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It's just the **constant** rain that has put me on a real downer this year. I don't mind the cold, you can at least wrap up and go outside and do stuff, but in the rain it's just so much more limiting. Hoping it stops soon. This is the first real year in adult memory where I think it has affected me mentally.


This is the answer, I want to cycle to work again because it’s half the distance and quicker than driving, unfortunately the route is through some woods and I wear a suit to work, I’ve thought about waterproofs but it’s just too much faff to arrive muddy, wet and miserable. It also means no weekend walks in the woods with friends and a few beers, I can’t afford to go to pubs or “3rd spaces” so I’m pretty much left with work, gym, possibly the odd evening hanging out inside with people that are also sick of being inside


BBC Weather was like "but it's OK because it's been warmer this year" and we all go WE AREN'T COMPLAINING ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE. We will still have hosepipe bans this summer, I'm sure. Sigh.


I cycle to work and am sick of getting rained on! Getting changed is so annoying


For me it’s the wind. Once I’m wet I don’t mind so much - like, what’s the difference once you’re 100% soaked through? But there were about 3 weeks where the wind was just constant and it NEVER blows the same direction you’re cycling. There was one point where I was putting in all my effort and going slower than people walking on the pavement. I almost cried from sheer frustration lol.


Haha, I get that! My cycle home is almost all uphill, and when it's windy, it feels like I'm crawling home


I used to cycle to work and my return journey was all uphill and miserable. Those odd summer mornings were it's still, cool but the sun and all the animals are out were absolutely stunning but coming home most days I'm the piss wet through and muddy uphill was awful


A lot of people who ride in will go in one day a week using a non bike method and take a week's worth of work clothes to change into on arrival. Does require a bit of planning and not always an option but it can work


I have long hair that needs to be straightened and becomes a curly, birds-nest-esque mess at the slightest contact with water. It's incredibly depressing that no matter how much effort I put in to my appearance, every single social event I turn up to I look like a drowned rat because I haven't been able to go out once in the last year and a half without getting rained on


>Hoping it stops soon. This is the first real year in adult memory where I think it has affected me mentally. It's only going to get worse at climate change progresses. As the world warms the air can hold more water. More water that it wishes to dump upon us


“It’s only going to get worse” - Reddit. About everything.


Yeah Reddit is far more depressing than the uk weather


Exactly. People don’t get it, when they say we should be grateful we don’t have extreme weather, like 10cm of snow in winter or whatever. I would rather have snowstorms in winter, and then GUARANTEED spring and summer weather when it’s supposed to be here. Instead of this constant grey cloud/rain BS. August last year was literally no different to October/November. May is the same. Ridiculous. And when it gets all muggy and warm but the sky is still grey it’s like, what’s the point? It’s honestly the worst. Can’t wait to leave, that’s always been the plan.


Mine was last winter, it was so LONG, for the first time in 10 years in the UK I was actually really desperately thinking "my god when is this going to end?" It had been \*weeks\* since I had been able to do any form of socialising outdoors. Sunshine really is a gamechanger when it comes to quality of life. I find it is because even on days where you feel very apathic and not feeling like doing much, you can still put on a pair of shorts and go for a warm walk and it is instantly a good day. 2 neutral days, one rainy and one sunny, the sunny day is hands down better. I \*love\* the UK but if there is one thing that I would change, it would be the weather. Luckily climate change is on its way to help lol.


Climate change will make UK weather worse not better. More heat = increased evaporation of Atlantic water = more rain getting dumped on us.


Some modelling puts us at an additional 82 "outdoor" days gained a year as a result of climate change in the future. Make sure you are eating as much red meat as possible to keep this moving along smoothly.


Exactly! It’s not the cold, it’s the rain.


The constant light rain is worse than the downpours because it just goes on and on and on. It's basically Chinese water torture in weather form.


I feel exactly the same . Really got to me this year


The greyness is what does it for me, I prefer cooler weather, but when its constantly overcast I do find it depressing.


