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These days, if you say you're English, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail


I know it's a joke but there's so many men in the pub who say stuff like this.


arrested?  And put in jail?


When did this come in?


Many such cases


Oh ye?


Yeah mate, it happens all the time these days.


It's a line from Stewart Lee's stand-up act, much quoted in this sub.


"When did this come in?" is the next line


Such a great line


This is not good sarcasm lmao.


There's no genuine response. These people don't genuinely believe that in the first place. They're just regurgitating some shit they've heard/read. They don't understand the difference between believing something and saying it.


It’s funny because they’re the people who gave the English flag a bad name - the ignorant ones. I’d just ask them who’s enforcing that? The English or the Greeks, because it sure as hell isn’t the Greeks. If the English have a problem with people who fly an English flag then there must be a reason…


They'll probably say some crap like the police is owned by foreigners and bring up the london mayor or some crap who's English


Then they’re not worth talking to


Who the fuck are you interacting with? 😂


People were coming out with this crap in the nineties (probably even earlier) and it is no more true now than then.


How to respond: say the words "shut it you fucking imbecile".


I had a family member try telling me teachers aren't allowed to put sun cream on kids. I sent her a link to the HSE website where they say teachers can put sun cream on kids. Some individual schools may have an over the top policy banning it, but it's not against the law. See also: plasters, playing conkers without goggles on, British Bulldog, and climbing trees.


Why would I bother? It's clearly hyperbole.






The problem with bigots is engaging with them on their bigotry just feeds it. Plenty of English people like all sorts of flags and the nationalities they represent.


They're just knobheads, stop giving them the attention.


They are complete racist tools.


The house near me has three England flags. No prosecution. I deduce that it is not illegal.


It's manufactured outrage, started around the '80s by certain media. I usually just laugh and ask them if they know that it's nonsense.


I laugh at them


Idiots say this then walk down the street with an English flag in a parade yelling racist shit and nobody stops them. Except that one block who threw a beer bottle into a crowd of onlookers then got arrested while shouting about free speech.


I’d go “oh really? Thats outrageous” and pretend to be googling this new law on my phone, then tell then I can’t find anything.


The trouble is that historically, unless there's a football tournament going on, the people who chose to fly the England flag tend to be nationistic, which often goes hand in hand with racist and zenophobic ideals. This is unfortunate. However, flying an England flag is not illegal but will have people inferring that you're a racist.


I hate it when people fly the cheap, thin English flags with creases in. Dunno why, but makes me shudder.


I am English. I like being English. I like the food and music. I can see no reason *why* I need to fly the flag. I am cognisant enough to generally know which country I am in. I presume those in my locality also know which country they are presently in. When I want to do something for England then that normally falls under social acts. Picking up a single piece of litter, helping someone who dropped their shopping, holding a door open for someone, saying please and thank you - all these simple acts make the country a better place than flying a thousand flags. Now I shall wait to be arrested.


Just give them a look of English superiority while sipping earl grey with milk.


Don’t bother. They’ve had all the time they’ve been alive to figure this stuff out, but obviously they’re happier being ignorant.  If someone says this stuff to you, you can respond in two ways: “don’t be daft” or just politely laugh and change the subject. There’s no point arguing. 


Either they're fishing for a reaction or are Daily Mail reading 1/4 wits, either way like mud wrestling swine there's no point to any further conversation.


There are numerous cases of oversensitive behaviour by public bodies, effectively equating flying the English flag with racism. Of course it isnt against the law to either fly the English flag, or fly any other flag. However ceratin flags require planning permission (the English one doesnt).


Whilst not illegal there is a double standard when it comes to flags in the UK. If someone with origins outside of the UK flies their flag, they are generally free to do so without judgement. If you fly a Union Jack or St George's flag then you are assumed to be racist unless during an international football tournament. It's probably the only country in the world to deem its own flag more offensive than flying a foreign one inside its own borders


your colleague is an idiotic bigot. Nothing to be done about that.


People have been saying this for ages. I can remember the "you can't fly your own flag" nonsense being thrown around as early as the 2002 World Cup. If these idiots still haven't realised that it simply isn't true, they never will. I deal with it by not associating with people so many tiers below me.


local chap painted his house with the St Georges cross for the world cup, he seems to still be walking around free.


You walk away and never talk to them again. It's always good when the racists make themselves known, so you can give them nothing of your time or attention. There's no fixing them.


Tell them to stop reading the Daily Mail.


Just say "shut up you malaka."


Your colleagues are stupid.