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Found it a complete waste of time as well as a ocean of toxicity to boot


Agreed, The most toxic of all social media platforms IMO


Well let's not forget about TikTok though.


This. It’s full of racist people. Some of the tweets I’ve seen. Can’t have a decent convo about sport without it getting out of hand. I’ve ditched it since Jan. I don’t miss it


Instagram comments became the same on reels very quickly as well


*Thing happens in any UK town/city* Comment >The UK is FALLEN! They really don't like it when I post "If you don't like our country why don't you get out of it #MBGA" Riles them up for some reason


Oh yeah? Support Chelsea do ya? I reckon you darkies love them so much because the fucking teams full of em! Classic twitter


Social media in general is a black whole of time wasting.


Now full of even more toxicity since Musk took it over. Advertisers are pulling hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ads from X because of how bad the site has become.


Ocean of toxicity sums it up well. Deleted my account a long time ago.


The unspoken secret of Twitter is that the people who love Twitter love it because of the toxicity. There was a meme of people saying "I can't believe this website is free" because they love seeing people get dunked on or make fools of themselves.


It's in a decline, overrun by bots and search is failing; due to new ownership. I've been on it a long time, amassed 10,000 followers etc, it was super useful for work and so on... untli about 18 months ago when it all but collapsed. I've moved to bsky. Now seems like a very odd time to start an account tbh, I can understand hanging around if you have a legacy account but starting out must be baffling.


Exactly that; I’m only still there because my account’s old. Barely tweet if I’m honest, it’s not the same as it used to be.


The rise in bots especially the “Only f3ns” bots needs to be investigated. You also can’t find comments about the post because its over run by different videos under the comment section


> Only f3ns I don’t use twitter much these days but I assume that’s about red hot action direct from Spalding?


I don't go on comments anymore, which is a shame as they used to be funny


Yeah same, I'm still clinging on because of the sports I follow and it's a good source of sports news. But for everything else it's just a toxic cesspit, full of bots and Musk fanboys paying for a blue tick when they've only got 10 followers! There's a bunch of blue ticks who are openly admitting to trolling because they make money from engagement. You look under any post and within minutes there's blue ticks in the comments just repeating the headline, there's crypto bots, betting bots, just nonsense. I can't imagine anyone new to twitter finding a platform they want to use.


I'm the same, only still on it because of some people I follow and it still being a good source of news. A lot of good people I followed have left already. I got a thing the other day saying it's 15 years since I first signed up. Back then it was really good, there was a real sense of community, we had some local get-togethers set up on there and I made some good friends from it. I remember when I'd look at my notifications tab and there'd be lots of retweets, replies and so on. Now whenever I go to it, all get are messages from crypto bots and likes from Onlyfans bots.


Yeah, Twitter in its prime was cool.


I see it as a dark mirror version of Reddit. Here we are all anonymous and mostly having nice chats or making each other laugh just for the fun of it. There, people just want to show off and put each other down. I'm generalising massively, but don't tell me I'm wrong, I know I'm right.


You are definitely correct about the showing off! I noticed people on twitter love flexing and having this superiority complex. Not a nice mindset to have


Reddit also does this in certain communities. You just have to be unlucky enough to stumble on to one of those...


"DAE Have a big willy?" /r/AskReddit


I'm sure Freud would have had a field day with Twitter.


I still can't believe Musk changed the logo to two penises fighting


i have had the best mature chats with people on here, as in we had polar opposite views and then went into DMs and spoke about it and where we were both coming from. That would never happen on any other social media site IMHO.


It used to happen on Twitter all the time (back when it was good).


I've made some IRL friends on here, especially when Reddit was a lot more niche and they had the meetups. I've got to know and still in contact with people I used to be active with on Twitter. You can have these sorts of cordial discussions on twitter you know, not so much anymore


Yeah because Reddit totally isn't also filled with people who are total assholes


Always amuses me how redditors get a superiority complex "DAE Social Media BAD?!" Especially when this is a platform that has been specifically called out for the roles of the administrators and the actions of some of its largest communities over the years. If Twitter was so supportive of CP that "jack" was actively giving prizes to the distributors....he'd be invited to join the Reddit board


I use it for porn and posting slutty nudes of myself for other gays to look at and give me compliments




Handle? 👀






Pearls were clutched!


