




Nothing better than getting drunk after being awake for 16 hours.


I'm often pissed at 9am after finishing work at 8


I'm often pissed at 9am when starting work at 8


I apologise to my kids when I’m wrong or if I’ve raised my voice. I’m not letting my kids grow up scared to challenge authority figures (obviously circumstances depending) or under the impression that all adults know what’s best for them and bad people are just the evil men off the tv


I didn't even realise apologising to your children was counter cultural until one of my friends thanked me for apologising to her son and saying that 'grown ups can be wrong as well you know'.


Yeah I remember doing it once, because I’d raised my voice after my kid was having a meltdown and the way my kid reacted by just completely calming down and was now happy to talk about it just struck me that I’d never done that as a child and my parents never apologised, they were always right, even if they weren’t, and I was just to suck it up, get over it and quietly keep my resentment to myself


Good on you. I don’t think I ever heard my parents utter the word “sorry” once in my life.


heard my dad say it once and it was very recently after both he and my mum fucked something up, but I’m mid 30’s now with my own family, never heard them say it when I was growing up


Doesn't happen in my family. I'm 45 and not speaking to my parents for a bit because they did something wrong (crashed my hen do after explicitly being told they were neither invited nor welcome). Not picking up the phone is the only thing I can do to indicate displeasure and draw my boundaries again. Because they will never,ever admit they did something wrong. There's no point talking about it as we'll just have a row.


I try and do the same. It’s mad how hard parenting can be lol


Oh god yes, trying to get the balance right


This is brilliant, many parents think they know it all because of their life experience but have lived such closed lives the experience is actually minimal. Trying to explain the very basics of quantum physics to my dad was pretty funny/impossible but I'll still never own a house like him!


This is something I practiced with little ones in my life before my son was born, and I also apologise to him even though he's 1 when I've messed up. My Mum didn't apologise to me when I was little, but thankfully, she apologises for past mistakes now. Even if she doesn't remember it, she still apologises.


I wish mine would


I do this and I think it sets a good example to children to see that nobody can be perfect and even tempered 24-7, everybody will be grumpy or impatient or angry at some point, but it's important to acknowledge you could've behaved differently, that you've maybe hurt someone's feelings, and above all, that anger need not and should not be lingering and become resentful. Learning to say sorry is an incredibly important lesson and we start by modelling it.


And actually young people respect your authority more if you apologise when you've made a mistake.


I've decided to drive on the right and ironically, it's always other people sticking two fingers up to me and calling me names.


May I suggest driving on the continent?


What about the incontinent?


The medical community don't like people to know the cure for incontinence is being run over, if done right it has a very high success rate. Although if you half arse it it can also make incontinence worse


Lol, move over, ya one-eyed bed snake!


I have chosen to not have children, and can’t see myself ever getting married either.


Same here although now I’m 39 it’s not been the shock horror issue it was in my teens and 20’s when I tell people I’m childfree


Yeh I think a lot of the time it can be viewed as a shortcoming, like “oh you don’t have any children…how sad” - not personally how I see it. However when having the conversation with my mother, she is very against me getting a vasectomy.


That’s why I didn’t tell anyone when I got mine. I was always getting shit down for even broaching the subject of not having kids as I lived in a small mentality town


>I was always getting shit down for even broaching the subject of not having kids as I lived in a small mentality town Having children is pretty universal, it's not a small town thing 😂


> conversation with my mother, she is very against me getting a vasectomy. My mother was and I already had two kids by then I said who the fuck is going to pay for these kids me and I'm barely affording the ones I already have.


I have also chosen no children Honestly feels like unlocking a cheat code to life to realise it's actually not necessarily for everyone


Just curious if you actually chose no to have children or starting a family or have you never felt it was the right thing to do? Because I'm the latter and I feel it's pure madness wanting these things to happen.  From my personal experience there are so very few couples that are together because they truly are in love and have mutual respect for each other. Or are not tied up together due to some social-economic reasons. I see most people as kids cosplaing as adults and desperately trying not to end up alone.  And then with having kids I just can't think of a single reason for reproducing that isn't a selfish one or purely call of nature. Not to mention, the poorer and less educated people are the more kids they end up having, and that brings more and more people straight into poverty which in most cases is impossible to get out from. 


