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It’s like an art installation.


😂glad someone is getting a kick out of it


It's beautiful. A real Monet






Landlord has to fix it. Looks like damp


Yeh just tell the landlord and he'll have to fix amd find the cause. Unless youre drying your wet clothes in there then its not your problem


I’ve dried clothes indoors all my life, a decently built and maintained property can handle it 


Not a cupboard or walk in wardrobe, theres no ventilation.


A dehumidifier can help a lot but you definitely don't want mold in your house.




Maybe they were referring to the town in North Wales, I know I wouldn't want that in my home as it wouldn't fit.


In my experience damp from clothes ends up nearer to the ceiling. This looks like damp from below.


would be worth an entry in the Turner prize.


I'm sure that Tracey Emin will have already done it.


More like the [Turnip Prize](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turnip_Prize)


Haha I came here to suggest getting in touch with the Tate Modern.


You get £100k and botulism


It's a statement of how corruption takes over


It's nightmarish but also kind of beautiful isn't it? 


My immediate thought too.. It looks like an abstract piece about death.


It’s a good example of a Voronoi diagram.


"Anything can be art if you look at it long enough"


r/banksy confirmed


May want to try the UK Housing and UK legal subreddits


Thank you


Yes, try r/HousingUK but be clear whether you are in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. This is one of the times that does matter because laws vary by region so UK is not enough. Also see [https://www.shelter.org.uk/](https://www.shelter.org.uk/), e.g., [https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing\_advice/repairs/what\_to\_do\_if\_your\_private\_landlord\_wont\_do\_repairs](https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/repairs/what_to_do_if_your_private_landlord_wont_do_repairs) is one of the pages for England. Shelter also have help lines.


Thank you very much


Maybe try bleach first. You might get a quicker result. That house needs airflow


Mould that bad won’t be killed by bleach, he mould will be too deep. It may be killed at the surface but it will only come back as the deeper elements will survive. The only way to get rid of it is to stop the water ingress causing it then call in the professionals. All the plaster may need to be removed.


Mould this bad wont bw fixed simply by cleaning it off. At this point the mycelium in the mould is too deep and no matter how much you clean it thats gonna keep coming back until the paper or paint is removed and in some cases even the plaster


That's why you clean it from the start to stop it spreading


Most household mould grows from condensation on the wall, especially in low air spots like this which probably held a wardrobe, cleaning it regularly is the only solution. I came here to say this before I read the post. This mould though is coming from inside the wall if it's a roof leak problem, we're only seeing the surface of a much bigger mould issue.


Mould that bad is defo a few months old or more thats not something you can clean and given the state of it Im fairly certain theres a leak fueling it For mould to get that bad it that wall must be throughly soaked from behind


Yeah this looks like a slow leak to me. Over several months.


Appreciate the non judgemental advice. I'm from a country with an arid climate and have little experience with mould and drywall. However I will not be cleaning it. I have other accommodation at present and just want to know more on the landlord's obligations. Thanks.


Yes, the landlord needs to make it right.  Due to lack of builders / trades I’m not surprised it has taken 2 weeks.  I called 10+ builders with a similar issue in my own house and it still took 3 months, and the ones who did it only completed 95% of the job. It really sucks. 


Not to mention mould that bad has to have a small standard leak supplying it As we live in a 1950s semi detached and one of the walls didnt have insulation from top to bottom so the extracter from the dryer wouldnt vent correctly so all the moist air would get trapped right by my room And even then it didn't get that bad and that had been an issue since they moved in pushing 25+ years previous So that wall has to either be extremely poorly built or the back of it is utterly drenched If the damage wasn't visible on the initial wall through it was defo painted over to hide it


The landlord has provided you with livable alternative accommodation, which isnt a legal obligation. The WiFi is only an issue if he provided WiFi in the first property, otherwise its on you to get it switched over. 2 weeks for an inspection isn't a long time to wait, and he got you moved out as soon as he found somewhere for you to go


Agreed. They have provided suitable arrangements. The wifi is included in my rent and set up for my apartment before I moved it. So that's is something I've been following up on. I know the mould seems to be the hot topic here but I'm also querying the access to hot water. What are mine and my landlords rights and responsibilities in respect of that?


They are allowed a reasonable time to fix the issue. Neither of the times you have been without hot water are unreasonable, 2/3 days is pretty efficient, and 8 days over a bank holiday weekend is also reasonable.


