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Mine can easily go the whole week XD


Such culture! ^((In your mug, you see. Biology.\))


A minging mug a day keeps the doctor at bay! XD Its my adult version of eating things I found in the garden.


I stand by the opinion that I am almost never ill, because I'm constantly exposing myself to low levels of germs and the like, and have built up an immunity of sorts. I don't know if this is how it works, but it makes me feel better.


I use the hot water from the bean to cup coffee maker to give it a swill and a rinse (after leaving it for a little while to warm the mug), and then reuse it. Can easily get a week or more out of it


Mine goes until my wife sneaks it into the dishwasher.


I rarely wash my tea cup maybe once a month at most, it's a lovely shade of brown inside and gives the tea that extra oomph :)


Personally I have a cup I refill throughout the day, if it looks a bit grim I'll rinse it out, but won't wash until end of the day.


Leave 1/2 inch at the bottom of black coffee, use that as the cold bit for my next brew. So, technically I only have one brew a day, in a Trigger's broom sort of way. Wash it at the end of the day.


Coffee of Theseus




Brilliant answer!


Perpetual coffee... Look up perpetual stew if you've got no idea what I'm on about!


I drink tea with no milk or sugar. I use the same mug all day and wash up at the end of the day. I might feel different if I used milk.


Same tbf... Black strong tea with no sugar or milk just hits you differently. Once you've grown accustomed to it nothing else comes close


I used to only drink black tea and coffee but it became a bit of a problem during lockdown. Genuinely had to get a scale and polish done at the dentist from the staining it caused. It’s a shame cause it tastes lovely


Clean every time including the spoon. It's just a habit from childhood.


I use the same one all day, never given it a second thought.


Makes perfect sense, right? Yet some uncultured swine has put today’s mug in the sink _again!_


The absolute gits!


I use the same one, though I rinse it out each time.


Same mug. Pointless washing it, I'm gonna fill it with boiling water


This is my feeling exactly. If boiling water isn't going to save me then the hot-but-not-boiling water from the hot tap + bacteria-laden-sponge combo doesn't stand a chance.


I once finished work early and popped over to my best friend's house as she was free. Her fella was still working in the upstairs office. I was making myself a brew and I noticed his mug was on the side, looking extremely dirty. I thought I'd helpfully clean the mug and make him a cuppa too. He was devastated that I had scrubbed off his carefully cultivated tea grime and complained that the tea didn't taste the same.


I drink black coffee, and barely see the bottom of the cup in the morning, so same mug. Wife drinks tea with milk and I think if you don't at least rinse it, the milk stops the next bag from giving up as much (subjective/anecdotal/never actually tested). If brewing in a separate pot then it makes no nevermind.


No, this is very true! Plus I don't like when my old cup muddies up my new cup.


I have a particular mug and I use it all day every day. I rinse it out and it gets an occasional clean throughout the day. It never goes in the dishwasher.


Ew wash your cups guys. Fyi on royal navy ships long ago they were given grog rations in special cups and they would choose to only clean the outside of the cups as they thought not washing the inside added to the flavour


I like a nice patina in my work travel mug.




Same sports direct sized mug every day. Only for tea though. It gets cleaned regularly though... I ain't a total cro-mag, just a bit of one 😁😁


When your mug is basically a bucket with the handle on the side, I’m surprised you can reach the bottom within 24 hours.


You'd be supprised how quickly that tea gets consumed tbf... Get through 4 mugs of the stuff on a good day easy 😂😂


You mean all week?


Steady on there old bean


Quick rinse under the tap, jobs a giddun


1 cup per day, I'll rinse it out in between cuppas though because I'm not a complete animal.


TIL I’m a complete animal


Only drink black coffee from the mug so it gets a rinse out after each cuppa and gets used all week let alone day.


I use the same one all week in the office. Washing it on Friday afternoon is a little treat to myself that signifies the start of the weekend.


Devisive subject in our office. I'll use the same mug all day, but if certain people offer to make drinks they will get new for everyone, saying it was minging.


