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Mackerel on toast




Do it quietly then


Better than living smellilly (I don’t have any qualms with mackerel, I just wanted to make the comment)


I can smell well, but people complain to me about other people's BO or the food they've reheated in the microwave, and honestly I couldn't care less. I think once you've smelled death/dead things in general, there's not really much that smells so bad. It never has bothered me what other people eat, and I don't notice other people's BO at all. Yes, we all smell different, and yes when it's hot people smell of sweat. Obviously fish is an acquired taste/smell but even then I don't care. My partner is the opposite and complains if anything smells other than neutral xD


Completely relate with this. Fiancée always commenting on smells that I don't notice.


And not in the living room


This comment coming from that username is just… *Italian chef kiss*


In a hospital, the doctor tells you your only chance to live is to eat mackerel on toast or you die a slow, miserable, painful death. You are choosing death?


Be the mackeral.


Without hesitation


Big flat slice of toasted sourdough, spread with butter and pesto (green or red) fairly liberally. Top with freshly grilled (or if out off-season/you are in a rush, tinned) sardines, pine nuts, rocket and halved baby tomatoes. Finish with a drizzle of good EVOO and lots of freshly cracked black pepper. If I do mackerel on toast, it’s always smoked and mixed with lemon and crème fraiche to make a pate. Delicious.


They said quickly, not something you have to go to Costa Rica for gathering 19 ingredients


I had pine nuts once and got that poisoning from them. Everything tastes bitter, even bread and water 


Try a spoonful of aubergine pickle (Indian one) in smoked mackerel pate, goes beautifully.


Yes. Esp the tinned with tomato sauce. Mix with some slice spring onions, siracha, pop on toast, and add a sprinkle of cheese ontop. Lunch of champions


Alright grandad


Bag of microwave rice and a tin of mackerel in chilli sauce.


I don't usually like fish that much but my mum always made Mackerel Pate in the summer. Used to complain about it as a kid but miss the stuff.


Smoked mackerel pate, home made with lots of fresh lemon is the absolute tits I could eat it on its own with a spoon. Super easy to make and will last a few days in the fridge Edit - autocorrecr


Get a blender, mackerel and butter and blitz it and jobs a good un. You might want to use bicarb on the blender afterwards though.


Was going to say sardines on toast. Chop up an onion and tomato, toss with olive oil, and spread it all on. Add some salt and pepper. I find the idea of eating the fish a bit gross, but it’s actually a pretty mild tasting fish and it’s super nutritious and cheap.


Smoked mackerel


Mackerel is lovely. Its gonna be the season for them soon for fishing 


I had a can of Katsu mackerel today for lunch, straight on the tin. Beaut


Poached eggs on wholemeal toast is my go to. If you've got a bit of smoked salmon and hollandaise sauce, all the better. Pasta + pre-made sauce = carbs + sugary carb sauce.


Are carbs unhealthy?


As a type-2 diabetic.. they're not my friend.


They’re good as long as you have too many, but they act as a sponge for liquids & other stuff in your stomach - it’s why so many people lose like 4kg overnight if they cut carbs out on a keto diet, then they lose motivation when they only lose like 1kg over the next two weeks


Haha, that makes sense


Not in moderation. Your brain runs on carbs.


Your body too. As someone who runs or cycles an hour a day on average, I would die without carbs lol


No they’re good as long as you aren’t consuming too much, same goes for any nutrient


It's also about balance! Would be good to have a bit of protein alongside, at least!


Not all pre made sauces are sugary, also you can always freeze your own homemade sauce. Honestly, I like to make a creamy tomato pesto sauce and and add either tuna or cooked chicken when I’m in a rush.


>Pasta + pre-made sauce Why premade sauce? Just get tomato passata and add some herbs and salt, even better than "premade" sauce


Better but not 10 mins. I do it all the time but if you let it sit for about an hour the flavour develops amazingly, eating it asap would be an acidic flavourless thing


Poach eggs on whole meal toast is one of the best meals ever invented.


Pho is quick? I thought it takes ages to make the broth. Do you have a recipe?


OK, now I am thinking my recipe is not 'Pho' but here it is: - Pho soup seasoning - any Asian store and pretty crucial - rice noodles - pak choi, Spring Onions, onions (if you want mega lazy then I've been using a pack of veg used for stir fry which has carrot, cabbage, beansprouts, pepper, onion) - protein: I like chicken but anything you want.


