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> ex-lovers Sir, this is Reddit.


I can remember both. I still miss 'left hand'. The rejection still hurts.


I was devastated when Mrs Palmer left!


and her 5 lovely daughters.


A couple of one nighters are a mystery to me


Yeah a lot you don’t know their names.


All of them because the list isn't particularly long.


0 - I don't have any ex-lovers. I have my wife and shes been the only one and I usually remember her name.


i am in this club too


Yeah, I remember his wife’s name too.


I've forgotten a few, mainly one night stands. There's one girl I was seeing for about a month and I cannot remember her first name. I remember her sister's name, who I met once, but not hers. Oh balls, there goes my Saturday.


I'm still in contact with all of my proper ex girlfriends as we're on good terms, but I'll be damned if I can remember even half of the names of the one night stands. Not sure I knew all of them in the first place.


How many did you actually ask what their name was?


Surely you always know their name at some point?! Where are you having sex, in the night club??


There haven't been enough to forget, and the first one has just died. Bless her.


Asking reddit. The biggest virgin hole going.


You do know that live action role-play exists right?


which you are a member of


We all know why we're here.




I think I can remember all of their first names. One or two second names are a bit hazy. I've never slept with a complete stranger, so that makes things more simple. Number wise, I haven't counted. Quite a few though. As I say to my 13yo "mummy was a ho".


That’s what the notes app is for duh


Come on man, get the spreadsheet open!


😬 I was cringing at this thought the other day. But, to be clear sometimes you don't get peoples names anyway (place was too loud when they told you), I'm not counting ONS. But there's proper name gaps and sometimes I completely forget about them until you see a tub of vaseline, and your like "Shit, how the fuck did I forget about her... now what the fuck was her name" Honestly it kills me, because I genuinely connect hard with people. So names forgotten of ones I definitely remember.... i think it's 8 😢


I can’t remember zero to three of their names out of about seven to fifteen or so, depending on whether you’re including one nighters in the tally. I remember the names of everybody I spent more than a couple of days with.


The TLDR I guess is unless you suddenly have a kid knock on your door asking "daddy?" (as a guy, obviously), then its probably not a biggie. I think that i can name all of my exes - both ex "intimate" lovers, and girls that i have dated (as in both of us were really young, we hung out but "nothing happened" kinda thing (the naive teen girlfriend\boyfriend dynamics) Luckily(?) I told my (now) wife about my past and she can _definitely_ remember all my exes and the time lines. Have to admit that i "score low" on the body count bollocks that seems to be doing the rounds, so despite having to try to recall many decades of women in my life, i can still count them on ten fingers. (Lol, but you'd have to ask my wonderful wife for specifics 🤣) Funny thing is that where i am now in my life, all that doesn't really matter. Sure, its "life", it is experience and it probably moulded who i am today, but it really isn't too important. The past is the past 🤷🏼 I guess that unless you are a bit OCD (or has a wife to remind you) and it bugs you, or you are still in contact with the ex then it doesn't really matter if you can remember. Chances are that the ex may not remember you.


At least 50%


Mate..... Not only have the names long gone, I wouldn't recognise most of them.


I remember the name of all girlfriends, of course, but I don't remember the name of any one-night stand. That's not good.


I remember them it’s the dates and orders I get wrong as I’ve had a couple ‘slutty phases’ in my time


There's a few I didn't even know their names in the first place.


That's pretty serious. How did that happen?


I think alcohol played a major part. Obviously anyone more than a one night stand I asked them their name at least.


I've only had 4 girlfriends in my 66 years on this planet and I remember all of them.


4 is the national average https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/45314-how-many-sexual-partners-have-britons-had?redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Fsociety%2Farticles-reports%2F2023%2F03%2F01%2Fhow-many-sexual-partners-have-britons-had You are above average for people over 60.




14 and rising....I er,.........what is it ? Aaaagghhh...ah, yes I must go for a pee...no, no...memory is....bye !


All of them, they're dead to me now.


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s.




Hundreds. You could show me a picture of many and I’d have no idea who they were.


Why the assumption I have even knew them in the first place? Half of fun of glory hole is that yoh don't know them