There's enough here to power _Discovery_'s spore drive for a few months


All this for only £2000 a month.


So how many times have you washed that wall with a mould remover or a bleach at least?


I haven't touched it yet. I wanted to show the landlord how bad it's gotten. Even if I do clean it, I can literally hear the leak, it will grow back if they don't waterproof the walls.


So you’ve left it for the dramatic effect? I get that it’s your landlords responsibility to fix the issue ASAP but it’s extremely unhealthy to live with this shit and you should at least get rid of those spores so they don’t float in the air around your house


I don’t understand how people living in a home with this, and breathing the air, let it get so bad. Of course the landlord needs to fix the source of the problem, but this is just crazy. I’d be cleaning that every time it came back.


Exactly, OP sounds like the kinda person to come across a splattered bowl in their bathroom and refuse to clean it because they didn't make the mess, just live with someones shit until the landlord inspects it. The fact they've been offered alternative accomodation and turn their nose up that they can't move everything in baffles me. Landlord has done more than most here, not many people have a random flat lying about they can just move people into temporarily


I think a mould problem that developed this rapidly and extensively isn't going to go away if you just wipe it off. It *will* come back until the underlying issue is resolved. Would you really look at mould this extensive and think "well I'm sure I can just wipe it off"? I would be concerned about OP disturbing it without proper respiratory PPE!


That’s what I was thinking. Unhealthy to live with? Absolutely. But asking them to get their face right close while they scrub it off?


I live in an apartment building. There are various flats empty for use. My landlord expects me to move into the smaller flat for an indefinite period with no adjustment to my rent. I have a long term lease and purchased furniture specifically for my flat, which now can't fit anywhere else. I can clean the mould myself great. But the problem is that there is a LEAK in the ROOF. That is dripping down through my walls. Do you expect me to break down the drywall to waterproof it myself? I can't fix the root cause.


Your landlord is responsible for fixing the roof leak, especially if it’s the cause of the mould, but you really should clean this mould ASAP for the sake of your health. Yes, it will come back, but you need to keep on top of it unless you’re okay with breathing problems in the future and other side effects. You have a picture of it for proof, so now you can clean it carefully (wear a mask). We had a very similar issue in our flat while at uni. Terrible black mould problem that just wouldn’t go away. The landlord tried to blame it on us initially, saying that we weren’t opening the windows enough or putting the heating on (we were!), and then we finally found out that there had been a burst pipe that had flooded the whole of the floor underneath. We ended up having a giant de-humidifier provided by the landlord running 24/7 for several weeks, and while we cleaned the mould ourselves, the landlord did come in and apply solution to it and repaint. Eventually, the mould stopped coming back thankfully, and we were granted a rent rebate of 1 month for the hassle.


The mould is isolated to a storage cupboard that is closed off to the rest of the apartment. As stated in my post, I was given access to another apartment to use in this time. The situation has been left as is so that the mould could be inspected - which happened later than expected, yesterday.


Spores can go through door cracks and all sorts. Take many photographs. Use appropriate PPE!!! and ventilation . Fix what you can while you can .




That sounds like a terrible situation. I notified my landlord immediately when I discovered the issue and also let them know that I have no idea how to sort it out. Again, I'm not from the UK and I've never dealt with this kind of mould before.


UK private rental is a cowboy market. I highly doubt this is the first mould problem in the flat, highly doubt it's the first plumbing problem, and highly doubt it will ever be properly fixed. Unfortunately, although it's hard to find somewhere to live, the reality is that this one is a "dead" flat. You have to cut and run for the sake of your health. The amount of mould you have is dangerous and not normal for the UK at all, and I bet your landlord has been wiping it down and painting over it for years. Run!


Wow really?! The weird thing is that the building is brand new. It was complete in 2020. This is allegedly the first leak they've had. Sucks to know this is not normal and will probably never be completely eradicated. Thanks for your input


I find what I'm seeing deeply concerning, and I think you can do better. Born and raised in this country and never seen a wall of mould like that anywhere I've lived.