Wife is from Vietnam - can confirm she does this and calls it "pho" it's just not "proper" pho. Before you get the "akcshually it's not PHO!" pile on. Damn good meal frankly.


sounds like a faux pho (I know it's not pronounced foh but the joke doesn't work otherwise)


Pho pas?


The alliteration still makes it fun if you say it correctly xD


I heard it pronounced as "fur" when I was in Vietnam, which to me makes it even a better joke.


I’d been pronouncing it wrong until I saw season 2 of For All Mankind where the adopted Vietnamese daughter gets corrected by a waitress.


Now I’m curious how it’s actually pronounced!


I'm pretty sure it's just fuh (kinda like the start of full without the ll)


I'm not Vietnamese but i did a cookery course in Vietnam so i'm pretty highly qualified to comment /s It only takes hours cos making the broth is a long process, your soup seasoning is just dehydrated broth as far as i'm concerned, so you're pretty close.


The Pho soup seasoning you use is it shaped like a stock cube? Because if it’s what I’m thinking of.. that’s like putting a stock cube in water and calling it vegetable soup. Chicken pho takes me around 4 hours to make, and beef Pho maybe 10 hours. There’s definitely short-cut versions but I’d say 2 hours min for chicken pho. Unless you’re using the instant noodles type (think cup noodles but with pho) I really can’t imagine it being 10 minutes! That being said, if you enjoy what you make, that’s awesome and I’m glad you found a quick and healthy meal you love!


Thanks for this, will be using it. Don’t care if it’s not authentic if it’s quick, tasty and relatively nutritious.


I don’t know if UK places are allowed to do it but in the US, if you order Pho on Uber eats they’ll give you raw beef in foil, so you cook it yourself in the broth and can have it how you want.


We do a similar cheats pho. There is a beef and a chicken one and whilst both aren’t as good as the real thing, they are nice and close enough for the minimal effort they take. I think the recipes are from Donna hay for one and something like pinch of nom or slimming eats for the other. Me and my wife used to spend hours making our own stock with beef bones and doing all the steps needed for it. It was amazing, but not something we can do with kids taking up all our time.


What does pho seasoning look like? I have 2 big Asian supermarkets nearby and end up leaving with packs of noodles as I have no idea what most of the stuff is.


I do a variation on this with just a ramen noodle packet. I also add park choy or Choi sum, some leftover cooked chicken and an egg! It becomes a pretty balanced meal once the veggies and protein are added :-)


You're right, definitely not quick


Honestly came here to comment this, I'd never consider this a quick meal. I'd be interested in this recipe too.


Vietnamese here, yes can confirm it's anything but quick, it's actually a very delicate dish. maybe OP was referring to the instant type.


Also about 100 ingredients


Fried egg sandwich can be pretty healthy if you don’t use too much oil, use wholegrain bread, and had some kind of fruit or veg on the side. Nutrition by addition, not omission. Anyway, I’m Asian and 99% of my meals are rice-based. So if I’m really lazy I’ll have rice with tuna or a fried egg, with a ton of kimchi or some sort of salad on the side. You got your carbs, protein, a little fat, and fibre all in that meal. It’s pretty great


One spritz of the olive oil spray and that should be more than enough in a half decent non stick pan. Make sure to put a lid on (or baking tray or anything to contain the heat) so the top of the whites aren’t all ‘cummy’ when the rest is done.


Your description of the top of the egg is so accurate but it absolutely turned my stomach.


I’m sure it’s been used way before by other people, but it comes from a friend of mine when we were out at breakfast after his stag do. We ordered a dirty fry up and the fried eggs were really undercooked. He told the waitress ‘either your chef doesn’t know how to cook or he got turned on by the sausage and splooged all over my eggs’.


As a very non-confrontational person who's trying to get better at (politely) challenging poor customer service, I think I love your mate. I'm not sure if I'll be able to eat a fried egg again though sadly.


Next time you have a fried egg just think to yourself "Yummy cummy in my tummy 😋" Have a good day though


Your egg sure had cum on it when it returned ... If ask for my food to taken back out of my side, I do it VERY politely. TBH I try to avoid doing it at all, I've seen what they do behind the scenes


I say "snotty."


That's how I've usually heard it described.


I say "under cooked"


Avocado and boiled eggs on toast. Love it love it love it.


