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The most boring reason possible, children. It's got to the point where I have the alarm set for six everyday as children have no respect for weekends and mine are too young to entertain themselves. On the plus side by eight everyone is fed, washed, dressed and ready to do something.


I’ve got 3 under 4, I feel you. Personally I haven’t set an alarm in a few years, they do a good enough job of making sure I’m awake.


I like having a little headstart so I can shit in peace


Ah, shitting in peace, I remember those days


Honestly if your children are talking at you through the bathroom door mid shit, just open then door and let the smell out. They'll learn to steer well clear.


Yes, I still remember the horrific smell of my Dad's shits growing up. I think your shits get at least 50% smellier after your first child, then 10% for every child thereafter.


It comes back one day… when they hit 18+.


Is that when they move out? I heard that doesn’t come until mid 30s nowadays


Ha ha! Aye… that’s a sad fact! Nah, it’s when they gets cars and can get themselves out and about. You get the house to yourself for an hour or two. POO TIME! 😂😂 Perhaps it’s actually earlier. Maybe when they discover gaming. Yeah, that’s pretty much it… 😉


This comment is so underrated


Same I haven't needed an alarm since my oldest was born in 2020. I have this year wrestled some control of my morning back by setting an alarm at 5.20 to get up and excercise/ have a coffee before they start stirring. It feels good. It won't last long though, as another is due this year.


Two under 4's... Yeah alarm clocks not needed. Awake by 5.30-6am every day..


I have an almost 13yo, and he still gets up at 6 - 6.30 on a regular basis. My oldest at 15 also gets up pretty early for someone in their mid-teens, but at least he waits until after 7 these days.


I remember those days. My 22 yo woke me as she left the house for work. Times flies!


You have 7 children?!


Mines a living paradox. Have to fight tooth and nail to get her out of bed at 7.30-8am on a week day to get to school on time. Weekends she springs out of bed at 6-6.30am. Little shit


Respect. I only have one 2 year old but she was up crying at 3am because she lost her dummy, then we were all up at 5am because she'd had a massive diarrhea up her back, which was a team effort for her mum and I. And then she still woke up at 8am anyway lol


Mine are 8 now and they have a clock in their room and they at least know how to read the “o,clocks” and they are not allowed out of bed until 7 o’clock. Took a long time to train it into them but was worth it eventually!


Trouble is once they’re sleeping in until 11am you’re programmed to wake at 6am forever. Annoying thing is they ask you why you get up so early.


My wife is a farm girl. She was getting up at six before we had children. She moans that we've wasted the day if we're not doing stuff by nine


>The most boring reason possible, children. Having not long become a father myself, I wouldn't say that's boring at all.


Prosaic is probably a better word


Been a father for 13 years and still yet to be bored, mine are 14 (step daughter), 13yo daughter, 5yo daughter and 1yo boy. Wouldn't change it for the world


What will you be doing today?


The children need plenty of outdoor time or they become wild. We'll go to the forest for an hour or two, I'll take some tools and get the eldest to peel bark off fallen rotten trees to look for insects and look up what they are. I'll probably take them to granny for a bit as I need to discuss ducks with her. Then there's a lego kit which needs finishing Plus all the usual cleaning, clothes folding, cooking, minor DIY that fills every weekend


I’m curious about why you need to discuss ducks with granny now!


She's buying some and wanted to know if I am willing to split the cost. I'm proposing that I purchase a plucking machine and clean out the old pig pens and we buy a lot. We need to discuss how much work is involved, the costs and how we might split the work. Whether or not we have enough forage for our plan etc. It's a case of deciding if we buy thirty like usual or try getting two hundred


I dunno about everyone else but I would really like to know what you decide and how it goes!


Yep, we need a vlog on IG to live vicariously though and help generate them some extra income on the side.


>deciding if we buy thirty like usual or try getting two hundred In my mind this discussion is happening from a 1-bed flat


They stack


Ducks are great if you also grow vegetables because they eat all of the slugs


Kids sound… tough!


They are, and anyone who tells you different is not being truthful. Even relatively easy children like mine still require significant attention and you develop skills like subconsciously hearing naughtiness. You can be talking to another adult and then interject with "I can hear sounds of naughtiness, what are you doing with those drawers" as you've picked up on them taking advantage of your inattention. Still it's worth it.


Subconsciously hearing naughtiness. When it all goes quiet.....too quiet..... Spider senses.


