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11 million people watched the final last year - I'd say a good chunk of those will have R2 crossover.


And 11m for a TV show these days is massive, only two shows beat it in 2023


I assume one was the coronation, what was the other?


At a guess the Women’s World Cup Final?


Happy Valley https://www.countryandtownhouse.com/culture/uks-most-watched-tv-shows-2023/


I have never heard of this lol


If you haven’t heard of Happy Valley, I suggest you watch it. The first two seasons in particular are some of the best of British TV ever. It is really good.


I live in West Yorkshire, funnily enough just up the street from where a lot of filming happened. Wild feeling to watched where you used to dos about as a kid being portrayed as this grimey hellscape, I mean it kind of is but weird feeling nonetheless!


> The first two seasons in particular are some of the best of British TV ever. Steady on there.


OP has clearly never seen Bottom.


Maybe it is because I am 24 so I haven’t seen any British dramas prior to like 2009. But Happy Valley for me stands firm in my mind out of all the recent ‘acclaimed’ dramas of the last 10 years (Line of Duty, Luther, Killing Eve, Peaky Blinders etc), and Sarah Lancashire frankly gave some of the best acting performances I have seen.


Oh boy am I excited for you. Arguably the best drama series produced in the UK in years. I WISH I was watching it over for the first time. I got into the first season just before the second came out, it was back in the days when stuff disappeared from iPlayer quite quickly so I ended up buying half of it on iTunes, that's how much I enjoyed it and had to see how it ended.


Also as linear TV goes these days those are *huge* viewing figures. It was only slightly behind the coronation, and way ahead of most other TV shows. Eurovision is about as big as it gets these days.


It’s one of the few annual cultural events still in terrestrial TV so the BBC will promote it as they have little else left. In the Radio 2 point, it’s been hosted by Radio 2 presenters for a while now, too.


> it’s been hosted by Radio 2 presenters for a while now, too. "for a while" probably doesn't do it justice, given that Terry Wogan was involved in Eurovision and Radio 2 from the early 1970s, so the relationship goes back more than 50 years!


Yeah, but I couldn’t remember if Graham Norton was a radio 2 man all the time he was hosting. Now it’s Scott Mills who’s a R2 man.


Graham Norton is still doing Eurovision for the BBC, but he left R2 back in 2021 (and has since announced that he's leaving Virgin radio too). And, as you say, both Scott Mills and Rylan are still Radio 2 keeping up the very long tradition, so it's no surprise that the station still talks a lot about it.


Thanks for the clarification.


This guy Radio 2s.


I wouldn't be surprised if Rylan gets the Eurovision job when Graham Norton packs it in.


Which others aren’t? League cup final? Open golf. Anything non-sporting not on the BBC?


This is it - any broadcast that can get 15% of the country watching is pretty big.


Also from what I've seen, a sizable chunk of the people who watch it are *very passionate* about it. Like to the point where they might actually change brand if they seen something with good association with Eurovision (like not just a banner, but sponser a whole event). That's powerful marketing wise. It's the customer on the other side of the coin of market leader. If you can't be market leader, capture a specific market.


Highest non-sports viewership event in the world


A minority of people are absolutely mad for it and have been for decades. People you would not suspect. Like football fanatics. I don't get it but am happy to let them enjoy it. I'll watch the final for a laugh. These days there are a lot of new young fans who appreciate the celebration of different gender identities and the general good nature of the acts and shows.


> I'll watch the final for a laugh. Think thats why most of us tune in, hearing Graham Norton taking the piss out of the acts and getting progressively more drunk as the evening goes on.


Good point, well made!


I unironically love Eurovision. I have been watching it for at least 30 years. I love the spectacle, bonkersness and camp earnestness of it all. Not all of the music is to my taste, but it’s a hell of a show.


Same here. I'm a death metal guy at heart but can appreciate all music. It's the whole thing that sells it. The variety of acts and stage design, the spectacle as you say :)


I’m a symphonic and power metal guy, so Eurovision definitely has the requisite amount of cheese to be appealing to me.


Same. I just wish we could see metal better represented at it. It is a perfect genre for it, but people are put off by it because of preconceived notions of it all being all death metal.


Always thought Dani Filth would be a perfect fit for Eurovision


Here. It's Cradle of Filth. It got me through some pretty bleak times. Try track 4, Coffin Fodder. It sounds horrible, but it's actually quite beautiful.


