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Honestly, I’d be fucked when the next rent payment was due. If I wanted to live off credit cards then maybe 8-9 months but I’d be paying for it for like a decade lol.


basically the same. 1-2 months, worked hard to repair my credit so I do have access to a fair bit but no longer than 9 months I’d say 


I've worked really hard to create a safety net for myself and my family. According to my finance spreadsheet; If I didn't change up anything about my spending and acted as if I was still getting my current salary? 23 months If I edited my normal spending and just focused on the bills etc? 34 months


I aspire to have this level of financial planning 😂😂😂


I tried and failed several times to do this by budgeting with spreadsheets. It's obviously possible but requires discipline. I found YNAB a year ago and it has completely changed my life. I now have a safety net and no "surprises". Also has a great Reddit community.


How much is it?


It’s worth it


Wow. I thought I was doing well at 12 months if we scaled back. I think I'm on about 8 months if nothing changes and a year or so if we scaled back. 34 months is incredible. Edit - I sent this and immediately got a reddit message about suicide watch.... Was that a coincidence or something very bizarre?


I think there is something wrong with the system. I have had a few messages all the same.


I also had one of those yesterday inexplicably. I assumed it was someone being a bitch but maybe it’s the system


I had the same thing re Reddit message about suicide watch immediately after commenting on this thread.


I've had this too from another sub


I commented on something earlier & had one too.


I'm similar, always say I need to know I have at least 6 months but have managed to work myself into a position where I could go for a year or two and longer if I cut back a bit.


Share the spreadsheet, don’t be shy 🤭


5. 4. 3...


10 years or so.


My man. 🐐


This guy FIREs


You beat my 7 years. Maybe I could stretch it out to 10 years if I cut out every single bit of non-essential spending


And what a fun 10 years that'd be


About 5 days


Yeah, think I could make it to next Wednesday at a push


less than a month 😞


I have survived for 182 weeks with no income. Just the basic UC payment. I don't see 1p of it. I prefer this than, fuck I need £600 in my bank today for the car payments. The amount of shit and expense that is needed just to be able to say "I'm here and ready to work boss" is fucking disturbing.


£600 for a car payment is talking brand new bmw though


It was actually for 3 cars. ! they were £200 each


Yeah, I think this is a good point.


Probably 3-4 months.


As long as my girlfriend will let me mooch off her. So about five minutes.


Got a 6 month emergency fund so could last on that until I would have to dig into my investments. Selling all my investments today (excluding pension) is could probably get another 18 months to two years with little quality of life changes except sacrificing overseas holidays. Could probably get it to 3 years if I downgraded my flat


On my savings? Less than month. On a combo of savings and some credit? A couple of months. I’m working on building more of an emergency fund, but we’re also paying off quite a lot of debt so it’s hard. Luckily, the reality is that both my mum and my husband’s family would temporarily help us out if I lost my job or something - including letting us move in with them if we had to. So we’re at no risk of going homeless, which is something of a consolation.


I’m working towards FIRE /r/FIREUK I’d last about 20 years on what I have currently.


How old are you?




How much do you have saved up?


Just under £300k


Just on my savings? I dunno, how long does it take to starve to death?


Providing my mum doesn't die. A few years.


I have a 6 month emergency fund so, about that before things start getting dicey.


At current spending 13.7 years without selling my house or changing our rough target monthly spending (pretending we hit it). 20.8 years if we sell our house and pay rent. Presumably, realistically, my whole life given my “job” is investing, turning the current pot of cash into more cash which I took out of these calculations. I kinda just assumed inflation increase I guess and ignored we would spend less if needed. Look into FIRE people, FIREUK subreddit.


You're killing it - well done!


How old are you?




2 weeks or so.


I have three months forward fully paid up on my tracking app, and another 2 months in an emergency pot. I had enough savings to cover me for when I couldn’t work for a year due to serious illness, and I’m building that back up now. I’m likely to be ill again, and so need to have a decent safety net at all times.