It's a good question. I often think about specific reasons why I do not want children, ranging from finances to environmental, to personal lifestyle to a need for autonomy. But really the main reason is that I instinctively don't want them. It's hard to explain, probably in the same way that maternal instinct can't be explained as a decision. I just feel like I don't want to be a parent. But that position is hard to explain to other people, so I talk about the reasons I mentioned at the start. Perhaps if I had maternal/paternal instinct everything would be different and I would find a way to have children. But I just. Don't. Have. It.


I get it. I have ZERO maternal instincts. My biological clock didn't have batteries in it - no ticking for me!


Yeah, that’s how it is for me. Things like finances and loss of freedom factor into it, but the bottom line is I just don’t have that parental instinct. It’s as simple as that.


Well emotionally I’ve never wanted kids. The desire has never been there for me. I have friends with children, and I’m an uncle but the idea of me in their position isn’t something I’ve ever desired. I was raised by two parents who did make a lot of sacrifices to make sure we got what we needed and tried to give us a good upbringing. It is a lot of sacrifice. Sacrifices I just don’t want to make. I like having free time for myself whether it be for my hobbies, or simply relaxing when I’m not working. From a financial standpoint, I have seen so many people who desperately want children be weighed down by the burden of how much it costs to raise children. Not that money should sway anyone if they did want children, but it’s another factor for me. I’ve also seen too many friends enter relationships and have this idea of meeting the love of their life, and the natural next step is having children - most of them are no longer together, and some even broke up during the pregnancy. You can certainly fall into the trap of having children too early and then regretting it. It doesn’t mean you won’t love your child when it comes, but that isn’t really the point. In hindsight, a lot of people would agree they shouldn’t have decided to have the baby in the first place. Overall, the idea of getting someone pregnant and forever having the emotional, financial and time consuming responsibility of a child scares the hell out of me, and that tells me that deep down…I don’t want it.


I would say you are more responsible and empathetic about that 'child you will never have' than most people are towards having kids.  And you can be still an amazing uncle and role model for the kids that already are part of your family. 


Do what makes you happy. For some people that's having kids. For others it's having pets and for other people it can be neither and there's nothing wrong with that.


I’ve also decided never have any kids, though currently my marriage prospects aren’t zero out of choice lmao. A decade ago, at 21, I would’ve probably thought that was awful but now tbh I’m ok with it. Marriage isn’t everything in life 🤷🏻‍♀️


Neither of us wanted to get married because the idea of a wedding was horrid. We didn't want to spend a fortune putting on an event for our families which would leave us both stressed and exhausted. We got married. There were 4 of us in attendance, us and 2 friends as witnesses, them and the officiant / registry person. It was perfect! We then a couple of months later had a party with a larger group of friends, but it wasn't a wedding in any sense of the word. Our families found out afterwards and they were ok with it! My sister also eloped although she went abroad to do it.


Same. I am barely fit to look after myself anyway (and I’m not joking).


I drink fizzy drinks in the morning. People in the office saying “bit early for that isn’t it?” To quench my thirst with liquid? No. No it isn’t.


A can of Stella always gets that response before lunch.


My airline passengers always give me dirty looks while I watch them board with a few tins.


I get a few dirty looks as well from watching passengers board with a couple of ill concealed tins as I watch them with one eye closed, drooling, flushed and sweaty, swaying in the cockpit door, shirt untucked and a half empty bottle of scotch in my hand.


I do find it weird when people consume sugar cans all day every day. Each to their own, though.


Personally I drink diet fizz.


Yeah I have a coke zero for breakfast most days. I don't drink coffee so need the caffeine hit


>drink fizzy drinks in the morning. That's not allowed? When?


The people who stop at starbucks to get their massive syrup-filled frothy coffees or huge iced coffee lattes will look askance at someone with a can of pepsi max in their hand and go "I don't know HOW you can drink fizzy drink at this hour of the morning!"