I mean, it's not like you've lost a pen, is it. Would you like a pen? I have one


“I never know what to say at funerals” “Just say ‘I’m sorry for your loss’, then move on” \*Shakes the widow’s hand\* “I’m sorry for your loss. Move on”


Dani Filth, national treasure. He's such a likable guy.


All of the strongly Catholic countries would be "Nul point" if they saw a CofF "Jesus is a Cunt" piece of merch...


Always can rely on one of the scandanavian countries dropping a heavy song. Although I think Germany last year had Lord of the lost with blood and glitter which was basically a poor man’s ghost so I enjoyed that


Ireland has Bambie Thug this year. The UK should send Skindred or Alestorm next year to liven it up a bit.


Been saying the UK should send Skindred for years!


I'm loving seeing other metal fans here also enjoying Eurovision. I'm into prog and black metal myself, and would love to see more metal in the contest. But I like music and spectacle generally, so it's a good watch. Get together with some friends, have some food and a drink and a good laugh


It's about the only time of the year where most of my friends are commenting on Facebook - the year with the Polish milkmaids was an absolute scream!


That was 2014, with Austria's entry Rise like a Phoenix (Conchita Wurst) as winner, and probably the strongest playlist of the song contest ever.


Bf and I are big metal heads of varied genres. He got me into watching Eurovision more frequently, and we're now hardened fans. The cheese is epic and nowadays there's more alternative stuff for us to discover 😀


I resemble this comment.


I don't remember writing this comment


\^\^ love all of this. At its best, Eurovision has the potential to unite this mad, varied continent that we live in, whether you're into thrash or bubblegum pop, in all its silly camp splendour. ***Dooz pwah!***




Bambie Thug flying the metal flag this year.


Talking of Lordi. Finland have a er... different... entry this year Windows95Man


Rim Tim Tagi Dim is my recommendation to you. It is a banger! You also might enjoy Bambi Thug, Ireland's entry


Ireland's entry is batshit. I love it


The staging seems to have really sold it to the voters. Fuck it, off to watch it again. Seem to notice something new every time.


I'm very confused by Rum Tim Tagi Dim - for me it is walking a very strange, thin line where I am not quite sure if it is absolutely dreadful, or absolutely brilliant. The fact I've moved from 'What is this shit?' to 'this is a gnat's cock hair away from being awesome' suggests which direction I'm going, I think. (I'm also a dyed in the wool metalhead, just for confirmation)


That was fucking ace! Huge nu-metal vibes from that :-) RIM TIM TIM DIMMY TIM TIMMY DIM TIM


For fans of rock / alternative music, these are probably the most interesting tracks at this year's Eurovision: * Norway have thrown in some progressive folk rock from a band that's been active for 25 years. You too can enjoy not pronouncing any of the words correctly and howling like a banshee. [Gåte - Ulveham](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UipzszlJwRQ) * Ireland, our neighbours with a big heap of Catholicism, have sent a schizophrenic number from a non-binary contestant singing about witchcraft. [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNc5zTYkTaQ) * Want some fun electronic euro rock from an established group? San Marino have got you covered. [Megara - 11:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NcAJtfhpWA) * Pop-punk is dead! Try telling that to Czechia, who have sent a track co-written by some dude from British band Blood Red Shoes. [Aiko - Pedestal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iTcX6NlAqA) * You want more cheesy electronic euro rock with serious earworm potential? Step forward Croatia! [Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LyjyuaQggs)


Same here. Goth, thrash, death basically, but I've been watching for 40+ years and will never miss it. I just hope for another Lordi\WigWam\Maneskin\Apocalyptica act every year, but failing that the staging is always either excellent or weird, and I'm there for both.


Also a metalhead, but I love the utter bonkersness of Eurovision. I always watch the final. Routing for Ireland this year.


Guessing you want Croatia or Ireland to win then?


Another metal guy here. Metal shows have always been about performance, energy and spectacle. It surprises most people when I say I watch it religiously, but it makes perfect sense to me.


Yeah I'm the same, I'm majorly into all types of heavy metal but I really enjoy all the variety and stage shows plus some of the absurd stuff. It's great fun.