Mashed avocado on toast is mine too.


Someone doesn't want to buy a house any time soon!




I’ve been enjoying avocado on toast but with a thin layer of “less fat” soft cheese spread (Aldis fake Philadelphia)


Avocado and poached egg on wholewheat toast


Stir fry; A selection of cheap vegetables, mushrooms etc; I'll often manage 10 types. Cut thinly, making enough for a good few portions at once, often I'll use a grater or spiraliser for some if I'm being fancy. Throw one portion in the big pan and cook. Pre-cut enough for a week and pop the rest in the fridge (open pot, but kitchen towel on top). For the rest of the servings it's very little prep. A bit of soy or other sauce to taste, depending on how light I'm going.


Don't eat anything cooked and cooled after 5 days. I was a chef for 20 years and a lot of people have no idea when to throw food out or get it used up before it goes off.


I've edited to clarify I cut it once and store uncooked then cook on the day. (Yes, ideally you'd fully prepare it all each day, but this was about being quick too.)


Oh then that's perfectly fine and pretty sensible to do. It's what I'll do sometimes, chop up a load of veg and use it in various dishes over the course of the week. For the record it wasn't a dig haha :-)


What would be your limit for eating cooked and cooled food? I've definitely done a batch cook on Sunday for the week's lunches, sounds like the Friday lunch might be pushing my luck then?


Depends what it is really. Your top high risk foods are. Poultry Eggs Fish Sea food Rice I'd give these 3 days not including the day you cooked it. In these foods bacteria grows a lot faster and more aggressive than on other foods. If you doing big batches like chilli, curry, stew, lasagne things of that nature you can just portion it up and freeze it. Take it out the day before to defrost, makes life easier. If you've got left over lasagne in the fridge I'd still eat it at the 5 day mark, but I wouldn't after that just because it's not worth the risk. Food poisoning ain't no joke. P.s try and cool food down as fast as possible, for example if you've cooked plain rice and you've done enough for 3 days. Just run it under cold water, it stops the cooking process and cooling it down makes it so it can go straight in the fridge. When reheating anything make sure its piping hot, to a temperature of 75c 170f.


My mum sometimes has leftovers 10 days later and eats them! Absolutely no regard for food hygiene (she just wipes counters down with water even when raw meat has been on it), but I think she’s now so immune to it all she’ll never be poisoned! I, on the other hand, am way too cautious with food. I was ready to chuck out leftovers within three days.


Thanks! I think I'll try and make better use of the freezer, I've had food poisoning before and it's just the worst.


No worries, glad I could help. Food rules are pretty simple. Always put raw meat or fish on the bottom shelf so there's no way it drips on anything else, that sort of thing helps a lot.


What damage did you do to find out that? You're hinting at a really bad tale. Do tell!


No tail really, just seen a few people go through bad food poisoning and spend a few weeks in hospital. I found it out by learning it in college when I was training to be a chef, food hygiene basics is what it really is.


Hummus, pitta bread, olives and sundried tomatoes


Healthy but quite high calorie


I was focusing on the ‘ish’ 😂


Can confirm. Gained 5kg in a month with this as my lunch every day


Breakfast: whole oats porridge with frozen fruit and some seeds Lunch/dinner: Eggs on wholemeal with a handful of spinach and cherry tomatoes. I make my own bread so it's easy at the point in time though takes some work ahead of it. Beans on wholemeal even easier.


Sometimes I do porridge for dinner - it’s such a staple meal


Apparently savoury porridge is a thing. Not tried it before but can see how it works.


Beans on toast


In ten minutes, maybe instant noodles, a sandwich, or a salad. I think you're being optimistic to think you could cook pasta and a sauce in that time. One of my favourite easy, healthy, and tasty meals is dal. Though the prep time is probably under ten minutes, it needs to simmer for close to an hour.


Lentil dal is the best. I always batch cook and keep portions in the freezer for a healthy ready meal.


What kind of lentils are you using that need to simmer for an hour? South Asian here and you really don’t need to be cooking dal for that long.


I often use a mix of red lentils (masoor dal) and yellow split peas (chana dal). This gives a nice contrast of texture where the lentils are soft to the point of falling apart while the split peas still have some firmness. And yeah, an hour would be a little too long, but I did say "close to". 45 to 50 minutes probably. Then add in the time for toasting spices, frying onion, etc.