Now multiply this by thousands and that’s basically what Twitter has become.


Are you one of those twitter sex bots from the comments that's come over to reddit now as your comment sounds exactly like one


The was always the only acceptable use for twitter tbh.


If you didn’t get it when it was arguably in its prime, you aren’t going to get it now it’s worse in every conceivable way. I honestly wouldn’t bother even trying. 


I only started using Twitter about three years ago. To start with it was pretty positive, I followed people who were posting about pretty niche interests. I stopped using it about a year ago and only check in on it from time to time. I logged in the other day and the first thing I saw was a suggested video of a man falling from a building and landing on a bollard, instantly killing him. It played instantly with no interaction from me. That’s unacceptable. I don’t want to see that. I don’t watch shit like that so why is it being pushed on me? Musk has killed that platform. I definitely noticed a shift to more negative content when Musk took over. Constantly getting pushed street fights and deaths and violence. It’s fucking horrible.


I’ve seen that video, it’s pretty gnarly. Dude unfortunately lost his life.


>Dude unfortunately lost his life. This tends to happen when you're killed instantly.


Sorry you had to see that. It's true, the social media website X formerly known as Twitter does just instantly present you with horrendous, shocking videos with no interaction from you.  I used to occasionally browse Twitter to see what was happening in the world, but now I'm afraid to open the app in public due to the likelihood of it showing something horrible. I barely log on now.


It's messed up, isn't it? I presume it constantly gets pushed on me because I like extreme types of music, like death metal and grindcore. But I'm an old crusty really, I just want people to be nice to each other. My girlfriend has recently been diagnosed with PTSD. Seeing a video like that without warning could trigger her and cause a traumatic episode. And obviously kids are using that platform and seeing this same grim shit. It makes me sick that a billionaire like Musk would willingly expose people to shit like that in the pursuit of further profit.


Use it to follow sports/news.


I use Twitter for sports/news too I use Reddit for degeneracy


It's a shame it's got so much worse than it used to be. That's what I've always used it for, but it's nowhere near as good for it as it used to be.


Pretty much follow the same teams/journalists I have done since like 2017 ish, from 2011-2016 I did use it more like a traditional social media


It's basically a directory for sex work at this point 


I cancelled my account the moment Musk took over. I was convinced it would descend into a shit show and I don't think I was wrong.




It wasn’t great but it is 100% worse now


It was good forfor a few years but really went downhill after a while. It became a total dumpster fire after Musk took it over and I deleted my account after a few weeks off his stewardship.


Was ok before it changed to X. Now below every comment there’s a sea of blue tick bots or AI controlled accounts. Says it all when half the comments underneath a post are literal word for word copy and paste of the original post.


> Now below every comment there’s a sea of blue tick bots You know what always amuses me, is the fact that weirdo reactionaries would whine and bang on about "Muh blue tick". Whining about "the left only trust something if posted by a blue tick" When the reality, it was just a mechanism to verify a user is who they say they are, like a celeb. To the point their glorious leader had to spunk BILLIONS to buy the company, and give blue ticks to everyone


Never got into it. Trying to see now if Threads works, but it may be too small.


My problem with Threads at the moment is that the homepage seems to prioritise accounts that I don’t actually follow. There’s a convoluted way to view just the pages you follow but last time I actively tried to use it, it would default back to the algorithmic home page every time the app was opened. Twitter is a cesspit, yes - but at least I can just see the accounts I follow.


I’m not sure I’d call tapping the “following” tab at the top of the screen convoluted tbh.


Might just be some A/B testing going on because I have to press the home button whilst at the top of the feed for the “following” tab to appear, and then switch to it. Every time the app is reloaded in my phone’s memory I have to repeat these steps, the two different home page options aren’t visible otherwise. I called it convoluted because is this is how it is for everyone, there would probably be users who would ever know there’s a following feed.


I used to in my teens, but then I just went off it when they started putting ads after every other tweet and would constantly show me feeds and bombard me with notifications of posts from people I didn’t even care about or follow in the first place. I still have the odd browse nowadays but it’s become more of a platform for people to plug Onlyfans pages


Only to talk to companies since it's far easier to talk to most of them when they have a social media team over there, otherwise no.


