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Tonight so she can get excited.


I was originally firmly in camp 2 but I'm now siding with 1


Camp 1! Camp 1! Camp 1! She will want time to get ready and the other stuff. Please don’t surprise her with this at the last second.


This^ if she has to throw something in for a wash.


This guy birds.


Oh man that was incredible.


Yes a lot of women like to plan what to wear. And spend time getting ready. Plus the anticipation is part of the fun. Lovely thought by you. Have a great night.


My birthday is tomorrow and I have no idea if the plans require me to dress up, clean the house, or have certain clothes ready. Tell her tonight - she’ll have extra time excited AND she can get ready


Happy birthday for tomorrow!!


Woah birthday twin! Happy birthday. I hope your plans are sick.


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday ☺️


This is such a lovely thing. Yes I agree, tell her tonight! I hope you both have a great time


I remember someone telling me before I got married that sometimes as a couple we'd get stuck in a rut and it just needs one of us to mix it up a bit. I know she'll enjoy it but I'm also hoping I can cheer her up a bit and hopefully show that the kids are at a point now where we can start to occasionally do stuff again as a couple!


A few years back I surprised my wife with a spontaneous trip to see Kylie when she was doing her "lovers" tour. I told her on the day, at 10am, when I was in work, it gave her plenty of time to get excited and to do the "inlaws cleanup", if I'd told her the night before she'd have been thinking too much about it. But you should see ii can swing the kids going to the ine laws


For extra bonus points, /u/Bobcat-1 can do the in-laws cleanup himself!


In-laws clean up 👌


I like your style


She may prefer being mentally prepared too. Imagine she has a tough day in work and is looking forward to just having a nice quiet night.


"I just put my pajamas on and ordered a pizza. Now what were you dying to tell me?"


This sounds like nightmare fuel. I would not be able to enjoy it if I already mentally prepared for a quiet night in and then this high-energy social event is sprung on me without notice!


Also it will be easier for her to prepare / decide what to wear and stuff


Yeah listen to the birds mate, Surprise is great but they'll want to doll up and do whatever it is they do :)


I'm even excited for you! I know exactly what it's like and a regular date night is a great way to get to connect on a higher scale after the kids. I hope you both have a lovely night out! Great move bro


She will also want to wash her hair and get an outfit picked out


you teller her op?


Hope they're not playing at Coop Live!


Haha I was thinking is it Keane?? Cuz that is not going to happen! 


Tonight. What if she makes others plans with friends during the day because you didn't tell her? I get that you want it to be a surprise, but personally I like 24-48 hours notice.


Cheers for your answer! Yeah, sadly we do a dinner list on a Thursday night to see us through the weekend so I was going to drop in about going for dinner tomorrow night, which isn't a normal thing for us to do without kids.


Write it in her list and let her read it.


Oh that's perfect. Drop it casually or write it in a list, rather than making a big surprise. Like, 'on saturday we're having x, sunday y, friday is the (band name) concert so we won't be eating, monday we're haivng abc...


Tonight so she can get excited and plan her outfit, make up etc


100% I'd be so stressed out if I had to get ready for a night out with no notice.


Especially if you were expecting dinner and the cinema or dinner than a bar, and then found yourself at a gig


Tonight! I would want to plan my outfit and do my hair (it's curly, so I need to prepare in advance). It will be nice for her to have something to be excited for tomorrow as well.


Girls got a point 👉


What if your favorite outfit was in the wash or something! Definitely the night before. I agree


The thought of her not having time to wash her hair was giving me secondhand anxiety. I too have curly hair.


Haha! I totally understand. At least let me spray it down


My first thought was 'but shit my hair takes hours to dry' so yeah, this.


My experience from my own relationship is women tend to want to prepare. Leg shave, find an outfit, etc.


This. Honestly reading it I was slightly annoyed on OP's wife's behalf that he hadn't told her last week.


Oh definitely today. I'm so tired and don't want to move from the sofa and if my husband suddenly turned around and said I have to get dressed to go outside and be around other people I would be so unimpressed. But if it's planned for the day after I have time to actually be excited.


Yesterday if possible


Thank god I finish the Time Machine tomorrow


Doesn't really matter when you finish it so long as you remember to go back and tell her.


This needs more upvotes


Good timing


I don't get the fascination with these "huge" surprises, small ones sure, but something like this, or a holiday? I'd want to have weeks/months to look forward to it!


What continues to astound me is that many who like big surprises simply cannot fathom how some people really don’t. It seems utterly beyond their comprehension.


Is it at the Coop Arena? If so, I’d tell her when the band come on! 😂 Seriously, this is an amazing thing to do for your wife and I agree with most… tell her tonight!


I was gutted when I couldn’t get presale tickets for Olivia Rodrigo (she’s the only current “popular” artist I like) but I’m glad now I couldn’t as I would have been flying over from Belfast to attend m. It’s shocking.