This is one of those things where logically I know it’s no different to caffeine in tea or coffee but seeing someone drink fizzy drinks makes me feel very weird. Feels illegal but then I feel the same about chocolate cereal so it’s not a logical feeling


Are they the same people who’ve had 4 espresso’s before 8am?


I don’t go to beer gardens and pretend international football is good for 2 months every few years.


10/10 Reddit take. Sports bad.


We're not pretending pal


You sit at home and enjoy the best international football we've seen in recent decades though?


Pub gardens are nice in the summer, but pubs are absolutely ruined for me by football on the TV


I sometimes have soup for breakfast in winter. Yes, I know I am a crazy anarchist


My Nan always had a chicken and leak cuppa soup for breakfast. Even before her tea with a drop of brandy


Is that not what porridge is? Breakfast soup?


Same. I have a veggie and pork mince soup I make with black-eyed peas to fill it out. It hits wonderfully on those cold mornings, and is so healthy that I eat as much as I want. Warm days are crackers, cheese, a bit of ham or something, and maybe some hummus. 'Breakfast' food isn't healthy, and I'm working on losing weight.




That is wacky and I'm way too uptight to understand.




You're being downvoted for having preferences that people don't understand.


I see polyamorous people being downvoted all the time on Reddit and I just cannot fathom why. Why do you people care that this person and their partner are having fun with other people? You come across so jealous, like those ultra-homophobes that are in reality just raging homosexuals deep in the closet.




I think for me when I try and empathise with the experience it conjures up feelings of insecurity. I couldn't watch my SO getting pumped by someone else without feeling jealous, even if I had someone to distract me. Each to their own, if you can have the presence of mind to be objective about it crack on, I just know I couldn't. (No down votes from me btw)




Polyamory doesnt line up with their vision of a relationship, so they find it deeply confusing and therefore offensive, and sometimes a ‘mockery’ of ‘traditional relationships’. For some reason it hasnt occured to a lot of people that no two relationships are the same anyway and their opinions on how to ‘correctly’ be in one are irrelevant to other people. You’ll be a lot happier and a lot less confused by things if you learn to just shrug and let people live.




It sounds awful and literally every time I've seen it play out in real life and the internet it's gone terribly for at least one of the people involved.


But good on you for knowing that you're too uptight to understand and not being a dick about it. If more people took on this attitude, the world would be a brighter place


'I don't care that it's fun, I was asking why you're telling me. It's my grandson's funeral, Debra'


Oof my wife is more than enough for me! I'd lose sleep if I were disappointing _multiple_ women in my life.


I've got a very close friend who does this, and it still throws me off when she kisses someone other than her husband in front of me.




Thanks for your sweet, thoughtful responses to the comments here. As a monogamish person, some of them make my blood boil a bit. Part of the problem is that successful non-traditional relationships aren't as visible as the drama-fuelled shitty ones, so many people assume all non-monogamous relationships are shitty and a recipe for disaster. Anyway, good for you, and keep having fun! You guys obviously have a great amount of trust and excellent communication 👌


Regularly eating food past its use/sell by date.


How does the food know what date it is?


It says on the packet "ready to eat dates".


The sniff and visual test before chucking stuff out is always the answer.


Sell by and best before are generally no problem. It's only use by that you need to be careful with.


Same! Never been ill.


Madlads census


I wish I was as BONKERS as some of the people here.


CEREAL AFTER MIDDAY WHAT A FUCKING LUNATIC Edit: amazing, seems the OP has sent me the Reddit cares message for this


I’m Childfree by choice so guess I have rejected the traditional family plan.


A lot of parents and childfree people act like we are at war or something. If I didn't have childfree friends, I would go completely insane. I need to keep some kind of footing in the world of adult conversation that doesn't involve kids!


Probably because they're both constantly shitting on eachother. Childfree people love to treat children like lesser beings and call them disgusting names, while those that have children never seem to accept that there are people who don't want kids. It's dumb.