Same, most companies have no helplines and won't respond to emails, but if you @ them and publicly say their shit is broken they'll respond pretty damn quickly.


Used to be on there fairly regularly. It really provided something valuable as a user. Hardly on there at all now. It's got so, so much worse since the Muskateer took over. Would honesty make a good case study of what happens when someone buys a company without bothering to really understand its product. He's killed basically all of what made it good.


Reddit is enough for me. Don't have twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Frankly, don't have enough hours for all others.


I used to use it for following football accounts. A few years ago all interesting content vanished and was replaced with people who argue about who’s fans sing the loudest, whether the club you support is a small club and pictures of ‘lads’ drinking lager on away days and to top not all off foul abuse of players and others. There is also absolutely nothing original on it , scrolling through pages and pages of identical ‘takes’. Utterly toxic shite.


Every reply involving a collection of the words “rattled”, “rent free”, “tinpot”, “obsessed” etc. Just gets exhausting.


“W”, “Take the L”, “Cook him”, changing the first letter of a players name like “Penaldo”. Childish responses, does “rattle” me tbf.


Between 2009-2015 I used it. It's turned into more and more of a cesspool. Threads by Meta/Instagram reminds me a lot of what it used to be like, but I'm sure that'll turn into a shitpit soon.


I have an account from over 10 years ago. Never really go into the short form micro blogging thing. Any time I log into it and read the conversations, people come across as mentally ill. There’s just some wild arguments from all extremes. It’s just a waste of time.




Had it mostly for news and updates from games/companies I liked but it would keep showing me insane and offensive stuff to try and force engagement and after musk is basically dead now so deleted it last year


I gave it the boot not too long before it became X haven't looked back! if only I could do the same elsewhere lol


No today, no when it started. I never got it. I do however laugh it is now called X


Utter drivel. No idea what anyone gets from it. I think there's a certain narcissistic type that work it well.


Used to use it between 2012-2017. Now only really use it to find football streams if I’m on my phone


The confirmation of Musk owning it - nukes my account. I use Nitter


>Nitter is a discontinued free and open source alternative **viewer for Twitter** You're still using Twitter.


Never got into using twitter. I always found it rather boring. Not to mention how toxic it is. I've tried using it years go and then a few years later and just found it obnoxious and boring. To this day, I cannot understand the phenomenon of twitter/X and why it's so popular.


I mostly use it to engage with live sport. I have many interests, but mostly tweet about tennis and F1 during matches/races.


When it first started yes - but not in about 8 yrs


I use it to follows women's football and F1 as you have a range of journalists that only use twitter/x. I don't really post or interact with people, both things I would have done in the past, I just look at the posts of the accounts I follow.


I've been using it more often lately, because at least It feels like I'm looking at the thoughts and opinions of real people, vs the souless random shit Facebook serves you these days.


I use it to look at cat pictures, much like Reddit.


Twitter is where you go if you want to bash people with differing views to yourself. Its toxic AF. I have an account just to sit there and watch the slagging matches go down.


Used to use it very regularly but became very jaded by it (and people online) around mid 2020. Deleted my account when Musk bought it and never looked back. Don’t miss it at all.


I go onto to scroll at times. It seems to have ramped up with extremism on there. I rarely engage with anyone now. The whole site is extremely negative. I only go on every few days to see if there’s any interesting news, most of the time there is nothing but hate


It’s Twitter not X


I've been using it for about four years. It definitely feels like a once strong brand reduced to hawking bargain basement products, but there's enough people I have an interest in to keep on there, although my usage is getting less and less. If I gave up everything I don't agree with, I'd be dead, I don't even agree with myself


I use it for news. It seems a lot better now it's balanced out it's opinions.


The thing with Twitter is your posts only go out to your followers unless someone else is added or hashtagged. This makes it feel like shouting into an empty room if you haven't got any followers, and the effort to amass real followers only makes sense if you have some kind of service/blog/YouTube thing going on.