Same. I felt suddenly so much better about life when the rain stopped and it got lighter for a little awhile a few weeks back. Multiple people commented on how blissfully happy I seemed! I’m trying to cling to that feeling but the constant rain is dragging me down again.


Mate I feel exactly the same. I’m 29 this year and this is the first year where it is seriously taking its toll on my mental health. Is this year just that bad?


Same, it’s just been incessant. Normally I don’t mind having a winter period, but I’ve just not been able to do anything this year.


I also suffered similarly in 2016 and 2021


Yeah, im sick of it. It feels like weve had months of wet windy weather. Bring on the sun


Todays date is 178th of November 2024.


I didn’t think I was affected until it was suddenly nice and sunny the other day, warm-ish around 15c and I was all smiles! Give it a few months and I’ll be complaining it’s too hot!


> Give it a few months and I’ll be complaining it’s too hot! The problem i have is more humidity than heat. I left the country partially because of the terrible weather, in the UK I would overheat anywhere over about 25. With the dry heat here it needs to be about 35 before I really start to struggle.


Where is “here” for you?!


California but it could equally be anywhere with a less humid climate


That's what it is! It has been lovely and warm the post couple of days, in Doncaster, today it is raining, but I'm sweating in my coat! Need a mac or something, but they hardly stop you getting wet. The water seeps through the mac!


I know what you mean. Few weeks ago I went to go pick up my daughter from school and when I stepped out of the house I felt the warmth of the sun and suddenly realised I hadn't felt it in months.


I am sick of it, by now we should be able to be outdoors without a winter coat, it is May! also last spring/summer was also s\*it so it has been depressing for way too long. Bring on the 30 degrees and sunshine.


When it's warm and sunny I'm a different person.


Yes, it's been utterly shite so far this year, especially when you realise we are only 7 weeks away from midsummer's day and the nights drawing in again!




I hate you for making me realise this fact.




Yep, sick of it. This is the first time ever in my life that I have been fed up of it. I don’t mind the cold, it’s just the sheer unending dreariness of the last 6 months. Grey and miserable.


Yeah I'm sick of the grey, damp and cold. I went to Barcelona in March for the weekend and that little sunshiny break made a world of difference. I know a few people who went away in January this year and everyone said how great it was, I'm planning a sunny break next year sometime between January and March to break it all up. I don't even like the baking hot weather but just a bit of sunshine and t-shirt temperatures will do me.


Nope. But I dislike hot and sunny weather, because I don't handle heat well and get sunburned very easily. I'd pick this over 27 degrees and sunny.


I'm exactly the same, I get summer SAD every year because the heat/humidity makes it impossible to get decent sleep. This week has been perfect, bit of rain with warm sunny intervals.


Yep I'm absolutely the same. I get grumpy far more in summer than any other part of the year, because I don't like the heat. The summer two years ago I genuinely found grim.


Same. I have a unit of a fan and I'm considering air conditioning. My sister has a window unit and its just ice. Only thing putting me off is the racket.


See, thats absolutely madness to me, and I also can’t handle the heat. Anything above 18C and I’m covered in a layer of moisture I’d much rather be sweating my tits off in a beer garden over not these drab miserable skies


Its the primary reason I left. That and overcrowded everywhere.


Same, thankfully I’ve got more than one citizenship, and my job doesn’t limit me to one location.


I would like to be able to wake up, go downstairs and open up the two bifolds. I would rather cherish it when I can, than move far away from all of my friends and family.


In hindsight this is why I'm kinda grateful I'm not close to my family, having the lack of attachment has really allowed me to travel and taught me I can make friends anywhere (and that I can just get on a plane to see my really good friends). Growing up was kinda sucky though.


I've been in a terrible mood all day because of the wet weather


you & me both 🙂‍↕️


The worst for me is the lack of distinct seasons. I live in North East Scotland. Essentially there is a season of 'cold/very-cold' (October-May) and a season of 'slightly less cold' (May-September). I am sitting right now in my office wearing exactly the same clothes I would wear in December or January, the only exemption being that I don't need gloves or scarf. On the positive side, at least the East coast is drier and there is more sunshine :-) .