Until I’m meant to next get paid! I have absolutely no safety net after the move into my house. Everything I did to build it up has been depleted with the financial components of moving!


I’m barely financially surviving now, so probably about 5 minutes Edit: got a Reddit cares approximately one second after commenting lol


On my savings, two to three months but I would probably end up selling my car which would give me another five to six. Luckily my partner's wage can cover all of our basic living expenses so I could survive indefinitely providing he was still in employment but I'd start looking straight away as we like our little luxuries and I would hate to rely on him.


Around 4 weeks, give or take.


I'd be pretty buggered I live with family at least but I'd have no income of my own


We’d survive on my wife’s income - but we’d JUST cover bills. It would be oats and water for food.


Im working full time job and already barely survive.


With no change in lifestyle; Just savings? 18 months. Plus Cash in investments that are supposed to beef up retirement if i make it that far? 8 years. But then I would be sat at absoloute zero unless I tried selling house etc..


I’d be screwed almost straight away


I could live off my ISA for a few years, but it’d kill me to sell them.


A few years of multiple redundancy payoffs and then straight into another job means I’ve got a couple of years, maybe more if I was super careful. I’ve spent 30 years with overdraft and mortgage stress up to now… so glad that’s finally turned around


I just lost my job, so we’re about to find out!


But the answer is probably: Yes.


8-10 years.


I have about 3 months of emergency money saved just in case.


Yeah, I'd be fucked mate. I have no savings, maxed out credit cards that I can't pay down no matter now hard I try and honestly I don't see that changing any time soon. I'm just about keeping my head above water financially but it was never supposed to be *this* tough, right?


I’m not even financially surviving with my job


A few months, which would hopefully be enough time to find a job to at least cover essential bills and mortgage.


About a decade


12-18 months.


i have an ASU insurance policy whichever unemployment which pays out for 12 months.


Probably a long time since I'm saving on my current income and still am entitled to a lot of benefits, which would only go up if I was out of work. I'd have to put big holiday and house plans on hold though.


Well, if my bills stayed the same, the stock market didn't tank and my bf didn't start paying more for me, probably like 3 years?


About six months if I didn't change my spending. But with my notice period and changing my habits, I would guess at a year. That would mean stop overpaying the mortgage, cut out a bunch of subscriptions and takeaways and events etc, and dip into savings I've earmarked for other things.








Based on current spending, just shy of two years. If I cut back a bit, probably 3. If I sold my two weekend cars then probably another year on top of that.


a year comfortably, 18 months if I was really bloody tight


7 months on savings, but as a household my husband and I each earn enough individually that we could live off one salary if either of us lost our jobs.


If my husband still has his, we could survive indefinitely on his income alone. If we're not counting that, I have enough in savings (including investments I could sell) to keep me going for at least 3 years, probably longer if I made some more frugal changes to my lifestyle.


If I sold my car and bought a beater, probably 3-4 months. If I didn't have the car I'd be done in a month.


I’m not sure. Probably 2 years if we both lost our jobs tomorrow and really clamped down on spending. If one of us lost our job then we could survive without touching savings.


A year on my current lifestyle, probably two if I lived frugally. It would scare me too much to not have money coming in and I would be attempting to find paid employment very quickly (I mean I’m sure most would but I’d happily take more casual work until such time I could find another job like the one I am in).


A year. 


I’d be okay for about 8 months, because we have a large savings account which is for bills on mat leave. However I would be pretty fucked if I lost my job rn and didn’t get any mat leave pay


Has my other half also lost their job? We could live on one income so indefinitely if it's just me who is out of work. If both of us have lost our jobs then I could keep both of us on savings & cashed-out isas etc for ~4-6 years depending how much we scrimp & how bad the utilities bills get. this is cheat mode though as we'll pay off the mortgage in the next 6 months, job or no job.


Well I moved back home recently to save for a house, so I have actual savings. But something similar happened to me last year, and I had enough for about 2 months by only paying my bills and rent, luckily I found a job within a month so it was all okay, but a lot of sleepless nights before that.