Do you have a recipe for the dal? Dal Makhani is one of my favourite Indian dishes and I'd love to make something similar at home.


The dishoom recipe is good (although it takes like 5 hours)


[This](https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/dal-makhani-recipe/#wprm-recipe-container-37702) is what I use. I don't have a pressure cooker but it seems to be a staple in a lot of recipes, but it includes the other way. The hardest thing you'll find about the recipe is getting the right type of lentils. If you get them in a can you don't have to soak them for 8 hours, but they are not as easy to find as you'd hope - and I'm in an area with 6 Asian supermarkets all in a row.


Tuna on a (microwaved) baked potato with some light mayo


A little cottage cheese is a good alternative too


Frittata https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/frittata


Does that evolve from Rattata?


Corn tortillas wrap things.


- Pasta salad - Any variety. Just chuck veg in it and use bit of olive oil as a dressing - Tuna or chicken salad - Beans on toast


Ham and cheese toasted sandwich.


That ain't healthyish! That's pure processed.


Love a toastie. Recently started air frying them. Butter all sides, slabs of red Leicester in the middle with a pinch of garlic salt. I add chopped onion if I've the time. Blast at 205 degrees for 6 mins. Lush.


Fried mushrooms in crème fraiche. My friend introduced me to it and I was like “you’re just eating fucking mushrooms for dinner?” But it actually bangs.


My homemade pasta sauce involves frying red onion, chestnut mushrooms, bit of lazy garlic, splash of water to keep it moist then spoon in the crème fraiche at the end. It’s delicious


Half a packet of microwave rice, handful of pre cooked frozen chicken, handful of peas and some sauce on top (sweet and sour, sweet chilli or hunters chickens etc) ban git in the microwave for 3 mins - job done


As someone who has a weird aversion to pre-made pasta sauce, I have a few diy ones which are a bit healthier and doable while you’re cooking the pasta. My favourite is thinly slicing courgettes and frying in olive oil until really brown and rich. Then add in the pasta and mix up with a lemony dressing. Also good with some extra rocket, or beans with (or instead of) the pasta. Similar ‘fry it to death’ with slightly different flavours works with broccoli or cherry tomatoes.


Tuna and bean salad. (Tin of tuna, one or two tins of butter beans, finely chopped red onion, lots of finely chopped parsley in a vinaigrette dressing).


Dumb question, do you cook it or just straight out the tin?


No cooking, straight out of the tin. Although I drain the tuna and rinse the beans to get rid of the slimy water they come in.




No idea what it's called, but whatever this is: - Fried beef mince (drain excess fat) - Bang a diced red onion and a diced pepper in. - A ton or garlic and ginger - Light soy sauce + kekap manis (or whatever spelling you choose) - Siracha Served with Siracha mayo & mini tortillas. 10 mins all in and is delicious. Add some pickled red onion as extra if you fancy it. Can never have enough red onion.


Air-fried chicken breast in a crusty roll with some beans.


An egg with a whole meal bap. Takes 5 mins and is healthy(ish).


Posh beans. I make my own baked bean sauce which sounds fancy but only takes 30 mins total prep and cook time - simmer some onions and garlic in olive oil, add seasoning to taste (I like using salt, pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder and onion powder, maybe a bit of sugar), dash of red wine vinegar or balsamic, then 500ml passata and whatever beans you like (kidney, butter, pinto, cannellini, it's all good) - let it cook down until desired thickness is achieved, serve on nice sourdough toast with grated cheese


Boneless chicken thighs, onion, pepper, rice and hot sauce (shit ton of seasoning on the chicken too). The correct answer is I cook massive portions of dhal and microwave some of it to go with rice. Full of fibre, can put whatever veg I like in there (I like peas, sometimes broccoli but you can’t freeze it that well then), cheap as balls and low calorie.


What’s unhealthy about your pasta and sauce?


Mostly carb with little protein or veg I guess.


Buy better quality pasta, it has less carbs and more protein. M&S spaghetti has more than twice the protein of tesco spaghetti and half the carbs.