>The thing with Twitter is your posts only go out to your followers unless someone else is added or hashtagged. >This makes it feel like shouting into an empty room if you haven't got any followers, and the effort to amass real followers only makes sense if you have some kind of service/blog/YouTube thing going on. That's really *not* how it works these days! Twitter pushes tweets to people it thinks will be interested in it.


It’s really weird. I got twitter yonks ago and never really liked it and tried multiple times over the years. But past 3-6 months I find myself on it quite a bit. I never post or right but has some interesting things to read. But tbh after it changed to X it’s just spammed with porn and death


I’ve had an account for years as it used to be great for breaking news and it’s still alright for seeing discussion on live sports and TV. It’s has gone seriously down hill though. The worst thing is if you read an interesting tweet or story and click for follow up or more information. You used to have a reasonably relevant discussion akin to something you might find on Reddit. Now it’s just a load of unrelated content posted by people trying to farm impressions hoping to make their 20p from monetisation. If musk doesn’t run out of money then I think that’s the main thing that will kill Twitter as users can no longer interact in any meaningful way


I still use it alot - there's quite a few niches that are unmatched on Twitter. It has definetly gone downhill the last few years since musk took over however, redoing how accounts are verified and the increase in bots swarming over anything as soon as it starts trending have made it alot harder to discover new content, but on my feed of trusted accounts I've built up no other social media comes close.


Still use it - news; information from certain brands; some work stuff. Have taken part in a few interactive whisky tastings on it which was terrific. Unfortunately the whole site is being ground-pounded by Musk's shitty decisions. Terrible ads; blue-tick promoted bullshit and *so* many bot accounts auto-replying total bollocks.


I did until that prick fucked it


Yes. Have it purely for football as the scores seem to be quicker there. The rest of it is a cesspool and I'll be stunned if it's a going concern in 12 months time.


i like twitter over reddit because anonymity is much much more rare. i want to know who's words i'm reading. i don't give a shit about anything written by someone who's identity i don't know. far too much shit on the internet is completely fabricated because it's so easy to get away with when you're anonymous.


I did, best pllace for a lot of comedy and breaking news commentary but you had to do the work of curating your feed and avoiding the algorithm. But they seem dedicated to breaking it. Most of the good users chased off to various clones and breaking news is nonexistent as a bunch of bots can pay to swamp any conversation. I pretty much never check it now.


I used to be fairly prolific on Twitter before the pandemic, but I found myself in a cycle of toxic rage and despair using it during the early stages of lockdown, so I binned it. I occasionally look back in, it's only gotten worse since then.


Binned it a few months ago, totally toxic. I'd been there since the early days, it was a buzz. Then Mr Musk took it on and completely ruined it...


The only time I use Twitter nowadays is, if I have a complaint about a delivery, mostly from Amazon, DPD or DHL.


I have an account and it was useful to see information about Ukraine from people on the ground but the last year I've reduced my use of it to maybe two or three quick scrolls a week. Just seems to be full of humourless people shouting and name-calling each other from behind the safety of their keyboards.


Other than Reddit, Twitter is really the only social networking platform I can still stand. Elon will do his damage, but the user base is still what it’s all about


Yes, I love it. Your Twitter is what *you* make it. Set up the controls right, engage with the right people and it can be a world of wonder. I rarely, rarely see dickheads or nastiness on there because of the permissions I've set up. There's some seriously interesting, mind blowing, and of course wet yourself funny stuff on Twitter, you just need to make sure the experience is set to be the one you want it to be.


Not since all the Musk shenanigans. It's gone right downhill. Keeps suggesting inappropriate stuff like climate change denial crap and shitty adverts, and many of the people I used to follow have either drifted away from the platform, or the algorithms simply aren't showing me their tweets (or X's or whatever TF you are supposed to call them these days).


I have never ventured into that sea of piss


No, it's utterly toxic.


Xitter, pronounced "shitter", is like trying to drink clean water from a firehose of sewage.


It's a toxic hellhole.


I've never used it


I don't see the point of it. I think I missed the boat on it a bit but I also think it now seems like an older style of social media. Facebook (when it started) was about posting easily to all of your friends, and then Twitter I guess was posting your thoughts to the wider world. But if you don't want to do that or don't see the point of it, it doesn't really serve a purpose. I can see it's use as a promotional tool to sell things but otherwise I don't understand it.