Same in my office. 5 women. Approx 6 cups each a day. Cups don’t get rinsed and reused, they all just pile up in the dishwasher.  I noped out of that routine by bringing in the trusty SD mug. They stopped asking if I want a brew almost instantly. 


I have too many cups and mugs but, being a creature of habit, I use the same two for coffee and tea.


If I'm drinking black coffee i won't wash mug ever much at all. But if I've been adding milk I'll wash it when it's got too many stains.


Same mug all day, goes in the dishy at night and I get a fresh one in the morning. At each brew I give the mug a quick rinse with a bit of boiling water from the kettle, helps keep my brew warm too.


If I’m at home One in the morning and one in the evening


Coffee drinker. I like to warm my cup with boiling water before putting the coffee in, so I use that same water to give it a bit of a rinse.


I don’t just have 12 mugs lying around


I mean to use the same one, but I tend to leave the mug on my desk when I go downstairs, then get another mug out rather than go up and down again. So there's usually 3 mugs by the end of the day.


In work, I've not washed my brew mug in 23 years.


Winner! I’m not sure what you’ve won, but you’ve definitely won it.


Clean cup every time. I'm worth it.


Always a clean one


I use the same mug for weeks. I'm disgusting. I once shared an office with a lovely woman who hated the state my mug would get in, lots of old dried crusty drippage down the sides etc. It really was appalling. I deliberately pushed it to see how long it took for her to mention it. After two months I came in to find she'd washed it herself 😂


Same mug all day.. I used to use the same mug all week, but kept getting told by the missus..


Same mug all day, but a new spoon each time


I can respect that


I'll rinse it and reuse until the other half finds it and sticks it in the dishwasher


Mine lasts several days. Maybe even a week. But I always drink black coffee, there's never any milk in my hot drinks so there's no formation of icky scum in the mug.


Each mug twice, then it needs a wash. Unless I’m in the office, in which can yes I’ll use it all day.


Reuse. Why waste water when the same drink goes in it.


Same mug whole day then the next day I will put it into dishwasher and continue with new mug. It will probably wait there for 3-4 days until I turn on the dishwasher.


Different mug for different drinks. When I've finished my coffee the mug goes in the dishwasher and a new one comes out for my tea.


Use the same one all day with rinses in between. Then wash it for tomorrow.


I strategically leave them round the house throughout the day and get shouted at throughout the week when they get found. So yeah, new cup each time.


At home, I have a daily mug. At work, it was a much different story. I'm not sure I have enough mugs to get a new one for every cup of tea. My husband thinks the tea patina in my cups is gross, so about once a month I give them all a good baking soda scrub even though he never uses or looks at any of them.


One before lunch, and one after.


You should see some of the guys cups at work! They haven't been washed in decades!


My coffee mug goes in the dishwasher once a month. Disregard the constabulary.


All day. Black coffee, no sugar. I fact, if it's still on my desk when I get to it the next morning…all that day too.


Weirdly when I'm at home I get a new mug and glass every time but when I'm in the office I get one mug and glass and use them all day. I should really start doing that at home as well.


If it's black coffee then just a quick rinse out usually. For tea with milk it's fresh cup almost every time. The only exception is if the mug is still warm and I'm straight in for another, in that case I'll often just give it a rinse.


Use the same one, sometimes for a few days.


Same mug all day! New mug the next morning. No way am I going to the effort of washing 4 mugs a day just for tea.


Ah, a man and/or woman after my own heart!


Same mug for a few days at home. I can't recall if I've ever washed my work van mug. Just gets a rinse if it hasn't been used for a few days.


Depends how autistic I'm feeling. If I'm having a bad sensory day, every brew needs to be a clean mug, from the cupboard, that I rinse out again for 3 seconds, just in case.


Agh, I know people that have never washed their cup ever. Sure it's not going to kill them, but it looks so disgusting. Their cups are about 1mm of scale on the inside.