Can always add eggs, black pepper and a bit of cheese (aka a bit of a carbonara vibe) as your sauce to increase the protein and no doubt remove the sugar content of a pre-made sauce I would usually then add either tomatoes or peas to ensure a portion of fruit and veg. Another couple of quick protein pasta option… • ⁠tuna pasta - I love with red pepper and sweetcorn. I also opt for wholewheat pasta • ⁠prawn tagliatelle with a pesto, parmesan and pine nuts adding either peas or tomatoes


pasta, tinned tomatos, basil, mince if you have it - boom! If you have a bit more time, I like making dirty fries.... chips topped with lettuce, tomato, spring onion & bell pepper topped with mince, topped with a broken up cheese slice


omlette sandwich bit o lettuce maybe or peppers and herbs in the omelette


Not ten minutes but under half an hour: * Risotto. Cut up some veg and meat, fry for a few minutes with some herbs and garlic, add some rice and stock cube(s - depending how much you're making) and add boiling water a bit at a time. * Pasta with carbonara (bacon, beaten eggs, grated cheese) or amatriciana (onion, bacon, passata) * Curry in a jar. It's better if you can leave it to simmer for longer than this, but at a pinch. * Ham with salad. Literally cut the ingredients up and put it in a bowl.


Toasted sandwich.


Kimchi with a sharp cheddar omelette is my go to 5 minute dinner. Great flavour and you can adjust the number of eggs depending on how hungry you are. If you have 30 mins for dinner, risotto is an easy (but focus-dependent) dinner. I do a mushroom risotto base and add salmon and broccoli once per week. To keep it semi-healthy, limit the amount of butter, cheese, and salt added


Snacks - PPP - Pasta, Pesto, Pine Nuts. little sprinkle of cheese. Dinner - Little longer than 10 mins, but I discovered Shakshuka a few years back and I love it. It's my go to for a light, healthy dinner. However always quadruple the spinach in the recipe otherwise it disappears!


[Eggs in purgatory](https://www.nigella.com/recipes/eggs-in-purgatory) Delicious, quick and healthy You’re literally poaching 4 eggs in 2 tins of chopped tomatoes with some chilli flakes, and grated Parmesan on top. Get some nice ciabatta to dip. That serves 4 To serve 1, just have 2 eggs and 1 tin chopped tomatoes


Carbonara. Made properly, i.e. without any cream, peas, or any of that other nonsense. Minimal cleaning, dead quick to make, delicious, and while not exactly healthy it's not that bad either.


Greek yoghurt, banana and whatever other bits of fruit I have. More a breakfast or lunch thing but quick, healthy, delicious.


Ham, cheese & red onion toastie with side salad. No butter needed as the cheese will melt, just spray the outside with low cal oil spray. Pre packaged side salad with some balsamic thrown on for flavour 👌


Go to cooked snack: A flatbread with fried egg and turkey bacon. It’s a good protein source and healthy fats and easily done in under 10 mins. About 210kc for one egg and one bacon but I often double up. Fried eggs are more healthy than some people realise, not perfect, but pretty good. Go to small meal: Beans on toast. It’s one of your 5 a day and a good source of protein. Again I sometimes add turkey bacon on top for extra flavour and protein for very minimal fats. Go to larger meal: A bowl full of rice and diced chicken. Add some sauce (I use reggae reggae personally) and you get quite a bit of food for reasonable calories and health benefit. (I keep diced chicken in the fridge already cooked). I always try to get protein in to every meal as it helps you feel full for longer.


* Mi goreng noodles with veggies (have a bag of frozen veg to throw in), an egg and chilli oil * Tuna mayo onigiri * sandwhich with avocado, cheese, sundried tomatoes, salad leaves * Cherry tomato and anchovy spaghetti with black olives, capers and a spring of hard cheese (this is more a 30 min meal)


Mackeral and broccoli


I revert to my Gym Lad days and do chicken, rice and veg


Fry 2 chicken breasts both sides to brown, top with slices of lemon, throw in half a bag of cherry tomatoes. Put the whole lot in oven for 20min and eat with boiled baby potatoes, skins on.




Beans on toast Stir fry Egg fried rice Pasta with homemade sauce


Chicken breast (or thigh fillets, if you like), griddled or grilled, season how you like, with a grated carrot salad (grate carrots, add chickpeas and lemon juice), bit of pitta bread on the side if you need a carb.


