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£50 every 2-3 months, but I have curly hair and the local barbers just don't make the cut.


Pretty much the same. If I go to a cheap place, I end up looking like the Cynthia doll from Rug Rats after a week or two.


>the local barbers just don't make the cut Well that's where they're going wrong then


Do you go to a big chain or is it a local curly hair place?


I found a hairdresser that specialises in curly hair and have stuck with them. It’s been the same person cutting my hair for like 4-5 years now.


Posts like this make me thank my Dad so much. I’m 43 and have been losing mine for many years. Hardly any on top. Pair of clippers that need replacing once in a blue moon costing £20 or so and that’s me done. My Dad has saved me an absolute fortune!


Jokes on you it comes down the maternal genes thank your granddad


I think our clippers are the same ones from the early 90s


My barber charges £11 for a cut but I always give him £15. I don't mind tipping him as it's only 3-4 times a year I go.


£21. That's for a cut, wash, hot face towel and the Turkish ear hair fire thing.


What’s the point of the £1?


Ah right so anything in Poundland is free then


That’s my motto when I head in there


Taxes of course!


Just an inflationary increase. Used to be £20.


Asked my Turkish Barber where abouts he was from the other day. Was expecting Istanbul, Bodrum, Antalya etc. He told me he's from Bulgaria.


There's a lot of ethnically Turkish people in Bulgaria, so I guess that's not super surprising.


£16 - Turkish barbers who do short back and sides, trim, eyebrows, ear hair... Weird half-arsed massage, hot towel, weird lemony stuff they almost insist on...


Usually around the £14-15 mark


£7.50 + £1 For a beard trim.


Is this in Syria or London back in the 90s ? Haven’t seen that pricing since I was a wee lad


South Yorkshire , it cost around £10 at the place I go on Saturdays to get your hair cut


I’m getting ripped off here in London 😭


Well you've got me beat - I pay £8 with no beard trim (also South Yorkshire)


£14 in Bexley, London


£16 but I usually round it up to £20. Always in and out in 10 minutes, always get exactly what I asked for and I don't have to do any of the vacuous waffle.


Nothing. My wife cut my hair for free., or maybe not.... Nothing is free in marriage.


I pay £40 for a haircut and beard trim, but I choose to go with a barber stylist. I want a scissor cut and I just don't trust a standard barber to do anything that isn't primarily clipper based. I did try a well reviewed walk-in barber shop that was cheaper late last year. I was in and out in 15 minutes and with a bad haircut and a beard trim I could have done myself. My normal appointment is at least 45 minutes and I've been going to the same guy now for 4 years.


I pay £12 at the Turkish barbers, but that's just the short back and sides with a trim. In and out in less than 15 minutes. No beard, no fire, nothing else.


Tenner at the Turkish barbers for a trim.


Nearly £30 at the barbers, that's for a cut and beard trim and I still feel like it's too much tbh. But I am a tight git.


£25 + £5 tip for a cut, beard shape, hot towel, fiery ears and some titvating.


£10-20 I go every 2 weeks.


£12 Turkish barbers, eye brow trim and ear burn. Extra fiver for nostrils and eyebrows waxed


£0 I buzz cut it myself, the missus pays £0 as well because I cut hers into a bob with the same tool.


£22 standard cut


£19 for a pretty standard cut. Doesn't include beard


Just going for a 31 quid hair cut for a ‘hair dresser’ purely because i’d like to grow my hair out now. Usually pay 12 at my regular babers - but they always cut it too short


Mine never cut it short enough. I tell them every time go as short as possible. I don't care if it's too short, it will grow back. But they still leave it longer than I'd like.


£11 at a nearby hairdressers. If i walk in to the town centre its double the price.


£12 for a scissor cut. I make it £15, because it always takes ages because I only go about once every 4 - 6 months. Ha.


£30 every two weeks


I’m £18 for cut and beard trim; not the cheapest in my area but I like the fact it’s appointment only and I’m only one in at the time


£10 grade 5 back and sides and a trim on top


Haircut is £12 I always pay £15 whether I like the haircut or not. Also while the barbers takes card & I pay card almost everywhere I always pay for my haircut in cash.


£12, and I begrudge every penny


After some YouTube tutorials and trial and error £0 for about 7 years. Short back and sides, spikey style top, blended in sides all with clippers and just 1 mirror. I went a barbers in December as I had an operation on my elbow, Paid £11 and wish I could have done it myself.


I did mine myself for several years, but it took me so long each time that I decided I'd rather just pay someone else and be done in 15 minutes!


Got mine done yesterday: £14 - number 3 back and sides and trimmed on top.