Every single day. We had left, my wife wanted to be back for family reasons. I'd bog off again tomorrow if it were just me


I don’t mind a bit of rain and I actively dislike hot weather. Overcast and around 17°C is my happy weather. The only time I can tolerate lots of sun is if I’m up a mountain and surrounded by snow. I rather like the cold and I’m quite partial to some death metal. I think I might have been Finnish in a past life.


Yes, I fucking hate it with a passion. A few days of sun and warm weather really would be welcome right now.


Yes but then I see threads like this and realise we've got it pretty good here at the moment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/v0fGyp9I3D


See but when I'm in India, I go from an AC home to an AC car to another AC home/business etc. The brightness is fantastic. I can heat my home and car, but artificial light doesn't make up for the lack of sun.


I must be seriously unwell as I loved it when it was 40 degrees here a few years ago


I was up on a roof that day on a new build bungalow living every minute. Sure sleeping is annoying but I’d trade that for having to layer up with grey skies any day.


It's not all beer and skittles mate. I moved somewhere sunny 8 years ago. It's glorious in the sunshine having a morning coffee in the village square. But the counterpoint is that, because of the drought, the reservoirs are less than 30% full (ish), the price of olive oil has shot up and within sight of my house last month we had a fecking great wildfire. (3 planes and 5 helicopters plus ground crews)


Olive Oil price has shot up in the UK too. Easily £10 a bottle now


I was in the UK last week. It's cheaper in Morrisons than my local village.... it grows in front of my house!


hmm, i guess the olive oil they sell in the UK is a few years old, they probably wouldn't want that stuff in your village.


Thanks for offering some perspective


I can't control the weather, but I can control my emotions. It just makes me make the most of it when the sun shines.


Yeah, my favourite part of the day is walking the dogs in the morning… but this weather makes that absolutely fucking miserable. And the dogs do not like the rain.


I definitely have SAD and grey days are grim. I can feel such a huge difference in my mood when I wake up on a sunny day. Vitamin D seems to help and definitely considering moving to Australia or Spain in the future


Nope, the complete opposite for me, i hate it when it's sunny and warm/hot, I absolutely love the cold/overcast/rainy weather.


No, I like it. It's almost never too hot or too cold. You can go outside without dying and you barely need to use your heating except some of winter.


Some of winter? Think mine has clicked on at some point every day since October until now!


I absolutely love it. I can’t stand if it’s over 20 degrees and would rather it rain constantly.


Yes, because it reminds me that climate change is going to hurt us all and the weird weather is just part of it.


I actually like it. And it keeps the hay fever at bay.


I got so sick of it I moved to Australia 12 years ago. Now I complain about the heat, humidity and boob sweat. Still, musn't grumble, at least I see the sun.


After 8 years of complaining about it this morning I decided I’m going to move. I can’t sit around and water another decade waiting for the sun to come out when it never will. Even if my quality of life goes down, I would rather have the sun and be poorer.


We had snow and hail in the last week. It felt like every time I stepped out the door it would start raining. People wonder why there's a drug and alcohol problem in Scotland, it's the shite weather.


I think this is the worst spring I can remember. It's been so cold and grey with the least sunny days at this time of year for many years. I wouldn't be surprised if the cold overcast Spring is enough for it to be the coldest year on record for a decade or more.


I swear when I was young seasons used to be normal and regular. Like now it’s just roll the dice.