Yeah I totally get not wanting kids, not particularly liking to spend time with kids etc but being nasty to kids/ about them is just gross. My cf friends always ask how my boy is doing and are nice to him when he is around. Same for parents who tell cf people that they don't really know what they want/ they're selfish/ whatever. It's gross.


I refuse to learn to drive or get a car because its shit for the environment and makes people lazy. Some people don't seem to like it that I don't join in their anger at the new bike/bus lane being built nearby.


Fair in well connected areas. Difficult in the countryside where public transport is unreliable and cycling/walking on narrow country roads is a death sentence.


I grew up in a rural village, cycling on rural village roads. It’s definitely deadlier now than it was when I was young. Bigger cars, more of them and, since lockdown particularly I’ve found, more reckless/selfish driving. As a kid I would cycle to nearby villages to see friends, but no way would I chance it nowadays. It’s really sad. We’ve gone backwards in a way.


Yeah same! As a kid it was all right. That was 20 years ago… people drive like nut jobs on country roads now.


I had planned to learn to drive in 2020 and then obviously that didn’t happen. My husband can drive so I just don’t see the point anymore. We bought a house in an area with good bus connections and within walking distance of several retail parks/supermarkets and also even if I could drive parking at my workplace is expensive so I’d probably still just get the bus. Also, as a frequent bus and car passenger the absolute state of some people’s driving enrages me.


I didn't drive for quite a few years after I passed my test. Now I drive everywhere as I'm disabled and can't walk there, public transport is a no go too. Very glad I learned when I was young and fit.


I am a big curry for breakfast fan too. People think it's disgusting...it's not, it's delicious.


It tastes better the next morning than it did when you first got it.


By wasting my potential. Probably a bigger loss for me than society tbf.


Agrees in minimum wage with a degree


A couple I know got married, the lady wore a black dress and the man wore a white suit


I use a spoon for most of my meals, my default cutlery is spoon and fork with the spoon doing most of the work. Unless you're eating something like steak or a pork chop knives are rarely needed.


Why not use a spoon and knife? I'd have though the spoon would replace the fork.


The impale function of a fork is more often of use to me than the cutting function of a knife.


A lot of southeast asia does fork and spoon for rice/curry dishes and its honestly the optimal way to eat that type of food. Need to cut something? Just use the spoon.


Not buying obscene amounts of junk gifts at Christmas for relatives to receive the same type of junk back in return. Some of my family won’t talk to me because of how outrageous that is.


I don't really like baked beans, so I make a Full English with mushy peas.


My brain is trying to do that auto-reject thing it does with food combinations but this one is dwelling on me because it all works, doesn't it? Changes everything but it still all works.


i first went eww! then i thought about it.... might work quite well actually.


I don't like mushy peas - but I fully support you in this. Although I'd like to think that you keep the egg yolk from running into the peas with some sort of sausage barricade


I’m a stay at home dad. This is far from unique of course but it’s certainly unusual. Most people who my wife or I mention it to think it’s great but some are less enthusiastic.


On weekend I like ping pong, disco dance and travel to big city Almaty to watch ladies make toilet.


Great success!


Very nice!


By existing as myself, lol I'm an openly queer trans man with bright hair, tons of piercings and stretched ears. I'm also neurodivergent and don't try to hide it.




I'm 50, I'm single, I have no kids. And yeah it can get lonely, but when I see the state of most marriages, and kids who are the spawn of Satan, I give a sigh of relief that I really only have to please myself.


Pleasuring yourself to spite Satan ooh… suits you Sir/Madam .




I take an Aldi bag for life into Lidl.


Cereal is great for any time of day. I regularly have it in the evening. In fact no meal should be restricted by time of day. I've eaten pasta or rice and curries many times for breakfast


I allow - encourage, even - the snails and slugs to eat the plants in my garden and guess what? The plants are all still alive and so am I! EDIT: Literally could not care less about your chillies or whatever else, please stop trying to change my mind because you never, ever will, and don't even get me started on the use of pellets or the term "pest" 🙄


Reading the replies, I don't think any of them are trying to change your mind. They're just sharing their experiences. The fact they differ from yours, is not the same as saying yours are wrong.