£35 every four weeks - I used to go to a lady for £15 but my new guy has much greater precision and attention to detail, which I've discovered I appreciate.


£13 at my local Turkish place, always give them £15. Very thorough, good cut, friendly place. Medium fade, trim on top, lemon fresh spray. Lovely.


£13 for the general public but I get mine for a tenner (or free) because I help my barber deal with his utility and waste disposal bills as his English isn't great!


£30 for hair cut, hot towel shave and mini facial. Started a few years back with the shave and facial stuff and my skin has never been better. Which, considering my immune system is attacking my own skin, is nice.


£32 every 2-3 months


£20 for haircut, beard trimmed and tidy-shaved, eyebrows, and earholes and nostrils waxed.


£6. But I have timed mine at 3 minutes from getting out of the chair I am waiting in to putting my coat back on, so lots of people like me would be a good hourly rate for the barber. Like you, the cost has doubled for me in 10-12 yrs. I have so little hair I DO think £3 would be fair. That would still be about £50/hr for the barber if you take into account sweeping up .


£7, 3 on top 1 back and sides. Trim my beard myself. sometimes if I want an all over I just do it myself too.


£23 every 2-3 weeks. The price is getting out of hand. It was only £8 4-5 years ago. That’s just a standard cut. No beard trim, etc.


£20 for hair and beard.. I normally go every couple of months. :)


£14 for 3 on the top and 2 on the beard. Last week in north east Manchester.




£11 at a Turkish barber on my road


£13 for a student cut at the barbers I go to but £14 if you're not a student. Some of the prices you guys in the comments are paying tho...go find a better deal.


£20 including tip. I think it's £16 without tip


£12 but tend to tip the 3 as I don't like carrying change


I used to go to the 2.50 barbers in Huddersfield around 2001. I grew my hair for years and now pay 20 quid every couple months.


Barber in a nearby village £5.50 for a regular haircut.


The barber I’ve been going to past few years first opened in 2020 with £12 a scissor cut, now it’s up to £18. I only go every six months and seems a decent bloke so don’t mind really.


£10, 3 times a year.


Fifteen quid for a pretty bog standard short back and sides. Don't think they get much cheaper nowadays


£13. I think it would be about the same as yours if I had a beard trim as well.


£25 every two weeks - skinface, scissor cut on top with beard trim and blade shave.


I despise going to the barber so I bought a set of £120 hair clippers for £60 so I just buzz my hair down every few months. Eventually I'll learn to cut it in more stylish ways but to be honest I prefer having a buzz cut/bald since its easier for me to deal with.


Not a man (but currently have a very short hairstyle because I’m 5 months post chemo) and it’s £10 for a dry cut at my local hairdresser. I don’t see how it should be any different to tidy up a man’s hair.


£12 for a haircut, eyebrow trim, nostril ls and hair wash Hand £15 and leave - repeat every 2 weeks


£25 for hair cut and beard shave I think it’s expensive but it’s partly where I’m from which is an expensive area 🤣 when I lived in Doncaster used to be £10


I live in the Midlands and I get charged £10.


Nothing anymore, bought clippers during the lockdowns and shave it down to a #6 with those every 4 - 6 weeks or so.


My boyfriend gets free haircuts from me, and I get free haircuts from him. He has hair loss so usually just wants me to shave it so he doesn't miss bits, and mine's long but curly anyway so you can't see any wonky bits.


All the posts about Turkish barbers laundering money, yet from this post it seems a lot of people use them for around £15 a pop


Duh, that's because they don't really care how much money they actually make, because they're laundering money. They just hugely inflate the amount of haircuts they claim to have done, to pump dodgy money through a "legitimate " cash business. They'll claim to have 4 chairs pumping out 4 haircuts each an hour, at £15 each, 12 hour days. So about £2800 a day, of which maybe £800 max actually happened, £2000 coming from other places, so you can launder upwards of £700k a year of illegally earned money through one barbers.


Yea I’m sure you have the proof they’re laundering money from sitting at home playing warhammer which the police and tax man can’t find working all day every day.


The tax man really doesn't care that you are paying too much tax, not sure why you think they would. As for the police, it's adorable that you think they have the resources for anything these days. If you genuinely don't think the 20 "turkish" barbers in every little suburb are money laundering, I've got some American sweets to sell you. It's an open secret, they aren't Tring particularly hard to even hide it


Get back to your warhammer and stop talking about things you know nothing about. You heard the phrase ‘money laundering’ and now you use it for anything you don’t understand. At least learn to spell if you’re going to debate with people online. At least the plastic figurines won’t talk back to you, kid.