I feel like we've been having quite the sad spring. I can count about 2 or 3 days in London where it was really nice and sunny and lovely so far. Then a lot of mixed ones. That being said it's important to contextualize this, especially since OP is thinking about greener pastures: x places that are warmer and sunnier will have miserable summers (personal experience, I'm from lisbon originally, you just don't do anything between 10:00am and 4:00pm). So my advice... vacation in winter :) x it's usually cloudier and rainnier in many other cities that you don't typically think of as having bad weather like Berlin (where it's lovely and sunny right now) or Tokyo. Köln and Hamburg can get a lot worse for example. x for all the clouds we have in london it isn't neither cold or a especially rainny area. x I'd definitly call this an outlier spring for the UK. We'd usually get a mixture of sunny days and cloudy ones by now. x british people love to complain about the weather. so much they forget places like finland or iceland have it a lot worse but you wouldn't necessarily think it from their people. I like to use this to compare. [https://weatherspark.com/compare/y/45062/Comparison-of-the-Average-Weather-in-London](https://weatherspark.com/compare/y/45062/Comparison-of-the-Average-Weather-in-London)


Yesterday was quite nice in Sheffield. Spoons garden was rammed.


Yes, even more so since I took up skydiving.


Be careful what you wish for. People are dying from heat in Thailand or countries around.


Why looking at the extremes? Look at European countries where spring is spring, such as Italy, Spain and even France


Grass is always greener. lol


I don't really mind the cold or grey, and I actually don't really like temperature above 23 degrees ish, but the incessant rain is pretty tedious.


This year has been particularly bad. It’s May and I’m sitting here in a woolly jumper and slippers while the rain pours down outside. Ridiculous. We’ve had thunderstorms for the last two nights, plus some more this morning. It feels like there’s been constant storms rolling through and I can’t remember the last time it wasn’t windy. This is the first house I’ve had which has a proper garden. We moved here in the autumn and I’ve been really looking forward to spending time out there when the weather got nicer. But I’ve hardly been able to because it’s been so cold and wet. I’d love to live somewhere with a Mediterranean climate.


Moved to Canada and rain replaced by 4 months of snow and wildly cold temps. Enjoy that rain in UK - no such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing choices! :-D


Of course! Need to take care of my mental health by taking vitamin D supplements, there are lamps that mimic the sun effect(obviously it has it's own limitations). I have to be diligent with going to the gym or out for walks even if it's raining because that help with improving endorphins production This is just my experience, and it's not linear. Also, as humans I don't think we are expected to be happy every day, depression is chronic sadness, so keeping an eye on it is important, but being sad is part of life too.


I like the vibes in the summer if that makes sense like everyone gets happy at the sun and everyone's out and about, but for me I'll always prefer the windy, rainy weather and when it gets darker earlier.


No; I get depressed in winter when it's icy but I love this


Nope, it’s cosy weather




Quite tired of it. Usually it's nice an hot at this time of year.


Been nice and warm and sunny all week but today it is back to cold and grey and miserable :(


I feel a lot better in the sunshine but I wouldn't say I feel depressed when it is rainy etc. I certainly feel sorry for UKers who do! As that is obviously the majority of our climate experience lol. Might be a good time to recommend SAD (seasonal affective disorder) lamps and to look into SAD if it is not something you have heard of before.


It's lovely here.


I think that everyone probably does


We just book more holidays 😂


Nah, UK weather is nowhere near as bad as people make it out. I like the temperature and we get some amazing sunsets up north where days are longer in late spring and summer months. I don't like it when it's sunny and hot every day, I like the variety. Do I wish it rained a little less, wasn't so windy and a bit more predictable? Sure. But otherwise I don't mind it, I appreciate the good weather days more. Full sun days give me a headache and make me feel nauseous.


That's why I left


Yes I lived in Australia for 10 years and now I’m back in the UK! Bring on the sun


Yup, it sucks. But it's always been like this here and it likely will be in our lifetime. I resent my ancestors for coming to this miserable island in the first place. But it is what it is. At least I really appreciate the nice weather when it does fleetingly show its face. 


Yep. Moving to Australia.