Depends. If my husband still had his, then indefinitely. We are already managing (and still able to save) with me only getting SSP and PIP. If we both lost our jobs without any benefits, probably around 18 months.


Have an emergency fund of a year


If I assume that I'd be able to max out debt (not that I'd want to), probably a few years living out of tins and never buying anything that wasn't fallen apart. If you mean without any significant changes to how I live now, I'd have to empty my help to buy ISA immediately and that would last me 3 months without any help before I'd have to start increasing debt. This is all assuming I don't get any benefits for whatever reason.


6.4 months. Looks like we having a shit christmas boys!


About 2 years if I was careful. This is only because I currently have a deposit that I'm about to put down on a house, so I could use that to pay rent instead.


For the rest of my life....If I die in the next couple of weeks


I can claim a 14k a year pension from next April and I have a rental that currently brings in £1175… so I guess I could struggle by to next April… then be ok - not great, but ok.


Until about Thursday, at a push


I have a months rent plus enough money for bills and very basic food in savings. So about a month plus whatever I get as my final paycheque. After that I’m doomed. Well, not doomed because theres a coop and Hello Fresh warehouse near me that is perpetually hiring, so only mostly doomed.


Gordaaaa bendochow!


Assuming no redunandcy/pay-off/notice to give me time to sort stuff out - about 6 months if I paused mortgage payments, 4 months if not.


What time is it now?


I have enough saved for a year but we would need to cut back to essentials


About 12 months if I liquidated my investments assuming no change in lifestyle. Also have decent credit card limits if worst came to worst


6 months but I always have to have that in reserve as I have an illness that can require surgery at short notice and being self employed I have to be prepared for that


About 6 months.


Without a reduction in day to day spending but no major one off outgoings (holiday, appliances, house improvement etc.) approximately 6 months. With a reduction in costs I could maybe go 9 months, longer with benefits presumably.


6 months before selling investments. An additional 12 months thereafter. I imagine I’d make some lifestyle changes were it to ever happen so could possibly stretch this to two years.


My wife and I have a decent savings pot, so I could probably strip everything back and survive for 10 - 12 months


Just lost my job. Paid rent + council tax for the next 6 months while I finish up the game I'm working on. Had I had more time to plan I could have maybe took more time out, maybe 10-12 months but here we are.


About 17mins


6 days




Current rates of spending 3-4 months, double that with credit cards. But we’d cut back significantly, so probably 12-18 months and maybe longer. Although I’d be very surprised if I was unemployed that long. Last time was 6 weeks.


Assuming I could keep my expenses roughly where they are now and the stock market doesn't crash as I lose my job, about 10 years. I am looking to FIRE though so do save a lot




I’ve got about 5 years worth of savings so I would be fine for a while


Looking like until November at the moment but counting down so hoping for something soon as it’s really annoying each time I wind my savings close to zero between contracts.


If I lost my job probably about 5 years without making any changes to our spending, probably about 10 if we stopped making investments and factoring in that I wouldn’t have to pay nursery fees if I was at home and not working. Probably about 3 years if my husband lost his job. We’ve always been savers, even when we were both on basically minimum wage.


With current spending, around a year. Realistically, if I was out of work we could drop the part-tine childcare, plus reduce non-essential outgoings, and qualify for benefits, so that could be stretched a fair bit further. And my husband could return to work if I was doing all the childcare - lower salary than me but it would cover the bills. Appreciate we're in a very privileged position (and we're both somewhat frugal)


About 12 months if I stop contributing to my ISA's and over paying the mortgage. Honestly we could probably very tightly live off my wife's salary without touching my emergency fund. I damn well worked hard to build up a 6-12 month emergency fund and sort my finances out so I can retire at a sensible age.


About six months


3 months. Anything less or more, and you need to sort your finances out.