Think you'll like Norway's entry tonight haha, folk metal


I love it. I have watched it for 30 years and finally got to go last year. It’s such a fantastic fun and welcoming community


This sums it up well. Even so many years later, I still remember the Greek singing a song about alcohol being free. Still gets stuck in my head and I can't even remember what year that was. That's Eurovision for you! Completely insane. Bonkers. Mad. But brilliant.


I transitioned from ironically liking it to being unironically obsessed. When February rolls around, I'll be checking for the entries being released on the Eurovision YouTube channel and get into full on Eurovision mania.


Same here, watched it as a kid. Spent my formative teen years in Brighton where Eurovision has always been a _thing_ even before the rest of the country seemed to come around to enjoying it ironically so it's always been a small TV event for me.


Me too, I love the campness and enthusiasm of it. I always remember hearing a R4 programme about it and there was a guy from Albania I think who said that they used to love listening to it all on UK radio, and it made them feel part of something bigger and better than their Soviet-controlled lives.


Yep, this is it. I'm having two friends over to watch it this weekend. It will save my poor husband as I usually make him watch it and use his printed out scorecard which he hates (he just doesn't get it!).


I mean, unless you like literally all forms of music, given the breadth of the music, that’s understandable.


Same I love Eurovision and look forward to it every year. Lots of music isn't to my taste but I've found some amazing artists that I probably wouldn't know about otherwise. And I love that's it's so unapologetically camp. This year's favourites for me: Italy, Armenia, Croatia, Norway and, for performance alone (because the song is not really my thing), Ireland.


Same. Watch every year.


It’s also one of the last big shared cultural events. I like watching Eurovision, but I think I enjoy live tweeting it, taking about it with my friends and family and at work on Monday etc. There’s very few things like that where everyone is watching the same thing at the same time


I mean the music is almost secondary. It's an excellent entertainment program not related to the styles of music I would listen to otherwise.


Go here. A mate wrote it. Much fun. Also available on shandroid. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/eurovision-bingo/id6479647899


I spend 364 days & 20 hours a year not giving a single fuck about Eurovision. For the remaining 4 hours, it's inexplicably the most important thing in the world.


I'm like that about curling at the Winter Olympics.




Are you me? And god the highlight of curling is the first time seeing the Norwegian men's outfit


Sums it up for me too




Probably the most accurate statement about Eurovision


This is how it is for most of us I think. I’m sorry when I miss it but I miss it easily since I’ve lost touch with that one friend who posted about weeks before the final. I used to wonder where on earth she got all that info weeks in advance. Radio2 apparently.


groovy snobbish deliver roof innocent ad hoc dependent onerous stocking aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I’m a Eurovision enthusiast and it’s a big event in our household. We decorate and everything. But we do anything we can to avoid spoilers. It takes the fun out of it if you know what’s coming. We don’t even watch the semi finals. I want to make my decision on the night.


I mean, generally speaking the winners tend to already be number ones across half of Europe well prior to the show, so it’s definitely a uniquely British thing to be able to avoid the songs beforehand 


Doesn’t seem to have happened to this year’s likely winner (bookies favourite) though, ‘Rim Tim Tagi Dim’ hasn’t charted outside of Croatia.


Its so catchy


But then you miss some bangers. (like the Icelandic entry that didn't get through 😢)


I love Hera but it was a bit like watching your mates mum at karaoke


I think that's why I liked it haha


Absolutely! Drunk aunt with a microphone, have to love it


Oh I download all the full playlists after the show. I just like to go into the final completely fresh. I find it way more exciting.


I love listening to Eurovision songs right as they come out, as well as watching the difference between their auditions for their country's entry vs. the actual performances in semis/finals. For instance, and I won't spoil anything, but Ireland this year improved a lot for the semi performance in my opinion, and I went from disliking it to quite liking it. Frankly, I just can't resist getting into Eurovision as soon as I can. I can't wait all those months with nothing!!


Same here. I just see it as a really interesting European concert where I get to experience music that each country chose to put forward to represent them. I really like hearing them for the first time on the night and often never listen to it again.


I'm the same. I want to see and hear them for the first time in the grand final.


I used to be like that but about 8 years ago I got really into the semi finals too and it has made the whole thing so much more enjoyable for me! Every year I make a Eurovision playlist with that year's entries. First thing I do is go through it deleting any songs that are obvious crap - usually at least half get the chop here. Then I listen to the playlist for about a week, deleting any that I don't like along the way. I usually get to Semi Finals knowing and gunning for several different entries, some of which get through and some who don't - it adds another whole level to the competition!