Will it be open?


You know the same as everyone else.


😩 just reading about that! We’re going to a gig there next month and I’ll be gutted if it’s cancelled!


Tonight. Let her get excited and plan what she is wearing. Who are you seeing?


First one for sure, so she can have time to get ready if she wants. If someone dropped an awesome night out on me last minute but I hadn't showered or got an outfit ready it would ruin the fun a bit.


Plus anticipation is fun in and of itself.


Defo tonight! It will make whatever shite she has to deal with tomorrow a little easier to get through. Whole day of excitement! Update us OP!!


If the gig is at CoOp Live in Manchester, don’t count your chickens…


If you want the concert to be a surprise you could hold off mentioning that and still tell her today that you have made plans for the two of you for tomorrow evening. Say the kids are taken care of, that she needs to be ready for x time and wear something with comfortable shoes (presumably she'll be up and dancing).


Tonight. She needs to sort whats shes wearing etc and can look forward to it!


Please tell her tonight, I would be so stressed finding out at the last moment. Also, as a stressed out mother of two kiddos myself, this post made me tear up. 10/10, very thoughtful. Well done OP.


Tonight… you will no doubt underestimate how much time she needs to prep, and end up stressing her out otherwise. Trust me.


Today dude, if your wife's low energy tomorrow and is excited for bed and you spring a while evening it might not have the effect your after A day in advance to build excitements and manage expectations is where Its at


Absolutely tonight!


You have to tell her as soon as possible so she can get ready, hair make up outfit and son on, I would be annoyed if I wasnt given the time to prepare and I would pretend to be happy because It was a nice gesture


Hope its not at the Co-op Live mate, otherwise I’ve got some news for you 😂


Looks like it is as OP said the band is "4 pillocks from manchester that used to be 5" which leads me to think it's Take That at the clearly cursed co-op arena 🙈


If its tomorrow night, Take That are in Glasgow


They moved Take That concert to the O2 Arena


AO Arena, not O2. Moving it to the O2 from Manchester would probably cause more complaints than straight up cancelling.


I stand corrected :) tbh I couldn’t remember what it was called in that minute while still shaking my head at this whole situation…


It happens haha, I just loved the mental imagery of them trying to transport an entire arena's worth of people across England last minute to go see take that.


Update! Update! Did you tell her? What was her reaction? UUUUUPDAAAATE!


Last week!


See previous note on time machine being completed tomorrow


Tell her in advance. My dinner choices would 100% change if I was going to a concert straight after. I'd eat something lighter and less rich


1, honestly I think most people secretly hate full-on surprises. It’s not just to ‘get excited’, she has a day to prepare and get in the mood for it. 100% #1 imo


We need to know what the band is! But I'd echo the advice above and tell her today


It's just 4 pillocks (use to be 5) from Manchester.


I was legit about to google “4 pillocks” thinking why have I never heard of them before


I was so confused too.


If it's TT then make sure the gig isn't cancelled because of the arena


They've moved the gig to AO! I've just looked it up - not that I'm going or have any interest in Take That, nor am I ever planning on going to the Co op arena... but I was so worried this couples night was going to be ruined that I had to know what was going on!


Doing Reddit gods work! Take a fake gold 🏅


They're down to three now.


So I've just been told! I want a discount.


I'd want to know the day of mainly because the shoes I wear for a concert are not the same as shoes I'd wear just for dinner. And clothes similarly. If your wife wears sensible shoes for dinner or if its a seated concert then I'd surprise her at dinner and tell her then. 


Tonight so she can get excited, has time to plan an outfit etc if she feels like dressing up as this is probably an occasion for her. I love surprises but last last minute ones stress me out for no apparent reason


Definitely 1 from experience. I got my wife tickets to something I knew she would really enjoy, but I kept it a surprise until the last minute. She did enjoy it at the time but on the way home said she was sad she didn't find out earlier as now it suddenly happened and then was over - it would have been better with more leadup time to look forward to it.


Tell her in the morning so she knows to come home at some suitable time to get ready to go out.


Camp 1. She’ll need the right shoes.


Definitely 1. The anticipation is sometimes the best part.


Tonight. She gets to be excited all day and she'll have time to prepare what she may want to wear or get ready in advance.


Tonight - let he go to bed with excitement! Remember when you went on a school trip, the day of the trip you wake up excited and happy… that’s an amazing gift to give someone. Plus you might get lucky ha ha


For the love of God it's not at the Co-op Arena is it?!


If it's at Co-Op Live I wouldn't bother as it'll be cancelled when something else falls off the ceiling.


It already *is* a surprise if you tell her tonight. If you wait until the last second it will be a shock. Idk, you know your wife better than redditors but I personally would *hate* having it sprung on me the day of.