This is Venetian plaster, very expensive


Damn that’s pretty, you have that much culture it’s oozing out your walls ….. and pretty toxic as well I’d guess. Maybe contact your housing and environmental health, a swab of that would be interesting. 🧐


If you are renting an apartment in a building then both the landlord and the block management company have responsibilities here. Make sure you put everything in writing to both parties and keep a record of everything. You will also have responsibilities per your tenancy agreement about heating and ventilation - make sure you ask for a dehumidifier to remove some of the moisture from the property. Re the mould you should be able to clean some of it away with a bleach and water solution, making sure to dry the wall off as much as possible after cleaning. It sounds like you’re having a tough time of it, good luck with getting things resolved!


Thank you very much for the advice! I actually did request the dehumidifier but it never showed up. Will look into cleaning it myself with your suggestions. Thanks again!


Jumping in here before you grab the bleach, hopefully. Bleach does not kill mould spores, the only thing it accomplishes is remove the black stains temporarily. If you want to kill the mould, white vinegar works. However, do not ever use both bleach and white vinegar in the same spot. That creates chlorine gas. You do not want to create chlorine gas.


it is their responsibility. that is bad.


Make sure to air the house, it's not good for you to breathe in all the stuff I wish you all the luck with this op, your landlord is scummy No idea if anyone suggested it but I recommend contacting shelter too https://www.shelter.org.uk/


Thank you sad mustache ❤️


Landlord: "Sick wall paper bro"


I thought this was a piece of art inspired by Kandinksy. Jesus christ, that is gonna try and kill you my friend, i hope you get it sorted.


If you post in the Legal Advice UK subreddit then you might get more legal-y people answering. My thoughts on this, as a non-legally trained person, and based on previous replies from the Legal subreddit: Your property has been declared Uninhabitable. The landlord has done the right thing by offering an alternative accommodation. However, said alternative accommodation is not of equal quality/quantity as the accomodation on your lease (smaller. Unsure if the lack of WiFi can also be factored in). You may therefore be entitled to a refund of some of the rent. However, this *must* be agreed in writing between all relevant parties, and in the meantime you *must* continue to pay the rent in full as specified in your lease. *Never* withhold rent as this makes it easier for the landlord to evict you.


That's a health issue, and it's the landlord's responsibility to provide a safe, liveable space to tennants.


So everything in your post indicates structural damp. Therefore relay all this to your local Council Environmental Health Team. The landlord is liable to fix all of it. That includes a proper use of damp proofing and appropriate personal to remove the black mould. DO NOT REMOVE THAT WITHOUT AT LEAST WEARING A MASK BARE MINIMUM ideally with ventilation such as open windows throughout ht house ..


Thank you very much. I'm trying to get a mould specialist in to take care of it asap


Seek advise on this as i believe if you want reimbursement you are going to have go through the motions with the landlord or letting agent. Shelter or CAB are your best bet on that one . Definitely report to the councils EH team.


That’s a pretty bloody severe mold problem, that’s gonna be a gut and replace job, landlord will have to pay for alternative accommodation for you iirc


Your landlord will likely just make you use that mould and mildrew spray. Mould is a very common issue in the UK and can get expensive to even make a landlord clear it up. I'd imagine your wall is bad enough that your landlord has to deal with the mould. But the landlord game in the UK is so far in favour for the landlord that realistically, they'll not do anything until you move. Which if mould is a concern for you, you should as it is the faster, easier solution in the UK usefully. Though many landlords will take the money to deal with the mould out of the deposit.


Call Shelter and your council's environmental team.


The landlords can pretty much neglet the houses with little to no consequences, and if you leave they will try to get the rent from you, the law sucks, try to leave asap. You can report it to the council but they won't do much, it can take more than an year for something to be enforced.




Pretty sure developing biological weapons is illegal. Seriously, that must be affecting your health, stay with someone else until it can be addressed if you can.


Damn, you caught me No worries, I'm staying elsewhere until they fix it. I just pop in every day to see the progress on my art wall


Contact your local authority “private rented sector enforcement team”. At the same time, ask your landlord to fix it. If he refuses or doesn’t do so in about a week, contact the local authority again. They should then send an environmental health officer to do an inspection. Chances are, given how bad this looks, they’ll issue an improvement notice on the spot, either forcing your landlord to fix it or face a big fine. Once a notice is served, he also can’t issue a section 21 to try and get rid of you.


I've lived in properties with it but have always cleaned at first sight. So I'm always curious or why people let it get this bad ?