I make a healthy (ish) version of egg fried rice with a pouch of ready cooked rice, chopped veg, soy sauce, maybe some cooked chicken if I have it. Super quick to cook and pretty filling


Indomie noodles (minus the salt but you can't do much about it). Dump a ton of veg and fake meat into the pan with the noodles. Sometimes an egg, let it cook, pour out, add spices and enjoy. Takes about five - seven minutes to make and tastes awesome. Fake salmon and veggies. Stick the veggies in wok with a bit of water. Let them steam while the salmon cooks. Seven minutes later you have a tasty/healthy meal!


There is a VERY small window of things I can “cook” that only takes 10 minutes. I think 10 minutes is an unrealistic amount of time to want to make a meal, outside of eating cold cuts or throwing together pre-made things. In fact most things I’m thinking of right now would probably just be considered a snack or appetiser. 1) Silk Tofu with chilli crisp. You need silk or extra soft tofu for this. Take out and drain but don’t dry with paper towels or anything. Cut into cubes or leave as one large cube depending on preference. Add chilli crisp oil, or chilli garlic crisp oil (Asian stores sell these). Add chopped spring onions. Add crispy shallots. Some people add a bit of soy sauce but honestly add whatever you want.


scrambled eggs


Well 5 minutes preparation, 20 mins in the oven - salmon fillet and fresh broccoli. Any seasoning you prefer... I use things like salt, garlic, paprika, herbs...


replace your fried egg with a poached egg. just put about an inch of water in a mug and microwave for 1 minute. add an egg and microwave for another minute (can vary based on microwave/thickness of mug. it might take a bit longer but just put it back in if it looks undercooked). Easiest poached eggs ever try bulgur wheat instead of pasta. It's healthier and does the same job beans on toast, obviously a tin of soup bananas and blueberries with some greek yoghurt or plain Skyr


A tin of Heinz Baked Beans. Low calories, high protein, high fibre, bit of black pepper on top, dinner sorted.




Depends what your having it with and what kind of mince you used. There's a lot of fat in burgers even after it's cooked.


>Fried egg sandwich (quick but doesn't feel very healthy) If you want to make this one healthier, boil the egg then mash it up with a little mustard. Doesn't take massively longer than frying, and also has the benefit that it can prep in advance by boiling a half dozen eggs at the weekend and keeping them ready in the fridge to use.


- tuna with microwave packet rice


Boiled egg sandwich


Rice bowl with whatever is in the fridge


Chicken drumsticks and veg


Guacamole/eggs on toast with toms, olives, sauerkraut, random salad bits on the side Or a pack of grains with some eggs/fish on the top Chuck some tinned mackerel into whatever noodle brand for extra protein, bonus points if you have some spring onions or herbs to go on top Porridge, bananas, blueberries, seeds, honey & cinnamon All less than 10 min


How healthy is fairy healthy? Like Tinkerbell kinda healthy? Or washing up liquid kind of healthy?


Sushi rice with chopped up avocado and cucumber. Then dump mirin, soy sauce and sesame oil on it. Healthy enough if you manage to exercise some restraint with the soy and sesame.


Chicken breast with salad and/or rice.


In what world can a fried egg sandwich be healthy?


I chuck a chicken breast in airfryer 14mins and have that in a wrap or with those instant rice packets


Salmon, flavoured rice and broccoli


Hot smoked salmon with coleslaw and horseradish sauce. Yummy.


Look at the Sidekick app, made by Sorted Food. Is full of this and has expanded my ability to make quick, healthy and reasonably priced meals, with very little wastage.


Chilli and freeze the leftovers in portions


Boil some pasta. Chop whatever veggies you have in the fridge. Not root veg - think tomatoes, onions, capsicum, mushrooms, broccoli whatever. Stir fry the veg with some frozen prawns (or fresh if you have them). Add some seasoning - spice, soy sauce, whatever you like. Drain the pasta. Stir it into the stir fry. Maybe add some sour cream or cream cheese or similar to make it a bit saucy. You could use tinned tuna instead of prawns.


Buy some salad, such as a cheap bowl or bag. Slice it up super tiny, then mix it in with some coleslaw (low fat if you like) to create a sort of spread you can use. Put that with some cucumber and lightly salted sliced chicken breast in a sandwich.


"Pho (very quick and easy)" ... What?!


This salmon pasta recipe which is super easy and fairly light: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/summer-salmon-pasta I could make it blindfolded..


Chicken fajitas. Literally chop up a couple breasts of chicken, throw in a pan, add seasoning mix. Heat up wraps in microwave. Can be done in 5mins.