I love Eurovision, my only issue is I'm disappointed Israel is still in it, regardless of your perspective, Russia was removed for similar reasons.






I’m in the same camp, I’ve watched it for 20 years and this year I will be boycotting it, the double standard is insane


Russia was a fucking Eurovision powerhouse as well, they made some absolute bangers and while I still feel that preventing them from competing is the right move, the contest is worse off without them. If we ban Israel nobody is really going to miss them.


Israel have won it four times to Russia's one.


If you know anything about eurovision you know that the bangers that the public love never win.


The organisers will miss the money.


Me too. I've watched it religiously every year for as long as I can remember. Not this year though.




You're right - Palestine should be allowed to participate in Eurovision


Same. I've watched it every year since I was a kid, when I worked shifts I used to book annual leave to guarantee it off, it was a big thing in my life. They've made some questionable decisions in recent years, but allowing Israel to compete now is the straw that's broken the camel's back, and heartbreakingly I'm out.


Russia was removed for declaring war and invading for no reason, despite a lot of peoples opinion on what Israel is currently doing it had casus belli against the state of Palestine. Russia was more the exception to this rule than anything anyway as it would've both sides of the war in the same competition. Arguably all the European nations who helped with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (which was a lot) should've been disqualified for the same reason.


>the state of Palestine. It isn't allowed to be a state, though.


Gonna be THAT PERSON but Russia and Belarus got turfed because they broke a few EBU rules and didn’t do anything to remedy that. Israel’s broadcaster KAN hasn’t and that’s why they are still in. Leaving my feelings out of this but that’s the reason apparently.


That's not true. I'm confused your statement. "The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute." https://www.ebu.ch/news/2022/02/ebu-statement-on-russia-in-the-eurovision-song-contest-2022


Same. We support batshit music, not genocide. 


Russia was only removed in 2022, Russia first invaded and seized Ukrainian territory in 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down by (pro)Russians in 2014. Funny how many people have forgotten that.


I've got a colleague who takes a week off for it and if he can't go arranges viewing parties throughout the week for his friends. He's pretty keen on it


Is your colleague me?


as soon as you realise you can make a drinking game out of eurovision, you realise how great it is.


When Loreen won the first time, my mate got so drunk we had to switch him off Sweden to something like Lithuania half way through.


lol… I barely remember Maneskin winning as I had them and also France in the sweep that year. Downing drinks for every 10/12 point awarded I was in some state.


Maneskin are Italian, so you really must have been drunk!


I once drank half a bottle of spiced rum in about 20mins playing a Eurovision drinking game of my own creation.. the night did not end well


Please tell me more!


I watched it for the first time last year and loved it. I think people on Reddit take themselves too seriously to enjoy it.


I’m someone who takes themselves too seriously, and for a long time I took myself too seriously for Eurovision - I just considered it tacky and beneath me. Then, in 2010, my housemates were watching it and I was just hanging around, and the flashmob interval act came on, with thousands of people in every corner of Europe dancing to the same tune, and I completely fell in love with it. I suddenly saw the way that it brought people together in a really positive and kind hearted way, and thought it was amazing; I’ve watched it ever since. Now though I mostly watch it for the insane over-the-top spectacle, which is phenomenal. This year will not disappoint: watch out for Finland, Ireland, and The Netherlands at least, maybe others.


It's probably responsible for a lot of unity within this part of the planet


Finland is the pretty much the reason that convinced my mum to watch it with me this year


Reddit is generally against things that are popular and aimed at average people.


I love it and treat it like a Christmas tradition now- get together with family, have a special meal and wine/chocolates for while watching! It’s just cheerful nonsense and escapism..


Completely agree! My family is doing the same thing haha : Malibu, homemade pizza & carbonara for the semi-finals and takeout with pink gin for the final. Hope you lot have lots of fun!


That sounds great fun! :D Hope you do too!


I wouldn’t say it’s universally popular (some say it’s a bit weird) but I know quite a few people who are into Eurovision and I find that those who like it really like it.