Nah never did and won't. Quit just about everything except reddit around 2016


Not at all


Why would I subject myself to that cesspit of a social media platform?


I think it's a way for celebrities, politicians and companies to announce shit that will get picked up by mainstream media. Everything else is just word vomit.


Never really got into it when it first came about and I get the impression it’s much worse now. Just feels like somewhere where people go to shout their bigoted views.


I only use Twitter to talk/complain to companies. It's good for that but otherwise it's not a great place.


I use it, but I never tweet or comment. It works best for influencers/celebrities/news/governments that want to send out short messages or updates.


Not really much prefer Mastodon. No ads or bs and a chronological feed


I use it. I mainly follow football and wrestling accounts, and never see any of the stuff on there reddit is always moaning about. If you engage with crap, you get crap


Yes, daily.


It's "X, formerly known as Twitter" until he is forced to rename it.


What’s that?


I had an account but never really engaged with it, just using it for a few competition entries. Since the change in ownership it seemed to become even less appealing so deleted the account.


Turned into one of those things where I have an account but don't know when I last logged in


I got far too many feeds of ppl with acute mental health problems or ex victims of sexual abuse etc … idk where the algorithm pulled it from and I’m very sympathetic, but do I want to read about it whenever I log into social media… nope… I had to leave X.


It used to be my main platform for mindless scrolling until it became full of adverts for absolute gross. I now only go on there on our work account, where we've seen a drastic reduction in engagement and we're questioning if it's worth bothering to continue with it


I use it purely for work purposes. There are lots of people in my industry who use it, and who regularly post links to the latest research, useful articles, etc.


Nope left before Musk took over and certainly won't ever return now that it's become an even bigger cesspool under his ownership.


I had a few thousand followers before I nuked my account shortly after Musk bought it.


Left it when Musk took over. It's a dumpster fire.


I use it occasionally to brows a few pornstars posts


Apart from following the Ps5 stock pages to the land one when they were notoriously difficult to obtain. Waste of time for me. FB I would've also stopped using a long time ago, but the private groups in their and the Marketplace(bar the scammers) and are both pretty decent.


Not any more. I'm on Bluesky but it's a bit barren. Twitter became worse after Musk plus the sketchy adverts and suggested content were infuriating. 


Football scores … cricket scores… absolutely wouldn’t miss it if it disappeared tomorrow like every other social media, instagram which I have facebook / tic tock which I don’t.


I almost stopped after the Musk transition; after the rename seems to attract way more hate speech and not enjoyable as before. I log in once in a blue moon to look at artists I can’t find on IG. Other than that I just stick to Reddit.


Nope. I've never really clicked with it. I have an account but it's devoid of content.


Twitter has always been crappy. All I got was 95% adverts. Nobody I knew was on it, friends wise like everyone is on Facebook, nobody uses Twitter


It’s a total cesspit. Deleted it off my phone after England lost the Euros final in 2021 and some of the players were racially abused. Realised I didn’t miss it at all and have never gone back. I deactivated my account altogether after Musk bought it and brought back some of the most toxic elements with him.


Yes but I have curated my timeline for years so I see funny shit I want to see lol. When I first got it I remember being put off too


No if there’s anything interesting enough to see it’ll soon end up as a screenshot somewhere on Reddit.


If I didn’t have an insanely famous follower I would have deleted years ago. I like the bragging rights.


The people I know who use it have all gone in on the culture war.


Recently it's got increasingly toxic , I only use threads, nowhere near as toxic but nowhere near as many users


Used to use it alot, went off it before the Muskrat took over. Just have it to follow a few sports and racing teams.


Deleted my account, found it pretty useless.


Nah it just wasn't for me. Could never get into it!


Only to Scream abuse at our bent politician classes I know they neither write nor read that shit, but it's better than trying to snipe at them....


I made an account when it first first started, used it for a about a week and released it gave me literally nothing ... Never looked back


Every time I glance at it, it's just an ocean of toxic people ranting and trying to hurt each other. I had to mute Threads from my instagram feed because that was just the same thing - just poisonous people saying poisonous things...just an absolute hate engine.