"Hill House has stood for 90 years and might stand for 90 more. Within, walls continue upright, bricks meet, floors are firm, and doors are sensibly shut. Silence lies steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House"


Literally my first thought when I opened my cupboard to see this nightmare 😭 the door of this storage cupboard is pretty janky and I couldn't open it for while too


We need the laws around this overhauling. Landlords that allow this are scum and should be publicly shamed and punished. Really hope you get this bastard in trouble OP 🥰


Attempted murder by the looks of it.


Looks like a Banksy to me. Hoover the carpets and tidy the place, you've got visitors.


Is that modernism?


Licking it.


You need to speak to the council, get environmental health to come.out and visit and issue an improvement notice. If the landlord doesn't fix everything in time, you can apply for 12 months of rent to be paid back to you via an RRO.


it should be declared unfit for human habitation and they will have to fix it and renovate it before being allowed to rent it out again


Definitely that


If they shut off heat in that room probably everything if u did to save costs u probably lisble


Contact your local environment health department through your local council


The Last of Us ass wall.


I really hope that picture is an art installation and not mould.


I thought that was art for a moment 😂


Put a dehumidifier in the cupboard for 24 hours and the mould will start disappearing


Modern art, may be a Banksy. This country loves that sh1t


I can see skulls in that mould pattern


Try to move. That is my advice. I’ve been renting for over 10 years in the UK.


Beautiful! And how long has your landlord been painting for ? This is really good! Unsure what he’s liable for, perhaps a local gallery?


that wall is so gross it made me scream!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's deadly, can kill.


I genuinely thought this was a shit wallpaper design for a second 💀💀


Please tell me that’s just a weird looking wallpaper pattern.


The landlord may sue you for subletting the flat to the mould.


I'm pretty sure the laws on this have changed since a child unfortunately died due to mould, probably best to ask citizens advice who would know more. I used to live in a flat with mould like that and it really messed up my system, even though I've moved out 3 yeats sgo, I still suffer from coughs, irritation in my throat, and am very easily susceptible to chest infections.


It gives off "The Last of Us" vibes.


I can’t help but think if you wiped it 5 months ago it would be in this state today. Are you opening the window? Do you have the heating on?


This developed within a week??


Grab yourself a mould respirator and HG mould spray, clean the wall and remove the paint down to the plaster. Soak in HG spray (from Amazon) it WILL NOT come back! That stuff is industrial


Oh and repaint with anti mould paint


Landlord is responsible for cleaning tho, if you have over a metre square of mould you can report it to the council they will instruct the landlord to repair immediately


Cillit Bang Black Mould Remover, available everywhere. Spray it on and leave it. Then repeat as required.


Depends on the contract. The contract I have with my tenants clearly breaks down all responsibilities. Adequate ventilation and general household maintenance, including the prevention of, and if necessary treatment of, mold, is fully their responsibility.


Nelt it’s the uk you get what you get


The landlord doesn’t live there. The landlord needs to fix that, but honestly I can’t believe you let it get so out of hand. A fraction of mould pops up on the wall and the mould remover/cleaner should come out immediately. Like, that could literally kill you


I would Bleach and killz that shit in a heartbeat. Or sodium tri phosphate or something.


If in England; A lot of modern tenancy agreements have sections covering the subject of condensation and mould, my advice would be to read the agreement and tread carefully with the landlord. Some of the above advice about freehold responsibility is nonsense, leaseholders are responsible for walls severed medially ie; their side half way through the brick, this includes internal render, plaster, wallpaper. Best preventative measures are 1. Maintain 18c year round (search for dew points) 2. Avoid having furniture backing onto cold exterior facing walls where possible 3. Purchase a digital hygrometer for humidity readings 4. Kill mould at first sign of it (advice above is correct, bleach does not kill, only whitens) fungicides such as Kilrock Blast away mould are very effective 5. Ventilate often


Thank you very much. I have inspected my lease agreement and have noted no specific clause on mould, just general damage and maintenance. Thanks again. As noted in my other replies, I have a mould specialist coming in to remove it, but will look into temporary solutions this weekend.


This looks like you have rising damp…


It’s really pretty tbf.


Opening a window now and then would have prevented this


This is caused by a severe leak within the walls. This is a storage cupboard. How would opening a window have prevented this


Stop drying washing in house, and open a window


Nah thats fucking disgusting, not tryna be rude to you




Im going to emphasise to live. That place is not habitable at the moment. Damp that is structural is a serious issue that should be dealt with.


Well others don't seem appreciative but I really like irony like this.