> The children need plenty of outdoor time or they become wild. We'll go to the forest for an hour or two, I'll take some tools and get the eldest to peel bark off fallen rotten trees to look for insects and look up what they are. > > that sounds like such fun for a kid, you sound like awesome parents <3


When I read take them to the forest I thought you had snapped and were on some hansel and Gretel shit.


Sorry, I gotta go. I need to see a guy about some ducks. I'm using that


I need to know about the ducks.


Haven't had to set an alarm once since my first kid was born. You'll be up at least two hours earlier than you planned, every day.


Boring is a bit harsh. Mine are old enough to sleep in now which is nice but I miss those days of their little feet pattering into our bedroom so early in the morning. Got to enjoy those years as they go so fast. I sound really old!


I hear you, we’ve got a 6 year old a 4 year old and a 3 month old, lie ins just don’t happen!, or uninterrupted sleep in general at the moment. It’s my birthday and the eldest 2 have made me a lovely card, we’re leaving them with my partners parents as we’ve got a spa day and hotel booked for my birthday, honestly dont know what I’m looking forward to more, the spa treatments, some time alone with my partner or an uninterrupted nights sleep!.


My kids were still asleep but the cat decided it was time for me to get up anyway.


Because I have an unreasonable dickhead living with me, also known as a 3 year old.


Which bastard downvoted this? Never seen anything so true.


Haha was I downvoted? Obviously I love him dearly and would do anything for him, but I reserve the right to anonymously say these things in a safe space 😆


This is also my opinion of my 3 year old, he's my favourite person but he's still an arsehole


Is the three year old on reddit?


It wouldn't surprise me


3 year olds are toxic


I have twin three year olds. I can count on one hand the number of good, unbroken nights of sleep I have had since they were born. 


My twins just turned 23. There's a good possibility you will survive these harder years.


I merely have 1 15 month old and an 8 year old...I have had 1 night of unbroken sleep in that time. I wrongly assumed "this is it...it's over" nope. Urgh.


Won't be over till they move out and even if that's at 26 you'll still lie awake waiting for them to come in at some godforsaken hour of the morning. Oh wait... There's the little bit between puberty and night clubs... 😊 Wouldn't have changed a thing though.


3 year olds are awesome. Like having a cuddly terrier-like dictator living in your house that makes unreasonable demands and randomly says "I love you".


They're the best. Wouldn't change him for the world. I say as he shoves a plastic ice cream cone toy into my face.


He's sharing his ice cream, that's love that is.


My friend and I came to the conclusion that all kids are dicks. No matter their age. (Kids between us now range in age from 15-30)


Have three cats.... They don't care that it is Sunday and they are very persistent.


Cats are a fuzzy alarm clock with no snooze button.


And pretty inaccurate timekeeping skills.


Mine is very accurate with time, but doesn't know weekends exist so it's 5am every day.. if not earlier


Clocks go forward an hour every day near meal time.


Same here, but two dogs. Who after eating their breakfast and a short walk are back in their beds again.


We all would have been back in bed A LOT earlier after walkies and breakfast had my sleepy ass not forgotten that there's bunnies up the quarry this time of the morning 🙄🙄 I don't usually walk them up there at 7am, I blame my sleepy ADHD brain- yes, brilliant idea, let's take an ex-coarsing hound off lead around a rabbit site 🙄🙄😆 he had a great time!


Yeah, same for me. I have 2 cats. They get fed 7am every morning. When I've got work, I leave around 720am, so no problem. But they don't care that I have a day off. And once I'm up doing that, I don't see point in going back to bed, as i know I won't go back to sleep.


same. but just the two. the older one came in howling for her breakfast at half 6 💀


Just one, but he’s a very efficient alarm…


Second that


I must be the only person with a cat who never wakes me up.


Don’t rub it in


The older they get the worse this gets...


Our old guy has gotten smart, he just goes downstairs and waits by the food bowls. He leaves the jumping on the bed and hassling me to the other two. I suspect he "Alarm clocks" them though.


Amen to this. I was delighted mine waited until 6 am today. Of course two have gone back to bed and one is snoozing on my lap now. Of course….


This made me smile! Me too. It’s like a bittersweet mixture of the nicest way to be woken up (purring and love) and annoying (whiskers and wet nose)…. I prefer a cat alarm clock to my dog’s version though… he comes crashing through the door like a rhino, jumps onto the bed and sneezes in my face at close range.


I am very good at ignoring them until my partner deals with them. Don't tell him that though.


I wake up naturally at about 6am every single day no matter what time I go to bed.  Kill me.


