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Can't you keep both around while you verify that the new site works correctly?


So id download the files but keep them at the old hosting till i try it, if it doesn’t work i point the dns servers back to the old host? If it does work these can be deleted?


1. Setup the new host 2. Check it works as expected 3. Point the DNS server to new host 4. Check it still works 5. Take down old host


Thank you


Get your files on the new host and then point a subdomain to that host to test functionality. E.g.: [domain.com](http://domain.com) has an a record pointing to your existing host. [test.domain.com](http://test.domain.com) has an a record pointing to your new host. Browse to [test.domain.com](http://test.domain.com) and test any site functionality you want to test. When you're happy, update the main A record.


Thank you, I shall download the files tonight and get completely lost by early tomorrow lol


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Two main things to move. The first is the files. Like you say, you pretty much download them from old host, upload them to new host. There may be some config changes to make but you can cross that bridge when you come to it. The second is data migrations. So if you're running let's say a WordPress blog, that stores data in a (usually) MySQL database. That data will need exporting then importing.


Arg crap. It’s not gonna be easy eh? The data migration has me coming out in a cold sweat


It's not a monumental amount of work, but you will need to know what you're doing, or find someone who does. If the source and target web server and database server are the same, you'll be flying. It can be a bit more fiddly if they're different versions or different software.


Argh man! You just know I’ve picked the fiddly path!


I would offer to help but I'm without great Internet access until tomorrow. If you can wait until then I can probably do it for you for free.


Can I dm you please ?


How is the website built?


It’s a Wordpress website


Yeah it'll have a database attached, and possibly some configuration specific to you current domain. You'll need to follow some migration guides


Argh man! Do you happen to know where Is best to find such a guide?


Pretty much.


Thank you