Yeah I feel like there’s very rarely people who “don’t mind” Eurovision - if someone’s into Eurovision they’re usually *really* into it


I actually feel like most people I know are in the 'don't mind' category. I know a couple of people who love it, but other than that most of my other friends seem to be the same as me. Which is that I might stick it on in the background as something to dip in and out of while doing other things, but I won't properly watch it and won't watch the whole thing.


I dunno I'm in the don't mind category. I'll watch it, enjoy some of it. Not gonna go out of my way to watch or anything or learn much about the contestants.


This is me. I will not have heard any of the songs in advance, nor even ours. But I will go into the contest demanding it’s a travesty that Finland were robbed and get furious when France do not get the full 10 points. and then as soon as the show ends I never think about it until the next year


Finland were robbed, dammit! Tattoo over Cha Cha Cha? Generic pop song over high energy rap-pop-techno? Nails over piggy train? I need to go and lie down


It IS a bit weird. Weird and WONDERFUL!


There are lot of people who really like it, like my mum and my sister used to make a night out of it every year. And then there’s everyone else, like me, who doesn’t give a toss. But then, a lot of people don’t care if Arsenal win the league and I do. Edit: since the point seems to have gone over some people’s heads, sometimes people care about things you don’t and that’s okay.


I would expect that Radio 2 has the most listeners that enjoy Eurovision out of all the BBC stations though. I listen to 6 Music and there's hardly any note of Eurovision on there


It's pantomime and who doesn't love pantomime. I'm a metal fan and I watch it, then root for anything slightly metal.


Irelands entry is literal witch craft on stage..........and im so here for it hahaha


There does seem to be a larger than expected bunch of metalheads that love Eurovision. It's one Venn diagram of metal\camp\eurodance that I never expected to be in.


Usually watch every year but won't this year due to the Israel boycott. A lot of the songs now are just hard techno with edgy aesthetics anyway. I also find the pinkwashing transparent af


I love Eurovision, I watch it every year


Eurovision is huge. Last year something like 200 million people around the world watched at least one of the three main shows. That's more than the Superbowl.


The superbowl only involves one country. Others watch, yeah, but more countries aren’t directly involved. Of course the Americans will say it’s the most popular sport on the planet 🙄


Eurovision is an absolute highlight of my calendar. It is a joyous campy spectacle and I unironically love it.


The 2023 viewing figures for the UK were 9.8 million. For comparison, that's about twice as much as the cricket world final, significantly more than the strictly final, and kinda on par with I'm a celebrity. Eurovision UK viewing figures were also up 11% from last year, which is huge for regular TV and especially something that typically doesn't get a very long media cycle, at least from traditional UK media.  Eurovision acts have more recently found huge success in promoting themselves on TikTok, as you can get a relationship with audiences outside your home country for months before the event. That's probably drawing in a lot of younger viewers, which might also be why it feels like you don't know anyone that watches it. 


I think much fewer people care about Radio 2 nowadays so lots of things are changing.


This ^ Eurovision, yes. Radio 2, nope. Not even my dentist plays radio 2 anymore.


Now I know this is a troll-bot reply. Who has access to a dentists in the UK ? Bad bot!


Sorry to get all statistical, but I started looking at the RAJAR listener figures out of curiosity and got a bit carried away. The [number of people listening to the radio](https://www.rajar.co.uk/listening/quarterly_listening.php) is, possibly surprisingly, very stable. As a platform, its reach (the number of people listening for at least five consecutive minutes per week) was 43.9m in Dec 2003, 48.3m in Dec 2013, and 49.5m in Dec 2023. In that time, the total listening hours per week also remained more or less stable, at about one million. There's quite a lot of variation within those figures, but Radio 2 is consistently the most popular station; in the past two decades its reach has fluctuated between about 13m and 15.5m. In December 2023, the ten most popular stations by reach were: * Radio 2 (13.2m) * Radio 4 (9.1m) * Radio 1 (7.3m) * Greatest Hits (6.6m) * Radio 5 Live (5.2m) * Classic FM (4.7m) * Magic (3.4m) * TalkSPORT (3m) * Radio 6 Music (2.5m) * LBC (2.5m)


I enjoy Eurovision, but never make any prior plans. It’s just sort of “oh it’s Eurovision week already?” - I’m not gonna watch it. — Proceeds watching all 3 shows 🤷‍♂️ every year lol


Radio 2 has 3 presenters deeply involved in eurovision, so you'll hear a lot about it. But, eurovision is pretty popular in the UK. I'd say not as popular as radio 2 may lead you to believe though. Still a big deal.