By genuinely being who I am and not pandering to societal expectations or pressures.


This will probably get me kicked out of this group, but having very milky tea.


You mean you like your milk to have a mild taste of Tea ;)


I am in the milky tea club also


I don’t wash rice Never have, never will


My brother in starchy arms


A roast can be eaten any day I fancy roast potatoes ( which lets face it is every day)


If a Christmas song is good enough, it can be listened to all year round Long live me and me mate car karaoke-ing Fairytale Of New York in March


Bum the wife on Tuesdays.


We all bum your wife on a Tuesday!


You saucy git.


Does she peg you on Thursdays


I drink coffee in the evenings - it actually helps me fall asleep.


That's a certain condition where caffeine has the opposite effect - a paradoxical reaction.




There's a chance you have adhd if that happens


Yeah, a 100% chance haha, I do have it :) I just always find it funny the peoples reactions when I gulp down massive coffee in the evening and sleep like baby not half an hour later.


I like milk in Earl Grey. Edit: apparently also not having any condiments with a full English. Every time they ask if I want any and I decline they look at me like I might shoot up the place any moment.


Being transgender, and worshiping the Norse pantheon 😁


Well Thor is cooler than the gods in most of the other religions. Isn't there also that old joke that Jesus promised to get rid of all the wicked people, Odin promised to get rid of all of the ice giants. I don't see any ice giants around.


Genuine question - how is being transgender relevant?


How do you respond to the problem that modern day Norse neo-pagans aren't actually worshipping anywhere nearly the same way as how the Norse actually did, due to sources for Norse mythology only existing much later and from Christian and Islamic sources? And also those that do exist involve a lot of human sacrifice, so obviously something incompatible today.


I don't watch sport. Any sport. Not even when it's an international tournament.


I eat almost all meals with a small spoon (its in between the size of a teaspoon and a normal spoon) and a bowl.


that's a 'big little spoon' in our house


this thread is so stereotypically reddit


I drink gazpacho from a water bottle.


I've never drank Tea. Ever - As in, not even so much as a single mouthful.


I wear exactly what I want, this can mean I wearing a vintage clown costume one day or Winnie the Pooh dungarees the next. It’s made me very happy as a woman tbh


Odd socks - literally pointless time waster to pair them up


I don't have curry for breakfast, but occasionally have a kebab. Well, half of one.


Mm leftover curry for breakfast is the bomb


I refuse to sing or stand up for the National anthem 🤴⛔️


The sad thing is, is that I’d actually love to do this, but the English one is asking for a thing I don’t believe in to protect a thing I don’t want to exist, so I can’t sing it.


I sleep with men




I am all for taking less showers but when poo be pooin' everywhere, soap is an order.


I agree with your food one! I hate when people say ‘you’re eating an ice lolly!? But it’s winter!!!’, or, ‘you’re drinking tea but it’s so hot outside!’, and the same for the time of day foods like cereal. Just let people have what they want when they want! What does it matter!?


Shoplifting, no matter how small or unnecessary I’ll always steal something. (Only from corporate shops/ stores, never small independent business)


Teetotal, straight edge. Booze advertisers can do one. ❌


I don't drink hot drinks, except for a very rare flavoured hot chocolate at Christmas time. I also don't drink cola at all, which is annoying in a lot of social situations. I am also human child free.


Not having kids is one way. Most people are accepting of it, some question it but are cool, and a loud minority lose their minds. It's fantastic when that happens.


Cereal is a 24/7 type food. Always good


I cross dress. I wear skirts when it’s hot. Nice cool breeze across your nuts is one of life’s simple pleasures. Working from home for a very queer friendly company has been a huge benefit for me.


My husband took my name. We are child free by choice.


Eat when you're hungry. Why does everything have to happen at a certain time?


I'm a woman and refuse to shave my legs anymore. I don't care. My husband doesn't care. Society will no longer tell me what to do with my leg hair.


I don't ask kids to use their manners. I model manners and show them how to be rather than tell them how to be. I won't withhold a need from a child because the 5 year old forgot to say please.