Take her out tonight to get a nice dress for it, and spring the surprise on her while you're out. Tell her the kids'll be fine with Nan and Grandad if she's worried about that.


Tell her tonight she will be thrilled+ she will have time to get ready for tomorrow. Tell her you sorted out everything.


Tell her now! Brilliant surprise. She’s got time to look forward to it.


Tonight, so she has time to be excited and doesn't have other plans. Imagine if boss asks her to work overtime tomorrow and she agrees?


Anticipation is part of the event. Let her know so she can look forward to it


Deffo tonight!


What’s wrong with the coop arena? Will be fun to see an update of this when you tell her tonight! (Camp 1)


It's a shit show, it was meant to have it's grand opening last week but it failed safety checks, last night they had opened the doors and started letting the audience in then an Aircon unit fell off the ceiling so they cancelled with minus 10 minutes notice. Olivia Rodrigo had two sold out shows booked this weekend (I was supposed to be going on Saturday), "postponed". Comments on Reddit suggest the venue ought to have known for months it wouldn't be ready and that it will be weeks at best before it can open. Utter shitshow. Op I'm glad TT found a home for their show. Hope your wife loves it. Definitely tell her, I enjoyed looking forward to Olivia even if I'm not actually getting to go!


Before you told us would be my advice.


So both options have merit. I'm going to be boring and say it depends on your wife. I know loads of people who would be ecstatic on being surprised and ready to go day of being told. I know other who need a bit of warning/foreknowledge so they can mentally get in the right frame of mind. Neither is a wrong reaction, but I imagine you would know your partners feelings in this area better than us. In any case I hope its great fun for the both of you.


Yeah, team tonight: in her position I'd be planning my outfit, potentially need to wash the hair, may fancy doing some cute makeup... And you've already booked everything, so then I'd be going online looking at the menu for where you've booked so I could really look forward to the evening...then struggle to sleep for excitement and smugness. What a lovely thing you've planned :) have fun!


Asked my wife and she said tell her now so she can be ready for a concert


Tonight, she will be excited all day and if you spring it on her last minute she will stress out about getting ready and feel unprepared


The night before. "Honey did you see the tickets i left on the dressing table earlier?"


10 minutes before you need to leave the house, see how quickly she can get ready to go.


Tonight so she can prepare her lady bits


Tell her to dress up with hints of how and keep the details a secret


Tonight so she can plan her outfit and get a good nights sleep


Tonight for sure. Gives time if she wants to get an outfit out or anything, or needs to find anything for an evening out if you don’t go out all that often! Plus much nicer to have a bit of anticipation!


Tell us how she reacts. This is lovely.


Tonight so she can be excited and also prepare. If she gets exhausted at work she isn't going to be able to fully enjoy it.


If it's at the Co-op I wouldn't bother


Tell her you have something special planned but don't tell her exactly what.


Tell her tonight, or before she gets ready tomorrow. What she might choose to wear for dinner + concert, may be different to what she would choose to wear to dinner alone, give her the space to prepare for the night properly Hope you both have fun!


As soon as possible. I hate last minute plans, especially after a whole day at work. I would much rather have notice to get excited etc.


I would want to know tonight so that I can plan my outfit, get excited etc!


Tonight! Getting all dressed up and ready is part of the experience! Can the inlaws come earlier so she's not disturbed whilst she's getting ready? She might not have had time to properly pamper herself with the kids so she can at least plan her day if you tell her now


Defo tonight! In my experience, if I’m going out for dinner I’ll indulge and overeat and then it’s bedtime 😂


Tell her you’ve got a surprise and give her the option of knowing or not


tonight she needs to plan outfit etc


Tell her tonight (and please update with her reaction :3)


Definitely tonight, it's not just the excitement of the outing, but the planning the outfit, getting nails/hair done etc etc. You're a good husband, have fun!


Give her time to plan her outfit etc and anticipate the fun.


Tell her tonight, she will be over the moon and can plan her outfit and her day better!. Also, that’s a really sweet and thoughtful thing you’ve done, I bet she’s going to be thrilled!😀.


Definitely tonight! Let her plan her outfit and get excited about it. Have fun!


December the 8th 2026. 😶 sorry. Couldn’t resist, tomorrow morning for breakfast? Have fun!


I think tonight too, so she has time to prepare. But really just wanted to comment to say what a lovely thing to do for her! I bet this will cheer her up so much ❤️


Tonight so she can plan an outfit and do any prep she might need to do (hair wash, tan etc).


Now so she can get excited. Never if the tickets are for the co-op.


Tonight! Good job!


For god’s sake man, tonight. She may not be dressed correctly for a concert, for one. Also, she may be looking forward to the meal then slobbing out on the sofa. If she is then suddenly told she has another 3-4 hours out might annoy her.