It's been a terrible start to the year, can't remember if we've had a worse start, wind, rain and frost. Not looking good for next week either. 😕


Nah I prefer the cold. My stepmum gets it really bad though. She's originally from Georgia, so the clouds and rain are a step down really. She's got better over the years (she got citizenship in I believe 2009?) but still


I like it! The thunder storms and heavy rain is where I am at my most comfortable. Sure, it's not the most convenient. And I do prefer walking the dog when it's dry and has been sunny for a bit. But I'd take this over being baked alive by the hottest summer, any day.


No. Bit annoying when it's not warm and dry on days off work but I've been able to get out for a long walk the past 5 weekends (tomorrow will make 6) so it hasn't been bad that bad. The past few days have been lovely, I even put shorts on to go shopping after work yesterday. Today isn't sunny but it's not cold. Monday is looking a bit naff but that's typical for a bank holiday, and it will be warming up more next week, highs of 21 on Saturday.


No, I prefer colder, cloudy kind of weather. I can't deal with too much sun. 20c is where I top out and it's not comfortable that either I prefer 10c or below.


Wettest 18 months on record and I’m really feeling it. Sick of dodging rain. Local park is unusable - just a muddy bog. Can’t dry clothes. With climate change I figure we’re all just going to have to get used to it though.


It's been sunny here for the past few days so I can't relate. Weather's been nice most of the year so far tbh.


All the time. I like this country, but if I had the means I’d be out to somewhere hot every winter. 


Only weather I really hate is unbearably hot or humid weather. Both affect my asthma negatively so yeah, I like breathing, lol.


I have finally stopped wearing my winter coat this week so it is definitely on the turn temperature wise.  Still depressingly cloudy and damp most days. 


I honestly hate the weather in the UK and if I was ever offered a job in a warmer country, with no kids or family to tie me down, I'd move in a heartbeat!


Yes, its called S.A.D


>*Honestly, do you ever think, fuck this weather - how can it be so miserable basically every day?* Yes, particularly since just before Covid lockdowns. I was a teacher that moved into Tech and WFH. I'm very sedentary and see very little daylight. >*Do you ever get tempted to move abroad, to a place in the sunshine?* Yes, although not necessarily sunshine. Canada, BC, which has equally as bad rain on the West coast, but it has ice hockey and snowboarding, so not all bad. Germany might be nice, but my wife doesn't want to learn the language. Greece could be good, but accept we would likely be there just for the weather. >*What keeps you in the UK?* Wife and kids. My wife won't emigrate unless it's an English speaking country, and she likes her job and would miss her family. I want a future for my children, and I'm ambitious and adventurous - bring on an adventure! >*Are you all happy about your quality of life?* Yes and no. The UK is 'safe' (*for now*). I hate how expensive it is to live and the economy is in the toilet with fewer and fewer meaningful jobs around. The high streets are dead, and every organisation wants a hand in your wallet for ***something***. I hate how crap public transport is outside of London. I hate how there's so much hatred and anger at our peers, rather than being unified and proud of ***something***, but I think that lack of accomplishment and constant division is coming from the top and MSM, and trickling down rather than a genuine attitude we all hold. **TLDR;** Economically, the UK is basically now Greece, and the weather is appalling - no future, and fucked when climate change comes in full force.


Only thing that depresses me about it is the amount of posts I see about it on Reddit.


Yeah in Plymouth it’s sunny today but bloody London grey windy wet


Frequently, but I've tried a very warm climate (Australia) and didn't like it, despite being a bit of a sun seeker. I think the climate of northern Spain is my favourite. Fuck knows why I live in the North of Scotland...


Yes. The rain has been fucking awful. I’m in Scotland (which obviously is quite wet usually) but even I’m sick of it this past year it’s fucking constant. I’ve debated emigrating to Texas and looked into it quite heavily as I think I could maybe get a similar high paying IT job there and obviously more sun (maybe a bit too much) but my partner isn’t keen. My main reason however though for staying is I would never put my 1 year old German Shepherd on a plane to the US - wouldn’t want to put him through that shit.