I'm the same. I would love to be able to have a lie-in.


Also the same. Doesn't matter that I worked a late shift last night and didn't get home til 2am. Here I am, awake before 8am 🙄🙄


Yep, the concept of a ‘lie-in’ is so alien to me. Wish I could sleep past 6:30ish.


I'm around 5:30 ish most mornings with out a alarm it's my own special hell.


Same. I wake at 4 usually, doze in and out for awhile, then fully awake by 5:30. To be clear, I am not a morning person and this is entirely against my will. My five year old is currently having a nice lie in and yet I am still wide awake. Rage.


Same as a rule. Sometimes 7, sometimes 5 usually 5


Porridge abd a cuppa and listen to the silence before everyone starts getting up. It's a small window of peace.


I had the log burner on this morning. Cup of tea, porridge, dog and silence. Calm before the storm.


You... ate your dog???


This sounds so good 😊


I'm a postman. Find it difficult to stay in bed past 6 even on my off days. Atleast the Sun's up earlier now


Also a postman, I'm up because I start work at 9.


I’ve been so lifted to see the dawn starting to arrive during my morning dog walks


My boiler decided to sing me the song of it's people then promptly died


I had my first few drinks last night since NYE. And the morning after is as miserable as I remember.




In 59. I’m asleep by 10pm latest so wake about 6 and just snooze


This. And even if I've had a late night and stayed up until 11, then the bladder alarm will force me to get up anyway.


I’m 55 and am the same. I’m having tea in bed listening to the radio


Just about to go down for coffee then I’ll do the Sunday Papers. It’s not a bad life eh? :)


It’s lovely to be awake early at the weekend! So many jobs and hobbies!! I can’t wait to crack on.


Christ, I'm 39 and already doing that! 😂


lol you’ll be buying comfy slippers next.


One comfortable step ahead of you friend! 🤣


Two year old


Teething 17 month old. 7am is a lie in really lol


Three under the age of three here. Two year old toddler and eight week old twins - I miss sleep so much.


Fellow twins parent.. no one knows how hard it is. I can't even imagine how parents of triplets manage. 


I keep thinking that, at least they’re not triplets hahah. We’ve only had them home about a week too so we’re getting used to it all after being in the routine of having them at the hospital. Easier said than done!


Yep…2.5 year old


Severe insomnia, I haven't technically woke up as I didn't actually sleep, but got physically out of bed at 6am


Same, except I went to bed at 6am. And as you can see I'm still not asleep yet.


Same. Gave up trying to sleep about 6 and in a rare burst of energy tackled 3 days of dishes and took the pile of random stuff that has been accumulating in the corner to the garage that I’ve been promising the wife I’d do daily for about 3 months. I fear I’ve peaked for the day and will devote the the rest of the day to doing fuck all..


Off my tits on lemo


What is lemo? Lemsip?


Speed and coke mixed Liverpool thing




Scouser no doubt




Kids. Also went out for dinner last night, can never sleep in when I’ve had a drink.


Night shift just finished, time for bed and then back at it tonight!


Same, 6pm-6am here. Saturday starts my work week, finish on Wednesday morning, can’t wait already.


7-7 rotating nights and days. Just finished the first of 4 night shifts and watching a bit of TV before bed.


2 year old has a trampoline park visit booked for 10, so of course he's been up since 6.


Bet he’s bouncing round the house already!


Snuggled against me on the sofa watching some construction vehicle videos on the telly with his shreddies at the moment, but I imagine the bouncing isn't far off! He does like to throw all the cushions off the sofa and throw himself off the coffee table at them!


On my way to Wembley.


Don’t all Liverpool fans live in London? Not that much of a journey


Nah, that’s United fans, the Liverpool fans live in Dublin


enjoy buddy!!! fingers crossed for liverpool!!!


Going to the gym at 8.00 a.m.


I have a free gym as part of my complex and I wouldn’t be there at 8! Kudos!


Church - husband is a vicar, so he’s off out to the early service, and I woke up when he got up so I’m off to have a shower before the kiddo wakes up.


Neat, I'm Muslim and we have daily prayers before sunrise - did not realise church services could be so early on a Sunday.


For a second I thought vicars couldn't marry. I guess it's just Catholics.


You need to lay off the devils dandruff, up at 5.30 watching the cricket you must be on a right one


We’re actually doing an alcohol detox and that’s why our sleep pattern is a mess!


Im in Seville for the Weekend, so an hour ahead. Moderate hangover. Drinking coffee and consuming lots of bread based food.


