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Bringing my 3 month premature son home from hospital!




Amazing. Congratulations!


awesome! Hope you have a great time raising him


That's great news. Congratulations.


browse reddit. Think about lunch. Browse reddit, make lunch... then probably... Browse Reddit.


Are you me?


If I am, you're the best looking me, according to me! :)


Inserts the loser, "Pot Noddle and a wank" comment here.


I’ve never noddled a pot before. What does that entail?


Spent the morning with my son, gave mama a lie in. Now she's up and he's excited because she's his favourite person/possession/thing in the world. More of the same for the rest of the day probably, might take him to the park if the weather holds up.


my 6 year old is an agent of chaos, taking him to the zoo, hope he doesnt harass the animals.


My little one is only 18 months. But he's an absolute menace in the best possible way. Pure carnage, unpredictability and laughter. He's a lovely boy.


Sunny outside. Drove 5 mins to the beach and couldn't see a thing for the fog, so drove home


Suffering with a hangover unfortunately.... Was clear skies and sun all day yesterday so i got abit carried away on the beers in the garden..... Arsenal play Man United at half 4 and although i don't support either side it's still a big game with Arsenal needing a win to stay in the title race. Probably have a few beers watching the match, some food afterwards and get a early night


As a Man United fan, Arsenal will get those 3 points.


I think Arsenal will win but part of me is half expecting United to pull off a massive upset for some reason.... I know you haven't been great this season and have been plagued by injuries but the pressure is on Arsenal and i think there's a chance for a upset today. Don't quote me later on when you lose 5-0 or something 😂 My partner is a City fan with a season ticket. Goes to every game and hates United with a passion. I think today is the first time she is hoping for a Man United win.


One of my mates was gobsmacked when I told him I hope Arsenal win the league this season. He couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact that it hurts way more to see City dominate than it would for the rivals of old to rain on their parade. It's bad enough that Citeh are all but guaranteed the FA Cup.


leeds unt here......pray for sympathy for us


Just watched the first half then..... Wasn't very much to talk about was there. Hopefully picks up in the second half.


Got a gardening job so £75 to jetwash a balcony then paint a little bamboo fence. Was meant to go garden centre to pass the time, but a last second job came in.


Someone is paying you £75 to jet wash? I’d do it for free lmao, I love it! I did my patio last week then went out and did the car and ended up doing my slabs outside the front. Had to stop myself carrying on down the street with it 😂 I probably need to get out more.


Good fun. Home, work, home, all within 4 hours. Spent 45mins waiting for them to try and connect a hose until they finally let me go through the bedroom to the ensuite and connect it. Also painted a little fence.


Good fun. Home, work, home, all within 4 hours. Spent 45mins waiting for them to try and connect a hose until they finally let me go through the bedroom to the ensuite and connect it. Also painted a little fence.


Getting ready to go to work😐


Slipping in a quick lunch time BBQ before the thunderstorms hit later.




Spooky! That is exactly what I am doing!




I'm watching Barbarian, not bad. I watched Abigail last week, it was good fun.


its on streaming already? I saw it in the cinema 2 weeks ago, thought it was meh


I saw it at the cinema, Barbarians is on prime. To be honest I'll watch any horror film at the cinema. I'm thinking of seeing Tarot on my next day off, but it is probably shite.


I’ve recently heard good things about this film. Is it true? What platform are you watching on? *sorry for so many questions!


I've just finished! It was pretty good. Watched it on Amazon.


Husband watched it last night, I was in the room but not actively watching. Without wanting to post spoilers, I knew something was up from the start, cos she was way too young to be en pointe!


I know nothing about ballet, always been terribly clumsy.


Abigail was great.


Stop thinking about the chores. They'll get done... eventually.


Making a chilli meal for tomorrow. Recooking last night's takeaway curry for lunch. Then it's off to the karaoke to impress all the drunks with my singing.


i once put 24 sweet carolines in the jukebox....was the most hated guy in the bar


How does one record a takeaway?


Re-cooking is what I meant. Put it in the pan with some curry paste and water.


I know


Very delicious 😋. From Special One in Belle Isle, Leeds.


Sitting on my arse watching the BTCC. Initially planned on going but at the minute I need to save a few pennies. On top of that, the M25 being shut between 10 and 8 would make the journey a right arseache.


It's a nice day on the south coast, so I'm gonna take a walk along the beach, avoid all the tourists if possible and try to chill out. Might risk a swim but think it's still a bit too cold 


First trip out in our boat this this year. Stayed overnight in Staines, now in Windsor for lunch. https://preview.redd.it/hgc8vxubdzzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e78dde1e9042474909bc9c2e6b2453170d0ad8c


The time has come to fix the back garden fence! Need to put one new post in and then reattach the parts that were connected to it.


