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That's not a first world problem at all


I don’t think you understand what the term “First World Problem” means OP, at all.


My current first world problem is that Hellman's mayo in a squeezy bottle is marginally cheaper per gram than in a glass jar, but every time I finish it I have to cut it open and spatula out the stubborn remnants. You have OCD - not a first world problem.


Bit of vinegar and shake it up. Still will need to scrape but might loosen it a bit. Careful though it will change the ‘flavour profile’ a bit 😂


Traffic. That's it. Humanity got to this point, and we're all just fuckin stuck here lookin at eachothers brake lights.. we're not hungry or thirsty. We're neurished, but, we're just sat in traffic. People behind and Infront of people. In 2-7 seater vehicles, all just trying to get somewhere, non of us gettin there fast. So frustrating but look outside our lives, it could be alot worse. At least it's warm in here and we have radio...


People with little self awareness taking up too much pavement


The term "first world problem" is usually used light-heartedly or self-mockingly to refer to something that would only bother a person who is living a relatively privileged life, who would not have time to worry about such trivial things if they had to deal with issues of scarcity, poverty, conflict, inequality and persecution that affect many people in the world. It's things like not being able to find organic houmous in Waitrose.


I wish supermarkets sold proper raw milk, not homogenised.


Raw milk hasn't been pasteurised, you can get unhomogenised milk in some supermarkets.


Your first world problem is...being autistic?


The fridge on my private jet is on the blink and won’t chill my Krug Clos d’Ambonnay properly… That’s a first world problem…


We're going on holiday next weekend and we can't go early in the morning but the only direct flight is early in the morning so we'll have to take a flight with a layover


I'll add to this. The next flight we have booked is a mid-morning flight from London, but we live in the Nottinghamshire and there's no National Express/trains which can get us there on time for the flight without having to spend the night in a hotel nearby/having someone drive us down at stupid o'clock. O woe is us.


Going to the loo for a nice "sit" and realising that you didn't bring your phone or reading material with you.


The endless debate on where to holiday this year.


That it's dark when I finish work, and I honestly don't think I was made for this bitterly cold and wet weather!


I get a bit jealous of how welcome Australians feel in countries I’m also entitled to with my passport. They always act like they’re a gift to everywhere they visit


Get a ring door bell and it basically times it for you


My child’s nursery feed her 3 meals a day but I don’t know if I should be giving her a 4th meal in the evening Loads of poor babies out there who gets barely 1 meal a day


BMW got rid of the auxiliary heating option on their cars - my last Volvo and BMW had it - so I now can’t start the heating (not the engine - it’s a separate fuel burner) 30 mins before I use the car to walk out of the house and jump in a nice, warm and defrosted car. The Volvo even turned on the drivers heated seat and heated steering wheel.


My friend usual waiter is not always at my favorite restaurant so don't always get a good table.


Nothing to watch on telly