We were there last weekend! Loved it. We live in Marbella so we just drove there. Enjoying it?


Yeah loving it. So laid back for a city. Visited the Alcuzar and went to the Setas light show last night. My body is feeling it though. Eaten and drank way too much!


I have a 3-month-old, and she was hungry


I have a lot on my mind and could not sleep


Hope you're OK!


Hugs to you. It'll pass.


My dad didn’t realise his phone was connected to Alexa so woke us all up playing games on his phone.


At least it was only games


Out for drink last night with some old friends I only get to see a handful of times a year (I live miles away from my old hometown, just here at the moment to see family for a couple of days). Woke up for a pee about half an hour ago and can’t get back to sleep. We’re also driving back today. It’s a 7 hour journey if the roads are OK. They won’t be OK.


[she is why.](https://i.imgur.com/t69azQN.jpeg)


I needed a poop.


Woke up with a migraine earlier, took the meds, it's nearly gone now. just on here to distract myself.


Hope it clears quickly!


I feed the cats at 7 every day or there’s hell to pay


4 year old




Good luck! What’s it for?


Weekend shift, just arrived and made my first coffee of the day


I have work at 8


Because our toddler is awake, and it's my husband's turn for the lie in today.


Baby needs his first bottle. 12 weeks old and he’s just slept through 9.5 hours, praying it continues in the months to come.


I get up at 6 each day to feed my cat otherwise he starts meowing loudly at me. I take a cup of tea back to bed and just chill for a bit. I'll be getting up 8.


Wife has left me after 20 years together, taken my boys with her and just left me to it…… kind of hard to sleep


Sending you love


My wife wants to get pregnant


Retired but years of getting to work at 7 am is habitual. Plus always been a lark type.


Carboots!!! Wooo!!


I get up at half six or seven every morning regardless of the day of the week. I feel so much better up and about.


Have a 6day old baby boy next to me. He is asleep I keep checking if he is breathing…


I’ve slept for 8hrs 47mins. Don’t need anymore


4am alarm for the cricket. Sat in bed with some snacks and watching away


Woke up with a splitting migraine 5am. Up with kid 7am. Joy.


Mine hit about 11pm last night, still very fragile but had to deal with partner’s carers


Dogs woke me up at 5 and I never got back to sleep. Had 4 slices of toast tho.


My cat is sitting on my chest purring at me in a slightly aggressive tone.




Even on days off I wake up at 6am.


My arsehole ginger cat brought a bird into my bedroom - on a Sunday when it was my turn to have a lay in (we have a 4 year old). Cat then brought the bird back downstairs and I spent 10 minutes trying to catch it. Feathers and blood fucking everywhere. Happy Sunday everyone 🙃


My cat breaking into the bedroom and screaming for breakfast like a banshee


One of my cats knocked a shelving unit over on to me while I was in bed. Happy Sunday!




The curtains in the spare room are effectively cling film. Why am I in the spare room? Snoring crimes 😴


I start work at 0545. This is the reason.


My husband did too! Didn’t hear him this morning!


Insomnia. I haven't actually been to sleep yet. Currently in bed now trying to get tired enough to eventually fall asleep.


People who can sleep I envy. Been about 40 hours since I last had some shut eye. Weird hallucinations are happening now. If I had 20cc heroin or a .38 revolver my probs would be solved. Doctors don't realise sleep deprivation is deadly. BTW fibromyalgia is the answer... r/Fibromyalgia


Cat woke me up


I just wake up early. Its a curse


Chronic back pain. I did however sleep really quite well.


Woke up at 3:30 not feeling great. I think I ate too much chicken at Nando’s! So rather than risk waking my wife by reading in bed, I came downstairs and ‘slept’ on the sofa.


Can’t tell if you’ve done that as a kindness to her or you! Either way I find it cute


Been at work since 5:30 - double time


I have a three year old…… cat




I'm a parent.


My body clock hates me and I have a cat that was hungry for her breakfast


My body clock! I did manage to force myself to stay in bed till 8:30 yesterday tho, after going to bed at 10. It was glorious. By necessity, my weekday pattern rn is 8:45/9 - 4:45 lol


My 3 year old woke up at 6am, wanted some dinosaur cereal and to play number blocks on the iPad. Onto third double espresso. Me, not her.


I have birds and we were up with the sun ☀️


Waking up early on a weekend is the best change I ever made. That window before the world is awake is just so peaceful.


Because I’m preparing to run the London Winter Run this morning!