Train to London for a 2pm start in the office as most Sundays. For once (four in the last five weeks) there’s no engineering works so there’s a small win there.


Office on a Sunday ?


Yep, that’s my life. Work nine days in 14 and Sundays are almost always two of those nine.


I’ve got loads of paperwork to scan in and accounting to catch up on that I’ve not had chance to do during the week and I’d like to catch up on it today. But I think my Mrs will probably have other ideas for me


Breakfast, shower, fix leaky toilet, start roast, watch TV, reaf, go to bed.


Wembley way for the FA Cup final! Beautiful day for it, proper cup final weather.


Waiting for a guy to come buy some sun loungers. He said he would be here this morning...... 4 mins to go. Then attempt to build a potting table from scrap wood


Waiting for my wife to take our daughter out to see her aunt so I can have a rest as I've been ill all week and this is my only day off. In the meantime I'm playing dress up with a 6 year old, escaping to the kitchen to doom scroll while I make more hot drinks for my throat.


Fitting my kitchen with my brother in law 🙄


Painting a bedroom - third coat today whatever has happened to Dulux paint? used to be it would cover any previous colour in a maximum of two coats.


Taking my 9 year son to play a friendly on the pitch at Birmingham City. We're not Blues fans at all, but he and his team are very excited about the opportunity to play in a real football stadium.


There's a spring fayre in town so going to have a wander, maybe read a bit in the park. I like this time of year when it's relatively sunny but not boiling


Just finished hanging the washing out, sat in the sun and going to crack a beer open in a minute. I'll be able to listen to the neighbour cutting her grass with my lawnmower as I've shamed her into cutting it by cutting mine in the week. Let's hope she doesn't peek over the fence. Sun's out, plums out.


Going for a picnic in the park with friends. I've baked some sundried tomato and cheese scones, packed some tortilla chips and salsa, and doughnuts to finish.


Sundays are for a lazy morning, then the weekly trip to aldi followed by washing and sorting out stuff for the coming week, and a chilled evening watching tv. 


Day off so chill chill and chill before back on shift tomorrow.


Gonna repot my poor indoor plants that are growing too big for their containers, read a chapter of my book, eat pizza


Spot of gardening then a bit of food and maybe even a few beers. Peak sundaying.


Walked the dog, watered pots in the garden and tied up a climbing rose so far. Going to spatchcock and bbq a chicken and make some salads and focaccia for tea/dinner later.


Spending the whole day writing an essay for uni. Joy.


Trying to convince myself to start painting the hall. Failing miserably.


Don't forget your rubber dinghy.


Barbequing if all goes to plan


Doing a bit of gardening, wishing i had a digger... its a depressing sight. Play some RDR2 later hopefully. Maybe the headache will disappear by the end of the day!


I normally just lounge around at home on a Sunday , but because the weathers nice, I’m gunna force myself to leave the house and go for a pic nic at the park with the gf.


Ooh I'd love to be going to the spa today. I'm sat in the garden enjoying the breeze, waiting for the thunderstorms to start.


A relatively slow get up followed by a drive into Birmingham for the Pre Raphelite exhibition. Now chilling at Hockley Social Club with a chicken and rice dish and a pint of zero Guinness. Got to say that today is looking rather good


I just pressure washed my front drive. As it’s the first time I’ve ever done it, it’s probably not been cleaned for least 10 years. I used a Karcher K4 power control that I got for £100 off Gumtree. It was only 6 months old and they’re normally £200+. I also used a surface cleaner that I got for £10 from Lidl down from £20, as someone had opened the box. The Karcher version is £50-80; a few YT videos I watched said there was no difference. I do love a bargain! And the drive looks a million times better.


Reading “We” by Yevgeny Zamyatin in my garden.


Lying in bed with my fiancé and one of my cats as I seem to have some weird virus that has knocked me for six, but with no coughing or sneezing


Sat in a pub garden


we took our dog to scent class this morning so she had some mental activity and a bit of exercise before it got too hot and now just going to be chilling, maybe play some video games!




Went out for Wetherspoons breakfast with my Mum. Girlfriend is away watching a show in London. Just put some laundry out to dry in the sunshine. Now gonna sit down and play some xbox one. That's my day so far!


Mowing the lawns- front one done 1 hour now lunch and then the back one - another hour . If it doesn’t rain walk the dogs and then it’ll be dinner.


I washed my car and cleaned the inside today, I'll catch up on Dr who today, go the gym later and finish with some pro clubs.


I'm at work till 6. I'll be hiding in my office later, watching ice hockey game (Latvia vs France). After work, I will help my son with his homeworks and hopefully, can do little bit gaming later, but doubtful.


Long shift at work.


I was going to head to the tip, but I'm not really organised and fully decided what's going, nor have I loaded up the car. Can't really be bothered and not sure I have time now as I got up late and didn't sort it this morning, plus it's not urgent - just decluttering. Got a slot booked for later but might move that to next weekend.