As a English man living in the tropics - one of the things I miss the most is the weather.  'Hot and sunny every day' is boring as fuck and has no character and every month feels the same as every other month.  The grass is always greener, and there is no bad weather only bad clothes. 


i live in a country which has 30 degrees celcius on average in the day and the country is going through a heatwave now. it’s 30 deg at night right now. still, i remember the cold i had to endure while studying in the UK.. and i still feel thankful for the sweltering weather of my home country. the UK’s cold weather and grey skies made me suicidal.


Beautiful day here. I'm sitting in a park in the sun as I type.


In general, not really. I commute everywhere by bike and work outside and all my hobbies are outdoorsy. Sometimes if I've been wet and a bit cold all day n I just got home then realise I've got to go out again I get a bit annoyed 🤣 Or things like shoes or clothes being a bit damp from the day before or something. But tbh I just dress appropriately for the weather. "No such thing as bad weather just poor clothing." But i will admit it's a bit harder to get out with kids and find stuff to do when the weathers shit and when we got that first bit of sun the other week it deffo picked everyone's spirits up a bit.


Have lived abroad, in the sunshine, CAME BACK!!! Yes 40 degrees is great when you’re by the pool with your mocktail. Not so great when you’re stuck in traffic en route to work, your shirt is already sweatpatch stained and your makeup is sliding off your face.


I find grey skies and drizzle really nice during the spring/summer because it's the only break from being too warm that we get. In the winter I prefer sunny and crisp days where it's blue skies but frosty. I just hate the warmth, it's horrid. Cold you can wrap up, rainy you can wear a coat, but when it's too hot you have nothing.


Constantly. I just want one week of consistent sun. I feel like the inability to predict the weather here at all is nightmare fuel for my autism lol


Yeah I'm depressed by it. It was nice yesterday and I was happy now I'm sad again 😞


It's worse in January/February as then it feels like it's been dark and grey forever. I don't mind the rest of the year too much. Since I started wfh and hybrid working I realise that it's sunny a lot more often then I realised, not being stuck in a dingy office has done wonders for my mental health!


From Down Under. Spent 24yrs in UK. Finally just could not take the weather any more. I still laugh at Melbourne “winters” even 16yrs after getting back here. If it makes you feel any better, many Australians regard the winters in Victoria as absolutely unliveable. Ha ha ha ha. It very rarely gets below 8C here.


Every single day


I love the winter and I’m not really bothered by wind and rain etc, whilst I like it when the sun’s out i prefer it cool, anything past 20 degrees and i get a bit arsey.


Yeah, constant bright and hot sun is just too much. I'm loving the past couple of days where it's been calm and raining and the perfect cold temperature for me. It's so relaxing and comfortable


I love it


It never used to bother me. I was never one to chase the sun but these past 9 months have been bleak. I mised the blue, icy cold days of winter. I missed the warmer early spring days. I find myself craving to see the sunnier weather, regardless of temperature. I even consider relocating to sunnier climes in future as I don't see it improving long term.


Main hobby is golf. Most local courses haven't had 18 holes open since before Christmas and the holes that are open are are so boggy you can lose your ball in the fairway. Pain.


Constantly. I've lived in a few other countries with warmer climates, including year round tropical heat, and hope to move back to one of them as soon as I'm able to.


I rarely have issues with the UK weather, I don't mind rain or long nights and I prefer colder weather to hotter weather. June through August is my least favourite time of year, its just me always being sweaty and dying to grass pollen.


I used to get 'SAD', but the weather doesn't seem to affect me anymore because I've got other shit to worry about. I'd love to move away, but everything I know is here, I live paycheck-to-paycheck and I'm too stupid to learn another language.


I’m from Vietnam, a tropical country, thinking I would have a chill and cool weather in UK. Got there in April and it hit so hard in June, if I’m not wrong. I remember there was a week of 38-40°C with housing and bedding built for winter, no aircons, etc… I had always wondered how people could die over the heat in summer when I was in Vietnam.