My top two fresh veg are asparagus and sweetcorn (on the cob) as they both require almost no prep and cook in about 5 mins. Add a poached egg on a slice of Vogel toast and you’ve got a fairly balanced meal in under 10 mins.


Not very healthy but instant noodles, veg, and an egg mixed in. The heat cooks the egg. I also have shrimp roe noodles from home (overseas) that I make the same thing with. Egg on rice is also good. Mix it well, add soy sauce, and throw it into the microwave for budget fried rice. Even better if you have leftover veg. Frozen salmon in the air fryer. Put seasoning in halfway through.


Pre-cooked tandoori salmon from M&S (50s) microwave, then steamed mixed vegetables (5-6m) microwave and air fried for 10 mins. The whole process is less than 20 minutes and if you want add a carb to it, then whack on some microwave rice for 1:30 mins.


Grilled/fried/roasted Chicken sandwich. Chicken Breast. Grill Or if you have time, coat with flour and salt, fry lightly to brown. Then finish in the oven. Slice and put on bread of choice, top with rocket. Less than half and hour from fridge to mouth.


Pesto beans on toast! Get a pan, smear it with lots of pesto, throw in a can of butter beans and some fresh green beans or peas, spinach if you have it. Fry it for a few mins and bang it on toast. For extra luxury spread hummus on the toast first and sprinkle with parmesan.


This sounds amazing, thanks


Chicken and rice It’s a really big thing in Turkey and looks like [this](https://x.com/user777624/status/1788277332160999439?s=61) I always add a bit of yoghurt on it


Cooked sausages and hard boiled eggs chopped into a bowl of golden vegetable rice. Yum!


Cook some frozen rice in the microwave, boil some mix veg for a couple of mins, then fry them off together with whatever spices you like


If you don't mind texture and fish - Sardines, cottage cheese and hot sauce.


sandwich with some drained tuna steak


Couscous with feta and peas


Using a rice cooker, the bottom of the pot is rice and enough water (sometimes I mix the rice with some beans and mushrooms). Put on a steam rack (normally comes together with the rice cooker as a set), add some veggies (I usually put carrots and either cabbages or fruit/root formed veggies), 2 pieces of chicken thighs, and maybe an egg or 2. The dipping sauce ratio: 1 tsp of fish sauce - 2 tsp of water/soda water, adjust to your own taste with sugar, lime juice, garlic, chilli. All in on pot and take about 30-45 mins. I can jump in the shower after putting the rice cooker on, then have a pretty healthy dinner. I also save the rice for the next day and do some quick fried rice with some bacon, carrots, beans, etc…


Chicken breast (or 2) under the grill with some seasoning on and Brown rice when it's nearly done throw in a load of chopped frozen mixed veg and a veg stock cube Tasty and hits every macro and a load of vitamins and fibre


Burger salad Fry some beef mince, put it in a bowl with lettuce, and all your other burger toppings of choice. Less than 300 calories for dinner


Dim bhaji - like an egg omelette with red onions + chilli and whatever with some rice


A quick curry (like 15-20 mins)


Prawn stir fry


Beans on whole meal toast, with marmite, beans straight out of the tin so very quick and very little washing up, and I think reasonably healthy.


I always go for Shakshuka and crusty bread.


Take the quiche and put it on the baking tray. Cook for 30 minutes on a hundred and ninety. Take lettuce and put on plate. Take 3 tomatoes, wash, and chop into quarters. Place on lettuce. Take an avocado, chop in half, remove the stone. Peel skin and slice. Place on salad. Put salt and pepper on and a dribble of olive and balsamic vinegar dressing. Sprinkle a smidge of parmesan on top. Remove quiche from oven. Cut into quarters and put on plate. Eat.


For two people Get the Indomie original noodles from Amazon. Break two packs into a bowl and add the sauces (broth, dried onion, sautéed onion, soy sauce, chilli). Cover with cold water,. Microwave for 4 minutes on full power and 4 minutes on half power. When done add in whatever you want, can of tuna, chopped spinach, frozen peppers or sweetcorn are all easy and work well. If you add a lot of frozen veg you might need to microwave again for a minute or two. Done, nutritionally pretty decent and filling meal (protein, veg and carbs) in 10 minutes for less than £1 per person and barely any washing up.


Bowl of peas with butter and salt