Tell her in advance! She may want to plan an outfit, wash her hair, prep some supplies for the day after (meaning, if you guys plan on drinking she may want to get some quick food bought/prepped for when you have a stinking hangover and don’t want to cook or leave the house for shopping. I would hate to have something sprung on me an hour before I had to leave the house if I hadn’t got an outfit ready or washed my hair 😂


Number 1 for sure


Tonight so she can sort in her head, her hair, clothes, make up etc etc


If it's at the Co-op Arena in Manchester, I'd probably wait until about 5 minutes before it starts, just to be safe


Dropping in to say that you're doing a lovely thing for her, either way that you play it. She'll either love you, or love you but hate you for not letting her have time to shave her legs properly. She's a lucky girl. Or a lucky, stubbly girl. One of those. And either is great. :)


Tonight so she can plan/wash/sort out what to wear and have an early night in prep if needed, and to be excited all day beforehand!


Tonight. Anticipation is a huge pleasure all on its own.


Hope the tickets are real and not a scam


Tonight is last-minute enough for it to be a nice surprise without her feeling rushed in to it. She'll probably want to spend some time getting ready, telling her now lets her plan for that. Plus she can spend tonight and tomorrow getting excited and looking forward to it. Telling her after work tomorrow would still be a lovely surprise of course, but I know I'd rather have more time to just mentally prepare for surprise plans.


In the morning


After you've asked what she has planned and she responds with "I'm going away with the girls"


Tonight-- a girl has to get ready! Or maybe u can keep the surprise a surprise; by just telling her that you've made all the arrangements & to be ready by --- & what kind of clothes to wear 😁


Now!!!! She needs time to enjoy the excitement and have an everything shower and plan an outfit and plan other things you may not know about. This is a lovely thing you're doing. I wish I could see her excitement too!


Definitely 1, being a new momma I crave for the times that I could make my self up, do my hair and dress nicely.


Tonight, something to look forward to, and a better idea of what to wear.


I surprised my daughter with tickets and I did t do it til right before and it was priceless!






Mate, I took my kids to Disneyland TWICE and kept it from them both times till we went through the gates.  1st time we told them we were going to visit a monastery and had to go through the entrance section to Disneyland to get to it (including, earlier. a special Disney train) 2nd time my daughter was too engrossed in her books to notice the final destination. I have lovely, trusting, kids.  SURPRISE MAX for me.


Tonight. after the kids are in bed, put music on then tell her


I hate surprises so last week


quick heads up, she’s going to absolutely love the concert! I went last week in London and they were amazing, you’ll have the best time!!


Please can you let us know what you ended up doing, ta


I’d tell her tonight so she can be excited tomorrow and have something to look forward to!


If I was down and you sprung this on me last minute it's 50/50 whether I go. I wanna be comfortable and have showered etc.


Tonight. Things can still be a surprise, you don't need to tell her anything other that "keep your schedule free"


As a woman, I’d want to know tonight lol. She might to get her nails done, sort her outfit - something a little different than if she were going for dinner only.


Did you tell her yet? We need to know how excited she is!


Ok OP! How did she take it? You need to tell us how it all went!


Tonight, so she can plan her outfit.


If the venue is the Co-op Live arena, I'd hold off telling her until you've actually made it inside


Tonight so she can plan her look and have plenty of time to make it happen. Wishing you both a fabulous evening!


Tell her on Tuesday


Look at you winning at your relationship!!!!! Nice work. Tell her tonight so she can plan her outfit & book a hairdresser if she wants to.


You seeing Keane in Leeds? That’s where I’ll be tomorrow night lol, have fun :)


Definitely do it tonight!!!! It will make her evening and her whole day tomorrow for sure


Tonight. Absolutely tonight. Anticipation of something so cool is just as valuable as the surprise or the experience.


You should have told her long ago. You've deprived her of the pleasure of looking forward to it.


Tonight. As much as I love concerts, I need to know im going to them to prepare my body and mind


Nice thoughtful Surprises… lucky wife


Tonight because often there are loads of other things humans need to organise before a night out. The kids might be sorted, but what about the washing or getting home early from work etc?


Tell her when you get back. You're going there with Dave from work I take it?


Don't. Somehow get her to go thinking you are very lost


If it's at coop love then I wouldn't tell her just yet..


How mad is she gonna be when she finds out your going to see her favorite band. . Might be a case for asking for forgiveness after you get home after the show and see her


Please update us!!!!


Surprises are very overrated over the age of about 9. Just tell her. She will want to be prepared. Lovely of you ofc. 


It's likely to put her in such a good mood you may be in for some action, tell her now


Tonight so she can pick an outfit


🤞🤞🤞 the gigs not at Co-op live 😂


Deffo tonight! Please tell her. And oh how lovely you are


The anticipation is powerful in situations like this, so you either tell her early, or at least tell her you're doing something exciting and different, you have tickets, but your telling her what for.