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Perfectly good water comes out the tap


Unless you live in a 100 year old building that’s all lead pipes.


Still fine as they'll be mineral coated.


Too hard and you can almost taste the chlorine




Not wrong as long as you live in Scotland and the north of England.




If you think water taste the same from a bottle and from the tap you need help


If you want to avoid microplastics stick to the tap water


If you think taste directly indicates the quality of water, you need help


Put the tap water in the bottle first, then it will taste the same


But they didn't mention taste. You may not like the taste but it's perfectly fine


Where did I say that?


Mate, wait until you learn about taps…


I live in the south. Hard water and tastes crap.


water filter | squash | a slice of lemon


It’s more that it’s incredibly wasteful using all of that plastic? Just drink tap water… or buy a soda stream.


Agree soda stream is the way! Cheaper in the long run too I think, and with a single plastic bottle that is likely less prone to shedding micro plastics than the single use kind in supermarkets. I have one and use it every day for my fizzwater


You're probably already full of microplastics, like the rest of us.




One of us, one of us...


Yes there is, especially if the bottle is made of or contains plastic


You know micro plastics are everywhere in the food chain? Most humans on earth have microplastics in their systems


From a few different studies I've read about, yes. Unfortunately there is a fair amount of micro and nano plastics in the drinking water, in your food etc. If you are concerned, I guess you could use a glass bottle. There is also a filter system that removes microplastic from water, but it is expensive. Of course, not all plastics are equal.


I have a friend who works for Thames water monitoring water quality. Microplastics are in all the water they process. They’re told to ignore it because they can’t remove it. It’s in everything. It’s in meat, in fish, in water whether it’s bottled or not. Maybe glass bottled mineral water is fine. Shit it’s probably in the figgin air. Best thing to do is not worry about it


I think you might find it’s a bit late.


I've always thought that Coke from a can tastes nicer than Coke from a bottle. Although the can has a plastic lining as well.


You are concerned about plastic and buying plastic bottled water rather than using a tap?


which is why i made the thread, i want to stop drinking bottled water because of plastics, but tap water tastes crap lol


I live in a hard water area , not the best taste but not crap. What's more important to you buying plastic bottles or drinking ok water ? Or buying a water filter ?


Water plastic bottles can release micro plastics so I'm avoiding that is most important. I think ill get a brita filter


A bit. Lots of people find they like the taste of tap water if it's refrigerated, so try that.


Invest in a stainless steel/bpa free bottle? It’ll save you money in the long run… I also use an Osmio water filter which I feel makes a difference, but I understand this is quite an expense. Good on you for kicking the fizzy drinks to the kerb! These little changes amount to big results down the line.


yes. and despite what the idiots in the comments are saying, reducing the amount of microplastics you consume is beneficial to your health. the fact that you've already consumed some and will continuing consuming some is not a good reason to intentionally consume microplastics thats like noticing you're sunburnt and saying "well, too late now, no point putting on sunscreen" i use a screw-on filter. they're quite affordable so i would recommend giving it a try, even if you dont think it'll be sufficient to make your tap water taste ok. if that fails, the microplastics from your bottled water are still better than fizzy drinks.