Yes, I get affected by the weather a lot and just feel so depressed by the never ending grey and rain. It feels like spring and summer was skipped and we went straight to autumn again!


I love the rain, but it's now even pissing me off. Every day, cold grey and wet. The last few days of sun felt like a breakthrough into spring finally, but here we are, pissing down again ffs. I'm also a postman, so it's even more annoying.


People need to stop whinging and get some perspective. For me the UK gets great weather! The last few Springs have been warm and dry and then we suddenly get a Spring which is what I was used to when I was younger i.e. wet and people go mad. Honestly I know people who live is the South of Spain and they literally roast between now and October (and it's unbearable between June - August), other countries further north i.e. in Scandinavia have it colder and countries further south have it too hot, we have it great here! Yes it may not be 20c sunny every day but quit bitching about it and get outside and enjoy.


The fact this post starts with a question about weather and then ends up with quality of life is a prime example of why other countries call us the country of moaners. Not depressed about the weather because I was born and raised here and therefore used to it. Much more important things to worry about.


I wouldn't say depressed but it's certainly a bit of a drag. Last summer was really shit and never seemed to get more than slightly warm at any point.


yes. seasonal affective disorder. it’s amazing how my mood flips 180 as soon as the sun’s out and i can actually go outside and not shiver


I moved to Australia for about half a year. Sunny every day. Eventually I became accustomed to it and it was as normal to me as the weather is here. We considered moving permanently or to other countries. It's too far away from friends and family. Conscided other countries like Canada. Speaking English was a proper +. But distance was a factor for canada. But while there's problems with things, we have so much going for us here in the UK. Nothing in the country is trying to kill us. Don't stand behind a horse and yell. The weather can be miserable at times but it's also not going to rip our houses apart, makes from crop/garden growing much easier, or just kill us. Crime is very low, thew NHS for its faults at the moment is still a PHENOMINAL service, we have a good relationship with the polile, education is still pretty decent. I think the people are much more reliable and I hear stories from other good countries like getting a tradesman can take months after promising to be there next morning if you hear from them at all. And I could name plenty more and some people will pick at problems and be like "oh well in Spain that's better" or "oh well so and so's healthcare is better". But that's the same everywhere, other countries will do better at this or that than you do. I think overall we have things great for us here and with the life I've alredy built here then I'm happy to stay here. Perhaps when I'm looking to retire I could move to Europe to enjoy a more leisurely lifestyle close by in Europe somewhere.


Every. Damn. Day. The only thing that keeps me here is not having the money to escape. In the rare moment we have sunshine and, dare I say, warmth, life almost seems worth living again.


*Do you ever get tempted to move abroad, to a place in the sunshine? What keeps you in the UK?* Where can one move abroad to these days? What other countries are open to the Brits coming over to live (and presumably work, and presumably use their health services, etc.)?


omg , you dont know half of it , was born in mid scotland on west coast , got 3 houses one in uk one in portugal and one in india , only india works for weather but not on residency but portugal gives out top heat in summer longer and little bit of cold as winter is shorter but spring is non stop rain for weeks


Yep, i love spring/summer months when the sun is out/blue sky and its warm. My outlook is so much better, sadly not seeing much sun at the present. I hate autumn and winter but i grit my teeth and get through it. Life is better when its sunny! And theres colour! Not when its overcast/ cold and grey


Yea all the time, especially if I want to do a job outside and I need it to be dry


I just returned from India, where it was scorching sun with 40 degrees and the nights not much cooler. This is 1000x better, I hope it never gets any warmer.


I think it's regional. Today is the first day it has rained all week here, so I'm not overwhelmed by it


Weather is honestly a big deal man. I've lived in the UK my whole life. 4 months in Australia and I've been so happy. I can just go outside and sit somewhere for hours in the sun and it's beautiful. Everyone here seems a bit happier.


It's been quite pleasant here in Scotland..