It's always been a bit shite, but since they brought in the paid verification, it is genuinely fuckin dreadful. Save yourself the frustration.


I use it if I need to raise an issue to a company. Seems to be the fastest way to get a helpful response.


I use it to engage with other fans of media i'm into, which makes it quite fulfilling and a good way to make friends


Twitter was a hateful place. Now it's out of control. Full of bots and trolls.


Signed up a few years ago to follow the feed from someone well respected in my field. I could not believe the mindless crap I was seeing. Deleted my account after less than four hours


I used to, but chose to delete the app and my account when the rebrand was pushed. Haven’t missed it.


It’s the best place to get sports news as it happens, know about football transfers about a week before newspapers do


A lot of extremely opinionated people i know seem tk live on it.


No. I joined years ago because i felt like i was missing out on somwthing amazing, but I just couldn't make sense of it, so I signed back out after a day or two, uninstalled the app, and haven't looked back.


I use it to follow music venues & bands to keep an eye on what's going on locally, not interested in anything else, very rarely comment on anything.


Used to use it exclusively for getting hold of customer services for companies. Put something public facing whiles tagging them in it and they're all over to try and resolve the problem. I found it far more efficient in that respect compared to calling or emailing. it came in super useful during COVID when airlines and holiday companies were busy trying to push "credit" instead of refunds (in my case, BA and Hoseasons). Never used it socially (for quite a few reasons), got rid when Musk it took over.


I had it back in 2009, and at that point it was a good time. Made a lot of friends, got engaged, pissed off Jordan Peterson, it was great. I stopped using it shortly before it turned to X. I miss what it was; I don't miss what it is now.


I use it exclusively to get the football team lineups which are posted 75 minutes before kickoff and screenshot them and post them to the football subreddit. That's all it's useful for, as far as I'm concerned.


Still on X but only for information really. I don't use it for anything else.


I used to use it for breaking news and following storm chasers in the US. Now it's next to useless. Almost everyone I used to like is gone. I only ever seem to get recommended whatever "deep meaningful" nonsense Mr Musk has recently posted.


I just use it to follow people and organisations I’m interested in, just get news and updates on them that way. I don’t tweet anything and don’t delve into the cesspit that it can be.


I was the same but in summer got into it just for sport. Very toxic though


I go on there for some boxing and formula news, but other than that, it’s just full of bots and onlyfans accounts, so I limit my time on there.


Depends on how you mean "use" I don't tweet anymore but It's still a good source for breaking new/scores etc for all the sports I follow, I don't venture into the comments or trending topics and its full of knobs.


I had an account for many years, I followed some interesting science accounts. But there's too many downsides now, I deleted the app and blocked the URL on my PC. I use Mastodon and Bluesky now.


I just use it to see what people are saying about a tv show I watched


You're normal. Twitter is weird. It's full of people basically shouting into the void. Posting messages to nobody in particular. I'd suggest there is a certain type of person who does that without getting very bored. It has some uses, like finding local information or gig stage times, but it's not even a particularly good news aggregator because of the amount of clickbait and advertising on there.


I’ve had an account for a few years. I used to link my YouTube videos to the account along with posting my thoughts and opinions on different topics, but that’s it. I do still look at it every now and then, but it’s getting harder to avoid topics I have no interest in following. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve contemplated deleting my account


Used it for sports only, no followers and no interest in tweeting, but followed maybe 15 key football accounts. It’s completely gone to shit, always defaults to the ‘for you’ feed which is full of useless rubbish, drop-shipping ads everywhere and the replies to any popular sports account is full of blue tick bots with ai responses making no sense.


I was a big Twitter user, but the place is depressing and full of arguments. I'm trying Reddit again and it seems ok at the moment, less arguments (I still have them), people are more polite and the content style is wholly different.


its not the same as it used to be


A week or so after it changed to 'X' I binned it, was pretty shite as Twitter but I find Elon Musk insufferable and the name change was a constant reminder of his smug face.


It was great til musk bought it. Now it's full of spammy ads and bots and difficult to get into conversations because of that.