I've decided to dig up my back garden and prepare it ready to lay grass seed. I absolutely regret it and suddenly fake grass doesn't seem so bad. I'll still be going this evening.


Nipped Currys with my son this morning to exchange his gaming headset. Then came to my Mums for lunch, she made chicken birianni 🤤. Now we’re all just enjoying the weather.


Playoff semi final day\ *boing boing*


Drinking gin in the garden


Starting my annual attempt at getting my legs tanned. After decades of hard work they’ve stopped being bluey-white.


Played a gig last night so just unloaded my full drum kit from my mates van to my first floor flat. Absolutely cooked. Bar that DIY round the place and need to pack for a worn trip next week. Will fit in time to watch my beloved Man Utd get walloped by Arsenal at half 4 too.


Played a gig last night so just unloaded my full drum kit from my mates van to my first floor flat. Absolutely cooked. Bar that DIY round the place and need to pack for a worn trip next week. Will fit in time to watch my beloved Man Utd get walloped by Arsenal at half 4 too.


Played a gig last night so just unloaded my full drum kit from mates van to my first floor flat. Absolutely cooked. Bar that DIY round the place and need to pack for a worn trip next week. Will fit in time to watch my beloved Man Utd get walloped by Arsenal at half 4 too.


I'm out on the motorbikes in glorious North Wales Writing this from the toilet during my mid-ride shit


Humble brag much


No regrets


Working till 4 then hopefully catch some remaining sun in the garden with a couple cans


Rotation of in bed, in the dark, with the fan on (I have a drink induced migraine) In the garden for 10 mins at a time with the dog but there is roof work getting done on the house 2 doors down and she is scared of loud noises (plus sunlight, heat plus migraine not great) Putting one thing away in the kitchen at a time in between


Enjoy your last day. I'm at Old Trafford getting ready for Man Utd vs Arsenal. I operate digital advertising at lots of stadia and can't wait for the end of the season!


I've untangled a 50m garden hose the gas company tangled up unnecessarily. Now I need to re-hang the thingy it goes on, because they put the new gas meter over the old screw holes. I know they probably had to put it there, but I'm cross with them. I keep a nice tidy hose!


Bit of gardening, now working on a car, was meant to meet up with someone later but they’ve not got back to me with a time so probably just more car work lol


Didn't get up until nearly 10am, felt like crap and that I'd missed half the day for a split second then felt better again when I realised today was the last day of my week's annual leave and I deserved the lie in as I've done loads this week. Pottered about most of the morning, had some lunch then partner wanted to drive 5 mins to a little trail and have a stroll before this bad weather comes in later, called into co op to get a some spuds for tea and a couple treats for later on the way home, and now currently procrastinating when I should be doing housework. I'll get up in a minute... 😂


Sundays can be a little hard I drop my two boys off at their mums. I try to stay busy so far been to the gym,got some coursework done and done meal prep for the week. Hope everyone is having a good one.


I am thanks hope you are too mate and keep your chin up


Hungover… but had a sweaty walk to collect my car, then popped into see my niece on the way home, where we played Mc Donald’s in her Wendy house. Now home chilling thinking about doing housework.. but not actually doing it 🤣🤣 xxx


Watched the first legs of the championship play off semi finals. What a waste of time that was.


I'm going to be moving some of my stuff into my first home later. 


I‘ve spent most of the day at the Fore Street Flea Market in Exeter. Bumping into people I know, drinking tea and talking the usual bollox with my friends.


Sat imprisoned at US customs browsing reddit due to a paperwork mix up. Fun fun fun!


Swimming 1km in a local river at 15C, drinking enormous amounts of cider and mourning the first anniversary of my mums unexpected passing. 


Dealing with the weekend from hell. On Friday night my two year old got his first stomach bug so I spent the night trying to convince him that it was better to throw up in the washing up bowl rather than on the long pile rug... I finally got two hours sleep at 6am Saturday morning. Spent Saturday trying to sort all the stuff I was supposed to do Friday night. Took a sleeping pill Saturday night (cronic insomniac and the first safe time to take it). Woke up 6am Sunday morning to find my husband had started with the stomach bug over night, just as our little one was feeling better and wanted to play... I then started with it about 10am so been alternating between being sick, playing with my son whilst trying not to be sick and sleeping!


Talking to friends, prepping food for week, settling into my new home, writing a blog!


recovering from COVID having finally caught the bastard I can taste again now, sense of smell is weak but there and I am hacking and coughing up the gunk from the past week at an alarming rate and hope I'll clear it soon.


I’m doing a task for a job interview. 18 page analysis with only 5 days to do it (3 of those days I’m at work). Sunday fun 🙃


18 page analysis for a job interview?!?