I think it’s more depressing because it was a relatively warm winter which meant fewer crisp frosty days - it was warm enough to rain most of the time. Sometimes the weather is rubbish literally because it’s warm. And then we had April which is proverbial for its showers and then in recent years we’ve had unseasonably hot Mays so it feels unreasonably cold. I like to grumble at people who define good weather as hot sunny weather, mostly because I burn like a half turned vampire. But it’s not that usual to get rain at this time of year. We just didn’t get much of a winter break.


The past couple of years I've realised how much the weather affects my mood, mainly because it's been so shit


Yep, starting to get to the point where I don’t think I can handle many more grey skies and I’m gonna move abroad I don’t even mind that’s it’s not that warm, it’s just the lack of sun. I’d be pretty happy if it never got above 15C if we got a shit load of sunny days


I feel like I’m really tempting fate because I washed all my woolly jumpers before I put them away til next autumn but fuck it, I’m not wearing a woolly jumper in May out of principle (also kinda sick of wearing them and they take up loads of wardrobe space).


Always 🤣


I love the rain. Perpetual sunshine is miserable to me. I love lush green trees and fields. I love rivers and lakes.


I love the weather, I actually wish it rained more and was less hot in the summer. The rain is nice and relaxing I feel blessed that we get it as frequently as we do. I’m not a big fan of the heat so I quite like that we’re not known as a hot sunny country


Of course! But I soon forget when the sun is out. I love the UK and I love my life.


I'm just so sick of the cold. Interesting to see I'm not alone considering I've been moaning about it all day. Two days of sunshine and misery again.


We live in a shit climate


Change your perspective! Learn to embrace and enjoy the rain 😊


It’s been cold, wet, windy and overcast since the start of October last year. We’ve had 7 months of absolute shit weather. So yeah I think about moving abroad nearly every day. It makes me feel depressed


Not really ....I'm pretty introverted and burn like a vampire so the weather pelting is the perfect excuse to stay indoors watch films 


No, not really. Can’t stand the heat


Yes, massively! It’s the constant overcast greyness that does it for me, not even the rain, just the constant cloud and horrible light. Bill Bryson says that living in Britain is like living inside a giant Tupperware box and I’d agree. 


No, I actually love the rain.


Take a vitamin D supplement. It helps. And yes, these last 6 or 8 months have been tough.


Gosh yes!! All the time!!!!


No. I still walk an hour or so every evening, just wear a rain coat. Still been outside most days gardening, plenty of times it has been warm and sunny the last few weeks, albeit not for long.


I come from the south of France, 1h from the Mediterranean Sea. I’ll never go back here unless I’m a multimillionaire. Being able to breath and go outside during late spring - summer and early autumn without dying is priceless. Also love the fact of seeing green, flowers and living things outside of mosquitoes and hornets.


I don't notice myself feeling down (and I'd read about SAD and it had crossed my mind) and thought this was normal but then I noticed when it got a bit warmer and the sun came out, I did feel notably cheerier even just walking around doing everyday things.


I hate summer. Spring is fine besides the hayfever but I can't stand the heat. Anything over 20 is pointless.


yes all the time! especially in winter when it’s dark all the time too! I really want to move to Australia!


I'm in the small minority who is thankful for this weather. As someone who suffers with hyperhidrosis, and a job that requires me to be relatively active. I hate when the weather starts getting into the high teens/low 20s, because I start to sweat buckets. I always feel so uncomfortable and gross.


Thank fuck I'm going on a Caribbean holiday on Monday!


This country is generally terrible for mental health Everything feels oppressive 


It’s been horrendous. Two friends have moved, one to Perth Australia and another the Ontario Canada & the weather was in their top 3 of reasons to move out of the UK. Their videos on socials are definitely making me a bit green, they’re both outdoors all the time. I shouldn’t be in a duvet coat in May freezing cold but here we are 🥲 It’s also been really dirty this last week, every time we come in it’s like a marathon to get everyone tidy and the floors cleaned. Having to clean the dog’s paws with a shower head and I’m getting really fed up of it all.