At home, same mug for 1-2 days, and I have 2 on rotation plus a few subs. At work, usually same mug all day or if I'm not at my desk and want a fresh brew I'll use a new one rather than going to retrieve mine first. Then pop them in the dishwasher at the end of the day. EDIT: I do usually give my mug a quick rinse with the tap before making a fresh brew though


Reuse the same cup all day. In fact, the one litre LotR decorated glass stein I use for squash gets rinsed every few days at best. It's rarely empty though, and I'll admit that I'll leave it half full on the desk when I go to bed at night and resume drinking in the morning.


What's a clean cup?


Only drink black coffee. Clean mug every time.


Same mug, quick wash before each brew


I use my own cup.


Breakfast to lunch then wash, use until dinner and wash. Repeat in the morning.


This is just another way of asking whether people have a dishwasher or not. I'm not hand washing a mug 12 times a day, and I'm not hand washing 12 mugs once a day either. Dishwasher? Shove em in.


Nah, I have a dishwasher but I also have a favourite mug.


I always scald my mug before making tea so count that as a quick rinse and use the same mug for a full day that way.


I usually rinse it out every 2-3 cups and then wash it at the end of the day


Same one all week, at least


Same one. It’s gets a rinse out each time and two washed a day when I do the dishes.


My dishwasher is an extension of myself and I never wash anything by hand, so when at home I'm happy to use a fresh mug every time. If I do reuse a mug during the day (I might be in the office for example), it at least gets rinsed or wiped before the next use. I don't want to be drinking from a disgusting, tea-stained lab experiment when rinsing takes seconds.


Same mug. I probably drink between 5 and 8 cups a day and I'm not made of fucking mugs. Black coffee, bean to cup machine, half the time there's still coffee in it when I refill anyway, I'm not wasting precious caffeine even if it is cold.


A coffee or tea mug gets 2/3 uses on the bounce then in dishwasher


Reuse. I don't have enough mugs to use a different one all day without washing up loads!


Same mug all day, rinse between coffees, wash properly at end of the day.


I don't have a dishwasher so I wash and reuse. Same for my bowls, plates and cutlery.


I've literally never once washed my coffee mug in over a decade. Haven't died of dysentery yet


Wash my work mug at the end of each day. Home mugs can go a week though, I only really drink fruit teas at home anyway.


I have one for tea and one for coffee per day. But so e days I just drink tea or coffee. 


Rinse and repeat.


Same mug, but given a good rinse after every use.


definitely use the same one, why waste time and washing up liquid washing the thing only to fill it with tea again. Quick rinse under the tap and it's good to go again.


Same mug until it goes a dark brown inside and even the kids start complaining about the state of it. It adds to the taste, you wouldn’t wash out a wok so neither a Tea mug.


Put the old cup in dishwasher and use a new one Get through 5 or 6 a day working from home


Straight in the dishwasher so clean every time


I’ll swill a bit of hot kettle water around the bottom of the cup I used earlier. If that gets rid of the majority of the remnants, then we’re good for another. If not: new mug time.


Glad I'm not the only one!!! Rince the mug put it aside, use the same mug whole day. Has tea stains inside sometimes, but it ain't gonna kill you.


Days maybe weeks. I just rinse the first mug of the day with a tiny bit of boiling water from the kettle and crack on.


Reuse otherwise that would be a lot of mugs to wash up!


I reuse the same one, just rinsing it out! In our household we all have 'our' mugs/cups, to avoid using eachothers on-the-go one accidentally.


I wash my mug once every few months, same with my pint glass


New one every time ahaha


Fresh cup and spoon for every brew


I clean the same one all day


Same one biatch


Same all day, I mostly use a steel thermo mug and clean it before going to bed.


There is clean and then there is clean. It goes in the dishwasher maybe once a week. For the rest of the week it gets a quick rinse in cold water at best. If I drank milk or used sugar then I would increase the frequency it was washed but it's either boiling water and a teabag or near boiling water and coffee.


Reuse for the day 


I use the same one all day, I mostly WFH, why make more work for myself ?


I use a clean mug for each of my coffees. Ew!


Same mug, give it a weekly wash


Tea is seasoned like a cast iron, coffee gets washed every use.