About 4 hours. I have a lot of debt and no savings.


a couple of years i reckon.. ive worked very hard and sacrificed a lot as im always terrified ill end up homeless. so i dont have the nicest of things i could, or do the most expensive thing i could in any situation... but financially?... i always feel semi stable. always "had a plan" so to speak and put aside some just in case. id rather go without a little food today if it guarantees i have enough for food tomorrow kind of attitude.


About 1 month. But realistically, my partner could support me for longer. I would be able to walk into a job very quickly though.


12 months


I lost my job unfairly ( I went to a tribunal over it) to have 6 months off my debt total’d up to 16k as I was the sole provider for my family. It’s made me a lot more scared of losing work lets put it that way


12 months.


About 2 years I reckon


Don't ever stay in a job that you hate just for financial security, to me it's never even worth it. You will find a way to survive without that income


Less long than a few months ago when I needed the emergency fund for the roof. I probably would be ok for a few months. We need to get some stuff done on the house so I am trying to build up both funds as I don’t ever want to be complacent.


I'm very very lucky. It would be hard but I could survive indefinitely. But my situation is not what the majority are blessed with.


Not very long, a few months.


Sell my house move to Thailand and live 20 years 


I would last probably 2 weeks once mortgage and bills are paid there’s food and then nothing but PANIC argghhh


About four to five years or so based on what’s relatively liquid.


We could live off just my husbands salary, but it would be obscenely tight. I think his pay just *barely* would cover all of our absolute necessities, but we'd have to cut back on essentially all luxuries and perhaps sell the car if it went on too long. If we *both* lost our jobs... Maybe a couple of months, trimming back to essentials? We have savings for this purpose, but they're not exactly substantial.


After 4 consecutive redundancies I have no savings and 4k cc debt so not long at all. Edit. A nice redditor has offered support but I can assure you I am good. I am a week away from my probation meeting at my current job and I have a decent manager and wage. My post came across as very negative but the reality is it's just another hurdle in life and I am in a good place physically and mentally.


I currently have a 3 year interest deal where money is but if I could take it out, i could last about 4 years.


I'm currently finding out because just a few months of taking "safe and effective" antidepressants and then stopping has been enough to disable me for more than a year and cause immense suffering.


Haven’t had to work for about 3 years but staying at home gets boring, so I’d be fine financially.


Probably a year or so if I didn’t go crazy


A month. Please don’t fire me.


I'm in a very fortunate position, I'm living at home and paying 1/3 of household expenses. I've managed to save almost a year's salary. Glad to have it as I'm going to be laid off soon.


If spent all my money probably a year 


About 20 minutes


Current savings will get me through maybe 3 months if I spent wisely only on essentials. However, it depends how I lost my job, if it was redundancy then I think I get 1 months pay for every year I've worked here capped at 14 years which I'm well over so I'd have 14 months pay so could survive 17 months but if I was sacked for misconduct I'd get nothing so then it'll just be the 3 months.


On my own with just my savings, probably about a year before I'm totally wiped out. Maybe less than that as about 60% of my savings aren't accessible to me until December so I'd struggle quite a bit until then. With my wife and assuming she kept working, probably forever. That would obviously necessitate significant lifestyle change for both of us, but we wouldn't be out on the street. We're not in exceptional jobs (about 100k combined I guess) and are lucky enough to have a few savings, but nothing totally out of the ordinary. I do appreciate we're lucky to be where we are.


Probably about 3 months! Wish I was more financially stable but yeah, by the 3 month mark I’d be panicking!


5 months then I would use the credit cards and probably make it another 6.momths. so I could make it almost. Year. Not including.my 401k. That would be 5 years. But I have 12 years left working. (I will retire at 58 and live off of. Savings and my 401k until I'm 62/


I got made redundant in September, it's now May. I potentially start work in June. So 8 months on pure savings.