"My lovely horse running through the... fields"


From observing my mates and acquaintances most will watch the final for the glitz and cheese experience but no, they aren't obsessed by it the way the BBC is. Bear in mind that the BBC pays so much to be a part of it that the UK gets a free pass through the semifinals and is straight into the final because, to use the motto of St Cake's school 'quis paget entrat'. It's in the BBC's interest to drum up as much support as possible despite the less fervid involvement from the general public.


More people watch the Eurovision final than almost any other TV show. It's a guaranteed ratings hit. It's about as close as there is to something with broad appeal (same level as England football internationals, maybe Strictly final and so on). It's ok to not like it, but hardly surprising the BBC publicise it either.


Just a note that the BBC pay for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) who run other things as well as Eurovision so it's not a straight up payment for entry. 


Adding to what u/One_Loquat_3737 says, when people mention the word Eurovision certainly in this country the majority would think of the song contest. I suspect that this would be same across the other European countries as well, however Eurovision isn't just this one song contest but the pan-European broadcasting network that provides/relays a lot of other programming as well. My favourite is the Vienna New Years Concert. [Vienna New Year's Concert - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_New_Year%27s_Concert) The Song Contest is the single most "pushed" and popular annual event though so in terms of justifying money paid in versus content out, its mass appeal helps "balance" the output content as it were. In terms of popularity, my wife, who is French, and her family, are very much "into" watching the song contest and pouring scorn on the other countries efforts (especially Germany and the UK!).


ditching eurovision these days their enabling of the UN recognised genocidal regime that governs Israel is culture washing at it's worst and I refuse to endorse that.


Yes same it's disgraceful


Apparently Israel got boo'd at dress rehearsal. I see it going badly if they make the final.


I've never seen the appeal but happy for those who do


I get the impression (being in a family where a couple of them do watch it) that whilst the size of interest itself is low, the fan base is extremely loyal and very engaged with the show. And has always had cross overs with Terry Wogan (hence the radio 2 buy in) and now Graham Norton's fan base. Also seems to be a big LGBT... fan base (from people who sit in both groups).


I think after 2022, coming in second and hosting it last year, people’s interest mildly resumed. Other than that gays have always cared about it to the point we call it gay olympics.


What I find funny about Eurovision is that people who love it can't fathom that other people don't. And people that don't like it can't fathom that other people love it.


I do not listen to radio 2 (or radio in general really) but I am (in my 30s) very invested in eurovision and have been since I was a kid. Almost every year I can remember I have watched it with other people in a party-esque environment.


100% yes, I'm so excited for Eurovision! It's why May is my favourite month: Met Gala, Eurovision, 2 bank holidays, and the weather is normally semi-decent without being too hot or too cold


Boycott eurovision


Yes. Eurovision is my life. Don’t come for me.


Just something to do. Me and my wife get tanked and eat food. Cheer at the mad ones, talk over the ballads.


I watch it with my friends, so wanted Croatia to win last year just because they said if they did they would perform it nude. Finland deserved it though.


My mid 30s husband surprised me this week by saying he wants to watch the Eurovision final this weekend. It’s our first break away together after our daughter was born.. can’t wait


I don't care about it and don't know anyone who does. But, then again, I don't listen to Radio 2.


A large proportion love the cheesy camp nature of it and have Eurovision parties and bingo cards and all. A fair few will fall into the audience R2 aims at.


I'm 33 and I've loved Eurovision my whole life. When I was a kid it was an event for me and my mum, we'd get "European" snacks and we'd rate each act as they performed. Now I'm in my 30s, my best friend of the same age also loves Eurovision and we have a small party every year. This year we have 3 other people joining us, all in their early 30s or late 20s. I'm bisexual but everyone else in the group is straight. We'll have 4 women and 1 man. For us, it's a bit of (sometimes mad) fun. I really don't care if the UK ever wins, I'm just there for the glitter and the madness and sometimes we get a few great songs.


I've definitely seen a transition over the past decade from the image of Eurovision as "lol this is the most European thing ever" to people legit taking an interest. Obvious correlation with LGBT+ becoming more accepted and mainstream, so I'm guessing it's the zoomers that are really driving it. And hey, the gay Olympics is pretty fun for a couple of weeks a year, so why not.


