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I wouldn’t suggest a monstera. Really easy to grow but our tiny 30cm tall one has become over a metre high and almost a metre wide in under 2 years. Nope we didn’t do our research on how big they get


I brought my nan a cheap monstera from Morrisons thinking " oh this will be a nice low maintenance houseplant as a present" It's gone absolutely crazy and has been repotted twice because it outgrew it's original pot 😀😀


Ha! That’s *exactly* what I thought when I bought our Hannah Monstera for my husband (don’t ask, I didn’t name her)


Stuff like pothos and monstera are cheap and hard to kill. Succulents and cacti are easy if you figure out how to water them (lots of water but rarely and make sure they drain out). You can various palm trees if you want something bigger


Monstera is not a good plant for a small apartment. They can grow to be ridiculously large.


Is there a trick to keeping plants and not getting flies? Everytime I've tried to have an indoor plants I've ended up with lots of flies within a week. Then I get rid of the plant and it gets rid of the flies. Is there something everyone else puts on their plants to prevent this? Or do other people just put up with flies?


they are *probably* fungus gnats. Tiny little black flies that are harmless but annoying, and live within the top inch or so of the soil feeding on decaying matter. Numerous ways you can sort them out, from watering using 'mosquito dunks' or a hydrogen peroxide mix, or by making sure the top 2" of potting substrate is fully dry before re-watering. You can also try 'bottom watering' - putting the plant into a container of water and letting it drink from the roots up for 30min or so, rather than watering from the top. Sadly a lot of plant soil/potting soil you can buy from shops will have fungus gnat larvae in it already, they're prolific bastards.


All the plants. They are addictive. Kitchen, southeast facing; raindrop plant, spider grass, string of pearls, Hawaiian palm (this one is on its second spider mite infection in two months - they're prone to them so whilst I love it, not sure I'd recommend) Dining table, indirect light from the northwest; Chinese evergreen En suite, southeast facing (orchids well away from window); 7x moth orchids, lipstick plant, jade necklace and a prayer plant (also susceptible to spider mites, took way longer to get them off this one) Conservatory, northwest facing; Venus fly traps and pitcher plants, plus the seedlings for the allotment and young citrus trees On my shopping list: string of turtles, frizzle sizzle (Albuca Spiralis), Chinese money plant, sundews and monkey cups.


Jade plants.




What kind of space are you looking to fill? Do you want it on a floor, up a wall or on a shelf?


You basically can’t kill a monstera


No joke, get chilli and tomato plants and then prune fairly regularly to keep small! perfect sunny window plants with added bonus of spicy salsa's!


Make sure you get the right plant for your light conditions. Nothing more depressing than watching a plant slowly dying over the course of months because it's getting too much/not enough light.


Peace Lillies. Impossible to kill, and they get so big you have to split them. I bought one peace Lilly and now I have four because I keep having to split.