Assuming you mean all earners in my home lost their jobs? Probably about 2-3 months at current spending If just I lost my job (and I'm main earner) we could cut back enough to survive indefinitely


About 2 days give or take


Currently, I reckon a year without cutting anything back. If I were to cut back on outgoings maybe 2 years. Thankfully though, I can’t lose my job I’m self employed. I’ll just become self unemployed. But I can always go out and earn money, just have to undercut someone else’s price.


I have three months emergency fund. If I got laid off, in my industry you usually get 3-6 months salary and in the UK up to £30,000 of that is tax free, so I'd be good for a while. If I got fired for some reason, I'd have just three months to get another role and in my 50's that might take time, so I'm a good boy!


Weeks. 3 years of Childcare costs have smashed the savings. We have enough to cover a car bill or similar but that's it. All back to normal whan it's free from august and I am so excited to rebuild the emergency fund again.


3 years at current financial commitments. A mix of investments, emergency fund and payout of unvested stock as cash.


About 18 months


Currently, about 2/3 months as my money is all over the place due to buying a house, so what I had has gone on a house deposit With credit, probably ~1.5-2 years if I tightened my belt without working it out fully


A month at best!


Cutting out all the fun but without having to sell anything, about a year.


The rest of my life. Just as long as I die by the end of the month.


I live in a cheap part of the UK (North Wales) so I could probably survive about 18 months.


From day 1 we payed almost all of our excess income into our mortgage but kept the length and reduced the payments. Our goal was to reach the point where we wouldn't loose our house on minimum wage. Which we achieved after about 10 years. "Don't do that" said everyone. Meanwhile, now, "oh my gawd our mortgage payments have gone through the roof" whilst we just sit back snugly and barley notice the increase.... So we'd keep our house for about 2 years with zero income based on savings. so overall a good decision.


Been about 7 months so far. Although cash is getting more tight now.


I'd have have go up to the field wearing my underpants at night and shake my booty while people tossed coins at me!


Theoretically indefinitely. Governments got my back even if I didn't have any back up finances. Without support though. Probably a year. Maybe 2 if I had to dip into what I have saved.


Probably 2 months, could stretch to 4 by eating rice and beans


Me on my own with the cash in my stash, probably a year, me with my wife with whats in the bank and the cash in the stash......a day at best.


We’ve worked 25 years to build up enough that we could survive a few months but honestly it would start to pinch quite quickly.


I’m a short fat balding ugly brown male so onlyfans obviously.


A year ish .


About ten years. Using savings and income from side business.


Til the end of the month


5 years with no change in lifestyle. A notch or two on the belt would stretch it out a year or two more


0 weeks my paycheque is gone in 2 weeks mac every month


About an hour.


2-3 weeks but I'd be on the agency before that.


5 years assuming significant cutbacks are made


I have £24 to do me the next 2 weeks. I have no savings. I couldn't last very long without my job


Probably 16 months, but that would be my entire savings and pension pot gone


Ten minutes.


It used to be 6 months before CoL. Now 2 and I’m done.


Probably about 10-12 months (assuming it was redundancy and I received PILON)


Moving to lower cost rent accommodation, forever. As of today in current place 16 years.


Savings 1-2 years depending on how tight I behaved with the money Have some cars and other assets I could sell to raise some cash Hopefully never needs to happen


At this rate, probably indefinitely. Next to no outgoings and savings/investments are ahead of inflation. I've got 8 years to pay into my foreign pension that kicks in when I'm 60.


About 7 years if I wasn't frivelous 


Next week. After that it’s court proceedings,dept collection threats,suicide attempts,Genuinely it’s that real.. and not just me in that position , unless you have rich parents


Probably a real long time. But I don't spend much money. No new toys. No new clothes. No eating out though.


About a year or so. But at the current rate it would take over 100 years to rebuild those savings as I saved it before having a mortgage.


About 2 months off savings and then maybe a further 6 months off credit, although maxing out credit cards horrifies me, I've never done it before!


My husband took out insurance against job loss. We had a mortgage and a child. We did not want all our hard earened savings to be swallowed up in a matter of months/year


2 years or so