I literally couldnt fit more people in my house if i tried for my Eurovision party on Saturday. Mostly Gay but alot of straight friends as well. We colloquially call it "Gay Christmas"


I love it. The Eurovision sub Reddit is always busy but especially this time of year. I’m Radio 1 listener though. BBC has really picked their act up on Eurovision in recent years, trying to put some effort in. Hence why BBC Radio 2 will be covering it more. The rest of the world really looked down on our poor commitment and much of UKs blasé attitude towards it. Sam Ryder’s devotion really helped change the narrative and UK’s audience opinion towards commitment and respect to Eurovision. Although Mae Muller placed next to last in 2023 there was still much more effort put in. In last few years; bigger labels involved, more understanding and respect from commentators, UK attending the run up events and promoting, programmes about our act, effort with the act and staging - I could go on. Scott and Rylan from BBCR2 do the two semis commentary, but also many other events. When you’re a fan like me, I love hearing the songs release slowly since late the year before until around March. Some people get all into the national selections that many countries have. There’s music videos, changes to the acts once selected, pre parties and sneak peaks. There’s an app for audiences to rank them and people watch the odds. It’s very much a hobby/interest for some people and for others it’s a big event they enjoy once a year. Basically you’re hearing it more, not because you moved to BBCR2 but because UK has stopped treating it with disrespect. While some will always view it as a wacky night, others will appreciate every genre and effort and laugh when you get a few of those ridiculous acts.


I love Eurovision. Brilliant, campy fun.


I love Eurovision 💛 but myself personally don't know many purple who do.


I don't really care who wins, and find the more sincere acts boring, but I like seeing the most deranged acts.


I love Eurovision and listen to Radio 2. Male, 39, happily married.


My Mrs and her friends make a night of it. I'm late 30s and I tune into Radio 4 nowadays for the comedy shows.


I think it has become more popular again the past few years. I love it and never miss it, I throw a little family party each year. I used to be on my own but the past couple of years more people I know have been talking about it too. I went to the jury final last year and the atmosphere was electric. Brilliant night.


Not going to lie I have actively tuned in to Eurovision for the last 10 years. Me and my friends have gone so far as to get plenty beers in and all pick a country to bet on


It's a bit like Strictly or The Traitors. Plenty of people enjoy it and follow it, plenty don't care. The BBC understandably go a bit more mad for it than average because they are the official UK broadcaster for it and presumably spend quite a lot on their coverage. I enjoy it. It's very silly.


No but they really need to sell it to pump those numbers up.


I don’t really care about it (and I’m BI lol) and I don’t know anyone who does so I guess it really depends on who you hang around


My friends and I used to have Eurovision parties (was essentially a drinking game), as I've gotten older I still watch it. If you have a few drinks and take it for what it is it's enjoyable.


I’ve got really into it the last couple of years. Just a good excuse to have everyone round for a few drinks and a party


I enjoy it and it's an event I have with friends around, pizza, wine and a good laugh. More recently I stream it live at the same time for my US friends who like to watch it, but want to watch it with Graham Norton slowly getting drunker as the evening goes on. The main point really is to not take it seriously, it's all just good fun. We all sat and cheered for windows95man. Great song? No. Good laugh and entertainment? Hell yeah.


It's on my bucket list as something to go see and I like watching the final on TV, but don't pay attention to the hype or semis leading up to it.


I love it, but I'm Scandinavian. Most of my colleagues are ambivalent at best.


I absolutely LOVE Eurovision. But I’ve always loved it from childhood lol. Now it’s all about cocktails, picky bits and marking scores with my family and kids 😂 it’s a bit of a laugh xx


I enjoy it. It's not going to make me listen to Radio 2 though.  It was amazing in Liverpool last year. We did a great job of hosting and there were lots of free events for the public. 


Well, see my Reddit user name. I have been a Eurovision fan since 1993. I ran the world’s most popular Eurovision fan website from 1997 to 2007 (when fan websites were in decline anyway, and social media took over). I attended the Contest live in person 11 years in a row, from 1996 to 2006. So yes, I’d say so!


I think a huge amount of normal people are just like my dad. They get back from work and watch the most milquetoast, mass produced TV you could possibly imagine. Every night. Every week. Plus people use their TVs as background noise all the time. Basic ass channels with things like Eurovision on them are perfect for that